Cecil Papers: October 1594

Pages 1-16

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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October 1594

Henry Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 1. Writes by the Queen's command to desire that my lord, Cecil's father, will send “Mr. Hiks, if Mr. Maynerd be not returned, to look in his lordship's coffer of ciphers for a cipher which my lord himself made the last year at Windsor for the D. of Bullion. Because to-morrow her Majesty removeth, she doth make the more haste.”
Endorsed :—“Primo Octob. 1594.”
Holograph. 1 p. (173. 137.)
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 3. I am right sorry that I have no more left of these lettuces to serve my good lord; only two are left which I do send by this bearer; they are of seeds that came from Barbary. The next year I trust to supply his lordship with good store, for now the year is past for them. God send his lordship perfect health and all goòds to you both.—From the court at Nonsuch, 3 October.
P.S.—Her Majesty (God be thanked!) came hither yesternight very well and in very good time of the day, before 5 of the clock, a time heretofore not usual.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (28. 77.)
Sir John Wolley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 3. I have acquainted her Majesty with the letters sent from Mr. Edmondes; who misliketh much of the stay of the Duke Montpensier, whose presence in Brittany would much have swayed that country, and reduced the same, in all appearance, to the King's obedience. She cannot be persuaded that the cause of that stay grew from the ambassador's letters hence, which she saith were shewed to her to the end they might agree with hers. Because the letter to Sir John Norris required haste, I read it to her. Her highness liketh well of it and wisheth you to send it away with all speed, subscribed with your father's hand, my lord of Buckhurst's and yours, because ye be there all in London, and others that wrote before unto him be all far off. Ye shall do well, therefore, to despatch the same with all speed. At the writing of the last clause, her Majesty sent for me again and willed me to write that the French ambassador should be charged with the letters he wrote whereby Mr. Edmondes writeth the stay of Duke Montpensier should grow, for she hath even now received letters from the said Duke of 29 September, wherein he writeth the King spake unto him for his speedy departure into Brittany. If that be true, Mr. Edmondes is deceived. The intercepted letters I have not yet read to the Queen for that she hastened the despatch of the enclosed to Sir John Norris. And so praying you to do my humble duty to your father, with my excuse for not writing unto him because of the hastening away of this messenger, I wish you and him all health and happiness.—At the Court, 3 October, 1594.
P.S.—I wish ye made some haste to the Court because her Majesty looked this night for you.
Holograph. 1 p. (28. 78.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 5. Although my body is as weak as I described it yesterday, my heart is still so much alive that I would like to make a journey as far as Holland upon private affairs of importance. My wife's mother and her two daughters are there, whom I have long tried to get into England to be married, according to practices I have held with certain English gentlemen; but these women are timid and without my presence they will never come. There are now here some good ships of war, to convey the ambassadors of the States who are come from Scotland. I would take passage in them, though they leave with the first wind; but must give her Majesty notice. As I cannot come to Court to kiss her hands, because the hobbling gait is too ungraceful, I beg you to inform her Majesty and get her acquiescence.
I am in present need of 1,000l. and think of begging Mr. Fortescue to move the Queen to let me have it on account of the three pays which I have let pass.—London, 5 Oct., 1594.
Italian Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (171. 20.)
W. Waad to Lord Burghley.
1594, Oct. 7. According to your commandment and good pleasure I have used that boldness in the perusing this discourse which else I know would not become me, and because the whole course of proceeding in that cause is perfectly known to me, as my memory did serve me, I have noted the same that it may in all points agree with the truth. If you will give me leave to utter my opinion for the inserting of some special examinations which are both clear and declare notably the truth of the matter, I do wish the two principal declarations of Manoell Lowys and two of Ferrara inserted or added in the end; and the two letters from the Count Fuentes and the secretary, which were brought by Manoell Lowys, without interpretation. The letter also, or part of it, from Manoell Lowys to Ferrara, wherein he doth speak of the pearls, and the interpretation of the same. I do conceive the doubtfulness of those two letters of Ibarra and Fuentes, specially of Count Fuentes, which indeed doth grow by reason two great matters are dealt in that letter, the one touching the Duke of Braganca, and the destroying of her Majesty, which maketh some doubtfulness. But the letter of itself is suspicious, and credit being given to the bearer he hath revealed the credit. I do but in all humility declare my opinion to publish these only with the confessions of Lopez.—From Wood Street, 7 October, 1594.
Holograph. 1 p. [Murdin, p. 680.] (28. 79.)
The King of Portugal to the Earl of Essex.
1594, Oct. 7/17. Has delayed writing until he could send some good news of his affairs, as he is sure of Essex's sympathy with them. “Ma essendo il di (sic) questo regno tan to travagliato, resta el Re Christianissimo impossibilitato di ajutarmi per adesso, anchorche lo desideri quanto e possibile, ma li manca il modo, et, con tutto, mi fa offerta di farsi debbitor et mia sicurtá a chi m' accomodara della summa de tre o quatrocento milla scudi, et di piu quei capitani et tanta gente che vorró. Travaglio per trovar chi mi faccia questo beneficio accioche possa, come desidero, dar il possesso de Portogallo a vostra Eccellenzia, cognoscendo che sete estato la cagione di trovar sua Maesta Christianissima tanto propitia, et che davantagio mi sete un forte propugnaculo per di la contra quelloro che vogliono davanti sua Maesta Serenissima calumniar la sincerita et fidelta mia verso di lei.” Although I have not been able to send for these your two servants, as her Majesty ordered, I beg you not to dismamparar (qucease to protect?) them; and perhaps events will so turn out that your Excellency will send them straight from London to Portugal, in company with some servant of your own who will aid me to win it.—Paris, 17 Oct. 1594. Signed, “aficionatissimo di v. Exa.—Rey.”
