Henry VIII: May 1513, 16-20

Pages 859-869

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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May 1513

16 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 22. R.O.
1885. [4075.] RIC. [FOX] BP. OF WINCHESTER to WOLSEY.
This afternoon, Fitzwilliam came hither, coming straight to the Court; who says the Admiral with all his fleet will be here with the next wind. What with him and Sir Charles, "here will fail no business." Fitzwilliam will tell him the news. A truce has been taken for one year between the Kings of France and Aragon and their adherents. Fears the Emperor will dance the same dance. As Wolsey is so much occupied, hopes he will make Brian Tuke write soon. The Admiral wants 100 mariners—here are none to be had; also bows, serpentines, &c. "If this journey be intended as great as is spoken, it will not be finished shortly." At Hampton, this Whitsun-Monday, 5 p.m.
"And yet again I think," 4,000 too few, and that if less than 10,000 be appointed to land "it shall be too little."
Hol., p. 1. Addressed: "To my brother the King's almoner." Seal, a pelican.
16 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 167. R.O.
Whereas I wrote yesterday of our departure to Hampton; this day at 10 o'clock, when most of the ships in the Sound were ready to weigh anchor, the wind, "being at west, shot southerly and blew so rudely" that all the ships were forced to come in again. Doubtless you will see to the matter of the waste of victuals which Sir Charles's company would make at Hampton. I send the Spanish letter of which I wrote, which my servant forgot to enclose. This day came two ships of Flanders from the Rochell reporting peace proclaimed between France and Spain and 5 ships of Spain at Rochell and 9 at Bordeaulx lading wine for Flanders. If we meet them or any Flemings with wine, shall I send them into England or let them go free, and shall I make them a price, and what price, as well Gascon as Rochell ? I fear "ye be weary of my often writing, but I had rather be judged too quick than too slow." In haste at 2 o'clock in the Mary Rose, 16 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Master Almoner with the King's grace.
16 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 23. R.O.
Received his letter on Friday last. Thanks Wolsey for his good offices. Will require a good purse to occupy the honorable rooms intended for him in the absence of his cousin Sir Charles. Will repair to the King after accomplishing his commission here, though after the taking the musters the King will soon come over; for the horsemen will not be at the place appointed till the end of this month. Will leave his bedfellow "to make quarell," if he can be spared only one night at home, "as sche hathe cawse; the wyche I thynke sche wylle not faylle to do and her hartte schalle serve here accordynglye to here wyll." Where Wolsey asks him to say what horse and foot he needs "for the occupying of the said offices," if the horsemen of Calais are to attend the King (and not remain to conduct such as resort from the town to the army, convey the Emperor's money to Gravelines, and do other needful services) he would desire, as Marshal of Calais, to have them. Requires a dozen footmen "in pay and a half" for his office of Marshal of the King's ward, although a greater number were better for his own surety and the King's honour. Will send Byschoppe to solicit Wolsey in his causes. Thos. Spinelly is glad that his services have satisfied Wolsey. Wrote to Jerome Friscobald on Saturday. Sends his answer. Master Comptroller has leave to return and will depart this week. Brussels, 16 May.
Hol., pp. 4. Addressed: "To the right honorable Mr. Almoner with the King's grace."
[Augsburg,] 16 May.—The Emperor's ratification of the treaty with England, and his war preparations. The English ambassador's mention of his master's goodwill to the Duke of Milan.
See Milan Calendar, I, 639.
17 May. 1889. PROCLAMATION.
Shipment of the army. See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 70.
17 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 25. R.O.
They are carrying victuals into Turwayne. Men of war have advanced to the frontiers here, "as at Whitsand lieth 7 or 8 score." Calais, 17 May. Signed.
P. 1. Addressed: "To the Right Hon. Master Almoner with the King's grace."
17 May.
Ib., f. 26. R.O.
1891. [4080.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
The letter enclosed came to him so shortly, he has no time to write more. The matter must be well looked to. Calais, 17 May. Signed.
P. 1. Addressed.
Ib., f. 27.
2. [4081.] THOS. MEDELMORE and THOS. PERPOYNT, deputies of the MERCHANT ADVENTURERS, to SIR GILB. TALBOT, Lieut. of Calais.
