Cecil Papers: August 1597, 16-31

Pages 354-376

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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August 1597, 16–31

The Earl of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 16. How much I think myself beholden unto you for your honourable usage of my son, at his late being at the Court, you shall find when I have means to make it known unto you. In the mean season I pray you accept my heartiest thanks. I have received her Majesty's most gracious letters : that it pleaseth her so well to accept of my son I count an inestimable favour. He is by nature born, was by me brought up, and is in his own affection, vowed to her service, wherein if he may do aught which may be pleasing to her, he shall do that which we both most desire. I dare not presume to trouble her Majesty with my letters, which can contain no more than my most humble thanks, therefore, I beseech you, let her Majesty understand from me that I have with exceeding joy received her letters.—At Ffllerston, this 16th of August 1597.
Signature. Seal. ½ p. (54. 52.)
Lord Eure to Lord Burghley.
1597, Aug. 17. It hath, as I hear, pleased God to call to his mercy, Mr. Mason, late parson of Woodhorne in Northumberland, by reason of whose death the said rectory is now void. My humble suit is that her Majesty, who is patron, would grant the said benefice to one Mr. Smathwaite, “a man very painful in the Church of God,” and well known to the Bishop of Durham for a good preacher. He hath been maintained hitherto with the voluntary benevolence of religious people.—Hexham, the 17th of August 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (54. 54.)
Matthew Darell to the Lord High Admiral.
1597, Aug. 17. The victuallers are come well to Plymouth, only departed company with the Lyon yesterday in a fog : I think she is put into Torbay. She is not yet come. My Lord General, finding the wind this evening to begin to turn, hath given orders to all the fleet to put themselves in a readiness to weigh : and proposeth, if the wind do serve, to be all under weigh this night, and so to take out these victuals hereafter at sea. I doubt not but your Lordships doth hear, that divers of the land companies are discharged, by which means this supply of provisions will extend much the further amongst the rest.—From Plymouth, the 17th of August 1597.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (54. 55.)
Matthew Darell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 17. The ten ships laden with the supply of victuals for this fleet, came well hither this morning. Only the Lyon is not yet come, being put into some harbour hereabouts, as I think by the foul weather which we had at sea yesterday, for till then she kept us company. We do find my Lord General and the fleet here glad of our coming, and ready to put to sea with the first wind, which began to serve well this morning : whereupon a good part of the fleet was under sail; but it shifted again so soon into a contrary place, as his lordship was enforced to come again to anchor. So long as it shall continue so, my Lord hath given me direction to make distribution of this victual, but so soon as the wind shall become good, then to leave and to follow the fleet to sea with the rest.—From Plymouth the 17th of August 1597.
P.S.—This evening the wind shifting again into the North, my Lord hath given new direction to the fleet, to put themselves under sail again, purposing to have them all (as it seemeth) out of the Sound this night.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (54. 56.)
Elizabeth, Lady Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 17. For that I am not able to follow your honour to the Court, I come to take my leave, and to give you humble and hearty thanks for all your honourable favours, most humbly craving the continuance thereof.
Endorsed with the date. 5 lines. (54. 57.)
Thomas Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 17. The Golden Lyon, her Majesty's Ship, with divers others victualled, through the contrary wind, stopped here in Portland Road on yesterday, being the 16th hereof, and this morning coming good again, took sail, and are by this time, I hope, at Plymouth. I am promised the sight of some devices, which, if I be performed withal, your Honour may perhaps fancy.—From Weymouth, Melcomb Regis, the 17th of August. Ao 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (54. 58.)
1597, Aug. 17. The Note of the Provisions found aboard the Spanish ships, St. Andrew and St. Matthew, which were lately taken. Consisting of rusk, poor-john, bacon, wine, peas, and oil.
Endorsed in Essex's hand with the date. (54. 59.)
Sir Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 17. I have examined William Roper, James Wright, and a servant of Doctor Gilbert, Richard Weston. Their several examinations, with the jewel, is here enclosed. I think upon the examining of Hugh Moore and some other such, your Honour's servants, as were nearest attending my lady at her death, may be seen by what means this jewel and others were purloined from your Honour—This 17th day of August 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (54. 60.)
The Enclosures, viz. :
(1.) The Examination of James Wright, Servant to Mrs. Sutton Taken before Sir Richard Martyn. Knight, 14 August 1597.
Examined concerning a jewel in fashion of a feather of gold set with diamonds and rubies, he saith that on Saturday was se'nnight last past, being the sixth day of August, he, about 4 of the clock in the afternoon, bought of one Richard Wesson, the servant of Dr. Gilbert, the foresaid jewel, for which he paid him 12l. and a small ring of gold worth some iij. s. iiij. d : which jewel the said Richard told this examinant had been pawned before. This is all the commodities, jewels, or things, which this examinant ever bought of him the aforesaid Richard Wesson. He the examinant further saith that some four days after he bought the said jewel, he sold it, together with a ring of gold set with one diamond and four rubies, which he esteemed worth five pounds, to one William Roper, a goldsmith, for nineteen pounds, which he is as yet to receive of him.
Signatures. ½ p. (54. 43.)
(2.) Examination of Richard Wesson, 16th day of August 1597.
Deposeth that about some 3 months past one Hugh More, servant of the right honourable Sir Robert Cecil, knight, did borrow of this examinant 8l. upon a jewel of gold set with diamonds and rubies in fashion of a feather, for 3 months' time, which being expired, he did write unto the said More for to pay him his money and to redeem the jewel. On Saturday was a se'nnight last past in the afternoon, he, the said More, sold the said jewel, in the presence of this examinant, to one James Wright, a goldsmith in Cheapside, for 12l. and a small gold ring, when as the said More uttered these words to him, that the same jewel was all that he got by reason of his sickness at and by the death of his lady, and further said that there were others of his fellows, attending upon his lady, that had gotten, as he remembreth, some a 100l., some of them 200l., and others more and less, but what their names were this examinant knoweth not.—London.
Signatures. ½ p. (54. 58.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 17. Being between the Lizard and Ushant, I spoke with a pinnace of Watsses, named the Mosquito, now bound home from the Indies. By her I understand that the Spanish Indian fleet is not yet returned, and so our fleet not out of hope to entertain them at their coming home. But the better to satisfy my duty, I will acquaint your Honour with the particulars of their relation. At their being at the Islands of Quiracoa and Aruba they learnt by certain negroes there, that there passed a fleet of 17 galleons and 7 merchant ships by those Islands to Cape de la Vela on the 14th day of May, which was some 7 or 8 days before the being of our English there, who departed then to Rio de la Hach, and took a rancea six leagues short of it, with 16 pearl boats; for the ransom of which town and boats, they received of a friar 1,000 pesos of gold at Rio de la Hach, who likewise confirmed the report of the negroes concerning the Indian fleet, and further that they passed thence to Carthagena there to take in the treasure. After this the pinnace, losing her company and coming to the Havano, took a Spaniard of Campeche thwart of it, who assured them that the fleet was not yet come thither, but were daily looked for. Five days after this, being the 17th of July, she “disembogued,” which was not yet six weeks past. This is all that I could learn by the master of this pinnace, save only that the friar before remembered demanded how the English durst to attempt anything there, since that the Spaniards had a fleet of 200 sail, with a mighty army, gone for England.—From aboard the Antelope, 17th of August.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 61.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 18. Upon the summons given me by the Lords of the Privy Council, I am come hither with such small forces as I am able to make on the sudden of mine own ordinary servants, which I thought good to do somewhat before the time I was appointed. Your further direction I will not fail to follow, although my ability will hardly give me leave to entertain such a company long.—From my house in Great St. Bartholomew's, London, the 18 of August 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (54. 62.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 18. I am appointed by my Lord General to keep these west “wartes” [wards] at the seas, where I have been four or five days, and now put in to Plymouth to grave my ship by his Lordship's commandment. During the time of my being at sea I have received no news to certify your Honour; as soon as I have any I will not fail to give notice thereof. Because of this my absence and employment, I know some means will be wrought against me, by solicitation of my Lady Gilbert's or Captain Thinn (who looks for all), and to undo me in my whole estate if it be possible, contrary to her Majesty's pleasure signified to the Lord Keeper and the Judges Delegates. I beseech your Honour, if my servant whom I appoint to follow those causes shall inform you of any such wrong offered me, that you will vouchsafe to protect me from prejudice, until I shall be able to be present to answer their demands.—From Plymouth, the 18th of August.
