Index: A

Pages 625-629

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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Aaron, clerk, 52, 53.

-, Master Adam, 56.

Abbendun, Master Robert de, 171.

Abberbyri, Master Thomas de, 483.

Abbetot, John de, 270.

Abbeville, canon of, 342.

Abbot's Ann [co. Hants], 127.

Abenton. See Abingdon.

Aberbredoc, Aberbronthoe, Aberbruhoc, Aberbunchre. See. Arbroath.

Aberconway, abbot and convent of, 102, 480, 501.

-, Abraham, monk of, 102.

-, R. sub-prior of, 14.

Aberdeen, 60, 521.

-, archdeacon of, 103, 497.

-, bishop of, 182, 232, 256, 263, 351, 408, 426, 445, 448, 449, 457, 464, 465, 467, 502, 522, 572, 578.

-, Hugh, bishop of, 442.

-, Adam, bishop elect of, 30.

-, bishop and archdeacon of, 330.

-, canon of, 578.

-, cathedral of, 502.

-, chapter of, 465.

-, clergy of the diocese of, 465.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 442.

-, dean of, 491.

-, dean and chapter of, 442.

-, Stephen and Richard, proctors of the dean and chapter of, 182.

-, prebend of, 479, 545.

-, Henry, precentor of, 465, 467.

-, prior of Friars Preachers at, 351.

-, treasurer of, 497.

Aberdeen, Master Matthew de, 188.

Aberdkendover [Scotland], 72.

Abergwilly [co. Carmarthen], prebend of, 567.

Aberlevenach, Aberleminach [Scotland], 188.

Aberluthnet, Aberlothinoth, diocese of St. Andrews, 538.

Abernant, Hebernat [co. Carmarthen], 412.

Abernithi [Scotland], 72.

Abili, Antelmus, of Monte Rotondo, 548.

Abingdon, Abenton, Habendon, abbot of, 13, 73.

-, abbot and convent of, 98, 101, 126, 129, 132, 355, 407.

-, dean of, 189.

-, -, St. Helen's, 213.

Abingdon, Master Robert de, 76.

Abington, Habiton [co. Cambridge], 501.

Abirnithin, Hugh de, 463.

Ab-Kettleby [co. Leicester], 204.

Abrichescote, 83.

Abriagrit, Hewel, 515.

Absalon, Master Nicholas, 291.

Aburby, Master Thomas de, 488.

Accustus, 352.

Achadabain [Ireland], 40.

Achadadall [Ireland], 18.

Achadarglaiss [Ireland], 18.

Achonry, bishop of, 250, 253.

Acklam [co. York], 109.

Acle. See also Aycliffe.

Aclei. See Oakley.

Acolt. See Occold.

Acqua Sparta, Matthew de, 510.

Acre, 599.

-, hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr of, 150, 339.

Adam, son of Drogo, 187.

Adboy, dioccese of Meath, 333.

Addam, Master, of Kirkudbrieth, 365.

Adderbury, Adurbiri [co. Oxford], 570.

Adderbury, Thomas de, canon of Lichfield, 601.

Addington, 187.

-, diocese of Lincoln, 390.

Addon. See Haddon.

Adekarmerdin [Ireland], 370.

Adelagheles [Ireland], 370.

Ademancel [Ireland], 370.

Adenulf, Master, 299.

Adfeld. See Hatfield.

Adham, Philip de, canon of London, 112.

Adhnagarbad, 370.

Adinburg. See Attenborough.

Adinulf, Bartholomew, son of, of Anagni, 406, 407.

Adlingfleet, Athelingflete [co. York], 230, 293, 466, 525, 559.

Adolphus, king of the Romans, 563, 567, 568, 579.

Advocati, the, of Florence, 614.

Adwic [co. York], 336.

Aedingbure. See Attenborough.

Agatha, William de, 288.

Agen, 501.

-, archdeacon of, 354, 362, 363, 507.

-, bishop of, 266.

-, canon of, 510, 573.

-, St. Caprasius, 443.

Aghadoe, bishop of, 50, 344, 499.

