Index: S

Pages 597-606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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S. A.,” 71.

S., Castle of, the French expelled from, 201.

Sacheverel, John, bearer of information from Rome, 87.

a brother of, preacher in Leicester, 87.

Sackford, Mr., 251, 508.

Sackville (Sakeville), Mr., 484.

Sailors' fingers are limed twigs in harbour, 383.

St. Aldegonde, Mons., 96.

St. Anderoes or Anderes, in Biscay, 259, 427.

St. Andrew's, churches in, ministers for, 246.

St. Andrew's Undershaft, rectory of, 112.

St. Blanquart, baron of, 99, 100, 103.

St. Catherine, fort, governor of, 64.

St. Catharine's, letter dated at, 526.

St. Cyr (Cire), —, 204.

St. Clement's, letter dated at, 426.

St. Cross Hospital. See Winchester.

St. David's, Bishop of, letter from, 166.

St. Desir on the French frontier, 70, 112.

St. Ellens, 473.

St. Germain (Chaligny), Mons., envoy from the French Huguenots to the Queen, 407, 420.

St. Germain-en-Laye, 45.

letters dated at, 176, 524.

St. Germains, 143, 145.

St. Gyllion's Castle, in Lisbon, 467.

St. Helen's point by Portsmouth, 382, 463.

St. Ives, Spanish pinnace secured at, 466, 472.

St. Jean de Luz (St. John de Luyce, &c.), 14, 83, 121, 343, 428.

losses by English pirates, 104.

a ship of, stayed at Plymouth, 141.

St. Jean de Marienne, Valley of, 360.

St. John, Lord, 286, 303.

St. Lazeras, at the mouth of the river of Nantes, 399.

St. Laurence, letter dated at, 373.

St. Lawrence, nephew of Lord Dunsany, 476.

St. Leger :

Sir Anthony, 255.

Sir John, 163.

Captain John, letter from, 162.

St. Luc (Luke), Mons. de, 31, 45, 99, 103.

movements of, 38, 39.

letter from, 44.

St. Lucar (St. Lucas, St. Lukers), 14, 33, 164, 292, 421, 494.

number of ships at, 136, 138, 427.

a Frenchman from, a prize, 138.

news from, 158, 176, 177, 249.

St. Malo, 33, 113, 427.

fear of attack upon, 152.

intelligence from, 305.

ship furnished by, to the King of Spain, 467.

St. Martin, Isle of, 372.

St. Martin's le Grand, London, Dean and Canons of, foundation, &c., 42.

St. Martin's Road, 12 miles from Rochelle, 384.

St. Mary-at-Axe, parsonage of, 112.

St. Maryport, Lisbon, 427.

St. Mary's, provisions at, 415.

St. Mawes, defence of, 480, 491.

St. Mawes Castle, letter dated at, 491.

Captain of, 536.

St. Michael, Isles of, operations of the fleet at, 425, 427, 433, 439, 440, 443.

St. Omer, 23, 44, 45, 64, 96, 98.

St. Paul's, London, Dean of, 279.

letter from, 134.

St. Paul's in Lisbon, 467.

St. Pol (Paule, Poul), François d'Orleans, Comte de, 99, 204, 205, 219.

flight from Amiens, ransom of his wife and family, 88, 97, 100, 102, 103.

his subsequent proceedings, 98.

conduct during the surprise, 100.

surprise of Ardes by, 400.

St. Quentin, 529.

the loss of, 243.

St. Stephen, a knight of, murders a canon, 101.

St. Valery-sur-Somme (Valeries), 30, 256, 381.

English troops in, 40, 45, 76, 418.

letters dated at, 39, 45, 70, 88, 98, 100, 103, 130, 150, 157, 173, 479, 520.

Sakeville, Mr. See Sackville.

Salisbury (Sarum), 206, 210, 279, 445.

bishopric of, 147, 315.

letter dated at, 334.

mayor of, sends up a lost letter, 334.

Salop, county of, receivership of, 508.

popery and heresy in, 540.

Salsbury, Owen, captain of levies from Herefordshire, 250.

Salt, prize, 238.

Saltash, 275, 466, 524.

Salter, William, 504.

Saltonstall, Alderman Richard, 347.

Saltpetre, 196.

Saluces, marquisate of, 141.

Sancerre, M. de, 155.

Sancy, Mons. de, 63, 360.

letters to Earl of Essex, 41, 170, 208.

