Cecil Papers: June 1600, 21-30

Pages 191-217

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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June 1600, 21–30

Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 21. Recommends the bearer, Mr. Richard Willsunne, his neighbour in Herts, who has served her Majesty 14 years in the wars, for the most part under Sir John Norris in the Low Countries, France, and Ireland, and was by Norris in the services of France preferred to be a lieutenant. Willsunne's suit is to be a captain of one of the companies now to be sent into Ireland.—Haddham, 21 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 47.)
Lod. Bryskett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 21. I have been these two days attending at the Court according to your commandment, to have yielded account of those things which I had in private speech delivered to her Majesty concerning Sir Richard Masterson, for which it seemed your pleasure was I should be there. But not having been called thereunto, and yet thinking it not only in regard of my private, but for public respect much more, that you should be at full satisfied and informed in that behalf, I am now come to perform that office of duty. For as I know you most zealously and carefully intend the good of that country, and seek to redress the calamities of the same, so I am persuaded that among the particulars that are now to be resolved upon touching the present service of “Lemister,” there is no one of more importance to be advisedly handled than this.—21 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 48.)
Henry Knowlis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 21. I first crave pardon for my long stay made of the performance of my promise touching Mr. M., but I will assure you I have not been altogether in fault for the same, but have had great wrong offered me about it, for contrary to the promise that was made me, there was warrants sent into Ireland for the apprehension of sundry folks that remained in my house; and besides, it was there given out by one Benson, that was the carrier of the letters to Sir Thomas Norrice, that I was the cause of sending those warrants myself, whereupon all my guests removed themselves upon the sudden from my house, and my Lord Powre, taking occasion upon these reports, entered upon my castle, seized my goods into his hands, to the value of 300l., and turned my wife and six small children out of doors without anything earthly to relieve them : by means whereof I have on the one side been so hardly straighted through want of money that I could not travel up and down to effect anything, either for myself or any other : and besides so discredited withal as I was likewise thereby holden back from accomplishing my intention. But notwithstanding all these crosses, yet at length I have brought it so to pass as that now I can help you to the speech of him when it shall please you to appoint. He remains at one of the best men's houses in the country where he is, and therefore, as also for some other respects, I thought good first to acquaint you with the matter before anything were attempted. I came up purposely about it, and do lie at Mr. Riggs his house at the sign of the Angel in Islington, where I will attend your pleasure. I durst not myself, for fear of suspicion, come to the Court, for I have some eyes look peradventure over me, and therefore in a morning early I hold to be the best time to come to you, if you appoint it at the Court; if at London, then in the night.—Islington, 21 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 49.)
John Anes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 21. Has furnished 250l., and hopes her Majesty will have consideration of his services, and respect to the charges, as in conference at the Bath he more at large gave my Lord Chamberlain to understand. Prays Cecil to write, to the Mayor of Bristol to pay 25l. yet due to certain artificers. Is ready to cross for Ireland.—Bristol, 21 June, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (80. 50.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Mr. Secretary.
1600, June 22. On behalf of his cousin, Sir Jo. Talbott, for a company of horse, or two companies of foot. Mr. Secretary knows how far Talbott has been commended by the State there for his merit. Asks for answer by Kidman : also for answer to the suit enclosed, of the same nature, from a kinsman.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600, 22 June.” 1 p. (80. 52.)
J. W. Bornstra to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 22. On the subject of his services to the Queen, known to Sir Henry “Kilgre.” Begs to be called before the Council, &c.—“Grenevich Aula Regia,” 22 June 1600, Stilo Angliæ.
Holograph. Latin. Endorsed :—“Bornstra.” 1 p. (80. 51.)
Serjeant Yelverton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 22. The great proof of your honourable affection towards me, whereof I secure myself the more because it is ancestral, and cannot (as we say in law), having suffered a descent, be bereaved without action though it were usurped, emboldens me to recommend to your favour this gentleman my nephew. He is commended by general letters of the Lord Mountjoy to the Council, he has served her Majesty in Ireland these dozen years at the least, and hath gone through all the degrees and offices which should advance a soldier. The living he had is possessed by the rebels, and his two brethren, all that he had, have been slain in her Majesty's service.—From Easton Mawditt in Northamptonshire, this xxijth of June, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 120.)
Sir H. Kyllygrew to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] June 23. Touching Captain Bromestra's suit to her Majesty, I can say little, not knowing what he has done of late, but heretofore I was acquainted that he pretended to have done somewhat for her Majesty's safeguard, which I think proceeded from his idle mind and cosenage, for I was commissioner among others that examined the parties accused by him, which in sum was one Medico, a spy for the Duke of Parma, I think yet a prisoner in some prison about London, in whose confession appeared nothing touching her Majesty's person, but other matters of state, as may appear by his confession, which I think remains among Mr. Walsingham's papers, who had the private examining of him. Now, for the man, I cannot but let you know that I think there be not under the sun a more wicked and crafty cosener; and where you write that he says of me that I was hard to him in her Majesty's recompence, I confess her Majesty of her own bounty was more liberal to him than he any ways had then deserved. And for my part, if he can charge me with detaining a penny of her Majesty's reward, I am contented to abide shame, yea, grievous punishment. But I beseech you let him be examined in particular, for I think he has received more than ever he deserved, and more worthy to lie in prison than of further recompence. This is my simple opinion for anything I can remember more. Your messenger found me at dinner, and therefore I pray excuse my haste : most humbly thanking you for your favour to my daughter.—London, 23 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600. Sir Ha. Killagrew concerning Captain Bromstraw.” 1 p. (80. 53.)
Battle of Nieuport.
[1600, June 23.] The battle betwixt the Archduke and Count Maurice was fought on Sunday last, the 22 of June, betwixt Newporte and Ostend, near the sea side. The Archduke was there in person. Of the Archduke's army was slain about 5,000. The Admiral of Arragon taken prisoner. The Master of the Camp, Don Louys de Villar, taken prisoner. Gaspar Sapena, another Master of the Camp, taken prisoner. 110 ensigns taken. On the part of Count Maurice some 2,000 or 3,000 slain, as it is thought. Whereof almost 1,000 English. All the Scots that were there, viz. one regiment, slain. Many of the lance-knights likewise slain. Sir Fr. Vere hurt in the leg with a shot. The L. Gray lightly hurt in the face. Ch. Drury slain. Capt. Yaxley slain and divers other captains and lieutenants. Count Maurice had the day, and pursued the victory the space of five miles with slaughter and taking of prisoners.
Undated. Endorsed :—“To Mr. Edward Reynolds.” 1 p. (80. 102.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Roger Houghton.
1600, June 23. Roger, I send you hereinclosed two bills for the charge of victualling my Lo. Admiral's pinnace, the Lion's Whelp, amounting to 217l. 5s. 11d. ob., laid out by Stalleng by commandment from me, who (together with my Lord Thomas Howard) am to bear the charge of setting her forth. Stalleng doth desire the money to be paid to this bearer Thomas Toser, which I would have you deliver him accordingly, and reserve the bills in safety to be showed to my Lord Thomas.—From the Court this Monday morning, 23rd of June, 1600.
Signed. Addressed :—“To my servant, Roger Houghton, at my house in the Strand.” ¼ p. (180. 121.)
Enclosing :
1600, June 17.—(1.) Stallenge's account for victualling the Lion's Whelp, 3 June to 11th October, 1600.—Plymouth, the 17th of June, 1600. 1 p. (180. 122.)
(2.) Particulars of the above account.—Plymouth, the 16th of June, 1600.
Rations consist of biscuit, beef, “dry Newland fish,” beer, butter and cheese.
Daily allowance per man, 1lb. biscuit, 1 gallon of beer, half a piece of beef, about ¼ of a salt cod, 5/7oz. of butter and 1 3/7oz. of cheese. 1 p. (180. 123.)
The Archduke of Austria to his Council.
