Henry VIII: January 1510, 1-14

Pages 144-155

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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January 1510

1 Jan.
Adv. MS. 32.
Dispensation allowing him non-residence for any benefices he may have or hereafter obtain for two years from the end of the year in which they are conferred. Bologna, 1 Jan. 1510.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
5 Jan. 318. PARLIAMENT.
Election riot. See GRANTS IN JANUARY, No. 6.
5 Jan.
Venetian Transcr. 176, p. 50. R.O.
5 Jan. 1509:—Wrote on 21st ult. that they had sent ambassadors to Feltre. They met the Emperor's ambassadors at Hospedaleto, not far from Feltre, but were told that they might propose nothing contrary to the League of Cambray. To gain time (as their charge was to propose expulsion of the French from Italy), they suggested payment of tribute for the places allotted to the Emperor by the League. Meanwhile arrived Badoer's letters of 26 and 28 Nov. and 4 Dec., with the King of England's proposal to mediate through Madame Margaret. This they gratefully accept. It will be equally advantageous to the King and them to detach the Emperor from France, and if the Emperor will attack Milan they will acknowledge his sovereignty over the Imperial towns by paying suitable tribute. Alternative terms which they will make for peace with the Emperor. Send Badoer a power to conclude what the King may agree with Madame Margaret. He must urge the necessity of a league of the Emperor, England, Spain and Madame Margaret, which he is hereby empowered to negociate.
If too ill to execute the above, he must commit it to Lorenzo Pasqualigo, their consul in London.
Italian. Modern transcript, pp. 4. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 28.
5 Jan.
Ib., p. 55. R.O.
320. VENICE.
Power given by Doge Leonardo Loredano to Andrea Badoer to negociate peace with the Emperor and also a league of the Emperor, England, Ferdinand and Madame Margaret. If Badoer is unable to act, this power is extended to the consul, Lorenzo Pasqualigo.
Dated in the Ducal Palace, 5 Jan. 1509.
Lat. Modern transcript, pp. 3. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 30.
6 Jan.
Exch. Dipl. Doct. 730. R.O.
321. [793.] FERDINAND [OF ARAGON].
Ferdinand's commission, in his own name and that of Johanna, appointing Luis Carroz de Vilaragud, agent for the execution of a treaty of peace and amity between them and Henry VIII. Valladolid, 6 Jan. A.D. 1510. Signed: Yo el Rey.
Lat. Great seal attached.
* Another copy at Simancas is described in Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 35.
6 Jan.
Venetian Transcr. 176, p. 57. R.O.
Although it appears by his last that he has recovered health, the importance of the commission herewith is such that, if necessary, it must be committed to Pasqualigo. Describe repulse of their fleet on the Po by the Duke of Ferrara and preparations to set forth a stronger. Badoer is to thank the "friend" for good offices, which the Signory will remember; and do the like to D. Peter Carmeliano. Dated 6 Jan. 1509.
Italian. Modern transcript, pp. 2. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 30.
8 Jan.
Sanuto, IX. 452.
323. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 10 Jan. 1509–10.]
From the Ambassadors at Ospedaleto, 8 Jan.:—Describe proceedings with the Emperor's ambassadors. Said that if any difficulty was made about the amount to be paid for investiture, &c., they referred it to the King of England. The Emperor's ambassadors ridiculed such an answer, saying it was not to be spoken of; and there must be no bargaining for more money or less money like merchants, but "è da vegnir a la real con il re." * * *
9 Jan.
Galba B. III., 3. B.M.
324. [794.] ORDNANCE.
Covenant between Thomas Spynelly and Hans Popenruyter, master gunner, dwelling at Malines, made 9 Jan. 1509, in presence of my Lord Berghes, high chamberlain of the Emperor, for delivery to the said Thomas of 24 courtaulx and 24 serpentines; 12 of these courtaulx are to weigh 4,000lbs., carry shot 35lbs.; 6 of them to be 7½feet long, and 6 to be 7½feet. The serpentines to weigh each 1,100lbs. and carry shot of lead or iron 4lbs. Payment at the rate of 6l. per cwt. and 40g. per lb., money of Flanders.—Item, that as much artillery as he shall make, between this and the 1st of February shall be made at the same price, each piece weighing at least 700lbs.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
Galba, B. III. 4. B.M. 325. [922.] SPINELLY'S LETTERS.
An abstract of [Thoma]s Spinelly's letters, &c.