Sanders, Capt., 58.

Sanderson :

Edward, prisoner in York, 514.

H., letter from, 295.

Sandes, Myles, elected to parliament for Stockbridge, 432, 484.

Sandys, Sandes :

Lord, 260, 297, 432.

Sir Walter, 260.

— letter from, 302.

Sandwich, 160, 264, 269, 460.

letters dated at, 267, 268, 270.

Dutch prisoners at, 331.

letter dated at, 518.

searcher of, 89.

San Joan de Luz. See St. Jean de Luz.

San Laurens, letters dated at, 362, 373.

San Lucar. See St. Lucar.

San Sebastian, 14, 400, 494.

Santa Cruz, Father, 475.

Santa Martha, island of, reported capture of, 164.

Santiago, 123.

Sanvado, the, 123.

Sanzon :

Guiralt de, of St. Jean de Luz, 104.

Miguel de, 104.

Saphea, 159, 277.

Sardini, Madame (“a lady”), intermediary for negotiations with the King of France's mistress, 494, 495, 496.

Saria, Francisco de, of St. Jean de Luz, 81.

Sarrio, Martin Saris de, a Spaniard in London, 15.

Sarum. See Salisbury.

Satins, striped, &c., 259.

Saunders in Chancery Lane, 394.

Savage :

Sir Arthur, 40, 242, 255, 286, 392, 506.

— in France, letter from, 80.

Sir John, 327, 418.

Lady, 534.

Peter, 174, 175.

Robert, 347.

Savage v. Brooke, 174.

Savell, John, a justice of the peace, in Yorkshire, 203.

Savile :

Sir George, letter from, 171.

Sir John, manner of his election for the co. of York, 411–17, 426.

— called to account for his proceedings, 436(2), 437, 540.

Henry, letter to, 234.

Mr., letter to, 524.

Savoy :

ambassador from, in France, his demands, 141.

news from, 423.

alliance, poverty of, &c., 478.

Savoy, Duc de, 39.

overtures for peace from, 201.

forces led by, 360.

Savoyard, the, 173.

Saxony, 516.

prince of, 78.

Scamee, island of, 78.

Scarley, Mr., 6.

Scerley [? Sherley], Mr., 57.

Schenck's Sconce, 44.

Scilly Isles, 444, 445, 467, 494.

use of a garrison in, 118.

government of, 160.

Scipio Africanus, 364.

Scion. See Syon.

Scobbles, Captain, 371, 439.

Scotland :

ambassador from, 97, 150, 268.

assembly of the kirk in, commissioners of, settlement of preachers, &c., 246.

Borders or Marches of, 226, 227.

— proceedings and negotiations of commissioners for settlement of, 71, 90, 91, 226, 230, 247.

— outrages on, 250, 251.

— wardenry of East March, 229.

— wardens of, letter to, 257.

business relating to, 532.

Church of, effort to redress certain injurious Acts, 5.

English ambassador in, 271.

English pledges in, question of treatment of, 433.

King James VI. of, letter to, 5.

— settlement of Border matters in question, 226, 238–242, 268.

— account of proceedings of, 246.

— an audience of, 253.

— expecting the Garter, 309.

— varieties between his letters and those of his Council concerning the settlement of the Borders, 323.

— letter from, on behalf of a man condemned in the Star Chamber, 353.

— letter from, 522.

lords banished, returned, 5.

ministers of, Essex's letters to, 10.

— exceptions against the subscription obtruded upon, 539.

papist earls in, intrigues with Spain, by whom discovered, 246.

prince of, 519.

Queen of, visit of her brother, the King of Denmark, to, 247.

Spanish intrigues in, 111.

Scots' :

conservator in the Low Countries, 288.

regiment in Flanders, 46.

Scotsman in the Spanish service, 4.

Scott :

Mr., 87, 88.

Mistress, at Cambridge, 406.

one, of Bolton in Yorkshire, wardship of heir of, 217.

Sir Walter, and settlement of Border affairs, 238.

Scrope :

Lady, in attendance on the Queen, 41.

Lord Thomas, warden of the West Marches of Scotland, 79, 88, 89, 257, 416.

—, letters from, 225, 230, 254, 262, 528.

—, letter to, 263.

—, failure in delivery of pledges, 269.

Scudamore, Mr., collector of the loan in co. York, 62.

Scudmore the priest, 224.

Seames, the, 365.

Search warrant, 358.

