Henry VIII: August 1529, 27-31

Pages 2627-2641

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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August 1529

27 Aug.
R. O.
Received his letter, dated at Hampton Court, 21st inst. Sends him a presentation to the parsonage of Thornton, void by the death of Dr. Stillington, and in his gift by grant of the barony of Kendall to his brother Sir Thomas Parr, now in his hands during the minority of his nephew. Had intended to have disposed of it to a friend "about my young lord my master;" but, at Wolsey's request, resigns it in favor of his chaplain, Dr. Constable. Stillington, 27 Aug. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
27 Aug.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 106. B. M.
5873. THE PEACE.
Proclamation to be published by the sheriff of Kent, declaring that peace is concluded between the king of England and the Emperor. The Moore, 27 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 2.
Vit. B. XX. 268. B. M. 5874. [WOLSEY ?] to "MR. DEPUTY" [OF CALAIS].
"Where, our Lord [be praised, is now] amity and peace concluded betwixt the [French king and] the Emperor for all their realms," the said peace [to be pub]lished within a month after the date of [the same]; the King, minding the [publication] of the said treaty for his part, has determined tha[t the] said publication shall be made [forthwith]. Sends the proclamation under the [great] seal to be published in the town and marches of C[alais]. "And to the intent that it may appear to your neighbours there that the King's hi[ghness] and his people be glad and joyous of the s[aid] peax, his pleasure is that ye shall cause [it to be proclaimed] with shooting of gu[ns] and oder convenient ceremonies ... of congratulation to be made there."
ii. Memorandum of a similar letter to the warden of the Cinque Ports.
Draft, mutilated, p. 1.
28 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 337.
As Langes is arrived here from the French king with the qualifications of the treaty of Madrid, the King desires you to send him a copy of the same, which he supposes you have, with your opinion of the demands made by Francis, which I herewith send you. The King has not yet disclosed what answer he will make, and will not determine till he hears from you. He also desires favor in behalf of friar Nicholas, of Oxford, and that some benefice may be provided for him. Please send by the bearer the articles of the treaty. Woodstock, 28 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
28 Aug.
R. O.
Desires him to remember the two "copys" (copses) that the writer holds for my lord of Barnwell, one of 12, the other of 30 acres. Pays for the former 6s. 8d.; for the other, 26s. 8d. Desires Cromwell to help him that he may have it free, paying a reasonable price. Will requite him for whatever bargain he can make. Will be glad to wait on him at Barnwell, if he wishes it. Gyldynmordon, Saturday, 28 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
28 Aug.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 86. B. M.
5877. DE PRAET and MAY to CHARLES V.
* * * Have written how the English ambassadors were endeavoring to get the citation modified, and of our reply. Told the Pope yesterday that if he wished to suspend judgment for a month, to see if the King was really inclined to justice, we were content; but that he should not suspend it so long as to make them think we were lulled to sleep, when they might seize an opportunity to revive the question (que la bolviesen en pie), which we wanted to set at rest; that if it could be done willingly your Majesty would be all the better pleased, but if not, the matter should not be left in this perplexity; and as they wished the Pope to revoke the cause to his own personal decision, we besought him, without showing any diffidence, that he would not take upon himself such a disagreeable responsibility (en aver de declarar contra gente tan delicada); for since it was committed to the Rota, and then to be referred to the Consistory, his Holiness ought not to take any trouble about it.
The truth is, it would be by no means safe for the Pope to take upon himself the decision; for he might die, or times might change, or, if there were nothing worse, it would encourage the English every day to ask for new decretals; for great concessions are made to them even to this day, whether it be owing merely to the Pope's good faith, or to the bribery of some one of the ministers, for it is said they are very free in spending in respect of this cause. To their request that certain things in the commission should be suppressed (que se quitasen algunas cosas de la comission), we said if they would specify them we should be willing to concede anything that might reasonably be relaxed. Have agreed with the Pope to wait and see if affairs take any new turn since the conclusion of the peace of Cambray; for this commission was of the 25th July, when the English not only had no hope of peace, but believed and wrote that it would never be concluded. * * * Rome, 7 Aug. 1529.
Sp., Modern copy, pp. 9. The extract is in cipher in the original.
29 Aug.
R. O. Herbert, p. 120. Theiner, p. 564.
Papal breve suspending the further hearing of the King's cause till Christmas. Rome, 29 Aug. 1529.
Copy, Lat., Pp. 2. Endd.: Copia brevis ad Regem, 2 Septembr. 1529.
Vit. B. XI. 247. B. M. 2. Promise of Clement VII. that in three months after the advocation of the King's cause, he will pronounce a sentence of divorce, and give the King licence by bull to contract a second marriage.
Lat., Pp. 3, draft in Sir Gregory Casale's hand.
