Henry VIII: September 1513, 21-30

Pages 1023-1042

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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September 1513

21 Sept.
Ib., f. 43.
2289. [4463.] WOLSEY to the LORD CHAMBERLAIN.
The King desires you to pay the pioneers sent by the Emperor at the rate of 6d. a day, "as long as they shall be with you." St. Matthew's day. Signed: Thomas Wulcy.
P. 1. Add.
22 Sept.
Ven. Transcr.
195, f. 173.
How God has favoured the King's arms in France. The King gave Terouenne to the Emperor whose men burnt it, all except the church. Subsequent proceedings against Tournay. Long and detailed account of the battle of Flodden. (fn. 1) Tournay surrendered yesterday. Tournay, 22 Sept.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 10. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 316; Milan Calendar, I, Nos. 660–1.
22 Sept.
Sp. Transcr., I.,
5, f. 308.
Instruction to Armengol, his servant, to say to the Cardinal of San Angelo (Gurk):—
Is pleased with his services and has never written to Madame Margaret to his prejudice. If England, who has already obtained one victory over the French, continues victorious, the Pope should promote the enterprise against Venice. Inheritance of the two brothers Charles and Ferdinand. Hopes to live long enough to conquer Constantinople and place the Imperial crowns both of West and East on the head of his heir. France. Marriages of Infantas Maria and Isabella. Valladolid, 22 Sept. 1513.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, Nos. 133—4. Spanish. Modern. transcript from Simancas, pp. 9.
Sp. Transcr., I.,
5, f. 296.
Instructions for the Cardinal of Sorrento, Hieronymo de Vich, Ambassador, Christoval de Brizeño and Anton Seron, the bearer, to say to the Pope:—
The Pope has asked that his brother Giuliano de Medicis may be provided with a wife and estate. Has written to the Queen his sister to arrange for the daughter of the Duchess of Milan; but the match is difficult because the Duchess has already proposed for the Infante Ferdinand or the present Duke of Milan, and has also asked the Emperor to marry her daughter. Suggests the daughter of the Duke of Cardona as an easier match. With it Ferdinand would give the confiscated estates in Naples of the Duke of Urbino, and would ask the Emperor to grant Modena and Reggio, while the Pope could invest Giuliano with the Duchy of Ferrara. This must be kept secret or the Duke of Ferrara will join the Venetians.
The Pope also advises him to send ambassadors (he himself will send nuncios) to the Emperor and King of England, to encourage them if their war with France prospers, and, if not, to arrange a general peace; for his Holiness fears lest England make a separate peace. Has resident ambassadors with the Emperor and England, but, when informed by Anton Seron of the Pope's wishes, he sent an ambassador extraordinary to them, offering assistance as the French had at sea broken the truce. The English are successful and it would not be well to speak of peace. The ambassadors will see that the King of England entrusts the Pope with the making of a general peace, if necessary, and they will secretly arrange measures with the nuncios.
Italian league against Venice and France. The Venetian territories to be given to the Infante Ferdinand. Glad to hear that, at Gurk's instance, the Pope has already drawn articles for this league. The Pope could take Ferrara for himself. To induce God to favour the allies they should bind themselves to make war on the Infidels as soon as peace is restored to Christendom. A secret treaty between the Pope, Emperor and Ferdinand should be signed directly. The Venetians, &c.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 22. See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 132.
23 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 43.
2293. DEVIZES.
Memorandum that, Friday before the feast of St. Michael 5 Hen. VIII., John Beynton, esq., and Th. Bulstrode, John Bonham and Ant. Styleman, gent., at the request of Sir Walter Hungerford, Sir Edw. Darell and the mayor and brethren of the Devisez, reported upon the strife between Robert Brouker and Thomas Lymbowe, for the election of mayor of the town, as follows:—
The mayor and brethren said that every of the 12 men chosen to the rule of the town should give their voices with the "yeldens," The other party say that the "yeldens" alone should give their voices "and present it to the 12 men, and that the same 12 men should present it to the mayor and it so to be recorded." If the "yeldens" should be exempt from the mayor and his 12 associates Lymbowe has 10 voices (named) and Brouker 7 (named); but if the mayor and his 12 brethren give their voices all the "said 12" give theirs to Brouker.
Copy, p. 1.
23 Sept.
R.T. 144, f. 268.
2294. TOURNAY.
Henry VIII.'s letters patent reciting the conditions upon which he will receive the submission of Tournay. Camp beside Tournay 23 Sept. 1513.
French, pp. 4.
Ib., 137, f. 227.
2. [4466.] Submission to Henry VIII. by Charles de Crequy, the dean, John abbot of St. Martin, and Philip abbot of St. Nicholas des Pretz, according to the conditions specified in the King's letters patent (recited). Dated at the Camp, 23 Sept. 1513.
French. Modern copy, pp. 8.
* The following earlier documents (from the archives of the town) bearing on the siege of Tournay will be found in the Annales de la Société Hist. et Archiologique de Tournai (N.S., tom. V., pp. 359, etc.) They are among the Pieces Justificatives appended to an Article on Tournay and the English Occupation by M. Adolphe Hocquet. All the documents are in French.
ii. 12 July, 1513. Warning given by the four Consaux of the Town of the approach of the English who, aided by numbers of men from the adjoining countries, have laid siege to Therouenne. Orders taken with regard to the inhabitants.
iii. Order of the Emperor and the Archduke Charles forbidding their men of war to molest the inhabitants of Tournai and the bailliage. Lille, 3 Sept. 1513.
iv. The Consaux (having sent a deputation to Margaret of Austria at Lille and not having received a complete answer, likewise having received letters written to them two days ago by Louis XII. warning them of the advance of the Emperor and the King of England) have determined that trees in the neighbourhood dangerous to the town's surety be cut down, and the neighbouring houses shored up (faire estanchonner les maisons). "Sèance du 4 Septembre, 1513."
v. Contemporary narrative of the siege of Tournay, with the previous diplomacy of the town with Margaret of Savoy, and their communications with the Duke of Angouleme and Louis XII. Pp. 363–391.
vi. Credence of Ferry Carondelet, prothonotary, who arrived at Tournai on Saturday, 10 Sept. 1513, saying that his Imperial Majesty had been asked by the King of England whether the city was Imperial or belonged to the King of France, and said further that the Emperor made some treaty with it in the year '82, and that also there was a treaty between the King of France and the citizens of which he desired a copy with their answer.
vii. Order of the Consaux, 11 Sept. 1513, for the demolition of the houses near the gates of the town.
viii. Order, 11 Sept. 1513, for an oath to be taken by all persons engaged in the works of defence.
ix. Order, 12 Sept. 1513, to forbid entrance to the town to all persons seeking it, under colour of carrying the white cross and arms of France, till the chiefs de la loy of the town have obtained assurance about them.
x. Order, 13 Sept. 1513, to burn the faulxbourgs beginning with those of the porte Valencenoise.
xi. Deputation appointed by the town to the Emperor Maximilian, 14 Sept. 1513.
xii. Order of the Magistrat, 15 Sept. 1513, that all persons "estans en bannière" in the town immediately get their wives and children to carry up stones and other things to the walls to assist the men in the fortifications.
xiii. Order made Sunday, 18 Sept. 1513, to take steps that the "haulte tour blandignoise," which is now severely beaten by the great engines of the English, may fall into the town.
xiv. The Consaux on Thursday, 15 Sept., resolve to lay before the people the question whether their town is Imperial or French.
xv. Friday, 16 Sept. The determination of the people was put en surseance.
xvi. The people assembled par collèges de bannieres charge deputies to treat with Henry VIII.
xvii. Treaty of capitulation 23 Sept. 1513. Signed by Henry VIII.
Stowe MS. 146,
f. 82.
"The King's offerings paid by Sir John Daunce, knight, at sundry times," 6s. 8d. on each occasion, viz.:—
To Mr. Bensted: At the high altar at Christes-church, 21 June 5 Hen. VIII., at Our Lady Undercrofte, at the martyrdom of St. Thomas, at the high altar at St. Augustines and at St. Augustine's shrine, the same day; "at the high altar again" on 24 June; at St. Augustine's, 26 June; at Dover on St. Peter's Day, 28 June; at Calais, 3 July; at St. Mary Church, 7 July; at the Resurrection and at the high altar on 31 July; and in the Stapull Hall on Relic Sunday at receiving the sacrament and at the "offetory."
To Mr. Egerton: On 24 and 31 July.
To Mr. Garnesshe: In the field beside Turvyn on 6 Aug., on St. Lawrence Day, on 21 Aug., on St. Bartholomew's Day and on 28 Aug.; in the camp beside Tourney on St. Matthew's Day; and in three places within the city of Tourney on 23 Sept.
Pp. 2.
23 Sept.
Transcr., 2.
Surrender of Tournay. Heard to-day that the Swiss have made terms with the French. Madame has come to Tournay. The King of England. Camp before Tournay, 23 Sept. 1513.
