Cecil Papers: 1586

Pages 292-329

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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Court of Wards.
1585–6, Jan. 9. Mr. Goringe's book of payments out of the Court of Wards, since the statute of January 12, 1563, for the yearly provision for the Queen's household, to November, 1585. Notes follow, discussing the question as to the time when the portions due by the Court of Wards are payable: the conclusion being that though the payments have not been duly made according to the true direction of the statute, yet the true meaning of the statute is fully performed.
Endorsed: January 9th, 1585. 4 pp. (2429.)
Caen Stone.
1585–6, Jan. 17. Letters patent by Henry King of France to Anne Duc de Joyeuse, Par et Admiral de France, Governor of Normandy, giving permission to Lord Cobham to take and transport as much worked Caen stone as he requires for the building he is erecting in England.—Paris, 17 January 1585.
Signed: Par le Roy, Pinart. French.
ii. Warrant by Anne, Duc de Joyeuse, in accordance with the above letters patent.—Paris, 23 January, 1585.
Signed: "Amirale Joyeuse." Seal. 2 sheets of parchment. (216. 13.)
The Low Countries.
[1586, Feb.] The Earl of Leicester's demands for her Majesty's service in Holland.
That money may be presently sent, as least as much as is and shall be due till the day that pay is like to be made. There is great want of it, the more because the soldiers are employed in present service where nothing is to be had without money. The former want in like case caused mutiny. What this may do, God knoweth.
That some man of skill, countenance and stoutness may be sent with the money, viz. Sir Valentine Browne or some such, to take a perfect account of the pays &c. The charges of him will be 20s. or 30s. by day for a month or two, which his lordship will bear if he gain not her Majesty 4,000l. or 5,000l. at the least.
Since her Majesty will disburse but 125,000l. by year, and that sum is allotted by order from hence how it shall be paid, in which allotment no mention is of any fee or allowance for the Treasurer, Muster-Master and Quartermaster (appointed by commission from hence, as I hear); Master of the Ordnance (appointed by the Council); Marshal General of the Horse, Colonel General of the footmen, Sergeant Major; nor of any officer of the field, which yet by the contract her Majesty has agreed to pay; nor for any gunner, but two at Flushing and two at Minister, Briell at 12d. le piece; nor for surgeon in any band; nor for sending of letters and intelligences, or for any other extraordinary charges, how needful soever they be: his lordship prays to know how he shall demean himself in every of these points; as also how the auditor shall be paid. And William Hearle, being sent by his lordship by order of the Council here into East Frisland, what order shall be for defray of his charges. That the Lord Grey may be sent thither, and Sir William Pelham. Where the allowance for levying of horses is at the rate of 20l. a horse, his Lordship having received but 8,000l. for 400 horses, and carrying over 660 horses, prays allowance for the 260 not yet paid for, at the same rate, which amounts to 5,200l. and that this may be now sent him, having very great need of it.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The Earl of Leicester's requests to be postilled."
pp. (16. 63.)
Mary Queen of Scots to Queen Elizabeth.
1586, April 17. Has received no answer by the Earl of Shrewsbury or by Beale as to the principal point of her last— to wit, her liberty. Has no desire but to unite with her son and conform in all things to the Queen's wishes by some agreement, if she will receive them.—17 April.
Murdin, p. 564 in extenso. French. Signed. 1 p. (133. 60.)
Rate of Exchange.
1586, April 21. Account of Hugh Offley, of 18,000 French crowns made by exchange to be paid in Roane (Rouen) and Paris. The rate is 6s. 7d. a crown=5,925l.—April 21, 1586.
Endorsed by Burghley. 1 p. (214. 22.)
Queen Elizabeth to the King of Scotland.
[1586, April 26.] The expertest seamen make vaunt of their best ships when they pass the highest billows without yielding, and brook amidst the roughest storms. The like proof I suppose may best be made and surest boast of friends when greatest persuasions and mightiest enemies oppose themselves for parties. If then a constant irremoveable goodwill appear, there is best trial made; for that I know there is no worse orator for truth than malice nor shrewder inveigher than envy, and that I am sure you have wanted neither to assail your mind to win it from our friendship. If not availing all these 'minars' you keep the hold of your promised inward affection, as Randall at length hath told me and your own letters assure me, I dare thus boldly affirm that you shall have the better part in this bargain. For when you weigh in equal balance with no palsy hand the very ground of their desires that would withdraw you, it is but root of mischief to peril yourself with hope to harm her who ever hath preserved you. And since you may be sure that Scotland nor yourself be so potent as for your greatness they seek you, nor never did but to injure a third; and if you read the histories there is no great cause of boast for many conquests though your country served their malice. Thus you see the beginning why Scotland hath been sought. Now to come to my groundwork. Only natural affection ab incunabulis stirred me to save you from the murderers of your father and the peril that their complices might breed you. Thus, as in no counterfeit mirror you may behold without mask the faces of both beginners. It is for you to judge what are like to be the best events of both and therefore I pray God you may use your best choice to your surest good, no semblant false to beguile. And as I rejoice to have had even in this hammering world such present proof of your sincerity, so shall you be sure to employ it upon no guileful person nor such as will not take as much regard of your good as of her own. Touching an instrument (as your Secretary termeth it) that you desire to have me sign, I assure you, though I can play on some and have been brought up to know music, yet this discord would be so gross as were not fit for so well tuned music. Must so great doubt be made of free good will and gift be so mistrusted that our sign-manual must assure? No, my dear brother! teach your new raw councillors better manners than to advise you such a paring of ample meaning. Who should doubt the performance of a king's offer? What dishonour may that be deemed? Follow next your own nature, for this never came out of your own shop. But for your full satisfaction and to pluck from the wicked the weapon they would use to breed your doubt of my meaning, these be first. I will (as long as you with evil desert alter not your course) take care for your surety, help your need and shun all acts that may damnify you in any sort, either in present or future time; and, for the portion of relief, I mind never to lessen though, as I see cause, I will rather augment; and this I hope may stand you in as much assurance as my name in parchment, and no less for both our honours. I cannot omit also to request you, of all amity between us, to have good regard of the long waiting expectation that all our subjects look after that some persons be delivered into my hands for some repair of my honour though no redress for his [Francis, lord Russell's] death, according as my ambassador Randall shall signify, and that there be no more delays which have been over many already. And thus I end my troubling you committing you to the tuition of God, who grant you many years of prosperous reign, your most assured loving sister and cousin.
Endorsed: 26 Aprilis, 1586. Copy of her Majesty's letter to the Scottish king. 1½ pp. (133. 61.)
The Queen to the King of Scotland.
1586, July 21. My trial of your sincere affection, my dear brother, in the concluding of our league hath been both pleasing to mine expectation and necessary for your government. For both you have linked such a one to you as but yourself can ever separate, and you have made a quintessence of some humours which, if they had lien lurking, you would perchance have nourished them as meet instruments to serve your kingdom's quiet and your good friend's love. But since you have made so good a taste how sour liquor they hold and how grossly they would handle so fine a piece of work as kings' amity, and how they would have wrested every string to their own note remembering some other tune more peradventure than any song of yours, I trust it shall serve for a memorial that such do no harm if they help not. I have no words to express the many thanks my breast yieldeth you for your ready performing of our covenant; which, by God's grace, shall ever remain inviolated for my part, and doubt not of your just requital. Also I must not forget the last kind letter you writ me putting to my choice of time and persons for our borders' matters, of which I cannot presently make answer until the return of my commissioners; after whose arrival, I shall not fail to signify my further request and determination therein, thinking myself infinitely beholden to your frank dealing in this behalf; and do promise that my chief contention with you shall be hereafter who may convince other in all honourable kindness, as knoweth the Lord God Whom ever I beseech preserve you with long reign and healthful life.
Endorsed: Copie. To the King of Scots xxi. July, 1586. (133. 63.)
Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, June 22. I received your letter this evening whereby I perceive the charity of your good friends. The only cause has been that you should have no conference with his Majesty here, but I pray you deceive them in that point, for so soon as ever you have delivered to the Earl of Rutland your commission and received any commission back you shall with all diligence haste you hither to this town where you shall find the King's Majesty on Saturday at even next. It shall be meet you never gang to Edr. (Edinburgh) but directly out of Barwick to this, and being here with the King they will have no further place to invent for you new commissioners. I pray you fail not to be here on Saturday or Sunday at the farthest, for it is not honourable for you to be there not being in commission, and although you should return sooner it shall not be amiss, for this night I am . . . to ride to his Majesty . . . the matter of the " leine" for the Low Country. I know not . . . further you shall say nor (than) I have already written to Mr. Secretary, seeing you know what language I have already held to the King and what course I have begun. But they desiring it of his Majesty and sending silver, I shall soon be in readiness. It may well be that before I come . . . they cause the K. write to you for to stay . . . but obey not I pray you and I shall do well . . . with the rest of it. Commend my service I pray you to the Earl of Rutland and to my lord ambassador. Show Mr. Myllis that he and I strive who shall write first to [the] other. If anything occur I shall advertise you, but haste you hither without fail that you may hear all yourself.—Dumf[ermline], 22 June, 1586.
I pray you bring me a surety what the Q. means in the matter of the Low Countries and how she is in terms with the Earl of Leicester.
Holograph. Mutilated. 1 p. (203. 70.)
Mary Queen of Scots to Thomas Morgan.
1586, July 27. July 27, at Charteley.
[P.S.]—The letters for this mark [symbol] are for Mendosa. Another with this mark for Sir Francis Englefeld [symbol] The third for Charles Pagett thus marked [symbol]. This [symbol] for my Lord of Glasgow, and a little one for Fulgeam with this mark [symbol].
Printed by Murdin, pp. 532–534 in extenso: in hand of Thomas Phelippes. Copy. 2½ pp. (133. 64.)
Affairs of Scotland.
[1586,] July. "Matters concluded in this Convention holden at Edinburgh in this present month of July."
The Bishop of Glasgow is restored, and by commission established ambassador in France. Wherewith Lord John Hamilton is nothing well pleased, by reason he thinketh the same a beginning to take from him the abbacy of Aberbrothok.
There is an order set down for pacifying of all the deadly feuds in Scotland.
There is an order set down for intromission with the lands, rents and possessions of all such as are denounced rebels and put to the horn.
