Henry VIII: May 1521, 11-20

Pages 485-516

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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May 1521

11 May.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
Since his elevation to the throne, has always strenuously exerted himself to promote peace among Christian princes, and especially with the elect king of the Romans, to whom he is related by blood as well as by vicinity, for which reason he has forborne his claim to Naples, although it would have been easy to recover it. Nevertheless Charles has defied him, though he gave him no pretext for war. Hopes therefore the Archbishop will not take part with him. Chatillon sur Seine, 11 May 1521.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated, copy.
12 May.
Fischer, Opera,
p. 1372.
A sermon preached by Jo. Fisher, bishop of Rochester, at Paul's Cross, A.D. 1521, within the octaves of the Ascension (May 12), when Luther's books were publicly burnt. Translated into Latin by Richard Pace, with a letter prefixed by Nicholas Wilson.
In this letter (dated 1 Jan. 1521), Wilson alludes to the rapid diffusion of Lutheranism—the activity and pertinacity of its supporters—the confusion and dissensions occasioned by it. Unequal to the task alone, he says, that Luther surrounded himself with shrewd men, who were at the same time excellent scholars, but more studious of popularity than truth. His influence over them is such that when once they have adopted his teaching, they despise all others, consider themselves the exclusive possessors of sacred learning, and wrest the Scriptures to their will. "When Luther has once rendered them invincible, he teaches them to simulate constancy, frugality, labor, humility, the greatest order and zeal for propagating the glory of Christ, and equal grief and indignation against any who oppose (what they call) sound doctrine;—in short, every virtue which pertains to probity or holiness of life." He admits that Luther is a very learned man, and one who would have been the greatest ornament to the Church of Christ, if his innocence had equalled his learning. But he has now become so insanely arrogant as to claim for himself the exclusive interpretation of Scripture; taxing the fathers of the Church with blindness, inconsistency, and error. He alone is on Christ's side, and all who contradict him are heretics. The letter concludes with the praises of Pace, who is in great favor with princes, not less abroad than at home.
12 May.
Vit. B. IV. III.
B. M.
Roscoe's Leo X.
vol. II. ap. 9.
On the 12th May 1521 the Cardinal and the bishops went to St. Paul's, where they were received by the dean, Mr. Richard Pace, and the Cardinal was censed. "Which ceremonies done, there were four doctors that bare a canopy of gold over him going to the high altar, where he made his oblation." He then mounted a scaffold erected at Paul's Cross, and took his seat under a cloth of estate; the Pope's ambassador and the archbishop of Canterbury at his feet on the right side, the Imperial ambassador and the bishop of Durham on the left, the rest of the bishops on two forms "outeright forth." Fisher bishop of Rochester preached the sermon in condemnation of the errors of Luther; "and there were many burned in the said churchyard of the said Luther's books during the sermon."
12 May.
Add. MS.
15,387. f. 92.
B. M.
1275. PACE (fn. 1) to LEO X.
The Pope has laid him under such a debt of gratitude as he cannot even express. Aloysius Gibraleon, my agent at Rome, has told me how promptly your Holiness not only granted to Thos. Linacre, the King's physician, what I had asked, but also added much to lay me under still greater obligations. Can only offer his prayers for the Pope's prosperity. As to the affairs of Luther, has only proved himself a true ecclesiastic. London, 12 May 1521.
Lat., pp. 2, copy.
13 May.
R. O.
Having received from Worcester a strict injunction to make diligent inquisition for any letters prejudicial to the King, has charged his brethren to conceal nothing that might turn to the King's displeasure. Encloses all the letters that can be found. Those who know more of Nic. Hopkins than he does, have written what they know in their own hands. Asks that their proctor may return, and that Hopkins may be sent to some other place of their religion to be punished for his offences. Charterhouse, Henton, 13 May.
Hol. Signed also by Dan Hwe Lakoq, Dan Thos. Wellys, Dan Robt. Frey, Dan Anton Ynglych, Dan Thos. Fletchar, Dan Wm. Stokes, Dan Nic. Lychefeld, Dan John Hartwell. One or more signatures cut off.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
R. O. 1277. NICHOLAS HOPKINS, Vicar of the Charterhouse, Henton, to the DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM.
In behalf of a poor child of 14 years of age in their house, who is virtuously disposed, intending to be of our holy religion, when Almighty God send time lawful. Asks Buckingham to "find him to his grammar till he be full 20 year." Charterhouse, Henton.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. Another address on the dorse to the Lord Chamberlain.
14 May.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
Was told by the Admiral, two days ago, they had word from their ambassador in Almayne that the Emperor himself made him answer touching the articles delivered by his ambassador, which Francis sent to England, and by which he considers the peace to be broken. The Emperor said he ordered his ambassador to deliver those articles, but did not mean them in the sense in which they were taken. The French ambassador had desired a safeconduct to return, but Chievres had persuaded him to remain till the Diet was over, which is concluded before now. The master of the Rolls had returned, and their ambassador and [he] had conversed together, but of what matter he did not say. The Electors have promised to aid the Emperor with 24,000 foot, and I cannot remember how many horse; but the Admiral laughed at this promise, and said it would be a long time before the variances in Almain were appeased. Francis had heard from Rome that the King would take part against the French, but had written to the Pope not to believe it, as he was sure of the King, of which he said the Pope was very glad. He told me also that he had 8,000 lanceknights at Langres, and would soon have 6,000 Swiss. He will be ready for battle in two or three weeks. The 6,000 adventurers are on their way to De la Marche's country. It is said here that the French king and the Swiss have made a new league, as strong as can be. Neither the King nor the Admiral have spoken of it, but I believe it to be true.
Wishes for news from England, as the King often asks for it, "and if it were not that I can some skill in hunting, whereunto he hath a great appetite, and by reason thereof I come n[ear him], I should know little or nothing; and in like wise in hawking, to the Admiral." La Batye is going to England, but waits for Jerningham's arrival. They will not be quiet in their minds till they know what tidings he brings. It is said the King will raise the sieges of Robt. de la Marche's places, and that men are assembled on the frontier of Navarre. Hears for certain that Francis is making a great army on the sea, and La Artege, Praye John's nephew, will be despatched in two days to equip the great ships. They are nearly ready, and I know several who are appointed captains. The towns in Picardy are still fortified, and men-at-arms and footmen lie on the frontier from Savoy to Bulleyn. The duke of Savoy has taken P ... Moret, who was in England, as a hostage; some say, because of a variance betwixt him and another gentlem[an of] Pymont; others, to displease the French king, who is very angry at it. Bartholomew Salveat sent me two letters, one for the Admiral, the other from you to the Great Master. Delivered them, and spoke as well as I could to advance the cause, but could only get the same answer as before, but that I should have an answer at Degion, when the generals were come from ... I then gave Francis the letter from his ambassador, and after reading it he said I should have an answer at Degion. I said I marvelled there should be so much "sticking," for I only demanded what he had promised by a letter signed with his own hand, in which he said there should be no "sticking" in the payment. The ratification was only desired because the days were so long, and the obligation "changed no purpose." He said the matter touched his generals, and I should be answered when they returned; and so went from me; "but I shall stick better to him at Degion, an I have no better answer there."
"Salveat goeth still with Semblaunce to solicit the matter unto him, and cometh with him to Degion." Francis will keep Whitsuntide there, where the generals will meet him. The cause of their absence is that they have been to Lyons to get as much money ready as they could. It is reported that Loyne, one of De la Marche's places, is won, and all the garrison hanged. They expect Messancourt will not hold out long. Chatillion, 14 May. Signed.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.
14 May.
Wilkins' Con-
cilia, III. 690.
Strype's Mem.
I. Ap. 9.
Commanding him to search for all books, pamphlets, and papers composed or edited by Martin Luther, and transmit them to Wolsey within fifteen days after the date of this admonition. My house at Westminster, 14 May 1521.
To this mandate is appended a list of the errors of Martin Luther, to the number of forty-two.
15 May.
R. O.
Sends a bill "of the saying of a priest and of a woman, which toucheth to the King's grace." They are both in ward. Douneley, 15 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.
15 May.
R. O.
Has received his letter by Sir Richard Wingfield, and has heard his message touching his charge to her nephew the Emperor. Thanks him for communicating so privately matters of such importance between her nephew and himself. Hopes Charles will be ready to comply with the charge of the ambassador, who leaves tomorrow. Brussels, 15 May. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
15 May.
R. O.
Hearing from your ambassador that a courier was leaving Rome this evening, I could not let him go without a letter, although there is no news besides what I wrote the other day. Am sorry to hear of your illness. Spoke about the see of Worcester in my previous letters. My necessity has perhaps made me importunate, as your kindness has made me ashamed. Rome, 15 May 1521. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
Calig. D. VIII.
5. B. M.
After delivering their credentials, Jerningham shall thank the King for his manifold demonstrations of friendly kindness, of which Henry has been informed by his ambassadors resident in France, and by letters sent from Fitzwilliam. As Francis has often spoken honorable and loving words of Henry, they shall declare, in the best words they can, the correspondence of his determinate stedfastness, and his resolution to live in perfect amity; and that he could not be satisfied without sending one of his familiar councillors to make perfect report of his brother's prosperity. At this point the ambassadors shall pause, and note what answer Francis makes; and "after some interlacing of loving communications and pleasant devices," Jerningham shall thank the King for the audience lately given to Fitzwilliam, and for his courteous answers concerning Scotch affairs, the Emperor's complaints, and the reports that Henry had promised to assist the Emperor against France, and had agreed to a new interview, and that Don John Manuel had asked for a dispensation for the Emperor to marry the Portuguese princess, saying he could have Henry's daughter if he wished. As such sinister practices are devised to break their friendship, he has sent his ambassador to show the plainness of his mind, and to desire him never to believe such reports before he hears the King's own declaration. The bruits contrived in Almain, touching the aid to be given to the Emperor, and the interview, are wholly untrue; for Henry has caused the master of the Rolls, his ambassador, to advise the Emperor to abstain from all enterprises against France "which may in any wise sound to invasion," telling him that he is bound by treaty to assist France in such a case. Touching the meeting, an overture had been made to that effect by the Emperor's ambassador in England, but was not listeued to by Henry for fear of creating suspicion and jealousy in France. If he had intended any such thing, his ambassador would have remained there instead of being recalled. The King is very much surprised that the dispensation mentioned had been requested, as he has always begged the Emperor to keep all his promises to the French king. It is true that the Emperor made an offer for the English princess at Calais, and again since that time, but Henry would never listen to it. The King has seen the articles sent by the French king to the Emperor, and his answers. Most of them, he thinks, are reasonable, but the resolution on the last article touching rupture of amity between them is very hard; for, though the article of the Emperor is "too large in surmising a rupture" by the attemptats of Robert de la Marche and others, made without the consent of Francis, yet, as the article is conditional, and De la Marche has withdrawn his army, there is no real cause of rupture, except the Emperor's words, spoken conditionally. The ambassadors are accordingly to dissuade Francis from invading the Emperor on such small occasion, remembering the damage that will arise to Christendom by such war. As the matters are not great, Henry offers to mediate in all the controversies touching the recognition of homage, the superiority of the county of Flanders, the affair of Naples, and all other variances in the said articles and answer, a copy of which the ambassadors shall take with them, and he will have as much regard to his brother's honor and surety as he would to his own. The causes which move the King to offer himself as mediator are, his desire for the peace of Christendom, and his knowledge that he will be forced to take part in the quarrel, though much against his wish, both being his friends. He had rather spend all his substance, and suffer great penance, than see such a war commenced; and, considering the many evils that must arise from it, and the uncertainty of its duration and issue, he advises both princes to lean to the ways of peace and allow him to mediate. Sir Richard Wingfield has been sent for the same purpose to the Emperor.
The King has heard from the Emperor's ambassador here that a diet is agreed upon between the French and Imperial ambassadors, and he has been told by Fitzwilliam of the overtures made by Don Provost for a like diet, and for sending Robertet to meet one of the Emperor's council, promising that reasonable answers shall be given for the marriage with France, the payment of the Neapolitan pension, compensation to be made to the young king of Navarre, and also for a meeting between the Emperor and Francis in the French county of Bourgoyne, with the answer of Francis, that if he should "fall to treaty" in this matter, he should prefer Henry's mediation to any diet. Upon this answer they can "ground themselves to cause him to compromitt" the matters in variance to Henry, and must do all they can to bring this about. As to the request of Francis that Henry would prorogue the truce with Scotland till the reast of St. Andrew, they are to remind him of the many injuries done by the Scots, mentioned in former instructions to Fitzwilliam, "and to aggravate the same in their best manner." He intended to make instant war upon them, but at Francis's request will condescend to a prorogation of the truce, hoping he will cause them to keep their promises better, and to send ambassadors to Henry in the meantime; but he trusts that if they continue in their perverse purpose he will assist in "repressing their temerities."
They are to notify Sir Richard Wingfield, the King's ambassador with the Emperor, how Francis receives the proposition for the King's mediation, desiring him likewise to inform them what progress he makes in the affairs committed to his charge.
If the French king say that besides the overture made by the Emperor in the said articles he has actually invaded Artois and Picardy, they shall say that the Emperor's fo[rces] have very ill demeaned themselves, that the King is much displeased at it, and that if they had laid siege to any castles or towns the King would have made such declaration to the Emperor as he was bound to do by treaty; but as they have done nothing beyond taking prisoners, the attempt may be regarded as an "excorse, like as it is often times seen upon frontiers," for which redress may be demanded. Signed by the King at head and foot.