P.S.—Whereas King, captain of the Tremontaigny, is commanded by the Lord General to follow and attend upon me in the narrow seas in these parts, and to receive his directions from me, he refuseth to keep me company with his ship, and I have not seen him these three or four days. He saith he hath authority and instructions from my Lord Admiral to the contrary, and that his ship is otherwise appointed and not part of the fleet, and so not to be commanded by my Lord General. I beseech you to acquaint my Lord Admiral with this contempt; and to entreat him to disallow of his former warrant, if there be any such, and that I may have it under his hand, for otherwise I shall not draw him to any conformity except I use some extremity which I am loth to offer unto his Lordship's servant. The fleet and the victuallers are all gone this last night.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 63.)
Sir Thomas Garrett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 18. I have sent my servant to know the place where I shall lay my stuff sent on Saturday come se'nnight. My house shall be delivered freed clearly of all things.—From Court, 18 August.
Holograph. Seal. 4 lines. (54. 64.)
Hameden Poulet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 18. There is here in the road one Edward Banes of Lisbon (“Lishborne”), an Englishman born, with a ship of 100 tons or thereabouts, called the Edward and Thomas of London, laden with divers sorts of merchandises, for the passage of the which, with such passengers as he, the said Barons (sic), shall carry with him, he hath a pass under my Lo. Admiral's hand and seal to pass the same for Lisbon. In this ship, upon search, I have found 1193 lbs. of powder with the cask, besides the ordinary provision of the said ship, the which I have here stayed, and the same seemeth to be the goods of one Thomas Adderley, merchant of London, which is partner both of the ship and lading with the said Banes. There is in the said ship, of English passengers, 6, and of English sailors, 8; the rest are Spaniards, Portugals and such to the number of 60 or thereabouts. Until your further pleasure be known, I have made stay of the said ship.—From Portsmouth this 18 of August 1597.
Endorsed :—“Portsmouth 18 Aug. 4 afternoon. East Meon, 18 Aug. 7 afternoon. Alton at 8 and half an hour past, the 18 of August. . . . . . . Farnham at 9 o'clock afternoon.”
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (54. 65.)
Search Warrant.
1597, Aug. 19. I am informed that there are certain suspected persons, that do lie in a garden in the Strand over against the Savoy. These shall be to require you to search those houses in the garden between the barber and the coachmaker, and to apprehend such persons as are secretly harboured there.—From the Court at — the 19 of August 1597.
Draft in Cecil's hand, and added in another hand.—“The information was given me by one Hancock, a scrivener, dwelling at the sign of the Black Boy in the Strand.”
Endorsed :—“A note for Mr. Willis to put Mr. Secretary in remembrance to have a house searched when he cometh to London.”
1 p. (54. 66.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 19. The 17th of this present here arrived Mr. Dorrell, and the same day at night the L. General set sail with the rest of his fleet, but were all, or the most part of them, within sight of this place the next day until noon. Mr. Dorrell departed from hence this last night with so many of the victuallers as came hither in his company. H.M. ship the Golden Lyon came not into this harbour, but, as it is supposed, came into the company of my L. fleet at the sea. The wind is now and hath been good all this last night. It hath been told me that your Honour delivered a letter for me unto Mr. Manners, but there hath none such come to my hands, neither have I received any other from you since Mr. Ransford departed from hence. Upon some occasion I have been forced to take into my hands the half of a barque of about 60 tons burden, which I am willing to send to the coast of Spain. For so much as divers of my friends are contented to venture in her three months' victuals for 40 men, and for that, if any good thing should happen to be taken by her, I would be loath to be troubled by the Lord Admiral for going forth without licence, I have presumed to beseech your warrant in that behalf, as well that neither by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, or the Vice-Admiral or any other, she be hindered before her going forth, nor any way molested abroad, nor when God shall send her to return. She is named the Elizabeth of Sandwich. I mean to send in her two of my kinsmen which have the Spanish tongue very perfect, hoping thereby they shall be able to do the better service. The one of them cost me more than 20 nobles in his last journey, whereof I certified your Honour, but he was shipped with such a captain as durst not come near the coast of Spain, whereby he spent his victuals and so returned without doing any service at all.—From Plymouth the 19 of August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 68.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 20. I am to put you in remembrance of the warrant for the Parliament, if Her Majesty do still continue her former resolution. A clerk of the Parliament is also to be thought of. Whoever her Highness shall make choice of, shall have well to have some convenient time to prepare and enable himself. He is to receive into his charge the Rolls and Records appertaining to the place, and to acquaint himself with them beforehand, and to be informed by as good means as he can of his duty and charge in this service. Here is like to be new Lord Keeper, new Speaker, new Clerk, and all of us newly to learn our duties. I comfort myself for my part with her Majesty's wonted gracious favour, else I must seek some new covert to hide me in. I fear some will say of us, Ecce nova facta sunt omnia.—At York House, 20 August 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (54. 69.)
John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 20. I do know Dr. Some to be a very honest man, well learned, an ancient Dr. in Divinity, and one that governeth the College whereof he is master with good commendation. He hath also been twice Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, in which office he hath likewise behaved himself very well. I am persuaded that he is fit for the bishopric of Exeter. I could wish that the bishoprics now vacant were supplied with all convenient speed.—From Croydon, 20th August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (54. 71.)
