Henry VIII: December 1515, 11-20

Pages 338-350

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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December 1515

11 Dec.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 528
Ratification of the treaty made with Henry VIII. at London, 19 Oct. 1515. In Loco Abbatiæ, 11 Dec. 1515. Signed. Fine seal.
R. O. 2. Oath of Ferdinand King of Arragon, in his own name and in that of Joanna Queen of Castile, for observation of the treaty of 19 Oct. Lat.
R. O. 3. Notarial attestation of the above. In Loco Abbatiæ, 11 Dec. 1515. Lat.
12 Dec.
R. O.
Has been much occupied with the Lord Deputy in Sir Thos. Bullene's cause. Sir Perse Butler, who calls himself the Earl of Ormond, will not come, but has twice sent his wife, who alleges, in his excuse, causes of war and other hindrances. She desired the cause to be remitted to the common law in Ireland, which they thought not meet for Sir T. Bullene. The Deputy would have ordered him to appear before the King in England on a certain day, on pain of allegiance, but was dissuaded by the Abp. and others, who urged the danger of rebellion, for he has now made peace and confederation with Desmond and the three greatest Irish Lords of his party. Moreover, as he calls himself an Earl, he would be loth to lose the name. Desires instructions how to act. Hopes the cause of John Theodorici (Derick), about which Wolsey has written two letters, will come to good pass. The pretended Prior kept the place against the Archbishop manu forti, but he is now in prison, with some of his friends, and more will be taken shortly. Supposes he has promised more fees than the place can bear. Hopes the Deputy will take none of him, but thinks Wolsey had better write to him. "From my manor of Talente, beside Dublin." 12 Dec. Signed.
Add., p. 1. Endd.: Archiep[iscop]us Dublin.
12 Dec.
S. B.
1270. For MARTIN DE LA PASSARA, of St. Sebastian.
Licence to export 500 quarters of wheat to Spain. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 7 Hen. VIII. m. 5.
12 Dec.
S. B.
Annuity of 50 marcs. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16.
12 Dec.
S. B.
Annuity of 20l. out of the issues of Norf. and Suff. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
12 Dec.
S. B.
1273. To JOHN YONG, Master of the Rolls.
To cancel three recognizances, each of 80l., made by Ralph Brikheved of Chester, Richard Peke of Conway, and Nicholas Farington of Cheshire, 20 July 23 Hen. VII. Grenewiche, 12 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
12 Dec.
S. B.
1274. For ROB. TIRWHITT.
Wardship of Edw. son and heir of Th. Barnaby. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Signed: Thomas Lovell.
12 Dec.
S. B.
Annuity of 40 marks on surrender of patent 26 April 4 Hen. VIII. granting the same, vice Sir John Everyngham, reserved to the Crown out of the manors of Stillingflete, Rynghowses, Upton, and Bryan Asham, York, granted to Robert Clyfford, squire of the Body, by patent 3 April 1 Hen. VII., and afterwards forfeited by Fras. Lord Lovell, 7 Nov. 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27.
12 Dec. 1276. For JOHN SHARP, page of the gate.
Annuity of 10 marks out of the revenues of Denbigh. Westm., 12 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
12 Dec. 1277. For ANNE SEYNTLEGER and MARG. BULLEYN, widows.
Livery of lands to the said Anne and Margaret, (as heirs of Thomas late Earl of Ormond, and Anne d. of Sir Ric. Hankeford, late wife of the said Earl,) and to Ric. Bp. of London, John Bp. of Rochester, Geo. Nevile Lord Bergevenny, John Yong Bp. of Gallipoli, John Colet, clk., Sir Edw. Ponyngis, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir Wm. Fynderne, Rob. Brudenell, justice of the Common Pleas, Sir Jas. Hubbert, Wm. Froste, Christ. Davyson, John Talbot, John Fitzjames, jun., Ralph Seyntleger, Wm. Leicestre, John Salman and Wm. Spotill, with release. Westm., 12 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p.3, m. 3.