Italian, modern copy, pp. 3. See Milan Calendar, I, No. 662.
23 Sept.
R.T. 137, f. 337.
2297. [4465.] LOUIS XII.
Order for the receiver general of Normandy, Jean Lalemant, to place at the disposal of the Count de Meaulevrier, Lieutenant of Normandy, and Louis de Vigars, Sieur de la Londe, the sums necessary for the equipment at Honfleur of the Scotch, Breton, and Norman vessels. Amiens, 23 Sept. 1513, 16 Louis XII.
French. Modern copy, pp. 2.
23 Sept.
Ven. Transcr.
176, p. 140.
2298. VENICE.
Commission of Pietro Lando, ambassador to the Pope, 23 Sept. 1513.
* * * To thank the Cardinal of York and desires his good offices with the King * * *
Italian. Modern extract. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 317.
23 Sept.
Pet. Mart. Ep.
No. 527.
2299. [4464.] PETER MARTYR to LUD. FURTADO.
Longueville marquis of Rothelin, with 100 gentlemen whom he commanded, Laclete and Bayart, have been taken prisoners at Terouenne. Palice, who commanded at Pampeluna, was wounded and taken, but let go on parole. Terouenne has surrendered. The army of England consists of 15,000 Germans, 34,000 English, besides artillery. The King and the Emperor sent letters to Ferdinand 23 Aug. The Swiss are preparing to attack Dijon. The Florentine ambassador now in Spain has received information that all France is in consternation. It is said the King of Scots has invaded England, with 40,000 men, after warning Henry he should do so if he did not desist from his enterprise against France. "Let him do it, and he may repent it," said Henry, for he should not desist from the enterprise. Queen Katharine, in imitation of her mother Isabella, who had been left regent in the King's absence, made a splendid oration to the English captains, told them to be ready to defend their territory, that the Lord smiled upon those who stood in defence of their own, and they should remember that English courage excelled that of all other nations. Fired by these words, the nobles marched against the Scots, who were then wasting the Borders, and defeated them. Their King is supposed to be among the slain. Valladolid, 23 Sept. 1513.
24 Sept.
Egerton MS.
2,014, f. 2.
Lately wrote an answer to his letter; but, thinking it will arrive late and having further successes to report, has decided to send this letter which is almost a copy of the last. Repeats the substance of No. 2270, adding to it that Tournay surrendered on the 23rd. The King of Scots was killed with almost all his nobles and a vast number of his people. Tournay, 24 Sept. 1513. Signed.
Latin, p. 1. Add.
Ven. Transcr.
195, f. 171.
2. Modern copy of the above, from the original at Milan, giving the date of Flodden, correctly, as 9 Sept.
Pp. 4. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 318.
25 Sept.
Harl. MS. 6,069,
f. 112.
2301. [4468.] TOURNAY.
"Knights made at Tourayne (Tournay) in the church after the King came from mass, under his banner in the church, 25 Dec., (fn. 2) 5th year of his reign"; viz., the Lord Awdeley, the Lord Cobham, the Lord Ric. Graye, the Lord Edw. Graye, Sir Henry Poole, Sir Anthony Wingfelde, Sir Tho. Tirrell, Sir Tho. Bourough, Sir Tho. Tyrrell of Heron, Sir Tho. Fairefax, Sir Tho. Lovell, Sir John Veer, Sir John Marney, Sir John Markham, Sir John Savage, Sir John Raglande, Sir John Nevill, Sir John Sharppe, Sir John Maynwaring, Sir Edw. Guylforde, Sir Edw. Belknapp, Sir Edw. Hungerforde, Sir Edw. Stradling, Sir Edw. Nevile, Sir Edw. Doon, Sir Edw. Ferrers, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Wm. Evers, Sir Wm. Husse, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Sir Wm. Brerton, Sir Wm. Essex, Sir Wm. Gryffyth, Sir Wm. a Parre, Sir Wm. Tyler, Sir Rauf Chamberlayn, Sir Ric. Sacheverell, Sir Ric. Tempest, Sir Ric. Jernyngham, Sir Robt. Tyrwhyt, Sir Rauf Egerton, Sir Gyles Capell, Sir Geoffrey Gates, Sir Christopher Willoughby, Sir Christopher Garneys, Sir Owen Perret, Sir Henry Owen, Sir James Fremlingham, and Sir Lewis Orell.
Copy, not contemporaneous, p. 1.
Harl. MS. 6,063,
f. 11.
2. Another later copy.
Pp. 2.
25 Sept.
Archæol. XXVII.
258. (fn. 3)
2302. [4467.] TOURNAY.
"De l'entrée du Roi Henri comme Roi de France et d'Angleterre," into the town of Tournay, Sunday, 25 September 1513.
On the surrender, the council of the town waited on the King to know when he would make his entry. He said, between 8 and 9 o'clock a.m. on Sunday. As the time was short, preparations were hastened for his reception. The council met the King at "la porte Sainte Fontaine." The keys had been given up the day preceding, by command of the chief councillor. Having met the chief of the town at the said gate, the King passed along the great street Saint Jaques, "par le Saingle sur le Marchie," and through the street of Our Lady, to the great church, where he saluted God and St. Mary, and then went to his lodging in the house of a canon named Simon Huland. As he returned through the same streets (which were hung with tapestry), all the bells were rung, and the officers of the said town, holding flambeaux in their hands, conducted him (with his princes and nobles on horseback before him, and his guard, with a great number following) to his lodgings. After dinner the chief of the law and the council presented to the King "six breucs de vin de Beaune," and the King confirmed the privileges of the town as he had promised, released the prisoners, &c.
25 Sept.
R.T. 144, f. 270.
2303. TOURNAY.
Licence for the public sale of property in Tournay, the officers of the town having represented that this is the only way to raise the 50,000cr. promised in the agreement for the town's submission and the further expenses of the King's entry. Tournay, 25 Sept. 1513, 5 Hen. VIII.
French. Modern copy, pp. 2.
Exch. Accts.,
56 (6). R.O.
"Costs and charges of vittelers of the Kinges armye by see" paid by John Daunce.
[Giving the names of the ships and their owners, their tonnage (paid at the rate of 15¾d. or 15½d.), wages of master, pilot, mariners, "gromettes" and pages, and dead shares. Each is paid for two months ending 23 to 28 May 5 Hen. VIII., and copies in Latin of the deeds of receipt, one dated 18 April 4 Hen. VIII., are entered.]
The ships are Sancta Anna, 170 tons, owner Peter Arnold; Sancta Maria de Gardelopa, 170, John Tylaghe; Jesus of le Rentrya, 140, John Sanz; Maria of Bilbow, 130, Martin de Anchereta; Mawdelyne of Sentsebastian, 150, Sebastian de Lakareta; Sancta Mary de la Groyn, 60, John Vedalle.
Large paper, pp. 5. Mutilated.
Ib. (15).
2. Continuation of the preceding as paid by Sir Thomas Wyndam, treasurer of the said army, containing:—
[No separate receipts, but amounts signed in margin by recipients.]
i. The reckoning for the above Spanish ships for a third month.
ii. Similar reckonings for English victuallers (tonnage at 12d.) for the month beginning 6 June (in margin "tercia mense"). The ships are the Trinyte of Hampton (140), the Margret of Lemyngton (50), &c., but many entries are altogether lost by mutilation. Several subsidiary documents are attached, viz. (1) Indenture signed by John Dawtrey witnessing payment made by him, Ric. Palshid and Nic. Cowart, to the master of the Trinity of Wyght; (2) signed certificate by Sir Thomas Howard that pay is due to the Antony Cradok; (3) signed memorandum by John Dawtrey that he paid the James of Andwarpe.
iii. Similar reckonings for English victuallers for the month beginning 4 July (in margin "quarta mense").
iv. A reckoning for the Mary James of Hamyll, Jesus of Asshe and Nicholas of Asshe for the month beginning 10 June 5 Hen. VIII. Attached is a holograph letter from J. Dawtrey to Mr. Treasurer certifying that this pay is due to the Mary James of Hamyll as "appoint by you and me, by the commandment of my lord of Wynchester and my lord Amyrall, for empty pipes." Howard's holograph order to pay is subscribed to this letter.
v. Similar reckonings for English victuallers for the month beginning 1 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII. (in margin "quinta mense ").
vi. The like for the month beginning 29 Aug. (margin "sexta mense").
Twenty long sheets of paper stitched together at the top and much torn and mutilated at the bottom.
Augm. Misc.
Book 315.
3. [5761.] Continuation of § 2 (for fighting ships, not victuallers).
[Giving names and tonnage of the ships, names of the captains and masters, number of soldiers, mariners, dead shares and gunners, the rate of pay of each man and the payments made under each heading, the entries being signed in the margin by the captains or their servants.]
f. 2. i. Month (in margin Quarta Mense) 4 to 31 July 5 Hen. VIII.
f. 3.
f. 4.
f. 5.
f. 6.
f. 7.