Italian. 1 p. (133. 127.)
Sir John Fortescue to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 8. Not long before her Majesty's departure from Greenwich, she acquainted me with her intention of bestowing some round sum upon one for payment of her debts, giving me in charge to hold it secret; which I have truly performed; and touching the matter cannot find any better course than such as are accustomed, either in giving lands meet to be sold, or fee farms, or some like nature; and for that I have not conferred with your father I cannot make any certain answer, but at my coming to London against Friday I will be better instructed and acquaint you therewith, if you be at the Star Chamber; otherwise I mean to be at the Court on Saturday night.—Hendon, 8 October, 1594.
Endorsed:—“Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer.”
Holograph. ½ p. (28. 80.)
Sir George Carewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 10. As your honour willed me, I shewed the bezarrs stone to Josepho. Had it been of the East Indies, he would have valued it at the least at an hundred pounds. Of the West Indian bezars he never made trial, therefore he will make no estimation of it lest he should err; and yet he doubts not but those of the West have the like value. But to him it is unknown and therefore would not wish you to buy it before some experience be made of the same.—From the Mynorits this 10 October, 1594.
Holograph. ½ p. (28. 85.)
The Earl of Sussex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 11. This gentleman, my kinsman, Captn. Francis Ruishe, one that hath spent his years in service and in that place hath taken charge much to his own detriment, hath now at last some hope of getting one of the old companies of the Low Countries. In pursuit and achieving whereof he shall much want the assistance of such honorable friends as you, and therefore I do earnestly entreat you to do him what good you may in favouring his suit.—Newhall, 11 October, 1594.
Signed. Part of Seal. 1 p. (28. 82.)
Sir William Cornwallis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 11. My neighbour sends me word that these Low Country Ambassadors make haste to be gone; the fair weather and agreeableness of the wind increaseth their desire, insomuch as to-morrow at night he heareth they determine. He hath taken his leave yesternight of my lord, your father, and lacketh nothing necessary but his passport which, sir, he prays you to procure; though upon argument with my lord yesternight he proved it to be superfluous, having a warrant dormant under the Great Seal of England to pass and repass at his pleasure.
Sir, many businesses this Term of taking up and paying money, holds me here, and makes my humours too sad for such a place as there. I am loath to cloy your stomach with often offer of a dainty dish, yet once again I will remember you that I will sell Highgate and make my wife contented therewith. For the price, I will prove it reasonable, Sir, and myself a loser by it a 1000l. Think, Sir, what you please hereof but say you nothing, I pray. I had rather you had a thing I love well than some other I love not half so well, for I profess and protest I do, and resolutely mean to do; and, though you shall find nothing in my fortune worth your caring for it, yet you shall ever in mine nature, honesty, constancy and silence; and in exchange, Sir, I pray your constant favour and good opinion and your regard and remembrance of me if you see any door open of place or profit for me to enter of, without your own prejudice. So shall you find me and bind me in all fortunes and times your most assured poor friend.—This Friday.
Holograph. 1 p. (28. 89.)
John Colville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 11. My honorable lord and Mæcenas. The 9 hereof I came to Tweedmouth to transport my family, yielding to your honour humble thanks for the favourable discretion used by sweet Mr. Governor, upon your information, to my wife and children. The 14 hereof we remove, and thereafter look for a continual intelligence, craving pardon that now being distracted I have been somewhat negligent.
Ere now your honour has heard of the conflict betwixt Argyll and Huntley, whereof there is so many contrary reports that I dare write no certainty; yet true it is that Argyll is presently at Dalkeith with his father-in-law, the earl of Morton, whereby I do think he is vanquished and sundry of his slain. Arroll is either dead or deadly hurt, and some principals of Huntley's slain.
His Majesty is this while at Aberdeen, with whom your ambassador has one and I another to make us fresh advertisement how soon his Majesty shall be settled in the north : and Sir George Home has not only promised to inform our agents of all occurents, but also to do all good offices lying in his power.
This victory will make Huntley proud and give . q. [the King] occasion the more importunately to seek your help, but if . S. be permitted to come up he can well shew you what they that loves you best here, under way of correction, would propose for establishing a friendship and saving your money, which the sooner it be known unto you the sooner may you take a conclusion and election.
Argyll though he have gotten the foil yet his zealous proceeding is much commended with all that loves religion and their country, and I do think he will privately insinuate himself in her Majesty's good grace, whereof I thought good to forwarn your honour.
As to . q. his proceeding and meaning at this time, assure yourself I shall faithfully inform thereof. How suspicious .h . his doing is, your own . S . and our Church sees well enough. Whereof I will write no more lest I should seem partial.—This 11 October, 1594.