The Earl of Angus is by order established Lieutenant over all the Wardens of Borders.
A subsidy is granted by the Estates for going upon the west isles. The Duke Lennox "beis" Lieutenant, and under him Colonel Stewart. For that journey the said Duke has received the possession of the Castle of Dumbarton.
Mr. Peter Young is sent ambassador in "Allemannye" and Denmark.—Undated.
In Archibald Douglas' hand. ½ p. (167. 133.)
Roger Aston to Thomas Fowler.
[1586,] Aug. 14. Being uncertain whether this letter will come to your hands or not, yet I thought good to employ my lord ambassador, who hath promised to speak with you if he can possibly. I wrote to you by Mr. Randall, her Majesty's ambassador, who promised to send my letters to York or in any other place where he could get knowledge of your being. "In aventer" he cannot hear of you or else hath forgotten, then I thought good to let you understand of my own business. I thought once to have come with this gentleman, his Majesty's ambassador, to whom I am greatly beholding, and hath offered to do for me at her Majesty's hands. I thought the time not so proper as need were, by reason her Majesty is in her progress, and also I should want your company at London; as also the King hath promised, so soon as he hears from his ambassador, he will send me thither about his own affairs, which will be more credit to me than to come with any other. The Master of Gre [Gray] will be there about that time, who hath undertaken to obtain my suit. There is many causes that puts me in hope I shall not be denied—the service I have done, the "ployes" where I serve, and the service I may do hereafter. What promises I have had I have made you participant of before. So having all these good occasions offered I would once make proof. Therefore I pray you devise what you think is best for me: I would have some good thing if it can be possibly found out, either of 'my Ladies Graie lands' or any other you think good. Now is the time or never! The King will employ his credit for me, so that all will help. I think you will be at London before I can be ready. If you speak with this bearer yourself, let him have your opinion, and take you his concerning my business. I would gladly hear from you before your returning to London, and would know how long you tarry in the country. The King is now very merry at his buck-hunting, and is to go to the West country presently, but will make very little tarrying there, by reason his Majesty must be at Saint Andrews, where he has appointed a convention to be holden the last of this instant. His Majesty continues most constant and fervent in all his proceedings towards her Majesty, and will hear of no other course but that. The French Ambassador took his leave here the 4th of this Instant, not so well content as he believed. The Master of Gray is sending men daily to Flanders and will follow himself shortly. The Earl of Angus is made Lieutenant and is making for the Borders to put order in the 'thevefes.' Captain James is now in readiness to depart to France. His Majesty will in no ways have him to remain here. The Colonel is landed in Denmark; I sent you letter from him by Mr. Randall. If you can spy out a fair gelding, well made and young, I would gladly buy one. I would bestow 16l., or rather than fail, 20l. Give earnest for him, and let me know where he is, and I shall pay the money at my coming by.—Falkland, the xiiijth of August.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (43. 91.)
The King of Scotland's instructions to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Aug. 14. Instructions to our trusty and well beloved Master Archibald Douglas, directed by us to our dearest sister and cousin, the Queen of England, from Falkland the 14 day of August, 1586.
After the presenting of our letter, you shall render our most hearty thanks to our sister for her singular good will and affection uttered to us, at all times since our very nativity, especially for the loving promises and speeches delivered to us in her name, by her two late ambassadors, Edward Wotton and Thomas Randolphe; but most of all by uttering to us, both by her patent and privy letters, her mind anent our title to that Crown, yielding us thereby her privy approbation to that undoubted right and claim which our descent and blood may give us to it, failing of succession of her body.
Which, as in very deed we have and do acknowledge a most apparent token of her motherly affection towards us, so could we not dissemble our 'reciproque' mind unto her in this late league, motioned first by the said Wotton, and pressed thereafter by Randolph her ambassador, wherein, besides our private liking and consent, which at the first we yielded to it, what we have done since to the perfecting of it, we leave to the record of her late ambassador, not doubting but our sister, weighing how far we have therein preferred her and her amity, to others our confederate friends in Europe, and with what frankness we have proceeded to the conclusion thereof, 'unstikkand' even at few impossibilities, and refusal of all reason, shall mutually acknowledge it a sufficient declaration of our 'reciproque' affection and sincere good meaning in her behalf. This league as it is once set down and ended, so can we not but wish that for the better keeping and continuance thereof, some good consideration were had of sundry things, moved by our Commissioners at their late meeting, and delivered in note to the Earl of Rutland. Which, albeit for the time we were content that for our promise and subscriptions cause, they should be rather moved nor stucken at, yet can we not persuade us but our said sister and her Council, respecting what danger inequality of conditions breeds usually in leagues, and what reason will require to be granted for the better satisfaction of our people, whose estate the commodity and incommodity of such treaties chiefly touches, will let us have such answers to the said notes, as may be found agreeable to equity, and may give them occasion to like the better of us, that by ourselves, by their privity, have been the only mean of this conjunction and amity.
The heads whereof the answer is expected—Chiefly the answer of our last letter, toward the meeting of Commissioners and the motion we made to our sister for the removing of the difficulty arising of the day from the which redress should begin: anent the pirates, and the liking of our motion for the restraint thereof: anent the immunity of our people trafficking in those parts: anent the mutual 'fredamsation' of the subjects in either realms: anent the conference betwixt some learned theologues of both the realms, upon the polity of the kirk, you shall best understand by the copy of our instructions, delivered at that time to our Commissioners, which we have herewith commanded to be given you, for your more ample information.
All such 'novationis,' as since the motion of this league have been procured by private men for their particular commodities to the restraining of the free liberty of our traffickers in England, specially toward the vent of salt, to 'whatsumever' lawful 'merchand' as they have been in use before, you shall crave to be discharged; as likewise toward our 'cunzie' counterfeit within that realm, ye shall be very careful to try out the author thereof, and desire him to be delivered in your hands to be sent to us, for his better trial, and knowledge of his complices. In all these matters you shall from time to time let us understand how you come speed. Signed: James R.
pp. (147. 53.)
The King of Scotland.
[1586, Aug. 14.] Private Instructions to be communicated to our dearest sister the Queen of England by our trusty and wellbeloved Archibald Douglas.
You shall pray our said sister be informed that the contents of these Instructions was the chiefest occasion that moved us to send you to her to let matters be understood concerning ourself and realm with our intention to follow her advice and consent in our most weighty and private affairs, wherein you shall pray such secrecy as the matters you shall deliver doth require.
You shall let be understood that since we have concluded this league with her contrary to the minds of our foreign friends and part of our own subjects it is our meaning that such fruit shall follow as the world may know that on our part it shall not remain ineffectual. She must be informed what impediments ill men would introduce for staying of good effects and what our mind is and hath been for removing thereof. You shall begin at the state of our marriage whereof the worst devoted doth use these speeches and means to divert our intended purpose—"Since you have concluded a league with her Majesty of England, wherewith she may remain satisfied, you may now use the advice of your own foreign friends as most natural towards your choice in marriage, whereunto at this present your age doth call you and your whole people do pray you."
If we should follow this advice we are not ignorant what suspicion would hereby be engendered in our said dearest sister's mind, tending to jealousy that we might be moved for worldly respects to decline in religion, wherein God forbid we should once doubt. And some, we believe, would make construction that our meaning was to join ourselves with some strong alien to trouble her State for furthering of worldly pretences that they would imagine we might intend towards this crown.
As these speeches, if they should come to her ears, might move her and the best sort to doubt of our good mind, it is our pleasure that you let the sincerity of our mind be known to her in that and such other matters as you are instructed to deliver.
It is true that of ourself we were never minded to make marriage suddenly, unless it might produce surety to her Majesty's state and apparent benefit to that whole realm. Which we think might best have been performed, if it might have liked her Majesty of the completing of that marriage with herself whereunto we could never find her inclined, neither to any other Prince or Potentate, but rather of a constant mind hitherto to prefer the state of virginity to that state of marriage whereunto of necessity we must incline.
If you shall find her persist in her former opinion, then we think it shall be in vain that you should let her understand how far we were brought to like of that marriage; but, as ever you shall find her inclined, spare not this far to let her be informed of, that the remembrance of that marriage had not only removed the thought of any other from out of our mind but also had imprinted an imagination of herself in our inward thought which we studied not to remove, but rather did suffer it to increase under hope that some day her Majesty might be moved to hear speaking of the profitable effects of marriage. If you shall find her Majesty give ear to such kind of language and that you think her Majesty may be drawn to any conclusion in this matter, upon advertisement from you we shall direct some nobleman of quality to be joined with you to deal in this matter. If you shall find her persist in her former opinion, then you may let be understood that, notwithstanding our resolution and these imaginations aforesaid, the crying of our people and the request of our foreign friends for our marriage and the age of 21 years whereunto we are coming doth move us and in some kind do crave at our hand that we should give ear unto them and to consider of these grave reasons following:—
If we should any longer abstain from marriage, our friends that are out of this realm and a part of our subjects at home might be easily induced to believe that by the travail of some Princes we might in the end be moved to join ourself in marriage according to their expectation; and for this effect they would not spare to deal and to employ their whole credit. And even their very dealing in this matter, howbeit neither our command should be interposed neither any further effect should follow would engender no less suspicion of ill dealing in her mind for some time than if they were commanded by us to deal for this effect. Besides this, we are not ignorant in this mid time what exclamation and outcrying may arise against ourself by our people upon any occasion they shall conceive in opinion that we are not so well used by her Majesty as they would interpret our deserving to require, whereupon some arguments hath already been used to follow their desire anent our marriage. For removing of these and the like inconveniences, you shall let be understood that our meaning is not to remove the affection borne to her but to make choice by her advice of some other to be joined with her in society of love in that place that she doth wholly possess. You shall also let be understood that we mind in this election to have special regard to the circumstances before mentioned. Sorry will we be to bestow ourself in marriage with any but with such as may be to her contentment and that may carry with her the best appearance of surety to that State and benefit to that realm.
You shall make her Majesty acquainted who hath been dealing with some friends and ministers of ours for matters of marriage and that we have given no answer thereunto as yet, neither mean we to give any answer until such time as we may receive her special advice, which we mind to follow. You shall earnestly insist that it may be her pleasure with convenient leisure to let us have her full opinion in this matter not omitting that which by mouth we did deliver unto you.