Will. Hughe of Flushing (sent by the bailiff there) has just brought word that six men of war, out of Dieppe, met with him betwixt Newport and Sluce. After plundering him they demanded whether the hoys were departed to England. They are lying in wait for the King's artillery from Antwerp and merchandise from the present Mart. The merchants dare not start. Moreover, William Chamberlain of London has bought up fish in Holland to be sent to Calais. A remedy must be provided in this behalf, or great loss will ensue. Middleburg, 14 May 1513.
P. 1. Addressed. Endorsed.
17 May.
Vitell. B. XVIII., 45. B.M.
Had [lately] written a long letter to his highness, and now only desired to advertize him that the Emperor sent for him at 7 o'clock " ... of one Hedyng, which is one of my Lady of S[avoy's household]. He showed me these things that follow, [willing] me to advertise your grace of the same." He first "showed that he had received letters from [Andre] de Bourge that is now with the Duke of Milan, [and also] from a secretary of his, called Anthony de Rorarii, [whom I] know well, and also from the Duke of Milan." By the former of these letters the Emperor was informed that the Duke of Milan, hearing of the truce and that a post was come from the King of Aragon [to the Viceroy], sent the said Andre to him, who said he was commanded to return to the kingdom of Naples, and leave the Duke to provide for himself, as Milan was lost. By the letter from Anthony Rorarij, who is with the Viceroy, the Emperor was advertised that he had communed with the Viceroy, and moved him to tarry till he had advertised the Pope and the Emperor, and known their mind; to which the Viceroy answered that neither Pope nor Emperor should cause him to vary from his master's commandment; that he would keep Brescia as long as he could; and with regard to the artillery there belonging to the Emperor he would write to the Count of Cariate, the Venetian ambassador, to speak to the Seignory of Venice that it might be restored to the Emperor; from which the Emperor thought that the Viceroy had sold Brescia to the Venetians, and "his master and he together betrayed not only all Italy, but him and you also." The Emperor desired Wingfield to write these things to "your grace," showing that if he had been advertised of these news before making his oath he would not have sworn, for he felt [that it was as im]possible for him to send an army into France as he had become bound, as for one that had promised [to run] a furlong to do so if he broke his leg by the way; and that such shift as he shall be able to make would be little enough "to save Verona and his county of ... [leaving the Duchy] of Milan clearly lost for this time"; and that, though he might not run out the furlong as he had promised, he should do what lay in his power by running out the remnant with a stilt.
"And for the first tw[o payments] of yowr money, if they might be set forward qwy[ckly he would] find the means that 6,000 Swiss and 2,000 horse, [with a] sufficient band of artillery, should be set forth sh[ortly], as I wrote in my former letter that he had pourv[eyed money] for the payment of 4,000 Swiss, he must employ th[e money ... that he can make beside for to succour as is befo[resaid] ...;" wherefore he desires to know your mind as soon as possible. For, [having found] the King of Aragon so unstable, he is in great [doubt] that the Swiss will hold foot with the Pope "and him [unless] there be found some mean to entertain them sho[rtly]." Wingfield said he would advertise his master of the premises, and was still of his former opinion "and [trusted to] hear shortly that the Viceroy intendeth not [to depart from] Lombardy, or to do as is suspected." With sharper words and countenance than usual, the Emperor reminded him that he was neither prophet nor saint, to know the King of Aragon's mind; and so bade him farewell. The French are so subtle they can blind and corrupt the whole world, but it is Wingfield's opinion that if the English army cross the sea they will make but a small attempt on Italy, especially if it be sure the Emperor will unite with England. Augsburgh, 17 May 1513.
Pp. 4. Mutilated.
18 May.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 59. B.M.
Wolsey's order to John Daunce to pay bearer, 9l. 6s. 8d., "for the behoof of my lord Howard," paid by the King's command to Peter Seppeo, of the realm of Poyle, for two months' wages. 18 May 5 Hen. VIII.
ii. Receipt by John Wodwall, for Lord Howard, the same day.
18 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 168. R.O.