Agmodesam. See Ameraham.

Ailwoldeston. See Alvaston.

Aiswelle. See Ashwell.

Aix, canon of, 471.

Aka. See Rock.

Alamant, Ralph de, 507.

Alan, constable of Scotland, 122.

-, called filius comitis, 408.

-, called Hostiarius, 349, 351.

-, and his son Hugh, 102.

-, knight, and Juliana his wife, 101.

-, Philip, son of, 307, 312, 346.

-, Walter, son of, 106, 107.

Alatri, Gregory Giudice of, 601.

-, Philip de, 302.

Alatrinus, 125, 173.

Alatro, John de, 498.

-, Peter de, 61.

Albamara, Walter de, 244.

Alban, son of William, 16.

Albaniaco. See Albiniaco.

Albemarle, earl of, 195.

-, William, earl of, 112.

Albeneio, Nigel de, 296.

Albeniaco. See Albiniaco.

Alberbiri. See Almondbury.

Alberic, earl [of Oxford], 24.

Albert, Master, papal legate, 299.

-, -, 408, 619.

-, -, of Pisa, canon of St. Omer, 366.

Albi, Alby, 36.

Albigenses, 36, 66, 109, 118.

Albiniaco, Albaniaco, Hugh de, earl of Arundel, 189, 195.

-, W. de, 39.

-, Walter de, 350.

Albodeston, diocese of Winchester, 549.

Alby, Alebi, 18.

- See Albi.

Aldborough, Aldeburgh, diocese of Norwich, 253.

Aldeby, Audeby [co. Norfolk], 327.

Aldenham, Aldeham [co. Herts], 366.

Aldepatric, 107.

Aldetheleye. See Audley.

Alditheford, Thomas de, 274.

Aldrington, 390.

Aldwinkle [co. Northants], 558.

Alebi. See Alby.

Alençon, Charles, count of, 568.

Alensun, 113.

Alexander, king of Scots, 59, 60.

Alexander II., king of Scots, 77, 83, 96, 104, 142, 154, 162, 184, 195.

Alexander III., king of Scots, 454, 462, 465, 481, 584.

Alexander, son of the king of Scots, 216.

-, son of William king of Scots, 40.

-, Master, 56, 57.

-, papal acolyte, 57.

-, the physician, 278.

-, Hugh and John, 284.

Alexio, Peter, son of Bartholomew de, 284.

Alexius, Angelo, son of Bartholomew, 256.

Alfonso, son of Peter king of Aragon, 476.

- X., king of Castile, 555.

Algarkirk [co. Lincoln], 598.

Alifas. See Halifax.

Aliermont, forest of, 1.

Aliorti, Medicus, 465.

Alix, a Scottish widow, 104.

Alkham, Aukeham [co. Kent], 17.

Allerton, Aluerton [co. York], 47.

Allesley [co. Warwick], 150, 330.

Allespathe [co. Warwick], 84.

Allington, Alingethun, Hallinton, 182, 347.

Alliwell. See Holywell.

Allwoldeston. See Alvaston.

Almain, 427, 435, 479.

-, Holy Land Tenth in, 555.

-, Henry of, 444, 620.

Almanbiri. See Almondbury.

Almondbury, Almanbiri, Alberbiri [co. York], 568, 569, 571.

Alneto, John de, friar minor, 393, 425, 426.

Alperino, Matthew de, 231, 261.

-, Master Matthew de, 425.

Alpibus, Master William de, 450.

Alppeberi, Thomas de, 591.

Alresford, Hallreford [co. Hants], 221, 231.

Alribesia, Walter de, 272.

Altavilla, Master William de, 356.

Alteguis, 73.

Alter, St. Morach's de [Scotland], 103.

Althorp [co. Lincoln], 528.

Alto Monte, William de, 328.

Alton, Awelton [co. Hants], 21, 201, 502, 503.

Altona, William de, 485.

Altopascio, hospital of, 137.

Aluric the mason, 558.

Alvaston, Ailwoldeston, Allwoldeston, Hailwodeston, 51.

