Henry VIII: May 1514, 21-31

Pages 1266-1285

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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May 1514

21 May.
Lansd. MS. 818, f. 12b. B.M.
2929. [5111.] LEO X. AND HENRY VIII.
i. Speech of Leonard Spinelly, of the Pope's chamber (cubicularius) on delivering to the King the cap and sword. 21 May, 1514.
Copy, p. 1.
ii. Account of the entry of Spinelly, and the ceremony of presenting the cap and sword. On Friday, 19 May, the said prothonotary entered London, having been met at the sea-side, Canterbury and Rochester, by the bishops, and at Blackheath by the Duke of Suffolk, the Marquis of Dorset, the Bp. of Lincoln, the Earl of Essex, and all the Spears. Proceeded to London with the Duke on the right hand, the Marquis on the left, with the Bp. of Lincoln,—the mayor, aldermen, and city companies standing in the streets. Was met at the west door of St. Paul's by the Archbishop, the Bps. of Winchester, Durham, and Exeter, in pontificalibus. Proceeded with the choir to the high altar, where he deposited the cap and sword, and thence to the Augustin Friars. On Sunday the King and all the noblility, the ambassadors of Spain, Venice, Saxony and Friesland, and the Duke of Longueville, then prisoner, the officers of arms, the Duke of Norfolk, William Browne, the Lord Mayor of London, proceeded from the bishop's palace to the choir of St. Paul's, where, under a travers near the high altar, Spinelly was introduced, delivered to the King the Pope's letters, and was answered by Dr. Tunstall. "After the King went a procession, and both the sword that the Pope had sent, and the King's sword were borne. The Pope's orator bare the sword that he brought. The procession done, began the mass sung by the Archbishop, the Bp. of London, gospeller, the Bp. of Exeter, epistoler. The cap was put on the King's head, and the sword girt about him by the Archbishop of Canterbury, after the order of the book. And after mass, when the King returned, the sword that the Pope sent was borne alone by the Duke of Suffolk, and by him in the King's chamber delivered to the Vice-Chamberlain in lieu of the Lord Chamberlain. The strangers were" * * (The account here breaks off abruptly.)
P. 1. Headed: 19 May.—In same hand as § i.
L. 12, ff. 46b,
48. Heralds' College.
2. Original of §§ i., ii., continuing, where the above breaks off, as follows:—
The strangers and other noblemen present were served as to such a feast pertained, but there was no hall kept. The King removed thence to Eltham for Whitsuntide and, because certain near the Court were dead of the great sickness, kept no household save for his chapel and office of arms. He commanded that Sir Edward Stanley, 2nd son of the Earl of Derby, should be proclaimed lord for his valiant acts at the battle of Branxston, where the King of Scots was slain; and, "because he won the hill or mount against the Scots and overcame all them which came against him," as the Earl of Argille, the Earl of _ (blank) with divers others to the number of _ (blank) thousand Scots, and his ancestors bore in their crest the eagle, the King named him the Lord Mounteagle, and so he was proclaimed. On Tuesday after Trinity Sunday, 13 June, the King's great ship _ (blank) was hallowed.
Contemporary handwriting, pp. 5.
Sanuto, XVIII.,
2930. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 27 June 1514.]
From Andrea Badoer, [London,]_ (blank).—Of the arrival of a nuncio from the Pope with the sword and hat, received, with ceremony, in St. Paul's. The King afterwards gave dinner to all the ambassadors. Badoer conversed with the ambassador of the Duke of _ (blank). (fn. 1)
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 433.
21 May.
Harl. MS. 6074, f. 55b. B.M.
Memorandum that in 6 Hen. VIII. Edward Stanley was created Lord Montaigle, on 21 May, at the bp. of London's palace, beside St. Paul's, for valiant acts (briefly instanced) against the Scots at the battle of Braxton (sic).
In a later hand, p. 1.
Ashmole MS.
862, p. 121.
2. Later copy of the above.
Harl. MS. 4900,
f. 14 (9b). B.M.
3. Modern copy of the same.
P. 1.
21 May.
Vitell. B. II., 76. B.M.
2932. [5110.] POL[YDORE VERGIL] to [WOLSEY].
On his arrival at Rome informed the Cardinal of Bath how much Wolsey had befriended him (the Cardinal). Seeing him anxious to show his gratitude, broke to him this business (negotium nostrum) of the cardinalate—(will speak more plainly hereafter)—and asked him to use his efforts for that purpose. On his doing so the Pope thought it would be expedient, if Wolsey had great authority with the King, to make him a cardinal. Bath will write to Wolsey when the matter is near its accomplishment, to gain the royal assent. Not a word is to be said. Thinks he should write to Bath, or else to Polydore to let him understand that his intervention will be agreeable to Wolsey. The thing shall be so managed as to appear the spontaneous offering of the Pope, "sicut D.V. reverenda ita faciendum esse me admonuit." If he is too busy to write he may communicate with the writer's brother, Jerome. Begs Wolsey will protect him that he be not more burthened in Convocation, as he is a naturalised Englishman. The Pope desires peace, but all depends on the event of a war between England and France. Gurk has left for Germany without making peace with the Venetians. [Rome,] 21 May 1514.
Lat., pp. 2.
22 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 179. R.O.
Receipt, 22 May 6 Hen. VIII., by Ant. Legh, chief clerk of the King's kitchen, from Sir John Daunce, of 100l. in prest for oats, beans, hay and other necessaries for the King's horses. With Wolsey's holograph order attached.
Pp. 2.
22 May.
Navy Records Soc. X., 201.
2934. LOUIS XII. to M. DE LA FAYETTE, Captain of Boulogne.
Desires information about the reported landing of English at Calais and the coming of Tallebot. He shall send the Bastard of Stanley hither to be put into the hands of the Duke of Suffolk, as he desires. Would like to know what Captain Pregent and the Vice-admiral have done. St. Germain en Laye, 22 May.
French. From a Bibl. Nat. MS.
23 May.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, vol. II., p. 308.
General pardon to Sir G. Talbot. 23 May 6 Hen. VIII.
23 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 181. R.O.
2936. THE NAVY
Paid by me, Sir John Daunce, 23 May 6 Hen. VIII., to Rob. Applyard, captain of the Nicholas Bayly, for wages of mariners and gunners in her and the Kateryn Prowe, for six days, 26 to 31 May next, 68s. Also to him and John Hansard, captain of the Kateryn Prowe, for their own wages, and for soldiers wages, tonnage, &c., for one month from 1 June, 50l. 0s. 8d. Each entry signed by Appilyard.
P. 1.
23 May.
Ib., f. 182. R.O.
Receipt, 23 May 6 Hen. VIII., by John Heron, supervisor of Customs in the port of London, for 300l. in prest for hoys and ships at Sandwich and Dover for transporting the King's army to Calais to "the defence of Guysnes and the marches there," under Lord Burgavennux, and for wages, &c., of the Spanish ship and the Mary Barkinge.
P. 1.
23 May.
Exch. Accts., 61 (32). R.O.
2938. THE NAVY.
"Costs and charges of the King's ships in his army royal by sea" for the month, beginning 23 May, which "shall end" 19 June next.
[Giving, under ships, the names and wages of the captains (who sign the entries) followed by the numbers and wages of soldiers, mariners, and gunners, the number and cost of deadshares and amount of "rewards for gunners"; and totals. Those marked here with an asterisk (*) are paid tonnage also as an additional item.]