29 Aug.
R. O.
As Mons. Langius has arrived at Woodstock on a visit to the King, and brought from the French king certain articles, to which the King defers to make answer until he knows somewhat of my mind and opinion, I desire you to send by the bearer a copy of the treaty of Madrid, with the other articles subscribed, and also the instructions you had at your departure to Cambray. The More, 29 Aug.
Draft, with corrections in Wolsey's hand, p. 1. Endd.: "Restant quinquaginta millia coronarum auri de sole solvenda per Imperatorem pro quibus impignoratur le Flowre de Luce. Etiam pro indemnitate centum millia coronarum auri."
29 Aug.
R. O.
Sends the writings Wolsey desires, viz., the treaty of Madrid, with articles in French drawn out thereof, and others in Latin, of offers to be made by the French king to the Emperor, signed by the said King; and "our" instructions. Asks Wolsey to send back those which will be their warrant for concluding the peace. Fulham, 29 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
"Mine opinion touching the French king's demands remitting the same. First, forasmuch as the French king seemeth to be [in] great necessity and that _
"Mr. Stevynys, after my most hearty recommendations, these shall be to advertise you that this day, about 11 of the clock, I received your letters, dated at Wodstoke, the 28th day of this present month, with certain articles in French concerning as well the modification of the treaty of Madryll as also certain things demanded by the French of the King's highness (fn. 1), wherein [it hath pleased the King's highness (fn. 2) ] it is his Grace's pleasure to [know my poor opinion†] be advertised with all possible diligence of my poor opinion [and specially in such things as be demanded by the French†] for the accomplishing whereof according to my most bounden duty immediately upon the delivery of the premises I perused again the same, and in effect I do perceive [that the French king's children shall by the articles of mediation that†] as one that is not best expert in the French tongue, that the French king is bounden for redemption of his not only to pay to the Emperor [in the lieu of lands of the duchy for†] two millions of gold crowns, but also to discharge the Emperor towards the King's highness of all things that his Grace may by any mean or color demand of him, as well of his debts for money borrowed, [as also†] upon obligations, as also on pledge [upon the pledge of the flower de luce†], as also of the indemnity, the (fn. 3) and penalty forfeited for breaking off the marriage, which is 500,000 crowns."
Hol., corrected unfinished draft.
ii. "_after I have instructed Mr. Boner, and he ready to depart. Item [the said†] Mr. Boner shall say that after two instructions were [signed†] ready, [and he ready to depart, my servant†] the messenger sent to London for the treaty of Madrell [was†] returned with the same, [in the which in the article mentioning the league offensive and defensive, manner of the offension, the defence to be mutually given, there is specified the number of men-at-arms and footmen that shall be given, and requisition for common offence contra invasores aut perturbatores, there is a special mention made with what number of horsemen and footmen shall†], wherein the manner of giving aid contra invasores et perturbatores, and expenses required, is more specially described than is contained in [the other part of those†] mine instructions, as it shall more perfectly appear by the reading and inspection of the said article, the same is couched with very sore and some mystical causes, ut bene ponderanti apparebat it shall be necessary in my poor opinion to have the copy of the whole treaty of Cambray in some authentic form for surety of afterclapps; [and for knowledge†]."
Draft in Wolsey's hand.
Cal. D. X. 394. B. M. 5882. INSTRUCTIONS TO DR. BONNER.
"[Instructions] given by [my lord Cardinal, to Dr.] Boner, to [relate unto the King's] highness.
"First, the said Doctor shall [repair unto Mr. Stevens], and after the delivery of his ... [and most hearty] recommendations he shall [open and declare] unto him the whole continue [of his charge; which] done they shall both, if Mr. [Stevens shall think] it so good, repair unto the King'[s highness to] ... after the said lord Cardinal['s most humble] and lowly recommendations with [like thanks] for that it would please his [Highness not only] to communicate such charge[s as was sent unto] his Highness from his good brother a[nd ally] the French k[ing's ambassador, but also] that it would please his Majesty [to understand] his poor advice and opinion u[pon the same].
"The said Mr. Boner, therefore, shall say th[at] ... in that behalf [the said] Cardinal hath diligently per[used] ... the articles of the modifica[tion of the treaty] of Madril, as those also of [the French king's] demands, and by the c[ontinue of the articles of the treaty] of modification lately agreed at C[ambray] he doth [perceive that the treaty] of Madrill standeth * * * ... [Fr]ench king among [other articles of mutual] defence is bounden ... [fren]de to frende and enmy [to enmy] ... e whereof, if the Emperor [as God forbid, should ever b]e enemy to the King, the [French king m]ust be the same. This art[icle] ... at Amyas qualified, but in [this] ... treaty I perceive no such qualific[ation] ... [my] no little marvel, which is ver[y danger]ous to the King's highness. The Fre[nch king al]so is bounden by the said treaty of Mad[ril to] defend the Emperor ad expensas proprias [contra omnes] homines mundi. This is also d[angerous unto] the King's highness unless there be [some ot]her qualification than I see yet. [And for] as much as of likelihood the King's [highness is] comprehended in the treaty betwixt th[e said Em]peror and the French king, tamquam p[rincipalis contra]hens, like as his Grace hath comprehen[ded the] French king in the treaty betwixt [his said Highnes]s and the Emperor, it is to be feared [unless] that some special provision be m[ade] ... king so comprehended and ... ntyd therewith * * * ... defence of the ... [contra] omnem hominem mun[di, it is to] be mused at why the [whole treaty of Cambray] is not sent to the King's [highness, seeing] that his Grace is compre[hended therein] as a principal contrahent. [Sed forte aliquid latet.]