At 10 a.m. on the 17th I received your letters of the 15th ordering certain ships to the Narrow Seas; and have accordingly victualled them and appointed the Peter of Foway to go with them in the Mary of Brixam's stead, with two gentlemen of mine for captains. Both they and the rest have been ready to depart these six days, but for two or three days the wind, at W.S.W., the best wind to bring us to Hampton, has blown so strainably that we have been forced to lay out shot anchors and have broken many anchors and cables. Your new cables are of the worst stuff that ever man saw. At my coming to Hampton I will send you an "ensample." You may reckon on our being there within a day and a night after this tempest is done, coming along the coast of Normandy, so that seeing us draw toward England they may think we "intend no more to come in Bretaynge," and be the more unprovided. I trust your pretended enterprise be not known to your enemies, lest they withdraw their ships from Brest to Rochell or Bordeaulx; for those who know Brest think it will be impossible for them to save ship or galley if we find them there. Scribbled in the Mary Rose, 18 May, at Plymmouth, "where I pray God defend me for ever coming again with such a royal army."
Hol., pp. 3. Fly leaf with address lost.
18 May.
Galba B. III., 105. B.M.
1895. [4091.] SPINELLY to [HENRY VIII.].
Wrote last on the 15th. Yesternight a post from the Emperor brought him the enclosed letter from Louis Maraton, whom he recommends to the King. This morning, Madame shewed the ambassadors the Emperor's letters. She told them that one of her Council had persuaded the French ambassador on his return home to have letters sent to the Prince of Castile, that if he suffered his subjects to serve against France the counties of Flanders and Artois should be confiscated, "because of the sovereignty of the crown of France." This in order that those who favour the French may have better ground to "call against" such as serve Henry. Maraton states that the Emperor has retained 6,000 Swiss, the Duke of Wirtemburg and Frederick Count Palatine a younger brother. Louis de Marlion, physician to the Prince of Castile, is coming from the Duke of Milan on an embassy to the Emperor; thence to England. It is thought that Don Pedro D'Orea, ambassador of Aragon, has left the Emperor's court for Brussels, and will pass by England to go to Spain. Some say a brother-in-law of the Bishop of Gurck is with him; others say Symon Farrett. Gurck has desired the Emperor's leave to go and in his name give "the obeisance unto the Pope's holiness." Madame would rather he were in Jerusalem than Rome. Deputies of the Duke of Gueldres are seeking safeconduct hither about a truce, to be made without mention of the truce of Aragon and the French King. My Lady has good hope therein, but Spinelly thinks it unlikely. The army of the Venetians is not more than 500 men at arms, 1,200 light horse, and 6,000 foot; it lies as before. News has come from Bruges, by certain merchants who left Lyons on the 2nd, that no French men of war have crossed the Mountains, "and that they be nothing so hot in their going forward as they have published." Madame has the Emperor's power touching Gueldres, and looks by next post to have the ratification of the treaty for England, and will ask to be advanced the first two payments of 100,000 crowns. She delays going into Flanders for a few days. Berghes will be here to-morrow. Sends a paper of news reported by the Squire Bonnet at his coming from France. She persists in urging the King to take into his service 4,000 Almayns; she says if the French be beaten at first they lose their courage. Begs he may have his half yearly fee of 50l., and that his brother and the Master of the Posts may be remembered. Brussels, 18 May 1513.
Pp. 4. Signed.
18 May.
Ib., 78a. B.M.
Has received his letters of the 29th April; is glad of the good news. Encloses him a copy of the Emperor's letters. Brussels, 18 May 1513. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
18 May.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 143.
Received her letters of the 3rd inst., written with her own hand, to the effect that she cannot think that the King of Aragon would have made such a truce with France without the Emperor's knowledge and consent. Assures her that he knew nothing; but it is true that the King of Aragon's ambassador in England knew of the truce on 24 April and yet on the 25th confirmed, in his master's name, the alliance made by her between the Emperor, Aragon and England. Wrote last that Wingfelden had said that the King of England would not entertain this truce. Wingfelden has here by mouth amply confirmed this, and the Emperor has publicly made oath to the treaty (although it was a difficult thing for him to do, owing to the truce); and he begs her to solicit the King of England to march and to send the two first payments of the 100,000 cr. to aid the Emperor in setting forth the Swiss. Will at once send a servant authorised to receive the money and send it hither by exchange (par le change), so that the Swiss may be furnished with 2,000 horse and some artillery. As to the dismissal of his subjects of Flanders, has done as she requires, although it seems unsafe seeing that Duke Henry of Bransweig writes that, as she does not provide for them, he and his men must withdraw home, and Charles of Gueldres is strengthening himself. Again urges her to obtain, either through the Archbishop of Cologne or otherwise, a truce or appointment with Gueldres. Augsburg, 17 May 1513.