The ships with their tonnage, captains' names and number of men are:—King's ships: Trinity Sovereign, 1,000t., Lord Ferrers (with additional reward, f. 1) 720 men; Gabriell Riall, 1,000t., Sir Wm. Trevillian (signature W. Trevanyon), 607; Maria de Loreta, 800t., Cornwall and Courtenay, 589; Katerina Forteleza, 700t., John Flemyng, 522; Mary Rose, 600t., Thomas lord Howard, admiral of England, Edward Bray, captain of the ship, 402; Petyr Pomegarnett, 450t., Sir Wistan Browne, 288; John Baptist, 400t., Sir Thomas Wyndham, 304; Nicholas Rede, 400t., Sir Wm. Pyrton, 299; Gret Barke, 400t., Sir Henry Shernburne (f. 4a is a list of ten names and f. 4b a warrant, dated 19 June 5 Hen. VIII., by Thomas lord Howard to pay Shernburne for them as soldiers in "the King's great bark called The Herry of Grenewyche") and Sir Wm. Sydney, 263; Mary George, 300t., Maurice Berkley, 239½ (sic); Mary James, 300t., Ralph Ellercar, 249; Cryst, 300t., Th. Cheny, 216; Lesse Barke, 240t., Sir Stephen Bull, 186; Lezard, 120t., Christopher Coo, 100; Jenet Peryn, 70t., Th. Gurney, 59; Barbara of Greenwich, 160t., Edw. Yelverton, 126; Henry of Hampton, 120t., Wm. West, 133; Swepestake, 80t., Wm. Tolley, 68; Swallowe, 80t., Thomas Carrewe, 72; bark to the Mary Rose, 80t., Wm. Davison, master, 66; bark to the Kateryn Forteleza, Wm. Kenwode, master, 66; Mary and John [tonnage not given],_ (blank), captain, 151. (This for the month 8 July to 4 Aug., with Howard's warrant dated 16 July 5 Hen. VIII. for payment to be made to the purser, Roger Rothewell.)
f. 8.
f. 9.
f. 10.
f. 11.
f. 12.
f. 13.
f. 14.
f. 15.
f. 16.
f. 17.
Hired ships:—1. Trynyte of Brystoll, 160t., Ant. Poyntz, 130; 2. Christopher Davy, 160t., Edmond Wyseman, 157; 3. Nicholas Draper, 160t., Robert Draper, 148; 4. Mathwe, 240t., Matthew Cradok, 195; 5. (f. 9d.), Jermyn, 100t., Roger Bridges, 98; 6. Sabyn, 120t., Wm. Sabyn, 101; 7. Elizabeth of New Castill, 120t., Lewis Southern, 132; 8. Erasymus of London, 160, Ric. Mercer, 136; 9. Margret of Toppesham, 140t., James Knyvett, 100; 10. Baptist of Calyce, 120t., Charles Clyfford, 101; 11. Mary of Walsyngham, 120t., Ph. Barnard, 97; Mary of Bryxham, 120, Ric. Calthorp, 92; 12. Gybbes ship, 120t., Wm. Gybbes, 120; Julian of Dertmouth, 100, George Whitwombe, 103; James of Dertmouth, 120, Robert Appulyerd, 103; Margrete Bonawentur, 120, Ric. Berdisley, 101; 13. Christopher of Dertmouth, 120, Thomas Vowell, 98; Thomas of Hulle, 80t., Wm. Ellercar, 76; Baptist of Harwich, 70t., Wm. Harpour, 61; 17 (sic). Leonard of Fryscombald, 300t., Alex. Manachen, 245; Sancheo de Gara, _(portage blank), John Wallop, 271; Erasmus Sebastian, 250, Fras. Pygott, 192; Antony Montrego, 240t., James Delabere, 186; Sancta Maria de la Cayton, 200t., John Baker, 125; Great New Spaniard, 360t., George Throgmerton, 318; Second New Spaniard, called Sancta Maria Semago, 280t., Edw. Ichyngham, 218; 18 (sic). Myghell of Plymouth, 80t., Ric. Courteney, 70; 14 (sic). Mary Christopher, 140t., Wm. Symons, 120; 15. Mathwe of Bristoll, 150t., Wm. Migenall, 131; Mary Kateryn of London, 160t., Walter Loveday, 125; 16. Petyr of Fowey, 120t., Edmond Tylney and John Hansard, 86; Mary of Famouth, 90t., Roger Aldred, 84.
f. 18. ii. Month (in margin Quinta Mense) 1 to 28 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII. [Similar accounts.]
f. 19.
f. 20.
f. 21.
f. 22.
f. 23.
King's ships:—Gabriel Riall, Kateryn Forteleza, [Pet]yr [Pomeg]arnett, John Baptist, Mary Rose, Gret Barke, Mary George, Mary James, Lesse Barke, Lezard, Jenet Peryn, Barbara of Greenwich, Swallowe (Th. Danby, capt.), bark to the Mary Rose, Mary ... (Th. Carrew, capt.), Maria de Loreta, Nicholas Rede, Henry of Hampton, Swepestake, bark to the Kateryn Forteleza, Cryst.
ff. 24–26.
f. 27.
f. 28.
ff. 29, 30.
f. 31.
ff. 32, 33.
f. 36.
Hired ships:—Trynyte of Brystoll, Christopher Davy, Nicholas Draper, Mathewe Cradok, Jermyn, Sabyn, Elizabeth of New Castell, Erasmus of London, Margareta of Toppesham, Baptist of Calyce (not signed), Mary of Walsyngham, Gybbes ship, Christopher of Dertmouth, Baptist of Harwich, Mary Christopher, Mathewe of Brystoll, Peter of Fowey, Leonard of Fryscombald, Myghell of Plymouth, Second New Spaniard called Sancta Maria Semago, Thomas of Hulle, Mary Kateryn of London, Julian of Dertmouth, Trynyte of Hampton (140t., Ric. Calthorpe, capt., 92), Mary of Falmouth, James of Dertmouth, Antony Montrego, Sancta Maria de la Cayton, Sancheo de Gara, Erasmus Sebastian, Margaret Bonaventur, Great New Spaniard (f. 34 is a mere fragment of a warrant by [Thomas lord Howard] to Wyndham for payments in some "barke" and f. 35 is blank), Baptist of Calyce.
f. 37.
f. 1.*
iii. Similar paysheets" for certain days as hereafter appeareth," viz.:—For The Peter of Fowey, 120t., Edm. Tylney and John Hansard, 40 men, from 28 April to 8 May. The Vyncent of Fowey, 60t., Sir Wm. Trevenyon, owner, 32 men, from 14 March to 28 Aug., six several monthly entries.
Large paper, pp. 70.
Exch. Accts.,
56 (18).
4. Continuation of § 3 for the sixth month, beginning 29 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII. (for fighting ships, not victuallers).
The ships, tonnage and captains are:—Trynyte of Bristol, 160 tons, Ant. Poyntz; Christopher Davy, 160, Edm. Wyseman; Mathwe Cradok, 240, Matthew Cradok; Jermyn, 100, Roger Brydges, Christopher of Dertmouth, 120, Th. Vowell; Baptist of Harwich, 70, Wm. Harpour; Leonard of Dartmouth, 100, Ric. Mercer; Margaret of Toppesham, 140, James Knyvett; Peter of Fowey, 120, Edm. Tylney and John Hansard; Leonard Fryscombald, 300, Alexander Manachen (signed Alexandro Manzino); Mary Christopher, 140, Wm. Symons; Mathwe of Bristowe, 150, Wm. Mygenall; Michaell of Plymouth, 80, Ric. Courteney; James of Dertmouth, 120, Nic. Yelverton; Antony Montrego, 240, James Dalaber; Santa Maria de la Cayton, 200, John Baker; Sancheo de Gara, 310 (?), John Wallop; Erasmus Sebastian, 250, Fras. Pigotte; Great New Spaniard, 360, George Throgmerton; Nicholas Draper, 160, Rob. Draper; Mary of Walsingham, 120, Ph. Barnard; Margarete Bonaventur, 120, Ric. Berdisley; Vyncent, 60, Sir Wm. Trevanyon, owner, but no soldiers mentioned; Baptist of Calice, 120, Charles Clyfford, captain (other particulars lost by mutilation); two ships (headings lost by mutilation) of one of which the master's name is John Clerk, and of the other the captain is Ric. Calthorp.
Eleven large leaves of paper stitched together at the top, the last three being almost gone by mutilation.
Ib (29). R.O. 5. "Yet costs and charges of the said army by sea" paid for conduct money by me, Sir Thomas Wyndham, treasurer, upon special letter from the Council,—Sept., at the "breaking up of the said army" 26 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII.
[Giving, under ships, the names of the captains or others to whom the money was paid (who generally sign the entries), the places and distances from Portsmouth to which soldiers and mariners had to go and other particulars.]
