Henry VIII: July 1530, 1-15

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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July 1530

1 July.
Vit.B.XIII.91. B. M. Pocock's Burnet, IV. 134.
6491. [CROKE to HENRY VIII.]
Today obtained the common seal of the university of Padua. The doctors assembled on Sunday, and the case was disputed all Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and this Friday morning, when they desired a notary to set his hand to an instrument devised by Leonicus and Simonetus in corroboration of the cause. [For] more credence they caused the chancellor of the potestate also to set his seal thereto. Sends copies of everything. The general of the Black Friars has forbidden any Black Friar disputing the Pope's power, but Omnibonus daily procures new subscriptions, and will do so until the brief to the contrary comes to his hands. The Lutherans, of whom there are no small companies both here and at Padua and Ferrara, oppose the King as much as possible.
Doubts not that all Chr[istian] universities, if well handled, will earnestly conclude for the King. Thinks it would be very expedient to obtain their assent in Italy, France, Almayne, Austria, Hungary, and Scotland. Thinks no more can be done from Venice to Rome. The 110 subscriptions which he has procured would have been nothing in comparison with what he would have obtained if he had had money. At this hour has neither provision nor money, and has borrowed 100 cr., which have been spent in getting this seal. Has written several times about his necessities, and has sent divers books and writings, some to Hierome Molyns, a Venetian, factor to Mappheus Bernardus, by Edmond Herwell, and some to Tuke; but he has not heard whether they have been delivered. Has kept copies, and incloses a bill stating by whom and to whom he sent his letters. Asks for help. Venice, 1 July, at night, ao 30.
A letter from Simonetus accompanies this.
Hol., copy, pp. 2, mutilated.
R. O.
Rym.XIV. 398.
2. Opinion of the university of Padua that the Pope cannot grant a dispensation for the marriage of a man with his deceased brother's wife. St. Augustine's Church, Padua, 1 July 1530.
Cart. Harl.
83 c. 22. B. M.
3. Transumpt by Bartholomew de Pedretis, notary public, made in the house of John Baptist da Casale, prothonotary at Venice, 22 Aug. 1530. With the seal of the university of Padua.
Lat., vellum.
R. O. 4. Extracts favorable to the King's cause, from the letters and counsel of Francesco Georgio, subscribed by friar Dominic, a theologian of Padua; and from the counsel of Mark de Mantua, subscribed by 34 doctors of law.
Lat., pp. 3.
1 July.
R. O. Records of the Reformation, I. 327.
Since Croke left Verona, has accompanied the Bishop on a visitation of his diocese, and could not attend to the business of which they had spoken. Asks him to excuse his not having sent a resolution of his doubts. Thinks his writings will be needless, as Croke has obtained the services of the colleges. Verona, 1 July 1530.
Lat., p. 1. Endd. by Croke: The copy of Dr. Callistus' letters, vicar general to the bishop of Verona.
R. O. 2. Copy of the same, also endorsed by Croke.
1 July.
R. O. Records of the Reformation, I. 328.
6493. SIMON ARDEUS, Ordinary of the Friars Minors at the University of Padua, to HENRY VIII.
Was informed of the King's desire by the bishop of London and Croke, and has caused all the doctors of theology in the university to be favorable to the King, as appears from their determination. Will faithfully serve his Majesty. Padua, 1 July 1530.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
R. O. Records of the Reformation, I. 329.
6494. SIMON ARDEUS, Ordinary of the Friars Minors at the University of Padua, to HENRY VIII.
Sends the work which the King desired, the joint production of himself and Leonicus, who has been laboring in the King's cause as earnestly as if for himself, and has spent day and night in exhorting the doctors of the university. He has induced all to be unanimous in their opinion. Sends the instrument concerning it, which he has shown to the bishop of London and Croke. Padua,—July 1530.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
1 July.
R. O.
Has made search in the city for cloths of baudkin and cloths of gold, and caused Stephen Humble and Thos. Yonge to search also. Finds the city destitute of them, "partly by reason of your late great occupying thereof," partly because they have been much taken up by the King, and partly because the Florentines are more engaged in war than merchandise. "I beseech your Grace, take all this for no delay, for thof I be a priest of small land and promotions, and a poor man daily sustaining great charges by abiding here at Westminster for the King's buildings, and also am at great cost in defending myself in an action of præmunire and other, yet I shall not fail to purvey for your Grace the said cloths, thof I should for the payment thereof lay to pledge and sell all the plate I have. Since your Grace hath been in trouble I have sold land by the yearly valor of 8l. and spent the money." Westminster, 1 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
1 July.
R. O.
Has received his letters in favor of Wm. Perpoynte. Wolsey may always command him, and need not address him in the style of a request, as he shall always consider it his duty to comply. Has written to a friend of his in the city to expedite Wolsey's wish, as it is not in his own power. Adds a little news as to public affairs, not from any desire that the Cardinal should turn his mind to these things from his present devotions, but that he may receive a little pleasure, and Vannes may prolong his letters. The King is in good health, and applies himself to business with his Council. The Emperor's chancellor is dead. It would have have been well if he had died before. Andrea Doria has obtained a victory over Barbarossa's pirates. Hopes that Wolsey will persevere in his present mode of life, and not be agitated by public events, as this is the only means left him of mollifying the temper of the King and the nobles, and preserving their affections. London, 1 July 1530.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: To my very singular good lord, my lord Cardinal's good grace.