William Lyllé to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Aug. 21. Our siege and work reduced now to that pass, that we are at this instant either to win and carry Amiens, or else to give the enemy battle if he come to relieve it. We are lodged already in the rampart and possess round about the counterscarp, so as they dare not appear upon the walls. The ravelin before the gate they entered is not yet taken, but we raise a mount to command it and all the town, and in the ditch have planted two pieces on each side to beat the gate and the galleries and passage from the gate thither, thereby to facilitate the taking thereof, and, that taken, all the rest will be easy. In the rampart and ravelin divers mines have been discovered, and of great importance, which maketh that we go daintily to work, lest we pay for haste. Our works and trenches are infinite and good but they want here the Low-Country experience. That little they have came from thence, and brought by Fougeralles (the French confess), but, being dead, the Marshal Biron will have the honour thereof. The continual defence the enemy maketh hath ruined many of his men, so as those now which guard the quarter besieged by night, do rest the day on the quarters not besieged, which if the King had men to besiege, he might win it by overwatching them within, and, had he judiciously left the superfluity of his works, he had now by them directly been in the market place. The town hath raised the water about it by stopping certain sluices. This will fill almost all the dykes about, which for their relief will be as dangerous as present hinder to us. They are now reduced to all their shifts, and work many devices to mask their fear. And if the Cardinal come not, and by battle won win it not, it is not thought they have any great hope. We have assurance that his array is ready, and the gross about Arras composed of 11,000, of which 2000 horse. Yesterday certain troops of horse appeared near us, either to view our proceeding or else the way to conduct their army. They were made to run by ours, and the French give out 300 of them defeated, many whole lances brought in and some 200 prisoners. These were esteemed the vanguard and were led by Burlot, who escaped, say we, by flight, and were in number some 600. Of this victory we have made great triumph before the town and the K. mistress, and thus we attend battle, and they, battery. At this time Lesdiguieres is in Sancy, and in the valley de St Jean de Marienne (having already taken that town) attendeth battle at the D. of Savoy's hands, who is in field and hath some 9, or 10,000, men, what Swisses, Spaniards, Italians and others. Of necessity he must give him battle, or else he will lose Chombery, and the best part of his country, and all the passages between France and Italy at his devotion and, consequently, the traffic; and the Duke is mostly urged thereunto by the place, which is so barren that he cannot stay upon it, and hath no means over the hills to victual. The other is not so strong, but is entrenched, and hath victuals out of Dauphiné abundantly. There is no good accord between Alfonso Corsa and Diguieres, and the question, or different between them made by the K. himself, whose neighbourhood may peradventure much hinder this enterprise, every man favouring best his own ambition. Those of the Religion little meddle in these aids, none of them being here at the siege. The D. of Bouillon is every day looked for but will come in post and with three horses only. Algrembeau, a strong place near Poitiers (Potiers), taken by Mercury of late, and gone about to be reprised by Marshal de Bouillon and La Tremouille, are defended to meddle with it by the King expressly, at the request (saith he) of Montpensier, to whom it appertaineth. The General of Cordeliers is returned into France, and continueth his treaty of a truce, and, as it is thought, had done much therein, had not this town here fatally crossed it; which hath brought all matters between these kings to that point as it cannot be avoided but they must come to a battle, the loss whereof on both sides is very ruinous to all their subsequent affairs. We are here now some 13,000, whereof 3000 horse, and all guard the trenches by turns. If the Cardinal stay but 4 days more, the K. saith, we shall be 20,000 by the recrues, and the troops of Paris, Rouen and Montpensier. Our place is so advantageous as that we may both hold the town assieged and give the Cardinal battle, whose tardivity in relieving and forces now gathered together, is of us much derided and nothing esteemed, and the rather for that we see that they will not fight if any ways they avoid it. Thus hoping for good success of all our actions here, which is not too much desired of the French themselves, beseech the Almighty send you a happy return.—The Camp before Amiens this 21 of Aug. 1597.
P.S. Captain Wilton is very dangerously hurt at the relief of the K. Cannot (sic) he doth a little begin to amend but hath endured much laming and yet much pain.
Holograph. 3 pp. (54. 72.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Lord Deputy of Ireland.
1597, Aug. 21. Your letters found me at London on Thursday night, when the Q. was at Havering, whither I sent them, and, being occasioned to go to Theobalds on Friday to see my father, his Lordship had written before I came those letters which now Mr. Dymmock carrieth. I came hither to-night, Saturday, and find that the Q. conceiveth well of your Lordship's proceedings.
The fleet is gone from Plymouth on Tuesday last, victualled for 10 weeks; for the land army is dissolved to 1000 old soldiers to man the fleet, in respect of infection which grew among them daily by being kept on ship-board together, and suffering other difficulties which accompany sea journeys that are wind bound. The Earl made a posting journey from Plymouth hither, and in the mean while the Lord Thomas and the Lord Mountjoy, who had with 57 sail of ships been divided from them in the storm at first and kept the seas longer upon the coast of Spain, being likewise forced in, we are left at Plymouth to repair many wants before that fleet could go out again. Sir. W. Raleigh came up with the Earl and both were with the Q. very graciously used, and truly my L. dealeth with him very nobly. For their purpose surely, Sir, I will write to you freely, I hope for nothing but the keeping up of the journey's reputation, by keeping the sea as long as the time of year, for the Spaniard to come out, doth serve, and to lie off at the Islands to interrupt the Indian fleet; but the Fleet at Ferrol will not be burnt, the carricks are come home, the Islands cannot be taken, so that their weak watery hopes do but faintly nourish that noble Earl comfort; but I find he would be glad to hold out the the full time, and would be sorry to dissolve a journey at Plymouth as Cumberland useth to do. The charge is past and the winter approaching, and a Parliament shall be summoned the 24th of October, so as then we shall be speaking not fighting. The French K. is before Amiens with hope to prevail, for the Cardinal is still weak and diverted by the Count Maurice besieging Berk, which he hath taken by composition three days before the Cardinal could come, who now draweth out of all his garrisons an army for France. Thus have you a rhapsody of all things hastily written. The future diminution of her Majesty's charge, unto which you look, already pleaseth the Q. in the contemplation.—From the Court this 21st of Aug./97.
P.S.—The L. Admiral, whom you have cause to love, doth in this postscript recommend his daughter's case unto you. I wonder I hear not whom you would knight. The Q. if she may understand it, will send you liberty for so many. It is better than nothing.
Holograph. Draft. Signed. 2½ pp. (54. 75.)
D. Hilles to Archibald Douglas.
1597, Aug 21. “Holly water” of the Court is so plentiful that I cannot tell how you are besprinkled with it. Good words be easy, but well-doing hath leaden heels. I pray you let me but know whether Mr. Chancellor hath, or that you stand assured that he will, effect for you to any good purpose or no.—21 Aug. 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (63. 63.)
The Earl and Countess of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 22. We give thanks for your kind remembrance by letters, and have had good occasion to like this country. The discourses of this passing time we leave to the relation of this agent.—Alport our lodge, this 22 of August 1597.—Your loving niece and nephew.
Signatures. ½ p. (54. 77.)
Archduke Albert of Austria.
1597, Aug. 22/Sept. 1. Copy of a letter of credence for Albert, Archduke of Austria, sent by Philip, King of Spain, on a special mission to the Low Countries, to communicate a resolution from the King.—San Laurens, 1 September 1597.
Endorsed :—“Receu le 3 de Decembre 1597.
“La volonté de sa Majesté est que son alteze aura l'infante avecq les pays bas, l'ayant declairé sa dite alteze.”
Copy. ½ p.
Extraict d'une lettre escript a Bruxelles le 3 Decembre 1597.
Le president Richardot a-t-aujourdhuy faict la proposition aux consaulx d'estat, privé et finances, touls assemblez devant le disner, et après le disner à ceulx du conseil de Brabant, que le Cardinal se mariera avecq l'infante et les pays se transporteront toulx revinz par voye d'une paix generale a son alteze, provision extraordinaire pour les vielles debtes et ordinaire à fin que tout soit reduict en bonnes termes.
Written immediately below the preceding letter and by the same hand.
