Venice: June 1559

Pages 94-105

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 7, 1558-1580. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.

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June 1559

June 6. Original Letter, Mantuan Archives. 78. Il Schifanoya to the Castellan of Mantua.
The Council summoned the Bishop of London, and requested him earnestly with loving exhortations to resign the Bishopric to one Master Grindal, telling him that such was the will of her Majesty; and yesterday the Dean and Chancellors of St. Paul's, by commission of the Queen, were to make the election, to which they would by no means consent, neither would the Bishop, although they offered him a very good pension for life (et con gran preghiere et essortationi amorevoli volevano pur indurlo a far resignatione del Vescovato ad uno chiamato Mro. Grindal, dicendoli che questa era la mente di Sua Maestà; et hieri dovevano il Decano et gli Cancellieri di San Paulo per commissione delta Regina far la elettione, alia quale non voramw per modo alcuno consentir, si come il Vescovo ha fatto, non ostante etc.); to which he intrepidly replied that he would never do so, and preferred death. He was answered, “Consider well your case, and how you will live.” He rejoined, “It is true nothing else remains to me, but I hope in God, who will not fail me, and in my friends, by so much the more as I shall be able to gain my livelihood by teaching children, which profession I did not disdain to exercise although I was a bishop; and should I not find anyone willing to accept my teaching, I am Doctor in the Laws, and will resume the study of what I have long forgotten, and will thus gain my bread; and should this not succeed, I know how to labour with my hands in gardens and orchards, as in planting, grafting, sowing, &c, as well as any gardener in this kingdom; and should this also be insufficient, I desire no other grace, favour, or privilege from her Majesty than what she grants to the mendicants who go through London from door to door, begging, that I may do the like if necessary.”
When the Council heard this his final determination, they said, “Well, we have nothing more to do with you for the present, so her Majesty will provide herself with another bishop; “and she has done so. The poor Bishop has taken sanctuary in Westminster Abbey, to avoid molestation from many persons who demand considerable sums of money from him; but the Abbey cannot last long, as the Abbot made a similar reply, when it was offered to him to remain securely in his Abbey with his habit, and the monks to live together as they have done till now, provided that he would celebrate in his church the divine offices and mass, administering the sacraments in the same manner as in the other churches of London, and that he would take the oath like the other servants, officials, pensioners, and dependants of the Crown, and acknowledge this establishment (erettione) as from the hands of her Majesty. To these things the Abbot would by no means consent; so after St. John's Day, the term fixed by Parliament for all persons to consent and swear to all the statutes and laws, or to lose what they have, all of them will go about their business (andaranno per i fatti loro), though no one can leave the kingdom.
The Count de Feria had obtained permission to take to Flanders all the religious. Since his departure this concession has been limited to those who were in being at the time of other schism, and who are very few in number.
The Emperor's Ambassador has not yet obtained any reply, it being known that he is negotiating the marriage, and has already spoken twice to her Majesty, though she did not show him much favour (ma non gli ha fatto molte carezze), it being believed on the contrary that she is very reserved, and procrastinates.
All the bishops are expecting hourly to be deprived not only of their revenues, but also of their dignities, and everybody marvels at so much constancy. The Bishop of Ely abandons 15,000 crowns revenue, the Archbishop of York, late Lord Chancellor of England, little less, and all the others in proportion to their grade.
I hear that owing to this great constancy it is determined in secret to proceed more adroitly in enforcing the oath [to observe] the Statutes, and many will perhaps be exempted from it, most especially the nobility, perhaps from fear of some insurrection.
They have appointed the inquisitors, who will commence visiting the churches; and after St. John's Day all who do not go to church to hear their sermons and office will be fined, the first time, one shilling, the second, one pound [sterling], and the third by confiscation of all “property and perpetual imprisonment; so that everybody, if not from devotion, at least from fear, will have to go, and from what I hear no person of any condition will be excused.
I have heard to-day that a married priest, named Parker, who was Chaplain to Queen Anne Boleyn, has been made Archbishop of Canterbury.
London, 6th June 1559. [Signed] Il Schifanoya.
June 11. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 79. Paulo Tiepolo, Venetian Ambassador with King Philip, to the Doge and Senate.