Pp. 7, mutilated.
R. O. 2. Draft of the same, with the exception of the last paragraph. Corrected by Ruthal.
Pp. 18.
R. O. 3. Draft of the last paragraph. In Ruthal's hand.
P. 1.
R. O. . _ to WOLSEY.
As Wolsey told him at the More to do all he could to bring to light Chas. Knyvet's affair, has talked with him several times. Finds that he remains in his first mind, and says that he was put away for disclosing certain matters to Mr. Lark, to be showed to Wolsey. Told him he was surprised Knyvet did not complain to Mr. Lark, as it might induce Wolsey "to be his better good lord." He said Wolsey knew something of it already, and had last term sent word to the Duke by his chancellor, "to have himself in awaite;" and though the Duke was accustomed to rail against Wolsey, he would be careful how he used himself towards the King. Knyvet desired to enter the King's service, and if once sworn and admitted would speak boldly; "and further he said, Then woll I speak by Saint Mary, for it toucheth the King in deed. And so, if it please your grace, of likelihood some great matter there is, or else is Charles a marvellous simple insolent body."
The late King would have handled such a cause circumspectly, and have discovered the truth without disclosing his suspicions, as he did in the case of Sir Wm. Stanley and others, whose treason he knew two or three years before he charged them with it. Advises Wolsey to send for Knyvet, and to say that he wonders he has left the Duke, considering the service he has done him, and how near he is of his blood; and, that he has heard from servants whom the Duke has put away, that "in his fumes and displeasures" he often rails against the King and the Cardinal, charging Knyvet on his allegiance to say what he knows, as he has been so secret with him, and assuring him protection against anything the Duke may do. "And yet if he color or stick," then to show displeasure at his concealing what he has already told others, and reciting the writer's statement at More, which he will justify, if necessary.
A bill of articles came last term into his hands concerning the obligations in which Sir Nic. Vaux bound himself to the late King when appointed to the office of Guisnes, which writings and indentures the writer made by the King's orders. Sends them that Wolsey may examine whether Vaux has performed them. May perhaps find the true copies of the indentures and like writings touching lord Mountjoy for the office of Hammes.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
13 May.
R. O. (fn. 2)
i. Commission appointing Thos. duke of Norfolk lord High Steward for the trial, dated 10 May 13 Hen. VIII. A copy of this commission, in a mutilated condition, is found on Pat. Roll 13 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27d.
ii. Indictment found in London at the Guildhall, Wednesday, 8 May 13 Hen. VIII., before Sir John Brugge, lord mayor, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Humph. Coningsby, Sir John More, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Thos. Lovell, Sir Hen. Marney, Sir Thos. Boleyn, Sir Wistan Browne, Sir Nich. Vaux, Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir John Daunce, and Will. Shelley, by special commission of Oyer and Terminer, dated 2 May 13 Hen VIII., viz., that Edward duke of Buckingham, late of Thornbury, Glouc., intending to exalt himself to the crown, did, 10 March 2 Hen. VIII., at London, and also at Thornbury, imagine and compass the deposition and death of the King; that on the 24 April 4 Hen. VIII. he sent John Delacourt, then his chaplain, from Thornbury to Henton, Somers., to Nicholas Hopkins, a monk of the Carthusian priory there, who pretended to have knowledge of future events, and having made Delacourt take an oath not to reveal what he should say, he bid him inform the Duke that he should have all, and that he should endeavor to obtain the love of the community. Being asked how he knew this, he replied, by the grace of God. Delacourt reported this the same day to the Duke at Thornbury, who commanded him to keep it secret. On the 22 July 4 Hen. VIII. the Duke sent letters by Delacourt to Hopkins, who repeated that the Duke should have all; and this was related to the Duke by Delacourt at Thornbury on the 23rd. On the King's passage to France, 26 April 5 Hen. VIII., the Duke again sent letters to Father Nicholas from Thornbury, desiring to know what would be the event of the war, and whether James of Scotland would enter England. To monk replied, among other things, that the King would have no issue male of his body. On the 20 Feb. 6 (fn. 3) Hen. VIII. the Dukes said to Ralph Nevell earl of Westmoreland, "There be two new Dukes created in England, but that if anything but good should happen to the King, he, the duke of Buckingham, was next in succession to the crown of England."
On the 16 April 6 Hen. VIII. the Duke went in person to the priory of Henton, and put various treasonable questions to Father Nicholas, who told him he should be king of England. To which the Duke answered, that in that case he would be a just Prince. Father Nicholas then said he knew it by revelation, and advised the Duke to obtain the love of the community. The Duke on this gave, then and there, to the priory, an annuity of 6l. for a tun of wine, and 20l. for the carriage of water to the priory, of which he traitorously then and there paid 10l., and to Father Nicholas 3l., at another time 40s., at another time 1 mark, and at another time 6s. 8d.
On the 20 March 10 Hen. VIII. the Duke again visited Father Nicholas at the priory, who again told him he should be King; and the Duke told him he had done well in warning Delacourt to keep it secret under seal of confession, saying that if the King knew of it, he should be altogether destroyed.
On the 20 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII., and at other times before and since, the Duke sent Robt. Gilbert, clerk, then his chancellor, from Thornbury to London, to buy cloth of gold and silver and silks, each time to the value of 300 marks, intending to give them to the knights and gentlemen of the King's guard to procure adherents; by reason of which Gilbert, on the 26 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII. and at other times, bought at London cloth of gold and silver and silks to that value, and brought them to the Duke at Thornbury on the 4 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII. and at other times; which cloths the Duke at Thornbury, on the 20 Jan. 7 Hen. VIII. and at other times, distributed to various subjects of the King to fulfil his treasonable purpose.
On the 10 July 10 Hen. VIII., and at other times before and since, the Duke constituted special officers in his lands, more than he had formerly employed, with a view to their assisting him in his treason.
On the 10 May 9 Hen. VIII., and at other times, he sent Gilbert from Thornbury to the King and Council at London and East Greenwich, to obtain a licence to retain certain subjects of the King dwelling in the counties of Hereford, Gloucester and Somerset, and to carry arms and habiliments of war at his pleasure into Wales, with a view of fortifying himself against the King. On the 20 May 9 Hen. VIII. and at other times Gilbert made suit to this effect before the King.
On the 20 July 9 Hen. VIII. the Duke sent Gilbert from Thornbury to Father Nicholas at Henton, to request him to send the Duke word of what he should hear about the said Duke. Father Nicholas sent word in answer, that before Christmas following there should be a change, and the Duke should have the rule of all England.
On the 20 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII., the Duke at Blechynglegh, Surr., feloniously said to Gilbert, that he would wait for a more convenient time to execute his treason, and that it could be well done if the lords of the kingdom would show their minds to each other, but some of them were afraid to do so. He also said that all that the father of this King had done, he had done wrongfully, and that the Duke always murmured at everything the present King did. The Duke said also that he was so great a sinner he was sure he had not the grace of God, and that therefore he should be punished whenever he attempted anything against the King.
Further, on the 20 Sept. 1 Hen. VIII. the Duke said to Gilbert that he had a writing sealed with the great seal, containing an act of parliament, by which it was enacted that the duke of Somerset, one of the King's ancestors, was legitimate, and that he once intended to deliver that writing to Henry VIII., but he said to Gilbert he would not have done so for 10,000l.
On the 4 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII., the Duke said to one Chas. Knyvett, esq., at East Greenwich, that when the King reproved the said Duke for retaining Sir Wm. Bulmer in his service, he thought he should have been committed to the Tower of London; and he said that, if he had perceived it was to be so, the principal actors therein should have little joy of it, for he would have done what his father intended to do to Richard III. at Salisbury, when he made suit to come to the King's presence, having upon him secretly a knife, so that when kneeling before the King he would have risen suddenly and stabbed him. In saying this, the Duke put his hand treasonably upon his dagger, and said that if he were so ill treated he would do his best to execute his purpose. This he swore by the blood of our Lord.
On the 10 May 12 Hen. VIII. the Duke, at the Red Rose, in the parish of St. Laurence, Poulteney, in the ward of Candlewick Street, London, treasonably asked Knyvet what was the general talk in London, and what they said of the King's voyage beyond sea. Knyvet said that many men had fears about that voyage, that the French intended some deceit. The Duke said it was very probable that it would happen according to the words of a holy monk, "because there is a certain holy monk in a certain Charterhouse, who divers times sent to me that I should send him my chancellor, and I sent him John Delacourt; which said monk would relate nothing to John Delacourt until the said John Delacourt was sworn that he would keep everything secret. And then the said John Delacourt was sworn to him, that he would show nothing of the said monk's sayings, except only to me the said Duke; and then the said monk told the said John Delacourt that he had knowledge by the power of Almighty God that neither the King nor his heirs should prosper, and that I the same Duke should endeavor to the best of my power to obtain the love of the community of England, because I the same Duke and my blood should prosper and have the rule of England." Knyvett said the monk might be deluded by the devil, and that it was evil to meddle with such things. The Duke said it could not do him harm, and feloniously rejoiced in the words of the monk; adding, that if it had happened well (i.e., for Buckingham) with the King when he was last sick, the Duke would have cut off the heads of my lord Cardinal, Sir Thos. Lovell and others; also that he would rather die than be ordered as he was.
On the 10 Sept. 11 Hen. VIII. the Duke, walking in his gallery at Blechynglegh with Sir Geo. Nevile, lord Burgavenny, murmured against the King's councillors, and said that if the King should die, he meant to have the rule in England, whoever would say the contrary; and that if Lord Burgavenny said that he had said so, the Duke would fight with him in that quarrel, and strike him on the head with his sword. This he affirmed with great oaths.
iii. Similar indictment found at East Greenwich in Kent, Monday, 6 May 13 Hen. VIII., before Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More, Sir Thos. Lovell, Sir Hen. Marney, Sir Thos. Boleyn, Sir Nich. Vaux, Sir Wistan Browne, Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Hen. Guildford and Sir John Daunce. The jury were, Sir Thos. Cheyney, Sir John Norton, Sir John Fogge, Sir John Wyllshire, Sir Ric. Walden, Sir John Scott; Edw. Boughton, Thos. Turbervyle, John Moyle, Thos. Sybyll, John Lovelasse, John Shelley, Thos. Judd, Thos. Ferraby, esqs.; Edw. Cobham, John Mayny, Nich. Sibyll and William Harman.
iv. Similar indictment found at Southwark in Surrey, before Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More, Sir Thos. Lovell, Sir Hen. Marney, Sir Thos. Bulleyn, Sir Nich. Vaux, Sir Wistan Brown, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Hen. Guildford and Sir John Marney, on Tuesday, 7th May 13 Hen. VIII. The jury were, Sir David Owen, Sir Hen. Wyat, Sir Nic. Carewe, Sir Matthew Brown, Sir John Legh, Sir John Gaynsford, Sir Edm. Bray, Sir Robt. Joyns, Sir Edm. Walsingham, Sir John Baker; John Gaynsford, of Blockfeld, Robt. Wintershull, Robt. Gaynsford, Nic. Lye, Thos. Heron, esqs.; Henry Burton, Hugh Warham and Ralph Vine.
v. Similar indictment found at Bedmyster, near Bristol in Somersetshire, before Sir Ric. Elliott, Sir Lewis Pollard, Sir Wm. Compton and Sir Wm. Kingston, on Monday, the Feast of St. John Port-Latin, 13 Hen. VIII. The jury were, Sir Wm. Courtney, Sir Nic. Wadham, Sir Giles Strangways, Sir John Rodney, Sir Edw. Gorges, Sir Walter Rodney; Geo. Speke, John Sydenham, John Horsey, senr., Hen. Seward, esqs.; Hen. Thornton, John Byrt, Thos. Gold, Wm. Enderby, John Arter of Clopton, John Kenne, Ric. Aysshe, Roger Bythemore and Jas. Percyvale.
vi. Similar indictment found at Bristol Castle in Gloucestershire, before Sir Ric. Eliot, Sir Lewis Pollard, Sir Wm. Compton and Sir Wm. Kingston, on Tuesday before Ascension day, 13 Hen. VIII. The jury were, Sir John Hungerford, Sir Anth. Poyntz, Sir Thos. Berkeley, Sir Alex. Baynham, Sir Christ. Baynham, Sir John Brigges, Sir Edw. Wadham, Thos. Poyntz, Nic. Wykes, Wm. Throkmerton, John Gyes, Thos. Tame, Edw. Mill, Leonard Pole, esqs.; Edw. Skydmore, John Palmer, Wm. Pole, John Huntley, Wm. Werall, and Ralph Butler.
vii. Writs, &c. connected with the above indictments.
viii. Writ of Thos. duke of Norfolk as lord high steward, to William Wentworth, the King's serjeant-at-arms, to summon the Peers to Westminster for the trial on Monday after Ascension day. Westm., 10 May 13 Hen. VIII.
ix. Panel of the names of the Peers; viz. Charles duke of Suffolk, Thos. marquis of Dorset, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Ric. earl of Kent, Thos. earl of Derby, Hen. earl of Devonshire, Chas. earl of Worcester, Thos. Doewra, prior of St. John's, Thos. Maners lord Rosse, Will. lord Willoughby, Thos. West lord Delawarr, Henry Parker lord Morley, Thos. Fynys lord Dacre, Walter Deverers lord Ferrers, Thos. Broke lord Cobham, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, William Blount lord Mountjoy. Against each of these names is added, in Norfolk's handwriting, "Dicit quod est culpabilis."
