Henry VIII: August 1527, 1-10

Pages 1507-1514

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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August 1527

Love Letters,
For a present so beautiful that nothing could be more so I thank you most heartily, not only for the splendid diamond and the ship in which the solitary damsel is tossed about, but also for the pretty interpretation and too humble submission made by your benignity. I should have found it difficult to merit this but for your humanity and favor, which I have sought and will seek to preserve by every kindness possible to me; and this is my firm intention and hope, according to the motto, Aut illic aut nullibi. Your letter, and the demonstrations of your affection, are so cordial that they bind me to honor, love and serve you. I desire also, if at any time I have offended you, that you will give me the same absolution that you ask, assuring you that henceforth my heart shall be devoted to you only. I wish my body also could be. God can do it if he pleases, to whom I pray once a day that it may be, and hope at length to be heard. "Escripte de la main du secretaire qui en ceur, corps et volonte est vostre loiall et plus assure serviteure,
H. aultre [cœur] (fn. 1) ne cherse R."
Hol., Fr.
Love Letters,
The time seems so long since I heard of your good health and of you, that I send the bearer to be better ascertained of your health and your purpose; for since my last parting from you I have been told you have quite given up the intention of coming to court, either with your mother or otherwise. If so, I cannot wonder sufficiently; for I have committed no offence against you, and it is very little return for the great love I bear you to deny me the presence of the woman I esteem most of all the world. If you love me as I hope you do, our separation should be painful to you. I trust your absence is not wilful on your part; for if so, I can but lament my ill fortune, and by degrees abate my great folly.
Hol., Fr.
1 Aug.
R. O.
St. P. VI. 594.
Compliments them on their circumspection, of which the King and he have so high an opinion that he is ordered to entrust them with the most secret matters. A rumor, somehow or another, has sprung up in England that proceedings are being taken for a divorce between the King and Queen, which is entirely without foundation, yet not altogether causeless; for there has been some discussion about the Papal dispensation, not with any view to a divorce, but to satisfy the French, who have raised the objection on proposing a marriage between the Princess and their Sovereign. The proceedings which took place on this dispute gave rise to the rumor, and reached the ears of the Queen, who expressed some resentment, but was satisfied after explanation; and no suspicion exists, except perchance the Queen may have communicated with the Emperor on the subject. You are to discover if anything of this kind has taken place; for, from the time the rumor began, Ferdinand her physician left, and afterwards Francis Philippes. As the whole rumor is false, I should be sorry if the Emperor believed it, lest these lies should prove an obstacle to the peace.
You are to watch Ferdinand and Francis; and, if the Emperor drops a word of the subject, make such a prudent reply as will overcome his prejudices. You are to say nothing about the French objections. But, if you hear anything started, answer summarily that no dissolution of the marriage is intended, but only the confirmation of it, in the event of any question being raised, and that it is foolish to suppose so grave a cause could be decided in private. I have told you all the circumstances, by which you will gather how unfounded the rumor is. You will observe silence with regard to the objections of the French. The bishop of Worcester is to return. Abbeville, 1 Aug. Signed.
Lat. Add.
1 Aug.
R. O.
Heard this morning that the King would not be at Amiens before Saturday. This night past he lay at a place of De Piene's, three leagues hence, and is to be at Montdidier tomorrow. Went to the Chancellor, and expressed his surprise that the King was not to be at Amiens this day, in accordance with his promise on Tuesday. The Chancellor said he would inquire the cause of the delay, but could not promise that the King would be there tomorrow. Wonders Francis does not consider how long Wolsey has waited at Calais and at Abbeville. Brightwell (Breteuil), Thursday, 1 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Sealed.
