Index: U-Z

Pages 608-613

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Udale. See Uvedale.

Udwart, Nichole, 390 (2).

Ulster, a journey into, 52.

Unetone, Mr., secretary to the Earl of Essex, 119.

United Provinces. See States General. See Low Countries.

Upcher, Captain, 139.

Urbino, Duke of, 525.

Ursini, Signor Virginio, French King's lieutenant for the wars in Naples, 50.

Urwen :

(alias Kaughe), Georde, a pledge of the West March of Scotland, 271.

Hobbie, 226.

Ushant, 372.

pirates gathered about, 469.

Usury, statute of, 358.

Usuto in Guelderland, an enterprise against, 192.

Utrecht, 75, 521.

Uvedale (Uvedall, Udall, Wedal) :

Sir Edmund, lieutenant-governor of Flushing, 6, 12, 13, 54, 57, 58, 62, 279.

—, letter from, 426.

Thomas, 536.

William, letter from, 35, 138, 139.


Vades, Mr., 458.

Vado on the Riviera, 201.

Valcke, Valck, Mons., 83.

thanked by the Queen, 132.

Valentia, Gregorius de, Popish book by, 453.

Valentinois, Duchess of, 235.

Van der Bergh, Colonel Herman, 219.

Vanheal, one, a Low Country man, entertainer of Germans in England, 309.

Vanlori, —, 326.

Vanlowe, Peter, 283.

Van Nispen, a deputy in the Low Countries, 57.

Varax (Verras, Varras, Warras, Waras, or Laverall), Count, colonel-general of the Spanish troops in Flanders, 29.

killed at Turnhout, 25, 29, 32, 47.

his corpse sent, 43.

Vaughan :

Dean, of Bangor, appointment, 147.

John, customer of Milford, 228.

Richard, Bishop of Chester, letter from, 351.

Vaughan's lease, 507.

Vavasour :

Mr., with the Earl of Essex, 443.

Thomas, letter from, 279.

Sir William, conforms, 404.

—, wife of, 404.

Vayne. See Fane.

Vegara, 285.

Venice, Venetian, Venetians, 24, 70, 71, 101.

— ambassador from, answer to, 531.

Argosies in the Spanish fleet, 137.

Doge of, letter from, 202.

English mariners violently set on shore in, 467.

ships laden with corn, embargoed at Portsmouth, 72.

ships from, for Spain, 202.

shops shut, 173.

Spanish relations with, 38, 129, 478.

Venlo, failure of the enterprise against, 200, 201, 205.

Venn (Ven), Richard, 22, 347.

Venner, Thomas, 385.

Ver [? Vaire-sous-Corbie], near Amiens, 204.

Verdiani, Massentio, an English agent in Flanders, 111, 112, 164, 468.

letter from, 70.

Vere, Sir Francis, 19, 37, 73, 81, 169, 216, 222, 277, 346, 369, 371, 446, 471, 481, 517.

letters from, 1, 8, 24, 26, 34, 74, 84, 130, 139, 163, 171, 191, 205, 211, 222, 236, 462, 472.

will not follow any one but Essex, 9.

at the battle of Turnhout, 28, 29, 31, 32, 46, 49.

as to the withdrawal of his regiments from the Low Countries, 60.

Lord Essex's testimony to his services, 75.

desires the governorship of Brill, 75.

his regiment, 131.

reasons urged by, for undertaking the siege of Calais, 171, 172.

captain of a hundred lancers, pay due, 178.

starting for Gueldreland, 188, 192.

unacquainted with what passes at home, 199.

opinion as to Essex's necessary preparations, 212.

necessary preliminaries before accompanying Essex's expedition, 222, 223, 248 (2).

arrival at Sandwich, 264.

signs a minute of the generals, 291.

brother of, 172.

Vere :

Sir Horatius, letter from, 45.

Horace, 131.

Vergara, Juan de Aguirray. See Aguirra.

Vergier (Verger), Mons. du, 16, 51.

Verney, Richard, letter from, 244.

Verona, 87.

Vestingam, an Englishman in the Low Countries, 87.

Vetch, —, at Flushing, 225.

Vevreycken (Verreyke), 368, 502.

Vicq (Vic), Mons. de, Governor of Amiens, 144, 407, 520.

campaign before Amiens, 153, 154.

his character, 154.