P.S.—Has since received her two letters of the 12th, with her advice, and that of the Privy Council, to him, as tutor of the Archduke Charles, to accept the truce, seeing that by the treaty with England Charles and his land remain neutral; but, in his character of Emperor, to maintain the treaty with England. Gueldres. His men of war may have leave to go to the service of England provided they go secretly and in small companies.
P.P.S.—Has just received letters from Andrew de Burgo that the Viceroy of Naples has received command from the King of Aragon, his master, to withdraw to Naples and has told the Duke of Milan and the said Andrew to save themselves. Understands thereby that Aragon has not only made truce but peace with France, and leaves the Emperor with the said Duke against both French and Venetians; and therefore it is necessary to hasten the Swiss against France. She shall declare this to the English ambassadors with her, and also send a good personage to England to declare it and solicit the money, seeing that the Emperor has already declared against France. She must enquire secretly whether, upon news of the truce, the King of England means not to proceed in his enterprise against the French. * * * 18 May.
19 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 30. R.O.
Has received a letter from the Almoner, stating that the King lately wrote to the Admiral to come to Portsmouth and wait there for Sir Charles Brandon; and that, if he reaches there before this Thursday, Fox is to advertise the King by post to Windsor, that the King may visit Portsmouth secretly. The Admiral is not yet come, as he is wind-bound in Plymouth haven. Advises the King to come to Hampton, not to Portsmouth. There is no shipping fit for Sir Charles Brandon, except two Spaniards. Sir Charles is expected here to-day. The despatching of the army will require time. John Dawtrey has made provision for the Admiral and his company. Lacks only empty pipes. Understands that victual for Sir Charles's men comes from London. Hampton, Thursday, 19 May, 9 a.m.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To the King's grace at Windsor. Endd.
19 May.
Ib., f. 29. R.O.
Received this morning his letter dated London, 17 May (by which Wolsey will perceive the speed of the posts), and thereupon wrote to the King that neither my Lord Admiral nor any of that army have arrived at Portsmouth or here. Hears they are windbound in the haven of Plymouth. No ships or victuallers have come out of the Thames or from Sandwich. Will learn from John Dawtrey's letters all about ships, victualling and wages. Hopes that ships will be sent at once to scour the Narrow Seas, and waft the hoys to Calais. It is too great a shame to lose those that be lost, and he trusts Wolsey will venture no more until he has wafters. Thinks he might man some of the Spaniards at Sandwich for this purpose. When my Lord Admiral comes the writer will ask him to send to the Narrow Seas such ships as are named in Wolsey's letter. Sir Charles [Brandon] has not come, nor any captain save Bruges. Has provided lodgings for the companies two days' journey in the country.
Thanks for news of Spain. If the fault be not in the French King, the King of Aragon will keep his bargain "notwithstanding his ambassador's work to the contrary; and as for the Emperor, I think his will be good, but power will fail him." He will have enough to do with the Venetians confederated with France; "and then have at Mylayn again;" so the French power will be divided. The Pope, the Emperor, the King of Aragon, will have too much to do to help England. The Emperor and Aragon might, indeed, prevent a French army going into Italy; but, for lack of substance, the Emperor will probably be forced to make truce. Hears that the King has written to the Duke of Buckingham to have the Middle Ward, and be ready to take ship 15 June, which was before appointed for the King and his company, whereof the writer is one. Hampton, 19 May, about noon.
Hol., pp. 2. Addressed: To my brother the King's almoner.
19 May.
Ib., f. 28. R.O.
1900. [4093.] JOHN DAWTREY to WOLSEY.
Has received his letter desiring to know whether he can pay the army under the Lord Admiral for three months and the men under Sir Charles Brandon for two. Has no such warrant. Had only expected to provide victuals for the great army, payments for the beerhouses at Portsmouth, the Sowchyvers, &c.; and has little over 6,000l. in hand. Hampton, 19 May.
P.S.—Here be no ships come as yet save the Mawdelyn of Pole, 100 tons.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., Master Wulcy, the King's amner.
19 May.
Vesp. E. XIII., 106b. B.M.
His wine is ready bought, and shall surely be laid in against his coming. Sends by the bearer his gown cloth that he wrote for. Calais, 19 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the Right Honourable Mr. Almoner with the King's grace.
