Henry VIII: September 1528, 11-20

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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September 1528

11 Sept.
Cal. B. VII. 95. B. M.
By the solicitation of his enemies, Argyle, Arran, and Maxwell, Sir Jas. Hamilton, sheriff of Ayr, the lairds of Buccleuch and Keir, the King has forfeited his lands, and is proceeding to pursue him and his friends to the death, expecting they will have no help from England by the letters brought by Patrick Sinclair. Has written to the king of England for help. Desires the borderers will ride with him when he wishes it. Coldingham, 11 Sept. 1528.
P.S.—Encloses copies of his letters to the King and Cardinal.
Signed: Zours, Ard erl of Angus.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord earl of Northumberland, lieutenant and warden of the Marches.
11 Sept.
Cal. B. VI. 176. B. M.
4719. [ANGUS] to WOLSEY.
Thanks him for his letters to the King and himself, and for his "greit humanite, faith and kyndnes." The king of Scots, abused by perverse counsel of "evil disposit personis," is led on "wrangusly" against him and his friends, alleging that he had sought succor from England, notwithstanding that Wolsey and the King wrote "als effectuosly and tenderly as was possible" in his behalf. Patrick Sinclair declares that Angus has no friends in England, which makes them more cruel and sharp against him. Sinclair is to return "in tha partis with writingis and credence in my contrar." The earls of Argyle and Arran, lord Maxwell, Sir James Hamilton, laird of Bukcleuth, sheriff of Ayr and Ker, with their complices, are his enemies. Will send special friends of his own to the King's highness. Begs as an "innocent and saikles man" that England will give no credit to his adversaries, and that Wolsey will write to the lord of Northumberland to give him refuge in England. His enemies will besiege his houses, and pursue him to the death. Coldingham Abbey, 11 Sept. 1528.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: From the erle of Angwysh.
11 Sept.
Cal. B. VII. 14. B. M. St. P. IV. 510.
"The copy of the third letter to my lord from Roger Lassels."
As the king of Scots and his lords could not agree, they have returned to Stirling, and the army is dispersed. If the Earl can get any help, he declares he will rule the King and all Scotland. He has sent four-score men to burn the country about Edinburgh, that the King may have light to rise with on Friday morning. The King has sealed patents of those who had the Earl's lands, but refuses to redeliver them until those who held them have chased the Earl out of Scotland. On Saturday John Maydor comes from Angus to Northumberland; three days after, George of Douglas and Patrick Sinclair, who has promised openly to obtain three years' peace from the king of England. Scotland was never so easy to win as at present. No redress for theft. Norham, Friday, 11 Sept.
Copy, p. 1, (broad sheet). Endd.: "The copy of a letter of Sir Roger Lassels to the earl of Northumberland of the 11th of September."
11 Sept.
Porcacchi, Lett. di XIII. Huom. Illust. p. 18 b.
4721. GIO. BATT. SANGA, the Pope's Secretary, to CARDINAL CAMPEGGIO.
Has written to his son, [the legate Salviati in France,] touching the result of the enterprise in the kingdom [of Naples]. The Pope would do anything to please the [French] king; but as the Emperor is victorious, and has made overtures for peace, the Pope must not give him any pretext for a fresh rupture, lest the Church should be utterly annihilated. As soon as you can do so without scandalising the [French] king, proceed on your journey to England, and there do your utmost to restore mutual affection between the King and Queen. You are not to pronounce any opinion without a new and express commission hence. Viterbo, 11 Sept. 1528.
12 Sept.
Vesp. C. IV. 256. B. M.
Has received his letters concerning the restoration of the Order of Jerusalem at Rhodes. Will contribute 25,000 ducats for the purpose, and would have done more, but is unable, on account of the expence of the war. Madrid, 12 Sept. 1528. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
12 Sept.
Cal. D. X. 221. B. M.
4723. [CLERK, TAYLER and SIR F. BRYAN] to WOLSEY. (fn. 1)
"This was the effect, substance, and ... which we assure your Grace he spake ... very eloquently and with a bold spirit ... satisfaction and admiration that ... the herald was sent for. He came in in ... cloth of gold, a little pert fellow, nev[er making any] courtsey till he came within four yards ... bowing the knee scant an inch, mad[e] ... without reverence, and thinking hims[elf] ... somewhat to have spoken, the King spa[ke] ... and the herald answered him so ent ... five or six times. But because the words sp[oken by both of] them were not many but material, [for fear lest we] should misrehearse them, we remit us [to a relation] made thereof by notaries, which were [there present] for the French king, because his honor [was therein touched, and] fearing singularity and misunderst[anding] ... [in this] matter, desired us to have special rega[rd unto what we] should write, and that we would first s[ee the draft] of the thing taken by notaries; and al[though we have] seen the said draft, because it m[ay not] be ready to be sent by this courier, the ... remembrance was that the French king ... [not] suffering the herald to speak, dem[anded of him if] that he had brought the letters pat[ent] ... to the chartell sent unto themp[eror] ... ntion of his salf-cond[uct] * * * ... d licence him to say what h ... that he would first say his commy[ssion] ... his office or ever he did anything else ... be suffered so to do.
