Henry VIII: May 1514, 1-10

Pages 1248-1256

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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May 1514

1 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 8, f. 67. R.O.
Baldesar Stuerdus, apostolic prothonotary, secretary and nuncio, did him a good service by conveying his message; and he is glad to have received the King's letters accepting what he sent by the said prothonotary and giving assurance of support. If he seem late in answering Henry's letters of 3 March, it is because they did not come to Milan direct, but were first taken to Rome.
All Italy is expecting what the King and the Emperor will do, now that the jus armorum has been suspended by a truce concluded in Spain with the King Catholic. Berreguardi, 1 May 1514. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
2 May.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 120. B.M.
Petition to the Council by John Wodlas, of Harwich, for his reasonable expenses in the following service. He conveyed the Maryrose over "a danger in the sea called the Nase," and, upon countermand, brought her back to Harwich. Then, within five days, he was commanded to convey her through "a place in the sea called the Slade," to meet the King coming from Calais, and so did, and then conveyed her out of the Downes, through the Blake Depes, into Tamys. He "now last" brought the Mary Rose from Blake Wale to Portesmouth and returning to London by land, was, by "your Lordships" sent to the Northforland to convey the King's ship called the Libbeke to London; but she had been driven into the Camber and had afterwards sailed to Portsmouth, to which place he followed her. Has, besides, "lost in bewyons in the Blak Depes and iren cheynes which were not possible to be lost by tempest of wedder," the value of 4l.
Subscribed with an order, in Wolsey's hand, to Mr. Dawnce to pay Woodeles, 20 mks. Signed: T. Lincoln.
P. 1. Endd. with Wodlass's receipt for 20 mks. from Sir John Daunce on 2 May 6 Hen. VIII.
2 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 8, f. 68. R.O.
2866. [5773.] SIR T. WYNDHAM to DAWTREY.
Warrant to pay Thomas Yonge, master of The Mawdelyn of Hamell, victualler, the wages of 25 mariners, 8 deadshares, and tonnage on 110 tons at 12d. a ton, for the month beginning 25 April. 2 May 6 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
2 May.
Galba B. III., 185. B.M.
Wrote last on 29 April, enclosing a letter from Sir Robert Wingfield. The Archduchess says she has received no more from the Emperor touching the charges of Count Felix than Berghez and the President declared to them on 29 April, viz., that the Emperor wishes the solemnization of the marriage to be deferred to the end of May, as he wishes to be present at it. She denies that Count Felix had anything to do with the change of place. The Emperor wrote that he wished it to be at Antwerp or Mechlin, and that the Prince's two sisters (fn. 1) should be present. Lord Berghez thinks she is influenced in this by the Prince's council, who are afraid of their authority being diminished. She said that Count Felix denied that he received any charge from the Emperor, as the ambassador of Arragon asserted, on the authority of a letter from his fellow Don Petro Dorea, to proclaim the truce and persuade England to the same. She thinks he may have received such an order, but it was countermanded when the Emperor heard of the taking of Arnhem. Berghez believes that he had, and advises the King not to bring over his army, or enter into any further expense, unless the Emperor is personally with him. Believe that the Archduchess knows this, especially as they make no instance to bring the King over. When they urged the Archduchess, from the confidence that England had in her, to be more explicit, she said that the King would know the truth from the Emperor's letters. She advises the King to write a letter to the Emperor in his own hand. She desires justice to be done to John Cavalcanti, Ph[ilip] Gualterotti's factor in London. Send news from Bruges. Mechlin, 2 May. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add. Endd.
2 May.
Galba B. III., 13. B.M.
2868. [5029.] KNIGHT to WOLSEY.
It is clear the Emperor never intended to keep his promise, but dissembled until "the King of [Aragon] and he had made their parte"; and yet he desires the marriage should be performed, by which he and the King of Aragon think they make amends for all injuries. Advises they should not be satisfied. The Prince is young, and surrounded by a young council who are well inclined to France, and have spoken suspicious words, as Knight has written before. The Emperor is not to be trusted, and has written to the Archduchess to defer the marriage, fearful for the Prince's health and hope of future issue. Probably, this was moved first from hence to the Emperor. The King of Aragon proposed that the Prince's eldest sister should marry into the house of France. And thus the grandfather and father-in-law pay no regard to Henry's honor or the charges they have brought him to, foreseeing that this marriage should bind the King to them, although, notwithstanding the marriage of the Queen of England, the King of Aragon has done as Wolsey knows. Those about the Prince would either be a danger to the King's sister or would raise dissension between the Prince and her. The last point we moved to Lord Berghez, who thought the King should insist that suspected persons be removed from the Prince. Advises, as matters stand, that peace be taken with France to counteract the Emperor and the King of Aragon. Since Knight's friends will not promote him, he begs that, if the King intend to use craft towards the King of Aragon anywhere but in Spain, he may have the commission. Mechlin, 2 May.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: My Lord of Lincoln.
