Henry VIII: April 1509

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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April 1509

Exch. T.R.,
Wills (Hen. VII.) R. O.
1. WILL OF HENRY VII. (fn. 1)
At his manor of Richmond, 31 (fn. 2) March 24 Hen. VII., the King makes his last will, commending his soul to the Redeemer with the words he has used since his first "years of discretion," Domine Jesu Christe, qui me ex nichilo creasti, fecisti, redemisti et predestinasti ad hoc quod sum, Tu scis quid de me facere vis, fac de me secundum voluntatem Tuam cum misericordia, trusting in the grace of His Blessed Mother in whom, after Him, has been all his (testator's) trust, by whom in all his adversities he has had special comfort, and to whom he now makes his prayer (recited), as also to all the company of Heaven and especially his "accustumed avoures" St. Michael, St. John Baptist, St. John Evangelist, St. George, St. Anthony, St. Edward, St. Vincent, St. Anne, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Barbara, to defend him at the hour of death and be intercessors for the remission of his sins and salvation of his soul. Desires to be buried at Westminster, where he was crowned, where lie buried many of his progenitors, especially his granddame Katharine wife to Henry V. and daughter to Charles of France, and whereto he means shortly to translate the remains of Henry VI.,—in the chapel which he has begun to build (giving full directions for the placing and making of his tomb and finishing of the said chapel according to the plan which he has "in picture delivered" to the prior of St. Bartholomew's beside Smithfield, master of the works for the same); and he has delivered beforehand to the abbot, &c., of Westminster, 5,000l., by indenture dated Richmond, 13 April 23 Hen. VII., towards the cost. His executors shall cause 10,000 masses in honor of the Trinity, the Five Wounds, the Five Joys of Our Lady, the Nine Orders of Angels, the Patriarchs, the Twelve Apostles and All Saints (numbers to each object specified) to be said within one month after his decease, at 6d. each, making in all 250l., and shall distribute 2,000l. in alms; and to ensure payment he has left 2,250l. with the abbot, &c., of West-minster, by indenture dated _ (blank) day of _ (blank) in the _ (blank) year of his reign. His debts are then to be paid and reparation for wrongs made by his executors at the discretion of the following persons, by whom all complaints shall be tenderly weighed, viz., the abp. of Canterbury, Richard bp. of Winchester, the bps. of London and Rochester, Thomas Earl of Surrey, Treasurer General, George Earl of Shrewsbury, Steward of the House, Sir Charles Somerset Lord Herbert, Chamberlain, the two Chief Justices, Mr. John Yong, Master of the Rolls, Sir Thos. Lovell, Treasurer of the House, Mr. Thomas Routhall, secretary, Sir Ric. Emson, Chancellor of the Duchy, Edm. Dudley, the King's attorney at the time of his decease, and his confessor, the Provincial of the Friars Observants, and Mr. William Atwater, dean of the Chapel, or at least six of them and three of his executors. His executors shall see that the officers of the Household and Wardrobe discharge any debts which may be due for charges of the same. Lands to the yearly value of above 1,000 mks. have been "amortised" for fulfilment of certain covenants (described) with the abbey of Westminster. For the completion of the hospital which he has begun to build at the Savoie place beside Charingcrosse, and towards which 10,000 mks. in ready money has been delivered to the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, by indenture dated _ (blank), his executors shall deliver any more money which may be necessary; and they shall also make (if he has not done it in his lifetime) two similar hospitals in the suburbs of York and Coventry. Certain cathedrals, abbeys, &c., named in a schedule hereto annexed [not annexed now] have undertaken to make for him orisons, prayers and suffrages "while the world shall endure," in return for which he has made them large confirmations, licences and other grants; and he now wishes 6s. 8d. each to be delivered soon after his decease to the rulers of such cathedrals, &c., 3s. 4d. to every canon and monk, being priest, within the same and 20d. to every canon, monk, vicar and minister not being priest. His executors shall bestow 2,000l. upon the repair of the highways and bridges from Windsor to Richmond manor and thence to St. George's church beside Southwark, and thence to Greenwich manor, and thence to Canterbury. To divers lords, as well of his blood as other, and also to knights, squires and other subjects, he has, for their good service, made grants of lands, offices and annuities, which he straitly charges his son, the Prince, and other heirs to respect; as also the enfeoffments of the Duchy of Lancaster made by Parliaments of 7 and 19 Hen. VII. for the fulfilment of his will. Bequests for finishing of the church of the New College in Cambridge and the church of Westminster, for the houses of Friars Observants, for the altar within the King's grate (i.e. of his tomb), for the high altar within the King's chapel, for the image of the King to be made and set upon St. Edward's shrine, for the College of Windsor, for the monastery of Westminster, for the image of the King to be set at St. Thomas's shrine at Canterbury, and for chalices and pixes of a certain fashion to be given to all the houses of Friars and every parish church not suitably provided with such. Bequest of a dote of 50,000l. for the marriage of Lady Mary the King's daughter with Charles Prince of Spain, as contracted at Richmond _ (blank) Dec. 24 Hen. VIII., or (if that fail) her marriage with any prince out of the realm by "consent of our said son the Prince, his Council and our said executors."
