Pages 1650-1653
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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December 1527
21 Dec. Vit. B. IX. 209. B. M. |
Received yesterday his letter by Thadeus. Has provided for the safe conveyance of Wolsey's letters to Gregory, and has caused Lautrec to write to him and Paule Camyne, whom he has sent to the Pope. | |
He told Jerningham, as a secret for none but Wolsey, that he has heard that the Pope is fully determined to keep his appointment with his enemies; and the duke of Ferrara fears his Holiness will not incline unto him, according to the League. Lautrec hopes, however, that the Pope will before long enter the League. The King's and Wolsey's advice will influence him more to do so than the French king's, or any other person's. Has told Lautrec the purpose of the visit of Mr. Secretary and Casale to the Pope, and promised that he shall hear from time to time of the progress of the King's affair. He said that the importance and secrecy of the affairs was manifest to him, and that it had been shown to him by cardinal Cibo. Wonders at this, unless Casale told the Cardinal. Knows that they are often in company. Dares not write very important news, as his letters pass through so many hands, and he has no cipher. Lautrec asked yesterday if he had a cipher, as he wished to send some important news. Bologna, 21 Dec. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. | |
21 Dec. R. O. |
Thanks him for his letter, dated London, 6th inst., directing him to set about the accomplishment of my lord Cardinal's letters, which he has endeavoured to do. Lautrec arrived on the 19th at Bologna, where he is waiting for 6,000 lanceknights. After their arrival, when once he has sure knowledge from the Pope of his entry into the League, he will set forward with diligence. Bononia, 21 Dec. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd.: "Mr. Jernegan, the 21 day of December 1527." | |
22 Dec. Vit. B. IX. 210. B. M. |
Found the Pope miserable and alone, few of his household remaining. The archbishop of Capua is at Capua; the bishop of Verona has gone to Verona to lead a solitary life there with the bishop of Chieti, which has greatly displeased the court. The prothonotary Gambara has gone to France, carrying the hat for the Chancellor; he will then go to England, and finally to Spain. The French secretary will go with him. They have well performed Wolsey's wishes. The Pope says that he has been expecting Lautrec's arrival, and for that reason prolonged the negotiations with the Imperialists, and endeavored to produce discord amongst them, not without great danger to him- self and the hostages. He says he would have feared nothing if he had been taken to Gaieta, for that would have caused the ruin of the Imperialists; but when he knew that Lautrec was waiting for the Germans, he thought it best to agree to these conditions, which, heavy as they were, he could not escape, as the Spaniards said he would have to give nothing of his own, but only what was theirs, for they asked for the tenths of Naples, and the creation of four cardinals. His Holiness now seems to desire nothing but peace. | |
Camillo and Casale declared to him all that Lautrec had ordered them. To ascertain his intentions, offered him the services of Lautrec, and showed him what power he had to resist the enemy. Advised him to give no more money, and to make void the creation of the cardinals, or at least delay it until Lautrec was in Sienna, and before the Spaniards could get out of Rome, which would ensure victory. He answered that the first payment could not be delayed, as part was already exacted. As to the rest of the money, he said nothing distinctly, but that he would consider further before he altered what was already fixed. Have obtained no help from him, only good advice. His intentions are good, but he dares not show them. He would not write in his own name to Lautrec, except to promise assistance in treating of peace. Believes that if Lautrec advances, the Pope will do all he wants, but if not, he will do nothing. Has written three letters to Wolsey, and has not heard of their arrival. Orvieto, 22 Dec. 1527. Signed. | |
Lat., pp. 4. | |
22 Dec. Vit. B. IX. 212. B. M. Pocock, I. 35. |
3683. ITALY. |
Extract from the letters of Gregory [Casale], dated Orvie[to], 22 Dec. | |
The Pope sends the bishop of Manfredonia (Sepuntinus) to Venice, to demand Ravenna, Cervia, and the salt. He has also charged Gambara to speak on the same subject to Lautrec. He will not confirm the agreement with the duke of Ferrara, but promises his ambassador that he will not deny the confirmation. He wishes the money to be demanded which is due from the city of Placentia to Lautrec. Has procured the sending of ambassadors from Bologna, to desire the Pope to go thither. There is great scarcity here, and they fear the Imperialists will besiege the town. His Holiness has such dread of the Spaniards, that he dares not go thither for fear of their suspecting him. | |