2 May.
Sanuto, XVIII., 182.
2869. VENICE.
[Note of letter seen 6 May, 1514.]
From Vetor Lipomano, Rome, 2 May.—Merchants' news of the treaty between the two Kings is that England demands a sum of gold and France answers angrily that he must come and take it, that England also wants Boulogne and that France will remit the dispute to the Pope. The Duke of Bari is leaving with Gurk, having obtained a reservation (described) upon benefices in Milan. The Swiss, and perhaps the Duke of Milan, are going to the camp at Crema. Cardinal Bibiena is pleased with the provision made by the Signory for the children of his late brother, Pietro. The Pope has been unwell, but is better. On Friday, 5th inst., will be a new session of the Council, against priests, a reform of the Church much needed at Rome.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 402.
2 May.
Roman Transcr. I., 1, f. 198. R.O.
2870. LEO X.
Dispensation, absolution, &c., for Patrick Painter, abbot of Cambuskynet and secretary of James king of Scotland, who, when secretary of the late King, in habitu armigeri, together with many prelates of other churches and persons of ecclesiastical and secular dignity, following the King's Court, was present in the battle with Henry king of England where many were slain and wounded in his presence and he both shot artillery and caused others to shoot, which may have caused slaughter, but did not slay or wound anyone with his own hand. Rome, 2 May 1514.
Latin. Two modern transcripts, each pp. 2.
3 May.
Navy Records Soc. X., 200.
2871. LOUIS XII. to M. DE LA FAYETTE, Captain of Boulogne.
Begs him to continue reporting the English preparations. Has taken order for the artillery he requires. Paris, 3 May.
French. From a Bibl. Nat. MS.
3 May.
Sanuto, XVIII., 210.
2872. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 21 May 1514.]
From Ambassador Dandolo, Paris, 3 May.—The agreement with England was being treated and would apparently be signed on the 5th.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 411.
4 May.
Harl. MS. 1,069, f. 36. B.M.
Arms given to Sir Hugh Vaughan, of Littelton, Midd., by Th. Wriothesley, Garter, and Tho. Benolt, Clarencieux. 4 May 6 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
4 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 8, f. 69. R.O.
2874. [5033.] THE NAVY.
Statement addressed to the Admiral (? "your Lordship") of the wages due to The Peter of Lee, for two months which began on 1 March and "shall end" 27 April. Subscribed with Sir Thomas Wyndham's order, dated 4 May 6 Hen. VIII., to Mr. Dawtre to pay the money.
ii. The like for the wages and victuals of The Mighell Yong of Dover, for the month beginning 22 April.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
4 May.
Galba B. III., 75. B.M.
2875. [5032.] JAN FAUCQUET OF ST. OMER to [SIR JOHN WILTSHIRE,] Controller of Calais.
Has received his of 1 May. Sends him the news, as becomes a true and loyal servant. The French are assembling in great numbers to aid the Sieurs du Pont de Remy and Du Piennes and their adherents in the counties of Artois and Boulogne to overrun Guisnes and the English. They are raising great forces by sea and land, and especially to destroy the English convoys before Calais. They intend to raze entirely Guisnes and Hammes. Has been certified by Hacquinet Dandefort and Willequin Craissier that they have heard that all the colleges of Paris are at the command of the King. They propose to come and prevent the landing of the English. He thinks that they intend to rob the town of St. Omer, which would do great hurt to the English. Many of the governors of the Archduke's towns and countries are not as good as they ought to be; and in St. Omer there are so many Mammelukes and good Frenchmen. Haquinet complains that certain persons of Guisnes have taken from him what the Controller ordered for him. Recommends the bearer, who is a poor man. 4 May 1514.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
4 May.
Simancas MS.
Treaty, for one year, between the Pope, Emperor elect and Ferdinand for defence of their states in Italy. Rome, 4 May 1514.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 174.
5 May.
Lett. de Louis XII., iv., 312.