"Other things than these [I cannot conject to] be dangerous or prejudi[cial to the King's] highness. One other thing may [be gathered besides] this, that the whole payment, the King's debts ded[ucted] ... with all other particula[rs] ... performed before or at the de[liverance of the children] with reservation of all the Emperor's [titles and pretences] to the duchy of Burgon, to ...
'And as touching such requests a ... King's highness on the French king ... lord Cardinal which most hum ...
Corrected draft, mutilated.
Cal. D. XI. 19. B. M. First draft of the preceding. (fn. 4)
In Wolsey's hand, mutilated, Pp. 2.
Cal. D. XI. 20. B. M. 5883. WOLSEY to GARDINER.
"... in to France and ... King's highness would vouchsafe to ... the one as the other, and I ... me at my being in France abr ... n to his Highness and realm good service in ... difficile and tedious to ... take so much pain if it may please you by you[r good and sub]stantial pondering of every point, conferring ... well after your accustomable wisdom and dexterity to ins ... thereof, ye should do unto me marvellous acceptable pleasure ... his Highness and no little satisfaction ... traites be well and substantially ... well done in my opinion, as soon as ye have ... the oversight of the† same be remitted th ... to carry them about in your journey. And as touching the difficulty founden and contained in ... of the articles of mutual defence, and of being enemy to e[nemy, and friend] to friend, I assure you on my fidelity I did not express the said ... the King should be kindled against the French king, or ... should be innovate or altered, or any blame should be (fn. 5) [given to] any man, but only I was moved, for that I perceived by the ... the treaty of [Madrid] did stand in his force, except in certain new qualifications, and [at] my being in France that article was thought convenie[nt to be] qualified. This, God be my judge, was only the thing that ... me seen(?) at the devising and perfecting of the said instruments ... seen (?) the treaties of Madrill, nor the same was not ... from London, as it might appear unto y ...
"Postscripta:—And glad I am, praying God it so be, that ... of my qualifications be not so dangerous as I supposed ... doth and shall serve no more to the King's purpose ... [Ma]drell, as it is now couched, but to be p ... yon or the defence of * * * ... importing ... as is not impossible ... intercourse and concluding of ... ulte behavior maketh me percase more of ... I ought to do; sed in hoc considerandum est ... [I thank you, Mr.] Stevyns, for your kind and loving entertain[ment in favorin]g of my poor opinion unto the King's grace w[ho] ... [a]nd to my singular comfort, hath, as I perceive by your letters, taken my doing ... [And] thus most heartily fare you well."
Hol., draft, mutilated.
Cal. D. XI. 21. B. M. 5884. WOLSEY to GARDINER.
"[Mr. Stevin]ys, this day going to dinner, and being xi. of ... past, I received your letters, dated at Woodstock, the xxv ... [of th]ys month. And incontinently, because my lord of Londo[n] ... [tr]eaty of Madryll and such other articles as I concluded [with the Frenc]he king at my being in France qualifying the said tre[aty of Madr]ylle, I sent to London by post for the same, and herewith be ... er I went to the perusing of the articles, and do ... French king, to the intent, according to the King's commandment I my[ght inform] his Highness of mine opinion with all diligence upon the same; which I now do by [this] bearer, Mr. Bonner, by whom, what by ... [com]myttyd in writing, what by mouth with your good fur[therance, the K]yng shall be advertised of my poor opinion, and with ... pains I have used in the accomplishing of his Grace's ple[asure] ... going to say mine evensong (?), with my most hearty commend[ations] ... bid you good night, at More, at x * *"
Draft, hol., mutilated.
29 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 338.