"Then he desired to ha[ve a salf-cond]uyct to depart as he came. The French king [rep]lied that if he had the patent for the ca[mp, he would ac]cept it, without that he would take no mess[age from him, n]e by mouth ne by writing; and as to the salf-[conduct h]e answered not directly to our hearing, but upo[n the] herald's denial to exhibit first any patent of ... from the Emperor, the French king licensed the he[rald, and] rose up himself, and so the congregation was dis[solved]. The next day in the afternoon the Great Master [sent] for us. We found them sitting in council th ... also the Legate, and the ambassador of Venice ... and Florence. There was read a letter sent from tham[bassador] resident in the court of Rome, who writeth by th[e Pope's ?] commandment, upon a letter sent from Hieronymo M[orone] to Andrea Doria, and from Andrea Doria to the P[ope] ... that the 28th day of the last month the Imperialls [within] Naples came out and entered the strengths of [the] French army, and there finding not passing the no[mber o]f 4,000 men able to fight, and an infinite num[ber of] sick folks, took their artillery, slew and put to flyg[ht the re]st, who, retiring themselves to such towns ... before taken there adjoining ... [fo]unde the gates shitt * * * [w]hat by sickness and what by sword ... The said letters also contained the ... of his natural death three or four days af[ter] ... how that Peter Navarre was taken pr[isoner]; and by other it appeared that there is [by the sickness] raynyng in seven days above 7,000 [men dead, and] not ten whole horses left in all their ca[mp] ... of horses and scourers. They in the French [camp die in like] manner for thirst and hunger, in so much [that a drop] of water to drink was worth two Ju ... sterling. This lamentable and pitiful ... there a long season greatly bemoaned an ... surely these men here seemed to be in gre[at grief, not] so much for the loss of the enterprise, as so ... nobles and gentlemen which were the ... number, and of the best sort. We were t ... reasoning with them upon such remedi[es as we thought] necessary in this case, and in effect t ... opinions. Some said that reliquiæ exerci[tus] ... might be gathered, and tha[t when they were] refreshed with new succors, which sem[ed near] at hand under the conduct of Signor ... [they might] restore the enterprise in Naples, specially [the enemy] being but few in number, and m[uch more] afflict with sickness than the other ... [but the] most part thought the enterprise [impossible] to be restored, and that bet[ter it was M.] de Saynct Powll in Lomb[ardy] * * * [likeli]hode would write the worst his ... [c]readence unto them, notwithstanding [all that we coul]d make of the matter was that the camp ... [was] reduced to the number of 4,000 fight[ing men] ... they for the sickness did remove, and that ... y might peradventure have suffered with the l ... [ar]tillery having no horses to convey the sam[e] ... [s]o that his Majesty reckoneth that the nom[ber of the fo]resayd 4,000 men be retired in safety under [the] conduct of the marquis of Saluce. His Majesty [saith] that he hath 150,000 ducats in I[taly untouched], and that he had sent commission to the viscount T[urenne], his ambassador in Rome, that he should in all [haste] repair to the said marquis of Saluce and Signo[r] ..., not doubting but they together should be at the [head of] 6,000 or 7,000 men, and that the said Viscount s[hould] both pay them, and restore the numbers with such [haste] as might be made in those quarters, and in effect [his] Majesty showed to have as good heart and stomach [in this matter as] could be wished. It seemed that his Majesty myndi[d] ... that Mons. de St. Powll for all this shall depa[rt] ... Lombardy. As for the act before yesterday done with the herald ... there is yet nothing published in writing, w[e] ... [thi]nke that these evil tidings will cause them to b[e the m]ore ware what they put forth. In as much as th[erefore they ha]ve nothing published, it shall like your Gra[ce not to mentio]n to their ambassador there of any par[ticulars] ... [w]ritten in that behalf.
* * * ... companies to meet him ... only to speak with him. We shall ... as can be possible for his accel[eration]." Paris, 12 Sept.
Mutilated. Add.: [To] my lord Legate's good [gra]ce.
Cal. D. X. 292. B. M.
"[Mons.] de Bayonne, je vous vueil bien adver[tir que l'herault] que je vous avoys escript estre party pour [renvoyer de l'Empereur] la seurete du camp, est icy arrive devers ... faict recuyllir deffrayer et accompaigner par ... bien voullu ouyr en plaine et grande audience pe ... ladite seurete, laquelle toutesfoiz apres la luy a ... il m'a refuse de bailler en ladite compaignye qui ... pourrez veoir par l'acte qui a este redige par [notaires, et que je] vous envoye. Enquoy je pense qu'il a sy peu ... son maistre estoit tenu et devoyt faire qu'il m ... et descharge envers tout le monde de ce qui pou[rroit] ... approcher mon honneur, comme par le tesmoign[age] ... il se pourra clairement savoir et entendre, et ... par ledit acte vous pourrez mieulx veoir comme l ... passees pour avoir este faict et redige a la verit[e] comme il a este faict; je ne vous en diray autre [chose, sinon] qu'il me semble que par la on pourra facillemen[t] ... congnoistre pardela comme l'Empereur veult plust[ost faire delais] et dissimulations que de venir a l'effect com[me] ... escript par mon cartel, qui est la fin de to[utes] ... escriptures. Et pource que c'est chose ... vous povez bien penser, je vous prye ... ledit Roy mon bon frere, mondit sieur [le Legat] ... ceulx a qui vous en parlerez * * * ... este faict soyent pardela pour en s ... l'on n'en feist autre rapport contre le con ... s en envoye qui seroit entierement contre la ve[rite] ... se pourra plus amplement et particullierement ...
"Au demeurant, j'ay veu ce que vous m'avez escript ... ce moys, et combien qu'il n'y ait grande chose a r[espondre,] sy ne veul je laisser a vous faire entendre particu[llierement] toutes les nouvelles qui me sont depuis survenues, [affin] de les faire entendre au Roy mon bon frere et perpetu[el allye] que je veul faire particippant de toutes choses t[ant] bonnes que mauvaises qui me pourront survenir, com[me] ... que je scay certainement y avoir pareille et semblable ... et a qui il touche comme a moy en ung mesme degre. [Et] affin que vous luy puissiez conter les nouvelles que j'ay [reçues] et a Mons. le Legat, mon bon amy pareillement, cest [en] effect que de Viterbe il m'a este escript que la estoit arrive une lettre d'Andre Dorya a nostre St. Pere, par laq[uelle] il luy faisoit savoir que Jheronyme Moron luy avoit mande de Naples que mon camp s'estoit leve de devant pour les mauvais temps et par faulte de vivres, aq ... estre trop foibles de gens de cheval, ilz n'avoye[nt] ... drer, ilz s'estoient retirez * * * ... se mectre en la campaigne, dont il ... combien que la nouvelle soit venue par ma ... qu'il y eust quelque apparence de se lever u ... en mondit camp, qui a este telle que depuis la m[ort de Mons.] le sieur de Lautrec, il y est mort en six jou[rs] ... mille personnes. Pour tout cela je n'ay laiss[e] ... mes affaires le meilleur ordre qui m'a este p[ossible] ainsi que sy je croyois la chose estre advenue ... sauroit survenir, entendant tresbien que ayant p ... bonne heure comme j'espere avoir faict, que il ... que les ennemys sceussent faire aucun effect qui ... enmy ny grant dommaige, et n'en ayant encores e ... d'homme qui feust en mondit camp ny d'ailleurs ... adjouster foy ny creance, je ne vous en diray ... autre chose, mais actendray a le vous mander lo ... m'en sera venue, qui ne peult gueres plus tarder ... ne fauldray a incontinant vous advertir qu[e] ... estre. Pour le departir audit Roy mon bon fr[ere et perpetuel] allye, auquel, comme j'ay ja dit, je ne v[eul aucune chose] estre cellee de ce qui me pourra estre ad[verti] ... le Legat mon bon amy pareillement ... en toutes choses, je suis res[olu] ... ns comme des meill[eurs] * * *
"[Au sur]plus, Mons. de Bayonne, ce matin ... [le] cardinal Campegio, audevant duquel j'ay envoye ... evesques et prelatz qui sont icy affin de le recuy[ller] ... comme tresbien il le merite, tant pour venir de la ... qui y vient que pour estre personnaige si estime et ... [qu'il] est, et la principalle occasion pour laquelle il a f[aict ce] voyaige, laquelle pour toucher en aucune chose ledit R[oy mon] bon frere et perpetuel allye, il est asseure que je [ne l'ay] moins a cueur que sy c'estoit pour moy mesmes, je l'ay ... ouy en audience privee, que je luy ay ceste apres dine[r] ... Et a ce que je voy, il faict son compte partir de ... [en] deux jours pour le plustost qui luy sera possible p ... de dela, et messieurs de Bathe et Bryant en sa comp[aignie], desquelz ledit Roy mon bon frere et perpetuel allye q ... estre plus au long et particullierement informe de ... toutes choses, comme ceulx qui les auront bien veues et ... retenues, et ausquelz j'ay tousjours faict communicquer ce qui m'es[t] survenu, comme je croy qu'ilz ne fauldront a en faire leur rapport pardela.
