Index: Q, R

Pages 594-597

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Quarles, Quarreles :

Mr., 421.

— letter from, 202.

Edward, merchant, 22, 200.

James, payment to, 460.

John, 22.

Jonas, one of the commissioners of Portsmouth, 61, 72, 81.

— letter from, 72.

Quarrington, Quarryngton, letters dated at, 402, 420, 501.

Quean, a runagate, papistical, unnamed, fled northwards, 162.

Queen Elizabeth (“the Queen”) :

letters from, 5, 151, 314, 433, 449.

letter to the King of France, 52.

letters, &c, to, 16, 139, 175, 202, 220, 224, 295, 330, 336, 374, 376, 380, 464, 506, 522, 527, 533, 535, 537, 538(2), 540, 546.

French King invites her to a conference, 1.

an effort to convert her to the Catholic faith, the advantages of such a step, 34.

sitting in the council till candle light, 41.

demands a lease for a nominee, 41.

said to hold the balance in Europe, 49.

a personal notice of, 55.

“conjecture of the stars” about, 61.

infinitely renowned in France, 98.

an alleged design against the person of, 116.

preparation of letters for her perusal, &c., 150.

taking the air in Islington Fields, 180.

alleged preparations to poison, 229.

signs of affection for Lord Essex, 306.

oration to the Polish ambassador, 315, 317, 337.

at Havering, 361.

visit to Theobalds, 370, 378.

held in estimation at Rochelle, 384.

in a feverish state of body, &c., 385.

movements, 391.

marriage with the King of Spain advocated, 394.

her promise to marry Monsieur referred to, 406.

policy in refusing to name an heir, 406.

her sentiments towards Lord Burghley, 425.

disdainful reception of the French envoy, 429.

tribute paid to, as queen of the ocean, 439,

pearls offered to, but refused, 500.

minute to, on presenting subsidies, 535.

Queen's :

household, purveyance for, 332.

loan, exemption from the, 285.

— privy seals for, 101, 309, 310.

— imposed on the public preacher at Colchester, 299.

prayer, asked for, 278.

privy bakehouse, groom of the, 267.

records, 431.

tenants, 301.

title at commencement of a speeeh, 320.

Queen Hive [Hithe] (Ripa Regina), 301.

Queensborough, 59.

Quester, Matthew de, 351.

Quiloga, Ian, 83.

Quivaçoa, island of, 357.


Radcliffe, Jer., 539.

Radotto, Signor Angelo, 71.

Radrum, fort of, Ireland, 340.

Raevels (Rauell), 24, 32.

Ragnina, captain, of Ragusa, 109.

Ralegh (Raley) :

Lady, 339.

—, letters to and from, 424, 410.

—, anxiety to hear news of Sir Walter, 410.

Sir Walter, 59, 79, 306, 317, 346, 455, 471.

—, letter to Sir Robert Cecil on the death of Lady Cecil, 35.

—, other letters from, 55, 173, 284, 329, 379, 450, 455, 461, 472.

—, letters to, 238, 466.

—, debt to Sir R. Cecil, 284.

—, awaiting the fleet at Weymouth, an important writing for, 285.

—, signs a minute of a council of war, 291.

—, his distresses, 330.

—, lieutenant of Cornwall, 342.

—, visit to the queen, 361.

— (“my lord warden”), operations in the fleet, 367, 371, 379, 386, 389, 390, 410, 422, 424, 427, 439, 440, 444, 445, 447, 450.

—, payment to, 460.

—, said to have seized a prize from a Flushing captain, 481.

Ramekins (Ramkyns), the, at Flushing, 59, 67, 68.

insufficiency as a fortification, 69.

Ramse Wood, 411.

Ramsey, Sir John, 341.

Ramus, Pedro, a Spanish prisoner, deposition of, 7.

Rancle, Vincent, 50.

Randolph, Thomas, 391.

Randolphe, Edward, 344.

Rannce, John, 347.

Ransford, Mr., 359.

Rante, Ro., letter from, 500.

Rasse, yeoman of the, 438.