1. Spinelly has made an agreement with Hans the gunnefoundre to make guns for the King of England there, where he can make them better cheap than if he came into England. 2. The Duchess of Savoy has promised they shall be made as cheap for the King of England as for the Prince of Castile, and so he shall have them "better cheap than the King of Scots can have by 16 patars in 100." 3. He desires money to buy copper, as in another letter to the Lord Treasurer. 4. Whether the King would like a device upon the g[uns]? 5. The number of guns to be made is 48. 6. Desires to have 8,000 or 10,000 of tin sent, as the tin of England is better and cheaper than foreign tin. 7. The humanity showed John Carre by divers lords of those parts for the King's sake. 8. The president of Bresse is returned from France, and has told the Duchess of Savoy that the treaty is concluded between the Emperor and the King of Aragon, notwithstanding the secret practices of France. 9. The French King is right sorry that Henry has interceded with the Pope for the absolution of the Venetians, saying it is prejudicial to the Emperor. 10. The French King will be shortly at Paris, and will not return to Italy until "some g ... of peace" be made betwixt himself and Henry. 11. A marriage is intended between the [Count] of Foix and the daughter of Navarre. 12. The King of Aragon has revoked his ambassador from the French court, and sent another thither, charging him not to send any letters to Almasan, but to himself. 13. The Duchess of Savoy is desirous to know the King's mind for aid to the young Prince and his countries. 14. A marriage has been concluded between the Duke of Savoy and the daughter of Don Ferdinand, late King of Naples. 15. The Duchess of Savoy has in the name of the Prince of Castile arrested the artillery there made for the King of Scots; and it will be brought to Berges or Andwarpe. Spinelly desires money to buy it, and that the money should not be delivered by Jerome Friscobald for reasons he has specified. 16. The King of Scots has sent a factor to bargain for great guns "with another gunfounder than Hans," and he has desired the Lady of Savoy to prevent the bargain being accomplished. But this cannot be unless the founder be engaged to make artillery for the King. 17. The Cardinal of Ferrara has slain and taken of late 3,000 Venetians before Ferrara.
In Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 2.
Galba, B. III. 5. B.M. 2. [924.] [An abstract of] Thomas Spinelly's letters to my Lord Treasurer.
1. That, expedient as the confederacy betwixt the Emperor, the King, and the King of Aragon, appears to the Duchess of Savoy and the Governor of Bresse, she has as yet made no overture thereof to the Emperor, not knowing how to move it. 2. The esquire Bonet is to leave in three days, coming to the King to desire that the Princess of Castile may be conducted into Flanders. 3. The Duchess refuses to allow Bonet to treat with the King upon the confederation, as Spinelly had desired, till she know the Emperor's mind, for which purpose Toison d'Or shall resort to the Emperor. 4. Requests a letter written to him in French, stating that the King desires the said confederation for the weal of the House of Burgundy and other Christian princes, and making offers in the name of the King of Aragon profitable to the said house, as it is rumoured that "this matters betwixt the King and the King of Aragon be but words to further their matters" with the French. 5. He has promised the young Prince that the King will send him a fair hobby, also that the Governor of Bresse should be remembered. 6. Desires money to accomplish his contract with Hans for the guns, which, 7, will be ready by Easter next. 8. If the King desires more, wishes instructions to that effect. 9. The price of every .. 10. Eftsoons desires money to furnish these ... as it touches his honor. If the King dislike the contract, he will find means to discharge it. 11. Sends a picture of the patterns of the guns which the lord Barges and others think to be of the best sort in France or elsewhere. 12. Wishes to know how many serpentines are to be made. 13. Will write more certainly of the guns provided by the Scots at the return of the hoy sent to Veir for them. 14. Andrea de Burgo has written to the Duchess that the French King hath word from Rome that the Pope is accorded with the V[eneti]ans by means of Henry and the King of Aragon. 15. The French King has made great concessions to the Emperor, of which Spinelly cannot ascertain the certainty. 16. The Duchess dares not meddle in this confederation without her father's leave, or aid from the King against the Duke of Gueldres, if he make war on the Prince. 17. She is of opinion that the King should send to the Emperor some discreet person of low degree, to make overtures, and require the Emperor to give charge thereof to her. 18. "Finally he toucheth the enterprise lately made by the Duke of Gueldres upon a place near Bulduke, which they trust shortly to recover by the means of the lord Iselsten." Memorandum, 19, that Spinelly desires 500l. to buy metal for the guns and other necessaries; and, 20, to have his costs.
In Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 2.
9 Jan.
Sanuto, IX. 477.
326. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 20 Jan. 1509–10.]