5885. TUKE to WOLSEY.
At my coming to court yesterday, the King, Norfolk, Suffolk, and the French ambassadors had gone out hunting. I communicated your message to Dr. Stephens. He told me the King had written to Sir Francis Brian to speak to the French king about it, rather as if to gratify him, and intimate the injury it would be to France if Scotland made an alliance with the Emperor, and to ask Albany what could be done to stop it; not as if Henry desired his coming. The King had also written to Hacket to advertise what ambassadors should be sent from the Emperor on the departure of the admiral of France (Brion). There has been a talk of sending to Charles lord Berners and the Dean of the Chapel. Gardiner will send the original inhibition. I find him well inclined to you, and not "minded to meddle with many things," but to deal with one thing, and to write to you what is to the purpose. He showed me the demands of the French ambassadors, and how he had sent all to you by the King's commands. Norfolk and Suffolk left early this morning. At my coming to the King's chamber, Gardiner said he had told the King of my coming, and of Brian's letter, and your opinion touching Albany, and departure of the Admiral. I declared to the King what you commanded me, in the presence of lord Rochford and Mr. Stephens. His Grace marvelled at the difficulty made by the Duke, and said that the French ambassador had reported from Francis that the Duke should do what the King devised. I explained the reason, as well as your opinion touching my lord of Worcester. The King wished that the letters from the prothonotary Casalis should be seen by Rochford, Gardiner, and myself. The French ambassador then came to the King. On Wednesday the King leaves for Langley. The household will tarry here till he returns, which will be within two days. Woodstock, Sunday, 29 Aug. 1529.
I did not speak of Campeggio, as I thought the inhibition would be redubbed. The King said, as the French demand so many things, it will be needful to advise what shall be done.
I send this by a servant of yours going to the More.
Hol. Add. Endd.
29 Aug.
R. O. St. P. IV. 568.
Received on Thursday, 26 Aug., by Carlisle herald, "your Grace's" letters, dated at "your (fn. 6) manor" of Tittenhanger on the 14th, directing him to entertain the earl of Angus. Received him accordingly at Newcastle, on his repair northwards, in as loving wise as could be, all the gentlemen of Northumberland being then assembled for the administration of justice on the Borders. Hopes the King and Wolsey will be satisfied at his repair to them. Has desired Angus that his Scotch friends coming to this realm may keep good rule, as he is charged to make redress. Appulby, the King's messenger, on his return from Scotland, informed the Earl that the king of Scots had expressed his desire for meetings on the Borders. Nevertheless, the Scots have committed great attempts of late, and seemed little inclined to redress. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 29 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
Add. MS. 28,578, f. 388. B. M. 5887. THE IMPERIAL TREATY.
"The ambassadors of the confederates (England, Venice, Ferrara, &c.) asked the Imperialists to communicate to them the projected treaty. They were convoked in a conference, and the articles which the Imperialists had given to the French were read to them.
"It was the wish of the Imperialists first to come to an understanding with the French about the peace with France, and afterwards to discuss the conditions on which peace with the other allies (England, Venice, &c.) was to be concluded. It was, however, decided that the conditions of peace with the allies were to be sealed at the same time.
"Venetians and Ferrara are to give back to the Pope all they had taken from him, and to pay to the Emperor a very heavy sum of money.—Duke of Bari.—Florence.
"Some of the ambassadors think the demands of the Emperor moderate, but others are of other opinions, and hope the negotiations will lead to nothing, especially as the Emperor asks of the king of France the restitution of the duchy of Burgundy.
Endd.: "News which the knight commander Figueroa has sent in his letter, dated 29 August, concerning the peace which Mesdames are said to have concluded. Italian, contemporary copy, Pp. 2."
Modern English abstract of an original at Simancas.
29 Aug.
R. O.
Notarial attestation of the deposition upon oath made at the desire of Sir Gregory Casalis, the English ambassador, by Antonio, clerk, of Cremona, as to the established method followed in the dating of papal briefs, sub annulo Piscatoris. Dated 29 Aug. 1529. Seal attached.
R. O. 2. Five similar documents, of different dates in the same month, with seals appended, and all very illegible. Three of them mutilated by decay.
29 Aug.
R. O.
Commission of Charles V. to Peter lord de Rosimbos, Eustace Chapuys, George de Themsike, and John de le Sauch to receive from Henry VIII. letters ratificatory of the treaty of Cambray. Genoa, 29 Aug. 1529. Signed and sealed.
30 Aug.
Titus, B. I. 303. St. P. I. 340.
The King has resolved to despatch Worcester's servant, as you will perceive by his letters, which I send open to you to read and seal, not so well expressed as you would have done, but as it was the King's pleasure. He has given the man 100 crowns. I think he will not follow your advice for appointing the said Bishop ambassador to the Emperor. He desires your advice on the following points:—whether, as the Emperor will not ratify the treaty of Cambray with Francis, the King should ratify the same; 2, whether, without the ratification, he should give up the Emperor's bonds. He wishes you also to send the treaties concluded by you in France [in 1527]. This morning Dr. Bonner arrived with your opinion on such articles as I wrote to you; in which I cannot but admire your excessive pains and labors,—which I shall show to the King; but I reckon I shall have great difficulty, as he is gone out hunting, and will return very late. Woodstock, 30 Aug.
Hol. Add. Endd.
