Cecil Papers: June 1597, 11-20

Pages 250-261

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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June 1597, 11–20

London to Madrid.
1597, June 11. A note showing with what expedition an intelligence may pass between London and Madrid :—
From London to Dartmouth or Plymouth, three days.
From thence to Morlaix or Rusco in Brittany, a night and a day.
From thence to Blawett by land, two days and a half.
From Blawett to Saint Anderes or Laredo in Biscay by sea in frigates with 12 or 14 oars of a side, three days.
From Saint Anderes or Laredo to Madrill by post, three days.
¼ p. (51. 111.)
Lord Dacre to Sir Robert Bowes.
1597, June 11.
Since the departure of the Lords Commissioners for Border Causes from Carlisle the Liddiesdales under Buccleuch, with their former outrageous disorder, have committed divers offences within this border. The Armstrongs of Whitaugh, upon the 8th of this instant, with 24 accomplices, came to a place called Turnlippet moor, and in plain daylight set upon several poor men travelling to Newcastle, killed two, wounded and mutilated ten others, and took from them seventeen horses and mares with all their wares valued at 40l. I have written for the particulars of this and other faults and will presently send them to you. I have received letters from the Queen, whereby I perceive her Highness has signified to you what order the Wardens shall follow in their proceedings, with the articles and agreements set down by the commissioners. I am to desire you not only with expedition to provide me therewith but also to advise me, if it be that I cannot apprehend Anthon's Edward Armstrong and others, denounced outlaws of England, who are appointed pledges, whether I shall burn their houses or no, and what other course I am to take with them,—11 June 1597.
Copy. 1 p. (175. 81.)
Sir Robert Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 12.
I have received from your Honour a letter of the 7th hereof, and there enclosed a letter from her Majesty, the contents whereof I will to my power effect. By her Majesty's letter, I further understand that she mislikes that I seek for further authority than she is willing to give me. She thinks the office too good for me, and I carry a proud mind, I think myself worthy of a better; whether I have it or not, hencever I must and do think myself most bound to my Lord your father and yourself. I hope upon the endings of these Border causes I shall have my discharge, which shall be as welcome to me as the patent sent me signed, for always my will shall be agreeable to Her Majesty's pleasure.—Ber[wick], this 12 of June '97.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 112.)
Thomas Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 12. Having commandment from you to receive 77l. due to you by the Lord Admiral out of his first tenth that should come in by reprisal, and hearing of one lately brought in by a man of war of this town, I required the same at his servant's hands, who says it shall be paid to you at Court sometime next week without fail.—Weymouth, Melcombe Regis, 12 June 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (52. 1.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 12. I hear that a servant of mine that attended me as my clerk in the expedition to Cales and immediately upon my trouble after my return home withdrew from me to Sir Thomas Gorge, is animated to exhibit matter against me, unless I will satisfy him for certain trifles I took from him and had been stolen from me by him at Cales. As through my enemies at Court, and especially Mr. Sackford, any little cross may grow dangerous to my restitution, I pray that any such complaint may be stayed and referred to examination, before any deep conceit be made by the treachery of this baggage in the heads of such as malign me. You may perceive the whole matter by the letters and schedule this gallant hath sent me. This is the fruit of my disgrace and of Lord Buckhurst's long lingering to promote my suit to the Queen, which I commend to your care.—12th June 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (52. 2.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 12. I have demanded the money of Mr. Brag, who promises to satisfy the same out of the next prize that is brought in, unless Mr. Dudsbury pay it sooner, to whom the Lord High Admiral has also written.
Two packets of dispatches were sent for you by the Mayor of this town, but they seemed uncertain and not according to our later news, and I did not trouble you with them.
My kinsman is not returned, but the general report from Rochelle and other places is that the Spanish army about twenty days past remained at Ferrol, distressed by sickness and want of victuals; as we heard before. No further supplies had reached them.—Plymouth, 12 June 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (52. 3.)