13 Dec.
R. O.
Wrote his last on the 10th from Fiesyn in Swave. Wolsey's letters came to him as graciously "as rose-water and vinegar to him that is fallen in a sowne or a litargie." He may well imagine how he felt himself forgotten, when absent from his country five years and a half he had sent so manifold letters "farcyd with complaints," to which he had received no answer; as if his letters "by travelling through so large countries, and passage of so high mountains and deep seas, or ruffling in the budgets, were utterly defaced or worn out." Thought himself neglected, seeing others preferred and enriched before himself, who remained in this "erumpne and importable charge," whilst the King's officers at Calais or Tournay had a noble a day for their expenses, besides their ordinary wages. Nestilbanke, in Swave, 13 Dec. 1515.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Cardinal of York.
13 Dec.
R. O.
Credence for John Barthol. Ticcionus, imperial ambassador. Memmingen, id. Dec. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: D. Carli Ebor.
13 Dec.
R. O.
The King has seen his letter to Ammonius of 9 Nov., is well satisfied of the intentions of the Pope in this meeting with Francis at Bologna, and will be glad if the papacy retain its dignity. Is afraid that the French will be too much elated by this victory at Milan, and trouble the whole of Christendom. Has sent to Switzerland to retain the Swiss in their alliance with the King, and learns from Pace, who has been sent to Cardinal Sion, that they are ready to renew the war with 20,000 men. If, however, the Pope can conclude a satisfactory arrangement with the French, the King will not oppose it. Commends to his holiness the Queen of Scots, who has been deprived of the tutelage of her sons by the Duke of Albany. Warns the Pope against favoring him.
If France has got any notice of Pace's mission to the Swiss, and complains of breach of faith, it is to be stated that he was sent on Wolsey's authority alone to see if the French King intended any injury to the Pope, that if need be England might support him as its ally. Begs Worcester will get him excused for his remissness in the matter of the half disme promised the Pope. Was afraid the elergy would refuse it; and thought he did the Pope greater service in persuading the King to undertake this law for the Church, in which more than a hundred half dismes would have to be spent. Recent letters from the Grand Master at Rhodes to the Prior of St. John's make no mention of any danger to Hungary from the Turk, and state that the Turk is afraid of the Sophi, so that Christendom need fear nothing. Ammonius will write in his name to Worcester the rest of the news. My house at London, 13 Dec. 1515.
Lat., copy, in the hand of Ammonius, pp.3.
14 Dec.
Vit. B. II. 203. B.M.
In his letters of the 4th had notified the anticipated meeting of the Pope and the King of France at Bologna. Had enclosed the terms of the treaty between the French King and the Swiss, which he since finds has not been ratified, nor are the Swiss agreed upon it. Pace is the great obstacle. The French make great complaints about it. It is evident they are much in fear of England. Is surprised that Francis should have dismissed his German troops. Would not have done it but for urgent reasons. Will find it hard to hold Milan. Brescia is pressed by the French and Venetians. Francis urges the Pope to make the brother of the Grand Master of France a cardinal, as a kind of set off to the cardinalate of York. He now disclaims the wish he formerly expressed of having Max. Sforza made a cardinal. With regard to the business "pro clericis ordinandis," the Pope consents, to avoid scandal, though it is much opposed to the laws of the Church, to grant a faculty for five years, and then, if no scandal arise, for 25, then for 30, then in perpetuity.