(133. 174.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 23. The 19th hereof I certified your honour of the departing of her Majesty's fleet hence, since which time I do not understand any certain news from them. The letter here inclosed was sent unto the Mayor of this town.—Plymouth, 23rd August 1597.
Signed. Seal broken. ⅓ p. (54. 78.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 24. The account between me and Beecher will be finished very presently, when his impudent lewdness will appear, who did affirm me to be in his debt 30,000l., and now it will plainly appear that he is in my debt, as I ever told your Honour he would be. When Beecher and Lester did first sue to me to employ them to serve the victuals, apparel and such things, (which are manual trades and out of which there may good profit arise), they were no way able to give me security for such money as I should from time to time put in their hands : whereupon they did offer unto me gift and consideration of money in respect of my hazard and adventure with them. This course of assurance is a thing common between man and man, as your Honour doth know. They and I did agree upon a profit which I should have out of their industries, and I did receive of them divers sums of money upon the same agreement. I do assure myself that no man will think it reasonable that I being bound both in my body and in my lands to the Queen's Majesty for the answering of her treasure, should deliver the same so hazardously as to such a fellow as Beecher without some commodity and profit to myself to be yielded by him in respect of my hazard. I ever took it that a man may with honesty accept a gratuity given; if he may not also accept of a gift proceeding in respect of a hazard, I must think it most wonderful and say, Lord have mercy upon me! He hath said that I did stay from him ten pounds out of every hundred which I paid him for clothing and victualling. This I do not acknowledge, and he cannot prove. What money I had he delivered unto me with his own hand, and privately in mine own closet. I beseech your Honour to have some care in this matter for the satisfaction of my Lord your father. I send you herein a copy of the letter which I have written to him.—This 24th of August 1597.
Holograph. 4 pp. (54. 80.)
Enclosed, a copy of a letter to the same effect to Lord Burghley.
2 pp. (54. 79.)
— to Lord Burghley.
1597, Aug. 24. From my infancy I have been a Catholic but never an enemy of my country, and, albeit I had some dealings with the Queen of Scotland, for which I was called in question, yet never intended to prejudice the Q. Majesty's most royal person. Notwithstanding my return from Milan, and forsaking the K. of Spain's service, I was not suffered to enjoy the liberty of my conscience privately, nor the benefit of the law in causes of justice. I was utterly ruined; and, considering the sentence against me in the Star Chamber about Sir Thomas Stanhope's weirs (“weares”), (fn. 1) and the troubles both my wife and I were presently to fall into by reason of recusancy, being bound to appear before the Archbishop of York, I was forced again to abandon the realm; but, I thank God, I have never yet entered into any conspiracy against Her Majesty or my country. Arriving at Flanders, I sought to the K. of Spain and his governors in the Low Countries for maintenance, but found that one Parsons, an English Jesuit, had gotten that interest in the K. and his council in Spain, and another English Jesuit, Holt, had gotten by Parsons' means such credit in the Court of Flanders, as that none of our nation could obtain anything in either place but by their means. They will favour none but such as will follow their faction, whereunto I could not yield, though I desire the conversion of our country to the Catholic faith. Having made trial of Holt divers ways, I found him to be a most wicked monstrous man, and the course they run, to tend to the ruin of our country, overthrow of the monarchy, destruction of the nobility, and to bring England into perpetual bondage of the Spaniards. They neither respect religion, their native soil, nor anything else except their own most ambitious humour, hoping to attain to special authority and government under the K. of Spain. Wherefore, though I had entertainment offered me, I came away from Brussels and retired me to Liege, out of the K. of Spain's dominions. I thought to crave her Majesty's favour, that I might return to my country and enjoy liberty of conscience for me and my family. For the rest, I would venture my life in defence of her Majesty and my country against any stranger who should invade the realm. Without liberty of conscience I will never return; but, if I might have some maintenance out of my country, I will live in any Catholic place out of the K. of Spain's dominions, and do her Majesty from time to time any service I can. If her Majesty would have a gracious respect to the E. of Westmoreland, whereby he might have some honourable means from her to maintain him, I could persuade him to retire from the K. of Spain, which would greatly import her Majesty's service. England, I know, standeth in most dangerous terms to be a spoil to all the world, and to be brought into perpetual bondage, and that, I fear, your Lordships and the rest of the Council will see when it is too late. Would to God, therefore, her Majesty would grant toleration of religion, whereby men's minds would be appeased, and join all in one for the defence of our country. We see what safety it hath been to France, how peaceable the kingdom of Polonia is where no man's conscience is forced, how the Germans live, being contrary in religion, without giving offence one to another. Why might not we do the like in England seeing every man must answer for his own soul at the Latter Day, and that religion is the gift of God and cannot be beaten into a man's head with a hammer. Well may men's bodies be forced but not their minds, and, where force is used, love is lost, and the prince and state endangered. As Micipsa King of Numidia doth witness, and also the emperor Marcus Antonius, it is not the abundance of treasure nor the multitude of soldiers that maintaineth a prince, but the love of his subjects. For they do most safely reign, say they, who do engrave “in the hearts of their subjects, not a fear by force but a love by good usage of them.” The saying of Geta to his father, the emperor Severus, is worthy to be noted. Once, when the emperor had put a great number to death, he told Geta he would leave him no enemies. Geta asked him if those whom he had put to death, had neither parents, kinsfolk nor friends. “Yes,” said the emperor, “a great number.” “Then,” said Geta, “you leave many more than you take from hence.” Who have died in England since her Majesty hath reigned, and who have been banished, your Lordship best knows. Augustus Cæsar, by voluntary pardoning of his enemies, and advancing of them to dignities and offices, did win their love and favour; and so did also Scipio Africanus. If a man does a lawful act, yet against his conscience (as thousands in England do to avoid the penalty of the law) he damneth his own soul. Therefore men that have a care of their souls, will rather suffer their country to be a spoil to the enemy and themselves brought into bondage, than their souls to be led daily to damnation, so great are the torments for the damned where, as Job saith, sempiternus horror inhabitat. I pray that neither your Lord-ships nor her Majesty will take this my good meaning in evil part, and I beseech you to move her in my behalf and also for the Earl of Westmoreland, and to let me have an answer concerning us both before the midst of October next, for I have not whereby to stay longer in these parts.—Liege, 24 Aug. 1597.
Endorsed :—“The copy of my letter to my L. Treasurer.”
No signature. 3 pp. (54. 82.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 24. Edward Booth, a youth of about 18, my steward's nephew, in a fantastical humour lately would betake himself to some other fortune than my service. At my coming from London his uncle and I gave him over to his own courses, and I heard no more of him until yesterday, when I learnt that one Taylior of Yarmouth, travelling this way, had brought a letter from him to Abrahall, another youth here. The boy, Taylior said, had lately come from London to Yarmouth by water, and sought to pass in like manner by way of Newcastle into Scotland. The letter from him I send you here enclosed. Some lines, as you see, have been blotted out and Abrahall has confessed this was done by him, because the matter of them touched my steward; but I caused him to write out the very words again so far as they are now to be discerned notwithstanding the blotting and as his memory would serve. This is in a paper also.—At Worksop, 24 Aug. 1597.
Holograph. ¾ p. (54. 84.)
John Conyers, John Hill, Alexander King and Francis Goston, Auditors of the Exchequer, to Lord Burghley.