The ships and captains are:—The Trynyte Sovereigne, Lord Ferrers, captain; Margarete Bonaventure, Wm. Davy, purser; Leonard of Torre, Ric. Mercer, captain; Barbara of Dyttysham, Wm. Gybbes; Baptist of Calice, Charles Clifford; Margarete of Toppesham, James Knyvet; Gret Newe Spanyard, George Throkmerton; Trynyte of Brystoll, Ant. Poyntz; Maria Doloreta, Mr. Cornwall (signed Richard Cornewayll—W. Courtenay); Christopher Davy, Edm. Wiseman; Erasmus Sebastian, Francis Pigott; Mathwe of Brystoll, Wm. Mygenall; Mathwe Cradok, Rice Manncell; Lezard, Chr. Coo; Gabriell Riall, Sir Wm. Travanyon; Anteny Montrego, John Hobert, pilot, and John Williams, priest; Jermyn of Toppesham, Roger Brydges; Sancheo de Gara, John Wallop; Maria Doloreta, Wm. Courteney; Cryste, Th. Cheny; Henry of Hampton, Wm. West; Peter Pomegarnet, Sir Wystan Browne; Sancta Maria de la Cayton, John Baker; Jamy of Dertmouth, Nic. Yelverton; Gret Nicholas, Th. Forgon, master; Christopher of Dertmouth, Th. Vowell; Vyncent of Fowey, Sir Wm. Travanyon, owner; Leonard Fryscombald, James Cartriche, priest, and Th. Bewley (or Buly), petty captain; Mary Christopher of Brystoll, Wm. Symons; Peter of Fowey, Edm. Tylney and John Hansard, captains; Trinyte of Ereth, Th. Wright, master; [here occurs an entry of 50s. for conduct of 20 surgeons from Hampton to London, signed by John Baker and Rob. Waterford]; Mary George, Th. Ewer, one of the ship's retinue; Maudlyn of Dover, Peter Yonge, master; Trynyte Sovereigne, John Clerke, master; John Baptist, Sir Th. Wyndham, treasurer of the army and captain of the said ship; _ (blank), John Kempe, master; Gabriell Ryall, Hervy Harward, master; Peter of Fowey, Rob. Hawley, master; Kateryn Gallye, Wm. Tutbald, purser; Kateryn Forteleza, John Flemyng.
Fourteen large sheets, mostly written on both sides, stitched together at the top.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 114. R.O. 2305. [4376.] NAVAL PAYMENTS.
File of warrants (now numbered from 144 to 344) addressed by the Lord Admiral to Sir Thomas Wyndham, as treasurer of the army by sea, for payments to pursers and others, for incidental expenses, some of them being merely warrants, others bills of particulars with the order to pay subscribed. The list of documents is as follows:—
[In the following list where the name of a ship is alone given the payment is to the purser for "necessary" expenses.]
i. By Sir Edward Howard (fn. 4).—Warrants.—(158) Pilot of the Gabriell to be paid 8 ducats per month. (207) Anthony Poynttes for wages of three ships of Bristow, countersigned: "By me, Anthony Poyntz." (320) Anne Gallont. (321) Swalow. (322) Master of the Mary Roose, for dead shares "which John Dancy left unpaid for the first month." (323) Gabriell Ryall. (324) Captain of the Jermyn of Toppessam, wages of soldiers for a week before the beginning of "this month" on 11 April. (325) M. Da Lapere, captain of the Anthony Montrygo, wages of his English pilot and surgeon for two months. (326) Les Bark (receipt by John Rede subscribed). (328) Lesard (receipt by William Fellow, purser, subscribed). (330) Jenett of Perwyn (countersigned: Thomas Pester). (331) Gabriell Royall (c. W. Trevanyon). (332) Barbara (c. Dave Aphowell). (334) Baptist of Caleys (c. Charlys Clyfford). (335) Captain of the Baptist of Caleys, wages, &c. (c. Charlys Clyfford). (337) Great Bark (Howard's signature lost; c. John Paynter). (338) John Baptist (c. John Dobbys). (339) Crist (c. John Bayley, purser). (340) Swepstaak (c. with a mark). (341) Mary James (c. Robert Welysme). (342) Barnard de Boyres, master gunner of the carrick called Kateryn Fortalesa, three months' wages aforehand from 14 March 4 Hen. VIII. (344) Woodles the loadsman for bringing "all the King's great ships through the Blak Deppes." Dated 22 March 4 Hen. VIII., Subscribed bills.—(156) Tonnage, &c., of the Leonard of Dartmouth. (329) William Megynall, for conveyance of 60 soldiers from London to Kendal by the King's command, 17 March, wages of 16 mariners of Brekelsey from 14 Feb. to 18 March and his own wages for a month at 18d. per day, subscribed with request (signed) by Sir Charles Brandon, to Master Almoner, to allow his chaplain conduct for the men as mustered by him at Islyngton, 18 March inst. Subscribed with Wolsey's (holograph) order to John Daunce to pay the conduct money. Further subscribed with Sir Edward Howard's order (holograph but much mutilated) for payment of the mariners. Signed: Per me Wyll'm Myghenall. (333) Necessaries bought for the Mary Christoper; countersigned: William Symons. (343) Petition of 19 mariners prested to the Harry Grace Dew who are appointed to the Antony Mowntrego, for a month's wages and board. Howard's order to Mr. Treasurer is to pay them, and he shall have "at more leisure a more formal bill for both our discharges."
ii. By Thomas lord Howard. (fn. 5) —Warrants.—(173) Conduct money homewards for 150 mariners in the Soverayen, now discharged by reason of a leak. (223) Martin Surrea, appointed by the King and Council to be pilot of the great carrick called Maria Doloreta, for two months from 16 Jan., at 8 ducats per month; dated 11 Oct. 5 Hen. VIII. (251) Edward Calcatt, purser of the Leonard of Dertmoth, for tarrying at Plymouth to convey Sir Piers Egecome and retinue to Hampton, &c. (266) Walter Loveday, captain of the Anne Gallant, 6l. 12s., to give each of his soldiers 2s.; because they lost all their victuals by the sinking of the said ship in Plymouth Haven when she was grounded in order to amend such hurts as she "took upon the rocks in Breten"; 9 July 5 Hen. VIII. (267) Edward Braye whom "I have appointed" captain of the Mary Rose, two months' wages at 18d. a day from 9 May; dated 18 June. (268) Mary Roose, for oars; 18 June 5 Hen. VIII. (270) Lord Ferres, 40l., towards keeping his men on land for six days when for lack of victuals "at our coming from Plymouth" they had to be landed; the King at his being at Hampton having authorised this; dated in the Downys, 20 June (holograph). (271) Captain of The Antony Mowntrego, a month's wages for the English pilot, 20s. (272) One month's wages from 9 May 5 Hen. VIII., to 111 soldiers whom Howard was commanded to bring but could not bestow in the Mary Roose until the retinue of his "brother Sir Edward Howard, late Admiral," was despatched; dated 18 June. (273) Martin Suerey, pilot of the Maria de Loreta, four months' wages, at 8 ducats, from 14 March to 6 June 5 Hen. VIII. (274) John Paynter and Stephen Pers, of Plymouth, for masts for the Gabriell Ryall; Plymouth, 21 May 5 Hen. VIII. (holograph). (275) John Soome, petty captain of the Lezarde, who rests at Portysmouth, sore hurt in the King's service in Breten, and has little money, 20s. (276) John de Urbena, purser of the Maria de Bylbo, tonnage, wages, &c., from 6 to 15 June. (278) Barbora of Grenewyche. (279) Davy Bonar, purser of the Petyrpomgranate; 15 June 5 Hen. VIII. (280–1) Captain of the Antony Mowntrego, for alterations in the ship: two warrants (holograph). (282) Sir William Travenyon, necessaries for "the ship." (283) Robert Myllys, for timber bought by Moptyde, the King's carpenter. (284) John Baptist of Calyce. (290, 298, 306, 308) Wm. Tudbull, purser of the Cateryn Galle. (291) John Balyff of Saltflitt "for having aland of the King's beef the which was driven on the shore, with Frenchmen at Bechyff, and for having aboard again," 20s. (292) King's Lessar Barke. (293) Wm. Tudbull and Ric. Gowzht, pursers of the two galleys. (294) Kateryn Forteleza. (295) Thomas Carew, captain of the Swalow, wages for 8 men. (296) Galy Mary Rosse. (297) John Frynde, purser of the Anne Galant. (299) Marchyt of Topsam. (300) Galy Mary Rosse. (301) Richard Courteney, captain of the Myghell of Plymouth, for wages, &c., from 17 April to 9 May 5 Hen. VIII., of the said ship admitted "a man of war" by the late Sir Edward Howard. (302) Richard Gough, purser of the Roose Galy. (303) Purser of the Swalo. (304) Wm. Tolley, captain of the row-barge called the Swepestake, for repairs. (305) Richard Acorneweylle, captain of the Carycke off Geyne, for a surgeon's wages. (307) John a Baptest Hopton. (309) Gret Barke. (310) Gabriell Ryall. (311) Gret Nycholas. (312) Mary James. (313) Harre of Hamton. (314) Maria de Larota. (315) Jenet off Pyrwyn. (316) Mary Rose. (317) Walter Loveday, necessaries for the Anne Gallant and repairs on the Mary Kateryn. (318) Criste of Grenewhich. Subscribed bills.