Last week the three hostages departed for France, going separately to make a greater display of their retinue, the Prince of Orange having with him some 600 horsemen, the Duke of Alva, 400, and the Count d'Egmont as many more, besides many other persons who went apart from them.
The departure of the Duke of Savoy is said to be postponed because the clothes and liveries are not finished, but he told me that he waited to hear whether the places on the frontiers had been consigned by the Admiral of France to Count Mega, as Governor of Hainault, and to Count Mansfeldt, as Governor of Luxemburg. The Duke's attendants complain much of the grievous practices which are carried on by the French in Piedmont, and although complaints of these were sent to Madame Marguerite, they are not sure that they will be in any way remedied.
The Duke has asked King Philip to let him have Vercelli, which is one of the two fortresses retained by his Majesty in Piedmont, alleging that he could reside more conveniently there than elsewhere, and that the King might take Santhia in exchange for Vercelli. The King promised him compliance with this request, so Vercelli will be the capital city instead of Mondovi.
The Ambassador from Mantua has been promised by King Philip that he will leave the places held by him in the territory of Mont-ferrat without dismantling any of them.
By the last letters despatched to Rome King Philip besought the Pope, who is understood to bear the Queen of England very great ill-will, and to meditate proceedings against her, to suspend his judgment, and not to issue any act until the result of the negotiation for her marriage to the Archduke Charles be known; about which I understand that very little is hoped, but King Philip willingly avails himself of any opportunity to gain time, a s for reasons of state policy no determination made by his Holiness can please him.
The Ambassador from France tells me that the Duke of Florence has offered King Philip a considerable sum of money if he will guarantee him the places in Tuscany.
By letter from England of the 29th ultimo, it is heard that the French Ambassadors who went to confirm the peace were honourably received and treated by the Queen, who more than once banqueted and entertained them with dances and hunting, making an ample and gracious demonstration towards them, and most especially towards M. de Montmorency, the chief of the Embassy, and the Constable's eldest son. They remained five days in London, and departed well satisfied, as the Queen presented (fece donar) to M. de Montmorency gold and silver, ambling nags, and dogs, valued at 10,000 crowns; to M. de Vielleville to the amount of from 3,000 to 4,000; to a young man, the brother of M. de Montmorency, the very valuable clothes of the late King Edward; and to each of the chief gentlemen a gold chain, the chains being of various weights, according to the degrees of the receivers.
The four hostages sent by the most Christian King have remained in England according to the treaty, and as Ambassador Resident with the Queen he has appointed M. [Gilles] de Noailles, brother of the Ambassador with your Serenity. The affairs of the religion were in a very bad state; they had already made the change in all the churches in London, except in St. Paul's, which still continued in its pristine state, being able to do so until the day of St. John the Baptist (24th June), the term enacted by Parliament, when they are to renounce the Catholic religion and its rites; but certain bishops and other men of worth are disposed to forfeit property and life rather than do what would cause the eternal damnation of their souls.
When the Count de Feria left England, (fn. 1) it is understood that the Queen made him no present, nor even until now is she, heard to have given him any, but it is indeed known that on his departure he as a special favour obtained leave by entreaty for the friars and nuns to cross over to Flanders, they being compelled either to quit the cloister and renounce their profession, or be subjected to such grievous punishment as would have been inflicted on them.
It was quite true that the Count de Feria in a transport of love took for his wife Jane Dormer, maid of honour to Queen Mary, about which so much complaint has been made. He kept the matter secret as long as he could, but after returning to Brussels it was necessary to divulge it. By this marriage he will have lost upwards of 40,000 crowns revenue, which by wedding his niece he would have had as her dowry, for which purpose he had already obtained the dispensation.
We are to move to Ghent on the 10th July, and not to return to Brussels. His Majesty is intent on concluding a variety of negotiations, being determined to depart for Spain in the middle of August, although many persons say it is impossible for him to do it; and the Duke of Savoy, who told it me himself, counselled him not to leave these Provinces until after seeing the Queen of England married and her affairs established, as during his absence that kingdom runs great risk. The Ambassador from Ferrara hears from France that his Prince has very little wish to go to Italy and has apologised to his father, saying that the most Christian King will not give him leave; but that after the entertainments (fn. 2) he will perhaps come to this Court to kiss the hand of the Catholic King.