From the ambassadors at Rome, 2 and 9 Jan.:—* * * The King of England's ambassador says that three French ambassadors brought his King 40,000 ducats of the tribute and two of them have since left. This news is not in the public letters. * * *
10 Jan.
Exch. Accts., 417 (3), f. 77. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Hugh Denys, "squier for our body and huissher of our Parlyament chamber," stuff for that chamber. Greenwich, 10 Jan. 1 Henry VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
10 Jan.
Venetian Transcr. 176, p. 58. R.O.
328. DOGE AND SENATE OF VENICE to MOCENIGO and CORNARO, their Ambassadors at Hospedaleto.
Two letters of 7 Jan. and one of 10 Jan., instructing them inter alia, to make certain overtures to the Emperor's ambassadors as regards the investiture and tribute, with alternative of referring these questions to the King of England.
Italian. Modern transcripts, pp. 3. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 31–2.
11 Jan.
Vesp. C. I. 45. B.M.
329. [796.] JOHN STILE to HENRY VIII. (In cipher.)
Consydoryng the dangers the whyche nowe ys yn the convayance of letters from thys partyes unto yowr hyzghnys, for the whyche, wythe the pardon of yowr grace, y at thys tyme do alter the acusstumyd comensyng of my letters, most excelent sovereyn lord, plesythe yowr hyzghnys for to understand that, on the thyrd day of the monythe of December that last past, the Kyng of Arragon, yowr nobyl good fader, sent a currer wythe hys letters towardys yowr hyzghnys, by whom also, and hyt plese yowr grace, y sent my letters of the sayd thyrd day of December wretyn yn the towne of Manselya, by the whyche I certefyed unto yowr hyzghnys the nwys at that tyme yn thys partyes accurrant; and, acordeyng to the conmandament of yowr grace, also y certefyed the answer to me made by the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader upon the causys and maters to hym declaryd and schawyd, acordeyng to the tenurys of yowr most parfyteyst letter wretyn yn yowr maner of Grenewyche on the fowrythe day of November.
f. 45d. And hyt plese yowr grace, for as muche as that my trust ys verrely that by fore thys day my sayd letter ys comen unto yowr royal handys, for the whyche, wythe the pardon of yowr grace at thys present, y will not make ani large rehersayle of myn aforesayd letter, oonly excepte of the grete affecyon and entere love that the Kyng of Arragon, yowr nobyl good fader, schawythe by hys sayengys for to bere towardys yowr hyzghnys and unto yowr royallyst astate, as to hys most dereyst brother and good son, and sayeyng that for the same and althyngys consernyng to the onure of yowr hyzghnys and the plesure of the same, that hys awne person and al hys power, and also al the power and subjectys of the Qwyn of Castyl hys dofter, ys and schalbe at the conmandament of yowr hyzghnys; for the whyche, and hyt plese yowr grace, by that I can or may persayve by the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader, that he ys not contenteyd ne pleysed wythe the answers that the Freynsche Kyng made unto yowr hyzghnys. And also, and hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader, acordeynge to the most gracyust plesure and moschyon of yowr hyzghnys, he ys gretely desyrws that a parfyte lyage & amyte schuld be made bytwyxt yowr hyzghnys and hym and themperowr and yowr nobyl brother the prynce of Castyl, by fore that ani breache of peas schuld be bytwyxt yowr grace and the Freynsche kyng; wythe mani other cawsys, and hyt plese yowr hyzghnys, in myn aforesayd letter specefyed more at lengythe; sythe the whyche, and hyt plese yowr grace, ther hathe here recresyd theys nwys foloynge.
On the fowre and twenty day of December the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader recewyd letters from themperowr and also from hys aune ambassaturys the whyche be yn the cortys of themperowr and of the Freynsche kyng; by the whyche the sayd ambassators certefyed unto the Kyng, yowr nobyl good fader, that by the laborys and meanns of the Freynsche kyng they have concludeyd the amyte, concord, and peas, wythe a nwe lyage to be made bytwyxt themperowr and the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader tucheyng the governacyon of thys reame of Castyl, for the ryzghte and profyte of the Prynce (fn. 1); the whyche concord ys made wythe mani artyculys and conduschyons, of the whyche, and hyt plese yowr grace, y have not the parfyte knowlyche, for that they be not yet here publyschyd. Howe be that, and hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader hathe sayed unto mo that he wyl do no thyng wythe ani prynce, excepte that he wyl geve knolyche and do the same for to be certefyed unto yowr hyzghnys, as unto hys most dereyst brother, allye, and good son; the Kynge yowr nobyl good fader swereyng by hys royal othe unto me yn secrete, that he as ynterely lovythe yowr hyzghnys as that he wold or myzghte do hys late son Don John prynce of Castyl, in case that the sayd prynce were alyve, and that for that cause he wold yn ani wyse that yowr hyzghnys of yowr most excelent prudence, and by the advyse of yowr most nobyl counsayl, yn the most secreteyst wyse and yn the most breyfyst tyme that hyt myzghte be don yn the behalf of your hyzghneys, and yn lyke wyse sayeyng that he wyl do on hys party, that yowr nobyllyst letters may be secretly wretyn wythe delygens unto themperowr, that a sure lyage may be made by twyxt yowr hyzghnys and hym, and the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader, and the Prynce of Castyl, and that the Kyng of Portyngale may be joynyd wythe yowr hyzghnys in the sayd amyte and lyage.