—(159–60) Sir Rawff Ellerkar's bill (holograph, pp. 3) of "the percellis at I have paid for the Mary James sens she departed frome London," to Gravesend and Sandwich; and afterwards at Plymouth, Hampton and Portsmouth. (162–5) "The charges of the good ship called the Mare Rosse" from 14 March to 16 July, viz. at Wolweche (18 March) Sandwehe (25 March), Dartemuth, Plumht (10 May to 23 May), Hampton (4 June), Porttsmuht (8 June) and Sandwehe (22 June to 15 July). Remainder 28s. 10d. Pp. 6. (248) The "persellys that I, Thomas Chaplyn, porsser of the Nycolas Rede have leyd owt for the same schypp," from 13 March to 17 July. Signed: Wyllyam Pyrton. Pp. 2. (252) Repair of guns of the Mary of Fallmouth, signed: "per me Wyllyam Regent," Howard's order, dated 26 July, to pay the above as "laid out by the purser of the said ship." P. 1. (254–6) Costs laid out for the Swallowe, from 13 March to 15 July by John Ravon, purser; signed: By me Thomas Carow. Pp. 5. (257) List in the same handwriting of 13 "sowdears" (soldiers) who were each paid 5s. on Whitsunday. P. 1. (258–63) Costs headed The Gennyt Perwen, viz. at Sandwich (24 March), Plymouth (5 and 10 April and 8 May), &c., till 20 July. Pp. 6. (264–5) Costs "which I Sir Wi[lliam] Sydeney have leyd owt makyng portes and othir thynges necessary in the Grete Carike in tyme of the Kynges goyng over." Including 20s. for "a man that rode in post from Flouschyng to Cales." Howard's order is dated "in the Mary Rose," 12 July. P. 1. (269) Masts, &c., bought at Plymwothe. Signed: Water Deveroux. Howard's order is to pay John Clerk, master of the Sovereyne for the above as testified by "my lord Ferres." Small paper, p. 1. (277) Costs laid out for the Lezard by her captain. Signed: By me Cristofre Coo. Howard's order is dated 18 June. P. 1. (285–9) Account by Sir Thomas Wyndham of payments to the Trinyte, Mary Christopher and Mathewe, of Bristol, from 1 Feb. to 11 April 4 Hen. VIII. With Howard's warrants, dated 9 June 5 Hen. VIII., for these payments and two bills of particulars put in by the owners. The ships were taken up by Anthony Poyntz, esq., and payments received by John Shipman. Pp. 5.
iii. By the same as Earl of Surrey.—Warrants.—(144) Leonard of Dertmouth appointed by Surrey to serve instead of the Erasmus of London. (145) Trynyte of Hampton instead of the Mary Bryxham. (146) Sovereign, as ordered by letters from the Lords of the King's Council. (147) Mary Kateryn of London instead of the Anne Gallant. (148) Michaell of Plymouth, as ordered by Mr. Almoner's letter. (149) To pay all pursers at the rate of 8d. a day. (150) Soldiers in the Swallowe and Henry of Hampton who, as commanded by Mr. Almoner's letter, were transferred from the Nicholas of Hampton "which went to 'vorek' in the Trade in Breten." (172) John Brereley, purser of the Mary Rose, 29s. 10d. (218) William Harper for an anchor for the Kateryn Galye and oars for the John Baptist. (219) John Darillyo, pilot of the Gabriel Riall, left unpaid by John Daunce, arrears of two months at 8 ducats. (220) Anthony Poyntz for wages of three ships of Bristol. (221) Wm. Hosey, clerk of the ordnance "now within this army," wages at 12d. from 1 June to 28 Oct. (224) Martin Surrey, purser of the Maria Doloreta, for 3 months from 4 July, still unpaid. (225) John Clerk, master of the Trinyte Sovereign, for price of an eight-oared boat for the Mary Imperiall, 4l. (226) Harry of Hampton. (229) Alex. Manachen, captain of Fryscombald's ship for a cable delivered to Wm. Bucker. (230) Grette Nycholas. (231) Coxswain of the John Baptist, fetching an anchor left before Calais when the King went over. (232) Christopher Davy. (233) Second New Spanyard. (234) John Baptist of Calies. (235) John Chelle, carrying "a Frenchman prisoner to my lord of Canterbury and other of the King's Council." (236) The master of the Christopher Davy (Harper ?) for oars for the Gabriell Royall. (237) Julian of Dartmouth. (238) Andrew Fysche, one of the gunners of the Mare Roose "to heal him of his hurts," 13s. 4d. (240) Men of Rye bringing the Davy's boat to Portsmouth for the Gabryell Ryall. (241) Sir Weston Brown, beer bought at Sandwich because contrary winds prevent his getting victual from Hampton. (242) Catteryn Galey. (243) John Dawtre, oars for the John Baptist. (244) Wm. Tolley, oars for the Swepestake. (249) Two men of Chechester for "bringing of certain prisoners from Chechester to Portsmothe." (250) Brewers of Sandwich, because Surrey intends "to tarry here in the Downys for the coming of the Scottish fleet and [is] as now unprovided of beer for this whole army because of contrary winds." (319) Rose Galye and the Kateryn Galye. (327) Less Bark. (336) * * * (half of a warrant similar to the preceding which ship's name and most of the signature missing). Subscribed bills.—(152–5) "Costs done on this ship called The Hare of Hampton," by Wm. Heton, purser, since she came out of Thames, beginning with the purchase of boards from the mayor of Dover, 28 March, signed as witnessed: by me Will'm West. Total, 6l. 9s. 3d.; with Heton's acknowledgment of receipt on 29 Sept. 5 (sic) Hen. VIII. Pp. 5. (161) John Kempe, master of the Grett John Baptyst for fetching cables at Sandwich, Wyte and Hampton and for "buoying of Portsmouth Haven when the great ships came in"; total, 6s. 8d. Surrey's warrant is to "pay the said noble." P. 1 (166–70) Receipts and payments of John Newton, purser of the Marya Delarota from 13 March to 10 Aug., viz. at Plymouth (7 April to 4 May), Saltash (14 and 15 May), Hampton (7 June) and Portsmouth (27 July). With separate headings for repairs on "the Regyon is boote" (boat) and expenses for "ye same boote" at "our returning from Whitson Bay." Pp. 6. (174–7) Expenses upon the Kateryn Forteloza, by Wm. Bucker, purser, from 18 April to 3 Sept. when he "payd to Master Pavn's servant of Porchemo" 5s. 4d. for timber. Each section signed by John Flemyng, who also received a payment on account on 4 June. Residue of 3l. 17s. 5d. Signed (with a mark). Pp. 6. (178) John Byrdwod, purser of the Julian of Dartmouth for her costs "at Plemewthe." P. 1. (179–80) Costs laid out by Thomas Chaplyn, purser, for the Gret Nycolas Red since 26 July. Signed: Wyllyam Pyrton: per me Tomas Champlayn. Pp. 2. (181–4) Costs upon "The Gabryll Ryall carryke, John Elyn purcer," viz. at Plymouth "before the army went into Braeytayn" and after it returned, at Portsmouth when the army returned from Plymouth and at Sandwich. Signed: W. Trevanyon. Pp. 6. (185–6) Costs of John Dobbes, purser of the John Baptist, by command of the Lord Admiral "that dead is" and Sir Thomas Wyndham, treasurer of the army by sea and captain of the said ship, who sent him from the Downs to Greenwich with letters to the King's Council on Easter Eve and thence to London to hasten the rest of the victuals; also other costs by command of the Lord Admiral "that now is." Signed: Per me John Dobbys: T. Wyndam. Pp. 2. (187–92) Expenses "that I Davy Boner, porsser of the Petyr Pomgarnatha hathe p'd for the eusse of the fforseyd schipe," from 10 June 5 Hen. VIII., when he received a great cable from John Dawtry at Hampton. Also (in different hand) of stuff bought by Davy Boner for the Petter Pomgarnada in April, May and June 5 Hen. VIII. Each section signed: Wystan Broun, k. Pp. 6. (193–6) Repairs on the John a Baptist from 15 March to 30 Sept. Signed: Per me John Dobbys. (197–8) John Veysy, purser, for expenses of the Soverayn "since her departing out of Temys," viz., at Plymouth and Portsmouth. Certified (with a mark) by John Clarke, 1 Oct. P. 1. (199–206) Receipts and payments of William Tudboll, purser, for the Caterryn Galle from 10 May till she was "driven a land at Hamton," and also previous to 10 May. Each section signed by John Flemyng. The whole signed by Tudboll. Pp. 7. (208–11) Receipts and payments by John Bayly, purser, for the Criste of Lynne from 13 March to 7 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII., viz., at Sandwich (16 March), Plymouth (6 April), Hampton (1 June), Sandwich (8 July) and Hampton (29 Aug.). Signed: By me John Bayly: Thomas Cheyny. Pp. 6. (212–17) Receipts by William Tolley, captain, and payments by Peter Master, purser, for the Swypstake since she left the Temmys, from 22 March to 6 September when 1d. was paid at Portsmouth "for menddyng of the Mary Imperyall chaynewalle." Signed by Tolley (with a mark) and master. Pp. 6. (222) Holograph bill by Sir Rawff Ellerkar for "parcellis at I have paid for the Mary James by commandment of my lord Admerall." Large paper, p. 1. (239) Costs of Harry Haylys, one of Sir T. Wyndham's clerks who was sent from Dartmouth, on Friday, 29 April to the King's Council "for divers instructions," and commanded by Master Almoner, one of the Council, to attend upon him "for the said instructions," 24 days, at London. Other papers.