Index: S

Pages 521-523

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 1, 1558-1571. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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Sackville (Sackfield), Lord [i.e. Sir Richard], 104.

-, Thomas, his son, 163.

-, -, Pope Pius IV's report to, 163.

-, -, Lord Buckhurst, 266.

-, -, -, in relation to the Ridolfi plot, 400, 410.

Sacramentarians, machinations of, 99.

Sadler, Sir R., 104.

Saglia. See Çayas.

St. André, Marshal de, 6, 10, 106, 107.

-, -, death of, 122.

St. Andrews, letter from, 124.

St. Andrews, Archbishop of, Hamilton, John, 199, 205, 206, 222, 225, 226, 373, 443.

-, -, imprisoned, 410.

-, -, letters to, 33, 60, 165, 178.

-, the new archbishop, 440.

St. Asaph, Bishop of. See Goldwell, Thomas.

St. Bridget, order of, monks and nuns of, go to Flanders, 66.

St. Cloud, letters from, 41, 42, 45.

St. Colme, Lord, 71 (note).

St. Denis, abbey of, 128, 208, 406.

St. Dizier, 71.

St. Gelais, Louis de, Seigneur de Lansac. See Lansac.

St. Germain, letter from, 76.

St. John of Bletso, Baron, 266.

-, neutral in regard of Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

St. John, Lord, of Hampshire [i.e. Basing], 265.

-, -, favours Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

St. Nicolas (Lorraine), 107.

St. Paul's Church, London, struck by lightning, 37.

-, Dean of. See Cole.

-, Canon of. See Darbisher.

-, organist of, allowed to remain, though Catholic, 67.

S. Sever, letter from, 172.

Saintonges, 122.

Salisbury School, Benedict, master of, ejected, 67.

Salisbury, Chancellor of. See Heskyns.

-, Precentor of. See Harding.

Salisbury (Scialusberi), Earl of, concerned in Ridolfi plot, 411.

Salm, John Philip von Dhaun, Count of. See Rhinegrave.

Salop, Earl of. See Shrewsbury.

Sancerre, fortress of, 300.

Sanchinet, Bernat, 451.

San Clemente, Cardinal, 146.

Sander, Nicholas. See Saunder.

Sandes, Lord, philocatholic, 266.

-, -, concerned in Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

Sandusir. See St. Dizier.

San Solutor, San Saluto, Abbot of. See Parpaglia.

Santacroce, Prospero Publicola, Bishop of Chissamos, nuncio successively in Spain, in Portugal and in France, 26, 30, 56.

-, -, as Cardinal, 183.

-, -, letters from, 26, 56, 76, 82, 83, 96, 98–101, 105–9, 113, 120–23, 128–33, 136, 138, 140–44, 160, 162, 171–72, 181, 183.

-, -, letters to, 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 114, 169, 170, 175, 178.

Santander, 374.

San Tomaso, Vincenzo Don, prior of, 191.

Saône, 306.

Saunder, Sander, Sader, Nicholas, S.T.P., 61, 184, 194.

-, -, Historical work by, 61 et seq.

Savelli, Cardinal, letter to, 366.

Saverne. See Zabern.

Savoy, 133, 199, 218.

-, Duke of, his stake in international politics, 6, 7, 29, 92, 126.

-, -, a mediator between England and the Papacy, 81, 120, 133.

-, -, his relations with Scotland, 59, 201, 204, 208, 224, 225, 227, 231, 244.

-, -, his relations with the Pope and Spain, 351, 362, 378.

-, Duchess of, 159, 243, 310.

-, [Entremonts] Madam of, 406.

Saxony, 72, 99, 166, 299.

-, [Augustus], Elector and Duke of, 6, 31, 43, 81, 84, 99, 275, 299, 300, 376, 480.

-, Duchess of [i.e. Anna, daughter of Maurice, late Elector of, 2nd wife of William of Orange], 44, 48.

Schenich, Gaspar, 53, 54.

Schoolmasters, persecuted for Catholicism, 67.

Schwarzenburg, Count Gunther of, 43, 44, 376.

Sciatiglione (Châtillon). See Coligni.

Scotland, 6, 39, 57, 71, 82, 119, 124, 202, 212, 216, 246, 249, 252, 254, 255, 257, 259, 292, 293, 322, 325, 368.

-, course of events in, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 234, 236, 240, 251, 269, 318, 326, 330, 446, 449, 456, 461, 464, 466.

-, religion in, 12, 58, 72, 74, 79, 179, 180, 181, 217, 243, 269.

-, France and, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 102, 164, 217, 313, 340, 342, 364.

-, Papacy and, 22, 165, 166, 175–79, 209, 449, 456.

-, Ireland and, 358.

-, See also Mary Queen of Scots; Bothwell; Darnley; James VI.

Scoto, Tomaso, Bishop of Terni, 192.

Scott, Cuthbert, Bishop of Chester, 23, 63.

Scrope, Scroupe, Lord, Protestant, 266.

-, -, concerned in Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

Sebastian, King of Portugal. See Portugal.

Sebastian, organist of St. Paul's, 67.

Sedan, 369.

Segeberg in Holstein, 43.

Segobia, Segovia, 360, 362.

-, letters from, 183, 203, 204.

Seld, George Sigismund, vice-chancellor of the Empire, 95, 160, 161.

Sempill (Sempli), Lord, saves the life of Lennox, 232.

Seniohn. See St. John.

Seripando, Jerome, Cardinal, 35.

-, -, death of, 157.

-, -, And see Trent, Council of, legates at.

Sescen. See Sussex.

Sessa, Duke of, 4, 309.

Sesseldian (Sexheldian), Dr. Andrew, 41.