2 July.
R. O. Rym.XIV.393.
Sentence of the theological faculty in the university of Paris on the same. Paris, 2 July 1530.
Lat., vellum.
R. O. 2. Contemporary copy.
R. O.
Rym.XIV. 394.
3. Notarial transumpt of the above. Paris, 6 July 1530.
Lat., vellum. Endd. by Tunstal.
3 July.
Add. MS. 28,580, f.216. B. M.
6498. MAI to CHARLES V.
* * * In the cause of England I prosecute my terms; and although we are now on the eve of the holidays, and tomorrow is the last audience, and it will do little good if the Pope do not give us the commission, which I know is already written, his Holiness is sending a man to the King to persuade him either to desist or to submit to judgment. As I could do nothing for three months, I said it appeared to me well. Although, meanwhile, I can but solicit the commission and the cause, I see well that the Pope will excuse himself, saying that he awaits an answer from thence; but since he is so unwilling to commit himself, I have sent notice to the Queen of the state of matters.
The man sent by the Pope is the baron de Loburjo, a Sicilian, of whom he had some suspicion at the time of the league, though without cause. I have done all I honorably could to dissuade his despatch; but in the end did not wish to revoke it, as he professes to be a very devout servant of your Majesty. (Marginal note:—That is well.) Rome, 3 July 1530.
Sp., pp. 3, modern copy.
3 July.
R. O.
6499. ITALY.
Extract of letters trom D. Gregory (Casale) to Goronus, dated Rome, 22 June.
Since his return to Rome, is diligently occupied in entertaining certain friars, and in the King's business. He highly praises the faith and learning of M. Dionysius, by whose authority much may be hoped for from the others.
He sends a copy of a letter to the bishop of London, showing his (Casale's) diligence in the King's cause. The Pope said he was certain that the King was seeking an opportunity of helping the Florentines, and letters had been intercepted stating that a commission had been despatched for that purpose into England. His Holiness feared that money had already been sent to Florence, and he thought the French king would also favor them through Henry's influence. It appears from the letters of Fras. de Bardis that Henry wishes these matters to be managed with the greatest secresy.
ii. From other letters of the same date.
He has prevailed on the cardinal of Tarbes to pay some learned theologians to write for the King's cause. Some of them say that although our side is the more reasonable, the matter ought to be discussed on both sides. He will take all pains to persuade Fr. Fanarius, a Frenchman, procurator general of the Dominican order, to write for the King, although some think he obtained his dignity by Imperial favor. Cardinal Ægidius seems desirous of pleasing the King, but cannot write for him, as the Pope has commissioned him to write on the matter, which will perhaps come before the College; he promises, however, to speak to Gregory about it from time to time. The Cardinal says that there are only two people in Italy learned in Hebrew, Magister Jacob, and one of those men whom the bishop of London had on his side at Bologna, by Casale's help.
Casale conjectures that although the Pope does not approve of what has hitherto been done by the Imperialists, they will do the same afresh at the first day of judgment. They are alarmed at the number of learned men consulted by the English, and are afraid that on their authority the King will wish to settle the cause in England.
Casale has had very bitter words with the Pope, but, in spite of all his repulses, hopes nothing will be done to the King's prejudice before the vacation, and, if anything is done, that it will be annulled.
6 May.—Other letters to Goronus, of the same tenor, showing his fidelity to the King.
3 July.—On public matters. The Pope, by advice of Ascanius Colonna, has made war on the abbot of Farfa, to little profit or honor. Hopes it will not be to the loss of the court, as he is occupied with another war against the Florentines, which Casale fears will last longer than desirable, as they have bread enough, and more is brought to them every day. The marquis of Guasto, who went to Naples to settle his business there before setting out as Ferdinand's general against the Turks, says that the sally of Stefano Colonna was very gallant, both on his side and that of the Germans.
He left Florence with 1,500 men in three bands, the centre a little beyond the others, and bearing red crosses. Having discovered the watchword of the Germans, they went straight into the camp by the rear, without the Germans knowing it, but he could not keep his men from plundering and slaying while waiting for the other two bands; and the Germans, half asleep, collected into a body and fought bravely, suffering a greater loss than the Italians.
Lat., pp. 4. Endd.: Excerpta summariæ ex literis D. Gregorii, Italice scriptis.
Vit. B.XIII.93. B.M. 6500. [CROKE to HENRY VIII.]
Asks his favor, for it is solely by his diligence and faithful conveyance that the King has obtained the subscriptions of 100 divines, besides c[ensura] collegii theologorum Patavinorum under their common seal, of which [he sends] a copy. The bishop of London will show the King what trouble he had to obtain it.