—(151) Expenses, mostly boat hire and horse hire between London, Portsmouth, Sandwich and Gravesend, in connection with a ship which, upon accountant's sending "Stowell" to London to the Council, was ordered from Hampton to Sandwich. "Sir Hew Foreman" and "Blake the quarter master" were also sent to London at different times. Mutilated fragment. Begins: "Item, in primis for 2 hogges heddes of bere at Mergat when ... of maryners abord." (157) Bill of receipt by Wm. Heton, purser of the Harre of Hampton, from Sir Th. Wyndam, treasurer, 26 Aug., to buy a "small warpe," 10s. 10d. (171) Bond by Edmond Tylney and John Hansserd, captains of the Peter of Foyey to Sir Thomas Wyndam, to sue a warrant from the Lord Admiral for 9l. 16s. 3d. which he has paid for wages of their ship from 24 April to 8 May. Sealed 28 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. (227–8) Receipts from Sir Thomas Wyndham: (a) By John Clarke, master of the Soveraeyn, of an eight-oared boat 29 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. (b) By Wm. Bucker, purser of the Kateryn Forteleza, a cable received out of Fryskaballes ship 22 May in Plymouth Sound. (245–6) Six memoranda of payments by Henry Haylys, servant of Sir Th. Wyndham, treasurer of the army by sea, to brewers of Sandwich for beer 25 July 5 Hen. VIII. (signed by the brewers) followed by a holograph memorandum by "William Hatteclyff, servant unto Master William Hatteclyff, one of the clerks of the King's Green Cloth," of his expenditure upon the "drawing and cooperage" of the same beer (84 tuns 1 hd.). Total (with Harry Heylys costs) 71l. 16s. 11d. Pp. 3.
26 Sept.
Eras. Ep. VII., 20. [Edit. Allen, I., 274.]
2306. [1870.] ERASMUS to GONELL.
His horse always returns fatter and more spirited, showing the care and diligence of his nurturing. Begs him to continue his attentions. Camb., 6 kl. Oct. 1511.
26 Sept.Sanuto, XVII., 82. 2307. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 24, 25, 26 and 29 Sept. 1513.]
From the ambassador Foscari, at Rome, 20 Sept.—The French ambassador has shown him letters of the 15th from Lyons, from Mons. de Tremouille, about an agreement made with the Swiss. The Florentine ambassador writes on the 8th, from Amiens, that the King of England is going to camp before St. Quentin. The Scots will fail because they want money and France cannot send it either by land or sea.
Ib., 86. From Dom. Costenza, Lyons, 17 Sept.—News similar to the above.
Ib., 92. From the Signory of Florence to Pietro Bibiena, 18 Sept.—Similar but fuller news of English and French armies.
Ib., 93. From the Florentine ambassador to his Signory, Amiens, 5 Sept.—Rout of the English by the Scots. Rumor that the Emperor directs the war for the English.
Ib., 98. From Ambassador Foscari, Rome, 24 and 26 Sept.—News of the 7th and 19th from Amiens that 14,000 Swiss have arrived in camp and also the Duke of Gueldres with 10,000 lanzknechts. The English are going against Tournay. The Pope greatly desires the agreement between the Emperor and Venice. King of Spain ill.
Ib., 100. From Vettor Lippomano, Rome, 24 and 26 Sept.—* * * The English, marching towards Paris, are encamped before Tournay. The Scots have defeated the English and the Queen has recalled her army from Scotland.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, Nos. 319–324.
27 Sept.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, ff. 44–62. R.O.
Warrants to Sir John Cutte, Undertreasurer, for payments for the Ordnance, viz.:—
i. Signed by Shrewsbury and Lovell.—(1) To pay Thomas Hert, the King's master gunner, 95l. ... s. 5d. for making serpentine powder. Westm., 17 Dec. "the f[ourth] yere of the reigne," &c., Henry VIII. (Slightly mutilated.) (2) To deliver in prest to Sir Sampson Norton, master of the Ordnance, 800l. London, 23 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. (3) To pay John Richardes, of London, draper, for 1,400 "Romney bowstaves of enugh," reckoning six score to the hundred, a 3l. 10s. the hundred. London, 29 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. (4) To deliver Sir Sampson Norton, master of the Ordnance, 500l. London, 4 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII.
ii. Signed by Herbert and Lovell.—(5) To deliver Sir Sampson Norton, master of the Ordnance, 1,000l. London, 28 Feb. 4 Hen. VIII. (6) To pay Th. Cavalcanty for saltpetre. London, 6 April 4 Hen. VIII. (7) To pay Hugh Clopton, mercer, 642l. 18d., for saltpetre. London, 23 April 4 Hen. VIII.
iii. Signed by Lovell.—(8) To pay Robert Fyssher, one of the King's gunners 50 mks. towards making gunpowder. 31 May 5 Hen. VIII. (9) To pay Robert Fissher, 10l. 11s. 2d. due for making gunpowder. 31 May 5 Hen. VIII. (10) To pay Hans Wolfe, gunpowder maker, in prest, 50l. London, 2 June 5 Hen. VIII. (11) To deliver 100l. in prest to Cornelius Johnson, smith, for gun making. London, 21 June 5 Hen. VIII. (12) To deliver 60l. in prest to Hans Wulf, for making gunpowder. Baynaudes Castell, 13 July 5 Hen. VIII. (13) To pay Ric. Fawkener and Rob. Fyssher 50 mks. towards making gunpowder. London, 16 July 5 Hen. VIII. (14) To pay Richard Fermer, merchant of the Staple, 47l. 17s. for gunstones. London, 22 July 5 Hen. VIII. (15) To deliver Hugh Fuller, in the absence of Sir Sampson Norton, master of the Ordnance, 500l. in prest for ordnance made since Norton's departing to Calais. London, 13 July 5 Hen. VIII. (16) Like warrant dated 23 July 5 Hen. VIII. (17) To pay Peter Corse, merchant of Florence, 35l. 12s. 6d. for 95 hacbusshes delivered to Sir Richard Cholmeley. London, 4 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII. (18) To pay Ric. Fawconer and Rob. Fyssher, for making gunpowder. London, 15 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII. (19) To pay Hans Wolffe for making gunpowder. London, 27 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII.
Each, p. 1.
27 Sept.
Milan Transcr., 2. R.O.
Conversation with Don Pedro Vier, who said England could not carry out this enterprise without Ferdinand. Jousting. The English ambassador has spoken to him of the Swiss and the coldness of the Pope and Duke of Milan. Assured him that the Duke's failure to help was due to lack of power, not of goodwill, and pointed out that to be secure the Duke must have not only the fortresses of Milan and Cremona but that of Genoa. Description of Tournay. Tournay, 27 Sept. 1513.
Italian, modern extracts, pp. 6. See Milan Calendar, I, No. 664.
28 Sept.
Add. MS. 15,387, f. 1. B.M.
2310. [4470.] HENRY VIII. to LEO X.
Received with due reverence letters of his Holiness announcing his assumption of the Pontifical dignity. Though he has already written to congratulate him cannot express his joy at the hopes he conceives from his timely elevation. Will send ambassadors to declare his obedience. Nothing would be more agreeable to him than the expedition proposed by Leo against the Infidels if affairs were once settled in Christendom. Tournay, 28 Sept. 1513.
Lat., modern copy, pp. 5.
28 Sept.
Sanuto, XVII., 180.
2311. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 12 Oct. 1513.]
From Marco Dandolo, ambassador, Amiens, 28 Sept.—English and French armies both good, but agreement is practised. The King of France says the Emperor is captain and the King of England his treasurer. The King has turned back the Swiss and sends two ambassadors to entertain them.
29 Sept.
Lit. Cantuar. (J. B. Sheppard) III. 437.
