Index: T

Pages 606-608

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Tabnies branched, the ground gold and silver, 259.

Tafetas branched with gold and silver, 259.

Tainton, in Gloucestershire, mortgage on, 283.

Talbot :

one, a priest in Louvain, 95.

Edward, of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 415, 416, 418.

Thomas, 22.

Tanfelde, Francis, 508.

Tartars, defeat of, 390.

Tasboroughe, Tasburgh :

Mr., 477, 484.

Thomas, 368.

Tate, Will, of Cheritrees, 227, 271.

Tattershall, letters dated at, 366.

Taunton or Taunton Dean, manor of, an annuity to the Queen from, &c., 218, 221, 292.

Tavane, —, 237.

Taylor, Taylior, Taylour :

Mr., 18.

—, one of the deputies at the Wood Street compter, 393, 394.

—, of Yarmouth, 365.

—, an accountant, 283.

Robert, 22.

Taylor's Vivian, 227.

Taxis, the “Veador,” 529.

Tellers' Office, State jewels in, 432.

Tellers and Receivers, bill concerning, objections to, 510, 511, 513.

amendments proposed, 512.

Temisford, rectory of, diocese of Lincoln, 166.

Temple :

John, services to the Queen in Scotland, 246.

Mr., 536.

Temple, the, letter dated at, 260.

Temple [Clowde], Somerset, 224.

Tempsford, the benefice of, 431.

Tenby, 466.

Teobaldi, letters from, mentioned, 249.

Teobast, Paul, an informer abroad, 4, 11, 21.

letter from, 494.

Terceiras (Terceras, Tersearas, Terceraes, Tercera, Tercera Road), the, 379, 380, 386, 390, 447.

difficult of successful attack, 235.

letter dated from, 439.

attempts on the Indian fleet in, 439, 440, 443.

Spanish treasure at, 495.

Tergoes, Island of, 165.

Ternews, cost of works on the fort of, 207.

Tertol (Fertol), 207.

Teviotdale (Tyvidailes), 79.

pledges for, 226, 271.

refusal to deliver pledges, 274.

Thames, River, regulations as to loading merchandise referred to, 59.

Conservancy, measurage of coal, &c., 300, 301.

Thanet, 160.

Theobalds (Tibbolls), 135, 294, 361, 369, 430.

letters dated at, 302, 322, 378, 538.

Queen's visit to, 370, 378.

Theopompus, 315.

Thinn, Captain, 357.

Thirkleby, Roger of, justice in Eyre, 300.

Thomas, Clarence King of Arms, 78.

Thomas, Lord, and his lady, 349.

Thomas, Sir, 281.

Thomond, Earl of, letter from, stating his services, &c., 64.

Thomson :

Mr., in Barbary, 277.

Richard, of London, 277.

Thomas, 369, 370.

William, the examination of, 95.

Thornborrough, John, Dean of York, Bishop of Limerick, probable prefer ment for, 406.

letter from, 417.

Thornburrowe, Mr., letter from, 538.

Thorney Wood in Sherwood Forest, keepership of, 121.

Thornhill, letter dated at, 171.

Throckmorton, Throgmorton :

Captain, in Flanders, 32.

Captain F., letter from, 220.

Mr., 420, 546.

Thomas, letter from, 135.

Throwley, Manor of, 185.

Thummer, a, 186.

Thursby, a man to be tried at Bedford assizes, 88.

Tiborne, letter dated at, 537.

Tichborne, the seminary, 227.

Tilee, Isle, 78.

Tillage, statutes for benefit of, 453.

Tindale, Dr., 27.

Tinvey, 521.

Tipperary, grant of the royalties and liberties of the co. of, 107.

Tivedale. See Teviotdale.

Tlimon, Philoponus” letter signed, 506.

Tobacco, three sorts of, 428.

Todd, Jock, of Greenhaugh, 227.

Toebast, Paul. See Teobast.

Tokarne or Talkerne, Captain, his brother's death, 269.

Tolkerne, Captain John, 215.

Toledo, Don Fernando de, 131.

Toleration in religion, its beneficial effects described, 364.

Tollaveild, Mons., homicide in a church by, 218.

Tolledo, Don Pedro de, admiral of the galleys of Naples, 137, 201.

Tomkins, James, commissary at Flushing, 435.

Tomson, Jasper, from Constantinople, 40.

Tonnerre in Burgundy, outrage on a corpse at, 165.

Tooke, Walter, auditor, 33, 344.