Harl. MS.
283. f. 72.
B. M.
2. Summary of the depositions against the duke of Buckingham.
(1.) That he had said if other than well happened to the King, he was next to the crown, and should be King. (2.) A monk of the Charterhouse sent him word to get the favor of the commons, and he should have rule of all; whereupon the Duke sent Delacourt, his chaplain, to the monk to know his mind. (fn. 4) (3.) He said, when the King was last sick, that if it had hap- pened well he would have chopped off my Lord Cardinal's and Sir Thos. Lovell's heads. (fn. 5) (4.) If he had had an opportunity, he would have done as much against the King as he could. * (5.) He said he had been such a sinner, he lacked grace, and should speed the worse when he attempted anything against the King, so that he would wait his time. (6.) He had endeavoured to gain the favor of the King's guard, and make officers in his lands for the purpose of retaining men, and had bought cloth of gold and silks, and given them away to win favor. (7.) He had said that if committed to the Tower, when in disgrace about Sir Wm. Bowmere (Bulmer), a friend of his had promised to rescue him with 10,000 men within four days. (8.) That he wished the nobles would break their minds, for few of them were contented, they were so unkindly handled. (9.) The monk told the Duke he should be King; on which the Duke said he would be a righteous prince if it came to pass. (10.) The monk told the Duke another time, that he knew by revelation he would be King, and advised him to get the love of the commons. (11.) The monk confessed he had such familiarity with the Duke that the latter gave the monastery 6l. a year for one tun, and 20l. for conveyance of water, of which he paid 10l.
Pp. 2. Endd.
Harl. MS.
283, f. 70.
B. M.
3. "Confession and deposition of the Duke's Chancellor."
(1.) He heard the Duke say he had a writing sealed with the King's broad seal, confessing the Act of Parliament by which it was enacted that the duke of Somerset, one of the King's ancestors, was made mulier or legitimate; and the Duke said he intended to have given this writing to the King's father, but he would not he had so done for 10,000l. (2.) He heard the Duke say several times, "that my lord Cardinal was one [id]olater, taking counsel of a spirit how he might contin[ue to have th]e King's favor, and that he was the King's bawd, showing him [what w]omen were most wholesome, and best of complexion;" that his life was so abominable that God would not allow it to continue; and that he was so sore against the nobles, that they would be all "in his top," if the King were displeased with him. (3.) He heard the Duke say he had done as good service as any man, and was not rewarded; that the King gave fees and offices to boys, rather than to noblemen; and that he trusted to see the time when Sir Wm. Compton would be glad to give him back the land he sold him. (4.) The Duke has always endeavored to gain the favor of the King's guard, and has often rejoiced to think himself sure of it. Of late he has made many particular officers in his lands for the purpose of retaining men. (5.) The Duke has often caused cloth of gold and silks to be provided for him, to the value of 300 or 400 marks, and given it away, within a quarter of a year, to gentlemen, to get their love. (6.) Lately he gave a doublet of cloth of silver to Sir Edw. Nevell, and boasted to my lord of Bergevenny that he had got Sir Edward's good will, which he was sure my lord of Bergevenny could not take from him. (7.) He had heard the Duke grudge that the earl of Warwick [was put] to death, and say that God would punish it, by not suffering the King's issue to prosper, as appeared by the death of his son; and that his daughters prosper not, and that he had no issue male. The Duke said he would wait for a more convenient time, and that it would be well enough if the nobles durst break their mind together, for few of them were contented, they were so unkindly handled, but they were afraid to speak.* (8.) If the Duke could have had an opportunity, and secured a strong enough party, he would have done all he could against the King; for he said that all the King's father did was wrong, and that he had always been dissatisfied with everything the King had done.* (9.) The Duke said he had been such a sinner he was sure he lacked grace, and should therefore speed the worse when he began to do anything against the King, so that he would wait for an opportunity. (fn. 6)
Pp. 2, slightly mutilated.
R. O. 4. On the 26th Oct. 12 Hen. VIII. the duke of Buckingham, being at his manor of Thornebury, ordered his council to meet him after dinner with certain instructions and remembrances concerning his lands in his circuits, general and particular. The following were present:—Master Thos. Wotton, dean of his chapel; Mr. George Poley, his almoner; Dr. Jenyns, his surveyor particular; Thos. Moscroff, his counsellor in physic; Mr. John Delacourt, his chaplain; and Thos. Cade, clerk, his receiver-general. When they had sat down, he said, "I commanded you to bring your books with you;" which they replied they had done. He then said, "I intended not to busy you, or to trouble myself with any such matter at this time, but to commune with you, and to show you my mind otherwise. And then he said, Ye see I wear a beard, whereof peradventure ye do marvel; but marvel not of it, for I make a vow unto God that it shall never be shaven unto such time as I have been at Jerusalem; and if I may obtain the King's licence to perform my promise and advow, it were more to my comfort than if his grace would give me 10,000l.; yea, more glad than if his grace would give 10,000l. land to me and to mine heirs. At which time he said also, As to you, Mr. Poley, and Mr. Dalacowrt, and Sir William Curteys, master of my works (not then present), ye have promised me to go with me in my journey; and as to my Chancellor, you, my Dean, my Receiver and Surveyor, I must put you in trust in mine absence, to order my causes here in England; and such promotions as shall happen to fall of my gift, time of mine absence, ye shall have amongst you. Howbeit I suppose I cannot take my journey this two years, though I could obtain the King's licence right shortly."
At another time, about Michaelmas in the same year, he said to his council, that he must go to Wales to order his lordships there, and administer justice; that he had obtained the King's licence; but that he need not have made suit, as he was only going to his own lordships within the King's realm, and had already debated the matter in his council, and it was known in the Court, before the coming of his councillors, whom he sent to ask the King's leave; "and said that he knew not whom he should mistrust to have disclosed that, except only his said receiver, for that he was nigh unto Sir Wm. Compton, which had rule about Burforde," where the receiver is vicar. He, however, answered that he had never in his life spoken to Sir Wm. Compton.
P. 1.
Cott. App.
XLVIII. 109.
B. M.
5. "Ans[wers made by me, the du]ke of Bukyngham, before Sir Thomas Lovell, knt., one of the King's most honorable Council, touching such words as was between me and my ghostly father called Jh[on], vicar general of Henton."
The summer before the King went to Calais, received a letter from the vicar, desiring to see him, as he had a secret to communicate, which he would show to none of the Duke's chaplains. Wrote a letter in return, begging him to write it to Dalacourt. On visiting the vicar in shrift, they had some conversation about the King's going to France, and what issue he had.
Fragment, mutilated, pp. 2.
Accounts of William Cholmeley, cofferer of the duke of Buckingham, 24 Hen. VII., from Tuesday 8 Feb. [23 Hen. VII.] to Sunday 24 Sept., both days included.
8 Feb., to the earl of Oxford's minstrels at London, 20d. 9th, waits of Warwick at London, 2s. 10th, to Humph. Bannastere, treasurer of the Duke's household, 27l. 10s. 14th, two children of Sir Thomas Brandon, who had come to play before the Duke, 1s. 15th, to Hen. Glasebury and the King's minstrels, 20s.; the waits of London, 6s. 8d. By Ambrose Skelton, for an oblation on Candlemas Day in the King's chapel, 20d. To my Lord's idiot, at Thornbury, 20d. 19th, to the keeper of the bishop of York's place, Battersea, by the hands of John Gregory, 8d. 25th, to the keeper of the bishop of Worcester's place, besides Strounde, 6s. 8d. Various sums to Bannaster for the household, and to John Golde for the wardrobe.
Sunday, 5 March, to my Lord in gold, 94l. 10s. To John Broune, steward of the guild of St. John Evangelist, Ludlow, my Lady's grace being made a sister there, 7s. 4d. To one Morgan, of London, a scrivener, clerk of the Staple at Westminster, for an indenture of pheasants, &c., 9s. 9d. 11th, to Master Hervy, my Lord's councillor, 6s. 8d. To Master Henry Hawte, physician, of Bristowe, going to Thornbury, 10s. 16th, to Arthur Gee, of Bristowe, goldsmith, mending my Lord's plate. 20th, to Lawrence Stubbes, for a sermon, 6s. 8d. 24th, to a servant of John Saymer's, bringing letters, 3s. 4d. 26th, to John Spanyerd, of North Pederton, for two live foxes, 2s. To the vicar of All Hallows', Bristowe, for a sermon before the Duke, 6s. 8d. Payments for repairs at Thornbury and for the household. Rewards to the Duke's servants, of whom a list is given, beginning with Eliz. Knyvet and Agnes Leuknor; total, 32. 29th, the Duke's oblation in the monastery of Kaynsham, 3s. 4d. To a pursuivant, bringing letters to my lady Anne, 6s. 8d. To Dr. Mandevile, for a sermon before the Duke, the first Sunday of Clean Lent, 6s. 8d. Accounts of money received.
Sunday, 2 April, to the vicar of Christchurch in Wales, for a sermon, 10s. 6th, oblation in the monastery of St. Austin's, Bristowe, "to Our Lady, in one crusady," 4s. 6d. 9th, to Doctor Stephins, prior of Austin Friars, Bristowe, for a sermon, 6s. 8d. 11th, to Master Bartlet, of Oxford, physician, for journeys and medicines, 66s. 8d. To one Haly, of Oxford, poet, 13s. 4d. [15th], to the keeper of Master Hungerford's place beside the Charterhouse of Henton, showing the Duke the place, and two chantry priests, 3s. 4d. 16th, to Dr. Herpour, for a sermon, 13s. 4d. 18th, to Henry Hawte, physician, 6s. 8d. 19th, to two clerks of Master Bowring, 20d. Oblation in the parish church on the 18th, 20d. 21st. Good Friday, my Lord's, my Lady's, my lady Elizabeth's, and my lord Edward Grey's oblation to the Cross, 7s. To Ric. Rowse, of Bristowe, barber, for shaving my Lord, 3s. 4d. 22nd, for lord Edward Grey, Thomas Goor and Edmund Clayton, taking the holy sacrament, 14d. For my Lady's oblation, taking her rights, 3s. 4d. To the vicar of Marshfelde, for a sermon, 6s. 8d. 23rd, for my Lord's, my Lady's and my lord Edward Grey's oblation at Resurrection, 6s. 9d. His oblation taking his rights at first mass, and oblation at high mass, 6s. 8d. 24th, to John Hill, of Bristowe, upon lading ale and wine, 10s. 28th, to Thomas Hall, my lord's barber, 6s. 8d. To two physicians at Bristol, visiting my lady Anne, my Lord's sister, being sick, 13s. 4d. 29th, the keeper of the Bishop's palace at Wells, 20d. Oblation to Joseph of Arimathea, at Glastonbury, 6s. 8d. 30th, to an idiot of the abbey of Glastonbury, 20d. Oblation at the high mass there, 6s. 8d. To the holy relics there, 3s. 4d.
1st May, to a servant of the abbot of Glastonbury, whose bow Shurley broke, 6s. 8d. My Lord's oblation to Joseph of Arimathea, 3s. 4d. 2nd, to a man of Chewton under Mendip, showing two great horses, 20d. To a French poet of the abbot of Glastonbury, 3s. 4d. To a harper of the same, 3s. 4d. 5th, to a cordyner of Chepstow, bringing a brace of grey- hounds from Usk, the gift of William Phelippes, 20d. 6th, to a scholar of Oxford, bringing letters thence, 3s. 4d. To John Lawrence, taboret, 6s. 8d. 9th, my Lord's, my Lady's, and my young Lady's oblation to St. Anne in the Wood, 7s. 4d. To a servant of the Prior of the Charterhouse at Henton, called Hoxton, 1s. 15th, to Christopher Thunstal, chaplain, travelling with my Lord, 5s. 2d. 18th, to Henry Dunstan, "fedeler," for the fashion of his "color," for making and lining his gown, &c., discharged from service, 34s. 11d. To a minstrel of lord Saintmount (St. Amand), 5s. 20th, to an "arasman" of the abbot of Glastonbury, 3s. 4d. Three maidens of Kainsham, bringing hawthorns to my Lord's grace, being in his orchard, 8d. Oblation to my Lady of Chewe, on the 17th, 20d. To William Esgate, playing a harp, 1s. 22nd, to a child of the kitchen, being "kanwased" before my Lord, 8d. 24th, to a Grey Friar, for his exhibition at Oxford, 8d. 27th, to Esgate, for harping, 4d. To the makers of his butts, 1s. To one Nash, of Bristowe, bowyer, for picking bows, &c., 1s.
1st June, oblation in the monastery of Kainsham, 3s. 4d. 4th, to Esgate the harper, 4d. 7th, to a servant of the prior of Bath, presenting a cast of "lanards," 3s. 4d. 22nd, to Thomas Brian, yeoman of my Lord's chariot, 40s. To a Welsh harper at St. Anne's, 1s. 30th, to a barber of London, for shaving my Lord, 20d. In reward to certain wives offering my Lord ale by the way, when he took his departure, 2s.