The King of Arragon, as usual, looks after his own interests, and requires at the conference that the kingdom of Navarre be confirmed to him. Were it not for his union with England the Pope would not care for him. He has not seen the articles of the treaty between the two crowns, and he begs it may be sent. The Emperor, as usual, threatens an army, and that he is coming shortly. He will readily come to [terms] (" ... diam,") if Verona is left to him. Yesterday evening, the 11th, at the 19th hour more Italico, Francis entered Bologna. Two cardinals, de Flisco and de Medici, were sent to meet him at Reggio. Was received at the Modenese gate by the whole body; then two card. Deacons on each side brought him to the pontifical palace to his lodging. Had expected, considering the French vanity, silk and gold and new fashions, in which the French are very clever. Nothing could be more bald. He had about him 300 archers, who looked like bargemen, with dirty faces, with greasy and threadbare coats. He seemed more like a city magistrate entering on his office than a king. After resting a little while in his chamber, dinner was brought in. About 21 o'clock the Pope proceeded in his pontifical apparel to a consistory attended by the cardinals. Whilst they were engaged in hearing a cause the King approached, in a dense mob, heaving backwards and forwards like waves of the sea. Wonders how he could get through it. Expected himself to be trampled to death. After reverence done to the Pope, and three genuflexions, Francis would have kissed the Pope's foot, to the great emotion of the spectators. On his rising, the Pope [offered him] both cheeks. They then conversed together for ten minutes, the King standing uncovered, and so proceeded to their chamber, the King supporting his left arm, as the Pope, encumbered with the weight of his cope (pluvialis), could scarcely walk. They conversed together in their apartment about two hours, the King magnificently dressed in cloth of gold, the Duke of Lorraine nearly as superbly, and the Grand Master of France and others.
Nothing could be more squalid than the appearance of the guards. They had not four chains among them. They showed no diminution, however, of their innate haughtiness. They occupied half the town, and their conduct was intolerable. Today Worcester and the Spanish ambassador paid their compliments. He told them he was now on good terms with all Christian princes, and come for that reason to pay his compliments to the Pope; and then walked off, without waiting for their answer. Tomorrow the Pope celebrates mass in the church of St. Petronius. All will be finished the day after, as the King leaves on Saturday, and will keep his Christmas at Milan. Francis is tall in stature, broad—shouldered, oval and handsome face, very slender in the legs, much inclined to corpulence. This is the 14th; yesterday, the Pope sang mass; the King sat behind the Cardinal St. George and the Pope's chamberlain, according to the old ceremonial. When the Pope celebrates, he washes his hands four times; the Duke of Vendome presented the ewer on the first occasion, the Duke of Lorraine on the second, the Duke of Bourbon on the third, and the King on the fourth, at the post-communion.
That evening the Pope told Worcester the subject of conversation between himself and Francis. This day in the consistory the King asked for four cardinals; the Pope consented to create one only, sc. The Grand Master. Yesterday Francis left for Milan. The Pope returns to [Florence]. The sum of his arrangement is an expedition against the Turks, to which Francis will contribute money, and assent to a truce of 18 months. The greatest difficulty is in the Venetians. The King of France then complained of Pace, and the temper of England, for whom the Pope undertook to be security. Francis said he did not know in what he had offended England, except in Scotch matters. The Pope has undertaken to promote the reconciliation. Worcester remonstrated, and asserted that France only wished for this reconciliation with the view of attacking England at some more advantageous time. This the Pope would not allow, and said if he did, the Pope would be the first to draw both swords against him. The papal ambassador with the Emperor says the Swiss are greatly enraged against the French, but Pace, in his letters of the 30th, states that there is nothing fixed, but a diet will be held for that purpose on the 11th. The Emperor promises wonders, and says he will come to Italy in person. Francis will write to England respecting his colloquy with the Pope. Tells a strange story of his being taken by the Cardinal Sta. Maria in Porticu, to see an astrologer who had been with the King of France, when three tall men entered the presence, English as he supposed, and after a while withdrew secretly. Understands that they offered to kill the King of England, but Francis refused. Does not know their rank or names.
Lat., copy, in the hand of Ammonius, pp. 11, much mutilated. Headed: "[Ex literis domini Wigorniensis] ex Bononia ad me datis."
14 Dec.
Vit. B. II. 193. B.M.