Executors of this will shall be Margaret Countess of Richmond, the King's mother, Christopher abp. of York, Richard bp. of Winchester*, Richard bp. of London*, Edmond bp. of Salisbury, William bp. of Lincoln, John bp. of Rochester*, Thomas Earl of Arundel, Thomas Earl of Surrey, Treasurer General, Sir Charles Somerset Lord Herbert*, Chamberlain, Sir John Fyneux*, Chief Justice, Sir Robert Rede*, Chief Justice of C.P., Mr. John Yong*, M.R., Sir Thomas Lovell, Treasurer of Household, Mr. Thomas Rowthale*, Secretary, Sir Richard Emson*, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Sir John Cutte, Under-Treasurer General, and Edmond Dudley*, squire, of whom those marked (*) above (or seven of them) are to assemble at least once in every term for twelve days, and declare annually their account to the supervisor of this will hereby appointed, viz. the abp. of Canterbury for the time being. On assuming the administration, the supervisor and the executors named as "superattenders" (those marked with * above) shall each receive 100l. in half yearly instalments of 50 mks.; and when the will has been fully executed they shall each receive 200l. and the other executors 100l.
Dated at [Ca]unterbury the [10th day] (fn. 3) of April 24 Hen. VII. Signature mutilated. Seals much broken.
Pp. 37. Slightly injured. Marked at the end: Irro.
Harl. MS.
297, f. 8. B. M.
2. Modern copy of the above, carefully corrected.
Pp. 40.
23 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 1, f. 2. R. O.
Four copies of the Proclamation substantially the same as No. 11 (1. i.), but differently worded at the beginning. See GRANTS IN APRIL, 1509. No. 1.
Each, pp. 4.
25 April. 3. THE JUDGES and SHERIFFS.
Confirmed. See GRANTS IN APRIL, 1509, Nos. 2, 3.
25 April.
Le Glay, Analectes Hist., p. 181.
Henry VIII. fait part a Marguerite d'Autriche de la mort de son pere, Hen. VII. Arrivée le 22 (fn. 4) Avril, 1509. London, 25 April, 1509.
26 April.
Sanuto, VIII. 281.
[Note of letters received 18 May, 1509.]
From the Ambassador, Andrea Badoer, London, 25 April:—He is in need of money. The King, being ill, sent some Councillors to learn Badoer's mission. They were displeased when he told them of the King of France's coming against the Signory. They showed the Pope's brief inviting aid against Turks and Infidels, and said that the King answered and was answering that he himself was unable, through illness, and that he was pleased with the peace between the King of the Romans and France but much displeased to hear that France was coming against the Signory of Venice; which was not going against infidels, &c. Sends copies of the brief and letter. Writes afterwards on the same day, the 21st, that the King is dead, and his son, aged _ (blank), named _ (blank), has succeeded and has gone to Westminster (sic), as the custom is, where he will remain until crowned. The late King wrote to the King of the Romans to provide for these discords of France and Venice; and he wrote to the King of France that he will maintain the capitulation between them that all ships whatsoever visiting England may use the ports of France, and therefore Venetian vessels are not to be troubled. The new King is magnificent, liberal and a great enemy of the French. He will be the Signory's friend.
