
Pages 619-621

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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Volume XXIXA.

A collection made by Master Berard of Naples, papal subdeacon and notary, containing letters of Urban IV. Clement IV. Gregory X. Innocent V. Adrian V. John XXI. Nicholas III. Martin IV. Honorius IV. (fn. 1)

Berard is mentioned in two briefs of Urban IV., and appears to have been skilled in the law, as is signified in a marginal note, written by himself, to ep. 196.

ep. 5.
To John Mansel, papal chaplain, treasurer of York. The king has written in his praise, and the pope encourages him to go on in his service to the king and realm, not forgetting his duty to the Roman Church.
ep. 6.
To Master Albert, papal notary. The pope has received his letters, and orders him to tell the king of the Franks that the realm of Sicily belongs to the apostolic see, and that neither the emperor nor the king of England has a right to it.
ep. 13.
To the king of France, requesting him to help the king of England in his struggle against the barons. O[ttobon], cardinal of St. Adrian's, is sent as legate.
ep. 40.
To Richard, king of the Romans. He is cited in order that judgment may be given touching the empire, inasmuch as the king of Castile, who had the majority of votes, has petitioned to have his election confirmed. Richard's proctors and envoys, Laurence, bishop, and William, archdeacon of Rochester, and Robert de Baro, have laid his case before the pope.
ep. 143. To the king of Sicily. The pope desires peace between him and the queens of France and England, and purposes to send the bishop of Senlis and the abbot of St. Denis as mediators.
epp. 144, 145. Concurrent letters to the queens of France and England.
ep. 146. Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Senlis and the abbot of St. Denis.
ep. 162.
To the queen of England. See Calendar, p. 446.
ep. 199. Bull against Simon and Guy de Montfort, who with consent of the king of Sicily, and by order of the king of England, in company with others, killed Henry de Alemania, eldest son of Richard, king of the Romans, during mass in some parish church of Viterbo. Ecclesiastical sentences are issued against them, and all circumstances, precedent, contingent, and subsequent are detailed, and provision is made in regard to the complete execution of sentences incurred.
ep. 232. To the abbot and convent of Paisley. Indult that their profits shall not be sequestrated by the ordinaries, who, pretending that churches appropriated to the monastery suffer damage, seize the profits of the said churches. Restoration is to be made of the profits so seized.
ep. 238. To the archbishop of Canterbury. By confession of Roger de Cliford, bearer of this letter, it appears that he with nobles and others went to Hereford, and on being prayed by P. the bishop, whom he had seized, to set him free, said he could not do so unless the bishop went to a castle of the said noble, which the bishop did. Roger thereupon took nearly all his goods, and kept him prisoner for almost five months, thereby incurring excommunication, from which, under pretext of a war which he pretended was imminent, he was absolved by the bishop of Bath and Wells. The pope, in the exercise of mercy towards the said noble, who came with the king in aid of the Holy Land, made inquiry and gave him absolution by certain prelates authorised for the purpose, who received his oath to give 300 marks to the cathedral of Hereford, and to endow a chapel therein, in which divine offices should be constantly celebrated, and to provide one or more silver lamps always to burn before the altar of the said cathedral or chapel in memory of the aforesaid matter. Moreover Roger, with head and feet bare, and with only a tunic and girdle, is to go on the second day after the king's coronation at Canterbury, and with a thong round his neck, and a rod in his hand, to go by the public way to the cathedral and confess his crime, receiving discipline with the said rod. He is to do the like at London and thrice at Hereford, receiving the discipline from the bishop and canons. The archbishop is ordered to see that this enjoined penance is carried out, and if the said noble does not present these letters within a month of his arrival in England, he will incur excommunication, and if he does not present them within three months, the first sentence is to be renewed.
ep. 239.
Gregory X.
3 Id. Mar.
an. 1.
Letters commonitory against the citizens of Norwich, and especially Nicholas de Ely, William de Donvico, Adam Lehespicier, Roger de Suendeston, rectors of the city, commonly called bailiffs, Master John Le Brun, clerk, Robert de Conventre, and Hugh his son, John Kernor, Walter Knot, William Incurte, Hugh Cissor, John Nate, Adam de Toftis, Simon le Palmer, John Le Scot, William Payn, Thomas de Karleton, Paul called ‘Benedicite,’ John called ‘Legrant,’ and Henry de Keylisdon, citizens, for their excesses and violences against the prior and convent of Norwich, who have made complaint to the pope, before whom the said persons are cited to appear.
ep. 251. To Henry, bishop of London. See Calendar, p. 441.
ep. 252. To the same. See Calendar, p. 442.
ep. 298. To the king. See Calendar, p. 446.
ep. 299. To the same. See Calendar, p. 446.
ep. 300.
To the same. Exhorting him to peace, or at least a truce during the council, so that he may be able to come to the help of the Holy Land. G. de Roscillon is the bearer of this letter.
ep. 301.
To the queen. Requesting her to write to the pope touching the well-being of the king and herself.
ep. 302.
To the same. Congratulating her on her husband's escape from death, and requesting her to persuade the king to go to the help of the Holy Land.
ep. 303.
To Anthony called ‘Bech.’ Enjoining him to promote the business of the Holy Land.
ep. 304.
To the king. Exhorting him to listen to the archbishop of Tyre, whom the pope is sending on the business of the Holy Land, and begging him to restore John de Grali to favour.
ep. 306.
To the king. The pope is pleased to hear that John de Gralli has been admitted to favour, and requests him to continue his goodwill to that noble.
ep. 314.
To Master Raymund de Nogeriis, papal chaplain and nuncio. Mandate touching 8000 marks left by R. king of the Romans for the Holy Land subsidy. They are to be received from his son and heir S. earl of Cornwall, and to be deposited at the New Temple, London.
ep. 328.
To the bishop elect of Verdun, papal nuncio. Mandate to exhort the king of England to take the cross.
ep. 329.
To the king. Exhorting him to take the cross and set out for the Holy Land.
ep. 417.
Non. Apr.
See Calendar, p. 472.


  • 1. Sent in 1754 to Monsignor Antonio Pressi, Scalco Segreto of Benedict XIV. from Monte pulciano, with a present of wine.