Searchers in the ports, difficulties of, 3.

Sebastian. See St. Sebastian.

Seburn, Mr., 224.

commanding Spanish ships of war, 83, 122, 123.

Seburo (Cubiaur, Subbeour, Subbior Subiaure, Sebure, Cebures), Pedro, commanding Spanish ships of war, 83, 122, 123, 137, 455, 488, 495.

Seditious posy in a paper of Jacobus regnabit utrimque, 230.

Segar (or Legerson), Martin, ship lost, 462, 463.

Seggett, Thomas, 253.

Segwicke, Mr., Lord Compton's man, 262.

Selle, Mr., of the “garde,” rent &c., asked by, for his house, 318, 319.

Seminaries and Jesuits, 105, 227, 230, 264, 298, 300.

Senlis, 140.

Serjaint, Synisco, Major of the English army in Flanders, 29.

Sesford, Sesforth. See Cessford.

Seville in Spain, 104, 109, 136, 177, 206, 292.

ships built at, 137.

news from, 131, 158.

English prisoners from Drake's fleet in, 224.

—, letter from, 232.

Spanish ships at, 427.

river of, 14.

Sewers, statute of, a commission according to, issued, 261.

Seymour, Sir Thomas, Lord Admiral, keeper of the game in King Henry VIII.'s time, 331.

Sextus V., Pope, 234.

Bull against the Queen, 406.

Shafleyn, William, letter from, 432.

Shaftesbury (Shafton), 169, 206, 210, 445.

letters dated at, 267, 268.

Sir Matthew Arundell's house at, 266, 267.

Shalton, a house in Bucks, books found at, 420.

Sharpe :

Dr., preferment obtained for, 349, 350.

John, 181.

Shaston. See Shaftesbury.

Shatalett,” town of, mutiny afoot, 138.

Shaw, Francis, 393.

Shears, The, the sign of a tailor's house, 295.

Sheemelde, John, 546.

Sheepway Court (Cinque Ports), 404.

Sheerman, Robin, serving Lady Ralegh, 425.

Sheffield, Lord, 425.

letter from, 223.

Sheldon, Walter, 508.

Shelley, John, 347.

Shepharde, Richard, 22.

Sherborne, 168, 206, 332, 338, 445, 461.

Spanish news brought by a townsman of, 55.

letters dated at, 337, 338.

Sheriffs, 536.

Sheris. See Xeres.

Sherley :

Anthony, or Sir Anthony, news of, 134.

—, letters from, 159, 265.

—, sent up from the council of war at Plymouth, 346, 350, 351, 352, 369.

—, complaint of his father against, 526.

Sir Thomas, under treasurer for the Low Countries, 18, 93, 101, 113, 178, 532.

—, arrangements for security for his debt to the Queen, 118, 119.

—, letters from, 128, 130, 134, 142, 180, 305, 363, 385, 485, 526.

—, his company, 130.

—, —, a lieutenant in, 132.

—, eldest son forced to avoid England, 130.

—, means taken to compel payment of his debts, 142.

—, survey of his accounts, 227, 365, 368.

—, returning to England, 245.

—, money taken up by his officer at the Brill, 305.

—, reckonings and acquittances of, 305.

—, business relations with Beecher, 363, 368.

Sir Thomas, the younger, 385.

—, a company at Flushing for, 180.

Sherwood Forest, keepership of Thorney Wood in, 121.

hunting in, 337.

offices and parks in, 302, 483.

Shevan, Stephen, merchant of Dieppe, goods of, seized, 3.

Shillingfleet, Mr., a Queen's messenger, 411.

Shinkler, Robert, of Leith, 253.

Ships bought in England for the King of Spain, 467.

Ships named :

Adventure, 342, 350, 465.

H.M. pinnace Advice, 449.

Angell, a French man of war, 400.

Antelope, 342, 395, 401.

— letters dated from aboard the, 357, 379, 381, 400(4), 457.

Aventurier, Spanish ship, 131.

Black Eagle, 538.

Buonaventure, 386, 443.

Castle, of London, 427.

Confidence, of Hampton, 399.

Daisy, 292, 399.

Darling, bark sent out to discover the Spanish fleet, 173.

Darling, pinnace, 410.

David, 523.

Dreadnought, 369, 379, 386.

Deu or Dew Repulse, letters dated from aboard of, 342, 346, 348, 350, 351, 369, 371, 386, 437, 441.

Edward and Thomas, of London, 358.

