Venice: November 1559

Pages 132-134

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 7, 1558-1580. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.

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November 1559

1559. Nov. 7. Lettere, Capi, Consiglio X., filza No. 45. 108. Letters Patent of the Council of Ten.
Granting licence to Sir Henry Paget, as above, and dated 7th Nov. 1559.
Nov. 7. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 109. Giovanni Michiel, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Doge and Senate.
Nothing is attended to here but preparation for the departure of the Queen Catholic, which has been postponed from the 12th till the 16th, because her most important dresses, which are being made in Paris, are not yet finished.
It is secretly reported at the Court that the French troops in Scotland have been roughly handled by the Scots, who are in the field with the chief barons of that kingdom, in number from 20,000 to 25,000, their forces increasing daily; and that the Queen Regent had retired to Dunbar Castle, where she is almost besieged. I hear that of 16 companies of Frenchmen who were there, only eight suffered severely. Ample reinforcements will be sent hence in the spring, as sea voyages at this time of year are inconvenient, long, and dangerous.
Blois, 7th November 1559.
Nov. 13. Copy. Venetian Archives. 110. Francis and Mary, King and Queen of France, Scotland, England and Ireland, to [Mary] Queen-widow, Regent of Scotland.
Touching the disturbances in Scotland. Proclamation to be made of pardon to all persons laying down arms, &c. Blois, [Ides] of November 1559.
[Copy, enclosed in Michiel's letter of 23rd Nov. Latin.] (fn. 1)
Nov. 14. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 111. Paulo Tiepolo, Venetian Ambassador with King Philip, to the Doge and Senate.
His Majesty arrived here incognito from Valladolid with only five or six attendants, to determine where he is to lodge, and having decided to inhabit the palace, he went for his hunting sport until the 20th instant, when he will make his entry in state.
The Count de Bondias, who had been sent by the King to his Consort, returned with the news that she had commenced her journey, and might be expected here at the beginning of next month. The King will go to meet her at Guadalajara, 20 leagues hence, and they will proceed to this city for the celebration of the marriage.
A few days ago some disturbance took place in the Cathedral here, certain scandalous writings (polizze) having been disseminated there by some heretic, when the church had a full congregation; which being communicated to the Inquisition, the church doors were instantly closed, free egress being granted to all the inhabitants of Toledo; but all foreigners were searched, which operation lasted more than four hours, the individuals arrested being subjected to personal examination to see if they had any of the documents upon them, they being also compelled to give specimens of their handwriting to be compared with the originals; but ultimately the persons arrested were all released, it having been impossible to detect the culprit.
An envoy is come from Mantua in great haste about the affairs of the Popedom, the Marquis of Pescara having also arrived here lately for the purpose of favouring the canvass of the Cardinal of Mantua. The King, however, makes public declaration of being averse to interfere in this election, and that provided they name an honest man Pope he shall be content; which I understand was the reply sent by him to the Cardinal Farnese [Alessandro Farnese?], who had apologised for opposing Mantua [Ercole Gonzaga], because he did not know the King Catholic's mind. But I am told that his Majesty's desire and intention would be that the Conclave should elect either Carpi [Rodolfo Pio], Medici [Gianangelo], or Morone [the Vice-Protector of England, if possible. The King would consider it bad news were the Conclave to elect either Mantua or Pacheco. He objects to the former because his connexions in Italy are too powerful, and to the latter because he is of a very illustrious family in Spain, and it has been seen by experience that Spanish Popes have little friendship for their natural sovereigns; but I know nevertheless that Pacheco's relations have obtained letters from his Majesty to individual Cardinals (a particolari Cardinali) in his favour, though it is said that his Majesty could not deny them without rendering a great part of Spain hostile to him, and that they will be of little use, unless he performs some other office, as the Cardinals will very well comprehend that his Majesty was compelled by necessity.
The Marquis of Pescara will be Governor of Milan during the absence of the Duke of Sessa.
Advice has been received that the ship containing his Majesty's state papers, and which was already given up for lost was driven by a storm into Plymouth, and having been much injured, the cargo was landed; and when the vessel has been repaired, it will continue its voyage. (fn. 2)
Toledo, 14th November 1559.
[Italian; the portion in italics deciphered by Signor Luigi Pasini].
Nov. 16. Original Despatch. Venetian Archives. 112. Giovanni Michiel, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Doge and Senate.
The Marquis d'Elbœuf and M. de Martigues have at length been despatched hence for Scotland. They will embark at Calais, where vessels are laden with victuals and provisions for the Queen Regent and the French troops, who suffer greatly from want of them. News came yesterday that the Queen's adherents who are in Little Leith (Petilit) had made a sally against the Scots, recovered two pieces of artillery taken from them heretofore, and wounded and severely handled many of the enemy. The siege of that place continues, as every month, according to the obligation of those barons, fresh troops arrive in the neighbourhood with good supplies of provisions, and by relieving their predecessors, who then return home, they thus without great inconvenience all take part in the toil and burden; and it is said that by reason of the number of the barons the siege may continue for many months.
The day after to-morrow the Court will accompany the Queen of Spain as far as Châtellerault, and the Duchess of Savoy will also leave for Nice.
Blois, 16th November 1559.
Nov. 23. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 113. Giovanni Michiel, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Doge and Senate.
On the 17th the King with the Queen-mother and the Queen of Spain departed for Châtellerault, a journey which at this time of year will occupy five or six days; and he will then return immediately, having left here all three of his brothers and his little sister (con la picciola sorella).
I enclose a letter (fn. 3) from the King and from the Queen of Scotland, his wife, written to the Queen Regent, by the opportunity afforded by the Marquis d'Elbœuf's voyage to Scotland, charging her, before having recourse to force, to publish an indult and general pardon for all those, whether laymen or ecclesiastics, who withdraw from the insurgents and return to their ancient obedience; from which letter your Serenity will comprehend the condition of that kingdom, and the great outrages perpetrated by the insurgents. I understand that the Queen Regent, who has long been ill, though this may be a pretext for removing her thence, where she is detested, is commissioned on the arrival of her brother, the Marquis, to come home with the ships that took him out; the King and Queen giving him very ample powers to remain as Viceroy and Lieutenant-General, both for the administration of the war and of the government; it being reported now, more than ever, that in the spring the Duke d'Amaule will go with efficient forces. These young Princes, viz., Ludovic Gonzaga, the Duke de Longueville, and others, already talk of following them, accompanied by many noblemen and gentlemen of the Court.
Blois, 23rd November 1559.
Italian, partly in cipher; the portion in italics deciphered by Signor Luigi Pasini.]


  • 1. There are several other copies of this letter in the Record Office and the British Museum. A. full abstract of it is given in the Calendar of Foreign State Papers.
  • 2. See letter dated Toledo, 30th March, 1560.
  • 3. See 13th November.