Pages 609-611
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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Naas, in Ireland, 543.
Naler, Sir William, 558.
Namur, 40, 52, 91, 532.
Nantes, 476.
Nanton, Mr., 44, 498.
Naples, 66, 397, 398, 439, 458, 499, 520.
letter dated at, 398.
Napper :
Robert, 555.
Sir Robert, letter from, 425.
Narrow Seas, the, 138, 162, 170, 211, 387, 393, 400, 439, 521, 547.
Nassau, 258.
the fort of, 274, 276.
count Ludovic (Lodwick) of, 384, 398, 464, 465, 488, 508.
count or Grave Maurice of, 25, 28, 75, 132, 147, 158, 227, 258, 274, 276, 318, 344, 366, 384, 418, 439, 445, 465, 469, 500, 505, 522, 541.
— letters from, 43, 350, 524, 541.
count William of, 367.
Nattye, —, 254.
Navarre, Princess Catherine of, letter to, 21.
Navy, the. See under Ships not named.
Neale, Dr., 199.
Necton, William, 505.
Nedham, Sir Robert, 543.
Neele, John, a Scot, 224.
Neister, the river, 4.
Nell, John, 569.
Nelsonne, Mr., 397.
Nemours, Monsieur de, 281.
Neson, Thomas, of Plymouth, 469.
Netherdale, co. York, 167.
Neufville, — de, 12.
Neutoni, Foggo, letter from, 236.
Nevers, duke of, 440.
Neville, Nevill, or Nevile :
Dr., Queen's chaplain, 199, 207.
Mr., 149, 505.
Thomas, 446.
Newark, (co. Notts), 270, 297.
Newcastle-under-Lyme, the manor of, 545.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 22, 63, 93, 132, 149, 283, 338, 339, 377, 378.
letters dated at, 220, 284, 285, 339, 447.
charge of furnishing a ship for the Queen's service by the town of, 284, 285.
mayor of, 284, 338. See also Riddell, William. Jenison, Ralph.
mayor, aldermen, and citizens of, letter from, 285.
mayor, aldermen, and sheriffs of, letters from, 338, 447.
merchants of, 338.
officers of the port of, letter from, 284.
Newell, —, a pursuivant, 311.
Newerhaven, in Flanders, 453.
Newfoundland, 337.
fish, 530.
Newman, —, 298.
Newport, 536.
in Flanders. See Nieuport.
Newry, in Ireland, 543, 544.
New Spain, 226, 227, 315.
Newton :
Sir Henry, 425.
— letter from, 416.
Lady, 425.
Mr., 565.
Nice, 57.
Nicholas, Island of, in Plymouth Sound, 467.
Nicholas, Tho., 463.
Nichols (Nicols), Thomas, letters from 481, 493.
— an explanation of his letters 490–493.
Nicolson, George, 60.
Nieuport (Newport), in Flanders, 484.
Nimeguen (Nimeghen), 344.
Niphus, D., 118.
Nives, the Lady, 486.
Noele, Mr. Beauvoir la. See La Nocle.
Noel :
Henry, letter from 61.
Mr., 103, 104, 236.
Noke, Edward, vicar of Paul's, 549.
Nonesuch, 139, 332, 334, 411, 426, 525.
Non-residents, 123.
Norden, Thomas, 398.
Norfleet, letter dated at, 169.
Norfolk, 158, 273, 319, 377, 554 bis, 556.
a certificate of the defensible state of, 222, 223.
the lieutenancy of, 294, 304.
Norham, 301, 342, 343.
captainship of, 572.
Norhan Castle, 288.
Noringebrow, 573.
Normandy, 50, 82, 192, 417.
Norreys or Norris :
Lord, 469.
Henry, Lord, letter from, 149.
—, 335.
Sir Edward, 482.
— letters from, 1, 5, 47, 99, 114, 134, 347, 350, 386, 413, 470, 509, 532.
Sir Harry, 468, 543, 544.
— letter from, 79.
Sir John, 185, 186, 204, 543, 544, 570, 571.
— letter from, 290.
Sir Thomas, 351, 544.
Norris' Walk, 335.
North (Northe) :
Roger, Lord, 177, 287, 377, 454, 469, 475.
— letters from, 211 bis, 248, 257, 510.
— his son John North, 257, 258.
Captain Edward, 558.
Sir John, 270, 271.
Mr., 382.
Sir Thomas, 543, 558.
North, Council of the (at York), 62, 92, 93, 99, 117, 148, 167, 203, 284, 378, 412, 447.
letters from, 2, 93, 108, 123, 199, 204, 211, 252, 254 bis, 283, 339, 430.
examiners before, 24, 25, 99.