Next unto the care we have to remove the suspicious doubts depending from our marriage, our greatest solicitude is to remove such impediments as may impede the quiet state of our realm, whereby we may be the more able to give assistance in any her affairs when it shall be required.
The impediments doth proceed from certain particularities that after come to be factions that took their first beginning in the time of our infancy through professing diversity of obedience to our authority, to which was added not long after diversity in religion, and illness of time hath in the end produced such ill instruments that under colour of religion (which they make to serve for advantage of any their particular appetite) spares not to nourish debates and entertains these former quarrels as properest, apt and necessary to serve their turn for the attaining of any matter they have in mind to go about; wherein they have gone so far that under the shadow of the liberty granted to them to preach the blessed Evangel they have usurped so far authority as they have not spared to stir up open sedition against our authority royal, not without exclamations against our good subjects that will not follow their appetite, as by divers of their epistles sent through our realm may plainly be known. Oftentimes in the chair of verity, where nothing but the simple truth for edification should be published, they most slanderously to speak and sometimes opprobrious language against ourself if we should not behave ourself according to their fancy against all such as will not meddle in their common cause (so they term their appetite what soever); whereunto we must confess they are oftentimes stirred at the motion of the worst sort of our subjects. The first exclamation of this kind that they did cast out against us after that we had received the government in our own hand was that we did not punish the murderers of the Earl of Murray. And the next that we did oversee the offences of such as had misgoverned our realm in our minority. What they meant by both is known. By their continual exclamations and to satisfy the appetite of such as were about us, it was permitted for a time, when we did lack experience in ourself, that accusations of one against another might be lawful. But this ill did take so deep root and in short time did so flourish that if we had not stayed the violent course thereof it would never have taken end so long as any inheritor was to accuse another. In the beginning such as were about us in our tender years were persuaded that it was good policy to follow the example of other Princes in nourishing debates among our subjects. But in the end, Almighty God Who guides the hearts of all Princes hath moved us to consider that such kind of dealing hath been devised to serve the appetite of such as did lack the fear of God or where religion was not reformed. Albeit the world may judge that good occasion hath been given to us not to allow of all the proceedings of our subjects yet we do detest such kind of cruelty as approaching to ethnick barbarity that we have chosen rather to comport and oversee the offences of many (at our sister's request) than anywise to suffer our princely fame to be called in question at home or abroad. And yet we are not ignorant that so long as the causes foresaid shall remain unremoved the like effects appear to follow, as by proof would appear if we should permit the ordinary course of justice to proceed against any of those factions; if it were but only for such offences particular persons committed for the giving of our general pardon and suit as justly doth crave punishment, we do imagine that some of that 'disbordit' number would cry out and affirm that it was a beginning to exterminate that whole faction at the desire of the other party to whom we had for that present shewn most favour.
The ground wherefrom the ill doth proceed hath not been espied by us but of late years and yet not removed through these foresaid impediments which have taken beginning upon a diffidence and mistrust (as said is) nourished in the hearts of our subjects against others through these occasions foresaid, and by the means of ill men reduced to such fulness that the best devoted of our people and good subjects were brought to doubt of the intent of our meaning anent the removing thereof. And we remain of this opinion that this ill can hardly be taken away without inconvenience unless some prince or potentate carrying credit with all the parties shall interpose their means and assistance to see not only the ill but the occasion of the ill removed.
Divers princes and potentates, such as our mother, her friends and such other princes as hath been moved thereunto by them, hath earnestly pressed us that they might be dealers to compose these differences and hath offered to us assistance by force if otherwise this matter could not be helped; but hitherto we have refused all their offers and assistance as medicaments violent to put the whole body in danger, and hath presently directed you towards our dearest sister as unto her to whom we mind to communicate our whole actions that she may be foreinformed in this matter that we can best agree may be helped by her of any other prince, which we think may be performed by directing of a special ambassador, not as procured by us but as proceeding from herself, to move us that the ground of all these debates and quarrels may be removed and all men reduced to such conformity and friendship that no question shall arise hereafter among any persons either for colour of religion or otherwise. Upon advertisement from you whom it shall please her Majesty to make choice of to be directed towards us for this effect, you shall have more certain information what is to be removed and in what manner it may be taken away. One part thereof we have declared unto you which you shall let be known to our dearest sister with most special thanks for the direction of Mr. Hay Killengrew towards us in the time of our minority for the like effects.
The good effects that may hereby ensue for the benefit of both the crowns and quieting of both their states you shall make known to our said sister.
The third care that we do retain, which we would esteem the first if it were so near unto the danger as the rest are, is of her Majesty's state and person which we understand by divers ministers of other princes that have had dealings with us is so envied and almost hated that we cannot forbear to make her advertised thereof, with our opinion what we think meetest to be done therein as a matter that we esteem no less recommended unto us than that which may concern ourself most narrowly. The ground wherefrom this envy or hatred doth proceed we understand to be for profession of the religion of the blessed Evangel and entertaining of the causes belonging thereunto, which is so necessary to be done by all princes that if any prince should swerve from the maintaining thereof he may see his ruin before his eyes. The enemies to her for the said causes are the whole professors of the contrary religion, great princes and potentates and their forces not to be . . . . but rather feared, if the Almighty God, Creator of them and of all the worldly matters were not able to confound them and their practices when it shall be His godlye [will] to see it done.
And yet we cannot but greatly praise her worldly judgment as proceeding from God, Author of all goodness, to give her enemies some business to do in the bounds they possess for to keep their common malice from her and her dominions. But we do greatly fear that, if the said God shall not also give her a mind to go forward with that work that is begun, that it shall be His pleasure to prepare punishment for some our offences by that same way that worldly men looked for help and relief, whereof we would be most sorry. And, therefore, we have thought it convenient not only to give our advice in this weighty matter (which is that her Majesty might with all her forces either essay to win further possessions in their dominions or then make them yield to an assured and advantageous peace) but also hath sent you to know of her Majesty what may lie in our power to be performed for the furtherance thereof.
You shall also let be understood that for this effect we have given you command to repair to the Earl of Leicester, if so shall be her pleasure, to be informed of him of the state of matters there and to let him understand this our meaning with what further it shall please her Majesty to command you to do there.
So far as may concern the promise made unto us by her Majesty's ministers Edward Wotton and Thomas Randolph as also by her several letters of not prejudging our title together with twenty thousand crowns of one yearly relief: albeit by ourself we are sufficiently persuaded that we may look for better matter at her hand when any necessity shall so require and therefore can be contented that our dearest sister should behave herself therein as in all matters concerning ourself as it shall be her pleasure to think good, yet we would that you should put her [in] remembrance that it is very necessary that some manner were devised that might satisfy our people that hath already raised some speeches hereupon known to her minister, Mr. Thomas Randolph. So far as may concern the delivery of the Carrs, according to our promise and that which we did receive from our dearest sister, you may let be understood that we caused them to be called before our Council and there took bond under great pains for their entry at Carlisle. Thereafter upon the interpretation of a letter from Sir Francis Walsingham, her secretary, they were induced by some men to conceive a fear of their life by hard dealing anent their trial in that realm; for satisfying of our promise, our Council notwithstanding dealt with them in such manner that they could not refuse to enter, until our secretary of late gave us to understand that her ambassador Thomas Randolph had discharged any promise made by his Sovereign for safety of those men's lives that should be delivered; in consideration whereof, we rest at this present uncertain what to do in this matter. You shall declare natheless to our said dearest sister that we mind in this action to proceed as in all others that may concern her; therefore you shall insist that it may be reduced to the former state. Upon knowledge from you what shall be agreeable to her pleasure, we shall see it performed, either by delivery of the men or expelling them forth of our realm.
You shall inform our dearest sister, albeit that it is known that we are undoubted heir to our grandfather of good memory in such lands as he did possess in that realm of England, yet for such considerations as you shall declare we have not been earnest to prosecute our right thereanent in respect that we do hope that all such modesty as we shall use towards her shall turn to our greater benefit you shall move her that such order may be given herein as may stand with her pleasure, equity and reason. Signed: James R.
In Archibald Douglas' hand. 12 pp. (133. 70.)
Instructions to be imparted to the Earl of Leicester.
[1586, Aug. 14.] Item you shall geve him most harty thanks from us for his grit favour and cair at all tymes had of us, bot most specially for the dessir that he hath to sea our titil advancit to that crowne off Ingland eftre that it shall pleis God to call upon her Maty; wherein we do acknawledge to be his debtor in goudwill unto such tyme as we may be able to requit so greit favour offerit onto us. Bot most of all you shall geve him thankis for that favorable offir which he did comunicat to yr selfe concerning the erle of Huntington wherein we can put no more doubt than if it wer alreddy performed, in respect the offir dooth proceed from him who knoweth our ryt and titill alsweile or better than our self.
Item you shall lat be understand that we haif derected you towartis him that he may be informed in secreit manner of all our dealing and proceading with our derest sister, and specially in these poyntts concerning our mariage, firm unitting of these crownis and such uther mater as dooth concern him selfe.
Item you shall make him acquaynted wyth such Instructionis as we haif gevin you wyth hir Majesties answer tharupone, and in like manner of the expresse command we haif gevin you to deale wyth his fryndis at Court and be thayr advise to proceed in ony mater wyth hir Majesty that may concern him: and how we do remain ready upon any advertisment from you to gyve ony speciall instructionis that he or his freyndes at Court shall think neydfull to be required for ony particular dealing for him at hir Majesties hand.
Item you shall also make him acquaynted wyth hir Majesties answer to our particular instructionis gevin unto you, and what conclusion sche is lyke to be drawin onto, wyth this farr concerning our mariage that we will be sorye to bestowe our self that way wyth ony bot wyth suche as may bringe ane apparent seurty to hir stat and ane benefit to our freyndis in that realm, whereof we do esteym him the first. You shall theyrfor crave his opinion whear he thinketh we may make choise of such one as may produce these effects foresaidis. As ever [i.e. however] that mater shall fall out he shall be mayde acquaynted wyth proseadingis theyranent, wherby he may think himself assurit to haif us and our freyndis allies to remayn favorer of him and his freyndis theyr.
Item as you shall geve him thankis for his offer concerninge the erle of Huntington so shall you lat him understand that we wolde be glayde be him to knowe the state of the remanent that may pretend titil to that crowne, wyth his opinion of ony pretens that they may found in case it should pleis Almighty God to call upon her Maty, and how that mater mycht be best remedyit. You shall lat him understand the particular mater that we haif commandit you to do in that realm whearin you shall [be] his assistant.