"And as touching such requests as be made unto the King's highness on the French king's behalf, with the most humble protestation of resorting the same unto his Grace's most high judgment and correction,"—to the first article Bonner shall say, that, considering the French king's great necessity, and to help him to the speedy deliverance of his children, Wolsey thinks, as provision is made by the treaty lately concluded at Cambray, and days appointed by the French king for payment of the Emperor's debts to Henry, those payments to be made according to a memorial, and the first to be in November, A.D. M1, (fn. 7) that after these payments ended, besides the King's yearly pension of 50,000 cr., for which the fleur de lys is mortgaged, should be paid at one payment, or at two at most, viz., in May 25,000 cr., and in November next another 25,000 cr. As to the delivery of the obligation of indemnity, and acquittances to the Emperor, and those bound for the same, Wolsey thinks some sticking should be made thereat, and also at the remission of the penalty for the breach of the marriage, that the King by at last relenting may stop their suit for remission of his pension for this year, and lending any more money; for it must be remembered that when the Great Master and the chancellor of Alençon were here, there was a discussion about the obligation for the indemnity, which amounts to 40,000 marks yearly, "till that the King hath won some moche in France," or made arrangements with France; and though the French king is bound to pay 20,000 cr. yearly, and the Emperor is discharged of so much, yet the Emperor appears still to be charged with 10,000 marks a year over, for which the Great Master and Chancellor wished to compound for 20,000; but the King will remember that my lord of London, and Wolsey, and others of the Council, "thought conscience therein," because Mary queen dowager of France was paid the arrears of her dower, which had been detained during the war; for which partly the obligation of indemnity was made;—that is to say, 20,000l. for the King's pension and 10,000 marks for her dowry; but it would be well if, by remission of the whole indemnity, the French king could be satisfied to forbear his demands for the remission of the King's pension for this year, otherwise I cannot see that the King has any good ground of objection. If they will press for a remission of the pension for this year, notwithstanding the giving of days for the fleur de lys, and the remission of the forfeiture for the breach of the marriage, the King might offer to forbear it by way of loan, and to stall the sum with the other new debts. And finally, rather than discourage the French king, to induce him to stick to the King's highness "and his great matter," without binding his Grace to any further capitulation for the redemption of the French king's children, the King might offer to remit the half year's pension due last May, considering that the French king was at great cost in levying men of war for the expedition of Italy. It would not be wise to lend any more money.
Thus, for lack of time, I have declared my opinion upon the French king's demands, which I hope the King will take in good part. There must also be a remembrance of such salt as is due to the King since the conclusion of the perpetual peace; and whatever is agreed to, there must be a treaty by commissioners on either side.
Draft, Pp. 4. In Wolsey's hand. The writing is particularly careless and illegible.
Cal. D. XI. 40. B. M. 2. Corrected draft of the same.
Mutilated, Pp. 4.
30 Aug.
R. O.
Received your letters this morning, dated at the More, 27 Aug., with a proclamation, which I published in due form, with guns and trumpets. All are glad of the peace, especially the Emperor's subjects, considering the money he will receive. It is feared, however, that war will succeed upon the delivery of the Princes. My lord Chamberlain left here this afternoon for England, and takes with him the accounts. Calais, 30 Aug. 1529.
Hol., Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
Vesp. C. IV. 337. B. M. 5893. [WOLSEY to GARDINER.]
"Mr. Stevyns." Has received his letters, dated Woodstock, the penult. of this month, with the instructions conceived by him at the King's command to be sent to the bishop of Worcester. They could not be devised to better purpose. Nothing is omitted which could serve to the advancement of the King's affair. In answer to the King's request for his opinion whether, if the Emperor does not ratify the peace concluded at Cambray with the French king, his Grace should demand and take the ratification of the peace concluded with the Emperor; considering that the peace between his Grace and the Emperor is a particular thing done and concluded apart, wherein the French king is only comprehended, and there is no mention made of anything between the Emperor and French king; and as the King's orators have sworn in animam regis that he will observe the articles, including one concerning the said ratification, of which Wolsey encloses a copy, he thinks the King is bound to offer and accept the ratification, although the Emperor refuses to ratify the treaty between him and the French king. There is another thing to be considered, which the French king and his Council will perhaps demand, viz., that unless the treaty of peace with the Emperor is confirmed, the King is bound to concurrence with the French king for the deliverance of his children. Supposes that if the same peace is ratified, there will be no reason for concurrence. It, therefore, serves for all purposes that the King should offer the ratification. Assures him that, whatever may be said, this treaty of Cambray is so beneficial for the Emperor, and the French king hath so humbled himself by leaving his children in the Emperor's hands, that it is not to be doubted that the Emperor will ratify it. It is more to be feared, considering his malignity toward the King's highness, that he will stick at ratifying the treaty with him. Great diligence and circumspection are therefore to be used, lest the confirmation of the treaty between the Emperor (fn. 8) and the French king be prevented, lest the Emperor, seeing the King left alone, be more difficult in ratifying the treaty between his Grace and him.
The thing comes much in his head, and is to be well regarded.
The obligations and quittances for the King's debts are already for the most part delivered, except for the flower de luce and the indemnity; and the French king has become debtor to the King for them, by special treaty, now lately concluded at Cambray between the orators of the two Kings, and ratified by the French king.