1597, Aug. 24. We have cast up and examined the certificates of Sir Thomas Sherley's charge for money received out of the Receipt of the Exchequer, but, as touching his discharge, we have only received from him part of a book concerning the Low Countries for the four years ending Oct. 1594. We are bold therefore to signify our want of books for the Low Countries from Oct. 1594 till April 1597, and for Brittany, Normandy, Picardy and Guernsey, for the whole time during which her Majesty's forces continued in those places.—At London, 24 Aug. 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (54. 85.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 25. This day there arrived at Millbrook a small bark from Rochelle, which, on Monday last, met with her Majesty's fleet about fourteen leagues south-south-west from the Seames, being all in company together.—Plymouth, 25th Aug. 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (54. 87.)
Dr. John Duport to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 26. Where your Lordships hath been pleased to deal so lovingly and circumstantiously with a poor worm, as not only in the beginning of this suit to interpose the strength of your honourable favour with her excellent Majesty, but also now the same may seem in a manner without hope of answerable success, to be nevertheless so far from thinking your good favour cast away upon me, as contrariwise the same vouchsafeth to entertain a further care of me, and to devise in your high wisdom how to make an advantage unto me of this repulse. What can I say, Right Honourable and Worthy Sir, but as one of the pregenitors of our blessed Lord Saviour said sometimes upon occasion, that your Honour's goodness is now more to me in the latter end than in the beginning, yet in either place respectively so suitable to yourself, and so far above both my estate and desert, as I must needs acknowledge in my best judgment this experience of your honourable love towards me to be far better unto me than many deaneries. I shall account it one of the great blessings of Almighty God upon me, if I may live in any degree to do your Honour acceptable service with any employment so unworthy a creature can perform. And so I very humbly take my leave for this time.—From my poor house at Medburne in Leicestershire, 26 Aug. 1597.
Endorsed : “R. 5 Sept.”
Signature. Seal. 1 p. (54. 86.)
William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, August 26. On behalf of the bearer his cousin, William Watkyns, for letters to the Lord Mayor of London for his quiet enjoying of certain tenements in Moorfields, near Cripplegate, newly erected by him, and now reformed according to the late order of the Star Chamber. The Mayor molests him for the same, and has committed him to Newgate, and goes about to present him again to the Star Chamber.—Alterhennys, 26 Aug. 1597.
1 p. (1968.)
The Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 27. I have received letters from the Lords, with a petition therein enclosed, exhibited by one Cory Clarke against me. Not long before my coming into the country, and since, others were exhibited also from one William Cawde, William Gulson, Elizabeth Pasely, Silvester Bellowe, and Hoskyns. I fear that all or most of these persons are set on by others, my ancient adversaries, which have many years used this practice to defame me, and I will never make means to have these, their false slanders, come to trial. I pray you to remember their Lordships that some course may be taken that they be informed what truth shall appear in these complaints, and, if they be merely devised to defame me, that I may be freed from these malicious practices, and all other noble men, by their example : or, if otherwise it shall appear, that I may be censured according to my deserts. I will except against none that shall be appointed to examine these causes, save only Dymocke and his cousins, Armyn and Ascoughe, and their kinsfolk and allies, of whose malice I know you are not ignorant.—Tattershall, this 27th of August 1597.
Signature. Seal. ¾ p. (54. 89.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 27. I received a letter from you yesterday, sent by the post of Newark, which came open to my hands, and yet the seal was fair and undefaced, but it did not cleave to the lower side of the paper. Give me leave, therefore, to make this suit :—to bestow half a pennyworth of hard wax on your letters to me hereafter, whensoever you will be pleased to do me the favour to write, for I love not to have supervisors of anything you write to me, although the contents be no other than your hearty commendations. Having shewn a great deal of little discretion herein, I will recite your great favour to me in advertising me of your late Northern irresolutions, and of some things which hath lately passed those affairs, for which, and the rest of such occurrents as your letters contain, I give you best thanks. From the woods here, (my best and rightest companions, in that they have many undeserved enemies, like myself, that seek their ruin and decay), is nothing to be advertised, and therefore you must give me leave either to fill my letters with compliments, which I know you love not, or else, with bare thanks, to make a short end of a thankful work. The Parliament is current here to begin in the term, but if the writs appear not to us here shortly, we will conceive it is deferred. That summons will bring me shortly to you. I will suppose the meaning is for every man to bring up his wife with him that hath a predominate power with her husband. Being judged by a jury of the best in the Court, whether I shall leave mine behind me, or not, I desire to be advertised of their verdict that I may do accordingly. In the meantime she desires to present to you her most friendly commendations.—At Worksop, the 27th of August, 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (54. 90.)
Cardinal Albert to Monsieur du Billy, Governor of Lille, Douay, and Orchies.
1597, Aug. 27/Sept. 6. Les deux lettres qui vont icy-joinctes sont du Roy Monseigneur et du Prince son filz, mon cousin, aux Estatz de Lille, Douay et Orchies en creance sur moy pour leur declarer une resolution que sa Majesté a prinse pour leur propre bien et consolation de l'adveu et consentement du dit Seigneur Prince. A quoy ne pouvant satisfaire en personne, pour ne permectre les affaires que je m'esloinge d'icy, il m'a semble ne pouvoir mieulx que par vous leur faire entendre ce que j'ay de charge, et a cest effect j'ay adjouste une lettre mienne aux mesmes Estatz affin que ils vous oyent en leur prochaine assemblee, et croyent ce que vous leur declairerez. Qu'est en effect qu'il a semble a sa Majeste que pour le bien de la Christiente en general et en particulier de ces pays il ne debvoit plus longuement differer le mariage de la Serenissime Infante sa fille aisnee, et que, tant pour la conservation de notre maison que pour aultres divers respectz, il at a cest effect jecte les yeulx sur ma personne, par l'adveu et consentement de notre Saint Pere le Pape, de l'Imperatrice ma tres honnoree dame et mere, de l'Empereur Monseigneur et frere, que oultre ce pour donner tant plus de commodite a sa dicte fille et a moy, et monstrer la singuliere affection qu'il porte a esdits pays elle les luy veult donner en dot et advanchement de mariage avecq le Comte de Bourgoingne sans en distraire ou separer chose qui ce soit, s'assurant qu'eulx dudict Lille, Douay et Orchies, comme les Estatz des aultres Provinces, se resjouyront de ceste benigne resolution, puis qu'elle tend a leur propre bien, et que se sera le chemin pour parvenir a une bonne et sollide paix et une fois sortir de ceste miserable guerre, qu'est ce que sa Majeste a si ardamment et si tendrement desire, que quand a moy encoires que pour ce qui me concerne je doibs grandement estimer comme j'estime la singuliere grace et faveur que sa Majeste me faict en ce regard, ayant entre tous volu faire choix de ma personne, que pour ce seul respect je doibz recepvoir ung incroiable contentement. Si m'en resjouys encor davantage que par ceste occasion je pourray monstrer les effectz de ma bonne et cordiale volonte, et suivant les traces des Princes de Bourgoigne et d'Austrice mes devanciers travailler pour le bien et repos desdits pays auxquels je porte et ay tousjours porte singuliere affection. Estimant en avoir desja donne quelque preuve de mon arrivée pardeça encor que non du tout tel que j'eusse bien desire, pour ne l'avoir permis les necessitez et malheurs qui m'ont traverse. Que je cognois fort bien le pesant et penible faix que par ceste resolution me doibt tomber sur les espaules, mais que me confiant d'estre par eulx et les aultres Estats conseille, ayde et assiste, j'espere qu'avecq la faveur de Dieu le succes en sera heureux, et pourray revoir ces pays en la fleur, grandeur et prosperite qu'ils ont este du temps de mes predecesseurs, et qu'eulx, voyans de quel courage la Serenissime Infante et moy y emploierons et nos personnes et nos sens et moyens, nous tiendrons la mesme amour que leurs peres ont tenu aux notres. Qu'est le sommaire de ce que je desire vous leur representerez de ma part, procurant de au plus tost me faire avoir leurs lettres de responce, tant a sa Majeste qu'audict Seigneur Prince, affin de les leur envoyer, et que il en ait des duplicatz et triplicatz pour le dangier qu'il y ait qu'elles ne s'ezgarent par chemin.—Bruxelles, 6 September 1597.