Ships and captains are:—The Trenyte Soveraigne, Sir Thomas Wyndam, vice-admiral, Sir Hartur Plantagenett, captain; Gabryall Ryall, Sir Wm. Travanyon, c.; Peter Pomegarnett, Sir Edw. Echyngham; John Baptyst, Sir Ralph Elderkar; Mary James, Wm. Ellercar; Lesse Barke, Sir Stephen Bull (signs with a mark); Great Barke, Sir Wm. Purton; Catteryn Forteleza, Ant. Poyntz; Great Nicholas, John Flemyng; Mary Roose, Sir Harry Sharborne; Great Barbara, Mr. Wallop; Mary and John, Wm. Mygenall; Criste, Th. Vouell (signature Thomas Wolff); Barbara of Grenewyche, Wm. West; Anne Gallant, Mr. Th. Dennys; Blake Barke, Chr. Twattes; Charyte,* Th. Wodale; Mary Gorge, Edm. Wyseman; Swallow, Rob. Mownteney; Catteryn galey, Wm. Kenwood, master and captain; Jennet Perwyn, Laurence Farkeley (signature Fayrclive); Lezard, Chr. Coo; Roose galley, John Watkyn, master; Great Elizabeth, Sir Weston Brown; Swepestake, Wm. Coke; Dragon, George Jossellyn; my Lord Admiral's bark,* Rob. Johnson (paid for two months from 1 May); Mary of Falmouth,* George Wytwombe; Nicholas Draper,* Rob. Draper; Mawdelyn of Poole,* Wm. Symons; Lyon,* John Ray (signature Rey); Baptist of Harwych,* Wm. Harper; Mary Cradocke,* John Josselyn and Ric. Candy, captains; Christopher Davy,* John Iseham; Gonsons bark,* Th. Gonson; Mary James of Dartmouth,* Harry Denys; Mary Barkyng,* Wm. Boneham; Margett of Dartmouth,* Ric. Cortney; Gybbys ship,* Wm. Gybbys; Gabryall of Toppisham,* Wm. Fyscher; Margett Hert of Dartmouth,* John Fosekew; Myhell Yonge,* Petrus Yonge; Merlyon of London,* Chr. Wenworthe; Fortune of Dover,* Th. Vaughan; Peter of Lye,* Adrian Dinkan; Frances Gonson, Ralph Askew; Sabyan* ("portage 130"), Wm. Sabyan.
ii. Victuallers:—The Trynete of Dartmouth (Ric. Prydis, mr.), James of Salt Asche (John Barrett, purser), Trynete of Hampton (Arnold Bursy, mr.), Jorge of London (signed by Gyffre Marchell), Margett of Byrstow (John Croke, mr.), Mawdelyn of Hamell (John Bayley, purser), Harry of Hampton (John Harryson, mr., signed by Wm., Manneng), Elisabeth of Byrstow (John Elsy, mr.), Margett of Lymynton (John Roggers, owner), Leonard of Torre (John Eston, purser), Jorge of Hampton, Christopher of Dartmouth (John Anthony, purser), and Mary Imperyall (John Hartford, purser). Total, 2,615l. 6s. 4d.
Pp. 20.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 183. R.O.
2939. THE NAVY.
"These be the gunners [that served ?] without wages in the ship of Lubyke from Porttesmowthe into the Downes from the 5th day of May unto the 23 day of May." Thirteen names subscribed by Robert Cuttyng with a note which is almost lost by mutilation.
P. 1.
23 May.
Galba B III., 193. B.M.
"* * * Ladye, sch[ewing that I had] received dyvers writings f[rom your Lordship by wh]iche I perceived that your Lordship [marvelled] greatly of such delay as she made [in giving] knowledge of the resolution of her mind." Urged my Lady to satisfy him as she had now received letters from the Emperor. She said she would dispatch his cousin Sydnaye, "now a[gain] being at Lovayne, whither she shall go this ...," and write by him to the King and you. As Wingfield was afraid her credence by Sydnaye would not satisfy the King, he told her * * * he begged her to send the same in writing—from which she excused herself, as her former letters to the King and you had not been kept secret—as Lord Berghes and the governor of Bresse had offered to prove. He denied it, and said it was only their malice. * * * "sent by Xpofer ... t been well ordered; and that ... syccon that the same was not we[ll ... for she had never answer to the said let[ters and all] the substance contained therein hath bee[n told unto her] by divers, and specially one clause which [hath been] word by word rehearsed unto her as here followeth, Mons. je ne escrypve a cest present a vostre con ... pour quoy je vous prye quyl soyt partycypant du cest[es]." Amongst others, she said the ambassador of Aragon was acquainted with them. Thinks there has been default somewhere—whether the King has received such letters or no. She will write to Wingfield, however, that he may keep her letters secret and send a copy in his own hand She is evidently delighted at the letters she has received from the Emperor, and I think her heart will not suffer her to keep you longer in suspense and that she desires "no less than ye do the accomplishment of both your appetites; wherefore it shall be well done that ye be not lavish in the unfurnishing of your garner, but to keep the same in store." Will send further news by his cousin Sydnaye. Malines, 23 May.
Hol., pp. 4, mutilated.
Titus, B. I., 142.
B.M. Chron. Calais, 71.
"My Lady began this writing before the coming of Morroton, who came to Louvain on Sunday (fn. 2) last."
"My Lord the Ambassador (fn. 3).—Since that I see that I may not have tidings from the Emperor so soon, it seemeth me that I should do well no longer for to tarry to dispatch this gentleman." (fn. 4) Dares not write to the King and Duke "of this business," for she fears her letters are "evil kept." Writes to him at length, in order that he may advertise them of her intent.
After she had been some days at Tournay, and witnessed the King's great love "to the personage which is no need to name"; also "the virtue and grace of his person, the which me seemed that I have not much seen [any] gentleman to approach it," and the desire he showed to do her service, she constrained herself to do to him honor and pleasure, in order to please the King. But when Henry asked her whether this good will would stretch as far as "some effect of promise of marriage, seeing that it was the fashion of the ladies of England, and that it was not there holden for evil," she had replied that it was impossible, and would bring upon her the evil grace of her father and all that country; "that it was not here the custom, and that I should be dishonoured, and holden for a fool and light." But, not to grieve the King, she further said, "that if now I had well the will so for to do, that yet I ne would not durst think" [of it] as his return was so nigh. He said, when they departed, he knew well the ladies would forget them, that she would be pressed to marry, for she was too young to abide thus, and the ladies of his country did re-marry at fifty and three-score. She said she had been unhappy in husbands. Twice after, in the presence of the personage that ye know [Suffolk], the King returned to the charge, saying, "I know well, madame, and am sure, that my fellow shall be to you a true servant, and that he is altogether yours; but we fear that ye shall not do in like wise, for one shall force you to be again married, and that she shall not be found out of this country at my return." He then made her promise that she would not marry at least until his return, or the end of the year, "the which I did willingly, for I think not to again never to put me where I have had so much of unhap and infortune," and afterwards made his fellow do the semblable, who said he would not marry without her consent.
These words were said at Tournay in her chamber one night after supper, well late. The other time was at Lylle, the day before they departed, when he and Suffolk spoke to her long at the head of a cupboard, "which was not without great displeasure well great of all persons"; and after many promises he made Margaret re-confirm in his hand, and the same of Suffolk, her promise aforesaid; "and the said personage, in my hand, without that I required him, made me the semblable." Nothing passed since, except some gracious letters, the which have been enough evil kept.