Gardiner knows Wolsey's opinion about the flower de luce, and obligations for the indemnity, which being delivered to the French king, he must be bound by special treaty as debtor to the King. Special provision must be made for the delivery of the Princes, or not, as in the other. Whether the peace is confirmed or not between the Emperor and the French king, the King will be in no danger, as the obligations must be re-delivered to him by the French king.
Sends, as the King commands, the writings delivered to him by the bishop of London and Mr. More. The treaties concluded at Wolsey's being in France are in London. Has sent for them, and will send them on their arrival. The More.
Offers to come to the King if he can be of service.
Hol., corrected draft, Pp. 3.
31 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 342.
The King willed me to give you his hearty thanks for your great pains taken in answering with such diligence the articles proposed by the French ambassadors. He has, however, put off his answer to the ambassadors until his return from Langley, where he goes tomorrow, and will not return till Saturday [the 4th]. Where your Grace seems to suspect the French, and impute to them the non-observance of their covenants agreed upon at Amiens touching the qualifications of the treaty of Madrid, the King was of your opinion, and was much kindled, and waxed warm, thinking himself not well used; and, without speaking to me, he desired my lord of Rochford to send for me, and examine the treaty of Madrid with your Grace's instructions; which we did, and this morning had much reasoning with the King, to whom it now appears that the treaty, without the qualification devised by you, is not so dangerous as your Grace had noted, as Boner will show you. We urge you to consider quod præterita dolere magis quam corrigere possumus. Your qualification does not serve the King's purpose any more than as the treaty is now couched. Thus bold I am to write unto your Grace, desiring you to take it in good part. Woodstock, last of August.
Hol., p. 1. Add. and sealed. Endd.
Cal. D. X. 234. B. M. 5895. [FITZWILLIAM to WOLSEY ?]
* * * ... [be]twixt the Emperor ... for nothing lest th ... there is great appearance that they will n ... much demur upon the requiring of the pensio[ns] ... perpetual the pension voyager and salt. Ne ... entering to the war, ner the marriage, if [the King's] highness list, ner upon none other ... only the continuance of the amity ... be given ... ayne to empeche th ... E * * * ... our master ... t whereof and in all ... I refer to the King's high wisdom ... his Highness will take it as a vise of him [that meaneth] well, and if the King have any appetite to have [the] marriage concluded, it would in mine opinion [be much] better done by a wise man sent into France [than by a French]man sent into Engl[and] ... by the personage ... the ... the Ad * * *
Fragment. In the hand of Fitzwilliam's clerk. Mutilated.
Vit. B. XI. 218. B. M. 5896. ITALY.
"Articuli dati a Rmo et Illmo D. Legato."
1. The Italians shall be bound to contribute on this side of the mountains, until the French king's children are liberated, and the Emperor has paid his debts to the king of England. 2. Notwithstanding any contravention of contrahents, firm peace must be established between the kings of England and France. 3. The English shall not be bound so strictly to the defence of Italy as the Italians, among themselves. 4. The league is to be made only for life, and not to bind successors. 5. The Emperor's journey to Italy for his coronation shall be settled by the will of all the contrahents, not merely of the Pope and Venetians. 6. Arrangement shall be made for assisting the king of England if the Emperor declares war against him. 7. Scotland shall not be comprehended as in the peace between England and France. 8. An assignation shall be made upon the duchy of Milan.
[Answers to the above articles.]
1. Italy will be content to give as much assistance to the King until his money is repaid, as the King, on entering the league will give, and bind himself to give in future, for the necessities of Italy. 2. By any contravention of the contrahents, the alliance is not to be injured, except for those who have broken it. 3. The king of England shall not be bound more strictly to the Italians than they to him. 4. The league is to be perpetual with those who wish it, and for life for those who do not. 5. The King shall be contented that the Emperor's coming to Italy be settled according to the wish of the Pope and the Venetians, as it concerns no one so much. 6. Obligations to be mutual, to give as much as is given. 7. As the kings of England and France please. 8. If the King is not contented with an assignation upon the kingdom, it shall be laid upon the duchy. They hope, however, that he will be content with the former, knowing the poverty of the Duke and the devastation of the duchy. It would be in accordance with the liberty and dignity of the King to make some honorable contribution by reason of the pension.
Lat., Pp. 2. Endd.
Vesp. F. I. 63. B. M. 5897. [WOLSEY] to GARDINER.
"Mr Stevyns." Has received letters from the bishop of Transilvania, lately ambassador for the Vaywode, now king of Hungary. Sends them, to be shown to the King, with another advertisement of news translated out of Italian into Latin. If true, it is bad news; "for yf the Turk havyng all thyngs suere at hys bake, as of lyclyhod he shall have, yf Sophy hath gyven unto hym primogenitum in pignus de Wytter (fn. 9) in Vien, he shall not fayle primo vere to seke themperor in Ytally, and cause hym to altere hys intendyd purpose, (fn. 10) and forthynck and repente hys arrival there; for when all the Almayns shalbe drawn into the Turks parte, as yt ys to be feryd that they wolbe facylly inducyd thereunto, quo milite (?) obstabit Cesar?"