1 Aug.
R. O.
Was commissioned by the Council of Ten to precede Antonio Francesco Albizi, who was deputed to receive Lautrec on his coming into Tuscany. Had to inform Lautrec of the confusion existing in the army of the confederates, the departure of the Germans and Spaniards out of Rome towards Lombardy, and the remedies which are required. The city had undertaken to pay eighteen constables, with 3,500 foot, besides another 5,000 which are partly in the army of the League and part at Perugia under Dom. Orazio; nor would it have been necessary to have asked aid of Francis and Lautrec if the marquis of Saluzzo and the Venetians had furnished half the number of soldiers they were bound to furnish, for then the Spaniards would not have dared to evacuate Rome or advance into Tuscany. The small number of foot, not more than 6,000, furnished by the League, is the reason of this. Has been sent to urge Lautrec to send Peter of Navarre or some other to Bologna with 6,000 or 8,000 foot at least, which may be of use to Bologna, Parma and Piacenza, if not to Florence. If this be done in time, you must co-operate with the bishop of Xaintonge. Would to God the Spaniards would go by any other way than Tuscany! The city, however, is determined to show its goodwill to Francis. The Spaniards have committed great devastations, and attempted to enter Perugia where Orazio is with 1,000 foot and 200 horse. He expects to hold out with aid of the army of the League. The number of the Germans and Spaniards who left Rome was 10,000; but they were expecting more, and many others joined them in hope of plunder. If they advance, the army of the League must retreat. The Marquis and the Venetians say they have no money to make up the due number of foot. Fire and destruction threaten us. We know not where to turn. The city is in great peril, all through the faithlessness of the allies. When the soldiers are accused of misdeeds, they say they are not paid, and we suffer from our own men.
Dom. de Veli arrived here some days ago. Had great difficulties to encounter on the road, mainly on account of the plague. Is going to Asti, where they say Lautrec will be tomorrow. Left the French fleet and Andrea Doria stationed off Genoa. If 3,000 foot came by land, they would bring it under the dominion of France. Savona, 1 Aug. 1527.
Lat., copy, pp. 3. Add.: Magnif. oratori Florentino apud Chr. Regem, dom. Roberto Acciaiolo. Endd.
Vit. B. IX. 141.
B. M.
3330. [ _ to WOLSEY.]
Asks the King and Wolsey to write to Lautrec to advance as soon as possible against the enemy, and liberate Rome, the states of the Church and the Cardinals; to restore to the Church, as soon as there is an opportunity, the city of Rimini, which is occupied by Pandulfo Malatesta and his sons; and to reduce Sienna to obedience to the Holy League, as now it favors the Emperor, and can supply his forces with money and stores. Asks the King and Wolsey to desire the ambassador in France to thank the King and his mother for the good despatch which they gave to the writer, the envoy of the Cardinals at Parma, and for their letters to Lautrec in favor of the Pope and Holy See; and to request them to write again commending this expedition.
Lat., p. 1. Imperfect at beginning and end.
1 Aug.
R. O.
Inquisition held at Northampton, [1 Aug.] 19 Hen. VIII., before Thos. Andrewe, escheator, concerning the lease of the parsonage of Assheby Leger by Thos. Frysby, late prior of Launde, on 1 May 22 Edw. IV., for ninety-nine years, at a yearly rent of sixteen marks, to Wm. Catesby, who was attainted by Act of Parliament 1 Hen. VII. Frysby is dead, and John Lancaster, present prior, is in possession of the rectory. Delivered to the marshal of the Exchequer, 30 April.
Lat., mutilated, copy. Endd.
2 Aug.
Vit. Pont.
III. 466.
di Principi,
II. 76 b.
Writes to ask his advice touching the late unfortunate circumstances at Rome. Has done so much for the Holy See that he thinks no sane person can doubt his sincerity. Has borne with injuries done him by France rather than make war for a private cause, and when in Germany refused the petitions of his subjects rather than violate the rights of the Pope. Many evils arose from this; but his conscience is clear, and his cause was vindicated by Leo X. and Hadrian VI. Clement VII., unmindful of favors, has sanctioned a league against him to drive his army out of Italy, and deprive him of Naples. Warned the Pope and Cardinals, before he took up arms, that the guilt would be theirs; but they not only despised his warnings, but violated the truce which Hugo Moncada made with them. The Pope having occupied several places in Naples, Charles's soldiers attacked Rome without his orders, and compelled the Pope to make an eight months' truce with the Viceroy. Although the conditions showed how much the Pope's advisers were opposed to him, Charles ratified it rather than take that vengeance which was in his power. But the soldiers, fearing this truce would be broken like the former, notwithstanding the remon- strances of their leaders, attacked Rome, and committed the outrage of which Henry has heard. Does not believe, however, it is so great as his maligners say. Is persuaded it was God's judgment rather than man's will, to punish the many injuries done to the Emperor; but is grieved at having gained such a lamentable victory. Hopes God will turn it to good, and thanks Him for what He does or suffers to be done. Valladolid, 2 Aug. 1527.