You shall also satisfy him in the doubt which he did propone to the Mr. of Gray and dessir to satisfy ull his uther freyndis and protestantis in that mater wyth his advise how you shuld behave your self towartis all uther men in that mater.
James R.
Signed. In A. Douglas' hand. 1¾ pp. (147. 72.)
Instructions to be imparted to Sir F. Walsingham.
[1586, Aug. 14.] "Instructions to be imparted to Syr Francis Walsingham be our trusty and weil-beloved Archibald Douglas."
You shall in our naym gyve him most harty thankis for the favour declared in all our effayris bot specially for his favorable meaning in such mater as we haif ressavit be your self which we shalbe glayde to requyt wyth all the gud officis that shall at ony tyme lye in our power to be performed.
Item you shall lat him understand that one of the speciall causis moving us to send you towartis hir Maty. at this tyme hath beyn that you mycht satisfy his expectation and the remanent his freyndis had of us, wherof we will be sorye that they shalbe frustrat. And this farre you may assure him, and to theym in particular if we shall committ any errour either at home or abroade they shall helpe to bear ane part of the blayme theyrof as they wythout whose advise we mynd to performe no matter of importance.
Item you shall lat him be informed of all such mater as we haif ressavit from the erle of Leycester and of our instructionis to his soverayn for such materr as he did crave, as also of our expresse commandment gevin to you to repayr towartis him and for what causis. And notwythstanding that we haif gevin you command it is our pleasure that you shall use his speciall advise in all such materis as may concern the sayd erle and you shall proceed as he and the remanent his freyndis douth direct you.
Item you shall lat be knawin onto him the particular sute of the Lord Talbot as also crave his opinion what is meate to be done theyrin latting him understand the ressonis we haif gevin you hereupon, and that our meaning is to behave our self in that and uther materis according to his advise, which beand ressaved we shall send onto you particular derection accordingly.
Item you shall lat him be informed of the Lady Schirewisberry her sute whearin we ar nowise myndit to meddle nather in ony such like mater oneles it shalbe found expedient to be done be him and the best sort of that stat. Upon the ressaving of his information you may assure him our meaning is to proceid as he shall best advise.
James R.
In A. Douglas' hand. Signed. 1¼ pp. (147. 73.)
James Colvill to [Archibald Douglas] the Scotch Ambassador.
[? 1586,] Sept. 12. I doubt not but ye onderstand quhat I have doun, at lest the berar will lat you knaw; sa lang as I remain heir I shal continewe to mak my commendations of service to Mester Secretary; desir him to direct me quhat I shal do. Their is no man has mair credit of his maister nor I have of myn.—Edinburgh, 12 of September.
Holograph. ½ p. (179. 135.)
[Archibald Douglas] to [the Master of Gray].
[1586, Sept. 21.] Being at Court and understanding that Mr. Secretary by direction was to send some letters unto you concerning your journey to Flanders I could not forbear to accompany them with these few lines, one part concerning my sovereign's service, whereat I must begin. I heartily pray that his Majesty may be informed that there was never Prince so far bound to the best sort of this realm as he is for their favourable meaning towards his Majesty and honest constructions of his dealing and all to the best part, specially to the councillors, I mean such as minds not to dissemble their good devotion towards him at all times hereafter, and that spurn not now in this suspicious time to utter their affection towards him, as well in uttering their mind to her Majesty in his favour as in giving me advice how to proceed with her from time to time; as more at large it will be his Majesty's pleasure to be informed of by my next, that I mind to send to his Majesty after that I have ended some negotiation with my lord Treasurer and Sir Francis Walsingham, with whom her Majesty hath appointed me to deal some day in this week. They are presently so full of business for establishing of a sure order for preservation of the state, that no time can be spared therefrom unto such time that they have taken final resolution therein. The French Ambassador hath been on Sunday here at Court 18 hereof. His speech to this Queen, as she herself tells me, hath been that his master hath information of ill dealing by the subjects of this realm against herself, and by report some matter is given out that our sovereign's matter should be touched therein. He desired to know the certainty thereof, not that he minded to request for any matter in her favour, or that he would excuse any her ill dealing against a prince such as this Queen is, but that he might thereby inform himself sufficiently in this matter, to the end that he might be able to answer to any man with reason upon what occasion he did abstain from requesting in her favour. Answer hath been given that nothing shall be done against her but lawfully and with sufficient proof [which] shall be known to all princes before any harm shall be attempted. When as I did propone in our sovereign's name that which nature behoveth to wit, desiring that in that respect it might be taken in good part in him, it was her pleasure to tell me this answer before mentioned given the French Ambassador; with this addition, that because she did acknowledge herself more bound and in another kind to my master than to any other prince she would therefore otherwise proceed with him than with any other. In this conference that she has appointed to be with my lord Treasurer and Sir Francis Walsingham, whom she had appointed to hear that I would speak, she desires me to shew them all the arguments I can for my master his desire; the better orator that I shall prove, she will like the better of me. I requested that she might give me her own advice what arguments were best to be used. Her desire was to be spared in that point. 'But this far I will round in thine ear, there is of my Council such that hath persuaded me that if I should do justice against the mother I should do nothing else but advance the son, what will be more dangerous in him, degrees nearer to his weal, and that princes would be curious to look in my doings in this matter. What speech to use of this matter I leave to thy self, or if none at all I can be contented.' I did imagine that it was her pleasure to make them give me a rigorous answer, and therefore I was constrained to declare that I had commandment to deal with no man in this matter but with her Majesty, and no further herein but to let her Majesty understand what effects good nature would prove in my sovereign notwithstanding any ingratitude that could be alleged on the part of his Majesty's mother; and that he could not be forgetful of his own honour, whatsoever she was. To this she made answer 'I will neither condemn thy speech neither thy King and master his meaning, but this far I may say to thee, that if the half of that good nature had been in his mother that I imagine to be in himself he had not been so soon fatherless; and I do suspect or no less of her against her own son than I do against myself if she may perform it, for she that could not for his good bearing spare the father, how can any be persuaded that she will spare the son that she plainly affirms in her letters hath done her wrong? But of this matter after that you have reasoned with them I will talk with you more of this matter.' Which is all that I can for the present certify in this matter unto such time as I have spoken with them that I may assure are no enemies to his Majesty.
The matter for bucks, for horses, and such matters are so well allowed of by the Queen that the Councillors have willed me to write his Majesty in assured confidence thereof. A chief handler of this and one of the Court, called Mr. Topclyff, hath made overture to her Majesty that he shall find the moyen how store of bucks may be conveyed in that realm without ship or other carrying except by driving, as is done with other cattle and dogs, whereof her Majesty doth well like for holding in of things. Of this matter I am to write more specially shortly.
As for your own matter, concerning borrowing of money for advancing of the troops, I made overture thereof to my lord Treasurer and Mr. Secretary who are both your assured friends. They shew me their opinion that there was no esperance to be looked for that way, and yet notwithstanding they willed me to move her Majesty and they would assist me, that thereby you might understand their meaning towards you which they would be content to enlarge for [more?] than reason could require in your favour.
Their answer agreeing in one contained these reasons; first, they earnestly pray that no more shall be sent out of that realm than are already departed; secondly, they desire you to stay at home as you mind to do them pleasure. The reasons they do give for both these are founded upon the one ground, that the Earl of Leicester hath committed a great error in drawing more people in that country than he can furnish pay unto, and that her Majesty will furnish no further than for the ordinary garrison, to keep the towns delivered and to be delivered to her; so that hereby they collect in case you should go you should be constrained to enter in the matter with such as are malcontent for lack of pay, whereof her Majesty would be sorry. Because I believe Mr. Secretary hath written further of this matter unto you I will make an end of this letter, remitting all other matters to my next.
Draft. 3 pp. (167. 130.)
The King of Scotland to Lord Hunsdon.
1586, 22 Sept. The distressed estate of Robert Ker, Englishman, and his good behaviour all the time he has remained here in our realm, has moved us to recommend him very specially to your good credit with our dearest sister for his pardon, requiring you right earnestly that for our cause and commendation's sake, you will accept upon you the procurement thereof, granting him in the meantime your tolerance and oversight to come and repair upon that Border, unsearched or pursued by you or any under your commandment. Holyrood House, the 22 day of September, 1586.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (147. 55.)
Proclamation as to Jesuits.
1586, Sept. 23. Act of the Scottish Council, ordering proclamation to be made for the apprehension of Jesuits, seminary priests and papists. "Extractum de libro actorum secreti consilii."—Dated Holyrood House.
½ p. Printed in the Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, IV, 107. (142. 85.)
Dowager Countess of Bedford to Lord Burghley.
1586, Sept. 24. In behalf of a groom of the chamber of her late husband's, whose neighbours have destroyed his coney warren.—Cheynes.
Signed. 1 p. (146. 84.)
Master of Gray to [A. Douglas] the Lord Ambassador of Scotland.
1586, Sept. 30. I have advised me since my last of yesternight touching this voyage of Flanders, and shall deal very plainly with you in it. I am sorry that ever I should have "mellit" [meddled] in it, but now it has put me so far behind the hand, that I must follow it forth. But in this sort. If I can have no means from that country, I cannot undertake any commission of the King to the Queen there, but I intend to go by sea to Flanders, and place all men well, or in the best sort I can, and if I find it for me, to remain there a while; if not, and that things be in the terms they are supposed, I shall return shortly if I can have ready payment of that the Earl of Leicester will be "auchton" [owing] me, which is above 2,000l. sterling, beside that I have received, for the which I have his hand writ to be comptable. If that the gentlemen, chiefly my own kinsmen and servants, cannot be there as they looked for, if I can purchase them pay for bygones, either I mind to retire them altogether, or than if I can find commodity to let them seek any fortune they may best have, for some of them will take the matter as "heichly" [highly] as I myself, for you know their humours well enough. This is my resolution in that point: seeing it touches me deeply in honour to have debauched gentlemen who might have lived well at home, and leave them in the mire.