Lord President of, 25, 73, 74, 94, 95. See also Huntingdon, earl of.
proceedings against Richard Atkinson of Ripon, 252–254.
secretary of, 24, 25.
tipstaff of, 211, 212.
Northallerton, co. York, 141.
Northamptonshire, 558.
Northaw, [? co. Herts.], letter dated at, 144.
North Cape, the, 473, 474, 480, 494, 503.
Northumberland, 39, 93, 108, 148, 176, 338.
receiver of, 247.
sheriff of. See Witherington, Robert.
surveyor of. See Felton, Anthony.
Northumberland, earl of, 77, 280, 285.
letters from, 260, 466.
Norton :
—, 435.
Edm., letter from, 369.
Mr., a justice of the peace in Bristol, 311.
Norwich, 272.
mayor and citizens of, 272.
diocese of, 463.
Norwich, bishop of (temp. Edw. III.), 528.
Nosely, —, 382.
Nottinghamshire, 78, 558.
Noue, Monsieur de la. See La Noue.
Nunes, Estucan, 456.
Nunez, Alonso. See Herrera.
Nusan, 458.
Ocinz, Dr. Henry, 496.
Ocke, —, a captain, 53.
O'Connors, the, 438.
O'Donnell (O'Donell) :
—, 185, 186.
Hugh Roe, 437.
Offaley, in Ireland, 543.
Offen, 485, 486.
Ogilby, Pury, 492, 493, 512, 513.
Ogle :
Lord, 108.
Clement, 179.
O'Harte, Teing, 437.
Oisemont (Osemount), in France, 488.
O'Kelly, McDermode, 438.
Oldenbarnvelt, Jehan van. See Barneveldt.
Oldham, John, 23.
Oldnall, Prudence, wife of Thomas, 267.
Olfertson, Pieter, 473.
Ollone, in Brittany, 160.
Olmested, Elizabeth, 248.
Omall. See Aumale.
O'Neales, the, 531.
Onton. See Unton.
Oporto (Porto), 439.
Orange, 418, 522.
the late Prince of, marriage of the daughter of, 466.
Prince of, 27, 28, 52, 227, 237, 418, 439, 445, 448, 466, 485.
Orano, 462.
Orda, 514.
Ordnance, the, 357, 478.
iron, license to transport, 18.
lieutenant of, 479.
Master of, 114.
the office of, 213 bis, 468, 548.
— letter dated at, 273.
the officers of, 212. See also Parthericke, William. Lee, John.
the surveyor of the, 213.
O'Reylly, McMahoney, 438.
Orford, co. Suffolk, 136.
Orinoco, the river, 256, 257.
Orleans, 237.
Ormond and Ossory, Thomas, earl of, 427, 471, 539.
— letter from, 262.
Ormstone, James, 331.
O'Rourke :
—, letter to, 320.
Drahane, 438.
Orrell, Francis, 59.
Orsino, Virginio, a Roman baron, 458.
— letters from, 398, 534.
— his secretary. See Mannelli.
Osborne, Osburne :
Sir Edward, 457.
Henry, 74.
Mr., 188.
Osborner, Captain Moris, 559.
Ostend, 100, 134, 204, 276, 360, 386, 405, 455, 463, 486, 500, 509.
letters dated at, 1, 6, 47, 80, 100, 114, 134, 347, 350, 387, 413, 470, 509, 532.
the engineer of, 482.
men sent by, to the Cadiz expedition, 205.
siege of, 67.
Osterlow, the manor of, 553.
Oswald, Father, 431.
Otford, co. Kent, 246, 448, 464, 465.
Overyssel, 4.
the deputies of, 52.
Owen :
—, 491, 512.
John, customer of King's Lynn, 272, 377.
— letter from, 273.
Oxborroghe, —, 554.
Oxenbridge, —, 550.
Oxford, 122, 283.
diocese of, 463.
Oxford, Edward, carl of, 87, 252.
— letters from, 97, 369, 389.
Oxfordshire, 206, 558.
Oxford University, 166, 195, 197.
chancellor of. See Buckhurst, Thomas, Lord.
a poor scholar at, 45.
proctor of, 238.
professor of Greek at, 237.
Balliol College, letter dated at, 511.
Christchurch, deanery of, 195, 197.
Corpus Christi College, 458.
Magdalen College, 207.
New College, 200, 207, 221, 237.
— petition of, 238.
— warden and fellows of, 299, 300.
— — letter from, 103.