Alveley, Haldiwele [co. Salop], 149.

Alverstoke, Halwarestoke [co. Hants], 21, 201.

Alverton, Alwarton, Halverton, dioc. of Bath and Wells, 241, 399.

Alverton, Master Alexander de, 571.

Alvingham, Alingham [co. Lincoln], 284, 311.

Alvington, Alventon, chapel of, 288.

Alvithechirche, Master John de, 216, 382.

Alward, Robert Walteri, of Wydyhulhe, 537.

Alwarton. See Alverton.

Amblion, John de, 300, 301.

Ambrosden [co. Oxford], 125.

Ameldon. See Hamelton.

Amelton. See Hamelton.

Amersham, Agmodesham [co. Bucks], 199.

Amesbury, Ambresbury, prior of, 61.

Amiens, 402.

-, canon of, 595, 596.

-, official of, 471, 594.

Ammanati, firm of, of Pistoia, 574, 615.

Anagni, 471.

-, bishop of, 596.

-, canons of, 61, 366, 430, 611.

-, John, canon of St. Andrew's, 234, 240, 256.

-, hospital of St. Ascentius, 164.

-, canon of St. Cristina's, 401, 406.

-, Master Silvester, canon of St. John de Duce, 199, 234, 239, 250, 272, 288, 320.

-, abbot and convent of St. Mary's de Gloria, 164, 166, 174, 176, 183, 234, 236, 237, 280, 315, 316, 353, 356.

-, monastery of Monte d'Oro, 129.

Anagni, Bartholomew, son of Adinulf, of, 406, 407.

-, John de, 352.

-, Master John de, 407.

-, Master John, son of Andrew Giudice, of, 598.

-, Nicholas de, 385.

-, S. de, 277.

Ancona, 578.

Andewinder, St. Peter's, diocese of Lincoln, 354.

Andeby. See Aldeby.

Andely, manor of, 1.

Andevera, John de, 357.

Andirano, Peregrinus de, canon of Aix, 471.

Andover, dean of, 101.

-, prior of, 418.

-, St. Mary's, 418.

Aneston, Anestead, Nicholas de. 358.

Anesty, Thomasius de, 302.

Angelocci, Walter, 477.

Angera, Benatius, canon of, 257.

Angerham. See Ingram.

Angers, abbot and convent of St. Nicholas, 143, 169, 215.

-, official of, 215.

-, St. Martin's, 215.

-, treasurer of, 175.

Anglesey, diocese of Ely, hospital of, 476.

-, prior of, 121.

Anglicus, John, papal anncio, 263.

-, Ralph, friar minor, 240.

-, Richard, 60.

-, Walter, 558.

-, William, 56.

Angmering, Angenare [co. Sussex], 388.

Angouléme, bishop of, 513.

Anibald, Anibald son of, 301, 302.

-, Richard, son of Matthew, 301, 302.

Anibaldi, Aldebrandinus, 596.

-, -, son of James Riccardi Petri, 596.

-, Richard, son of Peter, 596.

Anibaldus Riccardi, Richard, son of, 602, 608.

Anichluc [Ireland], 307.

Anjou, count of, 428.

Anketil, Master Robert, 281.

-, Robert de, 252, 287.

Annadown, Hennedun, archdeacon of, 610.

-, bishop of, 36, 50, 117, 168, 212, 232, 277.

-, bishop and archdeacon of, 110.

-, Concord canon of, 265, 267.

-, Denys, dean of, 610.

-, P., dean, R., archdeacon, and A., chancellor of, 232.

Annand, Anant, 337.

Annochia, Henry de, 604.

Anselm, St., archbishop, 155.

Anselmi, Lanfranc, 573.

Ansone, Master John de, 558.

Anstey [co. Herts], 528.

Anticulo, Master Leonard de, 574.

Antinoe, Esné, provost of, 202.

Aosfetes. See Toffetes.

Aosta, Peter, son of the Vicecomes of, 222.

-, R., provost of, 213.

Appleby [co. Westmoreland], 188, 512.