1282. LEO X. to HENRY VIII.
On 8th Dec. entered Bologna, where he received Francis on the 11th. Cannot be sufficiently grateful to God for the great devotion shown by the King three days after at mass. At their conference the King showed much concern for the welfare of Christendom, and not less prudence and moderation. The Pope set before him, with many arguments, the danger to be apprehended from the Turks. The King professed his willingness, if all other Princes would agree, to put aside all considerations of his own interest, and devote himself to this cause, giving whatever security the Pope demanded, who, seeing a hope of the most brilliant achievement ever done, thanked God with tears in his eyes. The greatest obstacle is this war between the King and the Venetians, in the arrangement of which Francis shows himself willing. Hopes that the King will lay aside his animosity, and listen to the prayers of those who are daily threatened by the Turks. It suits his dignity to set an example to the rest of Christendom. Has written more fully to L. elect of Feltri now in England. Rome, 14 Dec. 1515, 3 pont.
Lat., Copy, pp. 4.
14 Dec.
Sadoleti Epist. Pont. XI.
1283. LEO to WOLSEY.
Sends him a copy of the letter he had written to Henry at his conference with Francis at Bologna. Francis gives him hopes of undertaking an expedition against the Turks. Trusts Wolsey will urge his master to do the same. Has ordered the Bp. of Worcester to write to him more fully. Bologna.
14 Dec.
Vit. B. II. 195. B.M.
On Saturday the 8th, after their arrival at Bologna, the Pope entered the town with a large attendance. On the 11th came the King of France; was met at the gate by the cardinals, shook hands with them and was conducted by them to the Pope's palace, the King occupying the lower and the Pope the upper part. Sitting there in consistory with his golden ornaments (par[amentis]) and tiara, he waited for the King. Meanwhile, as an advocate was moving a cause (as is usual), the King arrived attended by four cardinals and others, advanced to the middle of the hall, and after three genuflections in three different places, kissed the Pope's toe, then his cheek, and said to the assembled Cardinals that he had come as his predecessors had done to proffer obedience to the Holy See. The effect of these words was repeated in Latin. He then conducted the Pope to his chamber, where the King stood by with his hat on (operto capite); and then went below to his apartments.
On Wednesday the Pope visited the King, and went out of his chamber to meet him. They conversed for an hour, then heard mass in the church of St. Petronius, to which the Pope was carried in his litter, the King walking before with the Cardinals. The Pope placed the Dukes of Bourbon, Lorraine and Vendome on the same bench behind the cardinal deacons. The King held the holy ewer. Many of the French nobles received the sacrament from the hands of the Pope. The King then conducted the Pope to his chamber. Yesterday he had another conference in private. Today, being Friday, he created in secret consistory, at the King's request, Hadrian Bp. of Constance, Cardinal Si. Petri et Marcellini, giving him the red hat and bonnet (birettum). Tomorrow the King leaves Milan, then to Lyons and Paris,—afterwards, it is said, to Britanny. On Monday the Pope leaves for Florence to keep Christmas, then for Piss, and along the coast to Rome. He must be there to hold a council summoned for the 11th March ... the Pragmatic sanction of France and establishing a general peace. The dissensions between the Emperor and the Venetians, who have laid siege to Brescia, grieves the Pope much. There is a talk of the siege being broken up, and that the Swiss do not altogether agree with the French. Bologna, xi[iii]. Dec. 1515.
Hol., Lat., pp.3. Mutilated. Add.: D.T. presbytero Cardinali Ebor. Endd.
14 Dec.
Lett. Max. & Marg. II. 311.
Empowers her to conclude a treaty with the King of England in his behalf and that of Johanna of Castile; and, notwithstanding the powers granted to Count Decian, she may appoint him for that purpose, or send an experienced person of her court, which would be better, as Delay is dangerous. Is to stipulate for aid for defence of Brescia and Verona with all speed. Imbst, 14 Dec. 1515.
15 Dec.
In behalf of the secretary of Cardinal Gurk, sent by his master on business to England. Inspruck, 15 Dec. 1515, 30 Max.