P.S.—The persons delated by Mr. Walwood your . S . if he come will inform you, and thereof I shall send their names with the next. They be men to my opinion so honest as I marvel they should say any such matter to the said Walwood.
Holograph. 2 pp. (28. 90.)
Arthur Gregory to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 12. I return the contents of two of the principal whereby your honour may conceive of how little importance the third was, which therefore I left uncopied, as I might have done the others had I not desired to satisfy you, as you shall find me to be ever. The breaking of the covering and folding it after in other crests caused me to have much trouble, which I little regard did not the same enforce suspicion also, which I presume to note that some care may be had hereafter upon the like occasion. If these letters had been aught worth I would have attended your honour, the rather to have excused the intolerable delay of the workman in your box for your “christalyne” glass which now I am promised presently; and also to intreat your honour, now that Adames hath the surveyor's place, that myself may be controller in reversion except any man can disable me. If her Majesty encourage me therewith, I will be more near attendant to do her service, and in gratitude therefor I will frankly deliver the instructions and knowledge of my best skill and be most ready to do your honour all other services and devotions while I live.—From my poor lodging, 12 October, 1594.
Holograph. Part of seal. 1 p. (28. 91.)
Extraordinary Payments.—Low Countries.
1594, Oct. 12. Money paid by Sir Thomas Sherley, Knt., Treasurer at Wars of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries, to divers persons upon extraordinary occasions, from the first of February 1586 to the 12th of October 1594, by virtue of sundry warrants to him directed, besides the money paid to her Majesty's ordinary, cautionary, and auxiliary forces.
Among the objects of the payments are :—
Cost of the forces sent over in 1587 for the relief of Sluys.
To Sir John Norreys for the 1,500 men divided into 9 bands and sent into the Low Countries under his conduct for the relief of Bergen-op-Zoom in October, 1588.
Payment of 450 footmen sent in June 1589 for the supply of Ostend.
To English captains in the States' pay.
To divers Colonels, captains, and officers strangers, including a sub which was distributed by Sir Roger Williams among eight Due companies that came out of Sluys.
For repairs of the sea-breaches at Ostend.
Reward of 100s. to Peter Tyboute, the 22 Aug. 1587, for discovering the enemies.
Payments to spies, etc., and 4l. each to Michael Van Grappen and Henricke Geerte for swimming into Sluys on the 16th June 1587 with letters.
To Sir John Conwey, Knt. the 23 March, 1586, for expenses at Ostend, being Governor there without entertainment.
To Sir Wm. Russell, Knt., Governor of Flushing, 18 May, 1587, for the making of a turnpike to shut and open with the tide at the mouth of the haven of Flushing.
To Mr. Thomas Webbes, in May and July, 1587, being sent into the Low Countries about Her Majesty's service.
38 pp. (139. 4.)
John Colville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 14. My honorable good lord and Mæcenas. Since I am this day to depart homeward I beseech the Supreme Majesty reward her gracious Majesty for the undeserved hospitality and entertainment by me received, and to make me so fruitful to your service as (God willing) I shall be faithful. The certainty of these northland wars being come, I do find Argyll was distressed for lack of “wivers,” and his army scattered, and he invaded by Arroll and Huntley unlooked for. He has many of his covenanters killed, and some three or four of his principal friends, but he has not quitted the field, but is joined with his Majesty with great commendation of all honest men, Arroll being hurt in the leg with an arrow and in the arm with a pellet. The laird of Achindoun, Huntley's uncle, Bukkie, and some six or seven of the principal of Arroll's and Huntley's friends, slain, with some fifty of their communes and many horse. His Majesty by the way has razed the houses of one Mr. Walter Lyndsay (who is presently in Flanders their agent) and of Jo. Ogilvy, second son to the lord Ogilvy, and is presently at Aberdeen ready to go for demolishing the houses of Huntley and Arroll; who in all men's opinion will either take the sea or else flee to Sutherland and Caithness, the former Huntley's cousin and the other his brother-in-law. But in respect Mr. Ro. Bowes is to be the 16 hereof in this town and to come up, as I hear, with speed, I commit many things which I dare not write to his relation, for certainly he bringeth with him the information of all your friends here and doth see more in our estate nor many of ourselves.
The actions of our Chancellor grows daily more and more suspicious to our church and such here as loves you best, as by him you will know, for which cause, knowing your approved wisdom, I need not inform your honour to trust but so much of his nephew as you see with your eyes, for certainly his advertisements from thence may well quench the smali zeal that is in our court, but they shall not be found to encourage.—14 October, 1594.
P.S.—Bothwell is privily in Liddisdail, dismayed and almost all alone. If he steal not away suddenly by sea he cannot escape unapprehended.
Holograph. 2 pp. (28. 92.)
Sir Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 16. I have considered of the state of the cause between my lady Russell and Mr. Lovelace, and of the proceedings on either part, and I take it the Star Chamber is no fit Court for my lady to complain in; for, as your honour knoweth, that high court without respect striketb on both sides, and in this case, the causes be so intermixed as on the one day they cannot punish Lovelace but on the other they must sentence against my lady. For, albeit an honourable lady being so abused as she was could hardly (all circumstances considered) brook such indignities, yet her stocking and imprisonment of his men is not justifiable in law, and seeing there is so great inequality of persons, I would not have them suffer eoual punishment. But, if it would please you and other of the norao lords of her Highness's Council to call Lovelace before you and let him understand the quality of his offence and, if he do not to my lady Russell's satisfaction submit himself, that then it would please you to bind him over till the matter might be more deeply examined, in my opinion it were the best and safest course for my lady.—16 October.