2 Aug.
Vesp. C. IV.
B. M.
3333. LEE to [WOLSEY].
Sends the bill he had overlooked. Almain told him he wished that Wolsey would speak with the Emperor as he did with the French king. When I told him that would be a long journey, he said Narbonne was not far off. At another time he said the Pope would soon be in Spain. 2 Aug. 1527.
Hol., p. 1.
6 Aug.
R. O.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
II. 62.
The plague is no longer reigning in Westminster. Since your departure there have been great assemblies of Sanctuary men, who endeavored to rescue the prisoners in the Gate-house. Mr. Scuse, Cromwell and I spoke with the Abbot and Sir Hugh Vaghan, and have ordered a watch. The Sanctuary men are more straitly kept; since which, Mulsey, a Sanctuary man, the King's servant, has refused the same, and gone abroad with a number of unthrifty persons, eight of whom have been arrested for stealing horses. It is suspected that the rioters intended some harm to your mansion in York Place. Last night my Lord Steward's servant at Chelsea was wounded. Sergier and Servington, of the Inns of Court, and one Pen, who lay in wait to slay Cromwell, made the rescue.
The prior of St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield, is sick and likely to die. The friends of William Fynch, cellarer of the same, have offered to give you 300l. for your college at Oxford, for your favour towards his preferment. Dr. Barrye, residentiary of Southwell, is deceased, by whose death there is a prebend in York in your gift, and other promotions. The prior of Launde has gone to the coast to procure your salt provisions. Your buildings at York Place, Hampton Court, &c., go forward; and I understand from Cromwell, who has come from Oxford, that he has certified you of the forwardness of the works there.
I thank you for restoring me to the presidentship of Magdalen College, Oxford. My lord of Winchester minded to have prevented your visitation begun by Dr. Claybrok. Mr. Burges, the late pretended elect, and his electors have fallen into such breach of the statutes as without your mercy they shall be expelled. Burges has taken 75l. out of the College chest. York Place, 6 Aug.
Hol. Add.
7 Aug.
Cal. D. XI. 43.
B. M.
3335. [KNIGHT to WOLSEY.]
"... sure whom ye sh ... Furthermore, his Highness desireth yo[ur Grace to speak] with the Pope's ambassador there, or some other, ex[horting] the same to repair unto the Pope's holinesse ... and there on the King's behalf to desire the P[ope to utter a] solemn protestation, that if he in the time of [his captivity] do any act or condescend unto any that is or may [be in fact] or by interpretation prejudicial unto the King's high[ness or his] affairs that his Holiness doth the same metu [coactus and] none other wise, and that notaries be r[equired to have an] instrument made, signed and subscribed by the notaries [in presence of the] Pope, and the one of the said instruments sent unto th[e King's] highness. And in case the Pope determine to go [into] Spain, and be departed from Rome, then his pleas[ure is that] your Grace do advertise with diligence my lord of Worc[ester that] he may induce the Pope at his first coming into Sp[ain] ... to protest as before; and so doing the King will ... [and] give unto him his most hearty thanks ... he ... tender anything that may be to his weal and [pleasure]. Finally, the King's pleasure is that your Grace do se[nd hither] immediately Mr. Doctor Stephens; for his Highn[ess desires] to communicate and conferre divers things with him [which] cannot so readily follow the pen as thei should ... and enter upon communication neither he ... ng as he shall be b ... * * * ... les servant and bedesman Stephen ... f with his old room, albeit divers ha ... e of the same yet beth void by the death of ... [your] Grace knoweth his qualities and virtues such ... be the Prince to advance him, albeit without your Grace's [recom]mendations, and those not vulgar, I cannot see that [he may at]teigne unto any thing at this change." B[eaulieu], 7 Aug.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
7 Aug.
Vit. B. IX. 143. B. M.
"Copia literarum D. Andreæ Doriæ, [datarum] 7 Aug., ex triremibus expu[gnata] Chiavari, ad D. Lautrek."