"[Mon]sieur de Bayonne, je vous avoys parcydevant escript faire fournir ... rette, sur les deniers de la contribution du roy d'[Angleterre mon bon frere] et perpetuel allye du present mo[is] * * * ... je luy ay faict don a quoy j'ay enten[du] ... et pour ce que je veulx et entens que ... entierement paye et satisfaict de ladite so[mme] ... deniers dudit present moys de Septembre ou s'il ... sur ceulx du prochain moys d'Octobre je v ... de rechef escripre et vous prier le faire ... ce que je vous en ay escript parcydevant ... faulte, et vous me ferez plaisir et ser[vice] ... en ce faisant." Paris, ... Sept. Signed.
12 Sept.
Galba, B. IX. 186. B. M.
Wrote last on the 10th, dating the letter in haste the 13th. Yesterday a post went from my Lady to don Inigo with the Emperor's ratification of the truce, trusting that the King will dispense the failing of the limited time that is past. Some of the Council suggested that Lassaux and De Barrys should be sent, for more reputation; but others thought that don Inigo alone was sufficient. Yesterday after dinner Friar West and Friar Flegh, an Englishman of his order, set out for Collen, with a true man for guide, to whom Hackett has given money for their costs. Will furnish West with what money he requires to execute Wolsey's commission. Trusts he will bring it to a good perfection. He intends at Collen to change his raiment.
Has had a letter this morning from the factor of Portugal, saying that Italian affairs are not so greatly to the Emperor's advantage as the letters to this court say, and that St. Pôl had gained some advantage over Antony de Leva; but it is always late here before they know the truth. "Some of these lords of the High Council, as men of no great experience in such matters, have sayings among themselves, as a thing that ought not to be said again, and like as it is reported to me by him that heard the words, which is, that it is said that the cardinal Campeggio comes now into England for some particular business, which business, if it come to the intent that it is thought, that it were cause sufficient to cause the stones come out of the streets to cry vengeance upon us. I asked him the names of these Lords, and what that the matter was ? He told me that the matter was not declared there, and that the words were spoken in secret company and in secret m[anner], and prayed me for God's sake never to m[ake] mention of it. Yet methought convenient to show your Grace in what nature that some of this people converts the virtuous and good acts that other people pretends." Wishes Wolsey could speak with the governor of Bresse, if he is driven by the wind into any English port. Mach[lyng], 12 Sept. 1528.
Harman never ceases to desire expedition of justice, but Hackett thinks that if Wolsey's instructions were come the justice would not be greatly to his awan[tage].
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
12 Sept.
R. O.
Received his letters, dated Hampton Court the 8th, acknowledging theirs of the first. Excuse themselves for the rudeness of their writing in consequence of the great storm. "Waterworks be strange and marvellous to keep in order." Will use their utmost diligence for that purpose. Unless a surveyor be employed to repair the damage, and take charge of the business, the 200l. sent by Fowler to be employed by us will not avail. The jetties are rent down at both ends. In the new wharf before the Lantern Gate, which Master Treasurer made last year, there is a hole which will cost 20l. in stopping. The water has carried away the frame of timber before the Beecham tower. The sea has washed over the highest bank between the castle and Newnham Bridge. As they are not able to judge of the damage or its cost, hope that Wolsey will provide a substantial remedy. Calais, 12 Sept. 1528. Signed and sealed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
13 Sept.
R. O. St. P. IV. 506.
"After my departure, at mine arrival in these North parts upon the West Borders, mine uncle being my deputy," met lord Maxwell at Loughmabanstan on St. Laurence day (10 Aug.), and no redress could be made. A new meeting was arranged for St. Bartholomew's day (24 Aug.), when they assigned six bills to be redressed on either side, "and the assizes of either realm elect and chosen for the performance of the same." Sir Christopher demanded the arrest of Wangh, an English rebel, who was present on the ground; but the warden refused to deliver him. Sent accordingly a servant to the king of Scots, demanding not only deliverance of the said rebel, but redress of Liddisdale, and the liberation of the writer's servant, Miles Halton, who has been imprisoned in the castle of the Armitage (Hermitage) since the slaughter of my servants on Lambs' even was a twelvemonth. Encloses copies of his letter, and the king of Scots' answer.
The Scotch warden "did shoot" the said meeting appointed for St. Bartholomew's day to the 2 Sept., alleging that his brother Edw. Maxwell and the laird of Johnston had lately burned the mote of Liddale, parcel of the King's land within Nichol Forest, and slain one Gilbert Richardson; as Wolsey will see by copy of his letter, enclosed. Met with Maxwell accordingly on the 2 Sept. Could obtain no redress for the burning of the mote of Liddale; but after long conference Maxwell declared it was his sovereign's pleasure that commissioners should meet at Loughmabenstan on the 22 Oct., and that he had appointed on the part of Scotland the King's secretary, Sir Will. Scott of Balwery and Adam Octerburn, "and proclamations made upon the same at the said meetings." Desires to know if the King will send commissioners. Wolsey will see by some copies enclosed of letters from the earl Bothwell, and Dacre's answer, (the originals of which he has sent to the King,) that there is no hope of justice for Liddisdale. Desires the King's permission to liberate Dande Nicson to redeem his servant Miles Halton. Naward, 13 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd.
13 Sept.
Cal. B. VII. 13. B. M. St. P. IV. 512.
After the army was dispersed from Edinburgh, by the advice of Argyle and other of Angus's enemies the King made a proclamation for a muster at Douglas dale, the centre of Angus's enemies. The whole country was besieging the castle of Douglas. They will defend it in spite of its weakness, except the King bring his ordnance against it. Sends a bill of all that have attainted the earl of Angus, and those who had his lands. Sees no redress, except Angus have the rule. Angus ravages Lothian, and will do so till he hear the King's pleasure. Norham Castle, 13 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To my Lord." Endd.: "A letter of Maister Lassels to the earl of Northumberland, of the 13th of September." In another hand: "The lost letter."
Cal. B. III. 36. B. M. St. P. IV. 513. 2. [Enclosure in the above.]