Endorsed :—“1594. Mr. Attorney General to my Master.”
Holograph. 1 p. (28. 94.)
Thomas Ridley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 16. Mr. Dean of Windsor having written unto you as concerning his contentment for Durham in lieu of London, I held it best forthwith to send his letters to you, lest delay of answer and acceptation of it might, peradventure, breed innovations in some men's heads which are ready enough to cross such matters. Besides, there is a friend of mine who having heard that some of these preferments are like to light upon the Dean of Durham would, if it should please your honour to be the means, be a suitor for his room. Which if it please you to undertake, I will attend your return to London, and then both let your honour understand who the party is and what his merits are, and also how thankful he will be for such courtesy.—From my lodgings in the Doctors Commons, 16th October, 1594. (28. 95.)
Encloses :
William Day, Dean of Windsor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 14.—I understand by letters from? my very good lord that her Majesty meaneth to bestow London upon the Bishop of Worcester, and that, upon conference had between your honour and my lord Archbishop, they have set? ne down for Durham. Seeing it is her Majesty's pleasure to have London so filled, I am well content for my part, but I am sorry in respect that some will account that they have prevailed against your honour, at whom (no doubt) they aimed at the first. If Durham fall out to my share, I will take it in very good part (though I could have wished to have been nigher your honour), and will be as thankful to my friends as any way I shall be able. But, Sir, if this meaning shall take place, it must be speedily effected for time will draw danger. Once her Majesty gave me that place, but while the finishing of it was some while put off by my lord of Leicester's coming out of the Low Countries, it was clean overthrown, and this man put in place who now doth enjoy it. And whether it be likely that some now will devise how to disappoint this meaning or no I refer it to your wisdom to consider. How much I am bound to your honour I understand by my cousin Rydley. I will endeavour by the best means I can to requisite some part of this your courtesy, which I heartily pray your honour to continue.—From the King's College of Eton, 14 October, 1594.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (28. 93.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 16. Upon presenting of the warrant for the money for the King of Scots, her Majesty hath made stay of signing it, for that it is come to her knowledge that this last summer, when the King's ambassadors were here and obtained 4,000l. for the King, 2,000l. thereof was employed at London, so as there came of that sum but 2,000l. to the King's hands. And so likewise of this 2,000l. she understandeth that 1,000l. is to be left in London for goldsmiths, &c. and so but the other 1,000l. to be carried to the King. Whereas her Majesty's meaning is that the whole should be carried into Scotland for the furtherance of the King's affairs and present actions now in hand. And otherwise than to that end and use her Majesty is unwilling to grant this 2,000l. And so your honour may let Sir Richard Cockburn know lest he should think unkindness or other want in you.
By this I think that, if her Majesty may be made assured that the whole 2,000l. shall be employed to the advancement of the king's cause for his service in Scotland, she might be induced to sign this warrant, the contents whereof I did fully impart according to your letter, for indeed the words in the warrant be so.
The letters for the levy of men you willed me to stay till your return, and said you would deal with my lord wheher the men should be of the trained companies. I am bold to send your honour a scribbled minute thereof wherein, in some place apt, may be words inserted for the men to be of the trained bands, if it must be. If your honour will return it corrected as it should be, in any time, I will write them and present them to-morrow. And so I pray your honour pardon my rude tediousness written in the dark.—16 October 1594.
P.S.—I will also make ready the warrant for the powder for Vlissing. Holograph. 1 p. (28. 96.)
John Bristowe [M. Moody] to [Poly].
1594, Oct. 17. I entered this town from Brussels even as the gates were to be shut in and the post to depart in the morning, which causeth me to be so short; only, I expected to hear from you at this present, as you promised, but I hope you will come with this ambassador as a thing very necessary for 4,000 and . 88 . service; and so in haste I cease to trouble you. Yours in his power, John Bristowe.—17 October 1594.
P.S.—His enemies give out that he hath done very ill offices in England of late.
Addressed :—“Aenden eersamen Welcher van Drapp, copeman, woonden in dem Marke Lane, tot London, betalde den bode.”
Seal. ½ p. (28. 97.)