Brussels, 11th June 1559.
[Italian: the portions in italics deciphered by Signor Luigi Pasini.]
June 13. Epistolæ Poli, V., 350. 80. Alvise Priuli to Lodovico Beccatello, Archbishop of Ragusa.
Although ill of my quartan malady, and harassed and overwhelmed by the grievous death of such a master and father [Cardinal Pole], and by the heavy burden it pleased him to lay on me in the execution of his will about distributing the effects, all of which he left to poor relations, orphans, and servants, and for other alms and charitable purposes, it had nevertheless been my intention to write to your most reverend Lordship immediately, as becoming your union with that sainted soul and with me likewise, but so many extraordinary accidents befell me on account of these bequests (queste spoglie) as also from other circumstances, that, infirm as I was, the necessity for occupying myself with the transaction of much business, which did not admit of delay, made me think that I might reasonably defer performing this office with your Lordship, most especially as I knew that the whole catastrophe would have been written to you by our friend the Abbate Gerio. Subsequently my health became much worse, not only from one quartan fever but from two, and sometimes three, which kept me for two months in one room without ever going out of it; but by the grace of our Lord God, notwithstanding every molestation, and the constant troubles I had to undergo in performance of so charitable and sacred a duty, I nevertheless during the last two months have remained with but a single or fourth day ague, which as the better season approached diminished gradually, and the paroxysm which I was expecting never appeared; a thing to surprise any one who considers my age, (fn. 3) and so many other things of a nature to crush and cause the death of a man in the prime of his life, and of much stronger mind and body than I am. Our Lord God, however, has chosen to effect this in me, His most unworthy servant, for the sake as I am firmly convinced of one who was always so grateful to Him. Oh! how many things I should have and should wish to communicate on this subject to your Lordship by word of mouth, as it is my intention; and if His Divine Majesty grants me the grace, according to my hope and intention, not only to depart hence speedily, but also to continue my journey towards Italy without delay, it will be beyond measure agreeable to me; and I shall venture to avail myself of your Lordship's most courteous suggestion that I should give you notice of my arrival there, that you may take the trouble of crossing over to Venice. (fn. 4) I had reserved my letters to you and to some other very dear friends and lords of mine, until I got to Flanders; but having been anticipated by your most loving one of the 7th April, I could not defer answering it, but shall not fail nevertheless to write to you again when I have crossed the Channel, as I propose and hope to do at any rate before the end of this month. Were I able without failing in my other important duties, and did I but find myself free from certain becoming respects, your Lordship may believe me that to come straight to you for the purpose perhaps of ending my days with you, and with our most worthy Dom Crisostomo, would give me very great satisfaction, as I bring with me a very-good quantity of the remains and most precious memorials of the mental faculties and piety left by that sainted soul, which I have preserved, and are and will continue to be kept by me with all due care, in the hope that true and perpetual praise may revert not only to him, but also to the glory of God, and to the edification, moreover, of this his country, which requires it so greatly, and likewise to that of the rest of Christendom. And who knows but that Divine Providence may some day open the road for me to realise this my design. (fn. 5) I promise your Lordship that I should willingly prefer Zara in such company to any other place in Italy. Again and again was I wont to ponder, with that sainted soul, the especial providence and paternal care demonstrated by our Lord God towards your Lordship, by interrupting the ways which might have made you swerve from your residence; and although my opinion of your piety and other rare qualities, if it had chanced otherwise, would have made me rejoice, hoping that our Lord God might give you cause and opportunity to employ yourself more to His service, this my joy and exultation would nevertheless not have been sine timore et ire-more. Your Lordship's prudence and experience of others will, I am sure, have inspired you with the same fear, knowing how perilous are the favours of the world and of great princes, even to those who with their whole heart, and not feignedly, are proceeding in the path of piety for the service of God. The mirror that your Lordship presents to me, and of which my most holy father and master made constant use in all his wordly troubles and various vicissitudes, will I trust be incessantly placed before your own eyes, and by means of that most holy cross I am thus able to soothe and alleviate the bitterness and anguish of your present affliction. In the whole course of my life never did I so fully know and experience the uses of adversity, et quod prope est Dominus his, qui tribulato sunt corde, so that through his grace accedant ad ilium, qui tales invitat, Venite ad me, omnes, &c, as I have done during these last months. Would that I were able to write your Lordship not only a letter but a large volume on this subject, ad mutuam nostram consolationem; but I hope our Lord God will grant me the means for telling you by word of mouth what I should have wished to communicate by letter. Together with the one received from you, I got another from our reverend and well beloved (dolcissimo) Dom Crisostomo, replete with his usual piety and affection, and of suggestions brief but full of substance and spirit, and which, together with those of your Lordship, may God grant me the grace to know how to follow, and carry them into effect. I think I may venture not to send him any further reply, praying your Lordship to communicate this present one to him, as I am certain you would have done at any rate, and I recommend myself with my whole heart to your holy and devout prayers and his.