Elizabeth, of Sandwich, 359.

Facon, of Rotterdam, a prize, 26.

Gamaliel, 379.

Garland, 372, 443.

George, 379, 463, 464.

Gift, 379.

Golden Lyon, 355, 359, 460.

Good Jhesus, Spaniard, 7.

Great Tiger, 467.

Guiana, Gueano, a pinnace of Sir W. Ralegh's, 410, 444.

Handmaid, 428.

Hope, 443, 446.

— number and wages of men on, 314.

James, 341.

King's Honour, Earl of Essex on board, 269.

L'Esprit de St. Jean de Luz, 104.

H.M.S. Lion or Lyon, 331, 338, 350, 355, 400.

Maria, of Middleburgh, a prize, 544.

Marquess, a French man of war, 400.

Mary Rose, 443.

Matthew, 379, 380, 395.

Mere Honour, letters dated from aboard, 261, 302.

— number and wages of men on, 314.

Mistress, 341, 440.

Moon, pinnace, 261, 277, 422.

Mosquito, pinnace trading to the Indies, 356.

Nonpareil, 443.

Pearce, bark, 53, 81, 102.

Pearl, of Weymouth, 446.

Phœnix, 399.

Prospect, 341.

Prosperous, 440.

Rainbow, 341, 342, 443, 486.

Roebuck, weatherbeaten on a lee shore, 208.

St. Andrew, 355, 369, 379, 439, 440, 446, 447, 450, 461, 463, 473.

— number and wages of men on, 314.

St. Augustin, 487.

St. Domingo, 487.

St. Francis, 456.

St. Jago Major, Spanish ship, 137.

Minor, 137.

St. Joé, 487.

St. John, 456.

St. John Baptist, 109.

St. Lucas, 456, 487, 494.

St. Matthew, 355, 369, 381, 383, 384, 386, 439, 449, 471.

— captain of, 372.

— number and wages of men on, 314.

St. Paul, admiral of the Spanish Fleet, 137, 456, 487.

St. Peter, admirante, 456.

St. Thomas, Spanish ship, 137.

Santiago, Spanish galleon, 7.

Signet, 394.

Soloman, of London, 277.

Swiftsure, 386, 443.

Tramontana (Tremontaigny, Tremontane), 59, 341, 342, 357, 400, 401.

Triumph, letter dated from aboard, 370.

Truelove, 82, 124, 522, 538.

— victualling of, 148.

— prizes captured by, 277.

Vanguard or Vauntguard, 59, 490.

— letters dated from, 343, 510.

Wastspite (Wastespyght, Wastspight, Wastspeght), 347, 369, 386, 439, 445, 446, 447.

Ships not named, 454, 462, 465.

prizes, 6, 14, 15 (2), 220, 277, 446.

Ships and shipping, a device applicable to defence of, 167.

Ships, estimate of the cost of, 206.

victualling, &c. of, 314, 471 (2).

Ship money, an alleged hinderer of levy of, &c., 168.

Shipwrecks, a cause of enrichment, 173.

Shoreditch, the theatre at, 504.

Shotover forest, waste of the game in, 174.

Shrewsbury, Gilbert, earl of :

letters from, 245, 337, 365, 366.

followers of, instigate Sir John Savile in the Yorkshire election, 416.

a German in the retinue of, 507.

Shute, —, connected with the keeping of Essendine Park, 223.

Shuttleworth, Sir Richard, 195.

Sibthorpe, 294.

Sicilians for the Spanish army, 154.

Sicily, galleys from, 201, 548.

Sidney, Captain, 463. See also Sydney.

Sienna, 217.

Signet, clerkship of the, incidents of, 419, 459.

Simondes, Lieutenant, 204.

Simpson, Christopher, examination of, 514.

Sinclair, Andrew, servant to the King of Denmark, 247.

Sinews of war, 540.

Sires, Jean, 373.

Sittingbourn, 174, 231, 264, 269, 284, 287, 348, 381, 404, 480.

Siviglia, 109.

Sizarke, Sezark, 6, 7.

Skaw, the, in Denmark, 544.

Skeffington (Skevyngton) :

Mr., 33 (2), 371.

Richard, letter from, 393.

Skelton, Sir John, 13, 54, 57, 58, 62.

Skinner, Skynner :

Anthony, 22.

Mr., 267.

Vincent, letter from, 227, 520.

William, letter from, 432.

Sledd, John, 539.