Lat., vellum. Add. and endd.
15 Dec.
Vit. B. XVIII. 229. B.M.
Credence for Barth. Titionus. Landeck, 15 Dec. 1515, 30 Max. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
15 Dec.
In behalf of Franscisco Chieregati, Chamberlain and Prothonotary, going to England on the Pope's affairs. Desires to be earnestly recommended to Wolsey's service. Bologna, 15 Dec. 1515.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: T. Card. Ebor, &c. Endd.
15 Dec.
Custody in survivorship of the exchange for foreign parts. Del. Westm., 15 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m.28.
16 Dec.
Galba, B. III. 405. App. XLVII. B.M.
" ... Lymborge Fal[conborg Lunen]borg being in mortgage to certain lords for money borrowed by the Prince's predecessors, and because of the great charges sustained since the said Prince's [tui]tion, not only for the money given unto the Emperor but [for the] marriage of Denmark and the recovering of the right in Fryseland from the Duke of Saxony, the said Prince is fere ... not able to borrow out his said places and castles." They had asked Spinelly to go to England and borrow money of the King, but he answered he could not depart without the King's leave. If they have not a favorable answer he thinks they will induce the Emperor to make peace with the French, to whom they are inclined by nature and by the gifts and pensions they receive from France. "[I th]ink it were [fitting that] Sir Rob. Wingfield should ... the said Emperor, and know of whom he must b ... the more surety in time to come that your highness sh[ould have] the affairs of importance to be declared here and ... letters of credence and nothing specified in your letters missi[ve dire]cted unto the Emperor or Archduchess." The president of Paris arrived yesterday. The Lord Yanlys had an audience with the Prince, present the Archduchess, the Lord Ravestein, &c. The Secretary of the Duke of Albany says that Lord Hamilton by the intercession of his friends has returned home. Brussels, 16 Dec. 1515.
Hol., pp.3, mutilated.
16 Dec.
Galba, B. III. 265. B.M.
1291. TUNSTAL to [WOLSEY].
Writes to the King at this time. Need not say how the men there swerve from them "when the ... of our writings was come." They have notice that some enterprise in intended against Tournay, and are bound to forbid the invaders from passing through their country, but are afraid to do so. "The ... the President of Paris which is father to the Bp. of [Tournay], lie here a long space to drive a peace betwixt the F[rench King and] the Emperor." This will make these men stand stiffly to the said tenth article. Chievres and the Chancellor have a design to obtain leave for Spinelly to come to England to obtain a loan from the King. The leave must not be granted, but avoided by some policy. Does not think it will be used for the King's service. Marvels how they can "for shame desire any such friendship by the King's grace to be unto them, seeing their dulness and doubleness in the King's affairs." The Emperor has obtained from them 70,000 florins for a commission to conclude peace with France. They have attempted to borrow [50]m. florins from Galterot. They have proceeded very dilatorily in the matter of the tenth article and the obligation of Tournay. Hoped by this time to have been coming home and been with the King before New Year's Day with the amity and intercourse settled. Begs the arrears of his pay. Is like "to keep Christmas with the barest." Brussels, 16 Dec.
Hol., pp. 4, mutilated.
16 Dec.
1292. For SIR HUMPH. BANASTER, vice-chamberlain to Mary Queen of the French.
To have two shillings a day, and 20 marks a year, out of the issues of Calais; which the late King granted to Giles Lord Daubney, Lieutenant of Calais. Del. Westm., 16 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
See Pat. 7 Hen.VIII. p.2, m. 22.
16 Dec. 1293. For ROB. TWYFORD.
To be serjeant-at-arms, with 12d. a day. Westm., 16 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
17 Dec.
Giust. Desp. I. 148.
1294. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the DOGE.