f. 43. And also, and hyt plese yowr grace, the sayeng of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader ys that hys mynd ys, yowr grace so being pleseyd, that hyt schuld be wel don yn case that yowr hyzghnys wold conmand yowr nobyl letters for to be wretyn and sent unto the Pope, desyreyng hys holynys in secrete for to be ajoynyd wythe yowr hyzghnys and themperowr and the Kyng yowr sayd nobyl good father, and yowr other confydoratys yn the aforesayd grete amyte and lyage, the Kynge yowr nobyl good faders sayeyng to me hathe byn, and hyt plese yowr grace, that he wyl secretely yn lykewyse wryte unto the Popys holynys to thentent that the sayd amyte and lyage may be made and esstabyllysschyd by fore that the Freynsche kyng schal have knolyche of the same. The sayeng of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader ys, that the sayd nobyl and grete lyag ons so beyng made, that hyt comythe of the grete power and mercy of Almyzghty God, as dothe also thys acorde and amyte of late made by twyxt themperowr and hym, whereby that everry thyng consernyng thys other grete amyte maye the better folowe, and be the soner concludeyd, to thentent that the Freynsche kyng schal not nor maye not atayne unto hys cruel purpose for to dysstroye the Venischyans and after that for to dysstroye al the cuntrays of the Ytaly, and for to subdwe theym. The whyche thyng the sayd Freynsche kyng schal not thare for to enterpryse, beyng the sayd grete amyte and lyage made as aforesayd, for then the Freynsche kyng schal fynd hym self al alone, wythe owte the ayde of ani other pryncys for to helpe hym yn the sayd enterpryse; and that then a good amyte and peas may be made by twyxt themperowr and the Venyschyans by the adv[y]sys and aydys of the Popys holynys, and by yowr hyzghnys, and by the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader, as that hys sayeyng ys, that the Venyschyans schuld restore unto themperowr al that to hym belongeythe.
f. 43d. And hyt plese yowr grace, the sayeyng of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader ys, that he trustythe that the emperowr here after wyl belyve him and hys counsayle better then that he hathe don yn tymys passyd, and that yn lyke wyse he wyl trust and belyve themperowr and hys cownsayle, sythe that they be agreyd and as oon for the wealthe of the Prynce of Castyl, theyre enherytur. Notwythestandeyng, and hyt plese yowr grace, that the Freynsche kyng have gretely laboryd for to have thys amyte made by twyxt themperowr and the Kyng of Aragon, yowr nobyl good fader, yet hyt ys thowzghte by themperowr and by the Kyng yowr good fader that hyt schal not be nescessary that the Freynsche kyng schuld dysstroy the Venyschyans, nor for to be to grete a lord yn the partys of Ytaly;—they, knowynge the sotyl myndys of the Freynschemen, thynke that hereafter the Freynsche king wold atempte for to take the reamys of Napulys and Cycile from the crowne of Castyl and Aragon; for the whych, and hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr nobyl fader hathe sayed to me yn grete secrete, and also hys secretary Almasan by hys commandament, that of a trawythe the Freynsche kyng gretely hathe laboryd that thys amyte schuld be concludeyd bytwyxt the Kyng yowr good fader and themperowr, to thentent that ever he myzghte have theyre aydys and favors ayenyst the Venyschyans. And that notwythestandeyng, and hyt plese yowr hyzghnys, for the consydoracyons aforesayd, when that hyt was seyn and concludeyd by themperowr and hys cownsayle, and the Kyng yowr good fader and hys counsayle, that the amyte and acord schuld be nescessary for to be by twyxt theym for the governaschyon of thys reame, for the wealthe of the Prynce of Castyl yn tyme comeyng, then they determynyd, in avoydeyng of al inconvenyentys, that theyre ambassaturys haveyng the charge of themperowr of the sayd amyte, schuld conclude and make the same, and the articulys and apoyntamentys of the sayd amyte, wythe oute the counsayle or knowlych of the Freynsche kyng or of hys counsayle, the whyche, and hyt plese yowr grace, was so don as that y do understand by the ynformacyon aforesayed. And verrely, and hyt plese yowr grace, the grete and especyal desyre ys of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader ys, that thys aforesayd mater may be kepeyd secrete from al persons, excepte from yowr most nobyl cownsolors, unto the tyme that the aforesayd amyte and lyage schalbe parfytely made and estabyllyschyd, wythe owte the same beyng don.