Has received her letters, dated Malines, 25 April, touching the matters declared to her by his ambassadors, especially a proposition made to Henry by the ambassador of Aragon, which she thought did not agree with the Emperor's honor. Before the receipt of her letter, had been informed by Sir Rob. Wingfeld that the King of Aragon had made a truce with the French King, in which the Emperor intended to join, to avoid certain dangers which might arise, and which he thought England would do well to accept for the same reason. Has sent a duplicate of Wingfeld's letter to the ambassadors to show to Margaret. Considering that he does not know the manner and condition of the truce, and that he was never consulted about it, even if he wished to gratify the Emperor, he could not take part in it, unless he sued for it himself, which he could not honourably do. Doubts not that, though the Emperor has accepted the truce, he will continue to aid England with men and victuals, as he did last year. Asks her to confirm this to his ambassadors. As to the suspicion mentioned in her letter, the King never doubted her.
Is much surprised at the objections and alterations made touching the marriage of the King's sister at Calais. Desires to know her intentions by his ambassadors, who will speak to her on the subject. Eltham, 5 May 1514, après Pasques. Signed.
P.S.—Has just heard that the French have come, to the number of 8,000, to lay siege to Guisnes. Requests she will order all the captains who have remained in the King's pay to put themselves at the head of their companies, and repair to Calais, where they will receive their wages. By Tuesday next he will have 20,000 men embarked to raise the siege. Requests she will also give leave to all other soldiers in her countries to serve England.
5 May.
Calig. D. VI., 118. B.M. Rym., XIII., 403.
Informing him that the French, to the number of 8,000, with artillery, were going to lay siege to Guisnes castle, that by Tuesday [next, 20,000] of his subjects would be embarked to raise the siege, and that he had besides a large army which would cross suddenly after the first. Has requested the Archduchess of Austria would allow the Count and other captains who had been in his (Henry's) pay since his departure, to draw towards Calais. Begs him to draw forthwith to Gravelines and lodge thereabouts. Eltham, 5 [May 1514]. Signed.
P. 1, mutilated. Add.: A nostre, &c., le Conte de Faucomberge, Baron de Lignes. Modern Endorsement: 1514, 5 May, Eltham Hen. 8. rex.
5 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 5, f. 71. R.O.
The Swiss have been most active in expelling the French and schismatics from Italy. As they scorn to make a base peace with France and have deputed ambassadors to Henry, this letter is to ask him not to despise their friendship. As one born among them, knows their fidelity, and will undertake that they will cut their way through the midst of Gaul to Henry's camp. Ex Viglo, iii. non. Maii 1514. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
6 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 166. R.O.
Receipt 6 May 6 Hen. VIII. by Thomas Benolt, otherwise Clarenceux, King of Arms, from Sir John Daunce, of 457l. 10s. in prest for causes "within written." With his memorandum added that on 26 Aug. 6 Hen. VIII. he repaid 320l. of the money.
ii. On the back is a bill for 300 horses and 100 carters of Kent to be brought to Rochester, 8 and 10 May ao 6; ending with a request to "your Lordship," by Sir Edw. Belknapp, that it may be paid to Clarencieux. Wolsey's holograph order to his "fellow, Mr. Dawnce," to pay it, is subscribed: Signed, T. Lincoln.
P. 1.
6 May.
Ib., f. 167. R.O.
2881. THE NAVY.
Receipt 6 May 6 Hen. VIII. by John Shire, purser of the Nicholas Bailly and Thomas Lendall, purser of the Kateryn Prowe, from Sir John Daunce, of 62s. 2d. for repairs, the bill for which (and the Earl of Surrey's order for its payment) is written above on the same paper.
P. 1.
6 May.
Ib., f. 168. R.O.
Indenture, 6 May 6 Hen. VIII., witnessing receipt by John Rycrofte, serjeant of the Larder, from Sir John Daunce, of 1,000l. in further prest for "provision of malt, wheat, beans and oats for the King's next intended army royal by land." Signed with mark.
ii. Wolsey's holograph order for this payment.
Pp. 2.
6 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 8, f. 94. R.O.
2883. [5774.] THE HENRY GRACE DE DIEU.
Application to the Lords [of the Council] by Nicholas Ryng, master gunner of the Henry Grace de Dieu, for payment of 22 gunners (named) at 10s. a month, and [9] at [6s. 8d.] a month, employed in making gunstones and casting pellets, for one month ended 6 May "last past."
Large paper, p. 1. Endd. with Ryng's receipt (mutilated) for 14l. as the amount due for the month from [9] April 5 Hen. VIII. to 6 May following, inclusive.
7 May.
Addit. MSS. 15,387, f. 21. B.M. Theiner, 513.