Ib., 213. ii. [Note of letters received 10 May, 1509].
Private letters from merchants (named), London, 26 April:—The King died on 21 April and his son was created [king], and swore, de more, immediately after his coronation to make war on the King of France. Soon we shall hear that he has invaded France. Our Flanders galleys left Hampton on 26 April.
26 April.
Vesp. C. I. 36. B. M. Gairdner's Mem. of Hen. VII, 431.
6. [8.] JOHN STILE to HENRY VII. (in cipher).
On the seven ... [and] 17th of March last received Henry's letters of the 31st Jan. and the 3rd Feb. "as by other six m[y letters a]fore this I have certified unto your highness, and of the answer of the King of Ar[ragon]," that he was glad to hear of Henry's desire for the marriage between the Prince his son and his own daughter the Princess. Has also reported in the said six letters what the King of Arragon said about the dowry,—that he would speedily send Ambassadors to England. Since this answer of 12th March, Ferdinand has been too much occupied to name the Ambassadors, notwithstanding Stile's frequent solicitations to him and the bp. of Canarya. The bp., Don. Pedro Ayala, has been absent from Court six weeks, except on Passion Week, when he went to a house of Friars in Valladolid, being continually diseased. He is in high favor with the King, to whom he did the best service of any one in Castile, having induced the Cardinal of Toledo (Ximenes) and the Constable of Castile to take Ferdinand's part, otherwise the said King, being in Naples, would not so soon have returned into Castile. He is not, however, now so often called to counsel. The bp. of Palencia and others have a grudge against him. Palencia hoped to have been Cardinal instead of the abp. of Toledo. Don Pedro is dissatisfied with the King and his Secretary Almasan for putting off the naming of the English Ambassadors, when one has since been sent to France, a native of Valencia "a commendador of the Order of St. James,—and Mossen Jayme de Albyon, the which was Ambassador for the King of [Ar]ag[on in] France, shall come home Ambassadors of France and it please your Grace ... it is said that there is an Ambassador of France coming hither ..." Thinks the delay arises from two causes; 1st, letters received by Ferdinand from the Commendador de la Membrelia, his Ambassador, and, 2nd, that the Queen of Arragon is expected to be delivered of child this April. If it be a prince it will be much to the King's delight; if a daughter, the partisans of the Prince of Castile will be glad, as she will not be able to inherit Arragon and Naples. The Arragonese, however, say, if it be a daughter she should marry the King of Castile's second son, and have all. If the Queen die in child-bed it will endanger Ferdinand's alliance with France, which he esteems above all the world, and then he will be glad of England's friendship.
On the 4th April arrived John de Scotya, my lady the Princess's servant, with letters from the Princess to the King of Arragon and Almasan. On the 10th, when he asked the King if he had named the Ambassadors, the King excused himself on account of Easter, and said he had received a letter from the Princess desiring him to send her a new confessor, which he would do. On the 11th, letters came from the Comendador de la Membrelia, dated London, 20th March, desiring his recal, and complaining that the King's porters took his mule by the bridle, and would not let him enter the Court. Don Pedro informed him of this, and that many here were anxious to bring about a rupture with England, saying that it was dishonourable in the King of England to keep the Princess there so long—that Ferdinand should demand her back, and if England would not redeliver her dowry, they of Castile were ready to make war against England at their own cost—that intercourse between the two kingdoms should be prohibited, as all the gold went from Castile to England, and nothing came in return but English cloth. Stile made answer in as fair terms as he could, wishing to conciliate the bp., that he might thereafter communicate his news freely; but "these people here be wondrous close, subtle, and crafty, to far passing mine understanding, so that no man may be in a surety almost of their words, for that oftentimes their deeds follow not the same." Finds it is true that the King was moved, at Seville, and since, to break the English alliance, but by no great estates of this land, as he had no lords with him in his journey to Andalusia, except the bp. of Palencia, the bp. of Majorca, now abp. of Granada, the bps. of Segovia, Canaria, and Ciudad Rodrigo, and the President, with the twelve learned counsel, the Secretary Almasan, and Fernando di Vega. Nothing is done without the counsel of Almasan, who is "right secret and a subtle man in working"—intent on securing the King's abiding in Castile.
