Index: M

Pages 573-576

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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M., Mr., his office, 256.

McAlan, a Scottish nobleman, 204.

McCarthy, Florence :

— letters from, 151, 413, 431, 444.

— his father-in-law, 413.

Mace, George, of Antwerp, 527.

Machemulle, a freebooter, beheaded at Dieppe, 298.

McGuyr. See Maguire.

McGy, William, of Loch Side, letter from, 78.

McIntosh, —, 14.

Madame. See France, King Henry IV. of, his sister.

Maddox, John, merchant, of Ipswich, 33, 38, 39, 280.

Madrid (Madrill), 55, 56, 185, 186, 207, 209, 234, 258, 317, 504.

letter dated at, 449.

Maese. See Meuse.

Magiorini, Gio. Fr., letter from, 61.

Maguire (McGuyr), the Irish chief, 81.

Mahomet III., the Grand Turk (Jan. 1595 to 1603), personal notices, 486, 501.

— instances of his severity, 189.

— portrait of, 189.

— his desire to invade Hungary, 195.

Maidstone, Kent, 129.

Maine. See Mayenne.

Maitland, John, Chancellor of Scotland, q.v.

Malaga, a ship from, 479.

Maldon, disputes at, 394.

Malepoert, Guido, 68.

Malfatto. See Manfay.

Malines. See Mechlin.

Malt. See Grain.

Malta :

Knights of St. John of, 271, 372.

dissention among, 45, 189, 258.

the cardinal, grand master of, 45, 189.

— his two galleys, 189.

Man, Isle of, 362, 432.

— letter dated at, 355.

— incursion of Scots feared, 199.

— judgment by the officers of, 425.

— letter to the officers of, 361.

— archdeaconry of, 425.

Manchester, letters dated at, 111, 162.

Manchister, Robert, officer at Flushing, 240.

Mandy, John, 84.

— examination of, 90.

Manfay or Malfatto, Nicholas, 305.

Manners :

John, of Haddon, 2nd son of Thomas 1st earl of Rutland, 187.

Roger, of the Privy Chamber, 3rd son of Thomas 1st earl of Rutland, 229.

— letter from, 498.

— letter to, 79.

Manoa, 457.

Mansell, Jedian, arrested, 139.

Mansfeld or Mansfelt :

Count, 354.

— succeeds Archduke Ernestus as governor of Flanders (1595), 35, 133.

Count Charles, lieutenant general of the army in Hungary, 190, 194, 195, 260, 262, 280, 332, 348.

Mantua, 271, 280.

Mar, Earl of, 110, 416.

Marbury manor, Chesh. 75.

Marbury, Mr., 517.

Marcelis, Captain, 345.

Marcham. See Markham.

Marchaumont, Pierre Claisse sieur de, former French ambassador, 47, 48.

Mare, Robert, 426.

Marenzio, Luca, a musician, 446.

Margitts, George, letter from, 113.

Maria, Jehan, in the Flemish service, 512.

Markham :

—, a priest, 185, 204.

Mr., 227.

Gregory, letter from, 61.

(Marcham) Sir Griffin, 448.

— letter from, 214.

Margaret, 139 bis.

Mr. Thomas, 229, 253.

— his brethren, 253.

Mar Maggiore, the, 269.

Marquis, Lord. See Winchester.

Mareques, Isles of. See Camargue.

Marriage of bishops, 106, 107.

Marryll Bridge, 239.

Marseilles, 438, 471, 478, 530.

governorship, 308.

Marshall :

a Papal writer, 141.

Richard, ferryman at Tichfield, 86, 88, 89.

— examination of, 86.

Marston St. Lawrence (Lawrence Merston), parsonage of, 265.

Marten, a Papal writer, 141.

Martignes, Mons. de, sent to Scotland with French troops (1560?), 134.

Martignon, Maréchal Jacques Goyon de, his son slain, 308.

