Henry VIII: May 1529, 21-25

Pages 2466-2473

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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May 1529

21 May.
Vit. B. XI. 119. B. M. Burnet, Pt. I. Bk. II. No. 25.
I have received your letters of the 4th by the hands of Alexander, and the King has received his, by which we learn that the King is frustrated of his expectations from the Pope, your despair to obtain any favors from him, and the strange treatment in calling upon you to answer why the supplication presented by the Imperial ambassador for advocation of the cause should not proceed. I ascertained you by Thaddeus, who I trust has arrived long before, that, avoiding all other projects, you are to apply for a new commission, and that Stephen and Bryan are to return home; but as it seems that there is no hope of obtaining such a commission, and Stephen and Bryan are on the way home, the King sends this bearer, Mr. Bennet, well learned in the laws, to oppose the Imperialists. he will signify to you what you are to do, ascertaining you that, failing all your requests, you are to represent to the Pope the danger of losing the King's favor. Seeing, however, that the Pope would gladly preserve the King's favor, you are not to be rigorous, but only to look what may be done touching the protestation, which you will learn from Bennet's instructions. You are to withstand all the importunity of the Imperialists for revoking the commission given to Campeggio and myself, which would not fail to irritate the King and the nobles, and withdraw them from their obedience to the See Apostolic. As it appears from your last letters that the commission was not wholly denied, but that you were ordered to confer with the card. Anconitane and Simonette upon the same, and it is possible that more fat, pregnant and effectual clauses may yet be obtained, it is the King's pleasure that if Gardiner and Bryan have not yet left, they shall still endeavor to see what can be done in this matter, taking care not to alienate the Pope, or induce him to incline to an avocation of the cause. You shall further dissuade the Pope from sending to Spain for the original brief, and, if the nuncio has gone for that purpose, obtain a commandment from the Pope that no mention be made of it,—for which you can find very good excuse.
It appears by certain letters to the King and myself that the Pope is desirous of finding a way of satisfying the King, but, after consulting the lawyers, can find no satisfactory means. If, therefore, the Pope proposes an avocation of the cause, you shall tell him this is not the way to please the King, and conduct yourselves accordingly. Richmond, 21 May. Signed.
Pp. 7. Add.
21 May.
Galba, B. IX. 183. B. M.
Commission to Wm. Benet, LL.D., Sir Gregory de Casalis, and Peter Vannes, to treat, in conjunction with French ambassadors, for peace with Charles V., for the recall of certain armies in Italy, delivery of towns, and liberation of the French king's sons, &c. Windsor, 21 May 1529, 21 Hen. VIII
Draft, Lat., pp. 5. Marginal notes by Throkmorton.
21 May.
R. O.
5578. KNIGHT to TUKE.
Sends two letters received yesterday. I have a servant continually lying at the court for the letter which should go into Scotland, and which the King is content to send, and has ordered Robertet to speed it. I thought good to send these that came from Rome without further tarrying. Amboise, 21 May.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
21 May.
MS. 5,499, p. 164, Bibl. Nat.
Has received his letter announcing his arrival in London, his conferences with the King and Wolsey, and the answer which he has received. Francis is much pleased to hear of their good health, and of the confidence they have in the maintenance of cordial relations, of which the coming of Suffolk and Fitzwilliam is a further assurance. Since Bayonne's departure, information has come from all quarters, especially from Spain, of the Emperor's preparations to go into Italy; and there is great reason to believe that the things for which Du Bellay was despatched have no foundation, but have been only put forward to lull us to sleep. You are therefore to to use every effort, especially with Wolsey, to urge on the coming of Suffolk and Fitzwilliam, with the provision which you write had been already made, viz., a good sum of money to employ in war; for Francis holds to his purpose more strongly than ever. Wishes for early information of their departure, that proper arrangements may be made for their reception. If, meanwhile, news come of l'Eleu Bayard, it will be sent to you immediately. Has good news from Seigneur Rance, of the 2nd inst., touching the affairs of Sicily, especially of the siege of Monopoly. The Marquis del Guasto has been compelled to withdraw, and let the town be revictualled and reinforced. Things could not go worse for the Emperor in Naples. As to Lombardy, St. Pôl was at ... with 9,000 lanzknechts, French, Swiss, and Italians, on the 12th inst., intending to pass the Ticino, where he had already made his bridge, and was awaiting the army of the Signory to join him, in the hope of advancing on Milan. Bordaiziere, 21 May.