"The names of the persons that sat and concluded upon the earl of Angus's forfeiture, spiritual and temporal:"—Archbishop of Glasgow; bishops of Dunkeld, Aberdeen, Galloway and Dumblane; prior of St. Andrew's; earls of Argyle, Arran, Eglinton and Murray; lord Maxwell;—all great enemies of Angus.
ii. Names of those to whom his lands "is disponed:"—Argyle, Arran, Murray, Maxwell, Sir Jas. Hamilton, and the sheriff of Ayr, the lord of Buccleuch, Mark Carr, the controller, the lord of Keir, and master John Camelle;—stating the lordships given to each. Temptallante and the superiority of Angus are reserved to the King.
P. 1. Endd.
[14] Sept.
R. O.
Wrote on the 10th, of matters then occurring, leaving other things to be shown the King by a special friend of his. Thought none so convenient as this bearer, his brother germane, for whom he desires credence, as he is so "wrangusly done to" by his unfriends. Coldingham Abbey,—Sept. 1528. Signed.
P. 1, broad sheet. Add. Endd. by Wriothesley.
14 Sept.
R. O.
Wrote on the 11th of such matters as occurred, deferring the remainder to be sent by a great friend of his. Sends now his brother germane, and hopes Wolsey, whose wisdom has pacified "mekill of the haill Cristianite," will take pains to redress his wrongs. Coldingham Abbey, 14 Sept. 1528. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
To the same effect. Coldingham Abbey, 14 Sept. 1528. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
[Sept.] R. O. 4732. DARCY to [WOLSEY].
Has heard from several persons who came from London of the death of my lord of Winchester. In Doncaster some that came straight from the term last, said they had seen him buried. Was thus reminded to look up a bond he has of Wolsey for payment of 200l., which Wolsey has since renewed and confirmed, as he will see by copies and letters sent to Mr. Lister and Darcy's son Arthur by his servant Roger Aytton. The originals are in Wolsey's own hand. As Wolsey has the bishop of Winchester's bond, of which the day is long past, hopes he will send the 200l. by Mr. Lister, for this year has been the dearest he ever saw; his housekeeping has cost him double what it ever did.
Draft, hol., p. 1.
Cal. D. X. 209. B. M.
4733. [CLERK and TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
"[After o]ur most humble recommen[dations, please it your Grace to und]erstond that my lord cardin[al Campegius arrived] here in Paris, the 14th day of this [month at] ... [of] the clock in the afternoon, recey- ... by fifteen or sixteen bishops and arch[bishops, the] said Cardinal to eschew the m[ultitude] had prevented his hour in comy[ng, so that the] prelates met him but at the en[trance to the town.] And the legate Salviati, who came ... him within the town, we with a right [good company,] met him three miles without the town. [We would have] met him farther off, had not he a[rrived] ... hour, and we have been letted by th[e obsequies of] Mons. de Lautrec, whereat the King [desired us] to be present that day. The same n[ight we went to him], and saluted him in the King's high[ness's name, and] also in your Grace's, and delivered also [your letters] making unto him such offers as we ... and as we knew right well should [be in accordance with the] Kinges highnesses pleasure and yours, the ... he gave thanks accordingly; but he [said he would] take but horses and mules for h[is journey] ... the rest. He said he would not sp[are] ... ne yet your Grace's, when need [were] ... himself bound of duty ... ff to do the ... * * * had, but that he sho[uld] ...[for t]hat the King's highness and a[lso your Grace should thin]ke if he took nothing of us tha[t we had not done] our duty in offering it unto h[im] ... the; because I have been famyl[iar with him in tim]es past, a part by myself, desyry[d] ... es ceremonies, and to take 500 or 600 cr[owns or m]ore, if need should be, in effect none oth[er] ... it plainly that he had sufficient till [he came] into England, and now would nothing ... [but that if] necessity should require, then he would be ... [He] was that day visited by the duke of F ... [and] many other noblemen. The next day the ... visited him, and was brought to the Ky[ng] ... dinner by the cardinal of Bourbon. The Ki[ng received] him very honorably and lovingly, and ca ... him bareheaded a good part of a long g ... and offered him the right hand, and th ... refused, he had him to a window and h[eld] communication with him two long hours. The communy[cation being] finished, the said cardinal Campegius took [his lea]ve of the King, and was brought unto my Lady ... [wh]o also received him with great humanity, and held [a] communication with him the better part of a ... e showed us all this communication ... the ways of" * * *
16 Sept.
R. O.
Has written at various times since the death of Sir Wm. Compton. Begs to have an answer by the bearer. Would have been with him, "but Mr. Dean of your college will be with me this week." Sends his son. Ravanston, 16 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
16 Sept.
R. O.
Has received his two letters dated 21 and 22 August; one at Orleans, and the other at Paris, which he reached on the 14th. As he cannot sit on horseback, requires a litter and other conveniences. Will have to stay at Paris two or three days. Will say no more, as he hopes soon to see him. Paris, 16 Sept. 1528. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
16 Sept.
Theiner, Mon. Hist. Hibern. et Scotorum, p. 567.
On the 8th at Orleans I received yours of the 21st August, and on the 13th your second letter of the 28th. Since then I have arrived in Paris, and received yours of the 3rd by the hands of the Legate here. I will say nothing of my journey and its perils, or of my infirmity. My negotiation proceeds smoothly. As you recommend, I will endeavor to give no cause for scandal. These [English] ambassadors urge me to depart. The bp. of Bath returns with me to England, and Dr. Tayler remains here. Master Francis Brian, of the King's chamber, is here; he came many days ago to accompany me to England. In order to obtain a litter, and to get some clothes made, I shall not depart hence for two days. As to proceeding prudently, I will follow your instructions, and what I know to be the Pope's mind. I promised him that I would exert all my powers to move [the King from his determination]. As to not binding myself, or giving any promise, his Holiness may trust to my fidelity. Neither with all his kingdom, nor with all his treasure, will he (the King) be able to cause me to deviate from my duty. I will be careful, when speaking with him, not to promise any sentence. If you mean to say that I am to do nothing whatever without informing the Pope, I do not see how, in case it should be impossible to shake the King's opinion, the trial can be avoided without scandal. They would think I had come to hood-wink them, and might resent it. You know how much that would involve. But, so far as the sentence itself is concerned, I will observe all your instructions, and they shall never learn my opinion until I am about to give judgment,—that is to say, if the cause should proceed so far.