R. Douglas to [Archibald Douglas].
1594, Oct. 18. I perceive by your last, written the last of the last month, you marvel that I have been so long in writing unto you principally, this country furnishing daily such variety of news and subjects of new writing; and that, having the opportunity of divers bearers, such as Doctor Hawkins, Alexander Denistoune and the Baron of Fingas, I did not by one of them write, unto your lordship. It is of truth I delayed long time to write, hoping thereby for some matter of importance which was promised, and which I knew would have been acceptable unto you. But that failing, as it is hard here to build upon promises, I abstained to deal with those persons for a while; and, were it not the respect I must have to the preservation of the house of Angus and that I think it a sin not to do that which I think I may in good conscience to relieve it, I would meddle no farther with their follies. And the time of the baptism and the ambassadors here being I abstained for many causes both from the court and this town, so that I did not see Doctor Hawkins nor know that he had a letter to me : until that same very day of his return to that country, coming hither upon accident, I understood it, and thereupon had only the occasion but to see him, being sorry that I had not time, both for your lordship's recommendation and for the good parts which appears to be in the gentleman, to have shown him farther pleasure. So that neither by him, nor by Denistoune who returned at the same time, could I have any leisure to write. By the baron of Fingas, who went easy journeys and far out of the way, I thought it to little purpose to write, looking assuredly to have had letters at your lordship's before his coming. Since that time the daily tragedies which has been here caused me both to abstain from communication and writing, knowing that my enemies who carries principal credit here were spying the least occasion to trouble me, which moved me to remain still here with my lord of Mortoune, by his good countenance to protect me from the malice of the time. And so your lordship has the causes of my long silence. And as to that you touch in your last letter of my intention to come in that country, I marvel how you are so informed, for except an earnest desire which I have this long time carried, if any good occasion should occur, to visit you, I have not had this great while any such resolved purpose; and, if I looked for any such occasion, you might be sure I would advertise your lordship before. In your postscript you wrote that you hoped to do some good ere it was long in the matter which I recommended to you by my last. In the meantime you desired that the parties should forbear to conclude any matter with foreigners until the time should appear what resolution would be taken upon an overture made by some in that matter of late, which you say could not take long delay. I have dealt with one and caused him deal with the rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . delayed to conclude any course with any foreigner, and refused great offers, until the time they may see what her Majesty will do, and has promised yet to delay until St. Andrew's day, and in that meantime, as her Majesty's ministers has been the principal cause both of their forfeiture and this rigour prosecuted against them, so if she will deal for their release and restitution to their own places betwixt [now] and that day, and send some friendly ambassador for that effect, they will gladly observe and keep all that was promised, and with the performing thereof deliver their bond to her ambassador; or else, if you will promise to them that such things shall be truly performed, they will consign the bond in your hands until they be performed. The cause that moves them to be so loth to deliver their bond before, is not thnt they in any ways suspect her Majesty, but having the proof of the rigorous and malicious dealing of some of her ministers they are afraid that they [may], if their bond come in their hand before, send it beyond the sea to disgrace them at their friends' hands, and in the meantime do nothing for them. And as concerning that overture and offer made in their name, I know not of whom you mean except it be Both well, who for all that which passed betwixt them, which is not so much as many believes and yet more than was expedient for any of the parties, as I am informed, neither he nor any other has any power of them to make any offers in their name to that state except so much as your lordship has. Bothwell may well, to augment his own credit, promise farther than either he has commission or may perform. And thus far for that matter.
There is no word as yet come from his Majesty since his going north, and it is thought that he shall see no enemies, neither that he shall do any farther at this time than he did at his late journey in that country, and at his return those lairds are apt to be as strong as ever they were of before. Therefore to my opinion it were a good work for the Queen to pacify all our troubles, and so oblige unto her both the parties, before the matters grow unto a greater height; no question, if this present combustion be suffered to get long forward, it shall not fail to draw in strangers amongst us, and be consequently a trouble to that state. Mr. Bowes is lately returned to that country after that he has kindled a fire amongst us which will not be so easily quenched. It is said he is to return again shortly, but I wish a more peaceable and quieter spirited one may be sent unto us, who may do as great good as he has done harm, in so doing perhaps . . . . . . . mistrust. It is better state . . . . . . you have heard the event of the conflict betwixt [Huntley] and Argyll, and albeit the field be left to Huntley, yet his loss is greater, having lost nine or ten principal gentlemen of his name, the laird of Auchindoun, who was the worthiest Grordoun alive, and . . . . other gentlemen, dependers and servants to him and Erroll.
Bothwell seems to be weary of his violent courses, and it is thought he shall retire him of the country to France. Buccleuch has taken the greatest part of his living, and promised to banish him and his that part of the country where he dwells. I understand that Buccleuch has persuaded him to this honourable course, and to [leave] the country, with promise that his living shall come to his own use, and that with time he may return with favour, but this is secret. Mr. John Colveill has left him and obtained his pardon.
My lord of Mortoun and my lady would be commended to your lordship, and desires you to request their son Archibald, who went away by [against] their knowledge, to return, for they are nothing contented with his journey. My lord is so offended he will not desire him himself, but he will be glad your lordship would persuade him to come home. Your loving nephew to serve you, R. Douglas.—Dalkeith, 18 October, 1594.
Holograph. 3 pp. (28. 98.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 19. Did not cross the sea until the 18th because of the uncertainty of the wind. Goes into Holland in two days; but having seen the Admiral, son of the Prince of Orange, and learnt from him and others news worthy to be related to the Queen, sends it herewith.