John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil,
1597, June 12. I have received your letter with your packet to Sir William Bowes, which I sent into Scotland by a garrison man with as much expedition as could be. Those who informed you that the packets were opened between Berwick and Edinburgh, have done themselves great wrong. I can answer for the messengers that carry letters from the council. As to the King of Denmark, some say he is already landed, others that he is still on his voyage to Scotland. It is thought he will come to our Court to see the Queen; and it is determined that Mr. George Young shall shortly come up to the Court to satisfy the Queen for their not delivering Sesforth and Buccleuch.—Berwick, 12 June 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (52. 4.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 13. Strongly commends the suit made to “us” [the Council?] by Baron Ewers and Serjeant Drewe in behalf of Mr. John Jackson to be joined with Mr. Payler in the office of attorney before the Council of the North, in regard of that gentleman's great age and indisposition.—From the Court, 13 June 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (48. 92.)
Sir Richard Bingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 13. Thanking Sir Robert Cecil and his father for being a means unto her Majesty for her gracious favour towards him.—London, 13 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (52. 5.)
Sir Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 13. It was lately intended by some friends of my eldest son, a “Docktor Comenser” at Cambridge, to make suit to the Queen for him to have the Deanery of Canterbury; and I was glad to hear that you approved of the design. The Queen has appointed Doctor Nevill, who will vacate by his promotion the Mastership of Trinity and the Deanery of Peterborough. I would ask for your interest for my son to obtain the lesser preferment, which is the Deanery. He has hitherto been peaceable, quiet and comfortable in his place, free from faction and schism in the church; you may now be the means to bring him more forward and bind him and me to you.—From my house in West Cheape, London, 13 June 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (52. 6.)
Robert and Sir William Bowes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 13. We have received your letter of the 7th instant and the Queen's letter to us and a copy of that sent to the Wardens of the Marches. The contents of them shall be attended to with all speed and care. Of our success in the same you shall hear by our letters or from Sir William Bowes, who will return after he has had his audience from the King at Falkland or elsewhere.
We are told that Robert Shinkler of Leith, being at Calyce with a small bark, was compelled by the Governor to take on board three Scotchmen, and to promise to land them in the Firth of Cromarty in Scotland, as they should direct. This he did; and it appears that they are Mr. James Gordoun, John Macquherry, Jesuits, and John Gordoun of Newtoun, who lately accompanied the Earl of Huntley's brother into the Low Countries. They are now with the Countess of Sutherland, James Gordoun's sister, and excuse themselves from going to Huntley, saying that they hear he was to be received into the King's favour and they would not hinder that. Nevertheless their true purpose is to retain Angus, Huntley, and Errol, with their confederates, in the Catholic faith, and at the devotion of the Pope and the King of Spain, or to find others to supply the office to have been performed by these excommunicated Earls; for which end they have brought some gold with large promises. Their return is generally known, but it is expected that they will escape all peril. It is deemed that they had intelligence with Ladylands lately drowned at “Alesey,” and that they should have practised with the rebels in Ireland. Mr. Thomas Seggett is embarked for Louvain with credit from the King to Signor Dayala, “secretary to the King's Finance at Brussels.” He is said to be instructed to state that the spiritual and temporal estates in this realm are likely to come to good issue. Maclean presses to know, whether the Queen wishes to employ him and his force in Ireland, or if he shall now dismiss his men.—Edinburgh, 13 June 1597.
Signed. Endorsed. 2 pp. (52. 7.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 13. “I received directions from Sir John Stanhope a senight ago to be informed of that Portugal Pedro Rodriguez, of whom my Lord Ambassador wrote yesterday to your Honour. This Rodriguez was a banker at Lyons, a Portugal of nation and a Jew of race. Your Honour doth remember in the examinations of Lopaz that there was speech of a marriage between Lopaz' daughter and a son of this Rodriguez, which by Ferrera his means should have been procured. It seemeth of late his credit is impaired, and he is come over hither, as is said, to give better scope to his friends to agree with his creditors. He is most conversant with Jeronimo Lopaz, one of his nation and sect, whom your Honour doth well remember for that he hath been before you. I do understand further that Rodriguez is specially recommended from Antonio Perez to my Lord of Essex, before which Lord he hath presented himself, and in that respect I forbear to examine him until her Majesty's pleasure be further known; for the greatest matter against him is that he hath been in Spain and not long sythence came from Madrid, being a bankroot and of loose aquaintance.”—13 June 1597.