I made my entry into Paris on the 14th, and had audience of the King (Francis) on the 15th. We discussed the universal peace, and the affairs of Ravenna and Cervia. Francis said he desired nothing more than peace, in order to reover his children, but he would rather leave them in Spain forty years than stain his honor. He declared that all the fault rested with the Emperor, and referred himself to the king of England his good brother, to the Pope, and to the whole of Christendom. The result of the siege of Naples, and the nature of the Emperor (who will not be influenced by force), together with the Pope's authority and the king of England's assistance, will probably prepare the way for this peace. We also discussed this matrimonial cause. (fn. 2) Subsequently I had audience of the Queen mother (sic, i.e. Louise). The duke of Albany has visited me, and explained his desires with respect to the affairs of Scotland. According to the Pope's command, I will not fail to render him every assistance. He desires to return thither for the benefit of the kingdom and of the King, being summoned by the King with the consent of the king of England. In this matter he desires to be authorized by the Pope, and that the Pope will promise to confirm all his negotiations with the king of England. Paris, 16 Nov. (sic, for Sept.) 1528.
16 Sept.
Porcacchi, p. 19.
I am ashamed of repeating the same thing so many times, especially as you were well informed of the Pope's mind on your departure; but every day stronger reasons are discovered which compel the Pope to remind you that you are to act cautiously, and to use your utmost skill and address in diverting the King from his present desire, and restoring him to his former love towards the Queen. Should you find this impossible, you are not to pronounce in any manner without a new and express commission from hence. If in satisfying his Majesty the Pope would incur merely personal danger, his love and obligations to the King are so great that he would content him unhesitatingly; but as this involves the certain ruin of the Apostolic See and the Church, owing to recent events, the Pope must beware of kindling an inextinguishable conflagration in Christendom. The Emperor declares himself well satisfied with the Pope's neutrality, and is willing to agree to a peace through his medium. But if so great an injury be done to the Emperor, all hope is lost of the universal peace, and the Church cannot escape utter ruin, as it is entirely in the power of the Emperor's servants. You will not, therefore, be surprised at my repeating that you are not to proceed to sentence, under any pretext, without express commission; but protract the matter as long as possible, if haply God shall put into the King's heart some holy thought, so that he may not desire from his Holiness a thing which cannot be granted without injustice, peril, and scandal. Viterbo, 16 Sept. 1528.
Lettere di Principi, II. 127.
Your letter of the 16th from Paris gave much satisfaction to the Pope, as also your good offices with the French king. Your Lordship must understand once for all that you are to regard whatever shall be written to you by cardinal Salviati as if you received it from the Pope himself, for I shall generally refer you to my letters to him. The Pope will anxiously await your letters from England. You are to acknowledge the Pope's obligations to the King and the cardinal of York, and to allude to his trust in their support under all circumstances; for this letter will find you so recently arrived in England, that you will scarcely have had time to execute your first commission. The principal reason for the Pope's satisfaction with his own neutrality is this, that he has done nothing contrary to the opinion of his Majesty and the cardinal of York, who approved of the course which he has taken. Had the Pope acted otherwise, he would now be plunged in total ruin. He has great hopes of concluding peace with the aid of the King and Cardinal. I write to the cardinal (Salviati) that the duke of Albany should send to the Pope, written with his own hand, the matters for which he desires his Holiness to enter into an obligation for him to the king of England. The Pope will become security for him very willingly. (fn. 3)
Lettere di Principi, II. 128.
Cardinal Campeggio has written hither of the duke of Albany's desire to return to Scotland, and that the Pope should become surety for him to the king of England, in order that the latter might not take it amiss. The Pope will do so willingly, if the Duke will explain his wishes more clearly, and write a letter with his own hand containing the matters for which he desires the Pope to enter into an obligation. (fn. 4)
16 Sept.
R. O.
Complaining of a piratical attack made by Nicholas Buckbrock and other Englishmen on a vessel freighted from their port to Iceland, under the command of Hans Schomaker, at the port of Gamelwick. Hamburgh, 16 Sept. 1528.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
16 Sept.
R. O.
Wolsey's generosity has caused him to break his silence occasioned partly by his great grief at these very sad times. Speaks highly of Wolsey's generosity, which he had often experienced before. His memory will be dear to all posterity. Owes to Wolsey his restitution to life from that destruction into which he had precipitated himself by his own folly. "Nam in hac universa tragœdia nihil erat omnium, quod animum meum æque disturbabat ac dolore lacerabat, quam quod verebar semper peccatum meum in tantam iracundiam animum tuum convertisse, ut eum posthac nullis victimis aut lachrymis propiciari queam." Londini, ex publico carcere qui vulgo dicitur the Flete, xvi. die Sepr.
Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Thomæ Card. et Archiepiscopo Ebor.
Love Letters, VI. 4742. HENRY VIII. to ANNE BOLEYN.
"The reasonable request of your last letter, with the pleasure also that I take to know them true, causeth me to send you now these news. The Legate which we most desire arrived at Paris on Sunday or Monday (fn. 5) last past, so that I trust by the next Monday to hear of his arrival at Calais, and then I trust within a while after to enjoy that which I have so longed for to God's pleasure and our both comfort. No more to you at this present, mine own darling, for lack of time, but that I would you were in mine arms or I in yours, for I think it long since I kissed you. Written after the killing of an hart, at 11 of the clock, minding with God's grace tomorrow mytely tymely to kill another, by the hand of him which I trust shortly shall be yours.—HENRY R."
Cal. D. X. 219. B. M. 4743. [CLERK and TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
"... a wretch who called La ... er of his faith that would n ... he sware a great oath that his de[fiance] ... was made long ago and now sit[h] ... Emperor's letter, if the said defiance ... he sware he would powder it on a no ... with worse words. And as touching ... by us unto him of exasperating the[mperor] ... his great appearance of peace to the le ... enterprise, he said this with other successes [should cause the] Emperor to know himself and to come to [reason. He then laid] his hand upon his sword and said ... da pacem, and said that as for him h[e was defendant] and the Emperor provoker, by the reason [whereof the Emperor] must appoint the field, and he genus a[rmorum] ... Emperor would come to Calais by the f ... he would fight with him according to h ... unto the Emperor, which he called his ... in deed libellus ille provocatorius ad ... in the vulgar Italian tongue, and sa ... would be ready to fight with the Emperor ... the King's highnesses his brothers a ... mitigation and redulcing of ... in his chartell, he said th ... [an]d conditional, u[pon] * * * ... being in the Emperor's h[ands]... [suc]he time as the Viceroy brought ... signed, wherein mention was m[ade] ... n his promise; at which time he ... the Viceroy that if the Emperor would s[ay] ... que il mentoyt par la gorge. He said that ... [de]siryd him to spare such language, for exasp[erating the] Emperor; and Alarcon said, "Juros Deos esto ... [h]ablar de pultrono mas de valent cavalero ... [t]hat he could no less of his honor. He said ... he had already solemnly spoken the words opyn[ly in the] presence of the Emperor's and all other ambassadors [to whom he] delivered sundry copies, as well to the Emperor's a[mbassadors] as other, so as all the world knew it well ynou[gh, and] as he was right well assured also the Emperor. H[e said that] the Emperor hath not only provoked him by his [cartel], but sent it him by writing subscribed with his o[wn hand, y]ea and spoken unto divers of the noble of Spain [and even u]nto his own ambassador that he was a man of no h[onor] ... and if he had esteemed his honor he would have a[nswered his] message; the which reproach and exprobation seem [to gri]eve him marvellously, insomuch that he said [that he] should never have peace ne his children, themp[eror not being] answered. We said, God forbid, but th[at] ... Emperor, but now the * * *
Badly mutilated.