And hyt plese yowr grace, by that I can and do persayve that the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader wold not gladly that the Freynsche kyng in ani wyse schuld understand or knowe that he wold forsake hys amyte foor ani other prynce, by cause of the Qwyn of Arragon hys wyf. How be that nowe, and hyt plese yowr grace, y do persayve the contrary, that the Kyng yowr good fader, as by hys sayeng unto me, that he ys more and better myndyd towardys yowr hyzghnys, and towardys the Qwynys grace, hys nobyllyst dowzghter, then of any other prynce or cryature of the warld. And the sayeyng of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader hathe byn to me, that hys ambassators, the whych be resyant yn the corte of France, have wretyn unto hym dyvers tymys that there ys no thyng so secretely spoken nor don wythe yn yowr royallyst corte and reame of Yngland but that hyt be dysclosyd to the Freynsche kyng, and publysschyd yn hys corte, by the mean of esspyes or other wyse; for the whyche, and hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr good fader fereythe that yn case that thentent of thys aforesayd grete amyte were dysclosyd, that hyt schuld be a grete dyssturbance to the same, consydoryng the sotyl polocy of the Freynsche counsayle; of the whyche dysturbans myzghte nothyng folowe but dysplesurys and let of the concludeyng of the same, the whyche Almyzghty God, yowr hyzghnys, and yowr nobyllyst counsolors best knowyth.
f. 44. And wythe al humyllyte, as yowr most humyl subjecte and servant, I beseche yowr hyzghnys of yowr most benyng grace for to pardon me of myn unparfyte termys usyd yn my wryteyng unto your hyzghnys, the whyche, as that Almyzghty God hyt knowythe, that hyt ys for defaute of cunyng and understandeyng yn me, and not for the defaute of good and faytheful mynd to the servys and onure of yowr hyzghnys, acordeyng to my duty, and as my most desyre ys that y were or myzghte be abyl, yn thys partys or any other, for to do good and excepteabyl servyse unto yowr hyzghnys; the whych, and hyt plese yowr grace, I know my self insuffucyent for the defaute of cunyng yn suche poysant and wayzghty causys, as consernythe unto yowr hyzghnys, wythe owte the pardon and sufferance of yowr most nobyl grace, the whyche, beyng so gracyusly plesyd, may conmand me for to do that thyng that may be most plesant unto yowr hyzghnys, the whyche ever to my power y schal do as a true subject and servant obbay and fulfyl by the grace of Almyzghty God.
And acordeyng to the conmandament of yowr grace by yowr nobyl letter of the date of the fowrthe day of November, and by the letter of Luys de la Fava, I schuld have receveyd here fyvety markys sterlyngys for my dayly exspencys; and acordeyng to the same, and hyt plese yowr grace, I made thre aqwytances for the sayd fyvety markys, and sent the same to Medyna del Campo by a servant of myne, the whych schuld receve the sayd money, and he that schuld pay the same fyvety markys for Luys de la Fava, or the valew of the same after the rate that I have byn payed yn twmys passyd. Hyt amountythe to the some of oon hundard and thre and fyvety docadys, and the thurd parte of a docade; and the sayd marchant there schawyng the letter of Luys de la Fava, by the whyche he conmandyd hym for to pay to me but oon hundard and ayzghte and fowrty docadys and the sevynthe parte of a docade. So, and hyt plese yowr grace, y do lacke of my payment fyve docadys of gold and thre score and thretyn marvadys of thys contrey money, the whyche marvadys amownte to twelfe pens sterlyngys; of the whyche, wythe the pardon of yowr grace, at thys tyme I have wretyn unto the said Luys to thentent that he schal schawe unto yowr hyzghnys the reson of the sayd reconyng, for he hathe the aqwytancys of me for the hole some.