Victualling of Her Majesty's ships, 148, 403, 421, 422, 460, 503.

money required for, &c., 471(2), 482.

proportions per man, 339.

beer for, 379, 381.

Victuals, loss and waste of, 113, 114.

general of the, 338.

Vienna, an Irishman at, 8.

Vigo, 7.

Spanish ships at, 131.

Villa Franca, 440, 443.

Villa Viciosa, captain of a squadron of the Spanish fleet, 488.

Villars, Mons. de, marriage, 30.

Villeda, Don Bernardo de, 131.

Villeroy (Weilroye), Mons. de, 39, 388, 420, 468, 519.

the cunning of, 234.

money borrowed by, 286.

negotiations for peace, &c., 477, 478.

letters from, 407–409, 418.

Vincentio, Vincente de, 351.

Vinto, Cavalier, secretary to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, 424.

Virgarat, “the Spaniard,” born in Teneriffe, sent from Rochelle to the Queen, 284, 285, 287.

Vissher, Giles de, 228.

Vitelli, the house di, 50.

Viveres, John, a Biscayan, in the Spanish fleet, 456.

Vivian (Vyvian), Hannibal, letter from, &c., 491, 536.

Vivian, Sym Taylor's, 227.

Viviano, Vivagio, 528.

Vlisshing. See Flushing.

Vuedale, William, letter from, 35.

Vyano, 122, 123.

Vynacourt (Vignencourt), letters dated at, 127, 128.


Waad (Wade), W., clerk of the Privy Council, 8, 58, 90, 96 (2), 193, 254, 280, 302, 322, 340, 474, 537.

letters from, 33, 203, 204, 223, 253, 257, 260, 264, 278.

letters to, 340, 531.

Wadham, Mr., 204.

Waes (Waast), the land of, in Flanders, 96.

Wakefield, a contribution from, towards setting out a ship, demanded, 203.

Wakefield, one, of Beverley, 203.

Wales :

Council of the Marches of, the office of examiner of witnesses before, 127.

Lord Lieutenant for the principality and marches of, 341, 448.

Spanish ships off coast of, 466, 483, 485, 486.

Walker, Richard, deputy customer of Rochester, charges against, 214, 215, 304.

Wallachia, 390.

Walley, John, letter from, 255.

Walloon :

companies in Spanish service, 25, 29.

— in Calais, 70.

provinces and the expenses of the war, 380.

Wallop (Walope, Wallope) :

Sir Henry, 378, 505.

William, Mayor of Southampton, letter from, 94.

Walmsley, Walmesley :

Nicholas, letter from, 396.

William, 22.

Walpole, practiser at Rome against England, 87.

Walpoole's land, 118.

Walrond, W., High Sheriff of Devon, letter from, 227.

Walsingham :

Sir Francis, 43, 96, 97, 391, 404, 419, 437, 521.

Sir Thomas, 331, 484.

Walsingham House in London, letter dated at, 443.

Walter, William, of Norton, 536.

Waltham :

William, Mayor of Weymouth, letter from, 332.

— his wife, 238.

Walton :

one, a candidate for the searchership of Bristol, 293.

Henry, 347.

William, owner of the “Pearl” of Weymouth, 446.

Wanstead, 483.

War, treasure the sinews of, 540.

Warblington, 35.

Warck, Jan van, 180.

Warcop, Warcopp, one, a notable recettor, connected with the Babington conspiracy, 230, 300.

Ward, Francis, 369.

Wardour Castle in Donhead St. Andrew, 268.

Wardour, Mr., husband of the daughter of, 521.

Wards, Court of :

a great number of bills to be despatched in, 294.

clerk of, 294.

receiver of, proviso regulating expenditure of, 547.

secretaryship to, value of the office, 531.

Wardships, 217, 223, 273, 282, 491, 493, 545.

Ware, Spanish prisoners at, letters about ransom of, 113, 303, 304 (2).

Ware, James, 244.

Waring, —, 6.

H., 398.

John, Mr. Beecher's factor, 57, 279.

Warkworth Castle, 452.

Warrants, clerk of the, the office of, 210.

Warras, Count of. See Verras.

Warrington, a banquet to Lord Derby in the street of, 327.

Warwick :

Anne, Countess of, 146, 268, 269, 297, 303, 339, 378, 396, 397, 402.