1600, June 24./July 4. Vous aurez entendu comme je m'étais parti de Bruges, pour aller trouver l'ennemi qui s'était saisi d'Oudenbourch, et des forts de la en tour que Ton me disait vouloir entrer au West quartier de Flandres, et mettre à contribution le pays de Furnamvocht. Dieu fut servi que le meme jour Oudenburch se rendit et [je] passay jusques à celui de Snaeskercke, qui fut pareillement pris, et peu de temps après me venaient nouvelles que l'ennemi était encore audit quartier et avait passé le canal à basse marée, pour entrer en pays. Je m'acheminais vers là, en intention de le combattre, et fis le passage si heureusement que arrivant vers Ostend fut rencontre son avantgarde, avec trois pieces d'artillerie, laquelle fut si vivement chargée qu'elle y demeura toute. Et entendant de quelques prisonniers que l'ennemi venait derrière, je me resolu de faire passer outre ma bonne fortune, et Taller charger aux dunes près dudit Nieuport, et dura le combat trois heures, et ja la victoire était comme notre, et son canon en notre pouvoir, mais notre cavallerie étant chargée de celle dudit ennemi, se vint sauver en notre arrière garde, ce que voyant je la fis retourner et chargèrent l'ennemi assez “fleschement,” dequoi s'appercevant il retourne pour la seconde fois sur eux, qui derechef se viendrent sauver en notre arrière garde et rompre la plus grande partie d'icelle, que causa que l'infanterie perdit courage de passer outre, et poursuivre cette victoire qu'elle avait gagnée avec tant d'honneur, et lors se commenca la retraite, Et ores que ledit ennemi soit demeuré sur le lieu, si ne s'en louera il grandement pour avoir perdu sans comparaison plus de gens que nous. Je suis été un peu blessé en la tête de sur l'oreille, mais ce n'est chose de moment. Dont je vous ai bien voulu avertir, afin qu'entendiez ceque se passe, et que pour, ce jen'ai perdu courage, mais fais ressembler les gens qui se sont trouvés en ce rencontre du dam, avec autres trois mille hommes que ne s'y sont trouvés, de sorte qu'en peu de jours j'aurai quasi les mêmes forces qu'auparavant, pour derechef nous en servir contre ledit ennemi, voulant esperer que vous autres tiendrez la main, que je sois assisté des Provinces, comme j'écris aux gouverneurs en particulier, et que avec icelles et lesdits forces Dieu me donnera la grace de pouvoir rompre Tennemi, puis que la quetelle est sienne.—Gand, 4 Juillet 1600.
Copie de la lettre que l'archiduc d'Austrice &c.. écrit à ceux de son Conseil d'Etat après la bataille de Flandres. Soussigné Albert, et plus bas, J. Levasseur. La superscription était, “Ames cousins, et nos treschers et feaulx, ceux de notre Couseil d'Etat.”
Copie de Faccord fait à leurs Altesses par les Etats Généraux des Provinces assembles à Bruxelles. Sur la demande et requisition qu'ont fait leurs Altesses sérénissimes à Messieurs les Etats Généraux, assemblés à Bruxelles. Ont résolu lesdits Etats Généraux que durant la guerre ils maintiendront aux frais du pays dix mille hommes d'infanterie, et autres neuf mille aux garnisons, et trois mille chevaux, dont les cinq cents seront chevaux legers, et les deux mille cinq cents seront des “bendes” [? bandes] des ordonnances et gens du pays. Outre ce, ledits Etats Généraux maintiendront aux frais du pays les gens de guerre de l'Admirante de la mer et davantage lesdits Etats Généraux ont consenti pour le maintienment de la maison de leur Altesses sérénissimes (outre leur ordinaire) deux cents cinquante mille florins par an. Tout ce que dessus dit est, se payera par les mains du Tresorier General desdits Etats Généraux. Et auront lesdits Etats l'autorité pour lever lesdits deniers par tels moyens que seront le moins nuisibles et plus agréables audit pays. Et leur Altesses sérénissimes ont le tout accepté et s'obligent qu'elles feront par le premier donner paiement aux Espagnols et autres “Mutinez.” Et que dorenavant seront à leur charge tous les étrangers tant à cheval que à pied, et les feront á chacun mois payer des deniers que viennent et dorenavant viendront d'Espagne : tant ordinaires que extraordinaires. Et que icelles Altesses préserveront le pays de foules des soldats et étrangers.
Endorsed :—“Copy of the Archduke's letter to the Council of State of the battle fought by Niewport : and of the grant by the States there granted for maintaining of the war. 1600.” 2 pp. (80. 101.)
Rice Jones, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 24. Touching Mr. Woodde, the victualler for her Majesty's forces in Munster. He rode from hence on the 16th day of this month towards Devonshire and Cornwall, intending to return hither about 6 days hence; at whose return I will give him knowledge of your pleasure. I will take due care to send the packet of letters received on the 20th of this month to be sent to the mayor of Cork.—At Bristol the 24th of June, 1600.
Endorsed :—“Bristol at 9 of the clock in the morning 24 of June” : “at Hounslow half hour past 12 of the clock in the night the 24th June.”
Holograph. ½ p. (76. 15.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to the Privy Council.
1600, June 24. Stronge, an Irish merchant, brought him a letter from the Council, written in the time of the late Lord Treasurer, directed to the writer, Sir William Bevill and the now Sir Jonathan Trelawney, directing them to cause John Killigrew to make Stronge satisfaction for certain hides and other commodities bought out of a ship belonging to Godard of Hampton. Killigrew has offered satisfaction for so much as came to his hands, or to ride with Stronge to the Council, alleging he bought the hides of known merchants. Stronge not accepting the offer, Killigrew has signed the enclosed bond to appear before the Council to answer the complaint.—Godolphin, 24 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 55.)
The Enclosure :
The bond referred to.—24 June, 1600.
Signed, sealed and witnessed. ½ p. (80. 54.)
Henry Leighe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 24. I have by my poor daughter presented unto her Majesty several petitions for my liberty, most humbly praying that the consideration thereof may be referred to your wisdom. But it seemeth her Majesty's pleasure is therein suspended until my Lord Scrope, or some other, do further solicit, which now upon his Lordship's return, I hope will be attempted. Wherein I do desire your honourable remembrance, not omitting to give you due thanks for restraining the payment of my pension according to my desire by Sir John Stanhope, whereby, I protest, I seek not to defraud them but only to furnish my present necessity.—From the Gatehouse this 24 of June, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 124.)
News from Paris.
1600, June 25. As at all times and in all other things here, opinions are diverse and reports inconstant, so now specially in the occurrents of Savoy, during the King's absence. But some say the Savoyard will continue amity, others that he will enter into enmity, that he hath already defeated the King's guards, and spoiled the Queen of her baggage : though M. de Gondy reported but two days ago that the Duke of Savoy makes exceeding great preparation to entertain the King and all the Court at a town of his. Notwithstanding, it is certain that there are threescore pieces of cannon sent to Moulins in Burbonnois, which some “conster” shall serve (together with the Savoyard's levies) to give the aubade to the Duchy of Milan. The good angel of this King in his warlike enterprises may perhaps be a counterguard to the fatality of that country, which the learned Pasquier well describes in his epistles (talking of the Duke of Guise his happiness to reconduct safely the French forces, in the time of Henry le 2, though he did execute nothing at all) when he says, “L'Italie est un pays qui alleche les francoys a sa conqueste, pour puis leur servir de cimetire.” The bruit that the King should be seized with a paralizie, is of three or four days' standing, and is no otherwise credited than an inconstant report.
The news of the Low Countries finds, I am sure, a quicker passage into England than by these quarters, especially when it gives so good occasion to add allegresse to the feux de joye of St. Peter and St. Jehan. The wounding of the Archduke, of Monsieur d'Aumale, the “captivating” of the Admiral of Arragon, the slaying of 20 Spanish captains, and of 5 English, whereof Captain Bostocke, Lieutenant to Sir William Stanly, is the chief; is thought will serve to rouse the Archduke out of the sleep, wherein the “lodinum” of his amorous affections has lulled him, and make him know that it is more importing to follow his camp than court his mistress. If he think to maintain the renown of a captain with the spirit of a cardinal, and that the beads of a hermit is a sufficient buckler against the bullets of a Huguenot, he may soon transform his sceptre into a “bourdon” and his 17 provinces into a cell of scarce 7 foot long. In the meantime these fortunate successes will out-countenance the gravity of the Sp[anish] Commissioners at Boulogne, and make them counsel their master rather to give over a loser than take his revenge. But then (saith Signor Perez) the Romains will use Caius Marius like a corslet, which during the war is varnished, gilded and used, and afterwards laid up to rust in the armoury. Being with him the other day, he told me that he would fain write to you, but his apprehensive humour will be first assured that all things are calmed and all parties contented.