Aqua Blanca, Master James de, 229, 232.

-, -, archdeacon of Salop, 338.

Aquileia, Laurence, canon of, 109.

-, Selacte, or Sclate, canon of, 351.

Aquino, Master Benedict de, 596.

Ar, 384, 385, 423, 454.

Aragon, king of, 472, 476, 563, 621.

-, Alfonso, of, 498.

-, Alfonso, son of Peter, king of, 495.

Aratio, Roger de, 417.

Arbrekan, chapel of, 550.

Arbroath, Aberbredoc, Aberbothenoc, Aberbronthoc, Aberbruboc, Aberbuachre, Avirbrech, abbot of, 144, 182.

-, H. abbot of, 28.

-, Nicholas, abbot of, 596.

-, Patrick, abbot of, 567.

-, William, abbot of, 472.

-, abbot and convent of, 72, 340, 341, 368, 598.

-, abbey of, 476, 520.

-, church of, 382.

-, Th. prior of, 28.

Arce, Arci, Master P. de, 199, 236.

-, Peter de, 238.

Archexea. See Arksey.

Archiepiscopi , William, 105.

Archili, Arcilis, Albert, son of Simon, canon of Parma, 326.

-, Albert, 392, 496.

Ardagh, archdeacon of, 50.

-, bishop of, 163, 216, 279, 286, 522.

-, bishop and dean of, 198.

-, see of, 40, 145.

Ardcondoch, 103.

Arden, Master Philip de,

Arderashac, 18.

Ardes, prior and monks of St. Andrews, 17.

-, St. Nicholas, 17.

Ardfert, 35.

-, bishop of, 10, 68, 98, 100, 146, 184, 274, 289, 519.

-, canons of, 50, 68.

-, -,dean and chapter of, 289.

-, see of, 53.

Ardfinam, 371.

Ardinghi, firm of, 395.

Ardingus of Pavia, Master, 69.

Arditio, Master, 455, 456.

-, -, bishop elect of Modens, 466.

-, -, superior of the church of Milan, 448, 452, 453, 455, 456, 464.

Ardmore [Ireland], 35.

Ardona, Robert de, monk of Malmesbury, 542.

Aregrave, William, son of Robert, and Robert de, 51.

Arenis, Master Stephen de, 152.

Arennes, archdeacon of, 41.

Areszo, chapter of, 601.

Argyle, bishop of, 445, 448, 463, 504, 518, 590.

-, Laurence, bishop elect of, 411.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 590.

-, dean and chapter of, 590.

-, see of, 251.

Arksey Archexea [co. York], 451, 549.

Arkeley, diocese of York, 357.

Arkien [Ireland], 17.

Arkilliston [Scotland], 106.

Arklow, 457.

Arles, 436.

Arlot, Arlott, Master, 354, 362.

Armagh, archbishop of, 1, 3, 10, 22, 40, 48, 59, 131, 145, 148, 164, 192, 193, 204, 207, 209, 224, 242, 272, 275, 277, 279, 281, 286, 307, 308, 312, 324, 328, 330, 331, 355, 356, 387, 392 to 395, 416, 428, 433, 442, 446, 449, 460, 488, 501, 506, 530, 552, 558.

-, archdeacon of, 49, 59, 216, 228.

-, arch-priest of, 328.

-, canons of, 224.

-, chancellor of, 228.

-, official of, 277, 307.

-, people of the diocese of, 442.

-, abbot and convent of SS. Peter and Paul, 230, 238.

Armannus, a friar preacher, 242.

Arnesby, Ernesbi [co. Leicester], 18.

Arnulf, papal chaplain, nephew of Gregory IX., 199.

Arras, archdeacon of, 583, 590, 602, 609.

-, bishop of, 575.

-, bishop and abbot of, 34.

-, abbot and convent of St. Vedart, 195.

Arroasian order, 149, 176.

Artingenaeda [Ireland], 18.

Arundel [co. Sussex], 33.

-, castle and town, 189.

-, prior of, 483.

Arundel, earl of, 43.

-, Hugh de Albiniaco, earl of, 189.