Holograph. (52. 8.)
Thomas Fanshawe to Sir Robbert Cecil.
1597, June 14. I am so far from will to hurt the good knight, who brought me your letter, as a I wish his all good. Indeed I cannot hurt him in the cause he acquainteth me with, if I would; for I never heard of it before, neither have any charge or matter with me whereupon I may call him to accompt. Neither is there any occasion for me to have to do therewith as an officer at any time hereafter to my understanding; so as the party that seemeth to stay as in doubt of me, needeth not to fear me. And if the case be as the bearer hath delivered to me, I think it deserves all favour. And I hope you will be persuaded that I neither have, can, or will hinder him.—Warwick Lane, 14th June 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (52. 11.)
R. Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 14. Joseph Mayne has requested me to say that there can be no proceeding in the cause, wherewith you are acquainted, because Mr. Hamden makes stay of the office. He asks that you should write to Mr. Feodary that he be earnest with Mr. Hamden to put in the office; or if you please to write to Mr. Hamden, he will the more regard it.—14 June 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (52. 13.)
Lord Scrope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 14. At the instance of this bearer I am greatly moved to commend her petition to you; as also by my promise passed to one David Grame, who was the taker of the said Newton in Scotland and delivered him to me conditionally that I should be a means either to save the life of the said Newton, for whom the petition is exhibited, or to warrant his lands to Grame. But though Newton be convicted by course of law, yet since he and Grame are agreed, you may more freely deal mercifully with him, which I could wish, the premises considered. But I leave it to your consideration, desiring that you will despatch some charge whereby the gaol may be delivered of him.—Carlisle, 14 June 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (52. 14.)
Nicasius de Glas to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 14. My imprisonment is my ruin, and the ruin of my wife, my children, and my house. My wife is fallen ill with the trouble and I know not if she will recover. I am accorded with one of my creditors; but, though as Mr. Waad can tell you, I have offered the other half his debt, $$75, and interest, and promised him the other half and interest as soon as I can get any of my debts in, he refuses. My only hope is in your aid.—King's Bench Prison, 14 June 1597
French. Holograph. Mutilated. 1 p. (175. 82.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 14. I can commend a gentlemen for employment upon the discovery of the enemies' designs—a service which you willed me to consider of. The gentleman is of very good sufficiency for honesty, experience, resolution and ability by friends to infuse himself into especial grace and credit in Flanders, Spain or Rome, whereso he shall be directed. I have had conference of him with you to your former liking. He is now in London.—Court, this 14 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 83.)
Roger Marshall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 15. I, having discharged my business, and being ready to take boat to Gravesend, was detained by one Goffe, a cloak maker, for a, debt of three pounds, which I could prove I had already satisfied, might time permit me. May it please you to send a release in regard of my haste for the delivery of my Lord Treasurer's letters, which I have shewed unto him, yet respects he not the same.—15 June 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (52. 16.)
Roger Marshall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 15. I understand that a letter has been sent to my adversary, John Goffe, for my discharge, otherwise to show just cause of my imprisonment. But he not regarding this, affirms that he will have his desire before my departure, despite your honour's command and the urgency of my business. I told him also that I was commanded by Sir Arthur Savage to be with him to-morrow night, which I must not do, because I will not satisfy what I do not owe, as I can show you if I may come before you. Please therefore to send your warrant for my release, or to cause me to come before you.—From the Counter in the Poultry, 15 June.
Holograph. 1 p. (52. 15.)
John Walley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 15. I am greatly sorry to importune you so often for the cause of Sir William Fitzwilliam and my master. I thought that after Sir Robert Napier's certificate upon the matter, there could be no more delay. But as he is by your appointment to take a further examination in Ireland, I must now ask that an order be made that Sir William shall appoint (before my going) some friend to pay whatever is due to my master in Ireland; in order that my master may not have to seek for his due, in consideration of his weak estate, the disbursements he has to make for the Queen's service, and the order not to seek payment again in England. Therefore let Sir Anthony St. Leger and Mr. Wilbraham, the Queen's solicitor there, take the examination with all convenient expedition, that his [? Sir William's] man be not lingered there, nor my master deferred longer of payment.