In Berghes has been taken a native of Liege who, under torture, has confessed that he sought to put himself as a soldier in the Guard of Count Maurice, in order to take occasion to assassinate him, being stimulated thereto by the secret council of the archduke Ernest, and by the archduke himself, by promises of reward. He has signed his confession, of which the Admiral promises me a copy in three days. There is some talk, and some suspicion, of the journey the Cavalier Wilks is about to make to Brussels. Made bold to say it was only to expostulate about those traitors that from time to time pass from thence into England. Count Philip of Nassau has passed the Mosa, with 3,000 foot and 500 horse, to meet the Duke of Bouillon on the borders of Picardy, there together to make war in Artois. He has done so at the repeated instances of the King, and now, when he has left, a messenger is come saying the Duke of Bouillon cannot be ready for some days, and desires him to halt : it is feared he may fall into some difficulty. The Duke of Monpensier has given up his journey to Brittany, the King taking him with him to Lyons “ma intanto cio sarà contrario all' aspettatione de nostri in quella provintia.” The strong city of Giaverino has surrendered to the Turk. This is not yet in the gazettes, but I have it fresh from Germany. The country which it protected is abandoned to the Turks, who have also taken another city on this side of it called Komora. The Emperor has stopped in a castle between Ratisbon and Prague and gives access to no one, so that no business can be done.—Medelborgo, 19 Oct., 1594.
P.S.—The marriage of the Duke of Bouillon with Mdlle. Isabella, second daughter of the Prince of Orange, by his third marriage, is said to be settled.
Italian. Hol. 2 pp. (171. 21.)
Richard [Howland,] Bishop of Peterborough, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 20. It hath pleased God in his great mercy to look upon the low estate of me his poor minister and meanest bishop in England in stirring up the right honorable the Earl of Huntingdon, Lord President of the North, with the council there, to nominate me unto the archbishopric of York, without my suit (I protest) or any man's with my privity; which as I take to be my great credit and comfort, so do I take it in discretion my part, not by silence to be only wanting unto myself, but to make it known unto my most honorable and only patron your good father. Which because I can do by no means so well as by your honour, and do greatly presume of your honorable favour in respect of my dutiful affection (long since begun), I fly unto the same as to my only anchor hold, humbly desiring you so to tender my credit and comfort, which is thus set on foot by strangers, as that my honorable good lord, by whom “I am that I am,” would now extend his favour to the consummating of my happiness, which with his word only his honour may now so do, as that I shall cease to trouble him with any more suits, and rest for ever in the fruits of his exceeding great and honorable favour bound, and at his direction and commandment during life. Your honour doth well remember the princely mind and speech of Alexander the Great who, in raising a poor gardener unto a kingdom, answered that he did glory more of his power to make such a man a king than of his own being a king. I confess I am greatly advanced already by the place I have by his honorable favour beyond my deserts; but, since it hath thus pleased God to cause so great and so many good men to think better of me than I can deserve, I beseech you to stand so my honourable and good friend as that I may not be thought unfit by my only countenance and credit, your honorable good father, upon whose liking and dislike in this action dependeth my whole credit and discredit for ever.—Peterborough, 20 October.
Signed. 1 p. (28. 100.)
Lady St. John to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 20. I make bold to move you in the behalf of this bearer, Mr. Clerk's brother of the privy seal, to be a means to my lord and grandfather for the office of escheator of Hampshire for this next year; not for the office' sake, as he pretendeth, but to disburden thereby his brother's and his own land liable to former accounts, as himself will acquaint his lordship and your honourable self more at large. I pray you therefore the rather at my mediation that you will please to befriend him in his said suit, wherein I have been moved by some of my very good friends as well as by himself. Your most loving niece, Lucy St. Johne.—Basinge, 20 October, 1594.
½ p. (28. 101.)
The Privy Council to Mons. Richardot.
1594, Oct. 20. Monsieur : Forasmuch as it is not unknown to you that her Majesty, our sovereign lady, having directed her letters by a special messenger to the Archduke Ernest, governor in the Low Countries for the King of Spain, thereby requiring safe conduct for the going and coming of her secretary, Sir Thomas Wilks, by whom her Majesty meant to have opened such important matter as nearly touched the said King of Spain in his honour throughout the world, received by your hands a letter from the said Duke directed to herself, and withal a safe conduct for him and his company. It hath pleased her Majesty to command us whose names are here written, to let you know what is the cause of her stay of anybody to be sent unto him concerning that matter.
First, her Majesty perusing his letter doth find the style and form far inferior to that which she (in regard of her estate being an absolute monarch) expected from the Duke, wherein are omitted all honours formerly given to her in all letters sent by emperors and kings, and namely by the grandfather and brother of the said Duke Ernestus, all being emperors. Whereof, although peradventure in some other time her Majesty might have suspended her judgment, yet now (all circumstances considered) her Majesty is too tender of the greatness of her estate, being by God an anointed queen over kingdoms and countries, to let pass so notorious an omission, either by error or of purpose, committed to her sacred person, especially by one to whom in so honourable sort she vouchsafed to send notwithstanding the person of him whom he represented at this day in the place where he abideth.