Sunday, 2nd July, to two minstrels of the earl of Arundel's, 5s. 3rd, to a servant presenting the Duke with a glass of salad oil, 1s. To Master Grevill, serjeant-at-law, 6l. 13s. 4d.; to John Broke, 4l.; and to Thomas Sepham, 40s., being at the sessions at Brecknock. 7th, to Sir Thomas Lovell, for vaulting the choir of the collegiate church of Windsor, 20l. For silks, 106s. 2d. To my lady Anne, 20l. 4th, two of the Prince's minstrels, 5s. 5th, to the vicars (sic) of St. Stephen's, Westminster, for my Lord drinking there, 20d. To Master Lewis, of Greenwich, my Lord drinking and apparelling there, 3s. 4d. Oblation at St. Edward's, Westminster, 3s. 4d. To the keeper of the King's new chapel there, 8d. Two servants of the abbot of Westminster, presenting my Lord with bread, ale and wine in the field there, 1s. Oblation to Our Lady of Pewe, Westminster, 3s. 4d. 6th, to a Fleming of Westminster, bringing certain images and showing them to my Lord, 1s. To a servant of the bishop of Norwich, bringing a dish of cherries, 3s. 4d. 11th, to a barber of the King's secretary, shaving my Lord at Richmond on the 8th, 20d. To the wife of Perus, barber of Richmond, my Lord's grace drinking there on Sunday last, 3s. 4d. To one of the clerks of the King's signet, for a copy of a letter, 2s. To three minstrels of lord Dacre's, 2s. To a Lombard, showing game with two young beyres (or beyces ?), 1s. 15th, to the lady Anne Stafford, parcel of her jointure, 8l. 19th, to the King's minstrels, 10s. 21st, to William Burrugh, bringing two minstrels, Hance and Mathias Rosoner, 5s. 22nd, to a barber of London, shaving my Lord and washing his head, 2s. 25th, to Master Moore, serjeant-at-law, attending my Lord's business, 40s. To his clerk, 1s. To two men wrestling at Richmond before him, 8d. To the children of the King's kitchen, 4d. Oblation to Our Lady of Barking, 20d.; to the Holy Rood, Greenwich, 4d.
2nd August, to Richard Broke, prentice at law, 20s. Various rewards to the household. 27th, to the keeper of "my Lady the Kinges moder garderobes," 6s. 8d. To certain brewers of my lord of Canterbury, 8d.
20th September, to James Meyde, falconer, for luring my Lord's "lanards," 6s. 8d. 21st, to one presenting him with a quick hart, 20d.
Pp. 42, each signed at the top and bottom by the duke of Buckingham. The account also specifies Cholmeley's receipts.
R. O. 2. A leaf, found apart, and containing a portion of the same account:—
In reward to Mr. Audeley, at Thornby, 40s. Tuesday, 24th (25th ?) Jan., to Humfrey Bannaster, treasurer, for household expenses, 42l. 10s. 7d. To Mr. John Golde, for the wardrobes, 4l. Sunday, 30th, my Lord's oblation to the Child of Grace at the monastery at Reading, 3s. 4d. Monday, 31st, to the King's falconers, showing my Lord game with their hawks, between Colbroke and Houndeslowe, 6s. 8d. To the King's footmen who met my Lord the same day, 20s. For the household, 18l. 2s. 2d. To John Sparkman, groom of the slaughterhouse, 3s. 4d. Total for Jan., 347l. 14s. ¾d.
Thursday, 10th Feb., received from Rob. Tuebrevile, the Duke's receiver general, 135l. 10s. From Thos. Merlet, receiver of the lordship of Holderness, 13th Feb., 40l. 24th, from Sir Hen. Sleford, receiver of Holderness, 215l. 3s. 11d. 28th, from Sir Wm. ap Howell, receiver of the lordship of Newport, 26l. 11s. 2d. From John Gregory, 12l. 1s. 1d. Total, with the residue of last month, 477l. 1s. ½d.
Tuesday, 1st Feb., paid, 29th Jan., at Newbury, to the father of Ric. Polley, by Humfrey Fulk, 20d.
Pp. 2. Signed at the top and bottom of each page by Buckingham.
R. MS. 7. F.
XIV. f. 1.
M. 3. "Dy[vers .. an]d bills of recognizances and stuff belonging to the duke of Buckingham."
Remaining, 31 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII., 134l. In Nov. received from Sir Ames Paulett, for a fine with the Duke, for wrongs done in the late King's reign, 66l. 13s. 4d. From our servant Chomley, 6s. 8d. lost at dice. 18th Dec. from Chomley, 270l. 25th Dec., 6l. 13s. 4d. Paid to Eliz. knevet at Easter last, money due to her at Lady Day, 20l. To M. Geddyng, toward the burying of my said cousin, 15l.
1 Jan., to Mrs. G. for her New Year's gift, 13l. 6s. 8d. "Her myder (mother ?), 40s. To Eliz. Percy, her fee for one year ended at Christmas, 5l. To the abbot of Bury, for money owed to the old abbot, 50l. To Thos. Dudley and the lady Slane his wife, for their interest and title to the ward and marriage of Thos. Fitzgaret, 96l. 13s. 4d., of which 100 mks. were paid to the King by the baron of Slane. To the bp. of London, for money lent by him, 100l. To Wm. Haydon, clerk of the duchy, for searching records of court roll, 20s. 16 Feb., paid my lady Salisbury part of 3,000 mks. for the marriage of my son Harry Stafford, on the day of the marriage, 134l. 6s. 8d.; 25 March, to Walter Parker, 40l., "restored to him for a fine by him made to me, for that he was my bondman and made free during his life, for that I gave him a patent." Mrs. Alys, her fee for Christmas quarter, 100s. To my ghostly father at Henton, 100s. To John Audelay, for carrying of my sword, 6s. 8d. To Sir John Fowler, for saying mass at the lodge, 6s. 8d. Horsemeat at Bristowe, 5s. To Sir Thos. Docwra, 6s. 8d. Kirk's wife's costs to London, 20s. To herself and her maid, 60s. To Mrs. Phelypes, 40s.; to her maids, 20s. To Dorathe, 20s. To my lord Fitzwater, 6s. 8d. lost at dice. To my cousin Arthur Pole, 20s. A throstle bird, 13s. 4d. To the minstrel's wife at Sir Harry Guildford's, 13s. 4d. To Dobb's wife, 12d. To Adam's wife, at my sister Anne's, 6s. 8d. Lost at shooting (?) 2s. 31st March, given in alms, 6s. 8d. 18th March, to the abbot of St. Augustine's, money borrowed from him, 26l. 13s. 4d. To Rowlie, of Bristowe, for money borrowed, 66l. 13s. 4d. In reward to my lord of Westmoreland's servant, 40s. To Russell, for my offering to Our Lady of Walsingham, 6s. 8d. To my lady Mongowe, at her departing, 6l. 13s. 4d. Lost to Welch and others at tennis, 5l. Given to my daughter when she was married, and not entered till now, 3l. 6s. 8d. To the fysheres of Wells, 6s. 8d. To Mr. Musgrave, my physician, attendance and costs, 10l. To my cousin Clyfford, in reward, 20s. To my Lady, 40s.; and at her departing from Thornbery, 3l. 6s. 8d. To my daughters Ursula and Mary, 3l. 6s. 8d. To Mrs. Ellis, for half year ending at Lady Day, 100s.; toward the building of her house, 100s. To Mr. Gay, 4l. To A. S., 14l. 6s. 8d. To my son Stafford, at his going to the King, 10l. Lost to my lord of Burgoyne, and at my lord Montaigwe's, at dice, at Syssyter, 15l. Lost at Sir Mores Berkeley's, 6l. 13s. 4d. Lost to my brother of Wiltshire, and lord Montagow, 40l. Lost to my lord of Suffolk and others since coming to the King, 51l. 16s. 8d.
10th June, from the abbot of Westminster, for money lent him, 200l. From Sir Wm. Compton, for money lent, 100l. 29th June, to Suffolk, lost at shooting, 31l. 6s. 8d. Lost to the King at tennis, 14l. 3rd Aug., from Sir Thos. Lovell, for money borrowed, 200l. From John Hasylwode, upon a garnish of silver vessel lent me by my lord of Canterbury, 120l. Lost at dice in my new place with duke of Suffolk and the Frenchmen, 76l. 1s. 4d. To my lord of Burgoyne, his wedding gear, velvet and cloth of silver, 123l. 18s. 8d. To Amadas, for money borrowed on a chain, 100l. To Sir John Bate, for "letyll Frances," 33s. 4d. To Wm. Eton, for 3 yds. of marble cloth, 14s. 2d. To Gylbert, overcharge for plate had of Mrs. Phillips, not entered in the wardrobe, 16l. 2s. 7d. Sept., from Hasylwood, upon a "celer" of son Stafford's, 90l. Borrowed of the bp. of Durham, 100l. Lost at dice to my lord Montague, 65l. 2s. 9d.
Money remaining, 30 Sept., 34l. 12s. 6d. In the hands of Master Guildford in the account of the Pope's collector, 17l. 10s. In Kirk's hands, 4l. 1s. 8d. In [the Duke's] hands, 12l. 6s.
Pp. 36, in Buckingham's hand.
R. O. 4. Receipts and disbursements by Wm. Cholmeley from 30 Sept. anno 12 Hen. VIII.
Receipts for October, 428l. 18s. 43/8d. Among the disbursements: to Dr. Bentley, of Oxford, for medical attendance, 75s. 11d. To John Haiwode, yeoman of the crown, for news from the earl of Surrey out of Ireland, 6s. 8d. To one bringing a lanar and lanaret, 10s. To Wm. Kirk, servant of the duke of Suffolk, 1 mk. To a wild Irishman coming with the earl of Surrey's servant, 3s. 4d. To Th. Jubbys, of Bristowe, learned man, of the Duke's council, 23s. 4d. To a servant of lord Bergavenny's, 10s. For Th. Matston, of Wotton-under-Edge, learned man, 20s. To certain Egiptions at Thornbury, 40s. To the late keeper of the Duke's place, The Red Rose, in London, 39s. 3d., with other sums. For conveyance of certain lands of Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, 4l. 1s. 2d.
Receipts for November, 443l. 12s. 9½d. Disb.:—To Ambrose Skelton, for the Duke's oblation on Hallowmas day, 6s. 8d.; the Duchess's, 3s. 4d.; the lord Stafford's, 8d. The 2nd, being All Souls' day, for the Duke and Duchess, 5s. 10d. 3rd, requiem for the soul of the Duke's father, 3s. 4d. To John Wynde, gardener, for diligence in making knotts in the Duke's garden, by report of Mistress Snowe, gentlewoman to the Duchess, 3s. 4d. To Dr. Mandevile, prior of the Black Friars, Bristowe, for attendance at Thornbury on the Duke being sick, 1 mk. To Maurice Aderley, for a jerfawcon, which he took up in the fields at Tortworth, 1s. To Katharine Tiler, midwife of Bristowe, coming to Thornbury to my lady Stafford, being with child, 10s. To Roger Adamson, of Cicester, tailor, for his son, which should have been child of the chapel, 2s.
December. Receipts, 823l. 13s. 61/8d. Dis.:—Oblation on Christmas day, the Duke, &c., 10s. 8d. For the Duke in his closet on St. Stephen's day, 3s. 4d. To lady Guldeford's servant, presenting a greyhound, 3s. 4d. For Master Brooke, serjeant-at-law, 40s. The Duke's oblation, 6s. 8d., and lord Stafford's, 1s., to Our Lady of Kyngeswode, on the 11th; and of the Duke to St. Aldelme, at Malmesbury, 17th, 6s. 8d. To one Drinkwater, an idiot, at the "vies," 20d. To an idiot of the abbot of Chichester, 4d.; and to another like fool of Sir Edw. Wadam, 4d.
January. Receipts, including remanents, 2,131l. 2s. 81/8d. To Hugh ap Howel, of the King's guard, for presenting the Duke with a New Year's gift from the King, 100s. To certain Frenchmen and two Frenchwomen, playing before the Duke the Passion of our Lord by a "vise," and to a young maid, a tumbler, 40s. The Duke's, &c., oblation on Twelfthday, 10s. 8d. To a servant of the Queen, bringing a New Year's gift, 100s. To the waits at Bristowe, 6s. 8d. To a servant of my lord Hastings, bringing letters, 10s. Obl. to St. Anne in the Wood, 7s. To Our Lady of Belhouse, Bristowe, 3s. 4d. To John Lloide, gentleman of the King's chapel, coming to Thornbury, 40s. To a servant of Mr. Cothrindton's, near Bristowe, showing two great horses, 2s. To Philip Ricardis, town clerk of Bristowe, and John Sergeaunt, of Stone, for obligations, and the mayor of Bristowe for receiving the same, &c., 10s. 10d. Obl. at the feast of the Dedication, 10s. 8d.
February. Receipts, 2,276l. 12s. 8¾d. Disb.:—Obl. on Candlemas day, sc. from the duke, duchess, and lord and lady Stafford, 5 pieces of gold = 28s. 8d. To the midwife of Sir Anth. Hungerford's wife, and the nurse, the Duke being godfather, 10s. To Dr. Mandevile, prior of the Black Friars, Bristol, hearing the duchess and other ladies' confession, and preaching a sermon on the first Sunday in Clean Lent, 26s. 8d. To John Glade, a hermit, formerly the Duke's servant, 6s. 8d, To Robert Brok, late scholar of Oxford, now schoolmaster to the Duke's hinxmen and wards, for a half year's exhibition at Oxford, 33s. 4d. To Joan Boucher, of Newport, where the Duke drank on his journey to Barkley, 3s. 4d. To a servant of the earl of Northumberland bringing news of the said Earl's coming to Hailis, 6s. 8d. To a servant of lord Leonard Grey's, 3s. 4d. To Master Millet, clerk of the signet, for writing three letters, to be sent from the King into Wales, concerning the Duke's causes, &c., 26s. To a servant of my lord Cardinal, which accompanied one Vaughan, committed to the said Duke's council from my lord Cardinal's place into the King's Bench, 6s. 8d. For an obligation for Sir William Skevington, &c., 4s. 6d.