19 May.
Pet. Mart. Epist., No. 521.
1902. [4096.] PETER MARTYR to LUD. FURTADO, son of TENDILLA.
They say that San Severin and Carvael are at Florence, hoping to be reconciled to the Pope, as Leo is of a more kindly nature. This Pope finds his nest better feathered than any of his predecessors.—John Hastil (Stile), the English ambassador, tells him that his King will cross over to Calais about the middle or the end of May. Trivulcio, Martyr's fellow citizen, who loves his country, as the beaver loves its children by eating their heads off, commands the French forces in the duchy of Milan, and is trying to seduce the Swiss. They say the Swiss will sell Duke Maximilian, as it is thought they sold his father to the French at Novara. There is some murmur at court at the sudden and secret departure of Pedro Quintana; it is thought he has been sent by Ferdinand to make peace with France. That is a game John Hastil does not approve of, though Almaçan openly denies it. The Rhodians are in daily fear of the Turks. Valladolid, 19 May 1513.
20 May.
Exch. Accts., 55 (29). R.O.
"The book of prests of the new provision of ordnance, artillery and habiliments of war made the 24 day of August ao 3 H. VIII." Notes of payments made upon bills, indentures, &c., for carts, arrows, bows, gunstones, staves, nails, staples, bill heads, &c., on various dates from 23 Aug. 3 Henry VIII. to 20 May 5 Hen. VIII. On 31 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII. were payments, by order of George earl of Shrousbury and Sir Thomas Lovell, to Walter Hendy and other fletchers to go with the King's commission into divers shires and deliver prests for the making of arrows.
Pp. 28. Much mutilated.
20 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 31. R.O.
Requests him to get his bill of pardon signed by the King. Hopes the King will be good lord to him, remembering his life has been spent in the King's service and that of his ancestors, "as father and grandfather, whom God assoil." The bearer is appointed to deliver the victuals commanded to John Dawtrey of Hampton. Must himself hasten with Miles Gererd to the seaside, and begs that the King's letters for the deliverance may be given to bearer; and what John Heron will have of it may be had from Dawtrey, according to Wolsey's first appointment. "In haste, this 20th day of May, at my departing."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To the Right Hon. and mine especial good master, Master Dr. Wolsey, aumosner to the King's grace." Endorsed: Attcliff.
20 May.
Ib., f. 33. R.O.
"Inventarium omnium et singulorum bonorum debitorum catallorum ac summarum pecuniarum nobilis ac præpotentis viri domini Johannis de Veere Comitis Oxoniæ, Magni Camerarii ac Admiralli Angliæ, Vicecomitis Bulbek, et Domini de Scalis, factum et appreciatum per me, Thomam Mercer, apparitorem generalem Reverendissimi Domini Willielmi Cant. Archiepiscopi, 20o die Maii A.D. 1513."
At Coolne within the priory; in the White Chamber, p. 55; in Mr. Veere's chamber, 60; in the "armery" house (armour and weapons), 61; in Mr. Voyell's chamber, 62; in Mr. Veer's servants' chamber, ib.; in Mr. Burton's chamber, ib.; in the clerk of the kitchen's chamber, 63; in the "armory" chamber (cloth), ib.; in the parlour, 64; in the ewery, 65; in my lord's great chamber, ib.; in the inner chamber of my ladies, 66; in the gentlewomen's chamber, 67; in the revestry within the priory of Coolne, ib.; in the parlour under Mr. Veere's chamber, 68; in Mr. Walgrove's chamber, ib.; in the chamber over the porch, 69; stuff given to my young lord of Oxenford, ib.; horses and geldings, 71; in the kitchen, ib.; in wine, ib.; stuff at Henyngham, ib.; plate and jewels in a great standard within the college of Sudbery as hereafter followeth, 72 (large quantities of church plate in the list); plate and jewels in another strong coffer, all of iron, with six locks upon the same, 78, and in another standard bound with bars of iron, 81; plate in another coffer of wood barred with bars of iron, 89; plate at Coolne in divers offices, 94; ready money at the hour of his death (2,100l.), 95; in another standard, chapel stuff at Sudbury, ib. (in the list "a chest full of French and English books"); my lord's apparel, 105; wardrobe stuff at Sudbury in the Friers, 107; stuff at Colchester within St. John is abbey, 115; debts owing to the testator at the hour of his death (1,333l. 6s. 8d.), 119.