Has seen two Florentine merchants, who say large sums of money are remitted by Henry to Flanders. for consignment, as is thought, to the Emperor. Complained of the report to Wolsey, saying it was putting a sword in their enemies hands. Wolsey denied it; said the remittances were made for purchases of armour and ornaments. The Duke of Norfolk confirmed the same, and said when Francis returned the King had determined to have an interview with him with great pomp. The Archbishop confirmed the same with an oath. Did not deem it advisable to speak to others. The Queen of Scotland, who is on the confines of this kingdom, has been delivered of a daughter, and her life has been despaired of. London, 17 Dec. 1515.
17 Dec.
Has asked Lord Mountjoy, governor of Tournay, to communicate his business to Wolsey. Fortress of Mortaigne, xvi. kal. Jan. Signed and sealed.
Lat., p.1. Add.: D. Cardinali de Diorckq.
17 Dec.
Galba, B. VI. 85. B.M.
Received on 26 Nov. the King's letter dated the 15th, "touching the article of execution of goods of men at Tournay to be obtained within the Prince's lands, in case of breach of their obligation to your grace," with others to be Delivered to the Prince, Chievres and the Chancellor. These they could not Deliver at that time, the Prince being on his way from Namur "to keep the feast of St. Andrew's at Brussels, which is here of as great solemnity as St. George in England." Delivered them on the morrow after, and were promised brief expedition. Met the old commissioners next day. Told them Henry was willing, in deference to the Prince's wishes, to allow the article of mutual assistance to stand, though he thought it more honorable for both that it should be omitted; that he would consent to have the article of execution in a treaty by itself, "the confiscation to be divided in case they received French garnison;"—that the obligation should be renewed "for receiving of French garnison;"—that the obligation should be renewed "for receiving of French garnison;"—that they hoped by the prorogation of the intercourse to five years, all difficulties would at length be got over, and that the toll for breaking bulk would be remitted. The commissioners replied that they would omit the article of denying mutual assistance, and the Chancellor cancelled it,—which was beyond their expectation,—but would not consent to the term of prorogation or the remission of toll. They accepted the King's offer of half the confiscation, and the renewal of the obligation of Tournay, but would Deliberate about the form of the latter. Proposed, as instructed, that the amity and intercourse should be engrossed, leaving the article of Tournay till Henry sent "the date of the obligation;" which was done. Agreed with the Chancellor that the date to be put in both should be the 15th of this month.
Next day, Sunday, the Prince took his oath according to an article agreed upon. On the evening before the 15th, when they hoped to have made collation, the Chancellor sent for them to come to him early next morning, when he explained to them that objection had been made to the tenth article as superfluous, which bound the Prince not to permit any one to invade Tournay through his territory, as the 3rd article provided that neither Prince should assist the enemies of the other, and the Prince knew the title of England only by report, and could not defend it against counterclaimants. Replied that the article in question had been agreed to long before, as Ponynges, who was then here, can vouch, and that a special article was necessary for Tournay, which could not be invaded except through the Prince's lands. The others, however, insisted upon the omission, promising that if it were agreed to, the Prince would allow the term to be extended two years, otherwise they could not pass the amity. They would agree to pass the article of execution in a separate writing, as Henry desired, when the town had renewed their obligation to the Prince. To which the ambassadors replied that Henry could not ask his subjects to make any obligation to another Prince.
After much debate could not induce them to consent to the confiscation within the Prince's lands, until the obligation was renewed. Enclose copies of the tenth and third articles. Cannot understand the cause of this sudden change unless it be the arrival of the president of the Parliament at Paris, the Bp. of Tournay's father, who has come to treat for a peace between the Emperor and the French King; or else they have heard of the approaching return of the French King. Must await further instructions. If Henry promise a renewal of the obligation to the Prince, he may promise what he cannot perform. When Tunstal was sent for to Tournay by my Lord Chamberlain and the commissioners, he learned from one Hacarde, the recorder, that the town was little inclined to the Prince or the Emperor;—that it had been formerly bound to them, but never would be again. Brussels, 17 Dec. Signed.