As I am dismissed without any part of my suits for my master, I would ask in respect of his great charges and expenses for spies that you would vouchsafe him an order for help therein in Ireland, and that some allowance for that employment may be monthly or quarterly made unto him, unless you will grant him from time to time in his own hands some money of the Queen's treasure there, and that I may now carry the same with me; having no other causes wherewith to trouble your honour, having humbly to beseech your honour to grant me your favourable letters to my master for his satisfaction and my full discharge for his causes here.—15 June 1597.
Endorsed :—“Sir Jeoffrey Palmer's man to my master”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (52. 17.)
Sir Arthur Chichester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 15. It appears by letters written from my lord your father that Hewett Smithe had order to give us entertainment a month since, but this is the first day of his coming unto us, which assuredly had caused the breaking of the troops had not the King and the Marshal in his absence relieved us with the loan of $$2,000. It seems your honour has been advertised of the weakness of our companies; and sure it is, though they differ from such as they were, yet are they not so miserable as hath been reported. I could wish it were truly made known unto your lordship what care and charge some have been at to continue them in force to answer your desires. What they have from me I think Sir Thomas Baskervyle hath from time to time advertised, who I assure your Honour loved not many to shew them any extraordinary kindness. Since whose death the Commissary hath taken view of us even where we hold guards fast upon the enemy, and found of these ten companies about 700 able to do service, besides sick and hurt, which are divided, some at Pykenie, others at St. Valleries. For our regiment, it is fair after so many months' service, not receiving any supply, but the company of Sir Thomas Baskervyle is much weakened by his death, being most of gentlemen; some were discharged by passport, others disbanded disorderly, which makes it not seem such as lately it was. We desire to know how you will dispose of the troops. The King longs to hear of our supply; he is now at Paris, but expected within these three days. Our cannon play into the town and theirs into our quarters. We have not yet begun our approaches, but are lodged ready for them. My Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Alldridge is very sick. It will grieve us that command the regiment, that it should be given to a stranger, but I humbly refer myself to your Honour.—Amiens, 15 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (52. 20.)
William Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 15. Let me not be thought too bold in presuming to remind you of my last request. Having been sick I cannot attend your honour, but beseech my suit may be granted in moving Sir Thomas Lucy. I also crave your letter to Mr. Surveyor, whose friendship will much prevail with her friends.—15 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (52. 22.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 15. I purposed before my departure to have moved her Majesty in favour of D. Palmer, that he might succeed in the deanery of Peterborough. I am to intreat you to supply my defect in that behalf. The man is one whom I do especially respect and love and hold worthy of preferment.—Court, June 15, 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (52. 23.)
Sir Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 16. According to your direction I called before me Roger Marshall and his creditor John Goff, and I find that Marshall does owe John Goffe 4l. 12s. 5d. for two cloaks that he got credit for at his coming from Calais, and that he cannot satisfy the debt or give security. However, as Marshall is in the Queen's service, John Goffe is willing to discharge him of imprisonment and to submit himself to your honour's consideration, and to this end will with this and Roger Marshall attend upon you.—From my house in Westcheap, London, 16 June 1597.
Endorsed. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (52. 19.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 16. This day I have received your honour's letter of the 14th hereof, and with this I send the copies of the several advertisements sent by the mayor of this town, which were directed unto my Lords of the Council by the packet post.—Plymouth, 16th June 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (52. 24.)
Henry Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 16. The weather was so foul that I could not come to the Court to-day, otherwise I would have been with you. To-morrow, if the cause require it I will come.—From my house in the Blackfriars, 16 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (52. 25.)
Sir William Bowes to the Wardens op the Marches.
1597, June 16. Albeit my Lord Ambassador and myself have already written to you that it is the Queen's pleasure that you shall deliver the pledges at the day and place appointed by you, yet in view of the importance of this and since your ill-disposed opposites hope that the default of the English Wardens on this point may not only cover their failing in the like, but also be a bar to the Queen's demands presented against them, I have thought it needful to entreat you not to be found faulty at the time and place appointed. For Anthon's Edward, who you say is a fugitive, I will move the King that another be substituted. The following is an extract from the Queen's letter to me on this matter. “You shall therefore for this time follow the course ye have done in all other things, and summarily proceed to yield to the performance of all things indented for the preservation of common justice and relief of the poor afflicted subjects on both sides, whose spoils and miseries have been only procured by bad causes, first given by his Wardens, who have more regard of their private game than of public justice. Ye shall also make known to our Wardens our pleasure that all things by commission agreed by the last treaty for pledges and otherlike be performed.”—Edinburgh, 16 June 1597.