Paged in a modern hand, 55 to 120.
20 May.
Vesp. F. XIII., 82. B.M.
1906. [4098.] EARL OF ARUNDEL to WOLSEY.
Thanks him for his kindness at all times. Desires to hear of the prosperous success of the King and Queen. Sends a "morsel of venison" which fortuned to be killed in one of his parks, because the weather has been so dry and pasture scanty so long before Midsummer; and it is the best he has seen this year. Douneley, 20 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "My very good and entirely well-beloved friend Mr. Almoner." Endd.
20 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 170. R.O.
Encloses a letter sent him yesterday. The bringer, who was in Guernsey this day sen'night, says that, on 11 May, there passed from Britanny towards Normandy above 60 sail, and on the 13th 18 sail, and that divers ships of Britanny, with wine and linen, come into Guernsey. These Bretons say they have taken the ordnance out of their ships into the castle (fn. 1) and for this year will defend the land, "but against next year they will make ships enough to defend the sea"; also that Friar Barnardyne is looked for in Britanny with ten galleys. This I cannot believe, as I never heard he had more than one galley and a foist. The Normans are bringing their goods to Guernsey for fear of the King's landing there; and say that if the English come, and do not burn the country, Base Normandy will yield to them.
A Breton here who came with English prisoners, 7 May, from Seint Poul de Lion, says he heard from mariners who stole away from Brest "that the ships of war were come forth fro the castle and would return to their countries, and that the hulks that were at Brest said that they would go homeward and convey the Admiral to Hownflew, where he intended to lay up his ship for this year." He says the French could not be victualled to come forth in two months and that "ships of Brytainge that be at home be hauled up into creeks and digged in pits not thinking to come to the sea this year." The Council should debate these things, for if the French navy have dispersed from Brest the "enterprise pretended there" should be of small profit. I have sent three good barks along the coast of Britanny either to bring me a fisherman who can tell the truth of the premises or else to learn from Weston, at Guernsey if any men of war have gone towards Normandy.
Commendations to the King and Queen, his father and other friends. Regrets his long abode here, but cannot make ships sail against wind. Plymouth, 20 May, "warping with much pain fro Cat Water to the Sownde."
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To Master Almoner with the King's grace; delivered at 3 at afternoon.
20 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 4, f. 32. R.O.
Sends the news received by one of his spies. Calais, 20 May.
Will send him word if it be true that the French King is coming downwards.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Almoner.
20 May.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 120.
Has always endeavoured to live in peace, especially with the Emperor and Prince of Castile, as his councillor and chamberlain the Sieur de Genly lately signified to the latter; but the English, ancient enemies of his realm, move war against him and the Sieurs de Walin, d'Aymeries and de Lignes are said to have assembled men in the countries of the said Prince to help them. Warns them that if they observe the obedience which they owe to him he will protect them, but if they assist the English he will treat them as enemies. Orleans, 20 May.
[20 May.]
Roman Transcr., Ser. I., No. 52b, f. 431. R.O.
1910. THOMAS HALSEY, Bishop of Leighlin.
Leo X.'s grant to Thomas Alsey, his penitentiary, household chaplain and continuus commensalis, of exemption from payments in the Papal chamber for his bulls of provision upon the church of Leighlin.
Latin. Modern copy, undated, p. 1.
20 May.
Sanuto, XVI., 274.
1911. VENICE.
The Papal ambassador, on 20 May, showed a letter from Florence, of the 15th, announcing that, by letters from Blois, of the 3rd, the French and English fleets had fought, and the latter were worsted and lost a man (fn. 2) of high rank.
Similar news came from Rome on the 23rd.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 245–6.
Ib., 347. ii. [Extract from a letter, made 9 June 1513.]
From Roberto Acciaiolo, Florentine ambassador in France, to his Signory, Orleans, 20 May.—Nothing is heard of the English except that they have beheaded the Earl of Suffolk, because his brother is in the French Court, and is called rightful heir of that realm. The King and his ministers, and all the English, were so exasperated at the truce that, but for the King's favour, the Spanish ambassador would have been killed; and he only escaped by swearing that he had no news of it. In the new confederacy between the Emperor and England Spain is not named.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 248.


  • 1. Of Brest.
  • 2. Sir Edward Howard.