f. 44d. And hyt plese yowr grace, hyt was so that the Qwyn of Arragon was wythe chyld gon by the space of syx or ayzghte wekys, and on the fyrst day of Jenyver that last past the sayd Qwyn was delyverd of the same; the whyche mater ys kepeyd as secrete as hyt may be, and the Qwyn ys verry seke. For the whyche causeys, and yt plese yowr grace, the Kynge ys muche the sadder yn mynd secrete; and where that hys hyzghnys was determynyd for to have departeyd from hens by the twelve or fowrtyn days of thys monythe of Jenyver, and for to have passyd the portys to the towne of Madryle; where now, and hyt plese yowr grace, by cause of the Qwyn the tyme ys defferryd of departeyng unto that the Qwyn schalbe a lytel conforeyd, the whyche, God be thankeyd, sche dayli amendythe of hyr helthe, and thereyn ys no jobordy by Godys grace, howe be that sche takythe thys fortune hevely.
And hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader hathe sayed to me that, nowe that themperowr and he be agreyd, that he wyl efectually intend thys somer comeyng for to make war unto the Morys of the partys of Barbary, and that at his comeyng to the towne of Madryl that he wyl there ordayne and make hys armey for to pass yn to the partys of Barbary. And hyt plese yowr grace my sayeynge to the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader that y do knowe hyt for a certeyn that yowr hyzghnys wold be joyus and glad that he wold be servyd of some of your subjectys and other thyngys that myzghte do to hym ani plesure in the sayd warrys, or yn any other thyngys; the Kyng then sayeing, and hyt plese yowr grace, that he reputythe and takythe al the causys and thyngys apertayneyng unto yowr hyzghnys no les nor non other wyse then as hys aune proper causys.
f. 46. And for as muche as that the conmandament of yowr hyzghnys ys that y schal contynw here yn the corte of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader dureyng the plesure of yowr grace, and for to be alowed for myn exspencys here fyve schelyngys for everry day, and my wyf by yowr most gracyust conmandament twenty pens by the day; verrely, and hyt plese yowr grace, here y have never had non erthely socur nor confor of any person to the valw of a farthyng, oonly excepte the fyve schelyngys by the day by yowr grace to me alowed, and myn exspencys here be grete. Everry thynge ys here dere and owte of order, and dayly my charge wylbe more of exspencys yn the Kyngys removeyng from hens; and hyt plese yowr grace, wythe al the provysyons that y can make, y and my servantys escape not under fyve schelyngys the day, oon wyth another. For the whyche humylly y beseche your hyzghnys that by yowr gracyus conmandament y may be here provydeyd of money always yn tyme, as hyt schal graue by the reason of the same to me; for other wyse y schal not know how for to do, for here y do fynd no kyndnys ynno cause, but verry strangely as for to saye, and hyt plese yowr grace, as for good chere or cumpany; and al ambassaturs be yn lyke wyse deleyd wythe al here, excepte thembassatur of France, the whyche ys som tyme vesyteyd by the reason of the Qwyn, and al other be never seyn to yn theyr beyng here, hyt ys not useyd.
And hyt plese yowr grace, sythe the above wretyn, the Kyng yowr nobyl fader hathe sayed unto me that he wyl yn like wyse by hys letters wrete unto yowr hyzghnys, that yn case that yowr hyzghnys wyl so plese, for to pas the tyme wythe the Freynsche kyng in goodly termys wythe owte moveyng of warr yn the behalf of yowr hyzghnys for to be made unto the sayd Freynsche kyng, on les that the grete acasyon do move by the sayd Kyng, unto the tyme that the aforesayd amyte schalbe estabyllyschyd and made bytwixt yowr hyzghnys and the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader and themperowr, and wythe al yowr other confederatys. And hyt plese yowr grace, that there ys al redy a grete trobyl by twyxt the marchys of France and Spayne, for the ryver that departythe the sayd twoo reamys, to whether of theym the sayd ryver schuld belong, abowte the whyche muche pepyl and ordynance hathe be assembelyd, and men hathe byn sclayne on bothe partys at Fowntraby; so, and hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader and the Freynsche Kyng have set thayre commysschyoners for that mater. Howe that hyt ys thowzghte that they schalnot agre uppon the cause; and then, and hyt plese yowr grace, hyt wylbe a grete trobyl on bothe partys; for the Spaynardys love not the Fraynsch men, sayeyng that theyr trust ys that, as the reame of France was lost by the ayde of Spayne from yowr nobyl predescessoros, that now the ayde of Spayne schal helpe yowr hyzghnys for to recover your most nobyl ryzchte ynherytance yn the reame of France. Also, and hyt plese yowr grace, hyt ys saye here that the presydent of Burgoyn and other themperowrs ambassatorys the whyche concludeyd thys late amyte, and other of the partys of Flanders, schalbe here wythe the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader yn the monythe of February next comeyng for to confyrme and publysche the sayd amyte wythe the artyculys of the same.