Copy. 1 p. (52. 26.)
[See Lord Scrope's letter of 22 June.]
W. Waad to Sir John Stanhope.
1597, June 17. I have reported to Mr. Secretary, both in writing and by word of mouth, what I can discover about Rodriguez. His own relation I enclose for you to read and forward to the Secretary or to return to me for that purpose. I told his honour the direction I had from you long before the Ambassador did advertise of him, but yesterday I understood by his honour some further particularity that he should undertake some wilful purpose, whereof as yet I have not examined him. For my part I doubt how the information will hold. He was recommended from Antonio Perez to the Earl of Essex, and seems willing to obey anything.—17 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (52. 27.)
Thomas Harley.
1597, June 17. Petition to the Queen. Is tenant of parcel of the Manor of Kyngesland, Hereford, upon which he has and is to bestow great charges. Prays for lease in reversion for 31 years.—Undated.
Note by J. Herbert, stating the Queen's pleasure to grant the lease, and referring the fine to the Lord Treasurer.—17 June 1597.
Endorsed. 1 p. (125.)
Robert Chichester, a Ward of the Queen.
1597, June 17. Petition for lease in reversion of the manor, site and demesnes of the Monastery of Pilton, Devon, of which he is tenant.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley that he does not use to recommend leases in reversion to the Queen, nevertheless he can be contented to favour petitioner in it.
Note by J. Herbert, that the Queen grants the petition.—Court at Greenwich, 17 June 1597.
1 p. (1388.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 18. I understood that Philip Graeve, the Dutchman that undertook the service you know of, was come into England, whom I wished to question upon that matter. This morning he was sent to me by Sheriff Watts, and I sifted him as narrowly as I thought fit, seeing that he was committed to the Sheriff's custody by the Lord Admiral and yourself. He protests that he came over but for your service, and asks for my interest for your favour. If there be no more against him than I hear of, I would ask for his release.—Clerkenwell, 18 June 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (52. 29.)
Susan, Countess of Kent to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 18. I perceive by the gentleman I sent unto you that I did mistake you, for I had thought it had pleased you to say that you would have spoken unto her Majesty for me, wherein I should have thought myself greatly bound unto you, but he told me that you would remain my friend, but to speak unto her Majesty you would not. I must confess I have not deserved so great a favour from you, unless from your pitying a poor widow and fatherless child it had pleased you to do it. If by your means I could get a book to pass, if there were anything in the particulars which you might like of, I would be happy if it would please you to take it. Praying you to send me my petition and my attestation.—Greenwich, 18 June 1597.
Signed, “Susan Kent.” ½ p. (52. 30.)
“Additions of Certain Particularities.”
1597, June 19. A List of stuffs, containing amongst others, “cloth of tissue”; “tabnies branched, the ground gold and silver,” and “tinselled tustaffities.”
Endorsed with date. ½ p. (175. 90.)
“A Note of such kinds of Stuffs as be now usually sold.”
[1597, June 19.] Cloth of tissue, cloth of gold and silver, tafetas branched with gold and silver, tostafetas with gold and silver grounds, satins branched with silver and gold, satins striped with gold and silver, nets wrought with gold and silver, tabnies branched the grounds gold and silver, silver and gold chamblets, tinselled tafetas, tinselled tostafetas.
Endorsed :—“For a proclamation.”
½ p. (175. 91.)