Cal. D. X. 220. B. M. 4744. [CLERK and TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
"[After] our most humble recom[mendations, please it your Grace to un]derstand that your Grace's letters ... arrived here the 16th of the same ... French king and my Lady his m[other removed from] Saint Germayns to St. Denys b[efore] ... day we followed and spake with the [French king] after his dinner. We showed first ... of the truce, thanked be God, then ... concluded. He said that he had sh[owed the Emperor that] between him and his brother the king [of England there] should be no difficulties. We then made ... with him advertised by a letter of mast[er] ... difficulties were agreed and surely ... being once assured of the contribution ... reckoned the contrary but to conclude th ... sub quibusvis conditionibus. Their fear w[as that the Emperor] would have coartyd them, and an ar[ticle been made] upon new offers before ye would have [agreed to] the contribution. As touching the rev ... showed him heretofore upon advertise[ment] ... Silvester, what was thought exped[ient] ... last letters, we certified your Grace w ... in that behalf. We now eftsoons ... moved unto the King the matter ... your Grace thought expedient ... honor and upon a * * * ... [c]ommandment hath been ... ve should read it and behold ... ale and make relation thereof un[to] ... [the] same as we did by our last letters. He say[d] ... [the r]eceyt of the same letter, he should not sen[d] ... [he]rald, his honor should be too highly stayny[d] ... evir, and that the King's highness his bro[ther, whom he] knew to be a prince of as much honor as [any prince c]an be in earth, would never counsel ne advise [him so] ne your Grace nother, after ye shall have seen ... of the Emperor's, a copy whereof was sent you by ... depeche. And after many words at the last h[e asked] us, what your Grace would that he should do. We [said that] your Grace was as studious of his honor as ye w[ere of the] King's highness your own master's, and like a ... had counselled his Highness to suspend the sh ... of a very sharp answer made unto the Emperor's s[aid] book, unto such time as it should appear what e[ffect should] come of this new treating of peace. So likewise we ... your Grace now with great instance required his m[ajesty] ... likewise for the good of peace to spare and suspend [the dec]laring of this message sent by the herald and ... ing, then might his message be done by his ... [li]kewise the King's book should be delivered in t ... consisted as much the honor of his I ... in the executing" * * *
Badly mutilated.
17 [Sept.]
Cal. D. X. 224. B. M.
4745. [CLERK and TAYLOR to WOLSEY.]
* * *
"... que otherwise in danger ... heed lest the Pope for the re ... compelled to take some extreme way ... displease them. Their answer was ... that they were desirous thereof; as fo[r] ... should be, and what should be devised [by the King's highness] and your Grace, for the attaining of the [same, they would not] fail to follow it. As for the restitution [of Cervia] and Ravenna, it was not unknown [to us what they had] done already, and that they would not ce[ase] ... as in deed they should be restored, as of g[ood cause they] ought to be, and that herein they would not [fail to do their] uttermost, and that as much for the King's [sake] as for any other cause, in whose cause they ... cardinal Campeggius to be favorable d ... that if he so did, they would deserve it v ... wise then they would if it were showed ... parsons. As for the news of Naples be ... into the worst part then otherwise, viz., that [the marquis of] Saluce, the prince of Navarre, the king of ... and the countie of Rangon been taken pri[soners] ... nullæ sunt reliquiæ exercitus gallici, vel i ... yet there is no certainty." Paris, 17...
Below, in Clerk's hand: Your Grace is m[ost humble] servants, (signatures lost.)
Badly mutilated.
17 Sept.
R. O.
Wrote on the 12th. Madame Vendôme arrived here yesterday, and was received here "cassy honorably." She brings with her Vendôme's eldest daughter, and is not as welcome as methinks she is worthy. She has some particular credence from the French king and his mother to the lady Margaret. "Wheddyr the ton commission sall sweyt the todyr, as yet I cannot say." The lords of Antwerp are laboring much for Richard Harman. Is certified by my lord of Palermo, chief of the Privy Council, that justice can be no longer delayed touching Harman. Wishes for instructions touching the acts and treasons of Harman. Mechlin, 17 Sept. 1528.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
17 Sept.
Cal. B. III. 291. B. M. St. P. IV. 508.
In answer to Wolsey's letters received 11 Sept., sends certain letters of his servant Roger Lassels about the earl of Angus. Will receive the Earl as the King desires, if he be driven out of Scotland. Has written to the king and queen of Scots for the appointment of personages to meet on the Borders, urging them, on his own head, to the expedition thereof, as the Borders are disturbed both by Angus and others, and are in doubt whether they shall have peace or war. Sir Ralph Fenwik lately stopped an invasion from Lyddersdale, and took prisoner Edmund Noble, the chief outlaw the King had in Scotland, who will be put to execution. Would like to wait upon the King and Wolsey for eight weeks, on matters touching these Borders, and that Sir Thos. Tempest and Rob. Bowes should be charged to come up with him. Sends also letters from Angus and Lasselles, received this day. Topclyf, 17 Sept. Signed.
18 Sept.
R. O.
Since his arrival in Ireland, has partly certified my lord's Grace of affairs here by letters and instructions. Is compelled to be importunate, and begs Gardiner will secure attention to his suit in his great necessity. Powkes Cowrte (Powerscourt ?), 18 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my singular good friend, Mr. Doctor Stevyns. Endd.
18 Sept.
Cal. D. X. 225. B. M.
4749. [CLERK to WOLSEY.]
