Index: M

Pages 375-379

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Mace, 2.

Machado, Roger, Richmond herald, sent to France, 751.

Madder, exported from England, 328, 338.

Magdunum. See Mehun.

Maine, Walter, of the English Company in Italy, 91.

Majorca, voyages of Venetian galleys to, 50, 393, 476, 481, 492, 524.

Malaga, voyage of Venetian galleys to, 492.

Malatesta, Galeotto, baron of the Romagna, 86 (note).

-, Pandolfo, Lord of Rimini, 837.

Malipiera, ship called the, 427, 639, 646.

Malipiero, Pasqual. See Venice, Doge of.

-, Paulo, shipmaster, 221, 222.

-, Pietro, captain of the Flanders galleys, 530, 546.

-, -, -, attacked by English ships, 547.

Malmsey trade with England, 544. See also Wines.

Malvezzi, Persio, the Pope's chamberlain, ambr. to England, 548, 550.

-, -, -, -, letters from, 551, 550.

Manfredi, Astorre, 86.

-, -, his brother Francesco, 89.

-, Francescheto de, 837.

Mans, Le, France, 556.

Mantua, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70, 72–76, 78, 79 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90.

-, customhouses of, 57, 66.

-, Lord of, Lodovico Gonzaga, his correspondence with the English Company in Italy, 57–67, 69–90.

Manuel, Doña Elvira, governess of Katharine of Arragon, 850, 860.

-, (or Emanuel), Don John, brother of Elvira, minister of Philip of Castile, 850, 860, 873, 880.

-, -, knight of the Fleece, 861.

Marcello, Girolamo, vicecaptain of the London galleys, 204.

March, Earl of. See Edward.

Marchio, Christopher, broker in London, 401.

Marck, Everard de la, elected Bp. of Liege, 863.

Marck, Robert de la, at war with the King of the Romans, 644.

Marconi, the, 909.

Margaret (of Anjou), Queen, consort of Henry VL, at war with the Yorkists, 360, 362.

-, -, -, rescues Henry from them, 370.

-, -, -, defeated by Edward IV., 370, 371, 372, 374, 375.

-, -, -, in Wales, 384.

-, -, -, in Lorraine, 405.

-, -, -, sends some of her followers to England, 408.

-, -, -, said to have been put to death secretly, 434.

-, -, -, her son. See Edward Prince of Wales.

Margaret, Lady, sister of King Edward IV., proposed marriage of, to the Count of Charolois, 404.

-, -, -, -, to Philip of Savoy, 404.

-, -, -, -, to Charles Duke of Burgundy, 407, 414;

married to him, 478.

Margaret Tudor, Countess of Richmond and Derby, mother of King Henry VII., 553, 754.

-, -, -, desires indulgences for her chapel, 581.

Margaret Tudor, Princess, daughter of King Henry VII., proposed marriage to a Danish prince, 776;

married to the King of Scotland 776, 821.

Margaret, Madame. See Savoy, Duchess of. Marmirolo, Italy, letters dated at, 76, 77, 78.

Marriages, remarkable, solemnized, proposed, or talked of:—


1464, between King Edward IV. and [Elizabeth Grey], daughter of Lord de Rivers, 395.

—, ” Duke of Clarence and daughter of the Earl of Warwick, 404.

1467, ” Duke of Gloucester and second daughter of the King of France, 404.

”  ” Philip of Savoy and Lady Margaret, sister of Edw. IV., 404.

—, ” Count of Charolois and daughter of the French King, 404.

—, ” Count of Charolois and Lady Margaret, 404.

1467–8, ” Charles of Burgundy and Lady Margaret, 407, 414, 478.

1475, ” Charles Dauphin of France and daughter of Edw. IV, 446.

1480, ” Philip of Burgundy and daughter of Edw. IV., 472.

”  ” Edward Prince of Wales and daughter of the Duke of Britanny, 472.

1481, ” son of the King of Scotland and daughter of Edw. IV., 475.