Sir Thomas Wilkes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 20. The enclosed was delivered to me by George Lane, the son of one George Lane, an honest husbandman of this parish of Rickmansworth. The conference between Captain Wenman and the unknown captain took place more than four years ago in the hearing of this young fellow then of the age of fourteen or fifteen years. On my questioning him he said that up to this time he never revealed the speeches to any man living; and that he was stirred to do so now by the Spirit of God. This answer gave me some suspicion that the young man's brain was unsound, and on enquiry I hear that he is foolish, ungovernable by his parents, and withal in love with a young woman in this parish, whereof his father hath no liking. However, I thought it my duty to send him and his information for you to examine as may seem fit. What credit it deserves I leave to your consideration; and how far all these things may reach to draw Captain Wenman into more trouble, who, as you know, received lately a large punishment by restraint in the Tower, and is thus already in disgrace for another matter and suspicious.—Rickmansworth, 20 June 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (52. 32.)
George Lane's Information.
The last time that our Queen's Majesty lag at Windsor I George Laine was in the upper court at the conduit, where the water comes out at a dragon's mouth; and there I saw two captains walking, and they talked of treason, and I knew one of them; for it was Captain Wenman, and the other was a slenderer man than he. I looked very much on them because I knew Wenman; and the other misdoubting I knew their talk said, “There were such in the land that could thus.” He always still doubted, for in the liberties of Spain some sorcerer had told him thus. And Wenman said, “He cannot, I know of what generation he is.” They talked of treason still and the strange captain said he was offered an hundred thousand pounds to do the deed. Wenman said “What shall all that do?” “Here also,” other said, “the worth of the realm one year.” And Wenman said, “It is not worth so much, I have been offered enough too, but I never have gone about it already. None could do it. God would not suffer it. We ought to be true to our prince too.” The other said, “Now you will go tell what I say.” Wenman said, “Not, I know well enough that, if we should go about it, God will keep her; I will not without I have some great vantage. If the Spaniards can enter the land; but then we cannot or shall not come nigh her.” The other said, “We cannot come to do it unless it be a horse back and rid with a piece by night. But then there is nobody to proclaim him King; but here be 'knits' in England will, if I tell them of it.” And they consented to it both, if they could have time and place. If you will believe me, do. If you will not, believe the Spirit of God.
Unto William Brach
From me George Laine
Holograph. Endorsed. 1 p. (52. 31.)
R. Barkeley, Lieutenant of the Tower, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 20. Geratt, a prisoner in the Tower, being ill and weak, hath importuned me to signify his petition to be allowed to take the air on a wall near his prison. I am told to advertise you of this, being heir mouth, as they term me. The man needs physic.—The Tower, 20th June.
Holograph. ½ p. (52. 33.)
Francis Moore to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 20. On Saturday last the Lord Chief Justice gave me order to draw the order between the Lord Sandys and Sir Walter Sandys, with the outhouses to be appointed to the Lord Sandys; which I imparted to Sir Walter, who seemed much unsatisfied with it, and would have me go with him to my Lord Chief Justice about it. The Chief Justice would not listen to Sir Walter, who would have reasoned with him, but willed him to be satisfied.—The Temple, 20 June 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (52. 34.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 20. Upon further examination of Rodriguez he affirms that though his Father was a “Portingale,” yet he was himself born in France, and was never in Portugal or Spain before this time. I examined him whether at his being at Madrid he had speech with Creswell or any of the English fugitives there. He denied this, and affirmed that he never had any speech with D. Cristofero de Moro, D. Juan St. Martin D'Iddiguez, or made known to any his purpose to come hither. Jeronimo Lopez will give his bond for him, and Horatio Fraciotti did this day shew me a letter from a gentleman of Lucca that recommended earnestly Rodriguez to him; he will also be bond that Rodriguez shall remain at Jeronimo Lopez' house. On this I await your pleasure; at present he is with Mr. Blow.—20 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (52. 35.)
Sir Anthony Standen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, June 20. I was on Thursday at the Star Chamber to have kissed your hands, as Mr. Smyth can witness, and to have received such commandments in this journey as you might have wished to impose upon me; but the troublesome matter between the nephew and the uncle, which you were then hearing, gave me no commodity to do. that which by these few I must now perform, I mean, to humbly take my leave.—From aboard the Merhonour the 20th June 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (175. 85.)
William Stone.
1597, June 20. Letter of attorney by William Stone, cloth worker, appointing Sir Robert Cecil to receive from Thomas Ireland of Gray's Inn a debt of 100l. due to Stone,—20 June, 39 Eliz.
1 p. (2271.)