A Roman noble has just come with the news that the Spaniards will never leave Rome, and intend to fortify it; and he therefore begged the Pope not to pay the money promised to them, for they will observe nothing. He also described a safe method of killing all the Spaniards in the old town (burgo), which could be done by 4,000 foot. Only two things hindered it, the cowardice and sloth of our army, and the unwillingness of the Pope to declare against them. Without him it could not be done, for they must pass through the castle of St. Angelo. Will again urge it on the Pope. | |
Lat., pp. 2. | |
Vit. B. XIV. 2. B. M. |
3684. LAUTREC to [FRANCIS I.] |
"Le conte Hug[ues] ... des deux lettres qu ... il ma rapporte que ... les princes ses alliez ... et que de son couste il sera contre luy ... vous ne povez avoir la paix. Sire, il faut ... essient, affin d'abaisser votre ennemy et q ... messeigneurs voz enfans. | |
"Notredit Sainct Pere a entre autre choses expr ... Conte Hugues, si vous, Sire, ne saviez sa delivra[nce] ... naviez point envoye devers luy, non faisant ca ... que y avez envoye." | |
(Memorandum in the margin, in the same hand, that the King has already sent the Sieur de Longueval, his master of the household, to visit the Pope since his deliverance.) | |
"Tout ce que le Pape crainct, Sire, est que vous a ... et a envoye le prothonotaire de Gambre devers v[ous avec] propoz de faire la paix, affin den sentir votre inten[cion] ... Sire, encores que feussiez en bon propoz de la dite paix ... conclusion d'icelle, que luy devez tenir parolles ... a entendre que vous voulez pousser ceste emprins[e] ... et ne luy en declairer entierement votre intenc[ion jusques a ce] que votre cas soit du tout asseure." | |
Mutilated. Endd.: "Deschiffrement de la lettre de Mons. de Lautrec." | |
22 Dec. R. O. |
3685. ANGUS to WOLSEY. |
Hopes he will second the request of James and his mother, who have written to the King "by direction" of Archibald Douglas, the treasurer, Angus's uncle, for a licence to Alex. Kay to buy grain in England. Edinburgh, 22 Dec. Signed: Ard erl of Angus. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd. | |
23 Dec. R. O. Herbert, 118. |
3686. The DIVORCE. |
1. Proposed bull of dispensation for Henry VIII., in case his marriage with Katharine, his brother's widow, be pronounced unlawful, to marry another, even if she have contracted marriage with another man, provided it be not consummated, and even if she be of the second degree of consanguinity, or of the first degree of affinity, ex quocumque licito seu illicito coitu; in order to prevent uncertainty in the succession, which in past times has been the occasion of war. Orvieto, 10 kl. Jan. 1527, 5 Clement VII. (fn. 1) | |
Copy in Knight's hand, pp. 3. Add.: To the King's Highness. Endd.: A conditional dispensation for the King's Majesty from the bishop of Rome. | |
R. O. Pocock, I. 22. |
2. Another copy, similar to § 3, with comments in the margin, in the same hand as the text, complaining of the preamble, and desiring it should be expunged as reflecting unworthily on the King. |
The writer contends that the dispensation should be unconditional, without reference to the dissolution of the present marriage, &c. | |
Pp. 11, in Gambara's hand. Endd. | |
Tib. C. X. 72. B. M. Wilkins, III. 707. |
3. Modern copy of the bull, dated inaccurately 16 kal. Jan., as in Herbert, with variations from § 1. |
24 Dec. R. O. St. P. VII. 28. |
Count Guydo and the gentleman who was last in England have arrived at Bologna from the Pope. Neither I nor Mons. Lautrec can perceive that the Pope will enter the League, nor has he urged Lautrec to go back or advance. The King's secret, committed to Mr. Secretary and Signor Gregory, has not been so covertly kept but that it is known to the writer and others. It is also known to the Emperor, by a servant of the Queen's who went from England to Spain, and he has written to the Pope in no wise to consent. bologna, 24 Dec. Signed. | |
Add. Endd. | |
25 Dec. R. O. |
3688. DARCY. |
Sold to Mr. Darecy, 25 Dec. anno xix., a frontlet of crimson velvet, lined with black satin, 9s.; another of black velvet, lined with tawny satin, 8s.; a gold front, 26s. 8d.; a black velvet cap, 13s. 4d.; a gold caul, 6s. 8d.; a gold fillet, 12d.; a black velvet frontlet, lined with tawny satin, 6s. 8d.; a black velvet frontlet, lined with crimson satin, 8s.; three "koveys," garnished with gold, 10s.=4l. 9s. 4d. | |
P. 1. |