As to Suffolk having shown a diamond ring she gave him, "which I cannot believe, for I esteem him much a man of virtue and wise," the truth is, that "one night at Tournay, being at the banquet, after the banquet he put himself upon his knees before me, and in speaking and him playing, he drew from my finger the ring, and put it upon his, and since shewed it me; and I took to laugh, and to him said that he was a thief, and that I thought not that the King had with him led thieves out of his country. This word laron he could not understand; wherefore I was constrained to ask how one said in Flemish laron. And afterwards I said to him in Flemish dieffe, and I prayed him many times to give it me again, for that it was too much known. But he understood me not well, and kept it unto the next day that I spake to the King, him requiring to make him to give it me, because it was too much known—I promising him one of my bracelets the which I wore, the which I gave him. And then he gave me the said ring; the which one other tyme at Lylle, being set nigh to my Lady of Hornes, and he before, upon his knees, it took again from my finger. I spake to the King to have it again; but it was not possible, for he said unto me that he would give me others better, and that I should leave him that. I said unto him, that it was not for the value but for that it was too much known. He would not understand it, and departed from me. The morrow after he brought me one fair point of diamond, and one table of ruby, and shew me that it was for the other ring; wherefore I durst no more speak of it, if not to beseech him that it should not be shewed to any person; the which hath not all been to me done." Finds it strange that the matter has been published. Will write him a bill of the inconveniences which may happen of it.
"Thus signed, M."
"The second writing."
"My Lord the Ambassador." Margaret feels much abashed at "the unhappy bruit" spread through Germany and all other countries, and even amongst merchant strangers. By advice of her servants, and Lord Bergues and others, has made inquiry, and found it proceeded from England; "whereof I have had one marvellous sorrow." Has letters of an English merchant (fn. 5), "the which hath been the first that hath made the wagers, as Bresylle knoweth well." The King, at the request of Bresylle and "the personage" (Suffolk), has done many things to remedy this misfortune, "but yet I see that the bruit is so imprinted in the fantasies of people, and fear that it continue long, that all that which is done is not enough, for I continue alway in fear. And also I know that I may not shew towards the personage the weal and honor which I desire to do, as before." Dares not write to him, nor even to speak of him, and she is constrained to treat him as a stranger, "which doth me so much displeasure that I cannot write it, seeing that I take him so much for my good friend and servant, and that I am constrained so to do; and also I see that to this gentleman (fn. 6) only which is here I dare not speak or look to him; whereof I am so much displeasant that nothing more. He himself apperceiveth well that every one beholdeth him of the other side."
The descent of the King is what she desires "as much as his coming, and the same of my Lady Mary." Does not like to dissemble, and feels she "shall not dare speak nor shew good semblant to the said personage; whereas I would make to him much honor and good cheer, I shall not dare behold him with a good eye, what displeasure shall be the same to him and to me." I know no remedy but that which Bresylle will shew you. (fn. 7) "I would not constrain him to it against his will, but, and he desire ever that I do him honor or pleasure, it is force that it be so, not for that I have not the goodwill towards him, such as ever I have had, but for that I am for mine honor constrained so to do." Prays him to make the King and "the personage" understand this, "that I may do to him better service, and to his fellow pleasure. I pray you to do of this as of the other. Likewise assigned, M."
In Sir Richard Wingfield's hand, pp. 5. Indorsed: Secret matters of the Duke of Suffolk.
Add. MS., 5873,
f. 94b. B.M. Ellis, 3 S. I., 168.
Offering him the chancellorship of their University Cantab. 9 kl. Jun. 1514.
B.M. Ellis, 3 S. I., 170.
ii. Wolsey's reply. Thanks them for the undeserved honor they have paid him, and will do his utmost to serve them. Had determined to write at greater length, but is much occupied with affairs of state. Refers them to the bearers. London, 2 June 1514.
Ib. iii. The University to Fisher bishop of Rochester. His benefactions to the University are witnessed by two beautiful colleges, (fn. 8) the one now finished and the other shortly to be completed. They would have created him chancellor but by his advice have chosen the bp. of Lincoln. Cantab. 9 cal. Jun. 1514.
Latin. Modern copies, pp. 3.
25 May.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist., p. 190.
"Il se plaint à Marguerite de ce qu'elle a delegué des commissaires pour faire la revue des gens d'armes à la solde d'Angleterre, qui sont dans les Pays Bas. Il la prie de remercier ces commissaires attendu que son gouverneur de Tournai doit y pourvoir." Eltham, 25 May 1514.
25 May.
Vesp. C. VI., 390. B.M.
2944. [5125.] KATHARINE THE QUEEN.
Admission to all the spiritual benefits of the monastery of St. Mary of Guadalupe, of the Order of St. Jerome, in the diocese of Toledo, granted by Friar Luys de Toledo, the prior, to Katharine of England. Delivered to John Stile, who visited the house and asked this for the King and her. 25 May, 1514. Signed.
Spanish. On vellum, illuminated.
[26 May.]
Vitell. B. XVIII., 85. B.M.
"Wrote last from Vienna on the [20th] of the present month, which were but [in answer to your] letters of the last of April and of the 5th [of this month]." Left next morning, as he intended, to follow the Emperor; arrived here this day at 10 a.m. Would have arrived here sooner; but, owing to the unusual heat of the weather, the badness of the road, and an accident which befel his waggon and sumpter-horse, he was delayed. Although the Emperor was at dinner when Wingfield arrived, he at once gave him audience. Wingfield informed him that he had letters in answer to his ... and to those of the 19th; that Henry considered the declaration of Urreas "to be full of ficte and colored matter," and but for his confidence in Maximilian would have thought even he had not declared the pith of the matter to Wingfield, considering that Urreas' declaration was but general and that the ambassador of Aragon in England had before the 5th inst. explained why his master had made a truce with the French King, and that the Emperor had not only accepted it but made an overture for a marriage between that King and the Lady Eleanor, his niece [i.e. granddaughter], which Henry could not believe. The Emperor took in good part Wingfield's declaration of the matters mentioned in Henry's letters of the 5th. Was glad Henry perceived his danger and "importable charges." Notwithstanding the ambassador of Aragon's statement, he knew the [French King] too well to make him such an offer. As to the marriage between his nephew [i.e. grandson Charles] and Henry's sister [Mary], as he has explained to my Lady his daughter, and as Henry will learn by the ambassadors sent, things cannot have the very course that ... of. As to the horsemen and hoys to be had from the Prince's countries, he made Wingfield no di[rect answer,] having explained his mind to his daughter. Thinks "that th ... to grant you a new licence ... to be a mover of war aga[inst] ... will revoke the licence he granted unto you ... which is sufficient enough." He agreed with Henry that England was bound to continue the war till the French King sued for peace both from him and Aragon; wondered that Ferdinand was not more fervent in Henry's behalf; and doubted only the goodwill of Henry's subjects. At Henry's meeting with the Emperor last year, nothing else was wanting to a great exploit. Wingfield was then dismissed, and Hans Reynner being ordered to tell him the news from Italy, informed him "the Cardinal of Gource [had written unto the] Emperor showing that the Pope is right well disposed toward his Majesty ... upon him to ratify the lawde (fn. 9) f ... that the said Cardinal had taken his [leave on the 10th] of this month and should depart the n[ext day, deferring] then to write any further, showing that ... his journey, he should have both more liberty an[d be able to] advertise his Majesty more amply." The matter is so confused "the Emperor wottyth neere ho ... it, and the rather because that sith he hath had n[o news] from the said Cardinal." A secretary of the Emperor resident with the [Viceroy] writes that he thinks the ratification [by the] Pope is but for three months. If this be so there is as much uncertainty of peace as ever. The Viceroy's army is reinforced with lance-knights and artillery to lay siege to Treviso; but, owing to the uncertainty "of the said new ratification by the Pope," he delays; and so both time and money is lost. "The [Emperor sendeth a] new army out of these quarters to give s[uccour to a town] called Marrane, which is besieged b[y the Venetians, if] so be that they within have ... the Venetiens at divers assaults, yet they ... [desp]eyre for lack of victuals, for they have begun [to eat th]eyre horses already." The Emperor has sent the master of the Horse and other noblemen to their rescue. Wingfield is afraid they will arrive too late. Affairs here will be very confused until tidings are received from the Pope. Although 20 days ago the Emperor ordered Urreas to go to the Viceroy to spur him forward, Urreas has lain still, hoping by that means to compel the Emperor to accept the truce before the 12th of this month, "which was the extreme day limited of the accepting the truce by the Emperor"; "but his Majesty showeth himself at many times not easy to be led, and much worse to be driven, and therefore, Sire, for the love of God, have good consideration how ye do handle this old practised Prince, which hath been but easily known in time past, because many have sought to defame him, and few to declare and shew what manner of man he is." Assuredly, he desires Henry's success against France, although he would not be noted to instigate it. Wingfield has never received the book, enclosed in Henry's letter of the last day of April detailing the preparations made by Henry for carrying on the war; has not mentioned the matter to the Emperor. The Emperor has gone three Dutch miles from here; it is uncertain whether he returns hither. His Council, nor any of the other ambassadors, have not yet come. "[He] is but 6 Dutch mile out of Hungary and in five [hours] may ride at his ease to there as the Turk is lord, [too] far from Lombard Street for him that is so e[mpty] of money as I am." Grattz in Styremark, ... May, 1514.