Again commands him to obey the ordinances in the cause between him and the bp. of Winchester. He has been requested, twice by the King's letters and once by the Queen, to certify his acceptance of them; and it was by his assent and to his advantage that the King undertook the matter. Tourney, 29 Sept. (A.D. 1513).
29 Sept.
Sanuto, XVII., 235.
2313. VENICE.
[Report sent from England 29 Sept.]
Scottish lords (fn. 6) killed 9 Sept. 1513, as reported at Venice 22 Oct.—
Jacobus Scotorum rex. Archiepiscopus Sancti Andreæ. Episcopi: Ilensis (Isles), Retnensis (Caithness). Abbates: Ynchafiensis (Inchaffray), Riliunensis (Kilwinning). Comites:—Luintherensis (Rothes ?), Retnensis (Caithness), Montis Rosae (Montrose), Crafordiae (Crawford), Argiliae (Argyle), Linuensis (Lennox), Leutaniae (Glencairn), Castiliae (Cassillis), Mercensis (Morton), Batellis (Bothwell), Areliae (Errol), Athelicae (Atholl). Domini:—Lovetus, Forbes, Elvestonensis (Elphinstone), Underbiensis, Maxuellus, Sancti Cleri. Marchio Leonensis (MacLean). Marchio Cloemae (MacIan). Domini:—Jo[annes de] Gravute (Grant), Anguries (Master of Angus), Roes (Ross), Semphilius (Sempill), Borthire (Borthwick), Alril (Erskine). Secretarius regius. Dominus Davusi (Dalhousie), gallus (fn. 7). Alexander Seton, eques auratus. Gul. Stoit (Scott), eques. Joannes Heme (Hume), eques. Dominus Clorin (Colville). Decanus Clausquensis (Glasgow). David Heme, eques. Curtbertus Heme de Castello (Fastcastle).
In the first fight were taken 200 Scots and eight nobles slain, [viz.:—] Dominus Huntheliae, Georgius Home fuit gubernator Scotiae. Dominus Philippus, filius primogenitus domini de Nesbethe. Dominus Humus junior. Dominus avunculus (fn. 8) domini Sancti Johannis. Ugo Duglas. Dominus de Huton.
Spoils of the Scottish camp. Scotland has now only four lords alive, viz., Camerarius, Hamilden, Mariae, Helys.
"Cadaver Scotorum Regis adductum est Eboratum, ideo quod venit ante festum divi Michaelis civitatem Eboracensem, quam dixerat se capturum."
Adam Forman, who bore the King of Scot's banner and was taken alive, is brother of the schismatic bishop of Murray. Besides lords and earls, 20,000 men fell. The Earl of Surrey created 33 knights after the fight. Ab Anglia, 29 Sept. 1513.
Latin. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 341.
29 Sept.
Exch. Accts., 85 (20). R.O.
Butler's account for the port of Southampton for the year ending Mich. 5 Hen. VIII. (Accountant not named.)
Showing owners of ships, dates of entering, names of merchants who had wines in them and amounts taken. Twenty-eight ships.
Latin, pp. 12.
Exch. Accts., 85 (14). R.O. 2. File of four receipts given by Sir Robert Southwell, Chief Butler of England, to Nic. Cowart, his deputy in Southampton, for money arising from prisage and butlerage, viz. 14 May 2 Hen. VIII., 21 May 5 Hen. VIII., 10 March 3 Hen. VIII. and 31 May 3 Hen. VIII.
Each, small paper, p. 1.
29 Sept.
Ib., 220 (7 i). R.O.
[For previous accounts see Nos. 109, 579, 875 and 1406.]
[Lupton's account for the Hanaper for the year ending Michaelmas 5 Hen. VIII.]
First leaf missing, the second mutilated. Total receipts, 1,790l. 4s. 10d.
Payments as before. John Hoxston and Sampson Crompton, jointly, as spigurnel. A payment of 20d. for mending lez pynnez of the Great Seal. Annuity to Thomas Howard duke of Norfolk (sic), as earl marshal (under pat. 10 July ao 2). Fee to Wm. Throgmerton, clk., prothonotary of Chancery (pat. 20 Nov. ao 2). Annuities to Sir Robert Southwell (pat. 22 April ao 5), to Wm. Fitzwilliam and Mabel his wife (pat. 30 June ao 5) and to Shene priory (pat. 16 July ao 4).
Statement of stuff remaining in store.
Latin, mutilated, pp. 9.
Ib., 220 (8). R.O. 2. List of writs, letters patent and charters sealed in 5 Hen. VIII. within the time of "this account" remaining in the Hanaper because no one has sued for them.
Giving the number of writs sealed on twelve days (specified) between Saturday, 20 Nov., [1512,] and Friday, 1 July, [1513,] in all 432 writs which remain together with the charters of Rob. Eglisfeld and Ric. Verney de communi gratia and Wm. Knyvet de speciali pardonatione. Also a list of 25 charters in one group and 10 in another (giving nature, name of person and the date of the warrant of pardon) of which the fees (specified) were pardoned.
Latin. Parchment roll of two membranes.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 63. R.O. 3. Memorandum of Hanaper receipts for the year 5 Hen. VIII., giving the numbers of writs, patents, &c., and the total receipts under each heading, in all, 1,790l. 4s. 10d.
P. 1.
29 Sept.
Exch. Accts., 296 (6). R.O.
Particulars of the account of Wm. Stafford, keeper of the Mint, for the year ending Mich. 5 Hen. VIII., as delivered 24 Jan., showing the monthly receipts of bullion from Lord Mountjoy; endorsed with tabulated statement showing the King's profits as, on gold, 108l. 7s. 4¼d., and, on silver, 60l. 5s. 7½d.; and the master's, on gold, 298l. 0s. 1 ¾d., and, silver, 301l. 8sd. (Like No. 185.)
ii. The above "particulars," in English, with memorandum at the foot that 110l. 10s. 10d. must be deducted for fees, 50l. "for lacking of fees for the year before," and 6s. 8d. for "oder pauper, inke, fyle, cure, ledder and threde." Marked as delivered by the Controller's attorney, Th. Awnsham, 27 Jan. 5 Hen. VIII.
Two large parchments in original leathern bag endorsed: Turris London: Particule, &c., "Cum uno rotulo Henrici Wyate, militis, contrarotulatoris infra predictam Turrem, ac alibi infra regnum Anglie," &c.
L.T.R. Foreign
.Accts., 120, ro. 4. R.O.
2. Audited account of Wm. Stafford for the year ended Mich. 5 Hen. VIII., in the same form as No. 876, the principal variations being as follows:—
i.—(1) 406l. 7s. 6d. (2) 361l. 13s. 8d.
ii.—(1) 599l. 8s. 2¼d.
29 Sept. 2317. CALAIS ACCOUNTS.
See later, under 6 October, No. 2337.
30 Sept.
R.T. 114, f. 223. R.O.
2318. [4472.] TOURNAY.
Proclamation by Henry VIII. of his having accepted the submission of the town. Tournay, 30 Sept. 1513, 5 Hen. VIII.
French. Modern copy, p. 1.
2. Further abstracts (fn. 9) from the Archives of Tournay printed in the "Annales de la Société Historique et Archiologique de Tournai" (N.S. tome v. pp. 403, 404).
xviii. Confirmation by Henry VIII. of the privileges of the town of Tournai. Tournay, 30 Sept. 1513. (French.)
xix. Order to return the arms delivered to the people within the last fifteen days for the defence of the town. 30 Sept. 1513.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 65. R.O. 2319. TOURNAY.
Bond of the citizens of Tournay to swear fealty every third month, or oftener if required, and keep obedience to Henry VIII.
Latin. Draft, much corrected, pp. 6.
30 Sept.
Vitell. B. II., 35. B.M. Rym. XIII., 378.
On his exaltation, with three others (fn. 10), to the cardinalate, offers his services. Rome, 30 Sept. 1513. Sig. burnt away.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. Endorsed: "Cardinalis de Medicis."
Exch. Accts., 56 (11). R.O.
Bills for iron work wrought by Ralph Wylde, blacksmith, and delivered to Nic. Roberdes, of Hownslow, the King's wheeler, for ordnance and "vare" carts, June to Sept. 5 Hen. VIII.
Seven narrow pages written on the one side only.
[R.T. 137, f. 67.] R.O.
2322. [4484.] SCOTS IN FRANCE.
Letters of naturalization granted to them by Louis XII., in view of the long and close alliance between France and Scotland for their mutual security, especially against the English, and the services of the Scots in aid of Charles VII. who took 200 of them to the guard of his person, viz. 100 men of arms (or lances) and 100 archers of whom 24 are called archers of the Body; and that although (as the bp. of Bourges, bp. of Murra, at present ambassador from the King of Scotland, and Robert Stuard sieur d'Aubigny, captain of the Scottish Guard, have always maintained) when the Scots were called to France, it was agreed that all persons of either realm who should go to dwell in the other might dispose of their goods by will, and this has always been allowed in Scotland, letters of naturalization have been required in France. Amiens, Sept. 1513, 16 Lewis XII. Witnesses: the Cardinal of Prie, the Bishop of Paris, Maître Pierre de la Vernade, master of requests ordinary, and others (not named).