-, J. earl of, 42.

-, John, son of Richard earl of, 609.

-, W. earl of, 89.

Arvestley [co. Montg.], 559.

Aryton, W. de, 52.

Ascalon, 224.

Asceles, Philip de, 243.

Aseby, Master John de, 277.

Ash, Essce, Halsce, Hasse [co. Durham], 560, 571.

Ashbrittle, Essebritel [co. Somerset], 274.

Ashbury, Asseburi [co. Berks], 254, 530.

Ashby, Askeby, diocese of Lincoln, 296.

-, Essebi [co. Northants], 17, 84.

Ashdod, 436.

Ashmore, Essemere [co. Dorset], 508.

Ashridge, Asserugge [co. Bucks], rector and brethren of, 573.

Ashurst, Easurst [co. Sussex], 471.

Ashwell, Aiswelle, diocese of Lincoln, 181.

Askerswell, Oskerewell [co. Dorset], 381.

Askham, Richard, 102.

Aslackby [co. Lincoln], 284, 311.

Aspale, Master Geoffrey de, 456.

Aspley, Aspele, 19.

Assana, Master Peter de, 558.

Assebyri, See Ashbury.

Assisi, letters dated at, 334.

Astbury [co. Chester], 575.

Asti, 570.

-, bishop of, 489.

-, canons of, 449, 465, 469, 478.

Aston, Eston, diocese of Worcester, 147.

-, Estuna [co. Herts], 63.

-, Cantlow, Ystonacantelup [co. Warwick], 507.

-, Somerville [co. Gloucester], 543.

Aterde, Benedict de, 389.

Athassel, Athissel, Hatissel, prior and convent of St. Edmund's, 293.

Athelingflete. See Adlingfleet.

Athenry, Athnerwy, Athenyry, 370, 498, 500.

Athnetyg [Ireland], 498.

Attenborough, Adinburg, Aedinburc [co. Notts], 19, 332.

Auch, 288.

-, archbishop of, 159.

-, -, and suffragans of, 266.

Auckland, canon of, 559, 577, 614.

-, Robert, dean of, 589, 597.

-, ordinances dated at, 570, 571.

Auchtermoonzie, Uhtredmunesin, Hutredmunisin, 30, 61.

Auchtermuchty, Hoctyr Mokedy, Hucermickedy [Scotland], Thomas de, 576.

Audisoloie, James de, 236.

Audeby. See Aldeby.

Audley, Aldetheleye [co. Stafford], 533.

Audoby, Master Nicholas de, 546.

Augo, de. See Eu.

Augusteldesham. See Hexham.

Augustinian canons, order of, 28.

-, friars, 376.

Augustinians, general chapter of, 92.

-, of the province of York, 59, 92.

Aukeham. See Alkham.

Aunsham 19.

Aura, 241.

Aurei, Imbert, 566.

Ausona, Aussona, Auxonia, Peter de, canon of St. Martin's Tours, 444, 447.

Autun, canon of, 594.

Auekechirche. See Hawkchurch.

Auxerre, canon of, 574.

-, dean and archdeacon of, 284.

Auxonia. See Ausona.

Avena, Robert de, 492.

Avenbury, Avenebury, Avenebire [co. Hereford], 390.

-, Master Giles de, 293, 390.

Avenel, William, 418.

Avening [co. Gloucester], 533.

Aversham, 19.

Avington [co. Hants], 21, 201.

Avirbrech. See Arbroath.

Avranches, bishop of, 64.

Awalton. See Alton.

Awelton. See Alton.

Awltona, William de, 482.

Axebrigge, John de, subdean of Wells, 348.

Axminster [co. Devon], 136, 270.

Aycliffe, Acle [co. Durham], 47.

Aylesbury, Eylesbury [co. Bucks], prebendary of, 355.

Aylesford, Eyllefford [co. Kent], 329.

Aylsham, Aloham [co. Norfolk], 371.

Ayman, treasurer of the Temple in Paris, 74.

Ayr. See Ar.

Axxoni, Master, 52.