Hol., pp. 7, mutilated. Add.: The King's Grace.
27 May.
Calig. D. VI., 106. B.M. Navy Records Soc., X., 202.
Came yesterday to Sandwich, hoping to have found the ships in the Downs, but they were not there, and by 7 o'clock he came to Dover. The vice-admiral had sent over Sir Henry Sherborne and Sir Stephen Bole, with ten sail of small men, and the row barge, galleys, and others, well manned, in as good order, to his mind, as possible. The wind was N.N.E.; the haze great. With the flood they "drew over with Scalis Clyves," and then with the ebb came with a good "blower" to St. John's Road, and sent forward Sir Stephen Boole, Thomas Vaughan, and three others. "Prior John" rode at the point of St. John's Road, towards Calais, five miles from Boleyne. At sight of these five ships the French fled with sails and oars, and got beyond reach. "The wind at midnight forced them to return; and my cousin Wyndam in like [manner with] 20 sails with him; and at this hour I see him with them ... coming again unto us." Has appointed Sir Henry Sherborne with 10 sail, and Wiseman and Wallop with other 10 sail, if wind come before midnight, Sir Henry to get between Boulogne and the galleys and Wiseman to come along the shore from Calais. If he had 2,000 or 3,000 soldiers, such as are now at Calais, shipped in the haven there to be landed with other 3,000 within two miles of Boulogne the galleys might be taken. Has ordered Sir Thomas West to stay at Sandwich till the King's further pleasure. Has sent two good ships to Seland to waft the fleet, and appointed nine to go northwards when wind serves. Written in the M[ary Rose] in Dover Road, 27 May, at 7 at night. Signed.
Pp. 2.
28 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 186. R.O.
Paid by Sir John Daunce, 28 May, in presence of my lord of Lincoln, "to a Spaniard that arrived at Portesmouth and departed into Flanders," 10 mks.; "to a servant of the Duchess of Savoy which pursued for a carrack of Savoie," 20 mks.; and to "one that conveyed letters unto Torney," 20s. Signed: T. Lincoln.
P. 1.
28 May.
Ib., f. 187. R.O.
Receipt, 28 May 6 Hen. VIII., by John Rycroft, serjeant of the Larder, from Sir John Daunce, of 1,000l. for malt, wheat, beans and oats for the intended army royal.
28 May.
Add. MS. 12,093, f. 3. B.M.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver to Edmund Lyne and Thos. Bourne, yeomen of the buckhounds, certain clothing (described). Eltham, 28 May 6 Hen. VIII. Signed above by the King and below by Wolsey (T. Lincoln).
Small parchment.
28 May.
Sanuto, XVIII., 236.
2950. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 1 June 1514.]
From Dr. Paul Jovius, Rome, 28 May.—Letters from Flanders report arrival in Antwerp, 23 April, of the Swiss ambassadors who are going to the King of England to make an agreement against France; and it is expected that that King will invade France.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 417.
29 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 185. R.O.
Indenture witnessing delivery at Calais, 29 May 6 Hen. VIII., by John Ward to Wm. Pheleypson and Th. Granger, of 20 "myln" horses for the beer houses and 80 cart horses for the victualling of the King's army royal. Signed by Pheleypson.
P. 1.
Ven. Transcr. 180, p. 16. R.O. 29 May 1514.—One part of his letter of the 24th gave great pleasure, viz., that the appointment with France was practically concluded and the Bishop of Tricarico already sent for the agreement between France and England. Hope that it may follow; and, if so, that the Spaniards may give France just cause not to keep truce with them. Doubtless an appointment with the Swiss will follow.
Italian. Modern extract, ½ p.
30 May.
Exch. Accts., 417 (8). R.O.
Extracts, from the Pell Rolls, of issues from the Exchequer to the Great Wardrobe, in the years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Hen. VIII., showing date and amount of each payment. First date 9 Oct. 3 Hen. VIII., last 30 May 6 Hen. VIII.
Parchment roll of three membranes.
31 May.
Exch. Accts., 202 (27). R.O.
2954. CALAIS.
Indenture 8 April 1514, 5 Hen. VIII., witnessing receipt by Sir Hugh Conwey, treasurer of Calais, from the Merchants of the Staple, for wages of the garrison for the half year ended 6 April, of various sums at various dates (specified) from the said 8 April to 31 May following, in all 5,011l. 2s. 4d. Signed: per me H. Conwey.
Ib. 2. Like indenture, 16 July 1513, towards payment of wages of the half year ending 6 Oct. next. Receipts on various dates from 16 July to 12 Oct. Total, 5,011l. 2s. 4d. Signed: H. Conwey, treasurer of Calise.
31 May.
Sanuto, XVIII., 227.
2955. VENICE.
Advices from Rome dated 25 to 31 May, as to negociations between England and France. The General of Normandy had gone to England. There was question of the French King marrying the widow of Scotland. Ambassadors from the Swiss had passed Flanders, going to England.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 414–19.
Calig. D. VI.,
119. B.M. Rymer, XIII., 403.
2956. [5284.] HENRY VIII. to WOLSEY.
Has spoken to the Duke [of Longueville], who "was as ill afraid, as ever he was in his life, lest no good effect should come to pass" touching the treaty. The King expressed his willingness to come to terms if reasonable offers be made to him. He stipulated that Louis (considering how much of Henry's inheritance he withholds and how much Henry's amity may help "his matter in Italy") should pay 100,000 cr. yearly and that the amity should be made during their lives and one year after; which amity once granted, the alliance of marriage will not be refused.
Holograph. Much mutilated. [Add.: My lord of Lincoln]. (fn. 10)
Calig. E. I.,
27 [115]. B.M.
2957. [5285.] LOUIS XII.