2884. [5048.] HENRY VIII. to LEO X.
Was indignant on learning from the Bishop of Chieti (Theatinus) the Pope's ambassador, and John Baptista, procurator of Cardinal Cibo, the Pope's nephew, that, in contempt of his Holiness, not only John Baptista himself, a skilful and circumspect man, but also the Pope's ambassador Baltasar, were forbidden to enter Scotland, and the latter at last admitted under degrading conditions. The Scots, amid all their affliction, fear nothing, and, trusting only to their misery, dare things that no other Christian nation would do. This crime was not committed by the rude and uncivilized people, but by the bishops themselves. His Holiness may judge of the spirit of the nation at large. Though Leo will be informed of it by Baptista and the said ambassadors, Henry could not refrain from expressing how he felt it. If the Pope will commission him to do so, he will avenge the indignity, and act towards Scotland as he has acted towards France. Greenwich, 7 May 1514.
Lat., copy, pp. 8.
7 May.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 123. B.M.
Warrant to Sir John Daunce to pay William Cotton and William Lee, the King's spears, each a year's wages, from 31 May next, at 3s. 4d. the day. Eltham, 6 May 6 Hen. VIII.
Small parchment, p. 1. Endd. with receipt for the money, dated 7 May and signed: Wyllyam Cotton, William Legh.
7 May.
Ib., f. 122. B.M.
Warrant to Sir John Daunce to deliver 200 mks. to Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam. Eltham, 6 May 6 Hen. VIII.
P 1. Endd. with Fitzwilliam's receipt dated 7 May, for the money as delivered to his servant George Warener.
7 May.
Sp. Transcr., I., 5, f. 424. R.O.
Received his letter of 11 April recounting what passed with the Pope. The Pope has no reason to complain of the truce with France, since he has always declared a wish for peace and the Apostolic See and Milan are included. Has more reason to complain of the Pope for reconciling himself with France and the other schismatics without his knowledge when the war had been undertaken to defend the Church. Ineptness of the Pope's ambassadors for the marriage (of Giulian de Medicis?). Regrets the Pope's refusal to give the Inquisitors canonical preferment at a time when the Inquisition is more needed than ever. Madrid, 7 May 1514.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 3. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 175.
8 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 1. R.O.
* * * (fn. 2) "Finally, ye must consider that the year passeth fast; the King's army, to the number of 9,000 men, have be upon the sea 8 days past, to the King's great charge; his army by land is ready upon one hour's warning, ready paid for their coats and conduct money." Pontremye, with the garrisons of Boulogne and Montreuil, has this last week wasted the country near Guisnes. Know that Mons. d'Emery (?) was privy to it. An invasion of Marke and Oye is also expected. The King will send immediately 5 or 6,000 men to protect the English pale; others must be sent over to Calais. Considering these and other causes which we wrote by our last letters, and also the frauds and finesse of the French for "abusing of them that shall treat with them," and protracting the time till it be too late in the year for the King to cross the sea, you must see that you make diligence to bring the matter to treaty and shortly finish it; "and that ye write to the King's grace or us daily by post of your speed, and how your matters go, and we shall do the same to you." Money is ready at Calais to be sent to Newport by Robert Fowlar, whenever you have sent a safe conduct for it, and given notice to the controller of Calais; as will be seen by the King's letters to you, which should have arrived ten days ago, and might have been received before the coming hither of Hammys, this bearer. In any case, upon your sending conduct and notice, the Controller will send you 10,000l. "which is thought sufficient till more may be seen in the said matter." If Bastard Emery or some other "in garrison with you" be sent to Calais with 300 or 400 horsemen it will please the King and "advance well the treaty." "If Mr. West come to you, he shall bring with him all such writings whereof mention is made in the said instructions."
Draft in Fox's hand, pp. 3. On the last page "8th May" is written in a different hand.
9 May.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 82. B.M.
Wrote last from Lynce, from whence he came here in a "boott without sayle." This is the fairest city ever seen, "not withstanding the inh[abitants] be as groosse as a pasty of veell." Carts go in 24 hours to the principal town in Hungary, and if Henry were now as far to the east as he is to the north-west, Wingfield would have a better chance of seeing him. The Emperor is going through Styreremark and Carynthe into [Italy] to meet the Viceroy, who will lay siege to Treviso, having sent Urreas to spur him on. Looks hourly for intelligence of Henry's pleasure. Eight days ago the Emperor intended sending Louis Marroton in post to my Lady. Does not know that he has as yet dispatched him; if not, the dispatch would probably go by Fume. The Turks and Hungarians are likely to go to war, the former claiming tribute, and the latter certain castles that the Turk holds. Vienna, 9 May 1514.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
9 May.
Vitell. B. II., 75.* B.M.