Rasses and Studeries, H.M., surveyor of, 438.

Ratclyffe, Mr., 481.

Raunston, manor of, Berks, 135, 546.

Ravenna, exarchate of, controversy about a small corner of, 525.

Ray or Rand, Captain, 153.

Raynold, Thomas, letter from, 526.

Reade :

James, examination of, 516.

William, condemned for horse stealing at York, 493, 515.

Reaux, Mons. de, ambassador from the King of France, 52, 210, 243.

Records, the, presses for storing, at Whitehall, 431.

in the Tower of London, 532.

Recusants, 86, 105, 106, 298, 404

charge of, 347.

collector for, 371.

methods recommended against, 452.

Red cloak, 226.

Redhead, Readhed :

Henry, 50.

Mr., 230.

Mr., gaoler of York Castle, action of the Council of the North against, for improper behaviour, &c., 492, 493(2), 506, 514–516.

Redmayne, John, 416.

Reedsdale (Riddisdale), pledges of, 227.

Regenmorter, —, 481.

Regemortus, Mons., 548.

Regemortes, Pierre de, letters from, 48, 141.

Regensburg, reichstag at, 307, 308.

Reid, John, of Torquhaue, 227.

Reims (Reins) in Champagne, 485.

the Capuchins driven from, 140.

Reiston, Raffe, 414.

Renes, mentioned, 418.

Requests :

court of, registership of, 333.

master of, 314.

Reugies, Jo., countersigns letter from the States General, 117.

Reveley, Ralph, of Hamilton, 227.

Revera, John de, 198.

Reynolds (Reignolds) :

Dr., 394.

Edward, secretary to Lord Essex, 27, 39, 95, 189, 348, 350, 376.

—. letters from, 283, 332, 376, 459.

—, letters to, 350, 423, 531, 536.

—, an account of his services, 333.

—, Cecil's favour towards, 335.

—, an office for, 419.

—, endorsement by, 525.

John, 181.

Thomas, letter from, 415.

Rhene, Prince of, 78.

Rhynberck, an English Jesuit taken at, 484, 485. See also Berck.

Ribas, Don John de, Governor of Calais, letter from, 138.

Rice, Mr., keeper of a walk in Enfield Park, 321

Rich :

Penelope, Lady, letter from, 395.

Robert, Lord, letter from, 429.

—, complaint against tenants of, 429.

—, a suit with, concerning the Queen, 533.

Richardot, Ricciardotto, President, at Brussels, 362, 408, 529.

negotiations with Villeroy, 468, 477.

signs a letter, 502.

Richardson, Henry, 347.

Riche, Sir Edwin, 27.

Richers, Mr., 15.

Richie, of Cancrowpe Rutledge, 227.

Richmond, 371.

Court at, letters dated at, 438, 459.

Rickmansworth, letters dated at, 259, 435.

Riddisdale. See Reedsdale.

Ridgway, Th., 486.

Rigden, William, 508.

Rio de la Hach, 357.

Ripon, burgess in parliament for, 404.

Rither, Edith, charges made by, 540.

Riviera, sailors from the, 165.

Rizza Casa, the astronomer, 61, 63, 229, 261.

Rizzo, Francesco, 6, 24.

Robello, Francis, a Portuguese suspected of being a spy, examination of, 121.

Robinson :

Christopher, a condemned seminary, 298, 516.

Dr., 546.

William, and others, petition from, 157.

Robson :

Joch, of Ostuam, 227, 271.

Lourie, 227.

Lyell, 227.

Rochelle, 53, 59, 88, 343, 382, 420.

passenger fare by sea from Plymouth to, 91.

letters dated at, 143, 372.

the general report from, 252.

deputation from, to England, 284, 285, 287.

complaint against the men of, 295.

Sir George Carew's entertainment there, 384.

views with regard to the Queen at, 384.

fortification of, 384.

parties sent over by the Mayor of, 421.

ships bound for, 454.

money lent to agent for town of, during siege in 1572, 505.

J., Secretary of the Huguenot deputies, 318.