"[Ple]ase it your Grace, the cardinal C[ampegius] ... [th]at your Grace and he together shall ... publicam, and that, as it was at h[is former visit to] Englond, one of his folks shall ha[ve to make an oration], he hath none other man meet to do [it] ... [for he] hath not a learned man with him, bu[t] ... whom your Grace knoweth well enough ... have the oration, which oration, as h[e saith, shall] consist in laude pacis, and in exhorting [the King's] highness to persevere as he hath begun, to he[lp and carry] forwards the ways of peace; inasmuch [as he] is only the prince who having least ca[use] ... himself, with other princes, may with his wi[se counsel] and authority interpone himself for th[e good of the] same, with much more profit than a[ny other prince] should, with such other reasons as may se[em best for the] purpose, without any speaking in specie of [the King's] great matter, but only in genere, that [it hath] comen to the Pope's knowledge that th[ere are] difficulties risen in that realm conce[rning the King's] person, for the declaration whereof the auc[tority of the] See Apostolic, was thought very ne[cessary by his] Holiness for the King's highnesses g[reat service and] merits towards the same See [for which end he hath sent] you both right large and am[ple commission] ... tate to take order * * * [high]nes. The cardinal Campeg[ius wished us to adv]ertise your Grace hereof, to the intent th[at in case your Gra]ce should think any other thing mee[t to be spo]kyn, your Grace would vouchsafe to adv[ertise him th]ereof, for he would order himself accordy[ngly. We t]hought it also good to advertise your Grace th[ereof, to the] intent your Grace may give warning thereof [to him] that shall make the answer, which I bese[ech your] Grace may be some other than I, for on my [conscience I] have not best my health, and am and shal[l be] occupied with the conducting of my lord card[inal] Campegius, and with attending and entertaining [g him] by the way, that I shall very evil enow [during this] journeying intend to any such business." Pa[ris], Friday, 18 Sept.
[18 Sept.]
Cal. D. X. 207. B. M.
4750. [CLERK] to WOLSEY.
* * *
"... my lord cardinal [Campegius] ... means of treating of peace ... [dif]ficulties were alleged. The said ... said that he would take the pain t ... himself, and desired that they wol[d] ... give him licence to pass through ... Spain for that purpose. They said u ... marvelled that he would return by S[pain] ... that he should not be welcome thither ... that matter to pass; for the which h ... this journey into England. The French [king told] us that the said Cardinal answery[d him that] at his coming into England, when he [should have] spoken with the King's highness, his hig[hness should] peradventure change his purpose or ... the matter. My Lady shewed us ... Cardinal answered her that when ... should be done and justly done, that ... not do none other, but be also contented ... [How be] it both of them said that the sai[d cardinal] Campegius made the matter very ... The which if he did, I do thy[nk] ... did make the matter the more ... saw them peradventure ... and inquisitive then * * * ... his opinion and s ... some cognition as judge in ... vyd both the King, and also my ... nt to their satisfaction, for they h[ave such an opi]nyon in my said lord cardinal C[ampegius to give judg]ement rather upon an old grudge without [cause than u]pon any good ground. I thought to ad[vertise your] Grace hereof, for I think there shall be writt[en] ... hence to the ambassador of France somewhat ... matter to be declared unto your Grace."
(In Clerk's hand.)—"The news been still uncertain. It should now seem that ... was retired to a place called Aversa, and that th ... were compelled to dedition at the discretion of thenny[my]. Andrea Doria with his gallies is arrived at Jeen w ... meen. It is thought that Jeen is revolted and at l ... [but] these tidings be not yet believed in the Court, albe[it by] many they be spoken for a truth.
"My lord cardinal Campegius is arrived this day here ... seven leagues out of Paris in a horse litter, troubled [with] the gout all the way. Tomorrow being Saturday he ... at Clermont, other seven leagues; Sunday, at Bryghtwell (fn. 6) ... [l]egis; Monday, at Amyas, seven leagues; Tuesday, at Abavyll[e] ... ... [We]dnesday, at Motrell; Thursday, at Boloynge; Friday ... ace at Calais, which I have written un[to Mr. Win]gfield to prepare accordingly.
"... to cause provision to" * * *
Mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
18 Sept.
Laemmer, Mon. Vat. p. 24.
4751. CAMPEGGIO to SANGA, the Pope's Secretary.
I have had audience of the King (Francis). We discussed the universal peace, and the affairs of Ravenna. I then endeavored to ascertain his sentiments respecting the principal occasion of my legation. His Majesty inquired how this matrimonial cause was progressing. I replied that I was one of the judges deputed, and that the sentence depended on the evidence; but it was impossible as yet to say what determination would be taken, except that there would be no lack of justice. I added, "But what is your Majesty's opinion ?" He answered that he was not learned, and in such cases he would adopt the opinion of any one who understood more about it than himself; though he regarded the King his brother as wise and good, and [believed] that, when he knew she (Katharine) was his wife, he would not attempt any such thing; but if she were not his wife, it would be a great matter to persist in a sin which involved the salvation of the soul. Paris, 18 Sept. 1528.
—Sept. Cal. D. X. 358. B. M. 4752. [TAYLER] to WOLSEY.
"[W]here it hath pleased the King's highness and [your Grace that my l]orde of Bath shall return home in to Eng[land, and I to r]emayne here, saving the pleasure and comman[dment of the King,] it were to my discomfort and great labors h ... for sith my said lord of Bath's coming in[to France] ... he hath had all the cure, labors, charges, and con ... matters and causes as have here passed or hav[e been done by] your gracious commandment, all which he with fresh a ... furthwise and discreet ordering with moderate ... diligence after his desire, hath ever brought to [good effect,] and where any difficulties hath required reasoning ... by authority of learning, his opinions with laud ... finally obtained and were allowed. I assure your [Grace that if any] other man had come, saving he only, many things ... should not so desiredly a passed or with long [delay and] slow expedition. With the King, Madame and C[ouncil] here his wisdom is greatly esteemed and allowed[, and now] that inconstant fortune of war hath somewhat [turned her] whele, I fear greatly lest here shall arise some m[atters, in] the which I shall greatly lack the substantial and [good advice of] my said lord of Bath. Howbeit, with your gracious ... instructions, I shall do the best of my little power ... wit, assuring your Grace that faithful diligence a ... shall never lack nor fail. Furthermore, beseeching [your Grace to] thank my said lord of Bath for the loving and [good entertai]nement that he hath showed to me for the time [of his being] here. His Lordship made me partner of all thy[ngs that were] done, but the cure, labor and ordering was of his ... penning, as evidently it might appear by his ... [and the] pure tenor of his writings. The state of this ... news as we have, his Lordship can better [tell unto your Grace] than I can write." From P[aris,] ... Sept. 1528.
Mutilated. Add.
18 Sept.
R. O.
If there is no remedy but that the Cardinal (fn. 7) must lie in my house, I must take it patiently. It is strange that as there are other houses better than mine, "men cannot be contented with them." I should like to know where I am to lodge. My lord's Grace must give his commandment to the owners, or else my folks will not be admitted. I have told my servants to sue to you, and to no one else, except Tuke. Do for me in this case as ye would I should do for you. Paris, 18 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful master Dr. Stephyns, with my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
18 Sept.
Harl. MS. 6989, f. 14. B. M.