Of our foreign associates, for such I call them although they are Englishmen, the only ones remaining here are Giambatista Binardi (sic), Enrico [Henry Penning], and Lilio [Lesley]. (fn. 6) They are most anxious to accompany me to Italy, but I greatly doubt whether Leslie will be able to gratify this wish of his, being much harassed by hectic fever, which first seized him some two years ago. The last who departed hence was our Gian-Francesco Stella, who went in obedience to the commands of his father, he having recalled him very urgently and wished him to come speedily, he being very much grieved by the death of another son, Gian-Francesco's only brother. The Burgundian left us some two months ago with the quartan malady, from which he also had suffered long and most severely. He is at Brussels, and intended to return to his native country, in the hope of a more immediate and easier cure; he would then go back to serve the Duchess of Parma, who, as your Lordship will have already heard, is coming to rule the Provinces of Flanders with the same authority as the late Queen Maria of Hungary. The rest of our aforesaid company went away all together some six months ago, and performed the journey and arrived all safe in Italy, with the exception of Messer Federico Ferro and Messer Battista Riva, who remained indisposed at Augsburg, but we heard subsequently that they likewise soon recovered and are in Italy, as I am sure your Lordship will have already heard from Messer Federico; nor will I now dilate by telling you anything more, again recommending myself with all affection to you and to the Reverend D. Cristostomo, saluting lovingly our Messer Girolamo Amalteo, and praying our Lord God to deign to preserve you and them in His grace, and in all prosperity.
London, 13th June 1559.
Most affectionate servant, Alvise Priuli.
June 16. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 81. Paulo Tiepolo, Venetian Ambassador with King Philip, to the Doge and Senate.
Fresh advices have been received from England in date of the 6th, with news that the Bishop of London [Edmund Bonner] had been deprived of his bishopric, which was given to one Master Grindal by name. The poor Bishop, having many creditors, had retired to an abbey, and there was much fear about his personal safety, he having been the individual who, during the reign of Queen Mary, persecuted the heretics more than anyone else.
As Archbishop of Canterbury they have elected a married priest called Master Parker, Chaplain of Queen Anne Boleyn, mother of the Queen.
The Queen had appointed the Inquisitors (li inquisitori), who, after the day of St. John the Baptist, will commence visiting the churches, and punishing whoever will not go to church to hear their preaching and offices (le loro prediche, et officij). For the first offence they are to be fined one shilling sterling (un soldo delta moneta di quel paese), for the second one pound, and for the third they are even to forfeit their property. But by reason of the great constancy shown by the Bishops and certain other individuals, it was said that the Queen had secretly determined to proceed more adroitly in enforcing the oath to observe the Act of Parliament, and especially with regard to the nobility, for fear of some insurrection.
No one under suspicion in matters of religion is allowed to leave the kingdom, as many persons would voluntarily renounce their property to avoid remaining where they are compelled to believe against their conscience.
The Count de Feria entreated permission, which war. granted him, for all the friars and nuns to depart; but now it is said that this permission is to be modified, and only to apply to those who had been friars and nuns at the time of the other schism, and who are very few in number as compared with those of the present time.
The Emperor's Ambassador (fn. 7) has had two audiences of the Queen, but does not seem to have been well received by her; so his negotiation about the marriage is believed not to proceed very favourably.
The Queen's daily arrangements are musical performances and other entertainments (feste), and she takes marvellous pleasure in seeing people dance.