March. Receipts, 2,741l. 10s. 107/8d. Disb.:—To Mrs. Boucher, of Newport, for the Duke drinking there on his journey to Gloucester, 3s. 4d. To a servant of the abbot of Gloucester, showing the Duke three great horses at Lanthony, 3s. 4d. Obl. of Prince Edward at Tewkesbury, 6s. 8d. To St. Kenelm, of Winchcombe, 6s. 8d. To Lord Audley's servant, and to Sir Geo. Forster's, bringing letters to the Duke at Winchcombe, 1 mk. Obl. to the holy relics at Hailis, on the 14th, 6s. 8d.; and to the holy blood on the 15th, 33s. 4d. To Stanley, an Austin Friar of Oxford, preaching before the Duke in Chichester, 6s. 8d. To the porters of the town gates at Gloucester, 3s. 4d. To a servant of Francis Forster, the King's servant presenting the Duke with a greyhound, at Th. Goor's place, 2s. To a servant of the ancre (anchorite) of Marlborough, presenting my lady and my lady Stafford with 2 symnels and holy wax, 1 mk. To Friar Stanley, for a sermon at Thornbury, 6s. 8d. To David Pratt, of Gloucester, surgeon, for attending lord Stafford at Thornbury, being hurt in his side, 6s. 8d. To Cicely Russell, of Acton, sent by lady Guldeford to have been nurse to my lord Stafford's child, 6s. 8d. To the wife of John Johns, of Moreton, the Duke drinking there, 6s. 8d. To certain wards of the Duke (names mentioned), 2s. The Duke's obl. at Easter eve, 14s. 8d.; at Easter day, 17s. 4d. To Dr. Mandevile, for a sermon, 4s.
April. Receipts, 1,124l. 16s. 105/8d. Disb.:—To Nich. Mason, clerk of the Duke's chapel, 3s. 4d. To a messenger from the King, presenting letters, on the 18th, 1 mk. To Dr. Bentley, of Oxford, physician, on the 11th, 26s. 8d. To a nurse of Master Forster, 6s. 8d. Obl. to the Child of Grace at Reading, 6s. 8d. To the keeper of the knights of the Garter's robes at Windsor, and obl. there, 20s. To Our Lady of Eyton near Windsor, on the 14th, 6s. 8d. To my lord Cardinal's cooks to their "wieth," on the 15th, at his place beside Westminster, 20s. To Nich. Clerc, the Duke's bailiff, for carriage of certain the Duke's stuff at Calais and at London to and from the ships, 4l. The last entry is for two horses bought for the Duke's use, 26s. 8d.
Pp. 30.
R. MS.
14 B. XXXV.
A. 1.
B. M.
5. Miscellaneous Accounts of the duke of Buckingham.
30 Sept.—Hen. VIII. At Thornbury.
Sums "due to me, Edw. duke of Buckingham, by divers persons," upon bonds.
By the countess of Salisbury, mother to his son Stafford's wife, 2,500 mks. By my lord Fitzwater, 40l., payable at All Saints. To my lord Audeley, 40l. To Sir John Lyngen, 20l. To Sir Giles Wandon (?), 66l. 13s. 4d.
A. 2. 2. "A creditor roll made of my own hand, of all such sums of money that I, Edw. duke of Buckingham, doth owe unto the last day of May, anno 10 Henrici VIII."
To the King, by indenture, by which certain lordships stand bound, 1,322l. 3s. 4d. To Surrey, for the marriage of Buckingham's daughter Elizabeth, 333l. 6s. 8d. To my lord of London, 100l. To my lord of Arundel, 166l. 13s. 4d.
A. 5. 3. Thornbury, 10 Jan. 10 Hen. VIII. Divers parcels payable between this and Christmas.
To Rowland _, of Bristol, merchant. To the abbot of St. Augustine's, Bristol. To the dean of Wells, by two indentures; the first with Mr. Poley, and the second with Mr. Gilbert. To the duke of Suffolk, by obligation along with Gilbert and our cousin Charles. To my lord of St. John's, by obligation "wherein standeth our Chancellor" and others. To the King, my lord of Arundel, abbot of Bury, Sir Rowland, Robt. Amadas, and Hazelwood.
D. f. 17. 4. Receipt, dated 2 Sept. 11 Hen. VIII., of Robt. Gilbert, for 90l. lent by John Hasilwood, gentleman of the King's receipt, upon a gold chain and gold brooch, enamelled with a pomegranate and a rose, weighing 47 oz. 2½ q., to be repaid at the feast of All Saints. Signed by Gilbert.
D. f. 18. 5. Receipt by Ric. Langhurst, servant to the Duke, of 6l. from Wm. Chomley, 30 Sept. 11 Hen. VIII. Signed.
D. f. 1. 6. London and Blechingley, July to Oct. 11 Hen. VIII. Money received by Robt. Gilbert, chaplain "to the right high and mighty prince, Edw. duke of Buckingham," for which Gilbert accounted in October. 22 July, borrowed from the abbot of Westminster, 200l. 3 Aug., borrowed from Sir Thos. Lovell, 200l. 27th, borrowed from John Hasilwode and Eliz Philips, upon a garnish of silver vessel, borrowed of my lord of Canterbury, 120l. 23 Aug., from Amadas, for a gold chain of 17oz. 1½q., molten and coined, 24l. 2 Sept., borrowed from John Hasilwood, upon a gold chain of 43oz., and a bronch of 4oz.½q., containing a pomegranate and a rose, 99l. Oct., from Thos. Brydges, master of the Wardrobe, for silver gilt bells sold, 93l. 13s. 7 Sept., borrowed from the bishop of Durham, 100l. Borrowed from Hasylwood and Philips, 1,500l. 30 July, borrowed from Sir Wm. Compton, 100l. Total, 2,437l. 12s.
Pp. 2.
D. f. 2. 7. Blechyngley, Oct. 11 Hen. VIII. Memorandum of money "as we have taken into our own charge from our chaplain Robt. Gilbert."
Paid to John Mundy, goldsmith, 100l. Reward to John Arosmith, living at the end of St. John, Smithfield, 40s. 25 Feb., to Sir John Bate, schoolmaster to our scholar Francis, for his necessaries from 23 Aug. to 24 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. 25 Feb., to Wm. Stone, for cloth of marble color at 4s. 6d. a yard, and yellow cotton at 7d., for a coat for the said Francis, and other items. Total, 656l. 15s. 9d.
Pp. 2.
f. 3. Another copy of the same.
Pp. 2.
A. 3. 8. A mutilated roll of payments, in which mention is made of the abbot of Combe and Robert [G]ilbert, and purchases made for the prior of St. John's, and to the use of Master Francis, from Feb. 10 Hen. VIII. to 2 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII.—Paid, 4 Nov., to the Pope's collector, and John Campeche, for a licence of marriage between Lord Burgavenny and the Duke's daughter Mary, 6l. 14s. 9d. To Master Smith, of the King's Exchequer, to be paid to the sheriffs of London for the Duke's manor, commonly called Red Rose, 40s. Paid to the Duke by the abbot of Combe upon a fine, 26l. 13s. 4d.
E. 1–6. 9. Five obligations of the Duke of Buckingham to Ric. Smith, merchant tailor of London, to Wm. Pawlet of London, to Robt. Amadas, and to Brian Tuke, respectively, in various sums, at dates from 6 Feb. 9 Hen. VIII. to 9 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII., and one obligation by which Robt. Gilbert, Chas. Knyvet and Harry Posyer are bound to Thos. Docwra, prior of St. John's. 16 Dec. 10 Hen. VIII.
D. f. 20. 10. Receipt by Ric. Langhurst of 5l. given him by Wm. Chomley, at the Duke's order, at the Red Rose. 22 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII. Signed.
D. f. 19. 11. Receipt by the duke of Buckingham of 26l. 13s. 4d. from the abbot of Combe, Warwickshire, by the hands of Robt. Gilbert, in payment of a fine. 23 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII. Signed.
D. f. 21. 12. Receipt by Robt. Gilbert, chaplain to the Duke, of 133l. 6s. 8d. from Thos. Docwra, prior of St. John's, upon a garnish of silver vessel belonging to the Duke, weighing 847 oz. 26 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII. Signed.
D. f. 22. 13. Receipt by the duke of Buckingham of 43l. 6s. 8d. from Robt. Gilbert. London, 7 Jan. 11 Hen. VIII. Signed.
D. f. 24. 14. Receipt by John Kyrke, servant to the Duke, of 506l. 13s. 4d., for the Duke's use, from Robt. Gilbert. 22 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Signed.
D. f. 4. 15. 1 March 11 Hen. VIII. Memorandum, in Buckingham's hand, of sums to be paid by him at Christmas, for this and the four following years. The sums are 2,500l., 2,300l., 1,500l., 700l., and 200l.
D. f. 12. 16. "In ao undecimo Henrici Regis Octavi." 22 Nov., for shaving [Francis' head, 1d. A pair of gloves, 2d. 29 Nov., a pair of shoes for Francis, 6d. 24 Dec., shaving his head, 1d. A pair of hose, 10d. A "tuke" bag, 12d. A pair of shoes, 6d. A silk girdle, 6d. For healing his head and neck, 12d. A white cap to lie in, 5d. Washing his clothes for the quarter ending at Christmas, 6d. Rewards to the cooks at St. John's, at Christmas, for Francis, 12d. 29 Jan., shaving his head, 1d. "For a hen at Shroftyte, for Frauncis to sport hym with the chylder," 7d. For 8 "vyctori dayes to playe hym with the quere," 4d. Writing paper, 1d. 27 March, for [repai]ring his two coats, 12d. 29 March, a bow, 6d. 6 shafts, 3d. Strings, shooting glove, and brace, 3d. Pen and inkhorn, 2d. Washing his petticoat at sundry times, 3d., &c. Total, 15s. 3d. Received 2 April, ao prædicto, by John Bait, priest, from Robt. Gilbert.
D. f. 35. 17. Receipt by Brian Tuke of 65l. from Thomas Brydges, chaplain to the Duke, for 4 "peces arre of hawkyng and huntyng," containing 200 ells Flemish, ... [M]ay 12 Hen. VIII.
Signed by John Bold, Tuke's servant.
D.f. 23, 25, 27. 18. Receipts by the Duke of 40s. from his servant, Wm. Cholmeley, 27 June 12 Hen. VIII.; of 200l., 12 Aug.; and of 1,000l. the same day.
D. f. 13. 19. "In ao xiio H. R. VIII. Item, paid for Francis when he went in pilgrimage to St. Alban's, and to Master John Schorne for his sickness that he had for the agowe." For his horse the first day, 12d.; 3 following days, 18d. Our dinner at St. Alban's for three persons, 12d. Baiting three horses, 4d. Supper at Dunstable, 12d. Our horses, 9d. At Mr. Schorne's, for our breakfast and for our horses, 12d. At Echeware, 18d. 6 May, shoes for Francis, 6d. 14 May, hose, 8d. Shaving of his head twice the same day, 2d. 26 May, to the barber, "for healing his neck, and his hands, and his head, and his body of breaking out," 3s. 4d. Sponging his coats and gown, 4d. "For Francis for healing of throat, and for the murre," and meat and lodging for four weeks, 6s. 8d. Mending and "dryschowring" of his Kendal coat, 6d. 20 July, a shirt, 20d. 3 Aug., making a pair of camlet sleeves, 4d. 6 Aug., a pair of walking shoes, 8d. Healing Francis when he had the yellow jaundice, 24 days, 4s. Ink at divers times, 2d., &c. Total, 30s. Receipt for the same by John Bait, chaplain to my lord of St. John's, 28 Aug. 12 Hen. VIII., for the expenses of Francis, from 2 April 11 Hen. VIII. to 28 Aug., and also for 40s. given by the duke of Buckingham to him as a reward.
Pp. 2.
F. 20. Office of the Wardrobe. Arrears due to the Duke on the account of Thos. Brydges, from 22 Hen. VII. to 12 Hen. VIII., 132l. 17s. 77/8d.
A roll. Lat.
A. 11. 21. Thornbury, 30 Sept. 12 Hen. VIII. "A creditor [roll] made off our owne hande off all such sumys of mone as to our knowlege whe do owe to diveres persones by obligacones," viz., to the King, William Pawlet, of London, Ric. Smyth, draper, Sir Roland Wellavye, the abbot of St. Edmund's Bury, Sir Thos. Lovell, Wm. Cosin, dean of Wells, the abbots of Glastonbury and Westminster, Ant. Vivaldi, the bishop of Durham, Eliz. Phelyps, Mr. Braye's executors, and others.
D. f. 31. 22. Thornbury, Nov. 12 Hen. VIII. Mem. That "our servant" Cholmeley has received from Sir W. Compton 1,640l. on the 12th May, and from Thos. Kitson, mercer of London, in May and June, 2,340l., of which Cholmeley is charged by indenture with 1,983l. 6s. 8½d., and we have taken the remainder into our custody.
