Venice: April 1538

Pages 72-73

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 5, 1534-1554. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1873.

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April 1538

1538. April 2. Deliberazioni Senato (Secreta), v. lix. p. 18. 176. The Doge and Senate to the Secretary (Zuccato) in England.
Enclose summary of advices contained in letters from Cattaro, dated 21st March, for communication to the King as usual.
Ayes, 152. Noes, 2. Neutrals, 2.
April 6. Lettere del Collegio, File no. 15. 177. The Doge and College to the Secretary (Zuccato) in England.
Enclose the report of a native of Cattaro, who quitted Constantinople on the 26th February, and gives account of the great preparations, both for an army and a fleet, which were then being made by the Great Turk.
To announce this to the King.
April 12. Lettere del Collegio, File no. 16. 178. The Same to the Same.
Send him the enclosed advices, dated Constantinople, 8th March, which are of very great importance, for communication to the King as usual.
April 16. Deliberazioni Senato (Secreta), v. lix. p. 28. 179. The Doge and Senate to the Venetian Secretary (Zuccato) in England.
By many advices received from several quarters, have heard of the very great preparations making by the Turk for the invasion of Christendom, which preparations are not only in course, but moreover commence making themselves felt, as in the Signory's province of Dalmatia the Turks are doing great mischief, and have already laid siege to several important castles there. It is also asserted by well nigh all the news-letters, that Sultan Solyman in person is coming by way of the Friuli, with a very large army, to invade Italy. The war commencing thus in the Republic's territory it behoves them to make valid preparations for defence, and for the preservation of many poor Christians, releasing them from the hands of so cruel an enemy as the Turk. This can only be accomplished at incredible cost, to be incurred by them not merely to protect the State of Venice, but also the whole Christian commonwealth, which is in manifest peril, unless assisted by those Princes to whom its defence chiefly appertains, such as the most Serene King of England, who, knowing the very great general need, will (they are very certain) on this most important occasion do as has always been done by his ancestors.
Zuccato, therefore, to acquaint his Majesty in the first place with what is aforesaid, and with the great reliance placed by them in the love he bears the Republic, in the ancient goodwill which has always subsisted between his most Serene predecessors and the State, and with their observance towards him. Is then earnestly to request his Majesty in their name to assist them with as large a sum of money as shall seem fit to him, for the succour not merely of the Republic but of all Christendom, demonstrating to him that he cannot have a better opportunity for gaining immortal renown and universal goodwill, not only for himself but for his posterity. He will likewise confer an eternal and very great obligation on the Republic and their descendants, who will always be mindful of such benefit received from his Majesty, and endeavour to prove their gratitude on every occasion. To give them immediate and detailed advice of his Majesty's reply.
Have lately received Zuccato's letters of the 24th ult., which need no reply, save commendation for his diligence in acquainting them with English events, and he will moreover continue to do so for the future.
Enclose summaries of the advices about the affairs of the Turks in Dalmatia for communication to the King as usual.
Ayes, 145. Noes, 26. Neutrals, 5.
April 30. Deliberazioni Senato (Secreta), v. lix. p. 39. 180. The Doge and Senate to the Venetian Secretary (Zuccato) in England.
Enclose summary of advices from the Venetian Governors of Zara, Sebenico, and Spalatro, dated 22nd, 23rd, and 24th instant, for communication, &c.