French, from a transcript, pp. 4.
22 May.
Lettere di Principi, II. 173 b.
Is writing to Monsignor di Casale (fn. 1), commissary of the men-at-arms at Piacenza, touching the affair of Signor Malatesta. Rome, 22 May 1529.
22 May.
Le Grand, III. 313.
5581. DU BELLAY to _
I assure you, Wolsey is in the greatest pain he ever was. The dukes of Suffolk and Norfolk, and the others, lead the King to believe that he has not done as much as he could have done to promote the marriage. Francis and Madame could not do him a greater favor than to let Suffolk and his friend know by good means how urgently he has pressed them hitherto to take the thing in hand. By their last letters from Rome they feel less assurance than they had, so they are sending back Dr. Benet in post, praying, entreating, threatening, &c. I know that the Pope has a greater mind than they suppose to revoke their commission. They wanted him at once to declare the enlarged brief null and void; which he would not do. This is one of the knotty points of the business. They expect that the matter once commenced will only last two months, but I promise you it will last more than four. Seeing things are in this state, and considering the desire of the King to engage in the matter, you can imagine what difficulties attend your practice of peace, especially if it be needful to negotiate before the conclusion of the assembly; for when that takes place you will necessarily have to negotiate apart; which is a very great danger, as it might make them forget the marriage, or dissemble for some time, and join themselves again to my lady Margaret by means of money. Moreover, before the execution of peace there might occur the death of the queen of England, or of her daughter, which would put an end to all enmities on their side. The Emperor would be happy to see you remain "en blanc," and I don't know that he would keep his promise. One good thing is, that the assignation (l'acination), which was to be made at once, will not be made till seven days hence, lest news come from you meanwhile (cependant ne viendra nouvelles de vous), especially of what Bayart has done. I will act as you shall instruct me. They profess here to have heard nothing from Madame Margaret, which makes them suppose that she wishes either to negotiate with you apart, or to deceive you. Wolsey has spoken to Campeggio of our matter of peace, which the latter has reported to me. I made light of it, and spoke of a universal peace. I think he will intimate this to your Salviati. They have power from the Pope. If anything be done here, depend upon it they want to put their pin in the game. Mark the words of the treaty of perpetual peace, that you can do nothing without the advice and consent of England; but if anything good be done you can, I think, say that it is with his advice and consent, seeing that he himself made and signed the articles, and pressed their being proposed, even to threats. So that he has no cause to complain if they are accepted by the Emperor. In that case also you have the duke of Suffolk and Wolsey's son in your hands. I am sure that if, without making appearance of anything, you show Suffolk my letters, you will do great pleasure to Wolsey.
Finishing my letter this morning I hear that John de la Sauche arrived in the evening, when I was at Richmond, and has sent to Wolsey to ask an audience. Likewise I have had a confirmation of what is in the other margin. It is a thing I have conducted by good and sure means, not without great difficulty, as you will know hereafter. I am very glad of the coming of this La Sauche. I think this mission of the duke of Suffolk may be excused by the alarm that the king of England has taken at Des Barres, which I have by my coming a little abated (retardé), but not removed (rompu), "pour la dilation que a faict Madame Dame Marguerite à mander icy des nouvelles." As to Rincon, I did not expect when I left France to find him here; but the remedy is easy. If they speak to me of it, I think I ought to use these terms, "moyennant qu'il n'y ait contradiction." London, 22 May.
P.S.—If the English at last approve of these overtures, I suspect the king of England will not send the cardinal of York, but will give you the duke of Suffolk, who, I know, does not love you too well.
French. Headed: "Lettre déchiffrée de Monsieur de Bayonne."
22 May.
Le Grand, III. 317.