The brigantine of Capt. John has just arrived, having intercepted a messenger from Genoa to the Viceroy, with letters from the Emperor's chancellor, which are enclosed. He will see from them that the Genoese are without hope. Advises him to send some of the Venetian infantry at Lodi and Marignano to assist in the siege. Is certain that it will be successful, and that the Imperial fleet can be afterwards defeated, about which he waits for instructions from Lautrec. Has today taken Chiavari and garrisoned it. More troops will arrive tomorrow, and he will then proceed elsewhere. Hears again from Genoa that they are in the greatest terror, and think it best to make overtures to the French. Though there may be other difficulties, will put in execution whatever he commands.
Lat., pp. 2. In Vannes' hand.
9 Aug.
R. O. St. P. I. 235.
On Saturday last I removed from Abbeville to Pykeney, and lodged in a castle belonging to Mons. Vidams. After dinner on Sunday I left for Amiens, where the King and his train had arrived the day before. Was met by the corporation two miles from the town, and congratulated on my mission of peace, and purpose of restoring the French king's children. Was met by the French king and a great train, a mile and a half from Amiens; was lovingly received by him, bonnet in hand, and presented to the king of Navarre. The French king then saluted my lord of London (Tunstal), my lord chamberlain (Sands), the comptroller (Sir Henry Guildford), the chancellor of the duchy (More). He then asked me of your welfare, wholly attributing his liberation to you. I stated that I had been willing to repair to Paris on hearing of his mother's illness; and thus passing together, placing me on his left hand, he talked much of your Highness, and caused St. Pôl, De Guise, and Vaudemont to ride before him on three of the horses you had sent him, praising them very highly; and, considering the trust reposed in me by your Grace, he requested me to become his minister also, believing that by so doing his affairs would succeed better than they have done. He told me that Moret had taken and burnt two great carracks of Genoa.
As he had passed his place I tried to dissuade him from accompanying me to my lodgings, which I found richly apparelled. Describes the furniture. Was then conducted to my Lady, who lodged in the Bishop's palace. Found there the queen of Navarre, the king of Navarre's sister, and a great number of ladies and gentlemen. She came forward and embraced me in a loving manner; saluted my lord of London, especially the earl of Derby, "whom it liked her Grace to kiss." I saluted the queen of Navarre and the ladies; which done, she took me by the arm, and led me to her inner chamber, where she talked in eloquent discourse of your Highness, and the benefits you had conferred on them, and offered her helping hand in anything you should require. Without entering into any particulars of my charge I thanked her, and took my leave.
On Monday was visited by the Imperial ambassador, who urged me to persuade the French king to accept the Imperial overtures. I told him I had been sent to urge the King to condescend to all reasonable conditions, and I hoped that the Emperor would mitigate his demands, and show himself really anxious for peace. At three o'clock I visited the French king, and found about 300 of his Scotch and Swiss guards in the hall. The King was lying on a couch, covered with a white sheet made for the easement of his leg, which was so much swelled that he could not stand. Found there his mother and many other ladies on one side, and cardinals, prelates, and nobles on the other. He excused himself for not rising; and I said I would have gladly alleviated his pain, and saved him the trouble of coming so far. He then took me and my Lady into a little chamber, compelling me to be seated while I delivered my message. I enlarged upon the affection you bore him, said I was sent for final perfecting such things as had been left to be determined according to the treaty. That, though unworthy, I had been appointed your lieutenant, chiefly to settle three things: the marriage of my lady Princess, deliverance of his children, and of the Pope. He expressed himself extremely anxious for his marriage with the Princess. And I asked him, as being her god-father, if it should take effect, how a peace would be made between him and the Emperor, and how his children would be delivered. To this he could give no reply. I then pointed out to him that much as he and you might desire the marriage, both of you must give up your wishes in order that he might recover his children. He then professed to be willing to treat on his own marriage with lady Eleanor, and that of the duke of Orleans with the Princess. On our discussing the propositions made by the Emperor, I urged him to strain a point for the good of Christendom and the delivery of the Pope, that the peace of Christendom might ensue.