Topcliff, Topclyffe :

Charles, letter from, 492.

Richard, letter from, 520.

Robert, letter from, 343.

Topping, —, in Aylesbury, fit to be excused from the subsidy, 501.

Torbay, 355.

Dutch soldiers stationed at, 482.

Tornaut. See Turnhout.

Torrington, excessive poverty in, 92.

Mayor of, 92.

Tossester, 304.

Tostafetas, Tustaffities, tinselled, &c., 259.

Totness, tax for ships in, 168.

Tournay, the Estates of, 380.

Tourner :

Mr. D., 185.

P., letter from, 2.

Tournesis, the Estates of, 380.

Tourraine (Tureine), Mons. de Bouillon in, 141.

Tours, 70.

Tower Hill, letter dated from, 148.

Tower of London, the, treaties in, 77.

prisoners in, 91, 152, 259, 260.

letters dated at, 152, 231, 248, 260, 286, 304, 325, 418.

Lieutenant of, 248.

prisoners escaped from, 417.

records in, searched, 532.

Tower Street, letter dated in, 192.

Towerson :

Parnell, 22.

Robert, 22.

Towles in Ireland, 340.

Towstocke, letter dated at, 92.

Traitor, head of a, found, 395.

trap for a, 520.

Transylvania, the Prince of, impotent for matrimony, &c., 111.

Traves :

James, 22.

Walter, letter from, 151.

Travich, Marquis of, 71.

Treasurer, Lord. See Burghley.

Treasurer at wars, right to a company, 180.

Trefrye, Mr., 444.

Tregony, 466.

Treihern, Will., paymaster under Sir Thomas Sherley, 177.

Trelawny, John, Mayor of Plymouth, letters from, 422, 438.

Trematon Castle, escape of Spanish prisoners from, 524.

Tremouille. See La Tremouille.

Trenigo (Trenico), Marquis of, 25.

Trentham, Mr., 185.

Trerrow. See Truro.

Trescemes in Guernsey, 249.

Tressy, Arthur, letter from, 443.

Trevery, a spiritual elector of the Empire, 516.

Trevick, Marquis of, regiment of, 47.

Trewellcove, John, 181.

Triego, Juan, captain of a Spanish ship, captured, 472.

Trinity College, See Cambridge.

Trinity College, Dublin, royal grant to, 151.

Tristrap, letter dated at, 162.

Troyes, letter dated at, 209.

Trumpeter, the, 203. See Anthony.

Trunningham, John, at York, 514, 515.

Truro (Trerowe), 161, 466.

Tuam, archbishop of, who died at Antwerp, 218.

Tucker, Tobias, 518.

Tume on the river Ban at the head of Lough Sidny, 313.

Turk or Turks, the, 73, 273, 505.

in the wars in Italy, 50, 51.

successes of, in Europe, &c., 64, 110, 111.

device of, at Komar, 167.

allies against, 390.

successes in Hungary, 468.

Turke, Mr., 393.

Turkey, Grand Seignior of, letters sent to the Queen, 40.

Turner :

Captain, 278.

John, underkeeper of Newgate, 371.

Richard, 411.

William, of Colchester, letters from, 415, 526.

Turnhout (Tornaut, Tournhowlt, Turnhaut, Thurnhout) in Brabant, 21.

projected attack on, 9, 20.

defeat of the Spanish forces near, by Count Maurice, described, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 44, 45–47, 49, 62.

surrender of, 26, 28, 30, 32.

Turnlippet (Turnelippyt) Moor, an outrage on, 251, 263.

Turpin, William, 508.

Tuscany, dearth in, feared, 38.

Tuscany, Grand Duke of, 38.

Earl of Essex's relations with, 115.

corn for, by license of the Queen, 123.

expulsion of French by, 201.

account by, of the relations between France and Spain, &c., 234.

policy, sentiments of, &c., 423, 424.

secretary to, 424.

two subjects of, prisoners, 523.

Tutbery, letter dated at, 185.

Twenthe, the, 120.

Twickenham, 425.

Twigmore in Lincolnshire, Jesuits' College in, 300.

Twissenden, Roger, 537.

Tyburn, 537.

Tynedale, outrage in, 226.

pledges of, 227.

bill of pledges for, 239.

attacks on men of, 241.

Tyrone, Earl of, 139, 311.

a ship trading from the Groyne to, 123.

emissaries sent by, to Scotland, 246.

his plan of campaign, &c., 312.

the “very bosom” of, 344.

Tyrrhenian Sea, 51.