1485, ” King Henry VII. and Elizabeth Duchess of York, 506.

1488, ” the children of Henry VII. and those of the King of Castile, 535.

1489–1501, ” Arthur Prince of “Wales and Katharine of Arragon, 550, 690, 724, 748, 750, 816, 823. See Arthur.

1490, ” cousin of the King of Portugal and Lady Anne, sister of Queen Elizabeth, 572, 603.

”  ” son of the Duke of Milan and Lady Katharine, 572, 603.

1495, ” King of Scotland and Margaret of Savoy, 647.

”  ” son of Ferdinand of Arragon and Margaret of Savoy, 653.

”  ” Philip of Austria and Juana of Castile, 653, 741.

”  ” King of Scotland and a relation of the King of the Romans, 653.

”  ” son of Henry VII. and daughter of the Duke of Bourbon, 683, 684.

1406, between Perkin Warbeck and a niece of the King of Scotland, 707, 727.

”  ” son of Ferdinand and —, 724.

1497, ” son of the King of Scotland and a Spanish Princess, 751, 754, 759.

1498, ” Duke of Valentinois and daughter of the Xing [of Naples ?], 774.

—, ” King of France and Madame Jeanne, 774, 780.

1498, ” King of France and Duchess of Britanny, 774, 778, 780.

”  ” son of the King of Denmark and Princess Margaret of England, 776.

1498–1502 King of Scotland and Princess Margaret of England, 776, 821.

1501, ” Archduke Charles and Madame Claude of France, 818.

1505, ” the Dauphin and Madame Claude, 845.

”  ” Henry VII. and the young Queen of Naples, 847, 855, 856, 858.

1505–6, ” Henry VII. and Margaret of Savoy, 855, 858, 860, 861, 862, 865, 868, 872, 883 885, 886.

1505, ” Henry VII. and Louise of Savoy, 858.

1505–6, ” Ferdinand of Arragon and Germaine de Foix, 856, 861, 863, 872, 877.

1506–9, ” Charles of Burgundy and Princess Mary of England, 872, 883, 886, 899, 917.

1506, ” son of the Duke of Lorraine and daughter of Philip of Castile, 875.

Marseilles, 5, 774.

-, Agnes of, suit of Raymond of England against, 2.

-, Bishop of, 2.

Martire, Don Pedro, 882.

Mary, Princess, daughter of King Henry VII., 887.

-, -, -, Duke of Milan requests her for his son, 790.

-, -, -, proposed marriage with Charles of Austria, 872, 883, 886, 899, 917.

Masere, imported into England, 9.

Mauley, Lord, Ralph Bygot, Lancastrian, killed at Pontefract, 372, 375.

Maulion. See Moulion.

Maurice, Friar, 376.

Mauritania. See Moorish territory.

Mayence, letter dated at, 501.

Meath, Bishop of, 373.

-, -, assists rebels against Henry VII., 519.

Meaux, the “Bailli” of, 556.

Mechlin, Low Countries, 649, 656, 660, 861.

-, -, letters dated at, 376, 377, 378, 843.

-, -, president of, ambassador from Philip of Castile to England, 855, 856, 858.

-, -, council of, 869.

Mech, Dom. Gaspar, minister of the King of the Romans, 681.

Meddola, castle of, in Italy, 89.

Medici, Cosmo de', 374.

-, Giovanni de', Cardinal, afterwards Pope Leo X., in England, 804.

-, -, -, his sister, Madonna Lugrecia, 804.

-, Julian de', 804.

Medici, Lorenzino father of Katharine de', 804.

-, Lorenzo de' of Florence, letter from, 532. See Lorenzo.

-, Piero de', 804;

his wife, ib.

Medina del Campo, Spain, 890.

Medina Sidonia, Duke of. See Guzman.

Mehun (Magdunum), France, letter dated at, 529.

Mercatum Novum (in England?), 289.

Merrede, Lord of, Daniel de Praet, Sovereign of Flanders, ambassador to England, 664, 692.