Secondly, her Majesty findeth one clause in his letter expressing the Archduke's expectation, as a forejudgment, to have nothing propounded to him that mought be to the deservice of the King of Spain. Whereupon, considering that the matters are in very truth such in nature as without some extraordinary course taken by the King for his clearing there will be left upon him a most notorious and foul imputation in the judgment of the whole world; of which, for the honour she beareth to a king's estate, her Majesty as a stranger prince could wish he could clearly discharge himself. And forasmuch as in the whole course of the matter there will appear manifest proofs directly convincing (without possibility of evasion) divers of the King's principal councillors, both attending there on the Archduke and also nearest to his person and in wardest with him in Spain, of horrible attempts and detestable acts (abhorred even by the heathen) against the life of an anointed prince, her Majesty is now resolved to trouble the Duke neither with letter nor message any more, being now rather through his cold and unrespectful manner towards her (which she little expected at his hands considering the honorable regard she hath ever borne to the Emperor, his brother, and himself) induced to look for small indifferency at his hands, and therefore will forbear to deal in it any more, and reserve to herself a further consideration how the same may be made known, even according to the naked truth confessed and sealed with the blood of the conspirators, without any addition or colouring of anything therein; Whereby the same may come both to the King's understanding and the Archduke's; and which being thus long forborne may yet notify to the world how unwillingly her Majesty hath been drawn to take that course to which she now is forced. Of which her Majesty's princely purpose she hath commanded some of us of her privy council, who have perfect knowledge of all the matters and circumstances which were intended to have been sent to the Archduke, to signify the same by these our letters unto yon, Mr. Richardot, who did receive her Majesty's letters and gave back to the messenger the aforesaid two writings without any other answer to him.
Endorsed :—“20 October, 1594. M : to Sor Richardott.”
Draft. 1½ pp. (28. 102.)
Another draft letter from the Council to the same purport and effect as the foregoing; returning the passport, to be handed back to the Archduke.
Endorsed :—“Copy in English of their lordships' letter to Monsieur Richardott.”
1 p. (28. 109.)
The Queen to the Archduke Ernestus.
1594, Oct. [20?]. We have received a letter, signed by you the 14 of October, which was brought to us by him that carried our letter dated the 11 September; which, being considered by us for the form of the direction within your, letter, we see so different in style and title from that which is due to us, as being a sovereign queen of realms, and that both by the emperors, your grandfather, your father and brother, yea, by all kings and potentates in their letters, hath from the beginning of our reign been attributed to us; and also adding thereto the consideration of a special clause in your letter that you do trust that we will not cause anything to be proposed to you au desservice of the King your lord and uncle, we are now sorry that we did write to you in such friendly manner as we did, having no reciproque regard of us by you in your letters, and have cause also to forbear to impart that which we meant in a friendly manner you might understand, as being a governor under the King of Spain, and assisted by some persons as councillors with you, which was that we had sundry matters to declare to you, which being true touched the King, your uncle's, honour, either to suffer great lack thereby or by some good means to discharge himself thereof. And in like sort for certain others, his principal ministers with you, it should have appeared by what good proofs they were to be charged with certain detestable facts to be abhorred by all good Christians. And now that by your writing you seem to be unwilling to hear of anything to the deservice of the King, how far you will interpret to concern the deservice of the King, we know not; and therefore we mean not to trouble you herewith otherwise than we mind to publish the matters to the world, as the same are proved or affirmed, without any sinister additions, and then we shall expect such issue thereof both by you, under whose governance such detestable acts have been attempted, and by the King of Spain, whom the same doth so nearly touch as in reason he ought to discharge himself of the same being imputed to him by his own ministers. Which if he shall not, we mind otherwise, by God's favour, to procure a redress thereof by such other course as hitherto we have forborne.
Draft with corrections by Lord Burghley and Sir Robert Cecil.
pp. (28. 108.)
John Colville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 22. In respect your ambassador at his coming out of Scotland appointed a friend of mine to follow his Majesty for furnishing intelligence, such matter as has come from that friend I have sent to him even as I received it; and therefore, lest I should importune you by writing one thing twice, I shall, during his abode in England, (if so please your honour) refer the estate of all our affairs to his relation, beseeching your good lordship to accept my mean labours in good worth as testimonies of a well affected servant lacking further power.—Edinburgh, 22 October 1594.
Holograph. Part of seal. ½ p. (28. 103.)
John Colville to Henry Lok.
1594, Oct. 22. My loving brother : Your letter was so near my mind as my heart could wish, whereof I thank you, and of all your kindness, and you shall be certain, since I am entered in some favour, that your honesty is and shall be more known here, and you without fear as able to travel among us as ever you did, so that Cranston and the rest, who thought to undo us by sowing discord betwixt us and unhappy Bothwell, has but undone themselves.
For our estate, his Majesty, I assure you, goeth roundly against the papists. Mr. Walter Lyndsay's, Jo. Ogilvie's, Abergeldie's, and Clune's houses already cast down; and the houses of Strabogy and Slanes to be demolished; Forbes and McIntosche made searchers to find out Huntley and his favourers, and his Majesty to bide till he so settle matters as these papists shall have no residence there. And for this effect his Majesty is gone north, and the ladies of Huntley and Arroll refused any presence. It is thought Arroll will die, and sundry more of Huntley's friends are slain and dead nor was reported at the first. Haste Mr. Forret home, unto whom I can write nothing till he come.
I have heard as yet nothing from Mr. Governor of the note you said was from my Mæcenas directed to him. I commit that and my recommendation to your wonted diligence and favour.
Your papers in the merchants' matters I shall send out.—22 October 1594.