Hol., draft, p. 1.
31 Aug.
R. O.
5898. ROWLAND PHILIPPES, Vicar of Croydon, to WOLSEY.
I have been with the abbot of Wigmore, and showed him your gracious mind towards him, and that he should have 40 marks pension; which of late he would have taken gladly, but now, as he trusts to a great change, and specially the extinction of your authority, he refuses the offer. Either, then, he will grow to full authority, and destroy the abbey, or he must be deprived by law. I hear you have given an injunction to Thomas Heron, of Croydon, "to make no force ne to meddle with the tithe of the parsonage there," in a cause between him and a widow named Annos Warre. There is a subpœna directed to the same widow, who is old and impotent, to appear before you on 4 Sept. These contrary acts much slander you, and create rumors among the people, which is supposed to be done by your officers without your knowledge. London, 31 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
31 Aug.
Le Glay, Négociations, II. 693.
The conditions of the peace [of Cambray] are so advantageous to the Emperor that some deception is suspected. But even should the peace have been made with the connivance of the English, the Venetians, and the other colleagues of Francis, and with the intention of recommencing the war after the recovery of the French princes, the Emperor would still be in favorable circumstances. Rome, 31 Aug.
31 Aug.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 345.
Bull of Clement VII. to cardinal Wolsey for uniting certain monasteries. Rome, prid. kal. Sept. 1529.
Lat., vellum.
R. O.
Thanks him for all his kindness. Encloses a gold royal as a token to Vaughan till their next meeting. Refers his other matters to Mr. Alen and to Cromwell. Would rather take the worse side of the balance than kindle a new war with Reynolds. Hopes for more friendly dealing hereafter, or else will rest to his own old mumpsimus. His wife desires to be recommended. Stokton, three miles from St. Neots, Monday before Bartylmew Day.
P. 1, Hol. Add.: To his hearty beloved Master Cromwell.
R. O. 5902. LEDER and REYNOLDS.
"Certain considerations and articles to be ministered to Mr. John Alen, alderman, and Thomas Crumwell, gent., on the behalf of Oliver Leder," insisting on certain conditions for the settlement of his dispute with Richard Reynolds.
Pp. 2.
R. O. 2. Articles "to be performed as well of the behalf of Richard Reynolds as of the part of Oliver Leder."
P. 1.
R. O. St. P. II. 147. 5903. IRELAND.
Instructions of Henry VIII. to Sir William Skeffyngton, master of the Ordnance, whom he has appointed deputy of the duke of Richmond and Somerset, lieutenant of Ireland.
To take with him the King's letters credential to the Chancellor and other Councillors of Ireland, whom he shall assemble on his arrival, and thereupon exhibit his letters patent, and take his admission as deputy. He shall then consult with the Council about measures to be taken for surety and defence of the land against the wild Irishry. The King has sent 200 horse, with money for their wages, and hopes the Deputy will see all differences composed between Kildare, Desmond and Ossory. The Deputy is not to make any hosting without the consent of the Council. He is to take with him the letters patent under the King's seal of Ireland, with such articles as were thought good to be enacted by Parliament, which he is to convoke with diligence. Is to consult with the Council about obtaining a subsidy without waiting for Parliament, which may not assemble till Michaelmas next;—the money to be paid in to the prior of Kilmainham, under-treasurer there. He is to send men of war to Kildare, when required, for exploits against the King's enemies:—the profits of "impositions" of beasts, &c., on such exploits "by way of patysment or agreement," to be divided between the King and the Earl. He is to keep the King informed of the state of Ireland, and see to the administration of justice, letting of farm, wards and marriages, &c.
R. O. 5904. ROGIER DU PRAT, French Merchant in London, to the KING and COUNCIL.
About nine months ago, seeing the scarcity of corn in England, imported a quantity from France, and agreed with John Alain, then Lord Mayor of London, to sell it to him at 14s. a qr. Has delivered him about 2,000 qrs., for which he has paid all but 221l. 4s., which was due last June. and which he has deferred paying four months and a half.
Fr., p. 1. Endd.
A treaty made at Lisle, 16 Oct. 1513, beginning "Nos Margareta" and ending "decimo tertio." 2. An acquittance of Maximilian for 100,000 g. cr. 3. A confirmation of alliance with the emperor Maximilian, beginning "Maximilianus" and ending "vicesimo quarto." 4. A marriage treaty between Charles of Castile and Mary the King's sister. 5. An acknowledgment for 3,000 g. cr., by De Ligné. 6. The comprehension of the King in the treaty of Noyon. 7. "Another writing with two small green seals." Signed: Steven Gardyner.
Aug./GRANTS. 5906. GRANTS in AUGUST 1529.