P. 1.
B. 23. Thornbury. Expenses of the Household for the year ending 30 Sept. 9 Hen. VIII. Value of corn, wine, oxen, sheep, &c. remaining 31 March 8 Hen. VIII., 363l. 16s. 9¾d. Expenses of this year, including wages, stabling, &c., 1,143l. 1s. 77/8d. Expenses during the time of this declaration, 8l. 1s. 4d. For rabbits from Milborough Heath, 42s. Total, 1,517l. 1s. 95/8d.
Value of provisions remaining 30 Sept. 9 Hen. VIII., and of utensils in the custody of officers, 435l. 14s. 5/8d., leaving 1,082l. 7s. 9d.
Similar accounts for the year ending 30 Sept. 10 Hen. VIII.; total expense, 2,634l. 4s. 1¾d. For the year ending 30 Sept. 11 Hen. VIII.; total expense, 3,700l. 14s. 3/8d. For the year ending 30 Sept. 12 Hen. VIII.; total expense, 2,898l. 9s. 83/8d.
Lat. 4 sheets of paper in the form of a roll.
C. 24. Expenses of the Wardrobe for the years ending 30 Sept. 9 Hen. VIII., 10 Hen. VIII., 11 Hen. VIII. and 12 Hen. VIII., the clear expenses being respectively 337l. 3s. 7¼d., 2,414l. 7s. 6½d., 2,586l. 4s. 17/8d. and 4,200l. 3s. 8d.
Lat. 4 pieces of paper in the form of a roll.
A. 9. 25. Obligations due by the Duke to Ruthal, Wolsey, Heron, and others, for Gresham of London, mercer, &c., 21 Nov. 12 Hen. VIII. At foot in the Duke's hand:—To my lord of Arundel, 166l. 13s. 4d. To my lord of St. John's, 133l. 6s. 8d. To my lord of Burgoyne, 1,666l. 13s. 4d. To the executors of Mr. Braye, _. Sum of this bill, 10,535l. 10s.
Lat. Mutilated.
D. f. 14. 26. Payments, 28 Aug., to Sir John Bate, chaplain of my lord of St. John's, 70s. 31st, to Geo. Paglystone, of Petersfield, for conveying a black nag to London for Master Francis, 16d. Meat of the same nag standing at London, 10 days, 2s. 6d. To John Neve, tailor of London, making a Kendal coat and a fustian doublet for Francis, 2s. Francis' board wages for two weeks and three days, ending 8 Sept., 4s. 6d. His costs going from London to Agmondesham, 9 Sept., 8d. From Agmondesham to Netley, 10 Sept., 2d.
13th Nov. 12 Hen. VIII., paid by Robt. Gilbert, chaplain to the Duke, 16th March, to Thos. Henyge, gentleman usher to the Cardinal, in reward, 66s. 8d. Elizabeth Percy's annuity, 5l. 2nd April, to Sir John Bate, for Francis' expenses from 17 Nov. to 2 April, 15s. 3d. 3rd April, to Wm. Eton, for 3 yds. of marble-coloured broad cloth for a gown for Francis, 11s. 6d. 15 May, to Ric. Wells, one of the clerks of the Chancery, for writing a recognizance, 6s. 8d. For "his" (Francis')? costs going from Netley to Oxford, 8d. His meat and drink at Oxford, 12d. To Wm. Heyton, for 1½ yd. of tawny broad cloth, at 4s. 8d. 1½ yd. russet frieze, at 8d., &c. for Mistress Mary. To Wm. Buttre, for Mistress Mary, 5 yds. tawny camlet, at 2s. 8d. 1¼ yd. black velvet at 9s., for sleeves and collar.¼ ell of yellow sarcenet, for a collar, 15d.; crimson and green satin, at 10d. for a kirtle, &c. To Mrs. Kendal, part payment of board wages of Mistress Mary, from 1 Dec. till a fortnight before my Lord went over the sea, 6s. 8d. 17th March, to the King's secretary for sealing the King's letter to Sir John Heron to deliver an obligation whereby the late baron of Slane and others were bound to pay 200l. to the King for the ward and marriage of Thos. Fitzgarret, and to take new sureties from the Duke, 6s. 8d. 15th May, to Sir John Heron's clerk, for making an obligation and bringing it to my Lord's manor of Red Rose in London, to be sealed by Sir John Lyngham, Knyvet and Gilbert, for a payment to the King for the ward and marriage of the said Thomas, 12d.
Pp. 5.
A. 7. 27. Bonds payable to the abbot of Glassynbury, Bernard Hughucom and others. The abbot of Westminster, Sir Andrew Windsor, and Robt. Gilbert, clerk, are bound for 200l. at the feast of All Saints, 1520; Sir Thos. Lovell and others, for 200l. at Christmas 1520; Sir Thos. Lovell, Sir John Heron, Sir John Lyngham, and Chas. Knyvet, for 200l. at Christmas, 1520, for the wardship and marriage of Thos. Fitzgerald. Bond of the Duke to Sir Roland Vilive, for 100l. at Christmas 1520; to the bp. of Durham, for 100l. at Michaelmas 1520; to Robt. Amadas, for 200l. at 20 Dec. 1521. The Duke, Gilbert, and Knyvet, to Wm. Lok, mercer of London, for payment of 199l. 16s. 6d. at Christmas 1521, and 99l. 16s. 6d., at Christmas 1522. Gilbert and Poley to Wm. Cosyns, dean of Wells, for 100l. at St. John's Day, 1519. The Duke to Antony Veveld and others. To the King, for recovery of his lands, by indenture, 1,655l. 10s. To Thos. Docwra, lord of St. John's, for a loan to be repaid from the tenements of Thos. Fitzgerald in Gloucester and Warwick, 113l. 6s. 8d.
D. f. 10. 28. Payments to a jeweller of Reane for two gold rings, one with a "rebbew," the other with a "torkys," 13l. 13s. 4d. For a little "tabyllatt" with an image of our Lord, 26l. 4s.
P.1. In the Duke's hand:—Paid to the duke of Suffolk by his servant Hall ...; and (f.8.) to my lord of Suffolk, in full, 500 marks with 140l. lent at dice. Put in a bag 43l. 6s. 8d. won at dice.
D. f. 9. 29. Estimate of sums of money that will come to my Lord's grace next Cr[istmas].
Of the circuit general, 817l. 6s. 8d. Staffordshire, 140l. Holderness, 280l. Kent and Surrey, 140l. Cambridge, _. Gloucester, Southampton and Wilts, _. Newport, _. Brecknock, Hay and Hunts, _.Caliland, _.
Of the circuit general after the account, 442l. Total, 1,819l. 6s. 8d.
P.1, the heading mutilated.
D. f. 5. 30. Mem. in the Duke's hand.
Paid to my daughter, 40s. To a suitor, 40s. To Mr. Bridweye, 5l. To my ghostly father, 33s. 4d., &c.
23 Nov. Received from the abbot of Combe, 26l. 13s. 4d., of which taken out into my purse, 6l. 13s. 4d. Paid to my lord John for a release, 60s. 6d.; and other items.
A. 10. 31. Blechynglye, ... March. "A creditor roll made by me, Edw. duke of Buckingham, of all such sums of money as I did owe to my remembrance at the making of this same."
To the King, 1,655l. 10s. To Ph. Dewkay and John Haslewood, 2,000l. To my lord of Arundel, 166l. 13s. 4d. To the abbot of Bury, 150l. To Mr. Braye's executors, 50l. To the duke of Suffolk, 333l. 6s. 8d. To the abbot of Glastonbury, 333l. 6s. 8d. To the dean of Wells, 100l. To the lord of St. John's, 133l. 6s. 8d. To Sir Rowland, 100l. To the King, for the ward and marriage of Thos. Fyzgaret, 200l. To lord Burgoyne, for the marriage of my daughter Mary, 666l. 13s. 4d. To Robt. Amadas, 95l. 7s. To Smith, draper, for liveries and discharge in my wardrobe book, 300l. To the abbot of Westminster, 200l. To my lord of Durham, 100l. To Sir Will. Compton, 100l. To Sir Thos. Lovell, 100l. To Brian Towke, one of the clerks of the signet, 65l.
A. 4. 32. "Item. The abbot of Bury, for so much money due to the old abbot, wherein Cowper (?) standeth bound," 200l. To the executors of Mr. Braye and Sir John Shawe, 50l. To Monday, upon a chain of fine gold, 100l. To the Duke of Suffolk, 200l. To the dean of Wells, by two bills, 100l. To Rowland of Bristol, by an obligation wherein I stand bound, 66l. 13s. 4d., payable at Wystondit (Whitsuntide ?) A.D. 1519. To the abbot of "Seyngawgstoynes" (St. Augustin's) by Bristowe, 26l. 13s. 4d. To the abbot of Glastonbury, 333l. 6s. 8d., part payable at Christmas 1518.
D. f. 34. 33. Elizabeth Persy to Buckingham's chancellor.
Asks him to give the bearer 5l., due to her as the annuity granted by the Duke. Signed.
P.1. Add.: "To the worshipful master Chancellor, this letter be delivered, at the Red Rose."
D. f. 28. 34. Various receipts by Wm. Buttre, mercer of London, 2 Sept. 12 Hen. VIII., by Kyrke (f. 29.) 6 Oct., and (f. 30.) 15 Feb. by George Percy (f. 33.), and less important memoranda of various dates, D. f. 6, 11, 26, 32, A. 6, 8 and 12.
Value and state of the possessions of the late duke of Buckingham, surveyed by Thomas Magnus and William Walweyn, 13 Hen. VIII.
i. Lordships (named) in the honor of Gloucester, viz., in cos. Hants, Wilts, Glouc., Northt., Norf., Suff., Essex, Bucks, Beds, Kent and Surrey, and in Wales; the number of the manorhood in each is given, as well as the names of those holding knights' fees; in some are woods and bondmen; tenants offer to pay a fine or an increased rent for new leases. Lands obtained by exchange with lord Berners; advowsons; timber, stone and slate; parks, herbage and pannage; a heronry; hayers of goshawks and lanners (or lanars); a rabbit warren; list of offices vacant and occupied; foundations of religious houses; several lordships in the hands of Henry Stafford earl of Wilts for life; lands alienated to the duke of Suffolk.
The lordship of Thornebury, adjoining the King's great lordship of Barkelay, is of the value of 238l. 11s. 5¾d. A wood called Filmour contains 100 acres. The manor or castle stands to the north of the parish church, and has an inner and an outer ward, foursquare. The entrance into the inner ward is on the west. "The south side is fully finished with curious works and stately lodgings. The said west side and north side be but builded to one chamber height; all these works being of a fair ashlar, and so covered with a false roof of elm, and the same covered with light slate. The east side, containing the hall and other houses of offices, is all of the old building, and of a homely fashion. The outer ward was intended to have been large, with many lodgings, whereof the foundation on the north and west side is taken and brought up nigh to laying on a floor. The windows, jawmes and cewnes" are wrought of freestone, the rest of rough stone cast with lime and sand. On the south of the inner ward is a garden, "and about (around) the same a goodly gallery, conveying (leading) above and beneath from the principal lodgings both to the chapel and parish church, the outer part of the said gallery being of stone, enbattled, and the inner part of timber, covered with slate." On the east of the castle is a goodly garden to walk in, enclosed with high walls, enbattled; the "conveyance" thither is by the gallery and other privy ways. There is also a large orchard, in which are many alleys to walk in openly, and round about the orchard are other alleys "on a good height," with "roosting" places, covered with white thorn and hazel. The orchard communicates, by several posterns, with the New Park, which contains about four miles; within it are 700 deer; the herbage, being plenteous, "will make 10l. towards the keeper's wages. The late Duke has "enclosed into the park divers men's lands, as well of freehold as copyhold, and no recompense as yet is made for the same; and lately he hath also enclosed into the same park two fair tenements, with barns and other houses well builded with stone and slate, with 500 acres of land, and as yet the tenants continue in the same, wherein of necessity some redress must be, either in amoving the said tenants from out of the park with convenient recompense, or else in taking in the pale as it stood afore, &c." Thomas Bennett is keeper. "There been within the said park 13 proper pounds, well watered with a spring, being enclosed with a pale. Nigh to the said new park is another park called Marlewood, nothing being between them but the breadth of an highway;" it extends over three miles, and contains 300 deer. There is another park called Estewood, within two miles of the said castle, containing about seven miles, and 500 fallow deer and 50 red deer. Also a conyngry, called Milborowe Heth, granted by the King to John Hunteley, "whereof there is great exclamation for closing in of freeholds and copyholds, now being set by the said John for 4l., and by the old precedents was but at 3s. 4d." Rents and farms decayed from enclosures, 48l. 19s. 31/16d. Number of the manorhood, 175. Of bondmen there is a good number, as appears by the court rolls.