Undated. Endorsed :—“From Paris, 25 June, 1600.” 1½ pp. (80. 56.)
Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] June 25. The 21 his Excellency sat down before Nieuport, leaving Count Ernestus with some 3,000 foot and 6 cornets of horse on the side next Ostend, divided from the rest of his army by the haven. About 1 of the clock that night came news that the enemy had taken Odenburgh by composition, cut in pieces a strong company at Snastarker, and made on to find us. His Excellency presently despatched Ernestus to break a bridge in the midway, and to dispute that passage, until he with the army come to his second. But Ernestus encountered by the enemy on the way was presently routed, and ran away himself with his “dach,” only the Scottish regiment stood fast and died bravely, scarce any officer save the colonel and two captains, and very few soldiers escaping. The enemy encouraged by this defeat, and proud as he thought of a certain victory, advanced, hoping to have possessed that side of the haven, and cut off our retreat; but we prevented him, safely transporting and embattling our army before his foot were in sight. Impossibility to eschew a battle or to escape by flight (fronted by an army, and environed with an enemy country of much disadvantage and difficulty of passage) forced our resolution to fight bravely. The Archduke in person commanded : his army between 7 and 8 thousand foot and 1,000 horse. The foot composed of Spaniards, Italians, and Wallons, he divided into 3 main squadrons : the vanguard of Spaniards led by Dan Louis de Villar, Don Giorolamo di Monroy, and Gaspar Sapena. The battle of Italians and some Wallons led by Don Alfonso d'Avolo, Laberlot, and a nephew of Sir William Stanlies : the rear of Wallons commanded by the Count of Bucquoy, a young man of much expectation : the horse by the Amirante of Arragon : our foot about 8,000, our horse 1,100: the foot divided into two main commands, the vanguard to Sir Fr. Vere, the rear to Count Psalms the eldest : the horse under Count Lodowick : both horse, and foot disposed into divers battalions and to the best advantage. Thus ordered and commanded we beheld each other at least two hours. About 3 of the clock the enemy advanced, passing on a fair sand, the sea on his right hand and the downs on his left most uneven and sandy. We expected his charge, having by Sir Francis Vere's wise providence possessed the most advantageous places of the downs : which the enemy (after divers “tirs” of great ordnance passing through the squadrons of either army) performed with incredible courage, beating the Frisons and other well esteemed troops from places of advantage : which charge they continued with such resolution as constrained our most selected squadrons to shake : our horse (on the other side of the downs on a spacious low plain) fronting the enemy's suddenly, apprehended such fear as had not God withheld the enemy's charge, which they once proffered, the battle had undoubtedly been lost : but such was His mercy as ours, rallying their battalions, charged and utterly overthrew the enemy's. The foot at the same time so bravely pressing on, as theirs retired, in which disorder three or four of our cornets of horse giving on their flank, put them all in rout. The fight continued in heat at least two hours and a half. The enemy hath lost, as is reported, 4,000 of his best men. The Archduke escaped by flight : the Amirante of Arragon, Don Luigi di Villar, and Sapena are prisoners : many other men of much note slain, but yet the particulars uncertain. 110 colours taken. We have lost at least 1,500 men, besides those in the morning that were with Ernestus : many of our best captains, and especially of the English : who all conclude this day to have won the prize. His Excellency performed the part of a wise and industrious captain, but referred much of the direction unto Sir Fra. Vere, who received two shot, one under and another above the knee; but hath won much reputation, omitting nothing beseeming a most wise and expert man of war. Myself have received a light hurt on my face with a sword, and two several shot, on the boulster of my saddle. As yet I cannot well go abroad, and therefore am not best furnished of our resolutions for future; but it is said Don Luigi di Valasio approacheth with fresh troops, and ours are so decayed and weakened that I doubt our future undertakings this year will not be great.—Ostend, 25 June, st. vet.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Gray. 1600.” 3 pp. (80. 57.)
Sir John Haryngton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] June 25. Details his reasons for differing from the course intended for the proclamation about knights : there being a bruit that all knights knighted in August and since shall be published in her Majesty's name to be no knights. Draws a parallel between the conferring of knighthood and baptism, with illustrations from cases in which St. Ambrose and King Edward were concerned, concluding that the rite cannot be annulled. The annulling was expected in November last, and if it must be done, had better have been done then than now. He then heard Cecil and the Lord Admiral marvellously commended for contesting against that dangerous example, which is now more dangerous. Prays Cecil to continue his endeavour to stay the proclamation, which (to omit many more serious considerations) will be accompanied with the secret and most bitter curses of divers and some very fair ladies, who are not yet so good philosophers as to neglect honour and embrace patience : or at least to have a proviso that the ladies may still hold their places.—Greenwich, 25 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600. Sir John Harrington.” 1 p. (80. 62.)
Henry Knowlis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 25. At length I have found out Mr. M., and am come up of purpose to let you understand where he is. I was at Court to-day, thinking to have found you there, but missing you, I thought good to send to know whether you will command me any service while you are here, or whether I shall attend you at Court. I durst not come to your house in the Strand for being seen, and therefore I thought good not to stir from my inn till I have direction from you.—From the Angel in Islington, 25 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 63.)
Richard Beacon to Mr. Hickes.
[? 1600,] June 25. Has information of sundry matters which may greatly profit the Master of the Wards, and has chosen Hickes, in regard of his former courtesies, to have a hand in this service. Asks him to appoint a time and place of conference thereon.—June 25.
Holograph. ½ p. (251. 102.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 26. The 22nd I received your letters, perceiving how the charges for victualling the Guyana is to be borne. The account for so much thereof as is here provided, I doubt not but Mr. Darell hath shewed unto you, being sent unto him by the last packet. The ship as yet is not here arrived : at her coming I will deliver your letters to Captain Middelton, and effect the rest according to your commandment. Her Majesty's ships, with the Lyon's Whelpe, set sail this afternoon about three of the clock, and are now out of sight of this place. I pray God send them a prosperous voyage.—Plymouth, 26 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 59.)
Sir John Rooper to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600,] June 27. As to Cecil's desire to purchase his house in the Strand, details his reasons for not parting with it. He has the inheritance of the next house to it, but it is in lease for many years.—From my poor house in Kent, 27 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (80. 60.)
Battle of Nieuport.
1600, June 27./July 7. Articles extraits hors d'une lettre écrite à Bruxelles. 7 Juillet, 1600.
Le 3 Juillet il arriva nouvelles en Anvers de Malines que les troupes de l'Archeduc avait mis en pieces 5,000 Hollandais, pour lesquelles nouvelles ils sonnerent les grosses cloches comme un signe de victoire. Et le jour ensuivant, venant en cette ville, j'y trouvai grand changement ausdites nouvelles : car il semble qu'ils y ont euxmêmes perdu autant de gens, étant l'Archeduc contraint s'enfuir seulement avec 3 chevaux et vint à Bruges. La pluspart de sa garde a été taillé en pieces avec la pluspart de ses courtisans : lesquels avaient estimé tenir déja le Conte Maurice prisonnier, consul tans entr'eux ou il serait mené. Aucuns le voulaient en Espagne, autres sur le chateau d'Anvers, et autres sur le chateau de Namur. Mais ils sont deçus en leurs dessins. Ceux qui sont pris prisonnier ou ceux qui sont tués nous est inconnu, à cause qu'ils le tiennent fort secret. Mais le Conte de la Perre et l'Admirant auraient été pris. Je crois avec autres que ledit Admirant sera envoyé aux princes d'Allemagne la où il sera en un beau trouble. Plusieurs se réjouissent quil y [a] autant d'Espagnols et Italians dépèchés.