News has been received here of the consignment of Marienburg, and it is believed that by this time all the places in the duchy of Luxemburg will have been restored.
Yesterday the Duke of Savoy departed with about 60 gentlemen, and as many more servants, dressed by him in so stately a livery of silk and gold lace, that the like is not known ever to have been made, and the cost incurred by him for this and other clothes, both for himself and as presents, is said to amount to 150,000 crowns. He travels postwise, but very slowly, so that it will take him five or six days to arrive at the French Court, where at the same time all the chief nobility of these Provinces will arrive, for the chief personages who remained here are few in comparison with those who accompanied the Duke and the hostages.
An accident that occurred greatly diminished the pleasure caused by the sight of so gorgeous a pageant, for one of the gentlemen in the Duke's company, Captain Bortolamio dalla Croce by name, a brave soldier, on his way to the palace dressed in the livery, was suddenly attacked and slain by one of his enemies.
The hostages were to arrive in Paris to-day, and owing to their delay, the solemnisation of the marriage of this King has been postponed until the 22nd of this month, three or four days after which ceremony that of the Duke of Savoy will take place.
The German soldiers who were on these frontiers are disbanded from to day, all the suspicions hitherto entertained having ceased in every quarter.
With this letter I send the list of individuals condemned by the Inquisition in Spain.
Brussels, 16th June 1559.
[Enclosure in preceding:]
List of Individuals tried and condemned by the Inquisition at Valladolid on the 21st May 1559, Trinity Sunday, in the presence of the most Serene Prince of Spain (fn. 8) and Princess of Portugal, Governess (of Spain).
The Doctor Augustino de Cazalla, his Majesty's preacher and chaplain, was degraded and burnt, and all his property confiscated.
Francisco de Buiero, priest, brother of Cazalla, was degraded and burnt, and all his property confiscated.
Juan Buiero, brother of the aforesaid, sentenced to confiscation of his property, to perpetual imprisonment, to wear the habit of St. Benedict, to be disqualified from holding any office whatever, under penalty of being burnt for any contravention, to hear mass in the church which will be assigned him, and to confess and communicate on the three Easters. (fn. 9)
Doña Costanza de Buiero, sister of the aforesaid, sentenced in like manner.
Doña Leonora de Buiero, mother of all the aforesaid, being already deceased, they drew her statue to the scaffold, sentencing her property to be confiscated, and her bones, which had been buried in the Monastery of St. Benedict at Valladolid, to be burnt with the statue; and as all the heretics assembled in her house, they sentenced it to be levelled with the ground, an inscription on marble indicating the cause why it had been razed, and forbidding its restoration or removal of the marble at any time under penalty of most severe excommunication, and of banishment from all the realms of Spain.
The priest, Maestro Alfonso Perez, was degraded and burnt, and his property confiscated. He was a man of forbidding appearance.
Doña Francisca de Zuñica had the same sentence as was passed on Juan Buiero.
Don Pedro Sarmiento, son of the Marquis de Ponza, was sentenced in like manner, and deprived of the Commandery of Calatrava, and the site of his perpetual imprisonment will be assigned him.
Doña Mencia de Figueroa, his wife, is condemned to the same punishment.
Don Luis de Roxas, the nephew and heir (successore) of the Marquis de Ponza, is sentenced never to leave Spain, nor to enter Valladolid, or any place where the Catholic King holds his Court; his property to be confiscated, and he himself is declared ineligible to offices. On the day of the Auto-da-fé, he ascended the scaffold in the habit of St. Benedict, and with a wax torch in his hand.
Doña Anna Henriquez de Roxas, daughter of the Marquis de Alcanizes, who had her property confiscated, went to the scaffold in the habit of St. Benedict, and with a wax torch.
Juan de Ullea de Toro, a Knight of St. John, was sentenced to the same punishment as Juan Buiero, and deprived.of the Order of Knight of St. John.
Doña Maria de Roxas, a professed nun, daughter of the Marquis de Ponza, was sentenced to confiscation of her property, and to go to the scaffold in the habit of St. Benedict, and with a candle, to be deprived of a vote, either active or passive, and of all the offices of her Order, and to be the last in the choir and refectory.