5582. DU BELLAY to _.
I went yesterday to see the Legate at Richmond, who spoke of the mission of Suffolk, and of his own great desire that the reply of Francis and Madame should be in accordance with the assurance he has always given his master, especially about his marriage. He has begged me to urge this upon Francis, but this I have done so often already that I can only assure you that he shows more and more his affection towards Francis and the weal of his affairs, in the hope that he will not fail to do for Henry what one good brother ought to do for another, especially in the said matter of marriage, in which, if he do not exert himself as earnestly as he would do for the recovery of his children, he may be sure he will be the cause of Wolsey's total ruin, so that he never again can do him service. Henry has only been induced to enterprise this affair by the assurances Wolsey has always given, which have caused him to disregard the enmity he thereby would encounter in taking part against the Emperor. You know how to press this upon the King and Madame, and you know how obtaining this peace with his master, for which he has sought no other return than that they would advance the affair of this marriage, by which he has always striven to break off for ever the alliance with the Emperor. He begs the King and Madame that they will straightway send a gentleman to the Pope to urge this matter, with as much earnestness as they would do the recovery of their own children if they were in his hands, and frankly to declare the indissoluble amity which exists between these two Princes, assuring him that any good turn he may do the one, he will do to the other also; and that as this affair of the king of England's marriage is just and reasonable, his refusal would be an injury to both, which they will never forgive.
I promise you if Francis and Madame will comply with Wolsey's requests, they will confer a very great favor upon the King, his master, and do him as great a pleasure as if they had made him Pope. This is not a mere idle opinion, for you know the extreme urgency with which I have pressed it all this winter, and I beg you will do your best to promote it. I have nothing more to write, having learnt no news since the departure of Suffolk and Fitzwilliam, except that Captain Rincon and the bishop have departed, wonderfully determined to do well. London, 22 May.
R. O. St. P. VII. 179. 5583. [VISCOUNT ROCHFORD'S RELATION.] (fn. 2)
Francis told us that though the King might suspect the resort of John de la Shaut, William de la Barry, and Rosenbourgh unto his court, and the sending of Bayard to the lady Margaret, it was only for their own affairs and for prorogation of the truce; but he said that Bayard had brought a sufficient commission from the Emperor to Margaret to treat for a general peace; whereupon he had sent Bayard, commanding him to tell her that if she had any matters to treat beyond the articles lately sent to Spain he was on such good terms with the king of England that it would be useless. He says that he never made any practice for that commission, and he will do nothing without Henry's consent, for he never bore good will to the Emperor. He says he has sent Bayard to Margaret to inform her of the recovery of the Regent, and how she intends to be at Paris within 14 days, and to learn what are the arrangements for Cambray; and he is willing that Henry should send some one to Cambray with his own representative. He also says he has sent a gentleman to Rome, who is to join the King's ambassadors there to promote the King's great matter. He says that though there is no likelihood of the Emperor going into Italy he will increase his army. He does not think that the Pope will be persuaded to come to any Diet, for when he was in health he made unreasonable requests, which Francis could not concede. On our asking him when the Diet should be held, he said within five weeks. We told him that the King's great matter was in process, of which the Cardinal was one of the judges, and that the King wished him to be at the Diet, which could not be if it was held so soon. Whereupon he said he would delay it as long as he could without arousing lady Margaret's suspicions. He said, although he was anxious for the delivery of his children, he had little desire to marry lady Eleanor. Neither the French king nor the Great Master ever practised for peace, except as it was shown to the King.
In Rochford's hand. Endd.
22 May.
Theiner, p. 581.
Last evening I arrived here at Richmond, and learned that the Cardinal had dispatched a courier to Rome with Dr. Benet (Bendittus), who was formerly destined to go as ambassador with Dr. Knight (Chenit), but they returned on the arrival of Dr. Stephen [Gardiner], who is now recalled, and this man is sent in his stead, in order that he may attend to their affairs. Do not be surprised if on their arrival you have not received my letters, because I was not aware of their departure.
I have found York greatly exasperated at the citation made to the ambassadors of this King, as he does not understand the custom of the [Papal] court, and to him the thing seems very strange. But when he learned from me how judicial matters are conducted here (sic, i.e. in Rome), he became pacified, as also with respect to the refusal to revoke the brief. I gave him to understand that the Pope had not satisfied this their desire, because he could not do so with justice, or without the greatest scandal. They rest contented with this explanation. The Cardinal told me that, in consequence of what I had frequently said to him, they had represented to the King that that demand was not honorable, and could not be granted, but his Majesty insisted that it should be attempted.