Signed : “Albert Car : et plus bas Vevreycken.”
Two copies. 2 pp. (55. 18 and 20.)
Sir Thomas Sherley's Accounts.
1597, Aug. 27. Commissioners touching the causes between Sir Thomas Sherley and Mr. Becher, to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, the Lord Treasurer, Lord Buckhurst and Sir John Fortescue.
Details of accounts between Sherley and Becher. They have examined Becher's books of disbursement for the Low Countries, Picardy, Ireland and Brittany. Becher claims an overpayment on the Brittany account, but this can only be allowed by Her Majesty's special grace : therefore they find Becher now accountable to Sherley for the sum of 18,145l. 19s. and as much more as shall by default of acquittances fall upon Sherley. They will send their certificate at large to the Lord Keeper.—London, 27 August 1597.
Signed by Tho. Wilkes, Tho. Tasburgh, Jo. Hill, Alex. King, Thomas Bennett, Henry Rowe, Edward Barker.
Marginal notes by Lord Burghley. 2 pp. (204. 55.)
The Earl of Essex's Expedition.
1597, Aug. 28. Instructions of the Earl of Essex to Mr. R. Knollys, despatched the 28th of August into England from Cape Finisterre.
Make all speed to the Court and tell Mr. Secretary that you have a letter from me to Her Majesty. When you are admitted into her royal and sweetest presence you shall present my letter and inform her as follows :—
Setting sail from the Sound of Plymouth the 17th of this month of August, having sometimes calms, but for the most part calms and west-north-west winds, we fell on Thursday the 25th of this month with the land that is to the east of Cape Ortingall. We made this land in the morning about 10 o'clock, and stood in with the shore till three in the afternoon. Then, finding the wind slant so nigh to the southwestward, I stood off all night into the sea, and the next morning in again to the land, by which boards, by reason of the head sea and the bare wind, we got nothing. On Friday night I stood off again to the sea, and about midnight, the wind coming all northerly, we got a good slant to lie all along the coast. On Saturday in the morning I discovered the St. Andrew, whom we had lost sight of two or three days before. I bore with her and had no sooner got her up, but Sir Wr Rawleigh shot off a piece, and gave us warning of his being in distress. I presently bore with him and found he had broken his main yard. Whereupon I willed him to keep along the coast that berth that he was, till he got in the height of the North Cape, and, myself having a desperate leak as ever ship swum withal, I was fain to lie by the lee, and seek to stop it (which how it held us you can relate) and, God be thanked! that night we overcame it and stopped it. The next morning we all came to Cape Finisterre, saving the St. Matthew, who, upon the breaking of her foremast, went home, and the Warspite (Wastspeght) with the Dreadnought, who went without stop to the South Cape. This is all that is happened to us. If her Majesty ask you why there was no attempt upon the fleet at Farroll, you may say—I neither had the St. Matthew, which was the principal ship, for that execution, nor the St. Andrew till mine own ship was almost sunk, and I not able to make sail till Sir W. Rawleigh with his own ship, the Dreadnought, and very near 20 sails, were gone. We are now gone to lie for the Indian fleets, for, by Spaniards we have taken, we find the Adelantado is not to put to sea this year. You shall acquaint Mr. Secretary with this instruction.
Holograph. 3 pp. (54. 91.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 28. This is very great favour you do me, and I am exceeding proud of it.—From Horrolds Park this Sunday.
P.S.—This night hath been the worst I had since I came from the Court, but I hope to wait upon the Queen and do your Honour some service at Theobalds.
Holograph. ½ p. (54. 93.)
The Earl of Essex and companions to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597,] Aug. 28. We that subscribe this letter send you many good wishes and are desirous to have all our friends know that we live and hope yet to do somewhat worth her Majesty's charge. We are, your assured friends, Essex, Rutland, H. Southampton, Howard, C. Mountjoye, T. Grey, Chr. Blount, Fr. Vere, A. Sherleye.—From aboard the Dew Repulse, under the Cape Finisterre, this 28th of August.
In Essex's handwriting, with this note against the signature of Lord Grey : “This is one whom I never saw, I protest, till I was upon this coast.”
Endorsed :—“28 Aug. 1597.”
“The L. Generall and other noblemen with him signifying their being in health.”
(50. 58.)
Graham to Archibald Douglas.
1597, Aug. 29. I wrote unto your Lordship by one Mr. Wa. Wemes, and now finding this bearer, John Marshall, I thought good to request you to be mindful of our “tornes” concerning Lodge, according as Mr. Richard has written unto you. Further me against Thomas Thomson who is but a small friend unto you. I have requested John Marshall to cause this Francis Ward to come and speak with you, to whom I have written to address himself to you and look what you shall agree with him. Whatever it is I will send it at your first advertisement. I writ to him for a small matter, for Thomson would have agreed with me for thirty pounds, and I will rather give Yewyn [? Ewing.] the half of it rather nor Thomson shall get of me worth a penny.—From Edinburgh this 29 of August 1597.
Endorsed :—“May by the grace of God.”
Holograph. 1 p. (54. 94.)
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 30. We will not fail to attend on her Majesty at Theobalds according as you have written. We thank his Lordship heartily for reckoning us among the rest to trouble his house at this troublesome time. My Bess and I do right heartily thank you for your friendly letter.—This 30 of August.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (54. 98.)
Fulk Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 30. I humbly thank your Honour for remembering your poor friends in the rearward. They that be the best pilots in our ship, think men cast anchor in a good ground that have any hold in your favour, so happily are you tempered for other men! And be it shame to them that study not to deserve it. The rest you shall receive from our superiors.—From aboard the Triumph, in haste, this 30 of August.
P.S.—God favours those weak noun-adjective natures that rest in the strengths without them, as I do in my ship, for never was there a more excellent nor better conditioned made by art with destiny succeeding. In choice of others I count her as a secret influence and favour of them that owes it. I hope we shall neither of us do her shame. This my trouble the sloth of my general hath procured your Honour, for if he would have presented my humble duty I had spared this cipher.
Holograph in a very bad hand. 1 p. (54. 99.)
The Lord Admiral (Howard) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 30. I received this enclosed from Sir John Gilbert, and I had another from him directed to myself, and, because I am persuaded they are of like contents, I forbear to send mine unto you referring you to my own. The remove holdeth, and here are no news since your departure.—From the Court at Havering the 30 of August 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (54. 100.)