Has followed the Bishop's advice in all points. Has not hindered the pros[perity] of the King's cause, either by passion or by envy, as his Highness writes. Refused to communicate with the ambassador, because his instructions were to communicate only with the bishop of Worcester, and because those things to which he was privy utterly miscarried. Doubts not that the King now knows the truth from father Francis and prior Thomas; but, better to show his own innocence and the Cassali's cloaked infidelity, sends copies of three letters: the first, from Sir Gregory to his brother, showing how he, to the detriment of the King's cause, "embec[illed from] your ambassador and me the determinations of the universiti[es in] England;" the second showing that the ambassador tried to "embecyll" all father Francis' labors; and the third proving what he has before written to[uching] the cause why he dare not communicate with him.
Many who procured anything in the King's cause have been threatened [as well] by the Imperial ambassador as divers senators of Venice. Some have been cited before the Duke. If the King's letters [had not] prevented the fury of the Signory, they would have been utterly undone. Asks whether he now thinks feigned fear made him ask for letters to the [Senate that] every man might speak his mind.
Hol., draft, p. 1, mutilated.
4 July.
R. O.
6501. [CROKE to HENRY VIII.]
This morning the Emperor's ambassador and many Spanish gentlemen came into prior Thomas' cell, where Croke was lodged. He asked the prior how he durst meddle in so great and weighty a matter, which not only "did enlessen [the King's ?] and elevate the Pope's authority," but was odious to all Christian realms, alleging the great love of the nobles and commons of England for the Queen, for her virtues. He said also that if this conclusion took effect, many of the greatest princes would be disinherited and taken for bastards, including the Emperor and the king of Portugal. He replied that he wrote his conclusion according to the minds of holy saints and doctors, and that he was ignorant of its being the King's cause. The ambassador said that was impossible, for he had in his purse the Prior's letter to the King, promising to defend his cause; but he did not show it. If he has not the letter, cannot see how he can have heard of it but from England. If he has it, fears that many other things have miscarried, the danger of which might have been avoided, if advice had been sent to Croke these four months.
Gave his letters directed to Tuke, either to the master of the posts at Venice, with money for their safe conveyance, or to Edmund Harwel to be sent by the Belgers in Flanders to Jerome Molyns, their correspondent factor, for Mapheus Bernardi of Venice. Conjectures that the Emperor's ambassador has the conclusion which friar Thomas delivered to John Cassale. Has Gregory's letter in his own hand, confessing that he "embecilled" the seal of the universities of England, of which he encloses a copy. Asks for money and advice. If he has not provision beforehand, cannot maintain his diligence in the King's cause. In the barge, in post from Padua to Venice, 4 July.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
R. O. P.S. on a separate slip.—After closing this letter, the ambassador Cassale showed him letters from England, and said that he had heard from Grony his servant that the King spoke to him words of challenge against both Sir Gregory and himself, and that he commanded the duke of Norfolk to charge Grony to make no advice of the King's words to them. By the advice of those about the King, Croke and his fellows are in great danger, and the King's causes much hindered. The bishop of London is in no less danger.
Vit. B.XIII.92. R. M. 2. Draft of the same.
In Croke's hand.
R. O. 3. Copy of Sir Gregory's letter above referred to. Dated, "In Monticello," 9 April 1530.
To Thomas Omnibonus, prior of St. John and St. Paul, 10 cr.
To Leonicus, for Simonetus and doctors, 10 cr. To doctors of Padua, notaries, and scriveners, 9 cr.
To the master of the posts, 1 cr. To John Maria, going to the bishop of London at Bologna, 3 cr. To a messenger going to Udina, 3 cr. To Antony, going to the bishop of London at Bologna, 5 cr.
Returning to Venice from Bologna; To Ferrara, 4 horses, 4 cr.; to Rovigo, 4 horses, 2 cr.; to Padua, 4 horses, 2 cr.; to Venice, by boat, 1 cr. 4 "marcelli argentei."
Going to the bishop of Verona: From Venice to Padua by boat, 1 cr. 8 mar.; to Vicenza, 3 horses, 1 cr.; to Verona, 3 horses, 1 cr. Similar expences returning, except the boat, 1 cr. 4 mar.
Four journeys from Venice to Padua and back, by boat, 1 cr. 4 mar. each journey.
P. 1, Lat. Endd.: A bill of expences laid out by me since 27 May unto 7 July.
5 July.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 218. B.M.
Is writing to the Emperor by way of England. Requests him to provide at Rome that his Holiness may accept two commissary judges for the Queen's cause, because, as the ambassador has written to me, they have concluded against God, the Church and your Majesty. For our part, we have so many votes, that with the four we might win all the others (?); and your Majesty has the better occasion to pursue the right, because every man of learning and good life is on the side of truth. Before the plea is put forward that Katharine is the Emperor's subject (antes que muden proposito que es su natural), it is necessary to take great care that the king of England do not presume to carry the divorce of his own mere will against the Pope's inclination. Thinks, therefore, it is more important now than ever that the Pope should insist on Henry living with his Queen; for the conclusion taken here will commit him to hell, it has been done in so corrupt and violent a manner. Sends the names to the Emperor, that all the world may know them, and especially the Pope. The inventors of this tragedy are Alanges (Langeais), who had used as great diligence in all abominable ways as if he expected to be made duke of Lancaster (Alancastre), and a Dominican friar, who is bishop of Senlis, and was in time past confessor to the King. The chief president also has done much in the matter. Cannot conceive what moves him. Paris, 5 July.