Pp. 7, mutilated, in Knight's hand. Add. and endd.
17 Dec.
Vit. B. II. 200.* B.M.
Had written in his letter to Ammonius of the Pope's progress to Bologna. Now writes of the reception there of the King of France. The Pope is still much attached to England, and reposes in Henry all his hopes for an expedition against the Turks. Bologna, 17 Dec. 15[15]. Signature burnt off.
Lat., p.1, mutilated. Add.: Tho. &c. Card. Ebor.
17 Dec.
Vit. B. II. 199. B.M.
Has been compelled to leave his wife and go to Constance to urge the Swiss to come to the relief of Duke Maximilian, now besieged at Milan, then to the Emperor, whom he found well disposed. While the Emperor was at Inspruck for this purpose, news came of the surrender of the castle to the French. Contrary to the advice of the writer, and trusting to two persons in the French interest, the Duke allowed himself to be shut up and besieged, and during that time lent his ear entirely to his evil counsellors, who never left him till they had accomplished their designs. They have been obliged to put off the expedition; and Pace, whose authority was suspected for want of credentials, has been wisely engaged in securing the Swiss. Is sorry he will not be able to visit the King. Has written to him at great length. Commends to his care himself and Francis Sforza. If he can find an opportunity, will send two fine horses and a mule. Constance, 17 Dec. MDX[V.] Signature burnt off.
Lat., mutilated, pp.3. Add.: D. Thomæ presb. card. Ebor. Endd.: "The Counte Galias, xvij. Decembris."
18 Dec.
Galba, B. III. 409. App. XLVII. B.M.
1299. [SPINELLY] to _
*.*.*."..[i]n the tower ... ande de ... as affeccio ... brother." He says that Braband has not denied his going to M[etz, and that] he saw the said Richard riding upon a mule, "and declared ... know the name of the gentleman of Luxembourg I shall [not faul] to inquire," sparing no labor. With Tunstal's consent gave Alamire twelve golden guilders. The Duke of Albany's secretary brought to the Lord Ravestein two h[erons ?], and left yesterday for France. The Chancellor says he has no charge except the presents for the Prince and Ravenstein. He desired a safeconduct for the Bp. of Ross coming out of Scotland. The President of Paris has not yet arrived. The ambassador of Arragon told Spinelly that a letter sent from England to the Archduchess, and forwarded by her to Bannisius, came into the hands of Hans Renner, of Lord Fiennes and the Chancellor of Brabant, Brussels, ...
ii. "The 12th day of December, anno 1515, at Brussels, in the [presence of Mr.] Spinelly, and in the presence of Master Dr. Tunstal, ca[me the keeper of] the books of the Prince of Castile's chapel, and showed he [being lately at] Mechlin at a supper with Hans Nagel, a pla er upon ... and how devising together the said Hans Nagel saith unto him ... herald at his return out of Scotland six weeks ago he h[ad taken letters] from the Duke of Albany unto the Prince of Castile and his court ... unto Richard de la Pole. Item, that the said herald went to Mese in Lorraine unto the said [Richard]. Item, that at his coming there he made him good cheer, but doubtin[g] ... be a thing conterfeit, the said Richard sent hither one of his servants [to know] the truth, and being at his return advertised the herald was ver[y] ... then he gave him a doublet of velvet with six crowns of gold and ... answer. Item, after the herald departed the said Richard sent hither a gentleman of Luxemburg with four horses, which speak French and Latin, and is ... acquainted in France, with letters of credence unto the Prince and also from the French King, and Delivered them in the presence of the Lord Ravest[ein], Lord Fiennes, and Chancellor of Brabant, who despatched him the same night he came, and Ravestein said to him it was not expedient to tarry."
(fn. 1) [A whole paragraph burnt]. "... with him in case he go with Hans to Richard de la Pole ... g of Lenten by what means it might be known w ... Hans Nagle shall have. The said Alamire showed us that ... might be purveyed, they to be taken and brought to Tournay an[d] ... yned, but he wol be sure that Hans Nagle shall have no h ... body."