Ici se fait grandes préparations pour tirer tous les soldats hors des garnisons, et les mener en Flandres, à faire (selon qu'on dit) encore un coup d'armes. Dieu nous doint une bonne paix.
Les Etats de ces Province's ont conclu et resolu de lever et tenir 20 mille hommes à leur charge, çt ordonneront des commissaires et officiers pour les payer eux mêmes, et doivent avoir gens de ces nations, à savoir Wallers, Flamens et Allemans. Si le Due veut avoir gens d'autres nations, il les payera lui même.
Cependant que j'écrivais cette lettre, Ton m'appella au diner, et trouvais à table un capitaine lequel a été en la bataille près de Nieuport, lequel capitaine s'appelle Capt. Boudberche; sa compagnie qu'y sont de gens de cheval la ½ est en garnison à Berck sur le Rhin, et l'autre ½ à Mittler. Ledit Capitaine me référa qu'ils étaient forts en tout de 12 mille hommes, desquels 3,000 demeurerent avec le bagage, dont la plupart étaient Flamens. Et en Farmée y avait environ de 9 mille hommes, tant Espagnols qu'Italiens, desquels il me dit en secret qu'ils estimait y en avoir plus de 6,000 hommes tués, Fayant vu lui même de ses yeux, un homme de bonne reputation, et bien estimé, il avait été ici pour certaines autres affaires, et étant au camp il avait à se montrer un homme, encore qu'il n'eut sa compagnie, chevaux, ni ses armes, sinon qu'un cheval de louage sur lequel il chevauchait, se tenant auprès de L'Archiduc. Le principale cause de leur ruine fut, dit il, que les Espagnols voulaient faire tout à leur fantaisie sans ouir aucun bon conseil.
Le Due y fût blessé entre Foreille et la joue d'un coup de courtelas, lequel coup fût en partie retenu par un de ceux qu'y étaient autour de lui, et n'eut été cela il eut eu la tête fendue.
Au reste il dit que c'était une belle bataille, et qu'il eut volontiers donné plusieurs mille florins pour être hors de la melée assure de sa vie. II y perdit son bagage, et eut deux de ses gens tués. La Borlotte s'enfuit à grand galop.
Endorsed :—“Advertisements from Antwerp.” 1 p. (80. 77.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 27. Having some occasion to pass this way at this time, I have thought good to advertise you of some such things as happened to my understanding by the way, which I send your Honour here inclosed. For the speeches of Blewett, he utterly denieth them; but, as it may appear, he was not himself at that time, and being before me carrieth himself very civilly, but others of them be far more out of order, being men of several spirits. I have wished Blewett to carry himself so as he may deserve the mercy her Majesty hath hitherunto extended towards him. Who promiseth to do it and to advertise such other as be more disordered to be of better carrying, but, for Knyght, I see he is of a more puissant spirit. I find in my travel that the book of orders for the matter of corn came forth in very good time and is very greatly to the content of the people. There is an unhappy accident fallen out in Norfolk upon Tuesday last, for North Walsham, being one of the principal market towns of that shire, is in effect wholly burned to the ground, and not without suspicion to be done by some rogues, a people that the realm must be eased of by some means, or otherwise, I expect no better at their hands but rather worse.—At Wisbçch the xxvii of June, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“With an examination.” Seal. 1¾ pp. (180. 125.)
Enclosing :
1600, June 27.—Examination of Thomas Larke, gentleman, Nicholas Knyght and William Brewster, all taken on the 27 June, 1600.
Thomas Larke.
Nicholas Knyght, one of the prisoners at Wisbech, said to examinant, being in the Castle yard on a visit to his kinsman, William Brewster, that he, Knyght, was above the Queen, for she carried the sword in her left hand but he in his right hand, and she ruled in temporal causes but he in spiritual. When asked how he dared say such things, he said he cared not, for he had been before Popham and the proudest knave of them all. This happened on Wednesday last in the evening.
Nicholas Knyght
Denies having used any such speeches, but says that his succession is royal as her Majesty's succession is royal.
This Knyght and one Brewster being the most unruly, I have advised the keeper to commit them close to some private chamber by themselves, where they may be restrained from the rest and from all other company.
William Brewster.
About the latter end of May last, Thomas Blewett talking with this examinate touching the orders set down, said in some rage that the Council were boys and children, and did they knew not what, but he sayeth withal that he taketh it that he was then overtaken with some distemperature through drink, for ever before and after he did and hath carried himself very orderly, and reproved others of his fellows when they were any way disordered.
In Popham's hand. Signed by him, Larke and Brewster. 3 pp. (180. 126.)
Tobias [Matthew], Bishop of Durham, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 27. I have been unwilling to trouble your Honour by writing, nor would I now have altered my purpose but that Thomas Pallaser, the seminary priest, very lately apprehended hereabout, did, after his examination and commitment, entreat me to advertise you thereof, and to put you in remembrance that at his escape out of the Gatehouse in Westminster, he left there a letter directed to you, by which token he desired me to commend his service to your Honour
This priest, a lusty bold fellow, was taken by Mr. Sanderson of Newcastle-upon-Tyne upon midsummer day last, not without the the imminent peril of his life. Mr. Sanderson's services were well known to my dear lord your father and to the late Lord President of the North, and I have thought fit to enclose some particulars of them for your perusal, beseeching you to second her Majesty's most gracious acceptance of his suit, and that he may quietly possess and enjoy her royal grant. He hath been long hindered by some, by others slandered, the rents due to him detained, yet his rents to her Majesty duly answered. The recusant is yet in hope to cast him out, and to get the lease to himself or his; directly he cannot, but indirectly. If this poor gentleman have the foil, the religious service of God and her Majesty in these forlorn corners of the realm will fail and fall away as water that runneth apace. Had your father lived (oh! that he had lived the days of Nestor, yea, of Methusalem!) he would never have suffered so faithful an officer and so well deserving a subject to be so oppressed as Mr. Sanderson will be without your present assistance.—From Stokton, my Tusculanum, 27 June, 1600.
Holograph. 2 pp. (180. 127.)
Enclosing :
A Note of Henri/ Sanderson s Employments.
27 June, 1600.—In anno 1589, by two seminary priests taken about Dover, it was discovered that South Shields, a port town in the mouth of Tyne, nigh Newcastle, was the chief landing place for Jesuits and seminary priests, and for bringing in of Mass books and other Popish and traitorous books, and the like for passage outwards in conveying youths and others beyond the seas to the seminaries, having for this purpose a house at Shields belonging to one Ursula Taylor, a recusant, to receive and lodge them; one Lawrence Kellam, a treasurer reseant there to furnish them with money and other needful provisions, and one George Errington, a lusty tall gentleman, well horsed and armed, to guide and convey them to such gentlemen's houses and other places as they were assigned unto. This was certified to me, being then Dean of Durham, by the late Earl of Huntingdon, then Lord President, and by Sir Francis Walsingham, then principal Secretary, requiring me to employ Mr. Sanderson to break the nest of that traitorous crew, which service was by him so faithfully performed as he forced the priests to seek elsewhere for landing places. Some of them were taken two and three together coming into Newcastle by an unaccustomed way; and having long hunted these “ledgers” from place to place he apprehended George Errington hand to hand, being their chieftain and guide, and, shortly after, Ursula Taylor. The which Errington was sent to York and there executed for his Popish treasons.
After this, Mr. Sanderson discovered and surprised a number of Popish and traitorous books sent from Rheims and other places beyond the seas in barrels and fardels, landed at Shields and thence conveyed by water to Newcastle in baskets covered over with fresh fish, by Robert Jackson of Newcastle. Which Jackson was by him apprehended, and being conveyed to London, died in prison.
He apprehended other dangerous persons, some being reconciled to the church of Rome.
He procured divers intelligences by direction of the late Lord Treasurer, as well concerning the Irish bishop then in Scotland as otherwise.