Names of the commissaries appended:—André Verins, canon of Paris, councillor of the King in Parliament, and president in camera Inquestarum ejusdem curiæ, Jacques de la Barre, provost of Clermont, councillor in Parliament and president in camera Requestarum.
Sp., pp. 3, modern copy from the French archives formerly at Simancas.
6 July.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 220. B.M.
Information about the English ambassador having spoken to cardinal Ægidius to obtain his opinion in favor of the king of England. Rome, 6 July 1530.
Sp. pp. 4, modern copy from Simancas.
7 July.
R. O.
The conclusion of the divines in the university of Paris in "your great matter" was "achieved" according to the King's purpose on Saturday last; but the sealing of the same has been put off, and to this day the King's agents have not been able to obtain it. The adverse party use every means to "embecyll" the whole determination, that it may not take effect. The bearer, Mr. Fox, has used great diligence and prudence in withstanding them; whose presence he had urged at the first breaking of the matter among the faculty. As he has been informed by Lupsett, and afterwards by Fox, that the King cannot grant him longer absence after this matter is achieved, hopes to wait upon him shortly. Paris, 7 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
7 July.
Rym. XIV. 401. P. S.
6506. For EDWARD LEE, Clerk, the King's Almoner.
Grant of a canonry and prebend in the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, vice John Stokesley. Hampton Court, 3 July 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 July.
Pat. 22 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13.
8 July.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 224. B.M.
6507. CHARLES V. to the EMPRESS.
In behalf of _ Ortiz, whom he is sending to Rome on the matter of the queen of England. Augsburg, 8 July 1530.
Sp., pp. 2, modern copy from Simancas.
8 July.
MS. 2,997, f. 11. Bibl. Nat.
Compliments him on the dexterity he has shown in procuring the liberation of the French king's children. Henry is as much rejoiced at it as if they had been his own. Westm., 8 July 1530.
Fr., from a transcript.
8 July.
MS. 3,037, f.47. Bibl. Nat.
Thanks him for his kindness to his nephew, Sir Francis Bryan, and for his news respecting the deliverance of the French children, which is a great satisfaction to his master. London, 8 July 1530.
Fr., from a transcript.
9 July.
R. O.
6510. W. CAPON to WOLSEY.
I and the Sub-Dean of your college in Ipswich repaired this term to London, and retained the best counsel we could, sc. Mr. Fayerfax, serjeant-at-law, Mr. Pagyngton, Mr. Humphrey Wyngfild, Mr. Baker, recorder of London, Mr. Hynde, Mr. Hare, and Mr. Talmage, with the advice of my Lord Chief Justice, whom we found very favorable. But they cannot find with their learning that the law will bear us out in our causes concerning your college, as you had incurred the præmunire before its erection, and the same is so found by the King's council. They find that the lands of your colleges were granted unto your Grace and your heirs in fee simple for ever; and, by reason of the præmunire, have reverted to their first nature, with all the circuit of the late priory of St. Peter's, on which the college was founded. The Council have made books to find offices upon all the premises, and we have no remedy except to petition the King; which we have done, but with little comfort. We have found my lord of Norfolk as favorable to us as we could have desired; and if the law would have borne us out, he would have stuck fast to us like a friend. The suit is chargeable, and our rents are detained. Some of my plate is at pledge, and some I have sold, and am "at a great after-deal." When the commons and charges of the college are paid, my payments will exceed the receipts; and if the King take from us the rents due at Michaelmas, unless you are gracious lord unto me, I am undone. I cannot but perceive the King intends to take all the said rents to his own use. London, 9 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Sealed. Add.
11 July.
R. O.
Has written twice on his journey hither,—first from Mechlin on the 22nd ult., and again from Cologne on the 27th. The latter he delivered to Sir Harman Rynge, addressed to the King's ambassador with the Lady Margaret. Mentioned a league said to have been taken with the Turk, and an appointment between Don Fernando and Vyvalde (the Waywode), but hears no word of it. Arrived at Augsburg on Friday the 8th; was conducted to the Emperor in his bed-chamber the second day after, who, when he had declared the first part of his charge, answered, without alluding to the King's great cause, that the ambassador should be always welcome. Next day visited the king of Hungary, and delivered the King's letter to him; at which he seemed greatly rejoiced, and said he should be always glad to hear of the King's convalescence.