"[The] original of this writing remaineth in the hands of Mr. Dr. Tunst[all]."
Copy by Take, pp.3, mutilated.
18 Dec.
1300. For JOHN SMITH of London, draper.
Protection; going in the King's retinue to Calais, Greenwich, 16 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Dec.
18 Dec. 1301. For HEN. HARRYSSON, native of Brabant.
Denization. Westm, 18 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 16.
Warw.—G. Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, Edw. Duke of Buckingham, Th. Marquis of Dorset, Th. Prior of St. John's, Edw. Sutton, Lord Dudley, John Lord Clynton, Humph. Conyngesby, Guy Palmes, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir Hen. Willoughby, Sir Edw. Belknap, Sir Rob. Throgmerton, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Hen. Sharnebourne, Sir Edw. Grevyle, Simon Digby, Wm. Shelley, Nich. Broun, Anthony Fitzherbert, Jo. Spencer, Wm. Broun, Rob. Fulwoode, Th. Slade, Wm. Boughton, and John Erdern. Westm., 18 Dec.
Kent.—Same as 8 July, with substitution of Th. Finnes Lord Clynton and Say for John Lord Clynton, omission of John Petit, and addition of Sir Hen. Sharnebourne, Edw. Culpeper and Sir John Wilsher. Westm., 18 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 6d
19 Dec.
1303. For RIC. WESTON.
To be keeper of Hanworth park, with 4d. a day out of the issues of Windsor castle; on surrender of patent 26 May 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 19 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p.3, m. 16.
19 Dec.
1304. For RIC. WESTON.
To be keeper of le Mote Park in Wyndesore Forest, with 4d. a day out of the issues of Oxon and Berks, on surrender of patent 5 June 20 Hen. VII. granting the same, vice Gilbert Mawdesley. Del. Westm., 19 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 16.
19 Dec.
1305. For JOHN FOSTER, yeoman for the King's mouth.
An annuity of 10l. vice Roger Mannering, deceased, out of Denbigh. Del. Westm., 19 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
19 Dec. 1306. For TH. SKIPWITH.
Exemption from serving as sheriff on juries, being made sheriff, &c. Westm. 19 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p .3, m. 13.
19 Dec. 1307. For RIC. HEWES, B.A.
Presentation to the church of Llangion with the chapel of St. Ynyr annexed, Bangor dioc. Westm., 19 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen.VIII. p.2, m. 22.
20 Dec.
Giust. Desp. I. 152.
1308. SEB. GIUSTINIAN to the DOGE.
Has heard from several sources that 50,000 ducats are already disbursed, and from day to day a greater amount is to be distributed through bills to Flanders, to be remitted to the Emperor. Thinks it very extraordinary. The King is a great way off. London, 20 Dec. 1515.
20 Dec.
1309. For SIR HEN. WYAT, Master of the Jewels, and SIR TH. BOLEYN, knight of the Body.
To be constable, in survivorship, of Norwich Castle, held by John Cray, temp. Ric. II. Del. Westm., 20 Dec. 7 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p.3, m.13.
20 Dec. 1310. For ROKUS DE SKBENICO.
To be gunner in the Tower of London with 8d. a day. Westm, 20 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p.3, m. 11.
Cambridgeshire.—N. Bp. of Ely, Sir John Fyneux, Sir Rob. Rede, Sir John Cutte, Sir Ric. Cholmeley, Sir Wm. Fyndern, Sir Rob. Cotton, Sir Ralph Chamberleyn, Sir Giles Alyngton, Sir Rob. Peyton, Sir Hen. Sharnbourn, Fras. Hasilden, John Woode, Roger Cholmeley, Rob. Trevyle, John Hynde, Wm. Colyns. Westm., 20 Dec.
Pat. 7 Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 5d.


  • 1. f. 410.