Martin :

—, licenced to export tin, 137.

Richard, of the Mint, petition of, 67.

— his son Richard, 67.

Marton (Martyn) Priory, Yorks., lease of, 50, 92, 95.

Martyn or Martin :

Lady Dorcas, letter from, 399.

— her brother's difficulties, 399.

— her husband, 399.

Sir Richard, alderman of London, 249.

— letters from, 38, 139, 141, 148, 341.

— examination before, 37, 341, 342, 343, 359.

— examination signed by, 140.

— his son, 341.

Martyr, Peter, the reformer, 247.

Marwood, William, customer of Plymouth, 393.

Mary :

Queen of England, 134, 222, 252.

— death of, 69.

Queen of Scots, 35, 70, 74, 192, 239, 252, 527.

— debts to, 97.

of Guise, Queen of Scots, mother of the preceding, 134.

Mascall, Mrs, widow, 81, 82, 83.

Mason :

Mr., 48.

Mr., clerk of the Parliament, 55.

Massimiliano. See Maximilian.

Master of the Rolls. See Egerton, Sir T.

Masterless men in London, 250.

Matthew. See Hutton, Matthew.

Matthew, Sir, 499.

Matthew, Tobias, dean of Durham, bishop (March 1595), 7, 488, 490.

— letters from, 177, 256.

— to preach before the Queen, 177.

Matthias, Archduke, afterwards Emperor, 190.

Maundy, the Queen's, 171.

Maurice, Count. See Nassau.

Mause, M., 168.

Mawer, —, murder of, 516.

Maxe, —, customer of Southampton, 393.

Maximilian, Emperor (1564 to 1576), 13.

Maximilian (Massimiliano), Archduke, brother of the Emperor, son of the preceding, 190, 262, 269.

— his wife and her mother, 262.

Mayence (Mentz), Bishop of, Elector, 471, 474.

Mayenne (Maine, Mayne, Umena, Du Mayne, Meain), Duke of, 44, 190, 217, 269, 272, 280, 289, 308, 316, 318, 337, 362, 371, 378, 401, 456.

— leagues with the Duke of Nemours, 44.

— a new treaty with, 44.

— his petitions, 248.

— makes peace with the King, 292, 306, 362, 368, 378, 386.

Mayho, Mrs., 529.

Maynard, Edgar, a stranger, 343.

Maynerd or Maynard, Mr. Henry, secretary to Lord Burghley, 1.

— letters from, 19, 46, 100, 203, 360, 511.

— letter to, 248.

— his house, 19.

Meain. See Mayenne.

Meares, Mr. John, 517.

Mease, Ihell de, 377.

Measles, 136, 194.

Mechlin (Malines), 195, 213, 424.

Mecklenburg (Mechlebeck), Duke of, 529.

Mecton alias Meyton, manor, in Norfolk, 279.

Medelborgo. See Middelburg.

Medistese, Don Pedro de, sent from Spain to Rome, 499.

Mediterranean Sea, the, 471.

Medkerck, Madame, 532.

Megges, Henry, his case against Renolds, 514.

Melford, 519, 520.

Melroy, M. de, 443.

Memblyck, 530.

Memoranci. See Montmorency.

Mendo :

Count (?) of, 345.

Don, 34.

Mendoza :

Don Barnardin, 54.

Don Inigo de, 61.

Don Luis Hurtado de, letter from 61.

Menines, Captain, 416.

Mentz. See Mayence.

Menye, M. de, governor of Montreuil, 287.

Menze (Mensie) :

Niccolo di, executor of the will of Marino de Gossie, 106.

— letter from, 237.

Meon Church, farm of, 55.

Mercer, Edward, mayor of Northampton, 83.

Merchant Adventurers, the company, 111, 359.

— letter from, 169.

— deputy governor of. See Sotherton, G.

Merchants trading the East Ports, Company of, 46.

— letter from, 16.