* * * . "Monseigneur le [Duc de Longueville et M. le General de] Normandie, ambassadeurs ... de la part du Roy leur maistre p. ... faire entendre au Roy d'Angleterre: Premierement que ledict Roy leur maistre rem[ercie] ledict Roy d'Angleterre tant si affectueusement [et] cordialement quil peult de ce que ayant res[ ... r]eciproquement il desire et veult venir a b[onne] paix, amytie, et aliance avec luy, et pareillem[ent des] bonnes grandes, et honnestes paroles quil a po ... mondit Sieur de Longueville, monstrant par icelles [son] singulier desir et affection audit Roy leur mais[tre], au bien et redressement de ses affaires, et princ[ipalement] au recouvrement de sa duche de Mylan, et ... quil a en Italie, et de luy aider audit recouvrement, le paix de ['entre eulx traictee faite et conclute." The King their master also thanks the King of England for consenting to the marriage of his sister. Thinks the alliance of the two Kings will be most profitable to Christendom. Longueville is empowered to conclude it. Trusts it will be a more firm alliance than ever was established. Will give 500,000 crowns, besides the sums mentioned in the treaties of Estaples and London, and also [in the bond] of the late Mons. d'Orleans, (fn. 11) all which will amount to 1,000,000 crowns, [to be discharged at the rate of] 40,000 crowns a year, the peace to endure for a year after the death of the first deceased of the two Princes. In the event of Louis having a son by Mary, or Henry by Katharine, who is now enceinte, the alliance will be of equal advantage to both. As to Tournay, though not a very important matter, (fn. 12) it must be delivered up, [as the French King] has assured the King of England, by letters under his hand and seal ... Cannot otherwise get the consent of the Estates to the marriage. ... Tournay must be placed in such security that, on the marriage being accomplished, it shall be given up to the King their master without dissimulation. He is surprised that the King of England should wish to marry her without a dowry, she being his sister, which might turn hereafter to her reproach. The King proposes to comprehend in the alliance Pope Leo X., the Empire, Scotland, Portugal, Denmark, Navarre, Venice, Gueldres, Mons. de Liege, and the Sieur de [Sedan]. As to sending ambassadors "en Esc[osse ?]" and "la mainbournye," their master will agree to that and everything which concerns the honour and authority of the King [of England;] for he means by this peace that they, their realms, houses and subjects [shall be] "une meme chose," and all his subjects are equally desirous of peace.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 6.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
9, f. 38. R.O.
2958. [5286.] PRINCESS MARY.
A minute, in Fox's hand, of an agreement on the part of the King of France to receive jewellery and furniture to the value of 200,000 crowns, as the dowry of the Princess Mary, reserving certain conditions as to their restoration.
Fragment, Lat., p. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 188. R.O.
Wrote yesterday how he had appointed an enterprise against the galleys. This morning the wind came N.W., so that ships dare not venture within St. John's Road; but with next fair wind the writer will go over in the King's Less Bark with a company of small ships and if the galleys remain outside the bulwark he trusts "to displease them without great loss. And if they go within the bulwark as far as I can understand it is as dangerous as it were to enter within Risbanke Tower; which is not to be adventured with none but with them that will cast themself away wilfully." As it does not seem honorable for all the army to remain here for fear of the galleys, and they must shortly go to the Wight for victualling, he suggests that the ships named in the enclosed bill should, under Sir Wistan Browne, defend the passage and encounter the galleys while the rest of the army draws "westward to do the most annoyance to the Frenchmen they can." (Here the first leaf ends with the note that the captains have seen "this side of the leaf" and desired him so to write, "but none is privy to the other side.")
If "this Frenchman (fn. 13) that now is come" should conclude a peace when the great ships have gone westward the wind might come so that it should cost 2,000l. more to bring them into Tamys. Doubtless as you see cause you will "either shortly stop or else haste forward as well the King's great ship, with her victuals, as also such victuals as John Dawtre shall prepare more for this army." If the matter of peace will be concluded within a fortnight it were better to keep the great ships here and send small ships westward; for the ships here are victualled for a fortnight and more, "and those that go northward for a month." Desires answer in the premises "by post," so that if he is to tarry here he may send for more servants, having but 18, "which is too few." Scribbled in the Mary Rose in Dover Road.
P.S.—"Yesterday, in the calm, Preer John with his galleys and foists chased a small balinger of ours but he would never come two mile fro the shore."
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lords of Norfolk, Wynchester and Lincoln. Endd.: My lord Admiral's letters: in mense Maii.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 190. R.O.
"Master Dauncy I require you to deliver these bringers their money in gold, because of carriage, and to rid them with diligence. T. SURREY."
Very small paper, p. 1.
Ib., f. 184.
Wolsey's holograph order to "Fellawe Mr. Dawnce" to pay Richemont the Herald wages for 15 days at 4s. Signed: T. Lincoln.
Subscribed by Daunce: "Robert Lorde, pay this bill for 15 days begun the 11 day of May."
Endorsed with receipt of the above, for 15 days from 11 May 6 Hen. VIII., "for the conducting of the ambassador of Sueches out of England unto Bruges." Signed: per me Rechmont Herald.
Small paper, p. 1.
Exch. Accts.,
57 (9). R.O.
"Book of parcels" made by John Peryent, paymaster appointed by the Council, for retaining 200 cart horses in Hertfordshire, to have served the King's "army advanced into France."
Accounting for expenditure of 64l. 14s., received of Sir John Daunce on 6 May 6 Hen. VIII., in wages of 56 carters (named), in payments to divers persons (named) for horsemeat for the horses on their way to Ware, and a few other costs including jackets for the carters.
Pp. 7.
Le Glay,
Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 254.
Received his letters in his own hand by Loys Maraton and heard his charge. At once sent to the President to make ready to go into England and will to-morrow send to Jehan Colle, who is at Malines, to do the like. In view of her continual need of the President she has told him to return to her upon the first answer he gets and, if necessary, Jehan Colle may remain longer. Wishes she could at once send the money the Emperor desires; but there is nothing. Brabant will not grant over 24,000 fl. for the two terms, of which more than 100,000 fl. are already assigned, and the other countries cannot be induced to grant anything. However, she will try to get it, or as much as she can, in loan from the King of England, upon the bond of the treasurer and herself, and send it by letter of exchange as he desires. The more easily to induce the English to this he should resolve upon the affair of the marriage of Madame Marie and their request, in case they do not accept the truce, to make use of the Emperor's subjects here; for they are much dissatisfied about these two points. * * * Is taking her nephew and nieces on a pleasure trip to La Veure and Brussels.
2964. GRANTS IN MAY, 1514.
1. John Staunton, of Kyngesweston, Glouc., gentleman, and Thomas Tyson, of Bristowe, mariner. Warrant for protections according to the Statute, as retained to serve in the war under Sir Maurice Berkeley. Hambroke, co. Glouc., 1 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Morys Berkeley). [5026.]
2. Harry Esterfeld, of Bristowe, gentleman, and Thomas Asshehurst, of Bristol, mariner. Warrant for protections according to the Statute, as retained to serve in the war under Sir Maurice Berkeley. Hambroke, 1 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Morys Berkeley). [5027.]
3. Roger Gyfford of London. Protection; going to the war in the retinue of Will. Courteney. Westm., 1 May. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [5028.]
4. Simon Cussheman, of Cranbroke, Kent, weaver. Warrant for protection according to the Statute, as retained to serve in the war under the writer. 3 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Edward Guldefford). [5031.]
5. Robert Hogan, merchant-tailor of London. Licence to export 1,000 sacks of wool through and beyond the Straits of Marrok; paying 5 mks. per sack for all customs, at the end of six years after shipment. Del. Westm., 4 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [5034.]
6. Sir John Sharpe. To be steward and bailiff of the honor, manor or lordship, and parker of the park of Wormegey, Norf., for life. Del. Westm., 5 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5036.]
7. Bartholomew Westby, baron of the Exchequer. Grant for life of the "room" of one of the "almesse knyghtes" in the college of St. George's, Windsor Castle, with 12d. a day. Del. Westm., 5 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [5037.]
8. Henry Kemys and Elizabeth, formerly wife of William Cassy, deceased. Pardon for marrying without the King's licence. Del. Westm., 5 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5038.]
9. Margaret Copuldyke, widow, and Richard Clerk, of Hornecastell, Linc., tanner. Licence to found a guild to the honor of St. Katharine, in the church of St. Mary, Hornecastell; and mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 25 marks. Del. Westm., 5 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5039.]
10. Wardens of the new bridge at Rochester. Warrant to build a temporary wooden bridge over the river Medway, to remain till the new bridge of stonework be completed, and to take toll for persons and vehicles; the money thus received to be employed toward building and finishing the same stone bridge. 28 Feb. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5043.]
11. Barnard Flowre, the King's glasier, native of Almaine. Denization. Del. Westm., 6 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [5044.]