f. 46d. And hyt ples yowr grace al the byfore wretyn ys the duplycate and copy of another letter of dyverse datys and closyd on the fowrythe day of thys present, the whyche letter schuld have byn sent by the Kyngys currer that departeyd from hens of the syxt day of thys present, the whyche by the defaute of the secretary Almasan was left here and not delyverd unto the sayd currer, to my great mervele. For, and hyt plese yowr hyzghnys, the contenty of thys presesents (sic) as aforesayd was by me wretyn by the conmandament and plesure of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader, and hys conmandament apoynteyd that hys currer schuld not departe wythe oute my sayd letter, the whyche was redy wretyn, as that the Kyng wel knwe hyt, and also hys secretary; and the currers departeynge was delateyd for a seson, and at the last sodenly was sent from hens at mydnyzghte on the syxt day of this present, as sythe on the ayzghte day of the same I had thereof knowlyche that furst the sayd currer was sent wythe letters to the corte of France, and after that for to pas wythe the Kyng yowr nobyl faders letters unto yowr royal presence. And after that I had knolyche of the departeyng of the sayd currer, and that my letters were lefte be hynd hym, y schawyd the same unto the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader; hys hyzghnys for the same schawyd hymself to be moveyd and angery for the same towardys hys secretary Almasan, sayeyng that yn hys letters sent unto yowr grace by the sayd currer, that he had referryd the pryncypal causys to the reporte of my letters; the sayd secretary then exscuseyng hymself, sayeyng, and hyt plese yowr grace, that the defaute of hys clerke, the under secretary, the whyche he trusteyd that he had closeyd my letter wythe the Kyngys adresyd unto yowr hyzghnys.
And hyt plese yowr grace my trust ys that everry thyng ys and schalbe as that hyt ys to me spoken and sayed here, and that my letters were not lefte here for ani other entent otherwyse then by the neclyjens of the under secretary. Howe be that, and hyt plese yowr grace, that upon the receyte of yowr last nobyl letters of the date of the fowrythe day of Novembere I rode unto the Kyng of Aragon, yowr nobyl good fader, to the toune of Manselya where he was an haukeyng, and y cam to the same towne the same day and owre that the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader furst cam thother, and ynmedyatly y spake wythe hys hyzghnys, and wythe the secretary Almasan. And the Kyng passyd hys tyme dayly yn haukeyng that hyt was the fowrythe day after that, or that y coude have audyence for to declare unto ys hyzghnys the tenurys of yowr most parfyteyst letters, and the pleasure of yowr hyzghnys; yn the whyche tyme there was a currer secretely sent wythe letters unto yowr hyzghness myn unknoulyche, they then sayeyng that he departeyd by fore my comeynge to the Kyngys presens.
f. 47. And hyt plese yowr grace the Kynge yowr nobyl good fader contynwally hathe to me ful nobyl and good wordys, and my trust ys yn Almyzghty God that hys dedys schal so folow, and that hys ambassatur ys departeyed from the cety of Valencya towardys yowr hyzghnys. And forasmuche as that the Kyng yowr good fader ferythe for to send by the waye of France hys powers and wryteyngys of atoryte unto hys ambassatur, for to make the sayd grete amyte and lyage wythe yowr hyzghnys, for the whyche at thys tyme he sendythe a mesenger by the see wythe the sayd wryteyngys to hys ambassatur, by whom, and hyt plese yowr grace, y do send the duplycate of thys present unto yowr hyzghnys. And hyt plese yowr grace, I do persayve that the counsayle here wythe fayre termys wold pas the tyme wythe al partyes, and alwayse lene to theyre best and most advantaje, for they be pepyl inclynyd to theyr most and greteyst enterestys; for the whyche, and hyt plese yowr grace, there cannot be to sure bandys made wythe theym wythe oute the whych dayly apoyntamentys be avoydeyd.