Ralph Coningsby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 30. Being given to understand you were come to Theobalds (Tybbolles) to make preparation for the entertainment of her Majesty on Monday next there, I came thither this day to do my duty to your Honour; where failing to find you, I have presumed by this my letter to crave to know whether she would have the attendance of the Sheriffs and gentlemen on her coming into this county, and whether you will appoint us a time to attend and do our duties at Theobalds.—This 30th of August, 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (54. 101.)
Dr. Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 31. These enclosed within my Lord Bishop's letter were delivered to me this afternoon by John Turner, the Underkeeper of Newgate. Not finding you I attended my Lord Keeper, and shewed him my Lord's letter to you, which he willed to be sent on, together with the said Turner, to your Lordship by this poursuivant. Boyle, the party to whom the enclosed letters be directed, was by Mr. Skevington committed to Newgate, and is since removed to the Marshalsea. So far as I can call to mind he is a man of some note for very bad practices in being a common collector (Collectorter) for Recusants, and my Lo. Keeper did think it convenient, if, upon conference with Mr. Skevington, the said Boyle did prove a noted man, that it were fit he were examined in a place of more straitness touching these letters. I would not suffer Turner or the poursuivant to go out of my charge since the first bringing of the letters, and have commanded the poursuivant to attend your further pleasure.—From the Doctors' Commons, 31 Aug. 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (54. 102.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 31. The letter referred to in Dr. Stanhope's letter above.
Signed. ¼ p. (54. 103.)
The Earl of Essex and his Council of War to the Lords of the Council.
1597, Aug. 31. This last night I, the General, received a message from Sir Wr Rawleigh, by one Captain Scobbles, that the Spanish fleet which was in Farroll, was gone to the Islands to waft home the Indian fleet, and that he would lie off the Burlings twenty leagues till he heard from me. This morning a council was called, in which it was resolved we should shape our course directly for the Islands. Our reasons were these. First—the direct and confident delivery of the advertisement. Secondly—the opinions of all the masters that we might well be at the Islands before the fleet, which was to disemboge the 4 of August after our account, could be there. And lastly, their opinions also that, if the wind should scant upon us, so as we could not find them there, yet we might put ourselves in a likelier height to meet with them than if we stayed upon the coast of Spain.—From aboard the Deu Repulse, this last of August.
P.S.—We have sent four pinnaces to advertise Sir Wr Rawleigh of our course, two to the height of the South Cape and two to the height of the Burlings.
Endorsed : “Received at Richmond, the 27th by Mr. Osburne.”
Holograph in Essex's hand, signed, Essex, Howard, Mountjoy, Fr. Vere, Chr. Blount, and A. Greveyl.
Seal. 2 pp. (54. 104.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 31. On Monday 22nd instant, the fleet being then together, towards night we had foul weather, in the which my ship, labouring more than those of English building, two hours before day broke overboard her bowsprit and foremast, which we were enforced to cut from her side, whereby we lost their yards, sails, and all the tackle belonging unto them. According to the manner of the sea, we shot off our ordnance and hanged out lights, but the tempest was so great as the ships which were ahead me could not hear or discern it, the Garland excepted, who an hour after day came unto me, and did not leave me until the evening, at which time my Lord of Southampton, seeing no possibility for my ship to follow the fleet, and understanding from us that we were in great peril to be lost by reason of great leaks, and that our main-mast must be cut overboard if the foul weather did continue, sent his pinnace unto me to come aboard his ship. Although the danger I was in were inducement enough unto this, yet, that my departure might not discourage the gentlemen and others aboard me, I resolved to take the fortune of my ship. The Earl, fearing to be embayed, and to lose the fleet which all that day was never in sight, headed on his course, and left me a wreck carried every way at the pleasure of the sea. The next day, being the 24th of this month, I set up a jury-mast and fitted her with such small sail as for the present we could make; but the wind continued a stiff gale at West Nor' West, and we were too far embayed to double the Northerly Cape to the Southward or Ushant homeward, while to abide in the seas was apparent loss of all. Our mainmast did labour so extremely below all her partners, as we were in continual doubt that she would have borne out the ship's side, for doubt whereof the carpenters for three days and nights together did lie to watch her with their axes ready to cut her overboard. All this time with both our pumps, when we had least water, we pumped 500 strokes every glass. In this danger I called the officers of the ship unto me for their opinion. They advised me to attain a port as soon as possible. Their opinions I caused them to subscribe unto, which by this bearer, Mr. Slingsbye, I send unto your Honour. On Sunday last I came to an anchor at the Isle of St. Martin, and I have made search both in that Island and here, and have sent to Bronvage for a foremast for my ship, but this country yields none of that bigness, so as I am enforced to return for England, which I would not have done if I could have made any means to have followed the fleet. I had rather have lost mine arm than be absent from this service as now I am. When I lost the fleet we were in 46 degrees. By our observation of the weather my Lord General and the fleet were before Farroll the 26th of this present. Within the next three days here we shall have some news of him, which with the first I will despatch unto you. As soon as I can settle my mainmast, and repair my leaks, I will make my course for England. Charges more than necessary to bring her home I will not bestow, but make shift with those weak sails that I have.—From Rochelle this last day of August 1597.
P.S.—Other particularities I do refer to this gentleman's report, whom I have entreated to go post overland, that her Majesty may understand that her ship is in safety.
Holograph. Seal. 4 pp. (54. 106.)
Enclosure :—The opinion referred to in the last letter—Subscribed to by Francis Slingsby, Captain of the St. Matthew and Master of the Ordinance for the present service; John Austen, Master; David Carpenter and Thomas Johnson, Pilots; George Boddelow, Richard Buckley and Francis Lyndesey, Master's Mates; John Hewet, Boatswain; and Edward Leake, Master Carpenter.
Certified copy, Endorsed :—“The original is remaining in my custody, George Carewe.”
pp. (54. 105.)
C. Lord Mountjoye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 31. After our first great storm in this where we lost our General, I did write by a bark my Lord Thomas sent back, unto my Lord your father, and have since received word from Mr. Michael Stanhope that his Lordship hath assented to the request of my letters. I beseech you let him know how thankfully I take his favour—From the Bay off Portugal, 31 August.
P.S.—My General's despatches are so sudden that I cannot remember my duty to my friends : but I beseech you let my Lord Admiral be assured that I am much at his Lordship's service.
Endorsed :—1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (54. 108)
M. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. 31. Your messenger came just in time for your letter to be sent on, with a budget of my own for the Low Countries, to the Seigneur de Barnevelt, to whom I was sending some pasties made here from the venison which was given me by her Majesty and by the Lord Admiral. De Barnevelt marries his eldest daughter to a Councillor of our State next Sunday week. I doubt not but that he will so handle your demand as to obtain satisfaction for the same. When I was last, with you I forgot to mention my having heard that the tapestry was embarked, and would be here with the first favourable wind and convoy. Should you at any time desire wine or provisions from the Low Countries, and will let me know, I will take order to get them through for you duty-free.—London, the last of August 1597.
Holograph. Seal. French. 1 p. (175. 110.)
The Prince of Spain to [the People of Brabant].
1597, Aug. 31./Sept. 10. Reverend father in God, and right well-beloved people, being desirous to imitate my father in his benignity as well as his greatness, I have desired my good cousin Albert, Duke of Austria, to whom you will give all credence, to explain my purpose to you.—St. Laurence, 10 September 1597. Signed 'Philippe,' and addressed to 'Jean Sires and the Estates of Brabant.' The King of Spain gives the Infanta with the Low Countries to the Archduke.