12. Charles earl of Worcester and Henry Somerset Lord Herbert, his son and heir apparent. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of steward of the lordships or manors of Uske, Kaerlyon, and Trillek, Wales, and of constable of the castle of Uske, on death or surrender of Sir William Morgan. Del. Westm., 6 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5045.]
13. Thomas Herle. Livery of lands as brother and heir of George Herle, in the counties of Oxford, Berks, and Hereford, and as son and heir of John Herle. Richmond, 18 Jan. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May 6 Hen. VIII. P.S. (mutilated). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24. [5046.]
14. William Marret, late of Chertsey, Surrey. Warrant for protection according to the Statute, as retained to serve in the war under James Knyvet. 6 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Yowyr servant Jamys Knyvett). [5047.]
15. William Wentworth. To be serjeant-at-arms, for life, with 12d. a day. Del. Westm., 8 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5049.]
16. John Turnour and Guthlac Overton. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of auditors of the duchy of Cornwall, from Mich, last, with the usual fees out of the said duchy, and arrears from Mich. 22 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 8 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [5050.]
17. Sir Christopher Baynham. Pardon and release as sheriff of Gloucestershire; and release to Sir Alexander Baynham, of Wesbury, Stephen Cotton, of Tewkesbury, William Huntley, of London, and Mary, widow and executrix of Christopher Throkmerton, of Trilley, of their recognizance of 40l., made 10 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 15 March 5 Hen. VIII. Del, Westm., 8 May 6 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [5051.]
18. Reginald Gayer. Inspeximus and confirmation of patent, 4 Feb. 22 Hen. VII., granting him the offices of clerk of the peace and clerk of the crown in Cornwall for life. Westm. 8 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [5052.]
19. John Goderyk. Warrant for protection according to the Act, as retained by Ric. Carewe to serve in the war beyond sea. 8 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Be yor servaunt Rychard Carew). [5053.]
20. Sir John Sharpe, groom of the Chamber. Grant, in fee, of the manor of Brokedisshehalle alias Brokdissh in Burston, Norf., granted by Henry VII. to James Braybroke, and on his death to John Sharp, during pleasure, by patent 3 Nov. 1 Hen. VIII., at the annual rent of one red rose. Del. Westm., 9 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [5056.]
21. Sir John Lysle, Nicholas Shelton, alderman of London, and Robert Cousyn. Collation to the next vacant canonry and prebend in St. Stephen's, Westminster, or St. George's, Windsor. Del. Westm., 10 May, 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5 and 15. [5060.]
22. Gloucester abbey. Warrant for write of dedimus potestatem to the Abbot of Wynchecombe and Edmund Tanne, to take the fealty of William Malvern, newly elected abbot of Gloucester. Eltham, 10 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5061.]
23. Master John Censtable, doctor of decrees. Presentation to the church of Fulbeke, Linc. dioc., void by resignation. Eltham, 10 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May. P.S. [5062.]
24. Giles Strangways. Petition for writs of entry in the post, for recovery of certain lands in Somerset and Dorset, according to the Act, he having been appointed to wait on the King in the war. 10 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Gylys Strangways). [5063.]
25. Walter Devereux Lord Ferrers. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Ralph, son and heir of Nicholas, kinsman and heir of Sir Ralph Langford. Eltham, 4 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 May. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14 and 15. [5064.]
26. Abbey of Waltham Holy Cross. Assent to the election of John Malyn, canon and prior of Waltham Holy Cross, as abbot, vice John Shernebroke, resigned. Eltham, 7 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 May. P.S.
ii. Petition of Robert Wodeleff, canon and sub-prior, and the convent, for the above. 2 May, 1514, 6 Hen. VIII. [5065.]
27. Thomas Baston, husbandman. Protection; going to the war. Westm., 12 May. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 14. [5067.]
28. Sir John Sharp. Grant, in fee, of the manor or lordship of Kyrtelyng or Kertelinge, with appurtenances in Kyrtelyng and Long Staunton, Camb.; to hold at a fee-farm rent of 33l. 6s. 8d. from Mich. 5 Hen. VIII. Deduction to be made if any part of the manor be taken away. Del. Westm., 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [5069.]
29. Nicholas Ryng. To be a gunner of the royal ordnance, with 12d. a day. Del. Westm., 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25. [5070.]
30. Helier Carteret. To be bailiff of the Isle of Jersey for life. Del. Westm., 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in French). French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [5071.]
31. Sir Richard Tempest. Lease, for forty years, of the farm of the town of Wakefeld, Yorks., with the office of bailiff there, the bakehouse and fishery therein, all meadows called Wilbigh, Dibford and Erlesing, parcel of the lordship of Wakefeld, the mills of Wakefeld and Horbury, "le Newe Milne super le dam," and the fisheries there, with timber for repairs from the new and old parks, at an annual rent of 89l. 16s. 7½d. rent, and 10l. increase. On surrender by Richard Peke, since the death of Thomas Grice, of patent, 9 Nov. 16 Hen. VII., by which the said premises were released to Peke and Grice for 20 years. Lambeth, 14 Feb. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [5072.]
32. Sir Thomas Wyndham, alias Wymondham, knight for the Body, of Felbrigge, Norf., alias of Danbury, Essex. Pardon and release as late treasurer of war upon the sea in the retinue of Thomas earl of Surrey, chief admiral and captain, and of Sir Edward Howard, dec., late chief admiral and captain. Greenwich, 23 April, 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [5073.]
33. Philip Barnard, of Akenham, esquire, and Thomas Sheldrake, of Berugham, Suff., smith. Release of bail entered, 5 Dec. 5 Hen. VIII., before Sir Philip Bothe and Robert Southwell, junr., justices of the peace in co. Suffolk, for the appearance of Robert Hervey, yeoman, and Edmund Hervy, tailor, both of Stratbroke, who subsequently failed to appear before Sir Rob. Rede and his fellow justices for delivery of Ipswich gaol, at Hennowe, on Friday, 31 March 5 Hen. VIII. Eltham, 4 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 17. [5074.]
34. St. Peter's, Gloucester. Assent to the election of William Malverne, B.D., of the monastery of St. Peter, Gloucester, as abbot, vice John Newton, D.D., deceased. Eltham, 8 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
ii. Petition of John Chedworth, prior, and the convent, for the above. 5 May, 1514. [5075.]
35. Thomas Trace, John Ball, Ric. Hewitson, Rob. Stabler, Wm. Browne, John Waterson or Watson, John Meterson, Ric. Heyburn and Alan Armstrong, of Hull, mariners. Pardon for the murder of Godfrey Darold. Del. Westm., 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [5077.]
36. John Baptiste Portynary, clk., of the diocese of Tournay. Denization. Del. Westm., 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (with note that it is affirmed before Roger Lupton, clerk of Chancery, that he has no goods or chattels). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [5078.]
37. Charles duke of Suffolk and viscount Lisle alias Sir Charles Brandon, marshal of the King's court or of the Marshalsea. Pardon for escapes of prisoners and other trespasses. Del. Westm., 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [5079.]
38. Marinus Garet, native of Normandy. Denization. Del. ..., 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5080.]
39. Ralph Lane. Exemption from serving on juries, or being made knight, sheriff, &c. Del. Westm., 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 14. [5081.]
40. Sir Thomas Berkeley. To be, for life, constable and porter of Berkeley castle; keeper and paler of "le castell parke" there, with "le Worthy" inclosed, and keeper of the woods of Hynton called Cheslaunder and Redwode; keeper of the deer in the park; and master of the hunt in the park and woods; vice James Berkeley; with fees out of the lordship of Berkeley, and the herbage and pannage of the said park and woods, and the fishery of Smethmore and "le Gale" in the Severn within the said lordship. Eltham, 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 15 May. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11. [5082.]