— letter from, 135.

— applications to the Queen on behalf of suitors, 289.

Earl of, 243.

Warwick, 33.

letter dated at, 429.

Warwickshire, 468.

Waterfall, Manor of, 185.

Waterford (Washford), 3, 312.

an object of Spanish attack, 137.

ship belonging to, captured, 399.

Waterhouse, Robert, practising at the bar in York, 493, 506.

Waters :

Henry, 181.

one, who builded a house in St. Clement's Inn, 265.

Watkyns, William, owner of tenements in Moorfields, 366.

Watson :

Anthony, Bishop of Chichester, letters from, 135, 145.

Captain, prize of salt taken by, 332.

Edward, 508.

the priest, escaped, 204.

Watts, Mr., Sheriff of London, 92, 258.

Watsses' pinnace, home from the Indies, 356.

Waulass, George, of Dutrees, 227.

Weather, references to the, 98, 174, 294, 350, 351, 461, 494, 526, 529.

Webbe, William, of Metcombe, proposed to take charge of Thomas Arundell, 267, 268, 276.

Wedderburne, the Laird of. See Sir George Home.

Wedal, Mr. See Uvedall.

Wedenborgh, Captain, 485.

Wedgnor, park of, 495.

Weeresavan, Martyn du, a Frenchman, 123.

Welbye, Richard, 347.

Wells, 279.

Wemes, Wa., 369.

Wendover, John, letter from, 432.

Wenman :

Captain Edmond, letter from, 89.

Captain, punished by restraint in the Tower, a further information against, 259.

Wentworth :

Nicholas, 413, 508.

Mr., or Peter, arrangements for his safe custody, 286, 303.

— letters from, 303, 324.

— sister of, at Burneham, 304.

Thomas, of Elmsall, 412, 413.

William, of Woodhouse, 412, 413, 414.

Wesel, 26.

West coast, defence of, 118.

West country, corn to be shipped for the, 148.

Westendorff, George de, Spanish Ambassador to the Senate of Lubeck, 271.

Westford, near Norham, place of meeting for commissioners for settling the Borders, 262, 268, 271, 274, 276.

Westlack, Alexander, 244.

West March, pledges of, 226, 227. And see Borders.

Westminster :

burgess-ship of, 519.

letters dated at, 166, 179, 213, 245, 378, 406.

trial at, by an Oxfordshire jury, 236.

Collegiate Church of St. Peter, grant of St. Martin's-le-Grand to, questioned, 42.

— letters dated at, 164, 169, 182, 279, 411.

— statutes drawn up at its foundation, 169.

— question of the grant of a lease by, at the Queen's request, 42, 163, 169, 182, 326, 327.

Dean of, appointment for, 147 (2).

— letters from, 163, 169, 182, 279.

gatehouse at, letter dated at, 426.

Palace of, letters dated at, 147, 150, 168.

School, election of scholars at, 170.

Westmoreland, Earl of, desires to make his peace with the Queen, 364, 365.

Weston (Wesson), Sir Richard, 341, 385.

letters from, 349, 409.

examination of, 356.

Westfaling (Westph.), Herbert, bishop of Hereford, 147.

Weymouth (or Melcombe Regis), customer of, 332, 446.

letters dated at, 219, 220, 251, 332, 355, 446.

the running post to, 285.

Whalley, Richard, Justice, 294.

Wharton :

—, 11.

Dorothy, Lady, 545.

—, letter from, 461.

—, wardship of her daughter, 493.

Wheat, price of, and dearth, 148.

brought to England from over seas, 102, 192. See also Corn.

Wheatley, John, gent., homicide of, 294.

Wheatley, waste and liberties in, an action about, 28.

Wheeler, Wheeler :

John, merchant of Middleburgh, letter from, 489.

—, letters to, 490, 528.

Nicholas, 22.

Whirwale, John, a coal-measurer for the City of London, 301.

White :

James, letter from, 310.

Richard, of Limerick, 393.

Robert, Mayor of Limerick, 52.

Thomas, of Waterford, a priest in Louvain, 95.

Whitehall :

Banqueting House at, storage of the Queen's records in, 431.

Court at, letters dated at, 157, 160, 448.

Whitgift, Dr. John, Archbishop of Canterbury, recommendations of bishops, 147.

letter from, 359.