Mercoeur (Mercurio, Mercurye), Duke of, 15, 44, 221, 308, 311, 313, 321, 378.

Mere Park 159.

Merionethshire, 393.

mines in, 15, 199.

Merlow castle, in Picardy, 134.

Merse, the, in Berwickshire, 192.

Meryck, John, bishop of Sodor and Man, signature of, 426.

Mesfilde, Mr., of Flasby Hall, 207.

Mettifesickes,” the, going from Douay to Rome, 185.

Meurs (Moers), in Westphalia, 374, 375, 383.

Meuse (Mosa) or Masse, the river, 11, 103, 112, 124, 512.

Meyrick, Gilly, 218.

Meyton. See Mecton.

Middelburg (Medelborgo, Miltburg, Middelbrowe), 26, 27, 47, 63, 102, 103, 111, 168, 173, 197, 221, 263, 265, 306, 339, 415, 473, 536.

letters dated at, 11, 226, 265, 274, 279, 479.

English House (of merchants) at, 133, 204.

Merchant Adventurers of. See Merchant.

the town hesitates to obey the States General, 163.

Middlesex :

sheriff's assistants of (named), 524.

archdeaconry of, 439.

Middleton, in Lancashire, 524.

old school of, 533.

Middleton or Myddelton :

Mr., 198.

Thomas, 393.

— letters from, 369, 379.

Milan (Mediolanum), 45, 46, 124, 191, 258, 263, 438.

governor of, 46.

Milan gold, 59.

Milbecke, 145.

Mildmay :

Anthony, letter from, 128.

Walter, 70.

Milford, customs return, 393.

Mill, Mr., 269.

Millett, John, 227.

Miltburg. See Middelburgh.

Minehead (Minnett), 468.

Mines Royal Company, 199, 206.

— letter to, 14.

— Sir R. Cecil, governor of, 198.

Minnett. See Minehead.

Mint, the, 67.

Mirlas (qu. Morlaix ?), news from, 311.

Mirrik, Jonn, agent for the Russia merchants, 522.

Mocenigo, Gio., procurator of Venice (1595), 269.

Modbury, 386.

letters dated at, 1, 155.

Modye. See Moody.

Moers. See Meurs.

Moldrey, a Cornish village, burnt by Spaniards, 290.

Moldavia (Moldovius, Moldave), Duke or Prince of, 95, 190, 194.

Molyneux, Sir Richard, 524.

— letter from, 486.

Mombefor, Count of, 371.

Mompensiero. See Montpensier.

Mondragon (Mounte Dragon), 308, 315, 325, 331, 333, 339, 344, 353, 360, 364, 372, 374, 375, 379, 389.

— marches to relieve Groll, 281, 282, 284, 285, 316.

Monlovello, 46.

Monluc, M. de. See Rambouillet.

Monnox manor, in Norfolk, 279.

Monopolies, 267, 528.

(salt), 526. See also Starch, Tin, Leather, Pepper, &c.

Monstruel. See Montreuil.

Montague (Mountague), Sir Edward, 524.

Monte Alto, Cardinal of, 259.

Montecattino, —, secretary of the Duke of Ferrara, 45.

Montmartin, M. du, letter from, 318.

Montmedy, in Luxembourg, 107.

Montmorenci (Memoranci), Henry de, Constable of France, 44, 46, 70, 190, 259, 402, 434.

— letter from, 497.

Montpensier (Mompensiero, Monpansyr) : Duke, 1, 2, 11, 289, 298, 301, 306, 317, 332, 349, 366, 401, 402, 429, 434, 456, 506.

— letter to, 500.

— to marry the duke of Lorraine's daughter, 259.

Montreuil (Muttrell, Mouttrell, Mowterell, Monstruel), in France, 287, 300, 303, 420.

threatened by the Spaniards, 45, 289.

governor of. See Menye, M. de.

Moody :

—, tin merchant, 162.