Delivered to Ferdinand the Latin copy of "the noble triumph" of my Lady Mary's marriage with the Prince of Castile, which the King ordered Almasan to translate into Castilian. Henry may be assured, however, it is anything but pleasing to Ferdinand. The Great Captain and others rejoice at it; he has offered his services to Henry and the Emperor in behalf of the Prince, but is perplexed by the Emperor's slackness, and dares not declare himself for the Prince, for fear of losing his lands in Naples; if he were to go from hence the whole land would be in trouble. Ferdinand makes daily efforts to win over him, the Marquis de Plego, and the Count de Cabra;—he has rewarded highly the Marquis de Vyllena and the Count de Benavente for their adherence. The Duke de Najara and the Count de Miranda are inclined to the Prince.
Don Pedro acknowledged that the King of Arragon's displeasure at the contract of marriage was greater than reasonable, as Ferdinand was not in Castile, but in Naples, when it was proposed, and it was not then thought that he had any interest in Castile, the Queen of Castile being alive—and also as the Emperor and the Prince's Council in Flanders, had sought the aid of England against the Duke of Gueldres. He thought, however, that Ferdinand's assent should have been afterwards obtained, as it would have been readily given, out of his regard for Henry. The council of this land have seen the writings by which Henry is bound to repay half the Princess's dowry if it should be required. No other agreement made by Farnando Duke and the Doctor de Puebla is binding. If Elizabeth (Isabella) Queen of Castile had lived, these two would have been destroyed for their so doing. Don Pedro also complained that there is no secresy observed in England:—the King had openly declared Stile had written to him from Seville that Don Pedro was coming to England an Ambassador.
Doubts not he should have had as good a reception from the Turk as here, and the Prince of Castile's ambassador likewise; but is content to suffer for the King's sake.
The Queen of Castile was brought to Tordesillias on the 15th of March, and with her her late King's corpse, and the young Infanta. She has no attendants except Ferrer, some Arragonese appointed by her father, and the bps. of Malaga and Mondonedo. Tordesillias is the place where her grandmother was kept when troubled with a like insanity after the decease of her husband, John of Castile. Has done his best to comfort the Prince of Castile's adherents, but they are afraid to declare themselves unless ambassadors come from England and the Emperor. The Cardinal of Toledo is at Cartagena, where 5,000 or 6,000 men are assembled for an expedition against Barbary. Some say he will go to Rome, and 2,000 be sent to Naples.—Is in great need of money. Either the Count of Swyfentys or the bp. of Canarya will be sent to England. The Queen of Arragon's delivery is hourly expected. The Queen of Castile is dangerously ill. Valladolid, 26 April, 24 Henry VII.
Hol. cipher, pp. 8, mutilated.
28 April.
Sanuto, VIII, 311.
[Notes of letters received 25 May, 1509.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 26 and 28 April:—Wants a cipher. The new King has obedience of all except two, one of whom is President of Scotland (certo Prescidente di Scocia). It is thought that this is the work of the King of France and will rouse the King against France. Has spoken with the Chancellor (? Sigillo Major).
Ib. ii. From Agostin da Molla, captain of the galleys of Flanders, dated Hampton, 22 April:—Detained by weather, though anxious to depart. Owing to the troublous time, he had hired a bark as convoy.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 1.
Exemptions. See GRANTS IN APRIL, 1509, No. 10.
30 April.
Cleop. E. III. 175. B.M.