A great diet is here assembled. The bishop of Trere and the Count Palatine Ludovic only are absent from illness, but have given a general consent to all that shall be done by the Emperor and the Electors. Daily Councils are held about the Lutherans, but hitherto with little effect, though the Cardinal of Luke, with whom he supped last night, thinks the heads of that sect incline to the Emperor's mind. Word has come that the town and camp of Florence are infected with the plague, and that the Emperor is in doubt of the prince of Orange, his chief captain there. Some think the Emperor has been quite as much a scourge as a friend to the Pope in that enterprise. Sends a letter from duke George of Saxony in answer to the King's letter sent by the writer. Osbourghe, in the county of Swethin, 11 July 1530.
Sends a duplicate of this letter by Sir Herman. No one has yet spoken to him of the King's cause.
Add. Endd. by Wyatt. Partly cipher deciphered.
R. O. 2. Duplicate. Add. Endd Part cipher deciphered.
13 July.
Vit. B. XIII.94. B. M.
6512. [CROKE] to TUKE.
Has received his letters, to his high [displeasure,] because he sees that Tuke wrongly thinks that he blamed him to the King. If he had intended to do this, or had not singular trust in his friendship, would not have made instant suit to the King to trust only Tuke or Foxe with the secret part of his letters. It seems that Tuke will charge him "with an ... of my preparations the which the King gave me," and that he says that Croke received from Antony Bonvyse 90l. Has never received anything from him, except 200 ducats de largo today, 13 July, anno xxii, "for all other money a[mounting] to 1,000 ducats, besides that that I received at my d[eparture] ... uyd of my lord of Worcester, and by his order," as appears by the account sent to Tuke, and sent also to the King in the bishop of London's packet, which doubtless the King has given to Tuke. Yet he pretends that he has no reckoning from Croke, and leaves him utterly destitute of his diets, so that he has been fain to [borrow], and the money is spent before it comes. "Ye sent by the order of Bonvyse to my lord ... for 80l. and 4l. my rate of my diets for three months, bu[t] ... as my lord Worcester sent me word by his letters sending ... his writing in that behalf Bonvix own letter unto me by ..., so that ye never sent to me 90l." Reminds him of his poverty, and the necessity of money for the King's causes. Was in debt 200 cr. before this 200 duc[ats arrived]. His diets expired on May 27. Asks him to consider that 48 days of his new diets were pa[ssed when the] ducats came; the parcels laid out, and his poverty. "Surely if ... the instance of my lord of London had * * * diets as for my charges in the King's business, which, if ye do not the shortlier, there is no remedy but I must needs come home, and that-a-begging." Venice, 13 July.
Hol., draft, pp. 2, mutilated.
[13 July.]
R. O. Rym. XIV. 405.
The Spiritual and Temporal Lords of England to pope Clement VII., praying him to consent to the King's desires, and pointing out the evils which arise from delaying the divorce.
The following signatures are added in thirteen separate columns, one or more columns being devoted to each different grade of the nobility.
Archiepiscopi: T. Cardinalis Ebor. Willelmus Cantuar.—Duces: Tho. Norffolk. Charlys Suffolk.—Marchiones: T. Dorssett. H. Exetar.—Comites: William Arundell. John Oxynforde. H. Northumbreland. Rauf Westmoreland. G. Shrouesbury. Henry Essex. E. Derby. H. Worcester. Thomas Rutland. Henry Comberland. Robert Sussex. G. Huntyngton. G. of Kyldare.—Episcopi: Robert Cicestrens. Johannes Karliolens. Johannes Lincolniens. Richardus Menevensis.—Barones: Henr. Mountague. George Rocheford. Wylliem Weston. G. Bergevenny. John Audelay. Herre Scrope. Thomas Dacre. Thomas La Warre. William Dacre. Tho. Barkley. Harry Morley. George Cobham. Rychard Latymer. Edar Stourton. John Fetzwareyn. John Berners. Jhon Lumley. W. Mountjoy. Cristofer Conyers. Herry Daubeny. T. Darcy. T. Montegle. Wylliem Sandys. John Husey. Andrew Wyndesor. Thomas Wentworth. Thomas Burgh.—Abbates: John abbot of Westminster. Johannes abbas de Bury S. Edmundi. Rich. abbas de Glaston. Willelmus abbas de Gloucester. Thomas abbas de Abendon. Hugh abbot of Reading. Edmund abbot of York. John abbot of Peterburgh. Johannes abbas de Ramsey. Johannes abbas de Croyland. Ro.(?) abbas de Thorney. Robertus abbas de Selby. Willelmus abbas de Bardney. Willel- mus abbas S. Benedicti de Hulmo. Thomas abbas S. Johannis juxta Colcester. Johannes abbas de Hyde. Clement abbot of Evesham. Ric. abbot of Malmesbury. Rycharde abbot of Winchelcombe. Robertus abbas S. Crucis de Waltham. John abbot of Circeter. Henry abbot of Teuxbury.—Milites et Doctores in Parlamento: William Fitz-William. Henry Guldeford. Stephen Gardiner. John Gage. William Kyngston. Brian Tuke. R. Sacheverell. Rich. Sampson. Edw. Lee. Rich. Wolman. Jo. Bennet (?).
13 July.
Add. MS. 28,580, f. 241. B. M.