Seton, John, D.D., canon of Winchester, persecuted, 65.

-, (Setun), [George], Lord, 236.

Seville, 174, 296, 380.

-, heresy in, 38.

-, pirates at, 40.

Sez, Gasparo, treasurer of Spanish Court at Brussels, 332.

Shandois. See Chandos.

Sheffield, Sheffelde, Cheefeild, letters from, 391, 405.

-, Lord, 266.

Shelley, Sir Richard, Prior of the English Knights of Malta, 36, 68, 190, 468.

-, -, letters from, 60, 185.

-, -, letter to, 70.

Shrewsbury, Earl of, 173.

-, -, a Catholic, 266.

-, -, favours Ridolfi plot, 400.

Sicil. See Cecil.

Sicily, 195, 452, 463.

Sidney, Sir Henry, 105.

Siguenza, Bishop of. See Spinosa.

Silva. See Guzman.

Simoneta, Cardinal, 35, 56. And see Trent, Council of, legates at.

Simonia. See Desmond.

Simson, George, 66.

Sinigaglia, [Ruvere,] Bishop of, 82. And see Rusticucci, Jerome.

Sion, convent of, in Zealand, 253.

Sipier. See Cipierre.

Sligo, Slighiach (in Ireland), 49.

Slythurst (Slitherest), President of Trinity College, Oxford, 66.

Smith (Oxford University), 67.

Smith, Sir Tho., English ambassador to France, 107, 171.

Sodor, see of, 33.

Sofi, the [of Persia], 426.

Sofloc. See Suffolk.

Soissons (Suessun), 207.

Solis, Dr., 81.

Sonville. See Assonleville.

Soranzi, Venetian ambassador to the Emperor, 365.

Soriano, M., Venetian ambassador in France, 29; and at Rome, 291.

Soubise, Seigneur de, accessory to murder of Guise, 122.

Souche. See Zouche.

Southampton (Sugnaton), Earl of, a Catholic, 266, 347.

-, -, concerned in Ridolfi plot, 400, 411.

Spain, 38.

-, heretics burnt in, 11, 222.

-, letters from court of, 17–19, 40, 220.

-, King of. See Philip II.

Spanish Merchants. See Commerce.

Spes, de (Despes), Guerau (Gherau, Gironimo), Spanish ambassador in England, 281, 282, 285, 433, 451, 454, 464, 465, 469.

-, -, to act as Papal nuncio, 273.

-, -, kept “sequestered” by Elizabeth, 293, 301.

-, -, detested by the people, 298, 301.

-, -, more liberty given to, 302.

-, -, party to the Ridolfi plot, 303.

-, -, imprisoned in his house, 308.

-, -, release of, 310, 311.

-, -, accredited to the Queen of Scots and Duke of Norfolk, 432, 433, 445, 448.

-, -, letter from, &c., 450.

-, -, letter to, 441.

Speyer, letters from, 337, 344, 351, 353, 355, 359, 360, 361, 366, 368.

Spezia, 387.

Spinola, Benedict, 310, 337.

Spinosa, Cardinal Bishop of Siguenza, President of Philip II's Council, 308, 317, 454, 467, 473.

Spruc. See Innsbruck.

Stafford, Lord, philocatholic, 266.

-, -, concerned in the Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

Stanley, Stanglei, Steingles, Thomas (son of Earl of Derby), concerned in the Ridolfi plot, 347, 464.

Staphylus, F., controversialist, 93.

Stapleton, Thomas, 152.

Starchey, Oliver, letters from, 78, 96.

Stephen, Mr. See Wilson.

Stewart, James, Prior of St. Andrews, Bastard of Scotland, 58. And see Murray, Earl of.

-, -, son of Mary Queen of Scots. See James VI.

Stirling (Strivelin), 205, 224, 226.

-, letter from, 242.

Stolberg (Rochefort), Count of, Imperial ambassador to Elizabeth, 245, 246.

Stone, Dr., 410.

Story, John, 23, 68.

Stradling, Sir Thomas, 68.

Strassburg (Argentina), 299, 300.

-, Bishop of, 369.

Straunge, Margaret, Lady, 265.

Strivelin. See Stirling.

Strozzi, Alfonso, 360.

Stuard, Edmund, Dean of Winchester, deprived, 62.

Stucley, Stuckley, Stucle, Thomas, 374, 376–86, 474, 475.

-, -, craves absolution, 354, 376, 377.

-, -, absolution not granted, 366.

-, -, at Madrid, proposals of, 353, 374–81.

-, -, dismissed, 385–86.

-, -, letters from, 354, 386.

-, -, letters to, 385, 386.

-, -, narrative of his negotiation, 379, et seq.

-, -, William, son of, 379, 385.

Subsidies, Papal. See Papal Subsidies.

Suesi [Sussex], Earl of, and his brother [Egremont Ratcliffe], reported to have joined the Catholics, 320.

Suessun. See Soissons.

Suffolk, Earl (sic) of, 316, 317.

-, Duke of, posterity of, 265.

Surrey, Archdeacon of. See Marvin.

Sussex, [Thomas Ratcliffe, 3rd] Earl of, made Viceroy of Ireland, 38.

-, -, ambassador to Vienna, 238, 245, 246, 251–7, 266–9.

-, -, leaves Vienna, 269.

-, -, lieut.-general of Army for Scotland, 331.

-, -, philocatholic, 266.

-, -, in relation to Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

Sutri, 145.

Sweden, 37, 40, 134.

-, King of. See Eric XIV.

Swinburne (Fuimborne), George, 316.

Switzerland, 100, 151.

Sylva, Diego de Guzman de. See Guzman de Silva.