Whithaugh, laird of, 226.

Whitton, Thomas, 522.

Whyte (White), Roland, an agent of Sir R. Sydney, 12, 86, 108, 115, 133, 140, 156, 198.

Whytton, George, dwelling near Woodstock, 310.

Wickham, 533.

letter dated at, 35.

Wigan, 304.

Wigges, Mr., money owed to, 376.

Wight, Isle of, 313, 480.

threatened Spanish attack on, 6, 7, 451.

cost of garrisons in, 166.

defence of, 342.

captains who served in, request for employment of, 469, 470.

soldiers come from, &c., 469.

Wilbraham, Mr., the Queen's solicitor in Ireland, 255.

Wilkes :

John, 22.

Sir Thomas, 178, 368.

—, letters from, 259, 280, 434.

Wilkinson, John, master of a flyboat, 538.

Willan, James, examination of, 516.

Williams :

Sir Roger, letter endorsed by, 242.

Walter, 304.

William, master of the Dutch ship “Facon,” 26.

Williamson :

an English exile, intercepted at Pisa, 10.

Nicholas, prisoner in the Tower, letter from, 91.

Willis (Wylles, Willys), Mr., servant of Sir R. Cecil, 8, 95, 319, 358, 444.

letters to, 185.

Willoughby :

Mary Lady, letter on behalf of her usher, 17.

—, a complaint against, 146.

—, wardship of her daughters, 233.

Sir Francis, 146, 461, 493.

—, death of, 121.

—, daughter of, wardship of, 493, 545.

Lord, 521.

—, quarrel with Sir Thomas Cecil, 387, 411.

Percy, or Percival, 233, 461, 493.

—, charges against, 545.

Will's Arthur Graham, of Netherby, 227.

Geordie of the Fauld, 227.

Wills, Dr., skilled in the Almain tongue, 193.

Wilson :

John, a prisoner, statements about, 514, 515, 516.

William, convict at York, 515, 516.

Wilton (Wylton), Captain Edward, letters from, 30, 103, 135, 144, 153, 242.

dangerously hurt, 361.

Wilts, co. of, in great want of a muster master, 499.

Winchester, 279, 451.

letter dated at, 322.

bishop of, appointment of, 147.

—, Sir Francis Carew's suit with, 187, 196.

—, pecuniary position on translation from see of Worcester, 221.

bishopric of, an annuity to the Queen from a manor belonging to, 218, 292.

—, temporalities of, and the granting of leases out of, 220, 221, 302, 313, 314.

hospital of St. Cross near, leases of lands of, 306, 322, 334.

Windebank, Thomas, 419.

letters from, 184, 284, 436.

Windsor, 390, 536.

a treasonable conversation when the Queen lay at, 259.

Windsor Chapel, 279.

Wine from Bordeaux, 510.

Wines (sweet), lease of, to the Earl of Essex, 283, 350, 376.

Wingfield :

Sir Edward, 247.

Robert, 477, 484.

Winston, Sir Henry, 186.

letters from, 289 (2).

Winter, Captain, 449.

Wirtemburg, 516.

Duke or Prince of, 78.

— to have the Garter, 309 (2).

Wisbeach, letters dated at, 206, 331.

Castle, constable of, 330.

— priests imprisoned in, 331.

Wolverstone, Edm., 22.

Wombewell, Thomas, 416.

Wombiltowne [? Wimbledon], a claim to, 243.

Wood [? Waad], Mr., 284.

Wood :

Mr. Dean, 263.

J., 284.

Sir John, Ralegh's lieutenant, 264.

John, 275.

Mr., 334.

Wood, Devon, letter dated at, 227.

Wood Street, letters dated in, 204, 224, 264.

Wood Street counter, 204.

the keepership of, farm of, &c., 393, 394.

“Monastery in Wood Street,” 419.

Woodes, Robert, of Langstone, 35.

Woodhorne in Northumberland, late parson of, 354.

Woodhouse, Sir William, 43, 169, 199, 200.

letter from, 80.

Woodrington, Robert, 71.

Wool, 3.

Worall, or Worrall, Mr., of Doncaster, 28.

Worcester :

bailiffs, &c. of, send a present, 96.

bishopric of, 376.

—, appointment, 147.

—, a candidate for, 324.

county of, 341.

—, resort of recusants in, 106.