In Anno 1592, when the Privy Council, by her Majesty s commandment, wrote to the then Lord President of the North, signifying her pleasure that the principal recusants should be committed to some fit places of roomth and strength, and to make choice of some discreet gentleman to take charge of them, Brancepeth Castle was chosen for that service, and Mr. Sanderson appointed to the custody thereof. Which office he performed faithfully to his great charge, and sustains much hatred therefor to this day. Westmoreland's eldest daughter and this William Blaxton were the chief that thither were committed.
By secret direction of the Privy Council, Mr. Sanderson apprehended a Scottish laird called Ogleby that came from the court above, kept him safe 40 days and sent up his letters and papers. Mr. Sanderson received for this service her Majesty's thanks by Sir Robert Cecil's letter written to me.
And now of late, by commission from the Archbishop and Council at York, he valiantly apprehended William Blaxton, esquire, aforenamed, the most obstinate and dangerous recusant in all these parts, whom no man for these 7 years by past durst lay hands on. For which Mr. Sanderson is hated and persecuted, to the wreck of his estate, the discouragement of all that love religion, and the quite overthrow of her Highness s service in these parts, if by her the same be not in time prevented.
Besides, he hath advanced her Majesty's revenues in the port of Newcastle from 159l. to 1,000l. per ann., which amongst the rest of his services, procureth him no little hatred in Newcastle.
He hath also raised to her Majesty's use the rents of certain recusants lands in this country from 18l. to 200l per ann., which no man was willing to enter into before, such is their alliances and clans.
Finally, he did, upon Midsummerday last, enter the house of one John Norton, of Lamesley in the County Palatine of Durham, and there took Thomas Pallaser, seminary priest, together with the said John Norton and Margaret his wife, Richard Sayer, of Worsall in Yorkshire, gent., and John Talbot, of Thorneton in the Street in the same county, yeoman, and brought away all the superstitious massing stuff and prohibited books belonging to the said priest there found. At what time the said Mr. 'Norton followed Mr. Sanderson up and down the house with a fowling piece charged with hail shot;and by him discharged at Mr. Sanderson. In the doing whereof one of my men present at that service thrust the said Norton with his rapier under the arm, whereby, as God would, qlthough he discharged the said piece, yet his aim and level Jailed, to the praise of God and wonderment of all that stood by, every man there looking that at the crack of the shot Mr. Sanderson had been slain.
Much more might be said of his good desert, but I think this may suffice for him to be allowed to enjoy the benefit of her Majesty's princely bounty of a lease of a part of Blaxton's lands granted unto him, the rent whereof he hath paid this year and a half past.
Attested and signed. 3 pp. (180. 129.)
Robert King to Lord —.
1600, June 27/July 7. Right honourable, I have wrote you two letters out of Spain, the one of the 17th January, the other of 19th February. The effect of the first was that the West Indies fleet was looken for every hour, the other was of their arrival at St. Lucus the 10th of February after the new style, and the treasure which the King had in them, which was 12 millions in coin and 10 millions in cochineal and other merchandise; likewise some matter of the States; which letters, I doubt not, but you received by way of Dieppe.
Being here at Midelborough, I presumed to write your Lordship these few lines of the proceedings of his Excellency, who departed from the Ramekines the 22th June with as many gallant men for such a number (which were esteemed eighteen thousand foot and twenty-eight cornets of horsemen) as ever I saw in any prince's force. In Christiandin, there was 1,500 hoys and crabsceuts to pass them over into Flanders right against the Ramkins. Some two days after, 23 sail of hoys went for Ostend, and, being calm, four galleys came out of Sluys and chased them. Young Bancker following them, they assailed him and, being calm, they had their will in boarding him four times, slew him and 28 men and hurt 13, but took him not. And then they boarded the hoys, took 16, burnt 12, and 4 they brought into Sluys, but cast most of the men overboard. The rest they make galley slaves.
Three days after, the Grave took in the four sconces which annoyed Ostend, whereof Oudenbourgh was the best; in which he left 6 companies, and so he marched towards Nieuwport, took in Nieuwdam, and so entrenched himself before Nieuwport.
In the mean time, Archduke drew a head near Oudenbourgh, took it in dismissing those companies of their arms and colours, promised them safe passage to their camp, notwithstanding slew the most part.
The Earl, not being truly of their forces, quarters the Scottish regiment and the Zealand regiment of Flemings near that sconce. The enemy being then 6,000 foot, old soldiers, and 4,000 “bowers” [boers] and 17 cornet horse, one Sunday morning charged these two regiments, slew all the Scots save 300, and no commander left but Colonel Edmonds and one captain and five “Duck” [Dutch] captains. Which news coming, the Earl raised his siege and marched towards the “Duck” who came with such an assurance, having received their sacrament not to leave one alive, receiving the charge given by Grave Lodowick with 500 horse and some foot, forced the retreat to him so that not only he but those regiments that seconded Grave Lodowick to the retreat. Insomuch that his Excellency was urged to set up his rest, encouraging his army, showing them their choice was either to take the sea and drown or fight for their, lives and country, and so with a resolution charged the enemy, broke in and put the most part to the sword, no man of sort escaping but the duke, which once was prisoner to a horseman, the duke being accompanied by duke Sallius, who being more richly apparelled, refused the duke and took him.
These are the names of the men of worth who are prisoners—Ladmirante Daragon, the duke of Sallius, the duke of La Fere, Don Loys de Velasco, Don Charles de Sapino.
The names of the dead. The Earl de Boucquoy, Don Ambrosio Landriano, general of the horse, Monsignor La Flesme, Don John de Rinos, earl. Frederick de Berge, La Borlotte, the traitor Standly (as they paint him).
This according to the States' letters.
Your L. shall understand here is at Midelburgh, Bourly, of Fife in Scotland, who hath served the emperor; who is now sent out of Scotland by the King to provide, and hath already both six thousand corslets in my knowled [ge], ten thousand pikes, with four thousand musket and calivers, and is gone this day to the army to crave convoyance of his Excellency and the States. He saith the States have already granted him one of their best ships, which shall carry a part of these armours. Beseeching you to excuse an ill clerk.—From Midelborough, the 7th of July of the new style, 1600.
Holograph. 3½ pp. (180. 136.)
Phillip Cowper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 28. On Friday, June 13, I came from Mundego in Portingal, which is 20 leagues from Lishborne, wherein I remained 7 weeks : and at my departure thence, there were at Lishborne 7 gallions with 9 other ships ready (as the report went) to go to sea, to aid home 5 carricks from the East Indians, who are expected in July. About Michaelmas, they look for 4 carricks more thence. During the time I was in Portugal, it was my chance to be in the city of Quimborrowe, wherein I remained 12 days, which is 7 leagues up in the country from Mundego, and the direct way from Lishborne to the Groyne, and wherein were divers Castile soldiers which travelled from Lishborne to the Groyne, who said that the Lantatho would be with a fleet of shipping very shortly at the Groyne, which should come from Cales and St. Lucas, and that they were appointed to stay at the Groyne for the coming of the Lantatho : but I could not learn that there were in the Groyne above 13 great ships, besides other small ships which were there. At my coming thence, there were 4 flyboats which came from the Groyne to clear the Portingal coasts of English men-of-war. There is one great ship which is preparing ready in the port of Portingal for the King's fleet, but whether it be for Lishborne or the Groyne I do not know. The King himself has been very sick of late till within these seven weeks past, but now he is recovered. The common report of the Portingals is that the Flemings which trade to the East Indians will be cut off from that trade, for (as they say) the King has many soldiers lying there. The Portingals also are in great hope that their own King, Sebastian, is alive, and now they have a Portingal which is Viceroy over them. Other news I cannot certify you of, but giving my Lord High Admiral and you thanks for my pass, although a carvell of Plymouth meeting me somewhat off Viana, took from me in cloth the value of four score pounds, and did hurt me very sore, so that I was therewith very sick, or else I had travelled to Lishborne, and then I would have certified you of other news if there were any.—Bristol, 28 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 61.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 28. By my last of the 26th, I certified you the departure of her Majesty's ships from this harbour, which since have not been heard of, although the wind having been no better than it hath been, I doubt they are not passed to the Westward of the Land's End. As yet the Guyana is not here arrived, whereat I much marvel, for so much as I understand she hath been long from London. Her victuals are ready to be laden so soon as she cometh. This morning I received your letter from Mr. Woodd, which I have thought meet to return again herewith, being given to understand that he departed from hence on Tuesday last towards the Court.—Plymouth, 28 June, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 64.)
