Venice: December 1537

Pages 68-69

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 5, 1534-1554. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1873.

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December 1537

Dec. 12. Deliberazioni Senato (Secreta), v. lviii. p. 95. 161. The Doge and Senate to the Secretary in England.
By his letters of the 17th ult., are acquainted with what he said to Lord Cromwell, and with his (Zuccato's) sage suggestion about writing another letter to the King of England requesting him to lend his assistance against the Turks. Have, therefore, written to his Majesty, as by enclosed copy, and charge him to present the Signory's letters, amplifying them by word of mouth as he may think fit, so that his Majesty in this so great need of all Christendom, may give such assistance as becoming his forces and the title borne by him of “Defender of the Faith.”
Are certain that he will do so very readily, to his immortal glory, for the service of God and benefit of Christendom.
The secretary is to answer their letters speedily, giving them notice of current events.
Ayes, 165. Noes, 3. Neutrals, 3.
Dec. 17. Lettere del Collegio (Secrete), File no. 15. 162. The Doge and College to the Secretary (Zuccato) in England.
By the return of a messenger sent by them in August to the “Bailo” Canal, have heard what is contained in the enclosed summary, which he is to communicate to the King as usual.
Dec. 27. MS. St. Mark's Library, Cod. xxiv. Cl. x. No date of time. Printed in v. 2. pp. 99–101. “Epistolarura Reginaldi Poli.” Date Dec. 27. 163. Cardinal Pole to Cardinal Erardo della Marck, Cardinal Bishop of Liège.
Congratulates the Cardinal on his good health, for which he will never cease to pray, as it would seem to him less iniquitous to forget his parents than not remember for ever the kindness of the Cardinal, who always stands him in the stead of parents; nor will he ever cease showing his gratitude on all occasions by every sort of observance.
With regard to the Cardinal's legation, was very glad to hear from Benedetto Gentili that he was satisfied with the specification of the powers (facultatum). All the jurists were of opinion that any fresh declaration might be rather injurious than beneficial, though should this be thought necessary for the removal of any scruple, Pole will ask it of the Pope, by whom it will be readily conceded.
Touching the paragraph in cipher written to Gentili, desiring due provision to be made against those who oppose the reform of the morals of the clergy (cleri moribus); will be on the watch for the cause of God, and hopes to succeed. By thus serving the Cardinal of Liège, he will serve God, to whom this entire cause belongs.
Rome, 27th December.
[Latin, 29 lines.]
Dec. 31. Deliberazioni Senato (Secreta), v. lviii. p. 103. 164. The Doge and Senate to the Venetian Ambassador with the Emperor.
Received letters from their secretary in England, dated the 17th ult., giving an account of what was said to him by Lord Cromwell, as by the enclosed copy.
In a subsequent letter, dated 20th November, understand that Lord Cromwell confirmed by order of the King what he had previously asserted as of himself, namely, that his Majesty was surprised that with regard to the expedition to be undertaken against the Turks, nothing had been written to him either by the Pope or by the Emperor, as the ambassador will perceive by the copy of the letter, which they are sending to Rome, that it may be communicated to his Holiness. Think fit to send it in like manner to the ambassador, charging him to take an opportunity for reading it to the King of the Romans, that his Majesty may forthwith make such provision as he shall deem most opportune, it being quite certain that if able to obtain the assistance of the King of England for the undertaking, it would very greatly aid and profit all parties.