On Tuesday I had another conference with him and his secret Council in my Lady's bed-chamber, when we discussed the peace and marriage at great length, with which I forbear to trouble you, considering also the business I have on every side, and the numerous despatches I am obliged to send to Rome, Spain and Venice. The sum of all is, that the French king is much at your command; that he has agreed to the treaty of Madrid; and, contrary to the opinion of De Vaulx, will condescend to the conditions to be offered to the Emperor by your ambassadors in Spain, to be arranged by common consent; also that a perpetual peace shall exist, whatever be the result of the marriage, between England and France; the contrary whereof has been, in a manner, the ruin of both realms.
We proceed tomorrow to the penning of the said peace, which shall be published, I hope, on the 15th. Details the events in Italy. Francis was content, considering the great expence likely to be incurred, to put off the proposed interview; also to renounce all pretensions to Milan: which must, however, be kept silent. Amiens, Friday, 9 Aug.
P.S.—My Lady, understanding that some opposition had arisen between me and the French king's council, came suddenly to my lodging, where we were assembled; and after she was seated, enquiring the cause of obstruction, she rated the Chancellor and others soundly, telling them they had more knowledge of merchandize than of Princes' affections,—that her son desired no difficulties to be made. As she was speaking the King came in, and insisted very strongly on his desire for most intimate union with the king of England. These words were spoken with tears in his eyes, and we all greatly rejoiced. Signed.
Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. Official copy of part of the above, beginning with the words "Tuesday at afternoon" ("State Papers," I. 247), and ending with the words "tomorrow we shall proceed" (p. 250). There are several variations in this draft from the copy finally adopted. Perhaps the most important is the following:—
"And to show your Highness what I inwardly think, were it not the manifold benefits which I consider shall and is likely to ensue of this peace, as well for componing and redressing the enormities of the people and reformation of the Lutherian sect, as also many other private and particular commodities, with the restoring of the Pope's person to liberty, whereof what good effects may ensue, and what is letted and hindered thereby, your Grace, of your high wisdom, can consider; I assure your Highness I could have been content rather to have agreed to the loss of mine own hand than such conditions should be offered for a King's ransom, to the pernicious example of all other Princes being subject to such like misfortune and chance."
Pp. 7.
10 Aug.
R. O. St. P. IV. 469.
Has received his letters dated Windsor, 7 July, requesting him to arrest Sir Wm. Lisle, his son, and accomplices, who have broken the King's prison at Newcastle and fled to Scotland. The King thereupon called Angus and lord Maxwell, his wardens, and taxed them severely with receiving transgressors of his uncle's laws. Has not been able to ascertain the haunts of these rebels, but will do his utmost to apprehend them. Holyrood, 10 Aug. 1527. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
Cal. D. X. 131. B. M. 3339. [KNIGHT to WOLSEY.]
* * * "... ce the King by colour ... desist from his purposes say ... to be brought from Spain within four ... Therefore his Highness had deferred hitherto ... letters and opinion that otherwise he had made ... that your Grace received now lately out of [Spain, and] for because the weight of the said letters depended u[pon] ... conjectures of suspicion, and the Emperor's ambassa[dor had not yet] returned. He right heartily desireth your Gra[ce to consider] weale the contents of the said long letter, in which ... that the French king's affairs in the Emperor's c[ouncil] ... not without great suspicion unto the King's ambassadors, [as] ... appeareth by the commission given unto Avemaria, [and also by] certain instructions given unto Mons. de Tar[bes] ... times denied unto the King's ambassadors and at I ...; moreover the resorting of the said De Tarbyes unto [the lady] Alienora secretly and by night. But the chey[f purpose of the] writing of these is this: two Englishmen that [have lately] been at Amyas, and seen your Grace there, did come u[nto the] court yesternight, and made a relation of the day of [your] meeting with the French king, which by their say[ing] should be the third day of this month, and when t[he King] considereth your diligence that ye have used accustom[ably in all] matters, and though not of high importance, to advertise [speedily his] Highness, and now he hath received no letter by the [space of] ... days, he feareth that your letters be intercepted ... And he commanded me with all diligence to advertise you[r Grace to] the intent that if your letters have miscarried, ye [should provide] for a sure conveyance of those that shall [come hereafter]."


  • 1. This word is represented by a rude drawing of a heart.