J. W. Bornstra to the Queen.
1600, June 28. On the subject of his grievances. Asks to be called before the Council to give explanations with regard to Sir Henry “Kilgre,” &c..—“Grenevich Aula Regia, 28 anno 1600, stilo Angliæ.”
Holograph. Latin. Endorsed :—“To her Majesty from the Dutch Captain Bourstrawe, June 1600.” 1 p. (80. 65.)
Sir C. Davers to the Earl of Southampton.
1600, June 29. By my letter by Mr. Hunnings, you might perceive how all things stood when he went away. My Lord of Essex's delivery from his keeper hath been ever since expected, but deferred from day to day upon some occasion or other. First, it was thought fit that it should be delivered in the Star Chamber by my Lord Keeper unto the gentlemen of the country before their going down, how far her Majesty at the hearing at York House had been justified and my Lord proved faulty; then, the judges should have in charge to relate as much in the country in their circuits; and all this was thought necessary to be done before any liberty should be granted, lest the world should think mercy to be shewed too much without discretion. After these courses were taken and past, the next Sunday was appointed for the day .whereon order should be taken to give him the liberty of his house, but that day was put over in respect her Majesty was somewhat moved, for that by search of her letters in one of her caskets she had found herself to have been wrongfully charged by my Lord of Essex to have pardoned my Lord of Leicester's coming over after he had received a strait prohibition under her hand, whereas by this letter found out it appeared he had her leave to come over. On Sunday last the world was entertained with the like expectation, but nothing was effected, for her Majesty would hear of [? no] motion about that matter till some order were taken about the degrading of all the knights made since August last, for about that her Majesty wrote a letter to my Lord that her pleasure was not that he should make any more but such as were of special quality. It was thought fit should be done by proclamation, which was drawn and signed four days since, but retained from publishing till the Council's coming to the Court this day. It is said they have all of purpose to represent the inconveniences of that course, and to be suitors to her Majesty both for the stay of the proclamation and my Lord's liberty, and I would have been glad to have deferred this letter till we might have seen what success this day would bring forth, but the messenger hath sent me word that he must needs be gone, and I have rather chosen to send him away with thus much than nothing at all.—London, 29 June, 1699 (sic).
[P.S.]—The success of the great battle in Flanders between the two armies, I hear is sent to my Lord Deputy from Mr. Secretary, and therefore I omit it.
Holograph. Endorsed (? by Reynolds) :—“1599”; and in a later hand, “1600.” 2 pp. (71. 18.)
Dr. Overall.
1600, June 4–30. 1. “A breefe note of the occasion and whole proceedinge of the conference with Dor. Overall about certaine poyntes in Religion. Readde and delivered to Mr. Dor. Soame, vice-chancellor, before the Heads, June 4, 1600.”
The occasion, June '99. Great offence arising amongst Dr. Overall's auditors, specially about the beginning of June '99, upon certain points of doctrine by him publicly delivered in the Schools in his Divinity lectures and determinations, like to grow to further inconvenience, it was thought necessary by the Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Dr. Jegon, and his assistants, to refer the same to a conference, the rather for that the Vice-Chancellor had been earnestly moved by divers divines, being auditors at the said exercises, by some good means to prevent the same, part of which offensive doctrine by them then exhibited in writing appeareth under the Register's hand, pag. 2.
At a conference held on June 20, Dr. Goade and Mr. Chaderton were appointed to confer with Dr. Overall. Dr. Overall taking exceptions against the articles of his auditors, set down with his own hand his opinion touching the same, which the Vice-Chancellor then delivered to the Register, willing him to deliver to Dr. Goade and Mr. Chaderton copies thereof, which in short time was received concerning these heads :—1. De justificatione et fide. 2. De Antichristo. 3. De descensu ad Inferos. Then first were privately selected certain propositions (out of these confused theses received from the Register) to the number of 16. The Commencement drawing on and other occasions of absence (viz. Mr. Chaderton's journey to the Court to answer letters from her Majesty for the space of a fortnight) they could not conveniently meet before the 31 Aug., upon which day, perusing the 16 selected propositions, they agreed in eight and disagreed in the other eight—out of which eight wherein they differed were then set down by common consent the state, words and sense of these five questions to be conferred upon.
1. Homo electus justificatus lapsus in gravia peccata justification e imputata caret, donec resipiscat. 1. Fit reus sive obligatus açl pænam æternam donec per penitentiam et fidem restauratur.
2. Homo electus justificatus lapsus in gravia peccata amittit ad tempus fidem justificantem.
3. Mahometan sive Turcam et Papam simul constituere Antichristum ilium in Scripturis prædictum, est verisimile.
4. Animam Christi tarn ad Cætum damnatorum auam beatorum concessisse, nihil in scripturis impedit.
5. Animas patrum ante Christi ascensionem, etsi fuerint in linu Abrahæ et loco beatitudinis, non tamen fuisse in cælo proprie dicto, constat.
Dr. Overall holding the affirmative and they the negative, and it was then agreed to put down their brief reasons by the 6 Sept.
After giving the history of a number of meetings, and charging Dr. Overall with delaying the issue, Dr. Goade and Mr. Chaderton go on to say :—Finally, on Oct. 20, we delivered up in writing in the Consistory to Mr. Vice-Chancellor and his assistants (being then present with him), Drs. Goade, Soame, Barwell, Clayton, Overall, Montagu and Mr. Chaderton, our reasons and brief answers according to his brief marginal answer, then signifying that we intended a larger answer by the end of that
Michaelmas term. Both which were then publicly read. And Dr. Overall then openly acknowledged that he had consented to the words and state of the five questions as they were set down and there read, albeit (as he then said) they were not by him alone so conceived, to which we answer that neither were they conceived by us, but jointly agreed upon by us all. At which meeting he seemed only offended at our reference of Amandus Polanus his answer to Bellarmine's arguments, terming him a scarecrow, not meet to be accounted among divines, and a shame to have such alleged. Whereunto it was answered, it was strange he would take upon him so to disgrace a learned professor and defender of the truth, and find no fault with an arch-adversary Bellarmine, besides that Polanus his book was allowed by the Vice-Chancellor and others to be translated and printed in Cambridge, being indeed not inferior to Bellarmine.
About the end of Michaelmas term we delivered to Mr. Vice-Chancellor the whole conference in writing, together with our larger answer, praying him to acquaint the Heads therewith by his discretion, that it might in time convenient be brought to the first intended issue.
Signed :—Roger Goade; Laur. Chaderton. 2½ pp. (139. 120.)
1600, June 30. Paper endorsed “Touching the Commencement Questions, June 30, 1600.”
Quæstiones Theologicæ in vesperiis comitiorum, Junii 30, 1600.
1. Confessio auricularis Papistica non nititur verbo Dei.
2. Animcæ piorum fuerunt in cælo ante Christi ascensum.
These two questions and one more were offered to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Colleges by Dr. Keale the Respondent. They accepted and approved these two. Only Dr. Overall refused to approve either the answerer or his questions. My Lord Grace of Canterbury did approve both these questions, as appeareth by a branch of his letter to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Colleges, June 14, 1600, in which he says : “Which questions I like very well and know them to be true, if in the first question by auricular confession there be meant Confessio Papistica,” and a little after in the same letter, “Let the questions stand in the name of God, &c..”
1 p. (139. 122.)
“A note what was done at the meeting in the Regent-house the 4 June, 1600, by Mr. Dor. Soame, Vice-Chanr, and his assistants, Dors. Goade, Tyndall, Barwell, Jegon, Clayton, Overall and Mr. Chaderton, touching the end of the conference with Dor. Overall.”