Doña Juana de Silva, wife of Juan de Bivero (sic) (? Buiero), sentenced to confiscation of her property, and to imprisonment, and without exemption to wear always the habit of St. Benedict.
Antonio Dominiquez de Pedrosa sentenced to three years' imprisonment in a Benedictine monastery, and to confiscation of his property.
Leonor de Cisneros de Toro condemned to the same punishment.
Maria Sayavedra de Zamoza sentenced to imprisonment for life, declared ineligible to any office, to hear mass and sermon, and to confess and communicate on the three Easters, under penalty of being burnt.
Juan Garcia, goldsmith, sentenced to confiscation of his property and to be burnt.
Anthony Fason (sic), an Englishman, sentenced to carry a wax candle, to wear the habit of St. Benedict in the monastery to be appointed him, without going out of it, and to confess and communicate and (to hear) mass.
Christoforo de Ocampo de Zamoza, sentenced to confiscation of his property and to be burnt.
Isabella Dominiquez, sentenced to confiscation of her property and to imprisonment for life.
Daniel della Quadra, ploughman, sentenced to imprisonment for life in a Benedictine monastery.
Christoforo de Padilla de Zamoza, one of the first authors and head of the Lutheran sect, sentenced to confiscation of his property and to be burnt.
The Bachelor Herezuello de Torro, sentenced to confiscation of his property and to be burnt. He was burnt alive, as he persevered in his heresy, remaining gagged the whole time, not having ever chosen to acknowledge the Holy Church of Rome. (fn. 10)
Caterina Roman, sentenced to the confiscation of her property and to the fire.
The like sentence was passed on Doña Caterina de Ortega, daughter of the Treasurer.
The like sentence was passed on the Licentiate Francisco de Herrera, of Jewish lineage; and on
Isabella de Strada de Pedrosa, and on Juana Velasquez de Pedrosa.
The property of the Portuguese Gonzalo Vaiz was confiscated to the Treasury, he himself being burnt for Judaism (per Giudeo).
June 27. Original Letter, Mautuan Archives. 82. Il Schifanoya to Ottaviano Vivaldino, Mantuan Ambassador with King Philip.
The Queen, in consideration of my quality and service, has promised me a small pension on St. John's [Priory], although I am certain the patent (le parole) is not made. (fn. 11) I will endeavour to obtain a final resolution before I depart, but this will be difficult, as the Court is at Greenwich, and about to remove further off, her Majesty intending to pass this hot weather in the pleasure of visiting several of her places; and as I am by nature very unlucky, I do not hope for much.
The [Mantuan?] Ambassador [in France?], by one of our couriers who returned two days ago from France, offers to place me in the service of the Cardinal of Tournon, if that of Signor Lodovico [Gonzaga?] does not please me. I shall return home by way of Paris, that being the shortest, being compelled to do so by poverty, though I have a great desire to see your Lordship.
Here the only fresh intelligence is that six or eight Bishops have been deprived not only of their bishoprics but of all their other revenues, being bound also not to depart from England, and not to preach or exhort whatever in public or private, and still less to write anything against the orders and statutes of this Parliament, nor to [give occasion to] insurrection or any other scandalous act, under pain of perpetual imprisonment; [the Queen's ministers] demanding security and promise to be given by one [bishop] for the other. Thus they will continue depriving every one, not only the bishops, but the deans, archdeacons, and other prelates who will not consent to their abuses, nor take the oath, the form of which is enclosed, translated into our tongue, and I mink I never saw the like. Yesterday these good reverend fathers underwent their deprivation, and received orders where they are to dwell, before the Council, which assembled here in London in the house of a sheriff for this purpose; they being humble, abject, and habited like simple and poor priests—a sight which would have grieved you. But, in the words of Paul, lbant gaudentes a conspectu, concilii, &c, being followed by a wonderful concourse of the common people, some of whom said one thing, and some another; but the Bishops tolerated everything patiently, for the love of Christ. I send you a list of those who remain to be deprived, and of those who are dead, not one turncoat having yet been found.
The Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Ely, your Lordship's friend, remain for the last to be summoned, in hope of gaining them, all possible temptations not wanting, being such rare men as they are, and necessary in affairs [of state]; but there is no doubt of their faith and constancy, both of them having spoken so candidly in Parliament, and still persevering in their integrity.