* * *
Since the return of the bishop of London from Padua, has endeavored to learn what he did there. Although the Signory has always informed me that it was without effect, I knew that he had convoked some friars, who, in the name of a college of divines, had given a determination in favor of the king of England against the power of the Pope. Having ascertained this I went to the college, and told the Prince before his Council of Ten, wondering greatly that such a thing should have been done after the assurance given me to the contrary. They stood amazed, and said they were not aware that there was a college of divines at Padua, and that if any friar had given an opinion in it, it was a thing of little moment. I certified them that the thing was so, and that it was of serious weight, because I had written to your Majesty how determined they were that no opinion should issue from their university of Padua that would touch the authority of the Church. They replied they could not believe it; but they sent to Padua, and expressed great regret on finding my information was true. They sent for one of the friars, and made him produce a copy of the opinion given to the bishop of London, with the names of all who were concerned in it. Sends another copy to the Emperor, and will send one to Mai to show the Pope. Is angry beyond measure with the Signory for this remissness. Hears the king of England's agents have obtained more than 150 signatures. Wonders they are not 100,000; for those that they cannot obtain by promises they do by threats, and all their proceedings are secret. The general of the Augustines, who, as the Emperor knows, is here, has been importuned to declare in favor of the King. He excused himself on the ground of business; but they pressed him so hard, that he told them he would not put his hand to a matter of so great scandal, so injurious to the Church, and to persons so nearly allied to the Emperor as the queen of England and the king of Portugal; for the father of the latter, Don Manuel, had dispensation in the same degree. They then told him that the monasteries of his Order in England had declared for the King, and that they would suffer for him what they would not on their own account. He told them that they might do what they liked with the monasteries. They told him also that he knew it was the intention of the king of England, when he had got the opinions of the learned, if the Pope refused to annul (dar por ninguna) the dispensation, to marry in fact the lady he meant to marry, and put the Queen in a castle where no one should see her. All this the General has told me in great secresy.
The Signory would have sent orders to the friars to unsay what they have written against the power of the Pope, if I had only asked them; but I did not wish to do it without instructions, and perhaps it is better not to attribute too much weight to their opinions. Venice, 13 July 1530.
Sp., pp. 11, modern copy from Simancas.
13 July.
Fiddes' Coll. p. 174.
Inquisitions after the attainder of cardinal Wolsey, taken in divers counties.
In Surrey, by Bartholomew prior of St. Mary's Overy, Southwark. In Yorkshire, by Sir Rob. Constable, Sir Rob. Aske, Sir Marmaduke Constable, sen., Thomas Fairfax serjeant-at-law, and Rob. Chaloner, Westm., 13 July 22 Hen. VIII. In Norfolk, by Sir James Boleyn, Sir Fras. Lovel, John Spelman, serjeant-at-law, and Fras. Montford In Notts, by Sir Brian Stapleton, Sir Wm. Perpoynt, Sir John Beryn and Sir John Markham.
14 July.
Rym. XIV. 402.
Commissions to the parties hereafter named to make inquisition in different counties concerning the possessions held by Thos. cardinal archbishop of York, on 2 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII., when the Cardinal committed certain offences against the Crown, for which he was attainted. Westm., 14 July.
In London: Sir Ralph Dodmar, mayor, Sir John Aleyn, John Baker and William Walsyngham. Midd.: Robert Wroth, Roger Cholmeley, Richard Hawkys and Robert Cheseman. Kent: Sir Thomas Nevell, John Hales, one of the barons of the Exchequer, Thomas Willoughby, serjeant-at-law, and Christopher Hales, the attorney general. Surrey: Sir William Fitzwilliam, jun., John Scot, one of the barons of the Exchequer, Christopher More and Thomas Stydalf. Sussex: Sir Edward Bray, Richard Covert, Thomas Thatcher and John Michell. Bucks: Sir John Mordaunt, Sir William Gascoign of Cardyngton, Sir Robert Lee, John Baldewyn and Roger Gifford. Essex: Robert Norwiche, serjeant-at-law, Thomas Audeley, Thomas Bonham and Richard Riche. Herts: Sir Philip Buttyller, Thomas Perient, sen., John Brokett and John Dokwra. Cambridge: Sir Robert Payton, Thomas Elliott, Giles Alyngton, Thomas Lucas and Philip Parys. Northampton: Sir William Fitzwilliam, sen., Sir William Parre, Sir Thomas Tressham and Edward Mountague. York: Sir Robert Constable, Sir Robert Aske, Sir Marmaduke Constable, sen., Thomas Fayrfax, serjeant-at-law, and Robert Chaloner. York city: Sir George Lawson, the mayor, Sir William Paulett, Thomas Fairfax, serjeant-at-law, and Robert Chaloner. Lincoln: Sir William Askue, John Hennage, Anthony Eirby and Thomas Gildon. Notts: Sir William Paulett, Sir Brian Stapleton, Sir William Perpoynte and Sir John Byron. Gloucester: Sir William Paulett, Sir Anthony Poyntz, Sir John Brudges, Sir William Denys and Robert Wye. Oxon: Sir John Daunce, Sir William Barentyne, Edward Chamberleyn and William Fermour. Berks: Sir William Essex, John Noreys, Henry Brigges and John Lotton. Warwick: Sir George Throkmarton, Sir Edward Ferrers, Sir Edward Willoughby and Roger Wigston. Leicester: Sir Richard Sacheverell, Sir John Villers, Roger Wygston and Thomas Brokesby. Rutland: Richard Sapcotes, John Haryngton, Edward Mountague and Francis Broune. Norfolk: Sir James Boleyn, Sir Francis Lovell, John Spelman, serjeant-at-law, and Francis Moundeford. Suffolk: Sir Philip Tylney, Humphrey Wyngfeld, Thomas Germyn and Thos. Russhe. Hants: Richard Lyster, chief baron of the Exchequer, Sir William Paulett, Nicholas Tychebourne, Richard Andrewes and William Hawles. Somerset: Sir William Paulett, Sir Nicholas Wadham, Sir Richard Warre, William Porteman. Stafford: Sir John Gifford, Sir Edward Aston, Edward Lyttelton and John Vernon. Wilts: Sir Edward Baynton, Sir John Seymour, Sir Henry Longe, Robert Baynard and Bartholomew Husey. Durham: Sir William Paulett, Sir William Bulmer, Sir William Eures, Sir Thomas Tempest and Richard Bellesys. Westm. 14 July.