Mr. Dr. Soame, the Vice-Chancellor, read the questions, Homo electus justificatus etc. in order that those present might give their opinions, whereunto, besides the defenders, the Vice-Chancellor and Drs. Tyndall, Barwell, Jegon and Clayton joined in one opinion that the propositions were true and rightly defended. Dr. Goade delivered up to Mr. Vice-Chancellor the narration [of their dealing with Dr. Overall, see above] under his and Mr. Chaderton's hands.. After further proceedings, in the end Mr. Vice-Chancellor earnestly desired Dr. Overall to join with him and the rest in the acknowledgement of the same truth, whereof all present would be most glad. To which he answered, he was not so persuaded in his conscience and therefore could not. Then Mr. Vice-Chancellor, first wishing that God would enlighten his mind, did, both in regard of the common peace of the University and also of a precedent in like case occasioned by a letter from the Lord Grace of Canterbury then read, require Dr. Overall to forbear impugning the said points of doctrine in any his public exercises, considering that thereby not only ourselves then present, but many others of the University, could not be but greatly offended and excited to a needless and dangerous contention.
pp. (139. 123.)
Paper endorsed, “Touching the Commencement.”
Dr. Soame, Vice-Chancellor, was Moderator of the Divinity disputation on the Commencement Even. What the speech was before the disputation and how far from offence, appeareth by the copy thereof. In his moderating, he preserved the truth and good order of the disputation soundly, briefly and perspicuously. When the disputation was ended the Vice-Chancellor determined of the last question against the Popish sort, soundly and perspicuously. For proof of this, he referreth himself to the copy of his determination. When the Vice-Chancellor had ended, Dr. Overall was called by the Beadle, as the manner is, ad commendationem. Dr. Overall, forgetting himself, entered into a refutation of the Vice-Chancellor's determination, which action of his was very offensive to the auditory in regard both of matter and manner. Of matter, for he dealt against truth. Of manner, for the like was never done before, and is flat against all order of disputation. The Vice-Chancellor seeing Dr. Overall (which had been required before the Heads of Colleges to forbear public opposition) to carry himself as he did, commanded him silence, adding that God's book and the ancient writers were flat against him, and that the Lords Archbishops of both the Provinces and the rest of the learned bishops of our Church were of another judgment than he was, and that all such as know and love the religion in the University and abroad and the Reformed Churches dissented from him. The conclusion of the Vice-Chancellor's speech was that he wished with all his heart that Dr. Overall had not nourished any errors : at the least that he had forborne the publishing of any in that excellent assembly, which assembly did justly and generally condemn Dr. Overall's action.
On the Commencement Day, Dr. Playfere, one of the Divinity Headers, was moderator of the disputation. He entered into a defence of the Vice-Chancellor's reasons and discovered and refuted Dr. Overall's dealing the day before with such soundness, learning and perspicuity as did greatly content and satisfy the assembly. If some of his speeches were somewhat sharp in regard of the manner, they which love the truth will bear a little with him because he dealt against him which had faulted both in matter and manner, and whose public oppositions against the truth are most notorious. Dr. Overall's unsoundness and obscurity in his lectures and determinations have grieved the hearts and opened the mouths of very many against him.
1 p. (139. 124.)
1600, June 30. The Vice-Chancellor's [of Cambridge] speech before the divinity disputation. Latin.
pp. (144. 162.)
Edward, Lord Morley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 30. Let me entreat so much from you as if these hard words spoken of me by Sharpe be proved against him, you would commit him until he has made me full satisfaction.—London, last of June, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (80. 66.)
The Privy Council to the Governor and Company of the Moscovy Merchants.
1600, June 30. As to the variance between them and Timothy Willis, Professor of Physic, for allowance for his charges to and from Russia. As the Company and Willis cannot agree upon arbitrators, the Council wish the Company to take of themselves some course for his due recompence : and will forbear to refer the matter to others until they have the Company's answer.—Court at Greenwich, last of June, 1600.
Signed. 1 p. (80. 67.)
Roger, Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June 30. Thanks Cecil for his effectual dealing yesterday, and for advertising him thereof so soon. The gentleman, Mr. Cawfeld, whom he strongly recommends as a faithful counsellor, would be happy if Cecil would command his services. — Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Last of June, 1600. Lord North.” ½ p. (80. 68.)
Edward Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, June. I doubt not at all but you have the best advertisements of all accidents that happen : yet I may doubt whether you will think that I am as desirous of your favours if I show not my duty by writing somewhat (considering this occasion) as by writing I take it for a means : wherefore, although I have forborne heretofore to write anything that might come too stale to you, yet I have adventured at this time; not but that I know my insufficiency to advertise you; yet presuming to do it like a soldier, and as one that was as nigh a witness as any other that was in the battle, you will not take it to the least advantage for the good I desire of your favour. The battle his Excellency and the Archduke hath fought was betwixt Nuporte and Ostende. We were planted before Nuporte, and in the morning we heard news that the Archduke was coming with some 12,000 men and some 20 companies of horse to try his fortune for the Dukedom of Flanders, or to “lease” his fortune thereof. We understood he was not five hours' march from us : whereupon our whole army marched with all endeavour to meet him, his Excellency sending the regiment of Germans which Count Ernestus commanded, and the regiments of the Scots, to hinder the passage : which were put all to the sword hard by Ostend, where their bodies lie there yet to witness it : which made the enemy march on with such a fury as was never seen. Then they advanced to meet with our squadrons of English, which all men cannot say but did gallantly, the battle enduring some four hours before Sir Francis Vere was shot twice, once in the leg, and in the thigh, whom I think hath gotten as much honour as a man can get on earth. On the other side came up the Archduke. La Berlott and Sir William Standly, which commanders gave great encouragement to the vanguard of Spaniards, that it is not possible for men to do better than they, did make our men retire very fast till it was the latter end that our horse did help them; for they were oppressed with the enemy's horse all the day before. It stood very doubtful till the latter end, and then it went so much on our side that we performed the execution five miles outright. We have taken the Admerante of Arogon, General of the whole army, the four Camp Masters, one called Lieus de Villiar, which is prisoner to Sir Francis Vere, the other Gaspar Sa Piena, another Don Geronemo de Monroye, and Don Allfonsoe de Avuolis, with many more which are dead, as Sir William Standly, La Berlott, one Colonel Bostocke, who hath now Sir William Standly's regiment : but these are all dead by many probabilities : yet there is some doubt. Of English we have lost very nigh 1,000. We have lost our Sergeant-Major, Captain Yaxly, a very gallant gentleman, Captain Hunnowodd, his lieutenant, ensign and sergeant : one Captain Duxburrye, one Captain Purtene and his lieutenant, Captain Turrell his lieutenant : and many more lieutenants and captains hurt and cannot escape. I have lost some 10 men out of my horse company, yet I have taken five captains, one Spaniard, two Italians, one Wallowne : and one English captain that hath served these twenty years with Standlie, which his Excellency would have ransomed. He offers 60l. to a soldier of mine, but if it please you to dispose of him, I will see him forthcoming, and expect your pleasure. We are now marching, they say, to Sluce.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Captain Cecil from the Camp, June, 1600.” 3 pp. (80. 69.)
1600, June. Minute of a proclamation for the restraint of sending grain out of England. Corrections by Cecil.
Endorsed.—“June, 1600.” 5½ pp. (80. 71.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to the [Archbishop of York].
1600, June—. Commending his Grace's action in granting to Lord Willoughby letters of administration of the goods of the late John Harding towards the building of a church at Berwick, “where” now is none but a decayed and unfitting cell for so worthy a congregation.”—From the Court this—of June, 1600.
Draft unsigned. ¾ p. (180. 130.)
The Levant Company.
1600, June. Anno 1600. The names of the Levant Company now in being this month of June, with their servants at this present; as also the names of all such their children and servants as have died and been buried in the dominions of Turkey and Venice for the space of 12 years that the said trade of the Levant began by Englishmen.
Sir Nicholas Mosley, Lord Mayor. Sir Rchard Martin. Sir John Harte. Sir Richard Saltonstall. Mr. Roger Clarcke, Alderman. Mr. Thomas Smith, Alderman.