The Abbot of Westminster with all his monks did the like, and are therefore now deprived of the revenues of the monastery and of all the rest of their property.
We have no longer masses anywhere except in the houses of the French and Spanish Ambassadors. All the friars and monks of every sort having received their passport, some of them have gone away, and will be followed by the others, although the Carthusians do not choose to depart till they are compelled to do so by force, which will soon be used.
Bishops deprived:—London, Worcester, Chester, Carlisle, Lichfield, Llandaff, Winchester (in the Tower), Lincoln (in the Tower).
Bishops dead:—Canterbury, i.e. Cardinal Pole; Rochester, Norwich, Chichester, Oxford, Salisbury. Gloucester, Bristol, Hereford, Bangor.
Bishops living, and not yet deprived:—York, Ely, Exeter, Bath, St. Asaph, Durham, Peterborough, St. David's, Man (Mono, Insula).
Of the two Bishops in the Tower, Lincoln was released, being allowed ten days to decide about taking the oath or being deprived; and the other, Winchester, was confined there for having told the Lords of the Council, perhaps more boldly (arditamente) than necessary, that in his church he would not tolerate this new mode of officiating, as it was heretical and schismatic. “Then,” they replied, “is the Queen heretical and schismatic? “And thus in anger they sent him back to the Tower.
The Emperor's Ambassador continues to go very often to the Court, and is much honoured (carezzato) by her Majesty. Sometimes they converse together very pleasantly at great length; but what will be the result of the negociation is not known, there being such great difference (spariglia) in religion.
Before leaving London her Majesty was blooded from one foot and from one arm, but what her infirmity is, is not known. Many persons say things which I should not dare to write; but they say that on arriving at Greenwich she landed as cheerful as she ever was, and is now in good health. (Sua Maestà, nanzi partisse di Londra, fu sanguinata da un piede et da un brazzo, et non si sa la sua infermità: molti dicono delle cose che non mi basteria l'animo di scriverle; pero dicono che arrivò a Granuccio, et sbarcb tantoalegra quanto mai fosse, et che hora sta bene.)
The French hostages are intent on making good cheer, banqueting first one and then the other of the English lords and ladies of this Court, sometimes in the house of their Ambassador, who dwells in the house lately inhabited by the Dean of St. Paul's [Cole], where we were formerly lodged.
(Desires to be remembered to the Ambr. Tiepolo, &c.)
London, 27th June 1559. [Signed] Il Schifanoya.
[Enclosure in, the preceding letter:]
Form of the General Oath decreed (fatto) in Parliament, acknowledging the Queen as supreme Governess of this Kingdom in all things both spiritual or ecclesiastical and temporal, renouncing all foreign jurisdiction, and promising to be faithful to the Queen, her heirs, and successors, &c.


  • 1. In Foreign Calendar 1558–59, p. 287, entry 781, it is seen that the Count de Feria left England on his return to Brussels on the Tuesday preceding the 28th May 1559, with his company,” without any special mention of his wife, Jane Dormer, who returned to England in July 1559, on a mission to Queen Elizabeth from King Philip, with her kinsman Don Juan de Ayala, as recorded in the same Calendar, pp. 367, 422, on which last page allusion is made to her pregnancy.
  • 2. Qu. for the marriage of the Duke of Savoy.
  • 3. He was 62 years old.
  • 4. From Ragusa, where Lodovico Beccatello resided, in the Archiepiscopal Palace.
  • 5. This allusion to a biography of Cardinal Pole was realised by Beccatello.
  • 6. See Priuli's letter to Giberti, Cod. XXIV., CLX. p. 205 verso, line 22 (in St. Mark's Library), where the name is written Leslie or Lesle.
  • 7. Baton Caspar Preyner; see Foreign Calendar, 2nd June 1559, p. 298.
  • 8. Don Carlos, born 19th November 1545; this seems to have been his first appearance in public.
  • 9. Et confessisi, communichisi le tre Pasque; namely, the Epiphany, Easter Sunday and Whit Sunday.
  • 10. From this paragraph it may be inferred that the other victims condemned to capital punishment were first strangled on the scaffold, after which their remains were committed to the flames.
  • 11. No such patent is enrolled on the Patent Rolls.