1. Laurence Walker, clothier, of Hallyfax, Yorkshire. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Greenwich, 1 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
2. Thos. Grey, yeoman of the Guard, and William Almer, serjeant-at-arms. To be keeper, in survivorship, of Grove Park, Warw., vice Sir William Compton. Del. Westm., 2 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
3. Raignold Cobham. Licence to export three-score tons of tallow within three years. Greenwich, 1 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Tyttenhanger, 3 Aug.—S.B.
4. Thos. Bullen, viscount Rocheford. Custody of lands and tenements in Lathingdon, Essex, &c., and in Lathingdon and Hadley. Also wardship of William s. and h. of John and Mary Strongman. Del. The Moore, 4 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
4. John Sandforth of Appulby, Westmor., yeoman of the Crown, and Thos. Lawe of Astun, Westmor., yeoman. Pardon for the murder of Hen. Salkeld. Greenwich, 1 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Tyttenhanger, 4 Aug.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
5. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household. Wardship of John, s. and h. of John Cutte, with custody of lands in York, Essex, Surrey, and London, and of the possessions of Sir John Cutte or John Cutte, on the death of the said Sir John, or John, or Elizabeth widow of the said John, or on fulfilment of the will of the said Sir John or the said Elizabeth. Del. Westm., 5 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 4.
6. Wm. lord Dacre of Gillesland and Graistok. To be governor of the city and castle of Carlisle, Cumb., with 100 marks a year, and 20 horsemen at 10 marks a year, and 3 key-bearers of the city gates at 26s. 8d. a year, under him. Del. Tyttenhanger, 6 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
7. SS. Mary and Modwen, Burton-upon-Trent, Staff. Mortmain licence to Wm. the abbot, and the above convent, to acquire lands from Wm. lord Mountjoy to the value of 6l. annually, and from Geo. Rawley to the value of 4 marks annually. Del. Westm., 7 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 3.
8. Edm. Pekham, cofferer of the Household. Grant, in reversion, of the office of constable of Scardeburgh castle, York; also reversion of lands in Northstede, York, vice Sir Walter Griffith. Del. Westm., 8 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6._Vacated on personal surrender, 28 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII.
9. Wm. Buttes, M.D. Wardship of Joan, Bridget, Anne, and Mary, ds. and hs. of Henry Bures. Del. Tytenhanger, 9 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
10. Ric. Rawson, doctor of decrees. Wardship of Robert Wheteleigh and his family, the said Robert being a lunatic. Del. Westm., 10 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
13. Jacobina Smyth. Pardon as administratrix of Henry Smyth, clerk or comptroller of the King's works, temp. Hen. VII., alias purveyor of materials for repairs and fortifications at Calais, alias purveyor of materials for building a house called "le Bankett house" at le Campe, in the marches of Calais, when the King met the French king there, &c. Tyttenhanger, 13 Aug.—S.B. Undated. Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
16. Wm. Grene, clk. Presentation to a prebend in Awkland church, Durham dioc., vice Thos. Horseley, resigned. Del. Tyttenhanger, 16 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2. m. 7.
20. Wm. Brereton, groom of the Privy Chamber. To be keeper of Merseley park, in the lordship of Bromefeld, marches of Wales, and a messuage near the park, with 2d. a day, vice Wm. Almer. Del. le More, 20 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 3._Copy in R. O.
20. Philip Denys. Annuity of 20l. out of the possessions of Sir John Savage, deceased, during the minority of John, s. and h. of the said Sir John. Del. le More, 20 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
20. John Brewer, of Castelcombe, Wilts, fuller, alias tucker. Pardon for the murder of Wm. Bole, laborer, of Westkington, Wilts, on 4 Feb. 16 Hen. VIII. Windsor, 20 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
29. Ric. Wolman, John Bell, Roland Lee, Wm. Claiburgh, John Oliver, and Thos. Bagard, doctors of decrees and law respectively, and John Savage and Geo. Waynewright, clks. To have the first presentation to the prebend of Erthunton, in the collegiate church of St. Mary Magdalene, Brugenorth, Salop. Del. the More, 29 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
29. Alen King, purveyor of wines for the Household. Licence to import 3 great gross of caps, 3 great gross of hats, and 3 cwt. Venice riband points, and other wrought silk. Windsor, 13 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII. Teste le More, 29 Aug.—S.B.


  • 1. Correction from "the demands of the French."
  • 2. Struck out.
  • 3. Sic.
  • 4. Most of the words supplied in brackets in § 1. are derived from the text in this first draft.
  • 5. The underlined words are crossed out in the original.
  • 6. Is there not some confusion here in the writer's mind between the King and Wolsey?
  • 7. Sic.
  • 8. Mistake for Hen. VIII. ?
  • 9. The Waywode.
  • 10. Here occur the following words, crossed out:—"yt ys to be ferryd les thys ravenosse wolf shall devore all, and all Germany shall fall yn to hym, by the mean whereof no Christen prince shall be."