Wrote to him last on the 18th of the great preparation made against the Venetians. An action is expected. Will write from time to time of the news as it comes to the Pope and this Court. On the 19th news came from De Chamon, Great Master of Milan, that he had taken Trewy in the land of Cremona from the Venetians, who had attempted to stop the passage of the French in great force at the Abda. Among the prisoners is Justinian Moroxiny, who was brought to the Great Master, with his hands bound and a rope round his neck, with Witello de Witellys. Among the French slain is the Marquis of Rotelyn, brother to Mons. Dedunas. (fn. 5) The French are waiting for reinforcements to attack Cremona, which, it is thought, the inhabitants will deliver, as the Venetians are unpopular. The legate of Bonony has ordered the Pope's army to be in readiness to go towards Faenza and other of the Church's towns kept by the Venetians. The same day came news that the Marquis of Mantua had recovered Casall Maiour. He had sent to the Legate and to De Chamon for succours, hearing the Venetians were to attack him under Signior Bartyllmew de Alvyano. On Friday the 20th, the Duke of Ferrara was chosen gownifalonyer or standardbearer of the Church. The Pope had delayed the appointment so long because it was desired by the old Duke of Urbino, the present Duke who is the Pope's nephew, the Marquis of Mantua and others. The Pope is angry with three barons of the Ursins (Orsini), who had purposed to succour the Venetians. They have now submitted, and asked the Pope's forgiveness. Has heard nothing of the Emperor's coming. The Pope always asks for the King. On the last occasion Bonvix told him that his last news was by a letter of the 30th March, "at the which time your Grace was not fully recovered, but that I trusted by this time your Grace be in good health; whereupon his Holiness heartily besought Almighty God that your Grace might be so." News came on the 24th that the French had forsaken Trewy and retired to Milan, and the Marquis of Mantua also has abandoned his capture; at the approach of the Venetians. Thinks that the French enter the war unprepared, as they had boasted they would begin on the 15th April. On the 27th the Venetians were excommunicated. Sends a copy of the bull. On the 28th news came that the papal army had taken Salarola castle, 6 miles from Faenza; on the 30th that the French king would enter Milan with a great host. The Venetians are in great danger. Rome, 30 April, 1509.
Hol. pp. 8. Addressed: "To my sowraine lord the Kyng hys most noble grace."
See GRANTS IN APRIL, 1509, No. 12.
1. i. General Pardon. [Proclamation] that whereas the late King granted a general pardon of all offences before the 10th Apr. last, the King now grants a more ample pardon for all things except debt; which pardon shall be passed under the Great Seal, to every one who will sue for it from the Chancellor. No one is to make disturbances, but any person wronged may seek remedy at law. The commissions of sheriffs and justices shall be renewed. All the King's officers shall deal justly, notwithstanding any command to the contrary "by any of his Council whatsoever he be"; and none of his subjects shall forbear to "make their traverses," for the Chancellor, Treasurer and Barons are charged to admit them "and grant the fermes [where the case shall so require]." Merchants, clothiers and artificers shall continue their occupations without fear of untrue informations "by customers, comptrollers or searchers," or persons calling themselves promoters, or by old ordinances never executed "till now of late time"; and the King will provide reformation of the rigour wherewith they have been vexed. S.B. (slightly injured. In English.)
ii. Form of general pardon for all offences before 23 April, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (injured, (fn. 6) without note of delivery). [2.]
2. The Judges. Warrant to William [Warham], abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to deliver to the late Justices of the King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, all writs, patents, and warrants made under the Great Seal, in as ample a manner as they had them temp. Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 25 April, 1 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [4.]
3. The Sheriffs. Warrant for renewal of the patents of the sheriffs who held office at the death of the late King, provided that they find sureties in the Exchequer, as usual. S.B. (in English, without note of delivery). [16.]
4. Sir Robert Rode. To be, during pleasure, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Westm., 25 April. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [5.]
5. John Botyller. To be, during pleasure, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. Westm., 25 April. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [6.]
6. John Aleyn. To be, during good conduct, fourth baron of the Exchequer. Westm., 25 April. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [7.]
7. William Bolling. To be, during good conduct, third baron of the Exchequer. Westm., 26 April. Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. [9.]
8. Bartholomew Westby. To be, during good conduct, second baron of the Exchequer. Westm. _ (blank). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3. [17.]
9. Richard Elyot and Lewis Pollard, late serjeants-at-law, and John Ernley, Attorney-general of Henry VII. Warrant for their patents as King's serjeants-at-law and attorney general, during pleasure. S.B. (in English, without note of delivery). Pat. 1 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25. [10.]