—, receivership of, 508.

deanery of, appointment for, 147.

Worcester, Earl of, 278.

daily at Court, a marriage proposed for his son, 267.

Worceters, Manor of, in Enfield, collector of rents of, 87.

Worlich, A., surveyor of Ipswich, 3.

Worsop, letters dated at, 337, 365, 367.

Worthington, Dr., 96.

Wortley, Richard, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416.

Wotton, Sir Edward, 288.

Wright (Writo) :

Father, connected with Alabaster, 394.

—, “a proud, insolent priest,” 395.

— imprisoned, 411, 474, 475.

James, a goldsmith in Cheapside, 356.

Richard, 539.

Robert, fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 539.

Thomas, 22.

William, arrested at Chester, 277.

Wringham, Captain Thomas, in Ireland, 403.

Writte :

Richard, a Dutch felon, 331.

Robert, a Dutch felon, 331.

Wrothe, Sir Robert, 477.

letter from, 386.

Wroxall, 304.

Wybarn, Percival, 279.

Wyche, Richard, 22.

Wychelborne, Captain Edward, of the Queen's pinnace “Moon,” 422.

Wycliffe, Francis, recusant, 106.

Wydeslayd :

Agnes, 546.

John, 546.

Wyles, William, of Ratcliffe, mariner, 521.

Wylles, Wyllis. See Willis.

Wylmote, John, Sir Thomas Fludd's clerk at Rouen, 132.

Wylton, Captain Edward. See Wilton.

Wymarke, Edward, letter from, 330.

Wyn, Captain, letter endorsed by, 138.

Wynter, Mr., of Worcestershire, 106.

Wynterton, parsonage of, 139.

Wyseman (Wysman), Mr., 108, 242.


Xeres (Sheris), in Spain, 33.

Xixon in Galizia, 15.


Yarmouth, 51, 523, 540.

design upon, 391.

Yasthrope, 304.

Yelverton :

Serjeant Christopher, letter from, 482.

Henry, 477.

Yetswert, Mr., 459.

Yewyn [? Ewing], 370.

York, Archbishop of, his state of health, 230.

Chancellor of, 404.

proceedings of, in connection with election of members for county of York, 412–415.

Archbishop and Council of, letters from 426, 492. See also North, President and Council of the.

York, city of, 279.

letters dated at, 29, 62, 230, 383, 404, 436, 492, 506.

makes contribution towards setting out a ship, 203.

citizens for, on a parliamentary committee, 476.

the Council at, mentioned, 264. See also North, President and Council of the.

lawyers practising at the bar in, 506.

York Castle, gaoler of, by patent, 493.

misconduct of the gaoler in connection with prisoners there, 514, 515, 516.

yard, 413.

York, county of, clerk of, 414.

seminaries and Jesuits in, 105, 300.

election of knights of the shire for, turbulent proceedings, 411–415, 416, 417, 425, 426, 435, 436 (2).

justices of the peace of, letter from, 416.

foreign men-of-war on coast of, 300.

clothing towns in the West Riding, yield a majority of freeholders, 436.

York House, letters dated at, 298, 306, 307, 359, 425.

Young (Yonge) :

George, Deputy Secretary in Scotland, sent to England on Border causes, 247, 252, 268, 271, 274.

James, of the Cove, 227, 271.

James, of Feltershaw, 227, 271.

Dr. John, Bishop of Rochester's appointment, 147.

— letters from, 326, 327.

Mr., 525.

Youngs, servant of Sir Robert Kerr, outrages by, 240.

Youtch, Mr., 488.

Ypres (Ipre), in Flanders, mutiny among the Spanish soldiers at, 23.


Zealand, 4, 78, 120, 225.

Admiral of, letter from, 136.

arms of, set upon ordnance from England, 147.

backwardness of preparations in, 176.

fleet from, to be intercepted, 343.

hostile attempt directed upon, 159, 165.

news from, 339.

question between it and Holland, 121.

shipping from, for Essex's expedition, 228.

States of, and the arresting of cornships, 65, 66.

— liability of, for fortification of Flushing, 207.

trade of the Hanse towns with, 272.

Vice-Admiral of, 228.

Zillo, 4.

Zisarke, 338.

Zooonlazena, or Conlazena, a Frenchman, examination of, 35.

Zutphen, 73,

quarters, 60.