Pat. 22 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8d. and 9d.
R. O. 2. Inquisitions on the lands held by Wolsey in the counties of Berks, Bucks, Camb. York, Essex, Glouc., Hertf., Kent, Leic., Linc., London, Middx., Worc., Northton. Notts, Oxon, Rutland, Soms., Southampton, Suff., Surr., Suss., Warw., Wilts.
Cardinal's Bundle, part ii.
R. O. 3. Draft of part of an inquisition on a portion of the lands of cardinal Wolsey. Found that the said Cardinal, after "the said" 2 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII., viz., on the 2nd Oct. 20 Hen. VIII., was and still is bishop of St. Swithin's cathedral, Winchester, by right of which he is seized of the manors of West Wycombe, Ivyngho, and Moreton, Bucks, and has received the profits thereof from 2 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII. to 25 March 20 Hen. VIII., since which date the King has received them.
Pp. 2, large paper.
R. O. 4. Draft of portion of a similar inquisition, in which the same facts are found relative to the manor and borough of Wytney, Oxon, and the manors of Eaderbury, Brightwell, and Herwell.
Pp. 2, large paper.
R. O. 5. Nineteen drafts of the findings in different inquisitions, viz., for Berks, Durham, Glouc., Hants, Lincoln, Midd., Notts, Surrey, Warwick, Wilts, and city of York, relative to the possessions of cardinal Wolsey as archbishop of York and bishop of Winchester.
Large paper.
R. O. 6. Assignment of the estates of the said colleges; sc. to the college of Windsor, to the priory of Shene, to the abbot of Waltham, to Geo. Colt, to Christ's College, Cambridge, to St. Laurence Pountney, to the abbey of St. Albans; with a list of those still in the King's hands.
Also, lands given by the King to Sir Francis Bryan and Sir Edw. Seymour.
Pp. 16. In Wriothesley's hand.
R. O. 7. Similar assignment of lands to the above, to the abbey of Westminster, to the college at Oxford, the school at Ipswich, Rob. Downes, Sir Thos. Clyfford, Sir _ Huddelston, Adrian Fortescue, Sir Ric. Page, the earl of Worcester, Sir Anthony Ughtrede, John Penne, Sir John Gage, Sir Will. Gascoynge.
Pp. 25.
R. O. 8. Lease made by the surveyors of crown lands to George Jenour of certain premises in Borham and Rokelond, &c., Suss., which were let to him by the dean of Cardinal's College, Oxford, before Wolsey's attainder.
Paper roll, 5 sheets.
R. O. 9. Demise of certain lands in Lamberhurst, Kent, to Thomas Darell, by the dean of Cardinal's College in Oxford, after Wolsey's attainder.
Draft, Lat., paper roll.
R. O. 10. Draft petition of John Higdon, dean, and canons of Cardinal's College, Oxford, praying the King that they may continue to enjoy the possessions granted to them by Cardinal Wolsey before his disgrace, notwithstanding the inquisitions by which they were seized into the King's hands.
Paper roll.
R. O. 11. Draft of a warrant to the bailiffs and receivers of the duchy of Lancaster, &c., notifying them of a grant to the dean and canons of Cardinal's College, of the rents of the possessions of St. Frideswide, &c.
R. O. 12. Lease by the dean and canons of Cardinal's College, Oxford, to William Wybarn, of the mansion place of the manor of Begham, and lands, &c. belonging thereto, in cos. Kent and Sussex.
Large paper, pp. 3.
R. O. 13. Renewed lease of the same by Henry VIII. after Wolsey's attainder.
Large paper, pp. 7.