Messina, 424.

-, Venetian envoy at, 809.

-, voyage of Venetian galleys to, 492.

Michael, Ser Arrigo, 13, 15.

Michiel, Fantino, master of one of the Flanders galleys, 104;

captain of them, 147.

-, Ser Fantino, proposed embassy to England, 214.

-, Giacomo, master of a galley, 908, 909.

-, Ser Lorenzo, master of a galley, 499.

-, Mafio, 903.

-, Marin de, his ship at Sandwich, 238.

-, Nicolò, Venetian ambr. in Rome, 708, 712, 722.

-, -, procurator of St. Mark's, letter to, 807.

-, Tomà, sage for the orders, 134.

Middleburgh, Low Countries, 367, 863, 869, (note).

-, -, frequented by Venetian galleys, 97, 102, 153, 492.

-, -, letters dated at, 862, 863.

Milan, 73, 82, 376, 377, 385, 448, 530, 706, 717, 738, 774, 776, 785, 790, 792, 793, 804, 825, 906, 912.

-, merchant of, at Bruges, 374.

-, merchants of, captured in Germany, 598, 599, 600, 601, 603.

-, -, Hen. VII's safeconduct for, 570, 572, 598, 599.

-, publication of the Holy League at, 714.

-, ambassador from, at Venice, 903, 904.

-, King of France at, 934, 936.

-, letters dated at, 382, 638, 642, 682, 716, 732, 775, 797, 802.

Milan, Lord of, Bernabò Visconti, employs the English company in Italy, 59, 61, 62, 73, 79, 80, 90.

-, Duke of, Philip Maria Visconti, calls himself “Anglus,” 638, 734 (note), 825.

-, -, Francesco Sforza Visconti, 825.

-, -, -, English ambassador to, 365, 378. See also Torre.

-, -, -, ambassadors from, to England, 379, 380.

-, -, -, letters to, 358, 362, 364, 377, 379, 380, 384, 385, 386.

-, -, -, letters from, 381, 382.

-, -, Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza Visconti, 599, 825.

-, -, his consort, 405, 408.

-, -, -, his uncle the Regent. See Sforza, Lord Ludovic.

-, -, -, his ambassador at Venice, 469.

-, -, -, Venetian ambassadors to, 498, 499, 500, 547, 623.

-, -, -, his ambassador to England, 559.

-, -, -, proposed marriage of his son with Lady Katharine of England. 572, 603.

-, -, -, letter from, 947.

-, -, -, letters to, 404, 405, 408, 414, 421, 423, 426, 434, 437, 448, 449, 482, 486, 554, 559, 570, 572, 594, 598, 602, 603.

-, -, Ludovic Maria Sforza Visconti (or Anglus), 651, 657, 668, 733, 750 (note), 761.

-, -, -, reason why he called himself Anglus, 638.

-, -, -, Venetian ambassadors to, 642, 695, 710, 718, 728, 730, 741.

-, -, -, his ambr. [at Venice ?], 642.

-, -, -, his ambrs. in Germany, 652, 665, 684, 696, 702.

-, -, -, his ambrs. in Spain, 652, 682.

-, -, -, treaty with France and Venice, 664, 666, 699.

-, -, -, a confederate of the Holy League, 664, 666, 675, 702, 721.

-, -, -, commissions Venetians in England to include Henry VII. in the Holy League, 676, 689, 696, 705.

-, -, Ludovic Maria Sforza Visconti, his commissioner for the recontract of the Holy League, Cardinal Sforza, 712, 722.

-, -, renews the League, 714, 715, 716, 725;

his ratification, 717.

-, -, -, his ambr. at Rome, 726.

-, -, -, his territory invaded by France. 741

-, -, -, his ambr. to England, 751. See Soncino, Raimond de.

-, -, -, ambr. to, from Scotland, 774.

-, -, -, requests an English Princess for his eldest son, 790.