I would be glad to know your opinion with diligence, for if it come not within 10 days I shall be gone, let matters frame as they may. I have at the Convention obtained my licence very ample, and since his Majesty is content that I do what I please, providing that I return within 6 months, which I have promised to do. If his Majesty press me to go that way, and to carry his commission, I mind not to refuse. I pray you haste back answer, both of my particular, and what your opinion is touching that commission his Majesty would send anent his title, for be he once refused simpliciter, adieu any further amity or dealing with England. Therefore it is better to eschew it before the hand, if you see no good appearance of grant. Send me word I pray you with diligence. I find one thing here, and I cannot know what it means. The King finds little fault with any man here who has "mellit" at this time to be serviceable to his mother of his own subjects; but rather cherishes them, as the last day with Fyntrie and likewise with the L. Claud. But indeed for the Queen of England's own subjects he thinks them worthy of punishment. If he thinks all matters not to be authentic know I not: but I shall learn further. I wrote the last day all in secret by Mr. Richart; the reason I would not tell to himself, but the truth was this, I was surely informed that his letters should have been taken from him by some [of] your good friends; which I would not communicate to himself, for I would have given 500 crowns that it had been done. But they 'suervit fautly.' Send me word what her Majesty accounted of my last letter, and what farther certainty they hear of Yarmouth, for I had it of very sure parties. If the Queen crave not earnestly of the King that the Jesuits be put forth of this country, it will not be done, notwithstanding our proclamations; for they get oversight only in despite of England, and assure you they may do her harm in this country. I look hastily for your final answer in all things, and therafter I shall conform my "propose," and shall learn to know a reason why I serve any prince in the world. Keep your letter and my former both to yourself.—Last of September, 1586.
(P.S.)—I left yesternight in Falkland with the King, the Earl of Montrois, the L. Hamiltoun, and some others. The K. made a pastime with Fintrie for that he was touched with this late matter.
Holograph. 3 pp. (199. 11.)
[Pury Ogilvie] to Archibald Douglas.
[1586, Sept.] I have written to my lord Secretary of all purposes at length, which he will communicate with you. I will pray that I may have my answer of that purpose I wrote last unto my lord Secretary concerning the Master of Gray, for he has been very instant with me to take a dealing for his lordship with you, since the matters are so that he dare not deal directly himself, and has promised to write a letter of credit to you, desiring you to believe me in all things as himself (as when all matters are well tried, you shall have no less cause), which I have deferred hitherto, till I may receive your lordship's opinion. James Hutsone is in his journey to England, who is the Secretary's altogether and will do what he can to put my lord Secretary in a good opinion of our Secretary (for he is employed most for that effect), assuring you that the Secretary means no true dealing with England but only for his own particular advantage. In respect therefore, that James is to speak to the Master of Gray's disadvantage and that in a part for your occasion, as he is informed by the Secretary; for the which cause I thought good to make you acquainted with the same, that you may anticipate such things as may turn to your discommodity. My lord, in plain terms, except I have some certain "guiddeid" to "lippine" to I am not able to attend any longer here, and therefore desire that I may have some relief with expedition, for in this I remit me only to your discretion. It will please you receive the copy of the things that are found here, which it will please to communicate to my lord Secretary. I received your letter at the closing of this. I will pray you to make my excuse concerning Cwrseilles [de Courcelles'] letters to my lord Secretary, as I have written already for it is of truth what makes Cwrseilles "leither" to write again.
Addressed: "To the Richt Honnoble his assurid frinde Mr. Archibald Duglass ordinar for his majestie at Londone."
In Pury Ogilvie's hand. Signed: 876 H. Seal. 1 p. (185. 149.)
Mary, Queen of Scots to the Queen.
[1586,] Oct. 10. Sheffield, 10 October.
Printed in Murdin, 562, in extenso. Signed. 3 pp. (133. 65.)
Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Oct. 11. Dumf[ries], 11 October, 1586.
Printed in Lodge, Vol. 2, p. 330 in extenso. 18th cent. copy. 2½ pp. (249. 176.)
The Babington Conspiracy.
1586, Oct. 15. Report of the proceedings, speeches &c. in Parliament from October 15, 1586 to 2 December, 1586, with regard to the Babington conspiracy and the Queen of Scots.
Parchment roll, 6 yards long. (216. 14.)
1586, Oct. 15. List of knights, burgesses &c. sent to the Parliament of October 15, 28 Eliz.
20 pp. (244. 4.)
Richard Greenham to Lord Burghley.
1586, Oct. 18. Had kept notes of divers things which, when revised, he purposed to exhibit to Burghley; God hath humbled him that amongst his sundry papers he cannot find them. Being wholly unaccustomed to write to such a personage, yet trusts he may be allowed to offer his meditations on the church and commonwealth.
Has made choice of him to deal with because he cannot find so many blessed gifts to concur in any man as in him, namely singular wisdom, mature judgement, much reading, long experience, ancient acquaintance with Mr. Bucer, Mr. Martir and other great learned men, fatherly love to church and commonwealth, favour with the Queen, deserved credit with the archbishop, and, authority with many wise and godly men of all degrees.
This action is wholly of himself, none being privy save the writer, whom he uses because his hand is so hardly legible.
First of all, beseeches him to think of some way whereby a reconciliation and pacification may be wrought in the judgment and affections of the learned of this realm, so eagerly, bitterly, unseasonably and hurtfully dissenting among themselves. Is in part persuaded a mean way betwixt both parties might be found whereby the proportion of the Holy Scriptures might be retained, the practice of the primitive church observed, and nothing notoriously in the principal and wholesome parts of the church and commonwealth altered, but great good to them both procured and the offensive slanders of superstition, schism, profane innovations, removed and many good men reconciled.
To find out the truth in these causes, there might be used some learned, godly men, which have not written nor dealt much in these matters, such as Mr. Dr. Bennett, Mr. Whittakers, Mr. Dr. Crooke, a meet man for his learning, judgement, staid affections and careful love unto the union of the church (although both the parties dissenting may perhaps have him in some jealousy); Mr. Knewstubs, meet for his learning, judgement and sound affections, if the one side be not too jealous over him, and Mr. Dr. Reynoldes, reverenced by both parties, for his learning and affections, if his judgement be answerable.
If Burghley please to call some of these and others whom he shall think meet, unto him, and by his wisdom search into their gifts and dispositions, and by his love to Christ and His Church, to the Queen and country, persuade them, and by his sage authority charge them before the judgment seat of Christ to deal in this cause and that wisely, seriously, and without prejudice, only respecting God's glory and the peace of the church, then he can revise their doings and keep them by him; afterwards himself, or some other whom he may appoint, may make some treatise to be dealt in as God shall move him.
His other main suit is that Burghley will use any good means which God shall minister for recovery of the credit and dignity of religion, of late years much decayed, by these amongst other causes:—
First, for that the exercise of ministers, termed prophecying, is put down for the abuses thereof, and no proportionable thing brought in to further the knowledge of the ministers and the faith of the people.
Secondly, for that public fasting hath been inhibited sometimes for some small defaults, other sometimes, as it is thought, without faults, and no good order is established, by authority, for public fasting.
Thirdly, for that many sufficiently learned and godly preachers, some for not subscribing unto, some for not using some offensive ceremonies and orders (otherwise blameless) have tasted some of the most sharp censures of the church (excommunication excepted), some brought before the judges as vile malefactors and condemned to loss of their livings, or imprisonment. Some so letted and discredited in their places by this means that they never could do much good afterwards.
Fourthly, that many people have been deprived of their pastors and teachers, and have not had any proportionable supply.
Fifthly, for that by no censures of the church, and laws of the realm, the unlearned and ungodly ministers are sufficiently corrected.
Sixthly, for that no order is taken for the careless nonresidents and for the covetous pluralists, and the bitter inveighers against good men and good causes when they no ways provoke them.
Prays that some means may be found to relieve these grievances.
Tolerations or privileges are granted for not observing certain laws of church and commonwealth; asks that the same may not be delayed to such preachers as be peaceable, soundly learned, godly in life, discreet in their behaviour, peaceable and humble in their affections and spirits.
Signature and p.s., giving assurance of his affections, in Greenham's handwriting.
Burghley's endorsement: "18 October, 1586. Mr. Grenham of Cambridge. Inform: for refor: of disorders in the Church."
Undated. 3½ pp. (138. 205.)
Ludovico Brancaleone to —.
1586, Oct. 27. For the payment of 100l, owing to Sir Matthew Arundel by the Earl of Bedford, and assigned to the writer.
Italian. ½ p. (146. 92.)
James VI. to Archibald Douglas.
[1586, Oct.] Randolphis saute. I am sa occupied in writting to otheris that for suearness I can writt to you nothing bot only this farr that the Maister of Gray will writt my ample mynde unto you, trust also this bearare quhaise causes recommending unto youre diligence I bidd you fair well.
James R.
Holograph. Signet with crest. (147. 47.)
Colonel Archibald Douglas.
[1586, Oct.] Information to my Lord of Buckhurst, one of her Majesty's Council, in favour of Colonel Archibald Douglas, Scottish gentleman.
The Master of Gray having commission from the Earl of Leicester to levy 3,000 foot and 500 horse, created Douglas colonel of a certain number. Gray, not being minded to serve, requested Leicester to accept Douglas in his place, and to deliver to his charge all captains sent into Holland under commissions granted to Gray or to those under him; wherewith Leicester is contented. Names certain captains and details various circumstances connected with the matter, and prays that his appointment may be carried out.—Undated.
1 p. (16. 60.)
The King of France to the King of Scotland.