Sleeve, the, 136, 342, 451.

Slingsby :

Francis, Captain of the St. Matthew and Master of Ordnance, 372, 382.

William, 382.

Sluys, 28, 272.

Slye, Thomas, letter from, 220.

Slyfeilde, Ralph, letter from, 438.

Smaleman, Francis, the merchant of London, 22, 144, 267, 457, 484.

fined for riot, 242.

Smallman, Mr., connected with Thomas Arundell, 188, 189, 190, 197, 202, 203, 204.

his history and accomplishments, 193, 194, 195.

Small-pox, 500.

Smalwood or Swalewood, Henry, a serjeant of London, 209, 218.

Smathwaite, Mr., preacher at Hexham, 354.

Smith, Smithe, Smyth, Smythe :

Captain, 16.

Mr., 260, 459, 536.

— an office given to, 334, 335.

— customer, connected with the Cornish mines, 233.

Edward, his brother's poor marriage, 392.

— his father Frank, 392.

Edward, in Paris, letter to, 391.

Hewett, 256.

James, servant to Mr. Beecher, 305.

Sir Jo., letter from, 152.

John, 537.

John, of Stratford-upon-Avon, oade improperly sowed by, 429, 468.

Otwell or Ottywell, 200, 293.

— at Dieppe, &c., letters from, 63, 90, 104.

Renald, letter from, 444.

T., clerk of the Privy Council, 71.

Th., letter from, 299.

Thomas, 22.

Sir Thomas, 374

servant to Lady Southampton, 536.

Smithman, Thomas, 181.

Snawdon, John, 227.

Soissons (Soysans), Charles de Bourbon, Count of, discontentment of, &c., 478, 479.

Soldiers' pay, the hundredth penny, 93.

Solicitor-General. See Fleming.

Solms (Swolmes), Count, 20, 27, 31.

and the matter of Hulst, 44.

at Turnhout, 46.

regiment of, 47.

relation with the States of Zealand, 85.

cashiered, 156.

Some, Dr., of the University of Cambridge, proposed for Bishop of Exeter, 359.

promised a bishopric, 376.

Somers, Captain George, letter from, 453.

Somerset, Duke of, condemned for felony, 531.

Somme, river, 30, 31.

country beyond, abandoned, 102.

Soprani, Francisco, 351.

Sothering, Mr., in Barbary, 277.

Sound, the, arrest of ships in, 114.

Sourdeac (Sourdeaig, Surdiac), Mons. de, 284.

friendly conduct of, 398.

in command of army raised in Brittany, 399.

South Cape, 338, 371, 465.

Southampton (Hampton), 53, 451.

dearth of corn in, 94.

mayor of, 94.

letters dated at, 341, 469, 470.

burgesses for, on a parliamentary committee, 484.

Southampton :

Countess of, letters from, 499, 537.

— debt due from, 507.

Henry, Earl of, 189, 319, 369.

— in the fleet, 372.

Southwark, city storehouse for corn in, 106.

Southwell :

“Lady,” letter from, 376.

prebend of, in Nottinghamshire, 315.

Spa, the, 420.

Spain, Spanish, or Spaniards :

Ambassador mentioned, 191.

army, distressed state of, 252, 305, 399, 468.

army in France, capture of Amiens, &c., 88, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 135, 136, 149.

carvell, engagement with a, 53.

conradd of the infantry in, a revived title, 110.

designs, rumours and reports as to, 52, 277, 294, 341, 357, 433, 434.

distressed condition of the country, 234.

Earl of Essex's expedition against. See Essex.

embargo of ships from Venice in, 202.

English Jesuits in, their character, &c., 363, 364.

Englishmen in, 83, 188.

English prisoners in, letters from, 224, 232.

fear of the English army in, 177.

financial relations and credit of, 110.

fleet, disasters to, 15, 37, 48.

fleet open to attack, 44.

fleet cast away, an informer who was in the, 56.

fleet sent out by, command, composition, &c., 131, 132, 137, 261.

— steps for discovering and news about, 173, 176, 177, 182.

— at Ferrol, pestilence among, 144.

— or armado, in preparation against England, 154, 158, 159, 164, 165, 224, 229, 312.

— preparations to repel, news of, &c., 427, 442–451, 454, 455(2), 457, 459–461, 463–466, 469, 472, 480, 494, 495.

— the composition, numbers, armour, commands, &c., of, 455, 456, 487, 488, 494, 495.