10. The General Pardon. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to grant letters patent of general pardon, excepting those persons whose names are upon a document annexed. Tower of London, 30 April, 1 Hen. VIII.
ii. "The names of the persons exempted from the King's general pardon":—
Edm. De la Pole, Will. De la Pole, Ric. De la Pole, Will. Cortney, son of the earl of Devon, Tho. Grey, Marquis of Dorset, Sir Geo. Nevyll, John Taillor, in ward in the Tower, Sir Will. Capell, Rob. Straunge, Sir Ric. Emson, Edmund Dudley, Tho. Stanley, Tho. Dalby, clk., Sir Ames Paulet, Tho. Tynnyng, clk., Jas. Butler, clk., of Worcestershire, Will. Smythe, late of the Wardrobe, Blubery of Kent, Will. Butteler of Sussex, Pygeon of Yarmouth, Cooke of Norf., Tyrry of London or St. Alban's, John Bapt. Grymald, Hen. Toft of London, Pecok of Oxfordshire, Bampton of Hull, Barker of Worcestershire, Watkyns of the Isle of Ely, Wygan late footman, Bugge of Dorset, Hampton of Southampton. Durrant of Derbyshire; Frye, John Maynard, and Ootes Corbet of Devonshire; Derby, bowyer, Simpson, sherman, Smythe, carpenter, Jo. Poortwood, brewer, Rob. Jakes, sherman, and Hen. Stoughton, fishmonger, of London; Will. Watts of Norwich, Shemmyng of Kent, John Burston of Gravesend, Rob. Golding of Kent, Rauf Brykheved of Cheshire, John Dyson of Lichfield, Kemer of Pole, Ric. Morley of Fenystratford, John Mylles of London, Camby of the Countre, Ric. Page, John Michell, Tho. Michell, Rauf Haklet of Herefordshire, Rowes of Devonshire, Waren and Malham of the Chauncery, John Myddelmore, Sam. Prowar of Daventre, Sir Humph, Lisle, Rob. Porter, a murderer in prison at Cambridge, Skynner of Devonshire, Grove the escheator of Bucks, Geo. Chauncye and Edw. Chauncye late of Pevensey, Tho. Bretherton, Jo. Chauncefeld, and Colsell, late messenger, of Lancashire, Edw. Mynskyp of Cambridgeshire, Ric. Sclatter of Eyton, in parish of Bleccheley, Bucks, yeoman, Rob. Dod, gent., and Tho. Hough, yeoman, of the same parish, Thomas Turbrevyle, Chr. Clapham, porter of Berwick, Lord Dacre of the North, and (added in another handwriting) Thomas Thomas of Southampton. Signed by the King top and bottom. [12.]
11. Rafe Hackelett, of Herefordshire. To be included in the general pardon, from which he had been excepted. S.B. (in English, without note of delivery). [13.]
12. Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy, Sir Hugh Conwey, Treasurer, Sir Ric. Carewe, Lieutenant of the Castle, Sir John Wilshire, Comptroller, Robt. Wotton, Porter, of Calais, Walter Culpeper, and John Meautis, clk. Commission to receive from Louis XII. 25,000 francs in crowns of gold at Calais, on 1 May, 1509, in conformity with the treaty of 3 Nov. 1492, between Hen. VII. and Charles VIII., confirmed by Louis under ecclesiastical censures. S.B. (without note of delivery, countersigned: Will'mus Cantuar.—T. Surrey — Ri. Wynton — Oxynford — Thomas Lovell). [14.]
ii. Form of receipt to be given in pursuance of the above. Countersigned by the same. S.B. [15.]


  • 1. Printed by Astle in 1775.
  • 2. Space has been left blank for the day and the word "laste" written in later.
  • 3. Still legible when the will was printed by Astle.
  • 4. So in the catalogue from which these notes are taken, but in the letter itself, which Le Glay prints (p. 177), as an example of the series, the date is given rightly as the 21st,
  • 5. Apparently a false report, as Louis Marquis of Rothelin survived his brother Francois Comte de Dunois, and succeeded to his titles.
  • 6. Of legible copies, as granted to individuals, many will be found on the Memoranda Rolls of the Exchequer of 1 Henry VIII., both K.R. and L.T.R.