Rochester, 98, 174, 231, 264, 269, 279, 284, 287, 348, 381, 397, 404, 480.

the burgesses for, on a parliamentary committee, 476.

ordnance shipped at port of, 148.

dispute between the deputy customer and comptroller of, 214.

rules for regulating the custom house of, 215.

deputy customer of, 304.

a stable of victuals at, 460.

Rock, the height of the, 379.

Rodriguez, Pedro, his history, &c., 253, 257, 260, 264, 278.

Roe, William, letter from, 427.

Rogel, Hernand, letter to, 475.

Rogers :

John, of Plymouth, pilot, examination of, 122.

William, 22.

Rokeby, Mr., Secretary to the Council of the North, 127.

Rolston, Anthony, letter from, 188.

Roman Catholic subjects of the Queen, sentiments and views of, 34, 86, 363, 364.

forbidden to traffic, 38.

Rome, 10, 38(2), 50.

Consistory at, 524.

English Catholics at, majority opposed to the King of Spain, 86.

Florentine agent in, 423.

information from, 87, 254, 255, 423.

Jesuits at, emissary from, &c., 484, 485.

King of Spain's Ambassadors in, their action, 423.

Marquisate of, purchase of, 37.

prisoners to suffer at, for sending news by private letters or gazettes, 101.

Romero's trench, method of propelling boats, &c., 167.

Romish hierarchy, light offences against the, procure a heavy censure, 524.

Romney :

election of burgesses for, 429.

Sir W., 341.

Roper :

mistress, 224.

William, 356.

Rose :

George, homicide by, 294.

Mons., bishop of Sentlis, 140.

Rosett, George, of St. Malo, 33.

Ross, Mr., prisoner in the Tower of London, 474.

Rotham in Kent, 15.

Rotherham, Mr., 484.

Rotterdam, 248.

Roue, Mr., 304.

Rouen (Roan), 15, 76, 99, 129, 135, 396.

letters dated at, 19, 41.

agent at, for negotiating repayment to the Queen, 21.

assembly at, 30, 477.

English clerk at, 132.

English traders at, badly used, 63.

financial agent in, 398.

homicide in a church in, 218.

master of the passport office in, 70.

Rowe, Henry, 22, 368.

Rowle, John, deputy controller of Rochester, 214, 215.

Ruanick, G., 163.

Rudd :

Anthony, Bishop of St. David's, letter from, 166.

Matthew, 152, 153.

Robert, chaplain to the Bishop of St. David's, 166.

Rudolph II., Emperor, proclamation of, 307.

Rue, devoted to the King of France, 136.

Rugway, Captain, attacked by the Spanish fleet, 450.

Rusco in Brittany, 250.

Rusk, 355.

Russell :

“Bess,” daughter of Lady Russell, at the Court, 297.

Elizabeth, Dowager Lady, 409.

— letters from, 267, 281, 296, 297 (2), 441, 536.

— letter to, 520.

— marriage for her daughter proposed by, and statement as to her portion, 267.

— dispute with a draper about a debt, 296, 297.

— Latin verses by, 87, 441.

Lord, 536.

Sir William, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 310, 508.

—, letters from, 269, 270.

—, forbidden access to the Queen, 269.

Russhe or Ruisshees, Sir Fra., letter from, 124.

Russia (Muscovia) :

cordage from, 484, 504.

corn from, 206.

Emperor of, dealings with, 192.

—, allied against the Turk, 390.

—, an Englishman servant of, 505.

English trade to, 78, 338.

merchant adventurers trading to, 12, 206, 338, 484, 504.

wheat from, 192.

Rutherforth, eldest son to William of Littlehugh, 227.

Rutland, Earl of, 278, 369.

letter from Geneva, 102.

request for a keepership for, 121.

letters from, 302, 329, 330, 483.

permission to hunt in Enfield, 303.

his desire to know and see the wars, 329, 330.

Ryce, John, 48.

Rycot, 435.

letter dated at, 231.

Rye, 461.

place of embarkation for France, 143.

Rye, famine price of, 296.

Rysbank at Calais, 64.