I now find his Lordship, and the King by his report, to be in great suspense, owing to this citation (avocatione). I think they have begun to suspect, from what their ambassadors have written to them, that I had solicited this; and on this account they make use of great menaces, as you will more fully understand from M. Francesco, the bearer. Wolsey inquired whether I credited such a revocation, and said to me that the Pope was well acquainted with the cause, the parties between whom it depended, the parties to whom it was entrusted, and the place [where it was to be tried]; that besides all this, he had promised not to revoke [it from England], but to confirm [the sentence of the Legates]; that his Holiness had revoked it because he wished to please the Emperor, and would by this means destroy the King, the kingdom, and his Lordship; and that they would not tolerate it. But they cannot on any account persuade themselves that it is true the Pope intends to revoke it. I commit myself to the most sage judgment of the Pope, who will doubtless take the best and least scandalous course. I believe they will write warmly to the French king on this subject.
In my last I mentioned the departure of the duke of Suffolk and the treasurer. The Cardinal tells me that they are commissioned to treat about matters connected with the war, and that, if the Emperor enters into Italy, the French king will certainly do the same. They will give the latter a goodly band of English troops, of whom the said [ambassadors] will be the captains.
With regard to the peace, I understand that William des Barres (Barensis), a Burgundian, the favorite of lady Margaret, in his return from Spain, when at the court of the French king, announced that he had a very ample mandate for the universal peace, with fair conditions for all the French king's confederates. He did not enter into particulars, because, as the negotiation was committed to lady Margaret, he thought he ought to proceed no further without first consulting her. The French king refused to give ear to him, considering it to be only intended to divert him from making preparations. Des Barres was, however, referred to Madame the Regent, who, as I understand, is very anxious for peace; and after his departure they despatched an envoy to lady Margaret, to learn the extent of these proposals. On the envoy's return they will send advices hither, for they are determined to undertake nothing without communicating with this King, though, from what little I hear, the French king himself desires peace, in order to recover his children. On the arrival of Des Barres [at Paris], the bishop of Bayonne was sent hither to communicate everything. The Cardinal has told me that he used his good offices in the Pope's behalf, and that they wish the peace to be brought about by the Pope's means, as the Pope continues in his purpose to come personally to procure it. They do not, however, approve of the Pope's going to Spain, but prefer that a congress should be held in some place on the frontiers. The French king has been informed by his ambas- sadors that the Venetians will not refuse to restore Cervia and Ravenna. It seems to me very appropriate that the negotiation should be conducted by the Pope; for it would be very significant if peace were brought about by any other means, and especially if this King were discontented with his Holiness on account of this matrimonial cause. Would to God that our proceeding with it may not involve the derangement of so much good.
Today a mandate has been received from lady Margaret, referring probably to the peace. The Imperial ambassador, the bishop of Burgos, who has departed on his return to Spain, writes from Calais that the Emperor, by letters of the 21st April, has commissioned him to procure, by means of the Cardinal and the King, a safe-conduct from France for an ambassador whom the Emperor desires to send hither, in order that he may come more expeditiously than he could by sea. Richmond, 22 May 1529.
22 May.
R. O.
Wrote two letters on the 20th, advertising you of Suffolk's arrival. He was attended by the Lord Chamberlain out of the Pale, and there met by the captain of Boulogne. I have received a letter from Master Secretary (Knight); also a safe-conduct for the Emperor's ambassador. I am told that upon Saturday the 8th the truce was published. Calais, 22 May 1529.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
22 May.
Cal. D. VII. 120. B. M.
Presented the safe-conduct to the Emperor's ambassador, who found three faults with it : (1) his name is misspelt; (2) it has no date; (3) it is not signed by the King. The ambassador therefore declines to use it; he has written to Master Secretary on the subject, and to the Legate by John de la Sawte. Finds the entertaining of strangers here very expensive. Calais, 22 May 1529.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: To the right honorable Master Bryan Tuke, of the Kyng's pryve counsell, and treasurer of his moost excellent chambyr, these be delyverd. Endd.
23 May.
R. O.
I am troubled with a fever, for which I cannot account. I have been visited by John de la Shaux, one of the two who were here at the conclusion of the truce. He wishes to know when he shall repair to the King and your Grace, to execute his charge. I prayed God that all might be well. He said he trusted there should be no fault in the Emperor. I send you a letter he brought from the Emperor's ambassador; and he said that Mr. Knight was in good health, and that he saw him at Amboise with the French king. I thought to go into Essex for a day or two, but dare not leave my chamber, "because I take a little cassia fistula, and find my body is sore as I were beaten with staves." London, Trinity Sunday.