Mr. William Harborne, Esquire. (Servants at present : Henry Shepparde. Deceased : Andrew Poullyn, Adam Forster, Christopher Keale, Edward Rose, John Feltam.) Mr. Robert Dowe. Robert Bate. Thomas Ofley. Edward Parvish. Mr. Richard Coulthurste.
Sir John Spencer. (Servants at present : Edward Abbot, John Strachey, Edward Hales, Richard Townrowe, Mathew Hales, Mathew Gay, John Harte, Anthony Hippissley.)
Mr. Pawle Baning, Alderman. (Servants at present : Pawle Baning, junr., Thomas Richardson, Stephen Harrvey, Alexander Harris, John Cwochman, John Bayning, William Sidnam, William Fisher. Servants deceased : Thomas Trowte, John Huntly, Thomas Boothe.)
Mr. Edward Holmden, Alderman. (Servants at present : James Higgons, Thomas Ormeshawe, Symond Broadstreete, Thomas Waters, William Gardner, John Wakeman, Francis Blackwell, Edmund Moore, Reignold Tillot, Henry Washborne, Edmund Rotheram, John Dantesey. Servants deceased : Thomas Dawkins, Richard Browne, William Fara, William Hewes, William Tailor, Robert Tippin.)
Mr. William Massam. (Servants at present : Thomas Chase, Thomas Sowthacke.)
Mr. William Garraway. (Sons and servants at present : John Garraway, Henry Garraway, William Garraway, Thomas Muns, Elezeus Sotheron, Robert Farr, Stephen Carnall, John Willyams. Servants deceased : Francis Garraway his son, Thomas Whitehead, William Wilde, Francis Cavell.)
Mr. Thomas Cordall. (Sons and servants at present : Thomas Cordall, junr., John Cordall, John Puncke, Robert Ireson, Nicholas Hobbs, John Hodge, John Cordall. Servants deceased : Thomas Wroth, Richard Dassell, William Methoulde.)
Richard Staper. (Sons and servants of the said Staper : 7 persons on the other side of the Streights, i.e. Rowland Staper, Richard Staper, Edmund Kempe, Edmund Holman, Nicholas Smith, William Pate and George Butler. 6 persons, i.e. John Powntoize, Bartholomew Hollande, Nicholas Beavoire, Nathaniel Janvrin, Devoreux Woogan, George Parvish. Son and servants deceased within the Streights : Thomas Staper, William Barret, Humphorie Nash, George Rowed, Thomas Wilkinson, William Skiner, James Chester, Robert Goulde, John Evington, John Lucas, William Chappell, Thomas Buterworth, Edmund Manstedge, Thomas Osborne, George Northcote.)
Mr. Henry Anderson. (Servants at present : Richard Anderson, Thomas Cowley, Richard Duke. Servants deceased : William Hopton, Richard Davys.)
Andrew Baninge. (Servants at present : John Humphorie, Bartholomew Hugett, John Aspinall, Ambrose Wheler, John Shales, Walter Ashone.)
Leonard Poore. (Servants at present : Nathaniel Fich, Ralfe Inglestone, Thomas Randwe, Henry Poure. Deceased : Thomas Fittch.)
John Eldred. (Servants at present : John Wragge, Charles Merrell, William Skiner, Henry Robinson, Richard Parson, William Varden, Jeromy Eldred, Revet Eldred and John Eldred his sons. Deceased : Richard Eldred, Robert Fleetwood, Thomas Eldred.)
Thomas Garraway. (Sons and servants at present : Timothy Garraway, Thomas Garraway, John Garraway, William Clarcke, Walter Glover, William Brewer.)
Robert Ofley. (Servants at present : William Pearch, Symon Symondes.)
Robert Sandy. (Servants at present : Humphory Robinson, Mathew Stoker, Thomas Cooke, Edward Osborne, William Martin, Edward Loker, William Goodman. Servants deceased : Thomas Warren, John Underwood.)
Arthur Jacksone. (Servants at present : John Jackson, Richard Cowley, Abraham Notlingham, William Bartewe, William Audley, Thomas Gager.)
Thomas Farrington. (Sons and servants at present : Thomas Farrington, jun., John Farrington, and Caldwall Farrington, sons, George Eyve, Thomas Jennet, William Temple. Servants deceased : Robert Tompson, Peter Temple.)
James Staper. (Servant at present : John Langmore.)
George Saulter. (Sons and servants at present : Arthur Jesson, George Saulter, jun., Thomas Saulter and William Saulter, 3 sons, William Lucos, Izacke Smith.)
Nicholas Leate. (Servants at present : John Francklin, Anthony Berket, John Gale, Thoby Manstedge, William Smith. Servants deceased : Edward Davis, Thomas Davis, John Skiner.)
Thomas Symonds. (Servants at present : Thomas Symonds, jun., Roger Symonds, William Rich, Izake Parker. Deceased : Thomas Rich.)
Nic. Saulter. (Servants at present : Thomas Freake, Richard Chestwrighte, Robert Saulter. Deceased : Thomas Whetchrofte, George Whitfeelde.)
Thomas Norden. (Servants at present : Thomas Miller, William Hodge.)
Richard Martin, junr.
Nicholas Pearde. (Servants at present : Anthony Abdey, Robert Woodrooff, Charles Morcomb, William Nightingall, Samuel Symons.)
Francis Dorrington. (Servants at present : Henry Ballowe, Gabrill Savill.)
Hugh Hamersley. (Servants at present : John Derhame, Anthony Penyston. Deceased : Richard Frethem.)
Charles Glascocke. (Servant at present : Andrew Glascocke.)
Edward Collins. (Servants at present : Edward Collins, Thomas Hutchinson, William Collins.)
John Bate. (Son and servants at present : Edward Bate, Thomas Freeman, Henry Dolthurste.)
William Freeman. (Servant at present : Sampson Neweporte.)
Thomas Ivat. (Servants at present : Thomas Dickenson, Richard Mercoke.)
Thomas Bostocke. (Sons and servants at present : George Bostocke, Abraham Sidale, George Conqueste, Robert Bostocke.)
William Bonde, junr. (Sons and servants at present : George Bonde, Thomas Bonde, Edward Woodgate, Thomas Hampson.)
Edward Osborne.
Robert Cox. (Servants at present : Edward Frauncis, Thomas Cotton, Thomas Cunstable. Deceased : James Bowrne.)
Philip Dawkins. (Servants at present : Edward Dawkins, Symon Clarcke.)
Thomas Ferneley. (Servant at present : George Fernelye.)
William Smith. (Servants at present : John Feake, John Needhalle.)
Morris Abbot. (Servants at present : Edward Kripps, Hugh Rotheram, Thomas Spike, Richard Curcher.)
William Barrat. (Sons and servants : Thomas Barrat, William Barrat, Thomas Cutler, Philip Starkey, John Bale, Richard Cutler.)
Ralfe Fich. Hewet Staper. William Wastall. John Saunderson. (Servant at present : John Hanger.)
William Kellet. (Servants at present : Arthur Gardner, William Daccombe.)
Nathaniel Martin. (Servants at present : Nathaniel Martin his son, Thomas Pinder, William Pierson.)
Richard Wrag. (Servants at present : Richard Eldred, John Wragg. Deceased : Richard Eldred.)
John Wrag. Lawrance Buckley. John Warren. William Walton. John Gourney. (Servant at present : William Gourney.)
John Mun. William Aldridge. Eliezar Hickman. (Servant at present : William Phillipps. Deceased : Thomas Brothersall.)
Paul Pinder. (Servants at present : William Lawe, William Hickcox.)
William Farr. Symon Broadstreete. Thomas Mun. Thomas Coulye. John Brewer. Oliver Gardner. Edward Abot. Jeffery Kerbey. (Servant at present : Owen Trewe.)
John Midnall. (Servant at present : John Brokhouse.)
Hugh Emerson. Richard Barne. George Dorington. Jasper Boe. Margaret Ashley. (Servant at present : William Yeaworde. Deceased : John Write.) John Frier.
Sum total :—Freemen of the Company, 83; servants at present to them, 189; total 272. Deceased sons and servants, 57.
15½ pp. (238. 5.)