1586, Nov. 3. Nous avons este fort ayses d'entendre de vos bonnes nouvelles par le Sieur D'Enneval, gentilhomme ordinaire de notre chambre, retourné devers nous, depuis quelques temps en ça; et eussions bien desiré que, passant par Angleterre, il n'en eust point apris de si mauvaises qu'il a faict de la royne d'Escosse, notre tres chere et tres aimée belle sœur, de l'affection de laquelle nous ne faisons point de doute que vous n'ayez este assez adverty et contristé. Et nous tenons aussy bien asseuréz, que, accompagné d'un bon naturel comme vous estes et de l'affection filiale qui peult avoir un fils bien nay envers sa mere, vous l'aurez assistée de toutes instances, requisitions et prieres affectionnées envers la royne d'Angleterre, notre tres chere et tres aimée bonne sœur, pour la d'emouvoir d'user d'aucun rigoureux traictement en son endroit sur l'occasion de la conjuration que l'on dict s'estre descouvert à l'encontre d'icelle. De quoy toutes fois pour l'amitié particuliere que nous luy portons à cause de la proximité d'alliance dont elle nous a touché, qui nous a faict tousjours ambrasser vivement sa protection, nous sommes induictz et comme contrainctz de vous prier afin que, comme nous faisons le semblable de notre part, nos communes instances puissent produire tant plustost l'effect d'un bon et graticieux traitement que nous devons conjoinctement procurer à celle qui est notre belle sœur, ayant espousée notre frere aisne, et votre propre mere, ne pouvant l'un ny l'autre de nous conjoindre et employer ses bons offices en chose plus digne de notre recommendation. Au surplus, le dit sieur D'Esneval nous a dict que, suivant ce que luy avous mandé, il a laissé en Escosse Courcelles pour y demeurer attendant son retour et s'employer en ce que luy pourrons ordonner selon les occasions pour l'entretenement de notre commune amitie, laquelle pour notre part nous desirons maintenir et conserver comme chose qui nous est tres chere et fort particulierement recommendée.—St. Germain en Laye, 3 November, 1586.
Endorsed: Coppie de la lettre du roy au roy d'Escosse du ije Novembre, 1586. Nov. 3.
In another hand: To move the King to travail earnestly for the safety of his mother.
pp. (133. 67.)
The King of Scotland to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 8. Remembering what overture we gave you in instruction for the restraint of spoils and piracies in time coming, and looking that either it should have there been liked of, or some other more apparent set down ere now, for the indemnity of our subjects upon that coast, we find our expectation in it altogether disappointed, in that, that sundry of our honest subjects returning lately home from London are still set on and bereft by Englishmen of their whole ladening, and in it of the most part of their avail and credit. Who, being, near by all, our proper 'feallis' and domestics, and parting from you with your word and warrant, 'interponit' to them for their safety, we have thought meetest to address these two, whom they have chosen of their number, to your mean in particular, and to desire you most 'affecaieuslie' that for our honour's cause and for the poor men's wrack, which after so strait league they could not have expected, you will entreat our dearest sister and her Council that so great injury done to the amity, us and our subjects foresaid, may be immediately repaired, and these bearers, carrying power from so many as are damnified, redressed of that loss which they are to give in and verify to have sustained, unletting it be drifted and remitted, as their use is, to the judgment of their Admiralty, but summarily considered of by our said sister and her Council, as only debtors, if the said overture be liked of, and that may best get reason of the authors and resetters. This being so heavily and by so many honest persons exclaimed upon, may be effectually dealt in and travailed by you, as you will do us service.—From Holyrood house, this 8 of November, 1586.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (147. 56.)
The Laird of Barnbowgill to [the Same].
[1586,] Nov. 8. In my last I wrote to your L. that presently you had the occasion that never the like, and better able to fall, in your time: I mean in travailing with the Queen and Council of England for relief of our master's honour and trouble the Queen of Scotland. For assure yourself in that doing you shall do the King our master such service as shall content his Grace and the whole nobility of Scotland in such sort that your name and fame shall remain after you to your great honour. It is spoken here that your L. wrote to the King, if he in any sort requested the Queen of England for his mother, that he would put himself out of credit with the Queen of England. I know it to be of truth, yet the King makes no such request to the Queen of England as he would, and that all the nobility perceives is that he is loath to "tyne" [lose] the Queen of England. The night as his Majesty shewed myself his Grace was assured that his mother's life was in no danger, I spake the most part of the nobility to move the King's Majesty to travail that his Grace's mother should neither receive shame nor scaith. They shewed me that the King's Majesty assured them that [? if] his mother's body were put to trouble and scaith, his Majesty and 5,000 landed gentlemen should seek support at all Princes to revenge his Grace's mother's scaith. My lord, I doubt not but your wisdom sees if harm shall happen to our mistress the Queen's Majesty, the great wrack that shall come on England and Scotland both, and that in drawing in of strangers for wrack of both realms. I refer all this to your good wisdom and consideration. It will please you advertise me where my two 'docthers' is; also I pray you to send me a handful of roses of musk that is in London, with the first ship that comes, and put them in any vessel, the quantity of my hat, with "yerd" [earth] about them.—Edinburgh, 8 of November.
pp. Holograph. (196. 96.)
The Queen of Scots to the Same.
[1586,] 12 Nov. Le trouble auquel vous avez esté, comme j'ay entendu, a l'occasion seule de quelques lettres que vous m'aviez escriptes, m'ha retenu jusques a present non seulement de vous employer par dela, comme les occasions s'en pouvoient presenter, mais aussi de vous escripre, craignant que cela ne vous amenast en plus grand soubçon et deffiance avec la Royne d'Angleterre, Madame ma bonne sœur, voyant que tous ceulx qui demonstroient aulcune affection vers le bien et advancement de mes affaires, luy estoient renduz les plus desagreables. Toutesfois sur l'asseurance que le Sieur de Mauvissiere, ambassadeur du Roy tres Chretien, Monsieur mon bon frère m'ha donnée que mes lettres ne vous tourneroient a prejudice; j'ay bien voulu par ceste commodité vous tesmoigner la satisfaction qui me demeure de la recongnoissance de votre debvoir en mon endroict, et qu'en ceste consideracion je seray tres aise de vous gratiffier et favourer en toutes choses licites, tant a l'endroict de mon filz qu'aillieurs, ou j'en auray les moyens. Ce que je vous promects de faire, s'il m'est permis, comme j'ay requis, d'envoyer en Escosse. Cependant sur ce que vous pourrez entendre de ma presente depesche a M. de Walsyngham, pour luy lever le soubçon ou il est entré de moy, touchant son voyage d'Escosse, je vous prie de m'ayder en son endroict par toutes les persuasions que vous pourrez, suivant ce qu'aultres fois vous aves congneu de mon naturel et facon de proceder, pour le remectre bien avec moy, et me conserver son amitié, laquelle j'auray tous jours chere, avec les deux conditions que je luy mande. Je lui faicts aussi par le dit Sieur de Mauvissiere qúelques overtures pour restablir les affaires en Escosse en quelque meilleur ordre et accord, quelles ne sont a present, en quoi je remectz en votre suffisance de vous employer selon que vous trouverez qu'il sera à-propos.—De Sheffeild ce xiime Novembre. Signed.
1 p. (147. 57.)
Roger Aston to Archibald Douglas.
[1586,] Nov. 12. I wrote to your lordship of the eighth of this instant directed to Mr. Secretary Walsingham. His Majesty looks daily to hear from you. God grant you may satisfy his expectation. Be careful for the deer and look that the 'boke be nott prented.' Send the horn by the 'forst.'
If there be any redress made for the ship that was last spoiled, let not William Merre be forgotten nor Master William Scott. For myself I will never speak of my loss, if her Majesty keep her promise to me, otherwise I shall be greatly hindered.— Holyrood, 12 November.
Holograph. 1 p. (179. 129.)
William Selby to the Same.
[1586 ?] Nov. 18. Thanks him for his friendship. Encloses such news as there is there. Dare not send letters by the post. The post of Belforth has played him a very evil part, and like to have brought him into great displeasure with my lord. The post returned a letter back to this town which he had sent to Mr. Fowler, and which by chance came to his hands.
There is not "on house brint" in Celsie nor Coldingam, yet your countrymen is at least 3 nights in the Wick making spoils in England, and especially in the west and middle marches. My brother is of late very unkindly dealt withal. Your nephew Crinston is not relaxed yet from the horn, but is to come into England, where he shall be heartily welcome for your sake. Mr. Robert Carie should have holden a day of "trewes" [truce] for the Middle Marches, where Sir John Selby should have been with him. My Lady Widrington was unwilling that Mr. Carie should go eight days before the day "trewe" should have been holden, a "spiell" came to her and told her that if any of my lord's sons came to that day of "trewes" they would do with him as they did with my Lord Russell; and thereupon my L. thought to have "shott the day trewe"; and as my Lord was in sending, the Laird of Sesforth sent a man and shot it. Make Mr. Fowler partaker with you.—Berwick, 18 November.
Holograph. 1 p. (16. 49.)
The King of Scotland to the Same.
1586, Nov. 28. The hope you give us by your last to the Master of Gray, that something shall be accorded to you for the redress of proven piracies, and the desire we have to see this bearer's careful pains and travail taken in furthering of that matter to the point it is at deservedly considered, has moved us right earnestly to recommend him to you to be 'reformeit' of the first and readiest, both of the sum of three hundred three score pounds sterling, which he upon his conscience affirms to have bestowed upon that cause, by and besides the sum allowed to him by the 'borrowes' as likewise a shilling of every pound, which you shall happen to recover, in a remembrance both for his time and traffic spent in that pursuit, besides the hazard of his life among the friends of them, who in that space were execute by his procurement. Whereunto we have the rather yielded him our assent, that he has verified to us, how being discharged by our 'borrowes' to enter there in any process, so being he might prove the loss, he not only dipped with it before that Admiralty, and proved it upon their commission; but therewith also did himself devise the mean how most conveniently the same might be recovered, whereof some part the parties damnified have gotten, and of the rest we cannot but think but conscience and reason will allow him the said consideration, and it were only in a 'factor fie.' There is besides so many unfreemen's goods and gear, which he has proven with the rest, pertaining to us as escheat, by our Acts of Parliament, whereof for that we have appointed him to be collector and receiver, and to be accountable thereof in 'thekker,' it is our will that if the order to be taken, tend to any complete payment, according to the proofs deduced before the Admiralty, that you let him receive so much thereof, as will be found pertaining to the said unfreemen. But if that way cannot be had, and he be forced to agree upon a sum to be divided among so many as are damnified, pro rata, that yet the rate pertaining to the said unfreemen may be delivered in his hands, and made 'furthcummand' by him to our uses, when we shall think meet to charge him with it.—Holyrood House, 28 November, 1586. Signed.
1 p. (147. 58.)
— to the Queen.