41. Richard Scorer, gunstonemaker. To be the King's gunstonemaker, for life, with 6d. a day. Eltham, 13 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5083.]
42. John Porte, the King's solicitor. Custody of a third part of the possessions of Sir John Mountgomery, deceased, during the minority of Ellen, one of his daughters and heirs, with wardship and marriage of the said Ellen. Eltham, 14 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 May. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [5084.]
43. William Wynnall, of Winchester, carrier. Warrant for his protection according to the Statute, as retained by Sir Th. West to serve in the war beyond seas. Halnaker, Sussex, 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Sir Thom's West). [5085.]
44. Sir John Digby, knight for the Body. Confirmation of patent of Henry VII., granting him, in tail male, the lordship or manor of Bedale, Yorks., forfeited by Francis viscount Lovell; to hold by service of one knight's fee and one red rose at the feast of St. John the Baptist. Also grant, in tail male, of all possessions of the said Viscount in Bedale, Aiscough, Littill Lemyng and Northlees alias Northlesues, from 23 April 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5086.]
45. Thomas Tamworth. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of John, son and heir of John Tamworth, of Leek, Linc. Del. Westm., 16 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Thomas Lovell). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [5087.]
46. Henry Brownyng. Warrant for protection according to the Statute, as appointed to serve in the war with Marcellus de la More, serjeant of the Surgeons. 16 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: By Masselis de la More). [5088.]
47. Sir Richard Cholmondley, knight for the Body. To be steward, for life, of the manor or lordship of Cotyngham Langton on "le Olde," Yorks., parcel of the duchy of Somerset (which office he held, for life, with a fee of 40s. by grant of Margaret late countess of Richmond); with annual fee of 40s. out of the same manor. Also grant to him and Nicholas Thelwell, of the offices of bailiff of the said manor, and keeper of the park with annual fee of 4l. 13s. 4d. To hold during the minority of Edward, son and heir of John Grey Lord Powes, and as long as the said manor remains in the King's hands. Also grant to the said Richard of 40s. in reward for having executed the said office of steward from the death of the said Lord. Del. Westm., 17 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [5089.]
48. Sir Richard Cholmeley, knight for the Body. Licence to export English wools to the Staple of Calais, practise as a merchant of that Staple for life, and import wines, &c., notwithstanding the Act 20 Hen. VI, by which officers of customs may not own ships or act as merchants; he being, by pat. 4 July 1 Hen. VIII., customer of wools, hides and woolfells in the port of London and by pat. 8 Oct. 1 Hen. VIII. comptroller of Customs in the port of Kingeston upon Hull. Del. Westm., 17 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [5091.]
49. James de la Noa and John de Cicilia, the King's "trumpettes." Licence to import 400 butts of Malvesyes. Eltham, 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 May. P.S. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5092.]
50. Sir John Sharp. Petition to have (without fine, according to the Statute) writs of covenant and entry in the post against Humphrey Stafford, at the suit of Richard Broke, serjeant-at-law, John Turnour, and others, in re the manor of Codreth, Herts, as he is appointed to serve in the war. 17 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Your humble servaunt and boundeman, John Sharp). [5093.]
51. Nich. Waplot, of Barnby, Yorks., yeoman. Pardon for killing Oliver Hanson, in self defence. Westm., 18 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [5095.]
52. Sir John Sharp. Licence to alienate the manor or lordship of Brokedisshehalle alias Brokdissh in Burston, Norf., to Sir Wm. Tyler, John Turnour, Hugh Edwardis, Geo. Quarles, Ric. Drewell, Guthlac Overton, John Higham, Robt. Broune of Walcote, senr., Rob. Broune, junr., his brother, John Broune, Edw. Broune, John Father, David Edwardis, John Edwardis, Francis Quarles, and John Everton, their heirs and assigns, for uses to be declared by the said John Sharp. Westm., 18 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [5096.]
53. John Bourghchier lord Berners. Reversion of the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer on death or surrender of Thomas Lovell, to whom it was granted by patent 12 Oct. 1 Hen. VII. to hold for life. Del. Westm., 18 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6. [5097.]
54. John Yong, keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 200l., made 26 July 16 Hen. VII. by Sir John Turbervyle of Freermayn, Dorset, Thomas Turbervyle, of Mote, Kent, and Roger Cheverell, of Stoke, Dorset. Greenwich, 18 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (subscribed: Truly payd: recorde of me John Heron). [5098.]
55. Men of the manor of Facombe, Hants. Exemption from tolls and from contribution to the expenses of knights sent to Parliament, according to custom, as that manor is ancient demesne of the Crown. Westm., 19 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [5100.]
56. Master and Wardens of the Guild of St. Cornelius the Martyr, in the Church of St. Margaret, in the Sanctuary, Westminster. Incorporation of the same guild, and licence to found a chantry, with one chaplain, to pray for the King and Queen. Del. Westm., 19 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 28. [5101.]
57. Thomas son of Roger Norman, deceased. Pardon and release of all alienations, &c., made by him without licence, of the lands held by him in the manor of Corton, Somerset. Eltham, 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 May. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17. [5102.]
58. George Warner, rector of Pylton, Northt., alias of Staunford, Linc., alias of London, clk. Pardon. Eltham, 16 May 6 Hen. VIII., Del. Westm., 19 May. P.S. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 11. [5103.]
59. Sailors or mariners of England. Licence to found a guild of themselves and other persons, both men and women, in the church of Depford Stronde, Kent, to be called the Guild of the Holy Trinity [and] St. Clement; the brethren of the said guild to appoint one master, four wardens, and eight assistants annually, all of whom shall be removable at pleasure. Also mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 20 marks, for a chaplain. 20 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. (See Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. VIII. p. 235.) [5108.]
* The above appears to be the enrolment of No. 1732, § 39 which, being defaced, has been insufficiently described.
60. Ric. Scott, of Doncaster, Yorks., fishmonger. Pardon for having killed Wm. Gibson, in self defence. Westm., 20 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [5109.]
61. John Skewys. Exemption from serving on juries, &c., or being made a knight or burgess of Parliament, or justice of the peace, &c., with the privilege of keeping his hat on in the presence of the King. Del. Westm., 22 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [5113.]
62. Thomas Spenke, clk. Grant of the chantry in the chapel of St. Mary the Virgin upon Wakefelde Bridge, dioc. York, void by death of Richard Cyke or Syke. Del. Westm., 22 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3.
ii. Presentation (to the abp. of York) of Spenke to the above chapel as void by the death of Richard "Coke" or Ceke. Del. Westm., 22 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2 and m. 6. [5114.]
63. Sir Thomas Boleyn. Grant, for life, of the manors or lordships of Saham Tony, Nekton, Panworth Hall and Cressingham Parva, and the hundreds of Waylond and Grymmeshowe, Norf., at an annual rent of 71l. 6s. 8d. Del. Westm., 22 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29. [5115.]
64. John Yong, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel, on payment of the sums due, &c., any of the following recognizances of 400l., made by Sir John Arundell of Lanheron, Cornwall, and Elizabeth lady Fitzwaren, late of Steveneth, Middlesex, widow to Sir Robert Southwell, and Bartholomew Westby of the Exchequer, or by John Arundell and Ode Goefr of St. Colombe, Cornwall, or John Skewys, late of "Lyncolnes In, yn Chaunsler Lane," for payment of 500 marks every successive year until Michaelmas, 1518. Greenwich, 26 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. 22 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B.
ii. Receipts for the above, dated 1 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII., 1 Sept. 6 Hen. VIII., 15 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII., and 7 Sept. 9 Hen. VIII. All signed by John Heron; the first has a note in the margin signed by Sir John Arundell, that it is a copy shown to the Master of the Rolls. [5116.]