The borough of the town of Newport, Wales, with the whole lordship, adjoining the King's great lordships of Cardeiff, Uske and Carlion, is in value 18l. 10s. 5½d. It has a goodly haven, "well occupied with small crayes (creeks), whereunto a very great ship may resort." "Upon the same haven is a proper castle and three towers, adjoining just to the water; the middlest tower having a vault or entry to receive into the said castle a good vessel. In the said castle is a fair hall, proper lodgings after the waterside, and many houses of offices: howbeit, in manner, all is decayed in covering and floors, specially of timber work. There is good plenty of free stone and rough stone lying within the castle, for repareling of the same." "Over the castle gate is the chequier chamber, and under the same is the porter's lodge and prison for punishment and safe keeping of offenders and transgressors; which houses of necessity must be maintained and well upholden." List of lordships, knights' fees, and advowsons [pertaining to it]. "The first recognition to be paid in three years, at six terms," 171l. 13s. 4d. The stewardship was lately occupied by the earl of Wiltshire, during pleasure, at 13l. 6s. 8d.; "and for the exercising of the same room John Morgan, the King's servant, being a substantial young man of an 100l. lands, and Thomas Morgan, his uncle, being a sad gentleman, and also of good substance, be deputed lieutenants for the well ordering of the country." Without the help of any commissioner they have put the lordships in good order, and the country is "best content to be at their leading." The said Thomas formerly held the office of lieutenant under the said earl, receiving yearly 6l. 13s. 4d. He has been deputed also to continue in his office of receiver; and as he is commonly "charged every year with the receipt of the sum of 600 or 700 marks, there is assigned further unto him, as was afore, the office of constableship of the castle, if so it please the King's grace, at 56s. 8d." The portership of the castle is also assigned to him (2d. a day), till the King's pleasure be known. The mayor, coroner and beadle of the town, without fees, are "chosen by election." The office of approver, being a special office, for the King's profit necessary to be occupied by one resident in the lordship, for praising all distresses and cattle brought in for payment of rent, at 2d. per diem. "Wards in Wenllouge:"—Thomas Lewes, in the custody of Edmund Vanne, having lands worth 20l.; John Ap Morgan, in the custody of John Hontelay, escheator, having lands worth 9l. Number of the manorhood, 532.
"The manor place of Desenynge, [Suffolk,] is only for a farmer, and for none other pleasure to lie at, by occasion of the mansion place there."—"Mem., that it is complained by the King's tenants of Desenyng, and founden by the homage there, that one Edward Bardewell, calling himself the abbot of Bury's servant, hath not only plowed up certain lees that ought to be common to the King's said tenants, but also hath enclosed an highway, that continually hath ever been for the King's tenants, and for the conveyance of carriages with wood when any is sold there, as is every year; and applieth a great part of arable land by occasion thereof to pasture, under the color of John Higham being an idiot and blind, of whom the said Edmund pretendeth to have the custody, by reason, as it is said, he is kinsman to the wife of the said John Higham."
In the lordship of Tunbridge, Kent, is a castle, which "hath been and yet is a strong fortress for the three parts thereof; and the fourth part, on the south side, being fortified with a deep running water, was intended to have been made for lodgings, and so resteth upon 26 feet height, builded with ashlar, and no more done thereunto. The other three parts of the castle being continued with a great gatehouse or the first entry, a dungeon and two towers are substantially builded, with the walls and enbatelling with good stone, having substantial roofs of timber and lately well covered with lead; except the one half of the dungeon was uncovered. And as unto the said gatehouse, [it] is as strong a fortress as few be in England, standing on the north side, having a conveyance well enbatelled on both sides to the said dungeon on the west side; and on the south-east side there is a like conveyance to a fair square tower, called Stafford Tower; and from thence to another fair tower, standing upon the water, nigh to the town bridge, being builded eight-square, and called the Water Tower. This castle was the strongest fortress, and most like unto a castle of any other that the Duke had in England or in Wales. The town of Tunbrigge is a burgh, large and well inhabited with people, having plenty of water running through in sundry places." Near it is a park called the Posterne, containing three miles,—oaks, beeches, 300 fallow deer, and 52 islands; and parks called the Cage and the North Firth. The foundation of the priory of Tunbrigge, of the order of St. Augustine. Advowson of the church of Herdes besides Canterbury. Sir Edward Guylforde is keeper of North Firth park; Sir Harry Owen of the Posterne and the Cage. Charles Knevet claims the keepership of the Posterne and Cage.
The manor place, "within a mile of the town of Blechingligh, is properly and newly builded," with many lodgings and offices. "The hall, chapel, chambers, parlours, closets and oratories be newly ceiled, with wainscot roofs, floors and walls, to the intent they may be used at pleasure without hangings." Ambrose Skelton is keeper of the North Park there. An inventory remains with the receiver.
Rents and tenements in Thames Street, London, 101s. 4d.
"A mese in Calais, lately at 40s. per annum, ultra vigilias nichill.
"The office of attorney general for creations, &c., 95l."
Offices and fees:—Receiver general, a year, 10l.; auditor general, 13l. 6s. 8d.; general attorney, 100s.; keeper of the manor of Redde Roos in London, 40s.
ii. Similar description of lordships in the honor of Hereford, in Wilts, Glouc., Wales, Notts, Hunts, Essex and Bucks.
"The town of Brecknock, [Wales,] is a very proper walled town, well builded, and as well paved, with many honest inhabitants in the same, enclosed on the west side thereof with the castle, which is a good and a strong hold, with all houses of offices and lodgings builded after the old fashion; except there is a goodly hall set on height, only with lights in either end, and none upon the sides. And as unto the roof of the said hall, it is newly and costly made with pendants, after a goodly fashion; and into the said castle water is conveyed by conduit." Around it flow two running rivers. There are a forest and a "great mere or stanke of water, containing in length nigh three miles, and breadth a mile, well replenished with fish, and specially with breams." The town and castle of Haye, and the castle called Bruelles, are decayed. The baron of Burforde bought of the Duke a ward named Edmund de la Mare, but has not paid for him. At Penkelly is a wood, "which would be sold, because it is barked by wild people of the country." The castle of Huntingdon is decayed, except a tower for keeping prisoners.
Kimbolton Castle, Hunts, "is a right goodly lodging contained in little room, within a moat well and compendiously trussed together in due and convenient proportion, one thing with another, with an inner court, for the most part builded within 60 years by duchess Anne, wife to duke Humphrey, slain at Northampton field." There are lodgings and offices for keeping a duke's house in stately manner; but, "by occasion of the old maintill wall, the hall there well builded is likely to perish; and through the said castle is and will be great decay, by occasion there is no reparations done." Outside the moat is a "convenient room for a bace court, used now like a gresse close;" in it are a fair barn and goodly houses fit for stables. Within a quarter of a mile is the priory of Stooneley. A park and a fox-hunt.
The manor of Writtell, Essex, within three miles of Newhall, stands within a moat. It decays, "yet the substance thereof is cleanly builded, all of gross timber, in a quadrant with a cloister." Many lodgings and offices. "For the conveyance to the great chamber there is a stately stair; and forsomuch as in the said manor there is no hall, therefore the hall was kept in a goodly and a large parlour. The north parts of the said cloister was joined to an old warke (work), which is the chapel, now in extreme decay." Between the "cloister and the buttery and pantry and entry between them, conveying to the kitchen, there is a void place, likely to be left for the room of a hall." The moat is overgrown with wood and weeds; a spring runs through it. With no great charge the manor may be made a convenient house for the King, "when by any occasion his grace should be minded to remove from Newhall, or for hunting time in summer, insomuch as the town of Writtell, even by the said manor, is a good large town for lodging," Chemmesforth being about a mile distant. Writtell Park, Hors Firth Park, and a forest. Foundation of the college of Plasshe.
iii. Lands called Somerset lands in cos. Somerset and Dorset.
iv. Lands acquired in Wales, Salop, Staff., Notts, Northt., Warw., Hunts, Suff., Essex, Bucks, Oxon., Kent, Surrey, Cornw.
The castle at Caurs "is in great ruin." Many bondmen, "both rich and poor."
"The castle of Maxstok, [Warw.,] is a right proper thing after the old building, standing within a fair and a large moat full of fish, being builded foursquare, and at every corner a tower, covered with lead, wherein be proper lodgings; and at the entry into the said castle over the said moat there is a goodly tower, well vaulted over the coming in; and in the nether part thereof is the porter's lodge, and above the same be proper chambers for lodging. Item, within the same is a fair hall, and at the over end of the same is a fair chapel, and on height is a great chamber, a fair inner chamber, with sundry other proper chambers within the same, having chimneys and draughts. And both beneath and over the same be like chambers with stairs, conveniently conveying from one to another, and from every of them is good conveyance to the chapel. Much of this work was done by my Lady's grace the King's grand-dame, and wanted finishing in sundry wises, specially with plaster, flooring, and walling, and thoroughly with glasing." Other offices are in decay, but "100l. will make the castle meet for the King and Queen in the time of their progress." Outside the castle is a "large bace court," stables and barns, all walled with stone, and covered with slate; at the entrance to the bace court is a gate-house. A ward named Archer, and aged 19.
The manor standing in the park called Redcleff, at Penshurste, Kent, is "well builded for the most part of ashlar stone, with a goodly hall," &c. "Mem., to enquire for a sorrell hobby there, late the Duke's, and occupied in and out, and laboured by the keepers and other there."
v. Lands belonging to the inheritance of the earl of Stafford, in cos. Staff., Salop, Chester, and Warw.
The town of Stafford is a proper and a fair town, which continually afore- time hath been the King's town, albeit the benefices in the same, and lands lying about it, were the late duke of Buckingham's." Nigh to it is a park, in the midst of which stands the castle, nearly a mile from the town, "upon so goodly an height, that all the country may be seen 20 or 30 miles about: and one way a man may see to the King's lordship of Caurs in Wales, 30 miles from thence, and another way to the King's honor of Tutbury." The castle is builded uniformly, without an inner court; at either end are two towers, and one in the middle on the south side, "the enbatelling being trussed forth upon corbelles; the hall set on height in the midst; adjoining thereunto at the over end a great chamber, and within the same be six other little chambers, every of them having a draught and a chimney, that is to wit, in either of the two towers at that end three chambers. In the tower of the south side be other three chambers like to the other. And at the nether end of the hall is a surveying place, and without that the two towers at that end, and in either of them four chambers." Under the hall are the kitchen, larderhouse, buttery and pantry; under the great chamber is the cellar. Near the castle is an old chapel, lodges, and another kitchen. As this "little" castle is about 15 miles from Tutbury, and 13 or 14 from Lichfield, and is near Stafford, with much game, it is thought to be right pleasant for the King, when making his progess in "grece time."
"The deanery of Stafford, at 24l., which ever hath been capella regia, and is privileged accordingly. And albeit the Duke was patron, yet the King was founder, insomuch as the priests of the college take in their masses daily for the King this collect, Deus in cujus manu, &c.; and also in the same college in many places appeareth the old arms of England. The Dean there giveth 12 little prebends."
vi. Lands of the inheritance of the earl of Albemarle, in Holderness, [Yorksh.]
The foundation of the monastery of Thorneton Curtes, Linc., is "one of the goodliest houses of England of canons ordinis Sancti Augustini."
The King's town of Pall in Holderness is well builded, and as much used by fishermen as any town in the North. It has been "for a great part destroyed by the water of Humber, and not only is likely in brief time utterly to be worn away by the said water, but also a great part of the King's lands and of other is likely to be drowned and destroyed, if speedy remedy be not founden for the same; insomuch that by occasion of such high springs and rageous waters as have been there this year, Humber wrought down a piece of the one side of the said town next to the water, and also hath worn away the town street, in one place, in such manner that neither horse nor man may pass that way, but enforced to go upon the back side of the town." The water threatens to drown four or five miles of land. 50l. or 100 marks should be spent with the advice of "such wise men as be in those parts, and as have experience in such works."
"The ferry boat conveying between Holderness and Lincolnshire, being rented at 26s. 8d. by year, is in extreme decay." A new boat is necessary for the conveyance of 10 or 12 horses: it will cost little less than 13l. 6s. 8d.
vii. Lands of the inheritance of Lord Ferrers in Okeham. That town is the best in Rutlandshire. "There is an old castle all ruinous, being a large ground within the mantell wall. The hall is in the best reparation, and of an old fashion, and most convenient to be upholden and kept with covering, because of the courts [that] be kept in the same." Flitteres Park. "There oweth no nobleman to pass through the said lordship [of Oakham], but if (unless) he do homage to the castle there in giving an horse shoe, insomuch that many horse shoes be set upon the hall door, some marvelous great and some little, with arms and cognizances; and in the midst of the over end of the hall is an horse shoe with the arms of England, being nigh in breadth a yard, which was commanded thither by king Edward the 4th."
Pp. 88. On the vellum cover: "A book of the survey of the late duke of Buckingham's lands." At end is an "Index Locorum" in a modern hand.
Valuation of the possessions late of Edward duke of Buckingham, earl of Her[eford, Staffo]rd and Northampton, and lord of Brechon Haie, Hunt. ... Maughan, for one year; sc., in cos. Warw., Notts, Rutl., Northt., Hunts, Suff., Norf., Essex, Bucks, Beds, Oxf., Cornw., Heref.; tenements in London and Calais; annuity of 20l. on his creation as earl, and 40l. as duke of Buckingham, from the issues of cos. Bucks and Beds; as earl of Hereford, 20l.; as earl of Northampton, 20l. Also lands in cos. Staff., Salop, Chester, in the lordships of Caurs and Holdernesse, in cos. Kent, Surrey, Glouc., Dorset, Wilts and Hants, and in South Wales. Some of these lands belonged to the honors of Gloucester and Hereford; others were acquired. Some formed part of the inheritances of the earl of Stafford, lord Ferrars and the earl of Albermarlie; others were alienated to Sir William Compton, Sir Richard Sacheverell, to Thomas Kytson, merchant, and to the duke of Suffolk; some were obtained by exchange with lord Berners; others were called "Somerset lands."