P.S.—My lord abbot of St. Mary's begs me to put your Grace in remembrance for sealing of his pardon, as he lies here at great charge.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
23 May.
R. O. St. P. I. 333.
Sends letters addressed to Brian Tuke and himself, from which the King may judge to what intent and purpose John de la Shaux is sent to England, with the practice set forth between the French king's mother and lady Margaret touching their meeting at Cambray for treating of peace. Richmond, Trinity Sunday, "at 6th of the clock." Signed.
P. 1. Add.
23 May.
R. O.
I have not had my natural rest since my brother prior told me of your displeasure. I would be as glad as any man that the first-fruits within my diocese should be put down, so that I and my successors were sufficiently recompensed. Less than 1,000 marks yearly will be too little for that purpose. I am willing to accomplish your wishes touching your college of Ipswich, if I and my cathedral church be indemnified. I beg you will accept the true and faithful mind I bear you, and not listen to the tales of such as are my enemies. There are many that would be willing to bring ill tales if they find I am out of your favor. I begged Dr. Lee, your chaplain, to show you wherein I was wronged by your officers. I know not whether he has done so. First, as to the casualties and jurisdiction of my diocese, I have paid the composition agreed upon betwixt Dr. Alen, now archbishop of Dublin, master Tonneys, and me. It was paid last Michaelmas to Thomas Argall, scribe to my lord of Canterbury. I hear that you have given commission to Robert Waldon to exercise jurisdiction in the archdeaconry of Norfolk, for which I have compounded with you. You have received 57l. 13s. 4d. of John Curatte, scribe to the archdeacon of Norfolk; I want to know by what title, and to what purpose, as that money ought to be at my disposal. You told Curatte that if he did not pay the money, he should go to the Fleet, and lose his office. I wish to know your pleasure in these matters, and that I may have the opportunity of answering any grudge you may have conceived against me. Hoxne, in Suffolk, 23 May 1529. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
23 May.
R. O.
Asks his favor for the bearer, Robt. Gawge, his wife's kinsman, and servant to his son Hopton, in the matters of which he will tell him. Asks him to remember his own matter with Wolsey, of which he desired Mr. Rushe to speak. Ipswich, 23 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell, servant to my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
24 May.
R. O.
The Pope is very ill, and is worse than ever. This morning contrary to the advice of all his friends, he commenced taking the waters of the "grotta" of Viterbo, which heat the liver. His liver is already burnt up with medicines. Giovanni dalla Stufa and others say his malady is similar to that of the late duke Lorenzo. The signor Malatesta has had quarter from the Florentines, at which the Pope is much grieved. He is sending the bishop of Castell'amare into Hungary, to Ferdinand, to recover the tithes. Andrea di Burgo, Ferdinand's ambassador, seeks to get what he can from the Pope and the Cardinals, under pretence of great dread of the Turk, notwithstanding the Imperialists boast that the Emperor has sent 100,000 ducats into Germany, and engaged 16,000 lanceknights. Rome, 24 May 1529.
Copy, Ital., p. 1.
24 May.
Vit. B. XI. 123. B. M.
5592. ITALY.
Extract from a letter from Gregory Casale to his brother, dated Rome, 24 May.
To the same effect as the preceding.
ii. From letters of 15 May and 17 May.
Has heard from Apulia that the Imperialists have left Monopoli in confusion, that the rebels have taken a fortified place, and that the people send them money. The Pope, though not in bed, is still ill, and does not give audience. Count Louis Rangon, who sees the Pope frequently, says he looks worse today than he has ever done.
Lat., pp. 2.
25 May.
R. O.
Confirmation of the grant by Sir Wm. Weston, prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, to the dean of Cardinal's College, Oxford, of the manors of Saundeford, Horspath, Littlemore, &c. Hampton Court, 25 May 21 Hen. VIII.
Lat., vellum; great seal. The initial contains a full-length portrait of Henry VIII., Cardinal Wolsey, &c., in a very high style of art, similar in character to that of 26 May.


  • 1. Qu. Francesco Casale, brother of Gregory and John. There is another letter about him, p. 174 b.
  • 2. This paper is in Rochford's hand; but whether written in his own name, or copied or abstracted from the papers of some other ambassador, does not appear.