(Modye), Michael (writes as John Bristowe), 254, 353, 354.

— letters from, 8, 213.

Moor :

Francis, of Taunton, 217.

— wardship of his son, 217.

Mr. John, 173.

Moore :

Edmund, 341, 343 bis.

— Examination of; 342.

— Elizabeth, his wife, 341.

— — Examination of, 342.

Edward, letter from, 241.

George, a notorious papist, 526.

Moravia, contribution against the Turk, 190, 194.

More :

Edward, 205, 278.

— letters from, 205, 293.

George, a Spanish pensioner, 252, 269.

John, merchant of London, 242.

Nicholas, 426.

Philip, 426.

Moreton :

Mr., of Bawtry, brother of Dr. Nicholas, 239.

Dr. Nicholas, sent to England by Pius V. (in 1569), 239.

Robert, seminary priest (executed 1588), 239.

Morgan :

— imprisoned by the Duke of Parma, 35.

— of the Queen's chapel, 445.

Edward, information by, 210.

Sir Matthew, 211.

— letter from, 219.

Sir Thomas, 170, 240, 499.

Dr. William, bishop of Llandaff (1595), 18, 215.

— letter from, 290.

Captain William, letter from, 246.

Moris or Morice, Count. See Nassau, Count Maurice of.

Moris, —, 445.

Morison :

Mr., 189.

Captain R., letter from, 501.

Morlaix (Morlay), in Brittany, 44, 311, 329, 401.

Morlee, Dr., 194.

Moro (Morro), Christofero di, of Philip II.'s council, 16, 54, 57.

Morpeth, 93, 415.

Morris, Thomas. See under Burges, K.

Morton :

William Douglas, Earl of, 4, 9, 10.

— his son Archibald. See Douglas.

Countess of, 10.

Morton, Captain, 507.

Mosa. See Meuse.

Moseley, —, alderman of York, 494.

Moslem Emperor, letter to, 105.

Mosley, Alderman, 391.

Mosse, Robert, of Ipswich, 366.

Mossell, Robert, 86, 89.

Mostefat. See Mustapha.

Mott, Robert, 433.

Mountague. See Montague.

Mounte, Don Alexandrein de, 499.

Mount Edgcumbe, letters dated at, 15, 199, 206.

Mounte Dragon. See Mondragon.

Mountjoy, Charles Lord, 523.

— letters from, 108, 302, 307, 310.

Mounts Bay, in Cornwall, 468.

Mouttrell. See Montreuil.

Mouy :

letter dated at, 463.

Mons. de, letter from, 463.

— his proposed enterprise, 20.

— his nephew, 463.

Mowsseawhes, Madame de, Henry IV.'s mistress, 429.

Mowterall. See Montreuil.

Moyle, Harry, 266.

Moylle, James, letter from, 193.

Muchland, in Lancashire, 177.

Munden Parva, Herts., 100.

Munster, in Ireland, 266, 481, 504.

Murray, the young earl of; 199.

Murray, Colonel, of the Scottish regiment in the Low Countries, 110, 115, 283, 364, 375, 389.

Musc', Alasko palatine of, 70.

Muscovia Merchants, Company of, 399.

Muscovites, the, 348.

Musgrave :

Sir Simon, captain of Bewcastle, 65.

Thomas, son of Sir Simon, 65.

Musselburgh, battle of (1547), 69.

Mustapha (Mostefat), nephew of Sinam Bassa, 190. See also Tevat.

Musters, 188, 323, 357, 365, 377, 405.

list of muster masters, 523.

warrant for, 262.

Muttrel. See Montreuil.

Mycleton manor, 529.

Mydleton, Thomas, merchant, letter to, 478.

— his brother, 478.

Mylle, Roger, 51.

Mylles, Thomas, customer of Sandwich, 393.

Myrandela, in Piedmont, 43.

Myrton, Father, a Jesuit, 123, 125.

Myton manor, Yorks., 68.