Has received his letters of Sept. 2. "I assur yow that lewd knawe Jamys that nevyr ded good hath so paynted Norwyche place to the Cardynall (Campeggio) that it seemyth that logyng hym ther ye wold have logyd him in a pygge stye." He must therefore be lodged in Bath Place; but Duresme Place would doubtless have been better, as it is a goodlier house than Bath Place. If Wolsey cannot spare Durham Place, or otherwise disposes of Bath Place, Gardiner must ask Wolsey for some convenient lodging for Clerk, as it would grieve him to be turned out of his own, unless it were the King's and Wolsey's pleasure. Asks Gardiner to find out Wolsey's wish, and let Clerk's people know. Knows Campeggio would be better lodged at Durham Place, but would not tell him so here, as he would think he did not wish to let him have his house. Asks him to tell his servants to provide against his coming. Luzerche, 18 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., Mr. Dr. Stephyns, with my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.
18 Sept.
R. O.
On 9 Sept. 1528, in the priory of Felixstowe alias. Fylstoue, Norwich dioc., before Stephen Gardiner, LL.D., archdeacon of Worcester, and Rowland Lee, doctor of Decrees, canon of Lichfield, sitting as judges, there was presented a commission of cardinal Wolsey, under his seal, the effect of which the said Gardiner declared to the prior and two other monks; and, with the authority of the Pope, and consent of the founders, proceeded to the suppression of the said monastery, appointing John Irlond, notary public, as his scribe; applied the goods of the priory, both movable and immovable, to Wolsey's college at Ipswich, and decreed that the prior and convent should enter other monasteries of the same Order. On the prior and monks being asked what monastery they would choose, they asked time for consideration; which was allowed them until the arrival of the Legate at London. There being then present Thos. Cromwell, _ Hanes, Batchelor of Theology, Geo. Pole, and others, named.
On 11 Sept. 1528, in the convent of Romberowe, Gardiner proceeded to suppress the monastery by virtue of the same authority, and apply the goods in the same way, and before the same witnesses.
On 18 Sept. 1528, Gardiner suppressed the priory of Canons Regular, Bromhill, in the same way, and before the same witnesses.
Lat., pp. 4.
19 Sept.
Egerton MS. 1998, f. 4. B. M.
Performed the promise he made when Amazæus departed, of recommending him to the English ambassador as soon as his health allowed him, Gave a letter for him to Marmaduke, who forgot it, and went without it; at which he was much troubled, fearing that Amazæus would suspect his diligence. Padua, 13 cal. Oct.
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
19 Sept.
Rym. XIV. 266.
Grant of the issues and money which the Archbishop is bound to pay for the temporalities during the voidance of the bishopric. Hampton Court, 19 Sept.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 24.
19 Sept.
S. B. Rym. XIV. 268.
To be chancellor of the lordship and land of Ireland. Del. Hampton Court, 19 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19.
19 Sept.
S. B.
4759. SIR JOHN RAWSON, Prior of Kilmaynam in Ireland.
To be treasurer of the Exchequer in Ireland, with the usual fees out of the customs and subsidies in the ports of Dublin and Drogheda. Del. Hampton Court, 19 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 23.
20 Sept.
Cal. D. X. 337. B. M.
4760. [TAYLER to WOLSEY.]
"Please it your Grace, the while that the French kyn[g] ... cardinal Campege, the duke of Albany come to ... [and had] communication with me. He enquired of the state an[d health of your] Grace, of the which he said he would be right gla[d to hear. He] further showed to me that young Mr. Sandys, at h[is coming] out of England, told him that your Grace enquired [after the] said Duke, and that your Grace had many good an[d favorable words] of him, and that your Grace would a spoke with him ... if that he had be there, with many other fair words to [this effect], which he replied after immediately to Mr. Bryan, gre ... of long peace and unity betwixt England and [Scotland], heartily praying God that the King's highness and your [Grace might] have the bringing up and the nourishing of [the young king of] Scotts in his youth, and wished that he were in t[he King's] hands out of the wanton counsel of the Scots. [He said he would give his] soul to the Devil if he said not as he thought, add[ing that it] were feasible and easily to be brought to pass, consy[dering the] sure amity and firm peace betwixt England and [France], saying that he would be right glad to come in message [from the] French king to the King's highness and your Grace, [at his] own charge and cost, to solicit and to bring the [same to good] effect. And somewhat to show the declaration of [his mind] he hath sent to me a letter desiring me to send by ... Wherefore I beseech your Grace I may have knowledge [if the said] letter please you, and how hereafter I shall use m[yself to him] in familiarity, and that he may understand th[at your Grace] hath received his letters." Paris, 20 Sept. 1528.
20 Sept.
R. O.
4761. SIR ROB. WINGFIELD to TUKE, Treasurer of the Chamber.
Wrote last on the 17th. Sends him a packet of letters from the bp. of Bath. Wishes that Wolsey would order Sir John Butler to take charge of the chaplain of the Staple and young Corbett, or that the bp. of Bath may convey them hence now at his passing. Calais, 20 Sept. 1528.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
20 Sept.
Cleop. E. IV. 46*. B. M. Strype's Mem. II. 133.
Is informed by letters from the prior of Romeburgh, that, with the view of suppressing the priory and uniting it to St. Peter's, Ipswich, Wolsey's officers arrived there on the 11th, and after reading letters commissional from Wolsey, from the King, and from the Pope, entered and took away the movable goods of the priory, "being a member of our monastery, and given unto us by Alien Niger, sometime earl of Richmond, and our second co-founder." Among them were certain muniments belonging to the monastery of York, lately sent to the priory for the trial of certain rights now in dispute between the abbey of York and men of worship in Cambridgeshire. As a great part of the lands of the abbey of York were granted by the said Alien Niger, wherewith they are charged under censures, begs that the priory be allowed to remain a member of their monastery, as it has been 300 years.
The rents are little more than 30l. a year, and it will relieve the minds of the Abbot and his brethren. Is quite willing to give him 300 marks towards his college instead. York, 20 Sept. Signed.
Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.


  • 1. This letter is described in Masters' MS. (f. 120), as follows:—"Sept. 12, 1528. From our ambassadors in France, viz., bishop of Bath, J. Taylor, Master of the Rolls, and Sir Francis Bryan. The herald came from Spain. The French king at Paris prepares to hear him; and as soon as he came he showed us (say our ambassadors) his leg, whereon he had the Garter, saying that, seeing he went about an act wherein consisted the honor of knighthood, he thought he could not a better remembrance (sic), ne don anything that should better move him and stir him to the defence of his honor, than the wearing thereof.—At this time the French king expected the appointment of the field from the Emperor, and would not hear the herald, because he brought it not." It appears from this description that the letter No. 4156, printed in April 1528, is out of place, being really the beginning of this letter.
  • 2. As in Campeggio's letter to Sanga, 18 Sept.
  • 3. The date and signature are omitted; this letter being inserted between two others of 29 Sept. and 3 Oct. 1528.
  • 4. Placed between two other letters of 29 Sept. and 3 Oct. 1528.
  • 5. He reached Paris on Monday, 14 Sept.
  • 6. Breteuil.
  • 7. Campeggio.