Clear yearly value, beyond all reprises, 4,905l. 15s. 5¼d. = 7,358 marks.
Pp. 61. Endd.
Sum total of the value for one year of the duke of Buckingham's possessions in England and Wales; sc., 6,045l. 7s. 11/8d.
R. O. 2. Duplicate of the preceding.
3. Duke of Buckingham to Wolsey.
Howard's Let.
Is glad to hear that Wolsey will move the King that the Duke may have his privy seals for such persons as murdered one of his burgesses in the town of Brecknock. At my manor of Bletchingley, 2nd Oct. (fn. 7) Signed.
To my lord Cardinal's good grace, legate, &c.
4. Dan Harry, sexton of Kingswood, to Giles Grevell, treasurer of the duke of Buckingham.
R. O. His master wishes Grevell to move the Duke that my lord of Forde may "have a day in Lent next ensuing to preach the word of God before my Lord's grace." Begs that he may be defended "from all such enormities, the which hath put me to rebuke and shame years past and long ago." Is much slandered by Master Poynt's servants for what was done twenty years, twelve years and three years ago. If Wm. Heywod, of Gloucester, speak to Grevell of the writer, "let him know that ye bear me love and favor." Kingswood, 22 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
R. O. 5. "Words of communication" spoken before Baldewyn Tynbury, notary papal, in the house of John Plummer, clothier, of Wotton-under-Ege, Glouc., within four days after the deposition and resignation of the old abbot of Kingswood and the installation of the new abbot.
Tynbury came to Wotton to speak with Thos. Matston on business of the duke of Buckingham. Found him at supper in Plummer's house with Mr. Fryth, the vicar, Ric. Browne and another. The conversation turned on the abbey of Kingswood, and Fryth said it was a shame to put down so good a man, and that if the abbots of Tintern and Ford had come with 500 men at their tails, they should not have deposed him, if it had not been for the Duke's displeasure. He wished the Duke had been in London, and then he would not have been deposed, and said that the old Abbot had more friends within six miles than the abbots of Tintern and Ford and any other two in the neighbourhood. To this all present agreed. Matston said the old abbot was a good religious man, and he thought the place "was little lack better than it was when he was made abbot by 200 mks., and that it was pity he was deposed." Frith then said, "if there were a supplication put to the King's grace of his deposition, as he supposed there would be, he thought his grace would not be content with it, and that this abbot which is new made should [be] as well watched as ever any was there, if they can find anything to lay to his charge or take him with any fault."
Pp. 2. Endd.: "Of the riot committed at Kyngwode."
R. 6. Petition from the King's tenants of Thornbury, complaining of the enclosures made by the late duke of Buckingham.
Addressed to Sir John Dauncey.
R. O. 7. Considerations why John lord Berners should possess the manors of Halton Osseley and Doxey, in co. Stafford, and Sende, Wilts, according to his entail and the covenants between him and the late duke of Buckingham.
R. O. 8. Petition of the King's tenants and other inhabitants of Moche Cowarne, Hereford, to the general surveyors, stating that on the attainder of Edward duke of Buckingham, who held lands in Moche Cowarne and Burghill, and five leets or lawdays in those places and at Kyngeston, Bodenham and Stratford, Heref., their masterships granted the office of steward of those townships to Thomas Biryton, of Moche Cowarne, and the receipt of the King's rents there * * *
Imperfect, p. 1.
R. O. 9. Petition of Wm. Hasyng, Buckingham herald, for an annuity of 10l. from the manor of Agmondisham, Bucks, lately belonging to the duke of Buckingham, and that he may use the name of Rougedragon, with the dignity of herald, although the office has before been that of a pursuivant.
A form for the patent below.
P. 1.
R. O. 10. The goods of Eliz. Knyvett, deceased, wrongfully witheld by the late duke of Buckingham.
A black velvet gown, lined with yellow satin, with gold buttons. A blue velvet gown, lined with crimson tinsel. A russet damask gown, lined with crimson velvet. A green silk camlet gown, lined with crimson velvet. A black taffeta gown, lined with crimson velvet. 3 satin and damask kirtles. 3 gold chains, one weighing 38lb.; the second, with a cross, 10 lb.; the third, of Paris work, 6lb. A silver basin and ewer. A pair of silver parcelgilt pots. 3 gilt goblets and a salt, with covers. 6 silver spoons. A sarsnet "trussing bede," red and yellow, with a counterpoint. 2 pallet beds. 6 pieces of "verdewis," checked white and orange, 14d. the Flemish ell.
P. 1.
Indenture made 4 May 13 Hen. VIII. (fn. 8) between Charles Knyvett and John Burwell, of Wikam, Kent, demising to the latter Hall Place, of Ligh. Signed.
R. O. 2. Sixteen petitions of Charles Knyvett to the King, complaining that he was possessed of certain offices under the late duke of Buckingham until the twelfth year of Henry VIII., at which time he, perceiving the high, great and grievous misdemeanors of the said late Duke, not only at sundry times committed upon his will against the order of your laws, but also imagined against your most royal person, warned himself out of the service of the said Duke." Thereupon the Duke seized his offices. Prays they may be returned to him, and that he may be released from certain bonds into which he entered for the Duke. Mostly drafts; many corrected by Cromwell.
R. O. 3. Drafts of two grants to Knyvett of the manors of Desenynges and Sherdlow, and of the keepership of the park called the Cage, part of the possessions of the late Duke.
R. O. 4. Two drafts of a licence for Charles Knyvett to shoot with the crossbow, and wear such silks and velvets as he has been accustomed to do. Greenwich, _.
R. O. 5. Draft of a patent granting to Charels Knyvet the reversion of the manor of _ (fn. 9), Essex, granted by the late duke of Buckingham to Henry earl of Wiltshire, his brother, for life.
R. O. 6. Protection, for one year, from arrest and imprisonment for any offence whatever. [Westm., 11 June, has been struck out.]
Pp. 2; large paper. Endd.
R. O. 7. Protection for Charles Knyvett, of Kent, alias of London, who has been in the retinue of Lord Berners, deputy of Calais, since 20 April 13 Hen. VIII., frequently travelling between England and Calais.
Draft, p. 1. Endd.
(1.) Has made a recognizance of 10,000 marks "for his allegiance, and that he shall not come in Sussex nor Kent, nor approach the King's grace without his licence, and that he shall bring in other sureties to be bound to the King for the same, or yield his body to the Tower before the Ascension Day next." (2.) An indenture of bargain and sale of the manor of Birlyng to the King and his heirs has been made by Burgevenny and Sir Edward Nevile. (3.) Burgevenny, Sir Thomas Nevile, Sir Edward Nevile, and their wives "have acknowledged by fine the same manor, &c. to the King." (4.) They have also acknowledged a recovery of that manor to the lord Cardinal and others to the King's use. (5.) The abbot of Bermondsey and Sir Mathew Broun released their title in lands in the park of Birlyng to Burgevenny before the fine and recovery, so that the King "shall have that clear." (6.) Burgevenny has bound 1,000 marks of lands for surety of payment of 10,000 marks "for his fine for his misprision and offences." (7.) He is bound by recognizances in 10,000l. for payment of 10,000 marks. 1,000 marks have been paid to Mr. Miklo; the rest to be paid yearly on St. Valentine's Day, "except the value of Birlyng after 20 years' purchase to be deducted." (8.) He has made a surrender of his offices before Mr. Merney, chancellor of the duchy. (9.) All the indentures and writings made by him have been enrolled before Mr. Broke, justice in the Common Pleas. (10.) He is bound to deliver all evidences concerning Birlyng into the King's treasury.
Pp. 2. Headed: "Pro domino Rege, per Georgium Nevile, militem, dominum Burgevenny." Endd.
Names and valuations of the possessions of George Nevill lord [Abergavenny]; viz., the lordship of Bergevenny; Ewyas-Harold, Ewyas-Lacy, lordship of Birlinge, Riashe, in Kent; manor of Eyridge, Waterdowne Forest, Retherfeld, barony and borough of Lewes, Dichnynge, Cokefeld, Radmeld, Albourne, Sussex; office of feodary in various counties (specified); issues from the chase of Clares, in Sussex; and other places in Surrey and elsewhere (specified). Value, 1,622l. 0s. 6d.
Pp. 2. Endd.
20 May.
R. O.
The letters I sent to you today to be signed are only letters of consolation and credence to the wife of the late duke of Buckingham and his son lord Stafford, "without the which it was thought as well to Sir Wm. Kingston and Sir Henry Wyat, as to me and other of your council, that they should not go unfurnished; whereof, if your grace be remembered, among other things, I informed your Highness, sitting in your chair in your gallery on Friday at night." If, however, you think them not convenient to pass, I remit that to you. My house beside Westminster, 20 May. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
20 May.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
As the King did not, at the departure of you Sir Ric. Jerningham from hence, write to the French king according to his original intention, you shall both explain to him the cause; viz., that he had just caught a fever, which shortly grew to two tertians. Owing to the long continuance of paroxysms in cold and heat, with no interval between to enable him to take his meals, the physicians were fain to give him his meals before the end of his paroxysms. The disease is now gone, and for five or six days he has been fresh, merry and well at ease; much better than before. Two days ago he removed from Greenwich, intending to be on Thursday at Hampton Court, and proceed on pilgrimage to Master John Shorn, in gratitude for his recovery. You are to thank the French king for his offers for defence of the King's person, which he made on hearing of the attachment of Buckingham, Bergevenny and Montague; but tell him there is no danger. The King had for some time known the Duke to be ill disposed, and recently he had been detected in treason against the King's person and succession, especially against the Princess, with whose alliance in France he was much displeased. These things being proved, and at last confessed by himself, he was executed according to his demerits. Bergevenny and Montague are loyal, and were only sent to the Tower for a small concealment proceeding from negligence. Wiltshire and Northumberland were not sent for, but are quite free from suspicion. The Emperor has agreed by his ambassadors to put all his differences with France at the King's arbitrament, to which the King doubts not Francis will also agree. Encloses a copy of the clause written by the Emperor in that behalf. Sends the King's letters to Francis which were intended for the late ambassador Marigny. They must deliver them to Marigny that he may present them. Westminster, 20 May. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
20 May.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
Writes to counteract an accusation made against him by the king of the Romans, that, in violation of treaties, he is harassing the lands of the Emperor, by means of the lord of Sedan, the duke of Gueldres, and the king of Navarre. Had no sooner heard that the lord of Sedan was making war, than he forbade his subjects to assist him; and when he heard from his ambassador in Switzerland, that Sedan was endeavoring to raise a band of Swiss, he wrote to the Swiss to say it was [against] his consent, and advised them not to grant it. Sedan, however, asserted that he did not wish to make war upon the king of the Romans, but only against the lord de Meryes, who had seized a castle of his, named Berges, in the duchy of Balion, out of which he had taken a near kinsman of the said Sedan; and that he had applied to the king of the Romans for redress, which was refused. Francis has nevertheless dissuaded him from war. The king of Navarre left this court a month ago, and was advised to get money by his subjects * * * If he were to demand supplies of Francis, could not deny them, because of an earlier treaty with him than with the king of the Romans, in which Francis promised to aid him, if within a certain time that kingdom was not restored, and no sufficient cause was shown for its detention. [Romor]entin, 20 May.
Lat., copy, pp. 2, mutilated.
R. O.
1295. HENRY VIII. to the SCOTCH.
Renews (at the request of Francis I., and in the hope that they will, during its continuance, perform what Francis has lately, in accordance with his treaty with England, requested of them by his ambassadors,) the truce with Scotland, from the present date till the feast of Purification next, with the following provisions:—1. All warlike acts to cease on either side, and depredations to be redressed according to the ordinances made in the time of Henry VII. and James IV. 2. That the Queen be well treated, and have full payment of her conjunct feoffment and dower, and be free to visit her son when she pleases. 3. No rebels to be received on either side. 4. The council and estates of Scotland to see to the sure keeping of the King's person. 5. An embassy to be sent to England by the king of Scots, to conclude a peace before the truce expires. Greenwich, _ (fn. 10) May 1521, 13 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Fr., on parchment.
20 May.
Rym. XIII.
1296. JAMES V.
Prorogation, at the iastance of Francis I., of the truce made with England, shortly to expire, in the hope that in the interval the parliament and estates of Scotland will accept the terms concluded at Ardres. The truce to commence from the present date to the Purification following. Ambassadors to be sent in the meanwhile to England to treat for peace; on the proviso that the duke of Albany shall be comprehended in this arrangement. Stirling, 20 May 1521.


  • 1. Signature in transcript, "R. Parcus."
  • 2. See Report III. of Dep. Keeper of Pub. Records, App. ii. 230.
  • 3. Probably an error for "5 Hen. VIII.," as Buckingham's speech refers to the creation of the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, 1 Feb. 1514; but the same date occurs in all the indictments.
  • 4. "Notandum" is written in the margin opposite this article.
  • 5. "Notandum" is written in the margin opposite these articles.
  • 6. "Notandum" is written in the margin opposite this Article.
  • 7. Probably 1519, as it appears the Duke was at Bletchingley in October of that year.
  • 8. Corrected from Nov. 12 Hen. VIII.
  • 9. Blank in MS.
  • 10. Blank in orig.