French, modern copy from Paris, pp. 4.
Harl. MS. 1,244, f. 304. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
French, p. 11.
Add. MS. 30,666, f. 280b. B.M. 3. Another modern copy.
French, pp. 8.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 5, f. 70. R.O. 2323. [4483.] INSTRUCTION for LORD DACRE.
... "King's grace, or at least wise the Queen of Scots, being ordered by the King's highness, may the rather cause the said young King to be also ordered and ruled by the King's grace, and his grace to set such protectors and rulers as he shall think good." The "said Lord Dacres" shall endeavour what he can to have the young King of Scots placed in the hands of the King of England, who is his natural guardian. In the above Dacres shall be careful to give the Scots no reason to remove the young King into any out isles or other parts, where he shall be in further danger and more difficult for the King to attain. Is to inform the Lord Chamberlain that the Queen of England, for the love she bears to the Queen of Scots, would gladly send a servant to comfort her. Is to advertise the Queen of all occurrents.
P. 1. First leaf lost.
Exch. Accts., 56 (28). R.O. 2324. THE SCOTCH INVASION.
Account of Richard Gough for grain sent northward, in July 5 Hen. VIII., for victualling of Thomas earl of Surrey, treasurer, &c., and his host in wars against the King of Scots.
Showing the ships in which it was sent and the amounts and price of the parcels, and names of those who supplied them, as well as charges at Newcastle and Berwick for measuring, storing, &c. Gough himself asks wages at 3s. 4d. the day for 122 (altered from 152) days from 12 July 5 Hen. VIII. and a reasonable reward to John Talbot, customer of Hull, and John Coket, searcher, who were in commission with him, and also 30l. 10s. for salmon which was lost in the ship of—(blank) Beryff, of Bryculsaye.
Pp. 19.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 5, f. 31. R.O. 2325. [4442.] SPOILS OF FLODDEN.
Memorandum concerning harness taken at the Scottish field, much of which was there sold by William Gur, armourer, and 350 sets (described) which remained unsold were by him left with Harry Coste, sheriff of Nottingham, as appears by indentures. Gur has also sold 20 more and the "money is owing for it to this day." Carriage, &c., of the harness remaining stands the King in 400 mks. "This harness" was delivered by Sir Thomas Lovell and Sir John Cutt, by indenture, to Gur "and other moo."
P. 1.
Exch. Accts., 56(16). R.O. 2326. TRANSPORTS.
"The accompt of Miles Gerrard and William Hatteclyff, commissioners for setting over the Kinges Grace and his army ryall into Fraunce," in 5 Hen. VIII.
Miles Gerrard's account:—
He has received from Sir John Daunce, 840l.
He has paid for transport at Dover, viz., ships hired by the month from 25 May to 21 July 5 Hen. VIII. (giving masters' names, number of mariners, tonnage, dead shares, &c.), ships hired by the voyage including one hired "to set over the ambassadors of Spayne" and three others "setting over to Calice divers of my lord Lysle retinue," his own costs about survey of victualling when he accompanied Wm. Hatteclyf from 14 March to 23 May, ao 5, and his payments for messengers, proclamations, Dutch interpreter, &c., payments to 22 hoys, by decree of the Council, for 38 days from 1 July ao 5 and expenses connected with them, including 100s. reward to Thomas Blount, clerk to William lord Mountjoye, and, finally, payments made to certain shipmasters on the King's warrant. Total 840l. 18s. 1d.; which leaves accountant in surplus 18s. 1d. "allowed in his reckoning towards the Scottish field."
Pp. 15.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 69. R.O. 2327. ORMESBY, Norfolk.
Account of the receipt and disposal of corn rents of the manor of Ormesby in the years 1 to 5 Hen. VIII. Many tenants and carriers named. Most of the corn seems to have been malted and sent to Yarmouth.
Large paper, pp. 8.
Has broken off all negociations with France and will never make peace without consent of the Pope, Emperor, and England. Madame Margaret writes that the Swiss have invaded France from Savoy. England carries on the war vigorously. The Pope should not miss this opportunity, and should reconcile himself with Ferrara and provide for defence of Italy.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 127.
Ib. 2329. THE SAME to THE SAME.
The Venetians, determined not to make peace with the Emperor, count upon France expelling the English and sending an army to Italy. The proposed Italian alliance. Vich and Brizeño wrote, 20 Aug., that the Pope, at Gurk's instance, had already drafted articles. Pay of armies in Italy. A separate secret treaty with the Pope should provide for the Pope's getting Modena and Reggio and the duchy of Ferrara (the present Duke can never be trusted) and Brescia and other places conquered from Venice going to the Prince.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 128.
1. Ralph Ryveley, gentleman, and Robert Bell, yeoman, late of Dodington, Northumb., alias of Norham in the liberty of the Bishopric of Durham. Pardon. Camp near Terouenne, 1 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Sept. P.S. (filed wrongly in 4 Hen. VIII.). [4430.]
2. Thomas Manfeld. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 4 Jan. 18 Hen. VI. (to Robert Manfeld and his heirs, free warren in Taplowe, Hecham and Heddesore, Bucks).
Mortlake, 1 Sept. [5 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 49, No. 2.
3. The Scots.
i. Commission of array for Sir Thomas Lovell, K.G., in the counties of Nottingham, Derby, Warwick, Leicester, Stafford, Rutland, Northampton, and Lincoln, and the neighbouring counties, if convenient (subject to the commands of Queen Katharine, Regent) against the Scots. Teste Katharina. Westm., 3 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. Warrant to Sir Thomas Lovell, K.G., to punish all who obstruct the above. Teste Katharina. Westm., 4 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII.
iii. Commission to Sir Thomas Lovell, K.G., to hear and determine as to all treasons, murders, &c., in the absence of Thomas earl of Surrey, marshal of England, captain-general against the Scots. Teste Katharina. Westm., 7 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: "Katherine the Qwene." Countersigned: T. Englefild, Robert Southwell, R. Becansaw, John Cutte). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22d. Rymer XIII. 374–5. [4434.]
4. The King's Will. Grant (for the fulfilment of the King's last will) to Sir John Feneux, chief justice of the King's Bench, Robert Rede, chief justice of the Common Pleas, Robert Brudnell, justice of the King's Bench. Christopher Urswik, clk., Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Thomas Englefeld, Sir Robert Southwell, Sir John Cutt, and John Heron, of the manors of Billing, alias Billing-Magna, Chappell Brampton, and Eyton, Northt., of Enderby, Leic., of Tidburst and Kendall, Herts, of Meydecroft, Beds, of Wrastryngworth, Camb., [of Dertford, Kent] (fn. 11), of Lanmershe and Colneywake, in Essex, of Billingburgh, Linc., of Milbourneporte, Somerset, of Escoyd and Gunyonneth, co. Cardigan, in South Wales, lately belonging to Margaret countess of Richmond; with mortmain licence to alienate the premises to the Dean and Canons of St. George's Chapel in Windsor Castle. Del. Richmond, 4 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21. (Teste Regina.) [4436.]
5. Thomas Ruthal Bp. of Durham. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Anne, daughter and heir of Thomas Middelton. Del. Westm., 5 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 30. [4438.]
6. Roger Deele. Licence to import 50 tuns of Gascon wine. Huchyn, 17 Sept. 5 Hen. VIII. Del. Mortlake, 26 Sept. P.S. (in English). Pat. 5 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 21; and French Roll, 5 Hen. VIII. m. 7. [4469.]


  • 1. An edition of this portion of the letter was printed at Rome, as from a friend of the English to Cardinal Bainbridge, 7 Cal. Nov. 1513. It has been reprinted by Spencer in Appendix to No. 37. of Roxburghe Club publications.
  • 2. So in MS.
  • 3. From the register "Cuir oir," amongst the archives of Tournay.
  • 4. He addresses Wyndham as "Master Tresorar. "
  • 5. He generally addresses the Treasurer as "Cousin Wyndham."
  • 6. Hall (see No. 2246 §5) names all in this first paragraph except Caithness (the bishop), Master of Angus, Dalhousie and Sir John Hume. He adds the earl of Addill, lords Daunley, Bogony and Blakatter, Sir John Dowglasse, Sir Duncan Caufelde, Sir Saunder Lowder, Sir George Lowder, Master Marshall, Master Keye, Master Ellot, Master Cawell of the Chancery and the dean of Ellester.
  • 7. Apparently a confusion of Dalhousie with De la Motte.
  • 8. Rawdon Brown reads "duo avunculi," which seems more likely as it makes up the number of persons to eight.
  • 9. See No. 2294.
  • 10. Laurence Pucci, Bernard Dovisi de Bibiena and Innocent Cibo. The creation took place on 23 September.
  • 11. Cancelled.