— dispersed by the tempest, 461.

— fear of it, past, 462.

— an English bark which fought the, 495.

in Flanders or Netherlands, 21, 73.

Indian fleet, attempts to capture, &c., 14, 356, 422, 433, 439, 440.

informers as to, 254, 255, 479.

invasion by, discovered from a deciphered letter, 96.

Infanta of, 109.

— marriage, &c., 81, 339, 362, 367, 501–503.

influence of, in Denmark, 77.

intelligence from, 136–138, 182.

King Philip of, 4, 21, 112.

— his influence in Italy, 37.

— treatment of Italy by, 38.

— plans of, 48.

— has too many irons in the fire, 61.

— his dealing makes more bankrupts, 85.

— relations with the English Catholic recusants, 86.

— question of peace with France, 90.

— models of ships made and sent to, 137.

— makes use of cardinals in his wars, 143.

— sermons in praise of, in France, 158.

— progress among the French, 164, 173.

— letter to his ministers in Italy, intercepted, 201.

— proceedings, 243.

— agent of, with the Emperor, 273.

— rumour of his death, 277, 450.

— Englishman in the service of, 363.

— letter from, 373.

— old and weak, 398.

— rumour of his seeking for peace, 403.

— has the keys of Tuscany in his hands, 423.

— ship bought in England for, 467.

— rumour of his death, 468.

— poverty of, 477, 478.

— his policy discussed, &c., 478.

— sick of the Herodian disease, 495.

— letter to, 508.

mariners prisoners, 62.

men-of-war off the western coast, 275.

merchant brought home by Capt. Crofts in the Biscayan prize, 79, 80.

mindful of the great blow at Cadiz, 109.

money to pay for wheat in Muscovia, 192.

Moors threatening, 110.

naval and military preparations, 4, 6, 7, 14, 21, 33, 53, 55, 56, 64, 152, 187, 201. See also Fleet above.

negotiations with the Hanse towns, 271, 273.

news from, referred to, 11, 12, 158.

power as to ships, &c., discussed, 472, 473.

prisoners taken by Capt. Legatt, 6, 7.

prisoners of Capt, Croftes, 21.

prisoners in England, hostages from Cadiz, letter from, 112.

— as to ransom of, &c., 303, 304 (2), 377, 461, 544.

— cost of support of, 472.

prisoners at Plymouth, arrangements for sending away, 88, 91.

— escape of, &c., 445, 524.

peace negotiations, &c., 8, 20, 30, 44, 60, 64, 80, 97, 110, 111, 138, 213, 234, 293, 320, 477, 478, 482, 495, 538.

Prince of, letter from, 373.

prize taken, 58, 462, 483.

proposed enterprise against, discussed, 75.

soldiers, mutiny of, 23.

ship taken at St. Ives, 466, 472.

ships from, 59.

ships off the coast of Wales, 466, 483, 485, 486.

— escape of an English carpenter, from, 486.

story of a rising in, 49.

treasure fleet, 55.

ultimate victory of, prophesied, 34.

Venetian ambassador in, an attack upon, 129, 173.

war against, the burden upon France, 209.

winter attempt on Ireland, prophesied, 313.

Spaniard, the, in Italy, 50.

Spaniard sent by the chief of Rochelle to England, 285, 287.

Spaniards arrested in Portsmouth in a ship going for Lisbon, 358.

Spanish Netherlands. See Flanders.

Spanolates, 317.

Sparks, captain of a bark of Plymouth, 256.

Spencer :

Sir John, Alderman of London, 54, 508.

Sir Wm., servants of, join a rising in Oxfordshire, 50.

Spies abroad, proposals, reports, &c., 2, 4, 255.

Spilman, Sir J., 341.

Spinola :

Baptista, financial dealings of, with the States General, 437.

Signor Frederico, a Genoese gentleman, 165.

Spiring, an English spy abroad, 4, 6,

Squiers, Andrew, 181.

Stable of victuals, 460.

Stade (Stoad, Stoadt), 159, 160.

merchant adventurers' settlement at, 307.

English mariners walking from Venice to, 467.

Stafford :

co. of, receivership of, 508.

— sheriffs for, 536.

Lady, 268, 289.

Earl of, letter from, 500.

William, bringing books from over seas, 377.

— letters from, 531, 537 (2).

Stafort, Mons. de, 548.

Stag, a, for Sir R. Cecil, 182.