f. 47d. And hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader hathe sayed to me, that he recevyd letters from the corte of Rome on the ayzghte day of thys present, by the whyche he hathe knowlyche that yowr nobyl ambassatur was come to the sayd corte. Also hys hyzghnys sayed that dayli he lokythe for a currer comeyng wythe letters from themperowr, and after that he schal have receveyd the sayd letters that he ynmedyatly wyl wryte hys ful mynd unto themperowr tucheyng the Venyschyans and the aforesayd grete lyage for to be made. And hyt plese yowr grace, nowe beyng here yn thys corte the Qwynys servant John de Scotya the berer hereof, and the sayd John de Scotya, taryyng here for to have a letter unto the Qwynys grace from the Kyng hyr nobyl fader; and for as muche as that the currer as aforesayd departeyd wythe oute my letters unto yowr hyzghnys, I desyryd of the Kyng yowr nobyl good fader that this John de Scotya myzghte have hys letters, and for to be dysspachyd from hens, to thentent for to convay thys my letter unto yowr hyzghnys; wythe the whyche, and hyt plese yowr grace, the Kyng yowr good fader sayed that he was glad and plesyd, howebe that they have delateyd the tyme of hys departeyng unto thys day of the date of the closeyng hereof. And as that the causys and nwys schal here folow and by from tyme [to] tyme, I schal certefy the same unto yowr hyzghnys, by the grace of Almyzghty God, who perserve your royallyst astate long for to endure.
Wretyn yn the towne of Valadalyd on the elevynthe day of Jenyver the furst yere of yowr nobyl reygne by the most humyl servant to your grace, JOHN STYLE. (Stile's monogram.)
Orig. entirely in cipher.
12 Jan.
Venetian Transcr. 176, p. 60. R.O.
After writing on the 6th inst. received letters from their ambassadors at Rome mentioning receipt of letters from Nicolo Duodo, written by Badoer's order on the 2nd ult., together with letters of that King and his reverend ambassador in the Signory's favour. The said ambassador continues his good offices. Badoer shall thank the King and, in view of French preparations against Italy, pray him to hasten the agreement between the Emperor and Signory and check France by making military preparations in England. Describe their negociations with the Emperor; which Badoer shall communicate to the King and incite him to conquer France while they expel the French King from Italy. Dated, 12 Jan. 1509.
Italian. Modern transcript, pp. 3. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 33.
13 Jan.
S.P. Hen. VIII. 1, f. 134. R.O.
331. [800(2).] TAPESTRY.
A licence to import "cloths of tapestry and arras." (See GRANTS IN JANUARY, No. 11.)
Modern copy, p. 1.
14 Jan.
Sanuto, IX. 544.
332. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 19 Feb. 1509–10.]
From merchants, dated London, 14 Jan.:—At length the ambassador of France has come with the tribute of 50,000cr., and had audience on the 13th. A Spanish ambassador has also arrived. It is thought matters with France will be arranged and the preparation against Candlemas go no further.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 38.
14 Jan.
Le Glay. Neg. entre la France et l'Autriche, I. 316.
The Venetians are said to be treating an appointment with the Pope, and both parties practising with the Swiss. There is a practice between the King of England and the Pope, and that King makes a show of arming so as to draw off some of the French forces now against the Venetians. The English ambassador at Rome openly favours the Venetians. The Legate affirms this, but adds that servants of the King of England write of the their master's wish to continue the amity, and that this King sent his ambassador to learn the truth and entertain the King of England. Have advised the Emperor likewise to entertain that King. There is a suspicion that in the above intrigues there is a secret understanding with the King of Aragon, who would not like the Venetians destroyed. The ambassadors of the Pope and Aragon have given the writers good words. On the other hand there is talk of a new league between the aforenamed with the Emperor at its head; but of this the Legate has said nothing. Matters now depend on the Emperor's resolution upon this King's reply to the communication lately brought by Rogendorf. Were visited this morning by the ambassador of Aragon who asked if the writers knew anything of a league said to be in treaty between the Pope, Emperor, England, the Venetians and others. Answered that they only heard a rumour that some persons secretly desired that the Venetians should not be destroyed and that the Pope, owing to Venetian practices, was not dealing straight; the Emperor would do his part, whose letters had been communicated to the King, the Legate, and him. He replied that the Legate had spoken to him of these things, saying there were some who did not deal straight but he had no doubt of King of Aragon. This is the substance of what they write to the Emperor, to whom they beg her to send with all speed the packet herewith addressed to Mons. de Gurce and, in his absence, Messire Jaques de Banisis. Bloys, 14 Jan.
14 Jan.
Venetian Transcr. 176, p. 63. R.O.
14 Jan. 1509:—To inform the Emperor's ambassadors at Hospedaleto that the Signory will give, for the investiture, 150,000fl. and a pension of 20,000fl., and will get the King of England to make security for them, who always has ample Venetian property in his kingdom.
Italian. Modern transcript, p. 1. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 34.


  • 1. See No. 274.