P.S.—I cannot but still remember Mr. Hoodgson and his bedfellow : remember me as he pleases.
Holograph. Part of seal. 1 p. (28. 104.)
P. Edgcumbe to the Governor, Assistants and Company of the Mines Royal.
1594, Oct. 26. Having received their letter of 31 August, wherein, after certificate that John Smythe Esq. has surrendered to them copy of a lease to the writer of the mines royal of Cornwall and Merionethshire, they require payment in the beginning of this Michaelmas Term of the rent due, he acknowledges the yearly rent of 200l. to be due from the making of the lease, for which rent, when time shall be for payment, he is now providing, but craves in the mean season reasonable favour in the matter. They will find by further advertisement to be given by the bearer, he is doing worthy of this; and, as a poor member of the Company ready to further their mineral affairs by all good means, and able also to do so from some reasonable knowledge and experience in mineral affairs, as well as from special matters which the bearer will communicate, he hopes for a favourable answer by return.—Mount Edgcumbe, 26 October, 1594.
Seal. 1 p. (28. 105.)
Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, Oct. 27. Her Majesty's works being now at an end for this year, has despatched the bearer with letters to inform the Council of the true estate of all things, and in what sort the islet is left, and has also sent unto the lord Treasurer the book of the particulars of the charge. Would not let pass this commodity without refreshing the offers of service unto Cecil.
To write any particulars of the fortifications this year would do wrong to Mr. Paul Yve, the surveyor, who will inform him both by plots and by mouth very exactly what is done and yet to do. Begs a favourable construction and countenance for the letters to the Council so far as they shall seem to import her Majesty's service. Has no new matter worth the advertisement, only that their neighbours of St. Malo were like to have been betrayed by the Duke of Mercure's faction within these few days. The deputies of that town have been with the King and made a very advantageous capitulation for themselves. The Duke of Mercure hath carried away to Nantes nine of the principal burghers of Dinant because they would have submitted themselves to the King's obedience.—Jersey, 27 October, 1594.
Signed. 1 p. (28. 106.)
Frideswede Walker to the Queen.
1594, Oct. Prays tor a lease in reversion of 20l., in consideration of her late husband's services in increasing the rental of the collegiate church of St. John of Beverley, of which he was collector, in apprehending William Sherwood, a convicted traitor, and as forage master at Tilbury Camp and elsewhere.
Endorsed :—Oct. 1594.
Note by Wm. Aubrey that the Queen grants the petition.
1 p. (1083.)
Merchants of Venice.
1594, Oct. “Licencia mercatoribus Venetie.” Draft letters patent.—Oct. 1594.
3 pp. (141. 160.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mons. Caron.
1594, [Early in November]. It is not unknown to you that there hath a messenger passed from the Queen to the Archduke Ernestus and it may be you have heard of some letter returned from the said Duke. Wherein, lest haply the world in generality (as especially those States with whom her Majesty holds correspondence) might have any jealous apprehension of some secret negociation with the King of Spain or his ministers, it hath pleased her to command me particularly to inform you both how the matter began, how it hath proceeded, and in what terms it now standeth, which in short is this. The Queen having sense of the foul and dangerous practices, substantially proved by the confession of Lopes and others resolved to destroy her person, (not knowing any way more proper to expostulate the barbarous acts of the said King in contriving and furthering of so foul an intention to take away the Queen's life, as by putting him either to avow it; or, if he would deny it, to correct the instruments of the same, some of them being inward in his secretest councils, as Christofero di Moro, other such as are of the Council resident in the Low Countries, as the Count di Fuentes and Ybara) resolved to send some one whom her Majesty meant should open that matter and the proofs, and so sent to the Archduke for a passport for one that should open some things concerning the King, his uncle, in honour, and only so, with a letter to that end, sent a gentleman to the Duke. He returned with a passport in ample form and with a letter from the Archduke, but in a gross and bare style, without complete respect of giving her Majesty her usual honour due (being a sovereign prince), and a clause contained in the letter that her messenger should be welcome so he propounded not anything to the deservice of the said King. Hereupon her Majesty, moved with the neglect used to her in the form (though he gave her in the outside barely the name of Royne D'Angleterre) and not being sure what liberty of construction he would reserve what was to the King's deservice or no, and doubting that he would not notify the cause to the King, hath resolved without any more dealing to cut off the proposal; and hath caused the passport, in a letter to Mons. Richardott (one of the King's councillors there with the Duke, from whom the Queen's messenger received the passport) to be returned with a bare and meagre letter signed by the lord Treasurer, the earl of Essex, the lord Buckhurst, Mr. Vicechamberlain and myself, wherein he is required to tell the Duke that her Majesty, finding him to use less respect than kings and emperors have formerly observed in their writings to her, and noting that it may be doubtful (by the liberty of his construction reserved) how her servant shall be used when his errand shall be known, is now resolved no more in this sort to deal in it, but by more public manner to declare it to the world how far the said King is directly to be touched in that foul and wicked practice.
Endorsed :—“Copy in English of my master's letter to Mr. Caron.”
pp. (28. 107.)
The French version of the preceding letter.
Endorsed :—“No[vember] 1594. Copie of my master's letters to Mr. Caron.”
pp. (29. 11.)