Staines, 210, 338.

Stallenge :

William, a commissioner at Plymouth, 6, 58, 284, 376, 379, 460, 482, 524.

— letters from, 14, 21, 53, 61, 79, 80, 87, 91, 102, 179, 252, 257, 261, 275, 358, 362, 365, 378, 381, 384, 386, 394, 400, 420, 422, 471.

— letter to, 382. See also Commissioners at Plymouth.

George, a kinsman of William, despatched to the coast of Spain to gain information, 179.

Standen :

Sir Anthony, letter from, 260.

Mr., 188.

Standish, letter dated at, 289.

Standly, Sir Edward. See Stanley.

Stanehurst, Richard, 218.

Stanfylde, —, 395.

Stanhope :

Dr., 437.

— letter from, 371.

Edward, 294, 412, 437.

— letters from, 28, 230, 442, 514.

Sir John, Treasurer of the Chamber, 93, 135, 146, 148, 253, 290, 316, 381, 418, 476, 484, 499.

— letters from, 41, 55, 320, 377.

— letters to, 145, 257, 309, 416.

— candidate for Parliament, 412–415, 416, 417.

— well thought on in Yorkshire, 436.

Michael, 293, 344, 373.

— letter from, 140, 411, 500.

Sir Thomas, 488.

— case concerning his weirs mentioned, 363.

Stanley (Standley) :

Sir Edward, slain in Ireland, 403.

James, a Scrivener of London, 209, 218.

Sir William, 184, 218, 479, 506.

Stannary, Warden of the, 238, 466.

Stanton, 392.

Stapers, Richard, 22.

Staplehill, Gilbert, letter from, 376.

Stapleton, (Stappleton) :

Popish book by, 453.

Sir Robert, 412, 413, 414, 415.

Star Chamber cases, 242, 243, 260, 265, 267, 297, 353, 363, 366, 488.

Starford, letter dated at, 378.

Stark :

Henry, at York, 493, 515.

John, of Halsame, examination of, 516.

Starnell, Robert, 181.

States General of the United Provinces : succours granted to the King of France, 1.

engaged in reforming their men-of-war, 1.

question of sending back English troops, 24.

Dutch ship employed by, to get Spanish intelligence, 26.

agreement with France, 27.

desire for the siege of Calais, 41.

shipping trade, 59, 65–69.

opposed to a treaty between France and Spain, 60.

treaty with, 72.

meeting of, 73.

proposal for a campaign to the King of France, 75.

attitude towards Essex's expedition and other plans, 19, 20, 34, 73, 84, 85.

letter to Lord Essex, 116.

reply to the Queen's demand for shipping, &c., 120, 130.

policy of, 139, 171.

ordnance for the, 147.

request of, as to Sir R. Sydney's company, 156.

Deputies of, in London, 180.

question of fortification of Flushing, 207.

accede to the Queen's demand for aid for Earl of Essex's expedition, 211, 216, 219 (2), 222, 248.

question of Sir H. Palavicino's debt, 216, 380, 397, 437.

reply to the King of France's request for aid, 243.

money transactions with Sir Thomas Sherley, 305.

a letter from, to their agent, referred to, 349.

letters from, 380, 464 (2).

proceedings against the Catholics, 421.

a person employed by, to the King of France, 517.

Statutes referred to :

6 Edw. II., 542.

4 Edw. III., 541.

8 Edw. III., 542.

28 Edw. III., c. 5., against transportation, 431, 432.

4 Hen. VII., 542.

31 Hen. VIII., monasteries, 539.

1 Edw. VI., chantries, 539.

13 Eliz., against fugitives, 539.

27 Eliz., covinous conveyances, 540.

29 Eliz., traitors, 539.

Tellers and Receivers, 510–513.

Steele :

Jane, 295.

Margaret, 295.

John, examination of, 294.

—, the younger, footman to Lord Hunsdon, 295.

—, of Northumberland, his house burned, &c., 530.

Robert, horsekeeper to Lord Hunsdon, 295.

Steenwick in the Low Countries, the enterprise on, 120.

Stephens :

Henry, 347.

Walter, 545.

Stere :

Bartholomew, deviser of an insurrection in Oxfordshire, 49, 50.

John, father and son, take part in a rising in Oxfordshire, 50.

Steward, Mr. Dr., connected with Archibald Douglas, 335.

Stickles's device for defence against ordnance, 167.

Stileman, John, letters from, 302, 321, 538.