[1586, Nov.] Madame, grives (?) Ard vostre majeste conoistra par ce chiffre que cessi part de lun de vos plus affectionnes serviteurs, qui desirent de voir ces deux couronnes toujours unies et leurs ennemis communs deceus aux dessainges quils ont de leur ruine. Lon nou laisse encores en quelques esperances de lintention de Orestes a nous vouloir donner sa fille, et nous en doibt parler apres que Hircanes aura receu Antiochus, et par le moien de duc Feria. Ceux de la religion tienent les yeux ouvertz en cest affaire, jugeant quelle ne se peult conclurre sans le renouvellement de leurs persecutions. Vous seres secrement et fidellement advertie quel progres elle prandra, que vostre Majeste sen asseure. Les depputez de ceux de la religion son a Mantes, ou ils ont dresse les cayers de ce quils veulent demander. Lon ne leur veult respondre que lon ne soit certain de ce que Julius aura faict, chose qui nous fachera fort, et laquelle sans doubte nous conviera tous de presser les moiens de [faire ?] grives nostre union plus que nous navons jamais faict; a quoy vostre faveur est imploree, a ce que, comme ill vous a pleu le promettre, vous intervenies vers Antiochus, affin qu'il ne differe de leur accorder ce qui est juste, et ou lon nous le refuseroit que nous soions asseures de la continuation de vostre Chrestiennes tres assistances aux serviteurs de dieu persecutes. Vostre mageste scaict les aprests des ennemis, contre lesquels nostre principal secours depend de vous. Antiochus asseure me vouloir continuer la treve; mais si ceux qui la cognoissent domageable ne sont apuies pour monstrer que Antiochus a de quoi se deffendre et s'opposer a ses ennemis, la necessite a laquelle ceux qui ont ses affaires en main sera cause quils seront plus forts que nous en conseil pour la continuer. Ceux des Estats, sures que Antiochus leur a faict cognoistre le desires (sic) monstrent le vouloir assister ou dhommes ou de moiens, pour faire louverture de Morbeck, la guerre d Artois et d Ainaut, a laquelle Antiochus trouve bon que Joathan aie le commandement. Il juge bien que lon ne peult faire progres en ceste enterprise qui puisse avoir quelque establissemens; mais il estime beaucoup le pretexte que cella lui donne pour estre arme: moien qui pardessus tous autres est puissant; pour s'opposer aux mauvais dessaigns de nos enemis. Cest pourquoy il supplie vostre Mageste de aider a cela, a ce que envoyant des forces a Antiochus, vous demandies, sur louverture que Ard nostre ambassadeur vous fera de ceste guerre, que partie de vos forces soient employees a cella, vous, asseurant que Morbeck il se conduira principallement en cest affaire par la clarte que vostre Mageste lui donnera de ses voluntes, si elle jouste ceste ouverture, et quelle veulle faire durer lentretien de ceste armes, y poussant la volunte de ceux des Estats, sans doubter ele jugera tost et utillement, quil ne se peult rien faire plus avantageus pour son service. Monsieur de Believre arriva hier au soir de Paris. Il na encores expose sa creance, que vostre Mageste honnore son serviteur de ceste creance, quil ne manquera jamais a luy temoigner, le fidelle service quil luy veult rendre, en aler toujours au devant des occasions qui sen offeriont. il vous supplie vous servir pour le bien comun des fidelles et dvis [? devis] de sa liberte et tenir en vostre coeur ce qui vient de lui. [monogram: three s's]
The portions in italics are in cipher. 1 p. (149. 18.)
Queen of Scots.
1586, Dec. 4. Printed Proclamation for the declaring of the sentence lately given against the Queen of Scots.—Dated Manor of Richmond, December 4, 1586.
3 pp. pasted together. Printed by Christopher Barker. See S.P. Scotland, Mary Queen of Scots, Vol. 20, No. 37, for another copy. (141. 366.)
Sir Francis Walsingham to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 4. Her Majesty doth take most thankfully your premonition given unto her. She doth not like the letter should be suppressed, but that your colleague should proceed to the execution of his charge; and that you should concur with him in urging the matter according to direction, lest you should be thought otherwise partially affected in the cause contrary to your sovereign's disposition.—The Court, 4 December, 1586.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 44.)
The King of Scotland to Lord Burghley.
1586, 17 Dec. In respect of the sufficiencie of both thir my ambassadouris, the Maister of Gray and Sir Robert Melvine, I will remitt unto thaime to declaire unto you that quhiche other wayes I wolde writt, quhome I pray you to credit as myself this far only; shorlie will I touche that thay have both bene verrie farr wronged by fals reportis maid of thaime thaire, as thaime selvis shall mak it to appeir, and thus, truste and well belovit cousin, I comitt you to Goddis most holie protection.—From my palleis of Holyrud house the 17 day of December, 1586.
Holograph. Endorsed by Burghley. ½ p. (147. 60.)
Jane Hay to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 20. Douglas, before his departure, directed Robert Scott, burgess of Edinburgh, to answer her for the sum of 100l. Complains that she cannot get payment thereof. Douglas also promised to send her as much "London brown" as would make her a gown.—Munktown, 20 December, 1586.
Holograph. 1 p. Addressed to her uncle, Archibald Douglas. (203. 72.)
The Queen of Scots.
1586. A warrant for a direction against the Scottish Queen.
Draft, corrected by Burghley. 4 pp.
Printed by Murdin, p. 576, in extenso.
(142. 86.)
Adam Fullerton to Archibald Douglas.
[1586, Dec.] The cause of my not coming to you is the "seatic" [sciatica] has taken me so sore 20 days, what in York and by the way, that I may not go no way if it stood on my life. I was chased in Skairbrut [? Scarborough] by an English pirate and durst not take the sea again, which town is 180 miles from London You may be my good lord in this my suit. I have the King's letter to Secretary Vesyngham [Walsingham] and to Mr. Randell: praying you to give me your counsel how and when they shall be delivered. I will do nothing but by your advice. Let your servant Patrick Lytman know your mind for my advertisement what I shall do, because I cannot come to you myself at this time.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (196. 133.)
[Richard Douglas] to [Archibald Douglas].
[1586.] Thus far have I profited that three noblemen will concur in "putthin" of [off] Hunsdon from doing as he devised, so will he be answered. If farther may be obtained by my lord of Leicester and Mr. Secretary they will be glad as the dealing shall [sic] into their hands as into theirs, who has been friendly to them in all their advice (?) and the other has been enemy. He said to me at my coming home when I was in Berwick that it was the worst employed favour that ever her Majesty did to the "banish[ed] [no]billmen." This word I have remembered and has served of good purpose to this effect "I suspect the Justice Clerk shall be sent ambassador, and I will be directed with him both from the K. and others." Something is to . . . of the K. answer to the "barrownnes" which "frayes" the noblemen, and some doing with the "Spanialesid" is discovered. Whether the Chancellor is in this course or not I cannot tell, but he will not be acknowledged of it to me. But if he be not it argues some mistrust that they have of him. If any other shall be employed, let it be either "Bowis" or some here upon the Border that carries a letter soliciting faster answer from the K. And fail not to write to me upon the point if mar [more?] may be obtained by my lord of Leicester nor Robert Cary has to "offerit" (sic), and if my lord will keep intelligence with the noblemen, sed hoc posterius parce till I come myself, and I respect that I will not be principal what matter I shall solicit to myself, the rest I shall see to with time; "falte of moyen" causes me during this "rode" to be absent.
At head: Your L. shall receive for your note of the "Spannes" preparations a note found amongst some of my Lord Maxwell's friends, which they say was printed and sent to the Pope.
Undated. In Richard Douglas' hand.
1 p. faded. Apparently written in sympathetic ink.
(16. 59.)
The King of Scotland to M. Nau.
1586. Addressed: A nostre bien amye, Monsieur Nau, Secretaire de n[ost]re treschere mere, la Royne mère d'Escosse.— Endorsed: The King of Scotland to his mother; by Murdin, beginning 1586. ½ p.
[Murdin, p. 568, in extenso.] (147. 50.)
Mary, Queen of Scots to the Queen.
[1586 ?] Undated. Printed in Murdin, pp. 558–560, in extenso. Endorsed by Sir R Cecil: "Readde." Holograph. Portions of seal.
4 pp. (133. 68.)
The Same to Lord Burghley.
[1586 ?] My Lord. I am assured you will excuse my own lines at this time because that partly need gars me do it. I mean because the Master has lipinit [trusted] ever since your departing to have had out of England help. It has put him very far behind the hand and has made here more negligent in his own living, and your lordship knows what this Flanders' voyage has been to him. If any means can be had there I would your lordship send him word. I think and so does all his kin that he does not wisely to serve any foreign princes except he knows wherefor; and I believe, if he be not better respected for his service to come nor for bygones, he may think his pains evil bestowed, and it will cause him to learn to live and respect his own commodity better nor he has done in times bypast and will be loather to meddle with any such matters. You know that all Scotland believes that all that he has is gotten from the Queen of England. It were reason then he had part. I hope, if he had remained as loving to them he was wont to serve as to the Queen of England, he had been better used; but I hope in God he shall see how evil he has been used and turn him where he left. It makes me very offended to see him serve so mickle for nought, for it gars all the country believe that he is over far in love with that Queen, which I desire not to be except it were to serve for good deed. I pray you send him word what he may 'lein' to and let him not know. I pray you, as I may do you pleasure, not to let him know I wrote this to your lordship, for I said it was but commendations and for silks and little things. So I commit you to God's holy protection, your assured friend at power, Marie Steuart R.
Holograph. Undated. 2 pp. (133. 62(2).)
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
[1586 ?] The sudden parting of this honourable gentleman, your ambassador, upon these unfortunate and displeasant news of his uncle has moved me with the more haste to trace these few lines unto you, first to thank you as well for the sending so rare a gentleman unto me, to whose brother I was so far beholden, as also for the twice sending me such sums of money which, according to the league I shall thankfully repay with forces of men whensoever your estate shall so require, according as my last letter hath made you certified; not doubting but as you have honorably begun so you will follow forth your course towards me, which thereby shall so procure the concurrence of all my good subjects with me in this course as shall make my friendship the more steadable unto you. The next is to pray you most heartily that, in anything concerning this gentleman fallen out by the death of his uncle, you will have a favorable consideration of him for my sake that he may not have occasion to repent him of his absence at such a time. All other things I remit to his credit, praying you to think of me as of one who constantly shall continue his professed course and remain your most loving and affectionate brother and cousin, James R.
P.S.—I thought good, in case of sinister reports, hereby to assure you that the French fleet never entered within any road or haven within my dominion; nor never came within a kenning near to any of my coasts.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (133. 76.)