65. Barnaby Blagge. Reversion (at the instance of his father, Robert Blagge) of the office of King's remembrancer of the Exchequer, for life, after the said Robert, who holds it by patent 6 Dec. 18 Hen. VII. [Del.] Westm., 23 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. [5118.]
66. John Hertwell of Preston, Northt., squire. Warrant for protection according to the Statute, as retained by the Marquis of Dorset, to be a captain in the wars. London, 17 May 6 Hen. VIII. [Del.] 23 May. S.B. (signed: Thomas Dorsett). [5119.]
67. Robert Bulkeley and his heirs. Inspeximus and confirmation to them of a charter of Hen. II. as follows:—"H. rex Anglorum et dux Normannorum et Aquitanorum et comes Andegavorum, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, justiciariis, vicecomitibus, ministris et omnibus fidelibus suis Francis et Anglis, salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse in feodum et hereditatem Manassero Byset, dapifero meo, pro servicio suo, in comitatu Wigornie Reddeministram (sic) pro xxx. li., et in comitatu Wiltescire Cumbam pro xxvj. li., et in comitatu Gloucestrie Wiggeswald pro x. li., et in comitatu Suthantone Samherstam pro vij. li. et Burgatum et Rokeburnam cum hundredo et cum omnibus pertinenciis suis pro xl. li. et parcum de Lechedesham. Et preterea dedi ei et concessi tenementum Wardrici qui reddebat matri mee per annum xx. s., scilicet in Wichford. Quare volo et firmiter precipio quod ipse Manasserus et heredes sui has terras predictas habeant et teneant de jure (sic) et de heredibus meis bene et in pace, libere et honorifice et hereditarie, in bosco et plano, in pratis et pascuis, in viis et semitis et in omnibus locis, cum soca et saca et toll et team et infangene-theof et cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus cum quibus aliquis baronum meorum Anglie melius et quiecius et honorificencius tenet. Testibus, T[h]oma Canc[ellario], Reginaldo Comite Cornubie, W. Comite Gloucestrie, Henrico de Essex Constabulario, Ricardo de Hum' Constabulario, Ricardo de Lucy, Warino filio Ber' (sic), Camerario, Joscelino de Bayllol, Roberto de Dunestanvilla, Willelmo de Lanvall[eio]. Apud Cantuariam." Westm., 23 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [5120.]
68. William Clyston, chaplain. Presentation to the church of Newton Tracy, Exeter dioc., vice Thos. Alen, chaplain, resigned. Westm., 24 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [5122.]
69. William Stafferton or Staverton, grocer of London. Protection for one year; going in the retinue of Sir Richard Wyngfeild, Deputy of Calais. Eltham, 15 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 May. P.S. [5123.]
70. John Dowman, LL.D. Licence to found a guild in honor of St. Mary and St. Nicholas the Bishop, in the church of Poklyngton, Yorks., for a master, two wardens, brethren and sisters. Also mortmain licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 20 marks. Eltham, 22 May 6 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 May. P.S. [5124.]
71. Higham nunnery, Rochester dioc. Petition by the subprioress and convent for the King's assent to their election (made with his licence), on 22 May, of Lady Anchoreta Ungothorp, as prioress; forwarded by John James. Dated in their chapter house, 25 May 1514. Filed with Chancery Warrants.
72. Sir William Compton. Pardon and release as late sheriff of Hants; and release of recognizance for 40l. made by Robert Turges, of Turges Melcombe, Dorset, Thomas Unton, of Waddeley, Berks, and Humphrey Browne and William Hawles, of London, 10 Nov. 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [5127.]
73. Sir William Fitzwilliam and John Bygge. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of bailiff of Surrey, alias "Bagshotes Bayles," in Windsor Forest, with 6d. a day; on surrender by Bigge of patent, 18 June 19 Hen. VII., granting the same office, in survivorship, to John Wyllyams, now deceased, and him. Del. Westm., 26 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [5128.]
74. John Fowler. Fiat for his custody of a toft and croft with [2 virgates of land] in Brompton, near Northalverton, Yorks., from Mich, next for 20 years, at 6s. 8d. rent and 2d. increase. Del. [Westm.,] 26 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed by Norfolk as treasurer).
75. Sir John Sharpe and Hugh Edwardis, sewer of the Chamber. Custody of the castle or manor of Burne, Linc., with all profits within the outer part of the moat, and the herbage of the trenches near the said castle, called "knyghtesfees." Del. Westm., 27 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [5131.]
76. Michael Verney, servant of Sir William Compton. Warrant for discharge, according to the Statute, of all fees for any fine and recovery, as he is going to the war. 27 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Wylliam Compton). [5132.]
77. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Suffolk.—Westm., 28 May.
Norfolk.—Westm., 28 May. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [5133.]
78. Lewis Pollard. To be a justice of the Common Pleas, during pleasure, Del. Westm., 29 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16. [5134.]
79. Leonard Frischobald and Anthony Cavallary. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of purveyor, preparer or orderer of cloths of gold and silver, "tynsen saten, velvet saten, and damask," and other silks for the King (to be paid for within a month after provision); with 20l. a year. Also mandate to Sir Andrew Wyndesor, keeper of the Great Wardrobe, and Richard Smyth, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Robes, to purvey the said articles by means of the said Leonard and Anthony. Del. Westm., 29 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [5135.]
80. Thomas duke of Norfolk. Custody of the lands of John Veer, Earl of Oxford, a minor, kinsman and heir of John Veer, late Earl of Oxford, viz., son of Sir George, brother of the said late Earl; with reversion of that portion of the possessions of the said late Earl which Elizabeth his widow holds in dower. Also, during Veer's minority, the offices of Great Chamberlain of England, steward of the forest of Essex or forest of Waltham in co. Essex, and constable of the castle of Colchester. And whereas the espousals between the said earl and Anne his wife were, during the life of the said late earl, celebrated according to the laws of the Church, the said earl then and after the late earl's death being within marriageable age, viz., within 14 years, it pertains to the King's prerogative to offer him another woman for wife, and the King lately offered him Margaret Courtenay, whom he utterly refused, the King hereby grants to the Duke the value and double value of the Earl's marriage forfeited thereby. Del. Westm., 29 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [5136.]
81. Lady Elizabeth Southwell, widow. Pardon and release as executrix of Sir Robert Southwell, late butler of England, surveyor and approver of Crown lands, general auditor, receiver and feodary of the honors of Clare and Gloucester, and duchy of York, in Norf., Suff., Camb., Hunts, Essex, and Herts, farmer of Disse and Hempnale, Norf., and receiver of lands of the late Lord Fitzwalter, in Norf., Suff., and Essex; also pardon and release for Christopher Urswik, archdeacon of Oxford, Robert Southwell and William Wutton, co-executors with the said Elizabeth. Del. Westm., 29 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5137.]
82. Mauro de Massagrosa, merchant of Lucca. Licence to export 300 sacks of wool from London, Southampton or Sandwich, through and beyond the Straits of Marrok, paying for all customs only 4 mks. per sack, at the end of three years after shipment. Del. Westm., 30 May 6 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll, 6 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5138.]


  • 1. George duke of Saxony ?
  • 2. May 21st.
  • 3. Sir Richard Wingfield.
  • 4. Sir William Sidney.
  • 5. See No. 2654.
  • 6. Sir William Sidney.
  • 7. In margin: "Bresylle said there was no way to avoid the bruit but that my Lord should marry the Lady Lylle, as more at length I have written unto my said Lord."
  • 8. Christ's College and St. John's College.
  • 9. Latin laudum, sentence, viz., the Pope's arbitration. See p. 1264 footnote.
  • 10. Rymer printed before the mutilation, when the address could still be read.
  • 11. See Rymer, XIII., 428–9.
  • 12. Calig. E. I., 29 [109].
  • 13. Apparently the General of Normandy, Thomas Boyer.