Stillyard, the, 83, 317.

Stirling, King James at, 246,

Stoad. See Stade.

Stock, —, a deputy at the Wood Street Compter, 393, 394.

Stockbridge :

burgesses elected to serve in Parliament for, 432.

bailiff of, letter from, 432.

Stone :

George, Queen's footman, 530.

William, 22.

—, letter from, 261.

Sir W., 341.

Stonehouse, 473.

Stony Stratford, letter dated at, 186.

Story, Storye, Storie :

Dr., his “curtell,” 537.

Jeffrey, letter from, 393.

Mr., of Greenwich, 393.

Tom, of Howend, 227.

Stourton :

Charles, summoned before the Archbishop of Canterbury, 18.

Francis, Lady, letter on behalf of her brother, 18.

Stow, William, mercer, 283.

Strachey, Robert, minstrel, 54.

Strickland, —, at Yasthrope, 304.

Stridek, William, from Limerick, 53.

Stringer, Mr., brother-in-law of John Sacheverell, 87.

Strong, Bishop, on board the Spanish fleet, 137.

Strowde, William, of the co. of Devon, 168.

Stuffs usually sold, 259.

Sturias. See Asturias.

Sturt, Mr., merchant, 474.

Styward, Markes, justice of the peace, parliamentary burgess for Stockbridge, 432.

Subbeour, Peter. See Seburo.

Subsidy, exemption from, desired, 501.

Subsidies, minute to the Queen on presenting, 535.

Sugar, prize, 275, 522, 538, 544.

sold in Barbary, 277.

Sulst, Sulz, Sultz, Count de, 25, 28, 32.

Sumatra, 336.

Summers, George, 450.

Sunday, allotment of labourers after church services on, &c., 161.

Suriago, Captain, commanding a Spanish fleet, 6, 7.

Surreys,” the islands of, 427.

Surveyor, Mr., 256.

Sussex, co. of, assizes, 294.

the defence of, 133.

levies in, 200, 206, 207.

Sutherland, Countess of, harbouring Jesuits, 253.

Sutten, auditor, 22.

Sutton :

—, abused in Essendine Park, 223.

Mrs., theft from, 356.

William, justice of the peace, 294.

letter dated at, 327.

parsonage of, 139.

Swafield, Thomas, a fictitious name, 277.

Swayne, William, 181.

Sweden :

troubles threatening in, 114.

King of, alliance for daughter of, 309.

Swift, Swyfte, Robert, 414, 415, 416.

letter from, 162.

Swinburne, the surprise of, 239.

Swiss :

cantons, discontent in, 173.

mercenaries in French service, 38, 39, 144, 204.

reinforcements for the Spanish army, 179.

Sydney, Sidney :

—, with the Essex expedition, his fly boat founders, 379.

Mr., particular Receiver of Norfolk, &c., 507.

Harry, of Norfolk, charged with engrossing of corn, 442.

Sir Philip, referred to, 156.

Sydney, Sir Robert, Governor of Flushing, 12, 57, 397, 402, 426.

letters from, 12, 13, 17, 27, 31(2), 37, 44, 54, 56, 62, 65, 81, 83, 86, 108, 109, 115, 116, 119, 132, 140, 156, 158, 164, 176, 177, 180, 181, 192, 198, 199, 201, 207, 210, 217, 222, 225, 228, 243, 245, 248, 313, 475, 492, 495,

question of his return to England, 13, 31.

his company of horse, 13, 84, 140, 156, 180, 198.

at the battle of Turnhout, 25, 28, 29, 46.

blamed for not staying certain corn ships, 59.

—, his defence, 65–69.

relations with Essex, 62.

forbidden by the Queen to hazard himself, and other personal matters, 62.

candidature for the Cinque Ports, paucity of his rewards, &c., 108, 115, 132, 133, 156, 198.

pay of, as captain of fifty lances, 178.

representations about the state of Flushing, 207, 208.

allusions to his personal interest, 210.

Flushing the grave of his youth, 211.

absent from his government, 217.

coming to meet Essex as he passes between Dover and Calais, 225.

question of an appointment for, 225.

return to Flushing, &c., 228.

a letter from, to Lord Burghley, opened by Essex in mistake, 269.

return to England, 490.

sister of, 442.

Symonds or Symons, Roger, informs of an intended rising in Oxfordshire, 49, 50.

Syon House (Scion), letter dated at, 322.