R. O. 14. Deed of covenant by which the abbot and convent of Abingdon agree to convey to the King a tenement called the Axe, &c., and the King to grant them other lands in exchange (blanks left for the names of the places), and to discharge the abbot of all former titles and encumbrances done by him, or by the dean and canons of the college lately called the Cardinal's College in Oxford.
Pp. 10, large paper. Beginning lost.
R. O. 15. Crown lands assigned by the King to the following bodies and persons.
To the College at Oxford: Rents and lands lately belonging to St. Frediswide's, the monasteries of Litlemore, Poghley, Cantwell, Daventry and Wallingford, the prebend of Wetwang, and the rectory of Rudby, 667l. 18s. 6 ¾d.
To the College at Windsor: Rectories, &c. lately belonging to the monasteries of Lessonnes, Tonbridge, Begham, Rumborough, Horkesley, Wykes, Sandwell, Tykforde, and Bradwell, the rectories of Mountnesing, Croxston, and Hormede, the tithes of Snape, Fryston, Tolshunt Darcy, Stanesgate, and Stepull, the offerings of the chapel of St. Mary, Ipswich, the rectory of Wyng, lands belonging to the monastery of Poghley, Canwall Manor, rents in Bodyngton, Oteham, Rokelond in Borham, Excett, Telton, Friston, Kychenham, Begham, and Leveshoth, the rectory of Shobyndon, and the prebend of Blewbury, 603l. 2s. 2¼d.
To the School at Ipswich: The manors of Felixstowe and Falkenham, lands belonging to St. Peter's, Ipswich, and the rectories of Blakamore, Gingemargaret, and Maryborn.
To Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household: Rents in Begham, Tonges, Leveshoth, and Cawsey, 68l. 1s. 9¼d.
To divers coparceners: Lands in Dodnash, Wormyngforde, Typtre, Horkesley, and Rumborow, and belonging to St. Peter's, Ipswich, 201l. 7s. 11¼d.
To Sir Ric. Page: The manor of Thobye, 53l. 6s. 8d.
To Sir Fras. Bryan: Lands belonging to the priory of Raunston, 88l. 5s. 4¼d.
To the earl of Worcester: The manor of Chesthunt, 30l.
To Sir Ant. Ughtred and Sir Edw. Saymour: The manors of Kexby, Lepington, and Barthorpe, 123l. 12s. 8d.
To John Pen: The manor of Wyng, and lands of "Prato," 20l.
To the prior of Shene: Lands at Lessonnes, Tonbridge, Sandwell, and Holt alias Rowholt, 149l. 7s. 4¼d.
To the abbot of Waltham: Lands in Blakamore and Wormyngforde, 50l. 13s. 6d.
To George Colt: Lands at Stanesgate, 38l.
To Christ's College, Cambridge: Lands at Bromehill, 46l. 19s. 10d.
To Thos. Baret and Thos. Pemberton: Rents in Bodesham and Stokesby, 28l. 13s. 4d.
To the College of St. Lawrence Pountney: Rents in Brockley, 106s. 8d.
Total, 2,234l. 4s. 2d.
Remainder, 433l. 3s. 6d., over and above 104l. 14s. 10d. by which the assignments exceed the value of the land.
Not yet assigned: Lands of the monastery of Tykforde, and rents in Daventry, Wallingforde, Bradwell, Snape, and Canwall, 359l. 6s. 1d.
Otherwise assigned: Rents of the preceptory of Sandford, 63l. 17s. 5d. A rent of 10l. from the priory of Mountjoy, and the rent of the house in Chancery Lane belonging to the College at Oxford.
Lat., pp. 10. Endd.. Assignments to divers persons of the College lands,
14 July.
P. S. Rym. XIV. 401.
Restitution of the temporalities of the bishopric of London, on the nomination by the Pope of John Stokysley, D. D., as bishop, vice Cuthbert translated to Durham. Hampton Court, 6 July 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July.
Pat. 22 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
14 July.
P. S.
Writ to the escheator for the restitution of the temporalities of the monastery of St. Benet, Hulme, Norwich dioc., on the election, confirmed by Richard bishop of Norwich, of William Reppes as abbot, whose fealty has been ordered to be taken by the prior of Christchurch, Norwich, and Thomas Godsalve. York Place, 9 July 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July.
Pat. 22 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
15 July.
R. O. St. P. VII. 247.
Has received by his ambassador his letter, written in June, from Hampton Court. Cannot express his satisfaction at Henry's good will towards himself, and the spirit in which he takes his friendly monition of the evil rumors in Germany. Rejoices all the more at the King's vindication, showing he was influenced, not by self-interest, but only by the fear of God. Is sure Henry would attempt nothing for which he could not give a satisfactory reason, but wishes he had never been led to this. Doubts not there are many good and learned men in England, who, to take away the King's scruples, can show that his marriage requires no further legalization. Has not spoken with the ambassador today, partly on account of the business of the diet, partly for want of an interpreter, as he cannot understand English, and should like to talk with him confidentially. Augsburg, 15 July 1530. Signed and sealed.
Lat. Add.