Has received the King's letter written in reply to the report of Baltasar Tuerdus (Stewart). Has told what took place in the ninth session of the Lateran Council, to the Bishop of Worcester, whose letters will fully inform his Majesty. Rome, 9 May 1514. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
9 May.
Sanuto, XVIII., 191.
2891. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 12 May 1514.]
From Vetor Lippomano, Rome, 9 May.—Learns from Milan that the Swiss decline to go against Venice and the Duke of Milan and have fixed a Diet for the 15th inst. Letters from France report that the English will cross into France but have not yet begun to cross. Genoese merchants arrested in France. In to-morrow's consistory Cardinal Gurk shall have the legation of Germany and leave afterwards * * *
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 403.
10 May. 2892. ST. PETER'S, GLOUCESTER.
Election of abbot. See GRANTS IN MAY, NOS. 22, 34.
10 May. 2893. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
See under 10 June, 1514.
10 May.
Galba B. III., 187. B.M.
[Received his] two letter, dated the last of April and the 5th of this; "also a letter to the Archduchess, and another [to Sir Robert] Wingfield, with copies of them both, and also the do[uble of the letter] that the said Sir Robert lately sent unto your grace." His letters mention return of the Emperor's letter, but it was not found in the packet. After despatching the post, made suit for audience; and my Lady, as unwell, sent the President of her Privy Council to appoint them the next day at ... o'clock, when they delivered Henry's letters. Desired licence under her seal to retain troops and necessaries in these parts, saying that although the Emperor had joined the truce, yet, as he was the confederate of England, he would doubtless consent. She excused herself, saying that any leave she could grant would not satisfy the troops engaged by the King. It must be had from the Emperor, whose resolution she expected by the next post, and as the Duke of Gueldres, who has been in France and is returned, might be troublesome, she would want the troops herself; to which they answered that the Prince's countries were presumably comprised in the truce. She refused to give any further answer touching the marriage. They said they marvelled she did not make some plain overture; as Count Felix's instructions proved that the Emperor had consented to the marriage being solemnized at Calais. She said she waited for the next post; that she thought the Emperor would be glad to make the King's resolution to persist in the enterprise an excuse for not joining the truce. Asked her to command the captains in Henry's wages to repair to their garrisons to be ready when called upon, to which she agreed, saying she would give the order in their presence to Nassau and others.
The President came subsequently to their lodging to say that the Emperor's resolution was expected within six days; and he told them that the great difficulty arose from the Emperor not having received the 30,000 crowns of gold, which should have been paid at Tournay to Fynsynger, especially as he knew of the 20,000 given monthly unto the King of Aragon, who is a rich and mighty prince; and he thought that "your grace might depart with like sum of money unto the Emperor, being poor." They told him of the King's bounty to the Emperor, and that the enterprise was for his good as much as for the King's. Advise a settlement with the troops that they may have no claim, after the 20th, for larger pay than they had in winter. Received his letters this morning by John Clyfford. Mechlin, 10 [May]. Signed: R. Wyngfeld, Wylliam Knyghte, Thomas Spin[elly].
Pp. 5, mutilated. Add.
10 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 8, f. 95. R.O.
2895. [5057.] MAXIMILIAN to LADY MARY.
Is sending to Henry VIII. Gerard de Playne, Lord De la Roche, and John Colla, and has ordered them to visit her. Vienna, 10 May 1514, reg. Rom. 29. Signed. Countersigned: Ja. de Bannissis.
P 1. Add.: Serenissime principi Mariæ archiduci Austriæ, principi Hispaniæ et duci Burgundiæ, filie nostræ charissimæ.
10 May.
Ib., f. 97. R.O.
2896. [5058.] MAXIMILIAN to HENRY VIII.
Credence in behalf of Gerard de Playna, Sieur De la Roche, president of the Council, and John Colla. Vienna, 10 May 1514, reg. Rom. 29, Hungar. 25. Signed. Countersigned: Ja. de Bannissis.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
10 May.
Ib., f. 98. R.O.
To the same effect. Vienna, 10 May 1514, reg. Rom. 29.


  • 1. Eleanor and Isabel;—the third sister, Mary, having already left Flanders (No. 2849) and the fourth being in Spain.
  • 2. Imperfect at the beginning.