-, -, -, taken prisoner by the French, 802 (note).

-, -, -, letters from, 682, 715, 716, 732, 775, 797, 802.

-, -, -, letters to, 642, 691, 705, 711, 720, 734, 738, 747, 751, 770, 771, 772, 774, 776–781, 783–789, 791–790, 799, 800.

Milanese Stamford cloths of Monza, 3.

-, the, 61, 482, 791.

-, -, French governor of, Berauit Stuart, Lord of Obegni, 807.

-, -, in possession of the French, 922, 923, 929.

Minio, Bortolomeo, captain of the Flanders galleys, 499;

his commission, 492.

-, Lorenzo, 160.

Miranda, Count of, 878.

Moceniga, galley called the, 527.

Mocenigo, Alvise, Venetian ambassador to Germany, 830, 833, 836.

-, Giovanni. See Venice, Doge of.

-, Marino, 477.

-, Pietro, 91.

-, Tomà, 455.

-, -, of London, 415.

Modon, port in the Morea, Venetian trade with, 266, 279.

-, Venetian governor of, 348, 493.

Modon and Coron, warder of, Henrico Ferro, 10.

Mojan, 450.

Molasses, imported into England, 492.

Molini. See Moulins.

Molino, Ser Andrea de, viceconsul in London, 183.

-, Hieronimo de, vicecaptain of the London galleys, 268.

-, Hieronimo, captain of the Flanders galleys, 476.

Monerino, in Italy, letter dated at, 80.

Monfumo, Traversio de, of Treviso, 91.

Montagu, Lord, John Nevill, taken prisoner by the Lancastrians, 370, 376.

Monte Molin, Pietro de. See Morocco, Bp. of.

Montereau, bridge of, Dauphine of France, 223 (note).

Montferrat, Arniti governor of the marquisate of, 785.

Montgrinen, Sir John Roos of, 549.

Montorio, Tomà de, 337, 351.

Montpellier, 5.

Montpensier, Comte de, marries the daughter of Madame de Beaujeu, 684.

Monza, Milanese Stamford cloths of, 3.

Monzambano, in Italy, English camp at, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73.

Moorish merchants, 397.

-, territory, the, (Mauritania,) invaded by Spain, 592.

Mora, galley called the, 26 0.

Moravia, John of. See Aquileia, Patriarch of.

More, Robert, of the English Company in Italy, 91.

Morley, Lord. See Mauley.

Moro, Ser Alvise, captain of the Flanders galleys, 546, 547, 555.

-, Cristoforo. See Venice, Doge of.

-, Damiano, captain of the Flanders galleys, 470.

-, Jacomo, 903.

-, Ser Lorenzo, vicecaptain of the London galleys, 254, 340, 341, 343.

-, Ser Luca, captain of the Flanders galleys, 411, 412, 413.

Morocco, Bp. of, Pietro de Monte Molin, to receive consecration at Oxford, 525.

Morosini, Andrea, sage for the orders, 134.

-, Egidio, master of one of the Flanders galleys, 52.

-, Ferigo, of London, 943.

-, Ser Filippo, suspected of setting fire to Hampton arsenal, 616.

-, Ser Marco, Venetian ambr. to Edw. III., 46;

his commission, 47;

revoked, 48, 54.

-, Ser Marco, captain of the Flanders galleys, 279.

-, Nicolò, master of one of the Venetian galleys, 52.

-, Pietro, 47.

-, -, letter from, 101.

Morton (Melitone), Doctor, English ambr. to Germany, 796. See Ely, Bp. of;

Canterbury, Archbishop of.

Mosto, Ser Andrea de, captain of the Flanders galleys, 455.

Moulion, Jo. de, Franciscan friar of Navarre, 586.

Moulins (Molini), France, letter dated at, 558, 560.

Mowbray, Thomas. See Guilford, Duke of. Mucientes, Spain, letter dated at, 884.

Mulla, Agostin da, captain of the Flanders galleys, 914, 917, 938, 942.