Archebolde Dowglas to the Queen.
[1586.] He is "legerd" of the King of Scots. In consideration of his great charges here, he prays for grant of the fee farm of the manor of Cromershe, Oxon.—Undated.
½ p. (186. 28.)
Rauffe Blackwall to Lord Burghley.
[c. 1586.] The lands of Richard Wendsley, of Wendesley, Derbyshire, which descended to him, were mortgaged for a debt to the Queen. He has paid the debt, but cannot obtain his discharge, as part of the money still remains in the hands of John Vernon and Henry Cavendish, late sheriffs of Derbyshire. Prays for full discharge, and for process against the sheriffs.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley ordering process to be made forth.
pp. (1638.)
Sir Francis Walsingham to Archibald Douglas.
1586. If Mr. Yonge shall repair hither I will not fail . . . use some such spe(ech to) him as your L . . . I like well . . . holdeth . . . especially in . . . paying them to the French Ambassador. There is no one thing will do both England and Scotland more good than to have your said colleagues returned home discontented for not staying of execution of justice.—Barneealmes, 7 of ( ), 1586.
1 p. Mutilated. (174. 101.)
Accounts of the Queen's Chamber.
1586. Warrant to the Treasurer, Chamberlains and Barons of the Exchequer to take the account of the treasurer of the Queen's Chamber, Sir Francis Knollys, knight, from the date of the death of Sir John Mason, knight, late treasurer.
Endorsed: 1586.
Rough draft with corrections by Burghley and others.
9 pp. (138. 207.)
Philip Vande Wall and others, Merchants of Middleborough, to the Council.
[1586 ?] For the restitution of their ship the "Hope," of Flushing, taken by the Merchants Royal set forth by Mr. Cordall and his company, and for the release of the company.—Undated.
1 p. (2060.)
George Carew to [Lord Burghley].
[1586 ?] The Queen referred his suit to [Burghley] who answered that he liked it well, and had found fault in Sir Ralph Sadler's time that it was not done. Details his further proceedings therein, and his presenting [Burghley] with notes which he gathered in the Chapel of the Rolls. Describes the rolls he found there touching Protections. Asks for a warrant to draw a calendar out of the foreign rolls, without which it will be hard for him to discharge the duties of his office.— Undated.
Endorsed: "For my Lord Threr," and underneath in Burghley's hand, "G. Carew."
18th century copy. 1 p. (249. 2.)
Patrick Galway, Agent for the City of Cork to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1586 ?] The city for ten or twelve years past has been charged with the maintenance of garrisons and companies of soldiers, and has received very little recompense, having four years since lost sundry of the captains' bills amounting to 300l. or 400l. Though greatly impoverished of late by casualty of fire and spoil of pirates at sea, they are yet continually charged with the like. The Council of Ireland has sent letters to the Council for the payment to suppliants of 222l. 5s. 4d., upon warrants from Sir William Russell and docket from Sir Henry Wallopp, Treasurer of Ireland. Prays for speedy payment.—Undated.
¾ p. (2049.)
Gunners in the Low Countries.
[1586.] Note by Samuel Thomas, Master Gunner, of money owing to servitors and cannoniers serving in the Low Countries under the Earl of Leicester.—Undated.
1 p. (2325.)
Elizabeth Fowler to [Archibald Douglas] the Lord Ambassador of Scotland.
[1586–90.] Prays for the redelivery of her father's bond. Unless it be had with expedition, he will not defer the letting of the house, nor yet suffer the goods to remain at the Spitle.— The Spitle, Wednesday.
Holograph. ½ p. (205. 9.)
[1586 ?] List, signed by Archibald Douglas, of persons fined for buying pirates' goods; i.e. Thomas Collins and William Randoll, of Newhaven, Sussex, Thomas Ayers, of Bobington, Dorset, John Boys, of Gatcome, Isle of Wight, Richard Morris, of Pokesdown, Christchurch, John Francke, of Hastings, gentleman, Richard Brayman, of the Isle of Wight, butcher, Henry Bonvild and William Grove, of Corfe, in the Isle of Purbeck. Total fines 68l.—Undated.
1 p. (98. 87.)
— to —
[1586 ?] "The King of Scotland is not to be trusted, for as he hath for your pleasure ridden upon the Lords and cast down their houses, so at the same time he spake with Huntley and, for fear of the ministers, let him down by a cord at a window. James Commyn your friend hath seen offers of the King's own hand for the despatch of Pr. Walter, both former and future. He is also away. He hath seen also letters of H. Both was to the same effect. The Lords of Crayford, Morton, Fleming and Harrys and Simple will not hear thereof. The commissioners you have sent into Flanders are accounted spies. Esteven de Ybarra is to remove. Gerrard Lowder and others are dealing for peace to compose matters. If you think that course may serve you to purpose, and you mean peace indeed, I can assure you of firm dealing here, and perhaps hereby to conclude a general peace, if you remain not in that paradox that all Catholics are enemies to your estate, whilke you see is most false. Write if in any of you say — (sic). Serve yourself on me and you shall find me faithful usque ad aras. Your course in England is over violent and cannot endure. Expect not to hear from me further before you have just cause to fear: you shall have lawful warning. This assure yourself, nothing shall pass but you shall ken before it damage you. I mind to return if it be possible to the place whence I came where you last saw me; then from the fountain to send you of the pure water for your eyes. There are nets laid for two fowls in your forest: look well unto them, and, above all things avoid to be called our esteemed bloody cruel and conscienceless. There are two mighty factions for the present in this court, the one between the H. (or N. ?) and I., the other between the Gent. and the Hamiltons. If alteration come as is expected, and hardly can be avoided, you shall see a party without foreigners hardly to be suppressed. And there I hold pacificators the surest possession in a state so mutable and where there are and rise daily so many feuds and factions. I told you truly if that work fell out here this summer Edingborrow be sure though seldom. And my not writing shall be a sign of your little cause to assure or fear."
Endorsed: "For Mr. Waad." (48. 48.)
[1586 ?] Considerations touching the peace of France, set down by Monsieur Buzenvall.—Undated.
French. 5½ pp. (246. 136.)
Treatise on the Succession.
[Before 1587.] Treatise discussing the question whether the heirs of "Mary now Queen of Scots," or those of Lady Frances, grand-daughter of Henry 7th and wife of the Marquis Dorset, should succeed Elizabeth. Decides in favour of Lady Katherine, daughter of Lady Frances. Discusses fully the question of the validity of Henry 8th's will, and contains many references to the history of the time.—Undated.
71 pp. (210. 5.)
The Duchess of Somerset.
[Before 1587.] Since first the Q. Majesty at St. James's was so far from affirming Mr. Treasurer's forbidding to set up this walk as that her Highness asked the Duchess why it was not up, and promised her to come and walk in it.
Since likewise now last at Hampton Court the Queen seemed so well content with it for the Duchess' sake, that she (among other speeches thereof) said to the Duchess: 'If it had not been for your sake Madame, I would have had it down in pieces afore this time. But for your sake Madame I was contented with it.' And the Duchess offering the key in custody to my L. of Leicester or to my L. Chamberlain during the Queen's being at Westminster, her Highness said she would trust the Duchess herself with it and promised to come and walk in it when she came to Westminster.
Since again all high places cannot be plucked down that look into the garden, and that many places and houses about the orchard and garden must be trusted to mure or lock up their walks, tiles and windows, let this have some such like grace with like conditions: And yet nothing can be seen nor well discerned in the garden but as one may see from the court over the Temise [Thames] being both of one distance. —Undated.
Endorsed by Burghley: For my La. Somersetts house in Channon Row.
1 p. (204. 97.)
Intelligence. (fn. 1)
[Before 1587.] The French Amb. being an atheist to gratify the house of Guise, desires rather the P. death.
The practice of conveying the Q. of Scots ceased, for that her being here as a prisoner, may more profit her, than her absence from hence any other where at liberty.
There hath passed for the space of these 15 months, monthly letters for some of good calling in this realm, unto the Pope's Nuncio in France.
There is yearly paid to a personage of good calling in this realm, a pension of 2,000 crowns, which heretofore was paid by the S[panish] Ambassador, but of late hath not been paid by him, the cause why he knows not.
One of great estate monthly repairs to the Spanish ambassador secretly.
The French Ambassador not trusted.
Two Scottish packets have passed of late by the Spanish Amb.
The S. Ambassador that is departing hath laid the platform, the executioner whereof is he that is to come.
One 100,000 crowns of the church land put to sale, to be employed in the confederate wars. The K. of S. has authority from the Pope to tax the spirituality of Spain of their thirds.—Undated.
In Walsingham's hand. 1 p. (205. 117.)
[Before 1587.] i. Cipher key, endorsed by Burghley "Alphabet of Charles."
1 p. French and English. Burghley, Leicester and the Queen of Scots mentioned. (140. 61.)
ii. Cipher key, in Burghley's hand, and endorsed by him "Alphabet, Charles." It is the same cipher as (140. 61).
1 p. (140. 63.)
[Before 1587 ?] iii. Cipher, with decipher beneath "Regardez au couvert du livre derriere." The alphabet of the cipher follows, apparently in Burghley's hand.
½ p. (140. 62.)
Nicholas Errington.
[Prob. before 1587.] Draft warrant by the Queen to some Governor. As the charges for the ordnance and other habiliments for the wars are very great, and yet the same are not kept in such order and readiness as is requisite, and as the munitions spent by the garrisons there have not been duly answered, the Queen now appoints a clerk, to be named the Clerk of the Ordnance, to take charge of the munitions of those parts, subject to the instructions hereunto annexed. The office is to be bestowed upon Nicholas Errington, late one of the pensioners in that town, for his services.—Undated.
1 p. (98. 162.)
Bridges in Middlesex, &c.
[After 1586.] Priced estimate of bridges to be made in Middlesex, Essex and Herts. Signed by E. Denny, and Thomas Dacres.
4 pp. Fragment only. (201. 101.)
[This is Sir E. Denny who was knighted in 1586. In S.P. Dom. Cal., 1581–90, p. 310, is a reference to two stone bridges proposed to be made at Ilford, 1586.]


  • 1. This document has been inadvertently printed twice in this volume. —See p. 250, where it appears under its correct date.