Copy. French. Endorsed :—“A copy of the Prince of Spain's letter.”
1 p. (175. 134.)
Philip II. of Spain to the Council of Brabant.
1597, Aug. 31./Sept. 10. Letter of credence for the Archduke Albert.—10 September 1597.
French. ½ p. (175. 135.)
William Bruester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. Fearing the displeasure my Lord your father hath conceived against Mr. Medly might be a hindrance to the proceeding between him and me, and further understanding that some other the Lords of the Council have conceived a hard opinion of him for some unfortunate mishaps of his; this concurring, may be an occasion that neither of us shall enjoy the place, but some third man shall be appointed, so as no recompense shall be yielded him. If, therefore, I may have the assignment solely to myself, knowing Mr. Medly's mind herein, I shall satisfy him in such sort as he shall think himself exceedingly bound to your Honour.
Endorsed :—August, 1597.
(54. 109.)
Sir George Gifford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. I beseech you to acquaint the Queen with the letter which I here send unsealed that you may first see what it contains. Pardon my reminding you that the poor children of my wife are related to you; and believe me that if in this way I recover the Queen's better opinion, I shall ever be bound to you.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (55. 1.)
Sir George Gifford to the Queen.
1597, Aug. Petition beseeching her to cancel the records of her powerful displeasure towards him, and so to make him happy in the end of his days.
Endorsed :—August 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (54. 111.)
Sir George Gifford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. I understand from my kinsman, Sir Thomas Smythe, that you have vouchsafed the delivery and the reading of my letter to her Majesty. I cannot but render my most humble thanks, beseeching you to prosecute your honourable purpose for the recovering me her good opinion.—From my lodging in Milford Lane this—
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (54. 112.)
Thomas, Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. My present offence is sufficient to draw me high displeasure though I had far better friends than my poor desert can by likelihood expect. Yet I write now not so much to that end—despite many reasons which inforce me to do so, and the difficulty I lately found in obtaining the Queen's lease—as to assure you of my deep desire to serve you, wherein only the power not the will is lacking, and of my great affection for you which you have so well deserved of me.—Plymouth.
Holograph. 1 p. (55. 2.)
William, Lord Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. The care you took in sending the Queen's letters and the kindness you showed me when I was at the Court merit so much of me that I shall ever hold myself indebted unto you. I beg you to command me in anything. I have performed that which you imposed upon me touching my lady. I earnestly entreat you not to forget your promise in remembering my humble service to my Lord Treasurer.
Holograph. Fragment of seal. 1 p. (55. 3.)
[The Council to the Earl of Lincoln].
1597, Aug. The Queen, having heard of the recovery of your daughter-in-law the Lady Clynton, commands us that seeing God Almighty is so gracious as by this restitution to give you hope of comfort in your son and heir, so should it be a provocation of His displeasure if by a second cause any impediment should arise which might work a new alteration. Consider then what it is for young folks to want, and how far in honour you are bound to do what her father expected, though out of trust he dealt more loosely than he needed. Consider what a portion he parted with and besides all these matters the Queen's earnest request, and let us know what answer we shall make whereby it may appear that we have laid before you these arguments and the Queen's wishes. These are; first, that you will appoint some convenient house where the young lord and lady may live with their children; secondly, that in regard the lands allotted them have never answered the value of that which was thought little enough to maintain them when Sir Henry Knyvett parted with so fair a portion, that you will either appoint such lands as you will warrant to be of that value, or take back those allotted and assure him and her with some little house so much rent in certainty. The Queen means not to dispute upon point of law or bonds; for she knows in such a case as this where it concerns a gentlewoman descended of a father of noble blood, and where she interposeth herself as well for regard of the young Lord as for his wife, that you will regard the obligations of honour and compassion. And we do assure you that it would be very acceptable to the Queen to find that you yielded so nobly and kindly to so princely and gracious a motion. From the Court the—of August 1597.
Undated. Unsigned. Draft.
Endorsed :—“E. of Lyncolne.” (55. 5.)
Duplicate of the above. (58. 11.)
The Countess of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Aug. To be silent now, finding so just cause to be thankful, were a wrong to you and injury to myself, whose disposition hath ever held you in very worthy regard, and your own merit doth challenge much more than my best acknowledgement can acquit. Howbeit, let my desire and endeavour supply the rest, not doubting hereafter of fitter means to manifest the same. Your great kindness to my son and friendly remembrance of myself, no less kindly imbraced, having given life to this dead paper, you may please to except as a present testimony as well of my profession as unfeigned well-wishing, the mind whereof may it take effect according to the purpose most affected (and not the least in your own respect) will better approve itself if God so please.
Postscript.—If it please you to grace my humblest thankfulness, I joy for the gracious mention I received from her Majesty : taking knowledge thereof in what manner may seem fittest to your own wisdom you shall add much to the bond already great.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (55. 6.)
The Earl of Essex.
[1597, Aug.] Debts due by the Earl of Essex to be presently satisfied.
To Mr. Sergeant Heale, upon bonds forfeited the 6th instant, which he will remit, if paid before Michaelmas £1,050
To Mr. Wigges, upon bonds which he has long forborne £450
To Abdy, a draper, who has sued upon his bond, and has us almost at outlawry £736
To Mr. Campion, brewer, on bonds forfeited last June £444 10s.
We mention no debts payable after Michaelmas, nor would have troubled you with these but for present necessity. Henry Lindley. E. Reynolds.
Undated. (58. 21.)
Henry Lindley and Edward Reynolds to the Queen.
[1597, Aug.] Petition referring to the affairs of the Earl of Essex, whose servants we are. Before the Earl left Dover we laid before him his difficulties and his late heavy expenses, and especially the near time of the expiration of his lease of sweet wines. He then desired us to address ourselves to Mr. Secretary, saying that he had moved your Majesty in that matter and would write to Mr. Secretary. But when we attended upon him, Mr. Secretary replied that he was never spoken to by his Lordship and would not deal in his private affairs unless first written to concerning them; and therefore desired us to have patience. We therefore have now no other way but to beseech your Majesty to be so far gracious as to let us, his ministers, know whether my lord may expect a further time in that lease, that we may proceed with the contracts with the merchants, who thus far have been his dealers. For on this depends his private means, and the chance of redeeming the mortgages, which otherwise must be forfeited, and endanger no small portion of his living. Now is the time for your Majesty to show your care of him that forgot himself in his zeal for your service; and now is the time that we find the wounds in his estate, caused by those actions, wherein God bless him with success and a safe return.
Undated. Unsigned. In Lindley's writing. 1½ pp. (58. 30.)
Lady Southwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, Aug.] Dr. Some had an old promise of my Lord of Essex in Cambridge and since to prefer him to a bishopric. At the request of a friend I reminded my Lord of this, who assured me he had dealt with the Queen for Exeter, that the congé d'elire was drawn, and the Queen would sign them before his going, both for removing the other to Worcester and placing Dr. Some in Exeter. But he, failing to do this, delivered the matter to you, to whom I am now a troublesome suitor for this.
Undated. Signed, Elizabeth Southwell.
Holograph. 1 p. (58. 57.)


  • 1. See Part V. of this Calendar, p. 526.