Warrant Books: May 1708, 11-20

Pages 233-247

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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May 1708, 11–20

May 11. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Chaplain of the office of Keeper of the Tennis Court near the Cockpit and all other Tennis Courts which Horatio Moor lately deceased held: together with the several fees of 8d. a day & 120l. per an: but there are to be excepted from the said grant all & every the ground, buildings, lodgings & edifices adjoining to the Tennis Court near the Cockpit which are at present in the occupation of Ralph, Duke of Montagu, & Lawrence, Earl of Rochester. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 353.
Same to same for a great seal to grant to David Lance the office of Master Plasterer to the Works loco John Grove lately deceased. Ibid., p. 354.
Same to Spencer Compton to establish & pay the following pensions or annual bounties during the Queen's pleasure.
to commence from Xmas 1706
200l. per an to Elizabeth Lady Hay
to commence from Midsummer 1707
200l. per an to Katherine Stanhope relict of Alexander Stanhope.
to commence from 1708 Lady day
50l. per an to Magdalen Errard.
27l. 7. 6 per an to Arthur Reynolds.
25l. per an to Rose Baricave.
15l. per an to Margaret Lorin.
50l. per an to Eliz Boucher.
20l. per an to Mary de Ancour
10l. per an each to Margaret Sarrau & Susanna Sarrau.
20l. per an to Mary McNeal.
40l. per an each to Charlotte Tallemant Marmande & Jane Debenne Louvigny.
20l. per an each to Claude Margarett de Nevuille; [Neuville] & Mary Vicouze de la Cour.
15l. per an to Judith Ricard.
20l. per an to Jeane Beguier.
30l. per an to Judith de Proisy Depte de Tugny.
15l. per an to Marguerite Debar Montmillan.
25l. per an to Frances Dallons.
30l. per an to Anne Maucler.
36l. per an to Judith de Goisy.
12l. per an each to Louise Pignot & Mary Pignot.
20l. per an to Mary du Barquet.
15l. per an each to Mary de Blagny & Eliza. Veron.
12l. per an to Francoise Marie Renaud.
15l. per an to Charlotte Frote.
30l. per an each to Marie Anne La Motte Dufaux & Anne Grosvenor & Mary Boitout & Jane Kerr alias Brothwick, widow.
(Total Establishment 1139l. 7. 6 per an.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, pp. 355–6.
May 11. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Excise Commissioners to pay 337l. 14. 2 to Henry Meriton, their Cashier, for his charges in carrying 1519027l. 19. 6 of Excise moneys to the Exchequer for the year 1706 Dec 30 to 1707 Dec 22.
Prefixing: certificate by Sa. Story, Deputy Comptroller of Excise, as to the said charges. Money Book XIX, p. 252.
Allowance by same of the incidents bill of the Excise Office & Malt Office for 1708 Lady day quarter: totals respectively 708l. 12. 0 & 511l. 8. 4. Ibid., p. 180.
William Lowndes to Thomas Morrice [Deputy Paymaster of the English Forces in Portugal]. The Lord Treasurer intends to use all opportunities of sending some of her Majesty's tin on the ships of war that shall from time to time be ordered to Lisbon or the Mediterranean. As the ships that bring it to Lisbon may sometimes not be ordered any further or cannot conveniently carry it further to Leghorn or Genoa or other proper markets Treasurer Godolphin thinks of consigning it to you for you to dispose of it either at Lisbon or by sending it up the Straits. This may also help you to a credit upon any exigency & be a convenience & help to the disposing the tin. He desires you to send him your thoughts thereupon. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 416.
Same to John Popple to lay before the Commissioners for Trade the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. Long, which is referred to the Lord Treasurer by order in Council but which he conceives should have been more properly referred to the Commissioners for Trade. Ibid.
May 11. Same to the Customs Commissioners. Secretary Boyle has sent to the Lord Treasurer a letter of the Danish Envoy complaining of exorbitant demands made by the Customs officers & Prize officers at Plymouth for [tide] waiters put on board the ship Sebastian of Bergen & that several goods have been stole out of the ship. Ibid., p. 417.
Same to Mr. Hart to pay 1000l. into the Exchequer immediately out of the moneys of the estate of the late Lord Griffin. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport on board the pacquet boats of 300 pieces of cloth to be sent by Richard Stert, of London merchant, from Falmouth to Lisbon for the service of the King of Portugal's army.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' report on said Stert's petition for same. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 104.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of John Rogers & Alexander Horton praying to be appointed Receivers of the Land Tax for Co Bucks & proposing their securities, detailed. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, p. 179.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Charles Arundell gent shewing that he has been twice taken [prisoner] into France & lost what he had & being released he came to London & got employment in Ireland by favour of Mr. Roberts, a Commissioner of the Revenue there, but since Mr. Roberts leaving that post the Revenue Commissioners have dealt very unfairly with him & wholly dismissed him: therefore prays consideration. Reference Book VIII, p. 298.
Same to same of the petition of Richard Johnson, coastwaiter London port, praying leave to resign to his son. Ibid.
Same to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Snowdon, late of Hartlepool Co Durham, shewing that he became partner with one Wilkinson, late of Newcastle deceased, in the exportation of fish, he only buying and curing but leaving the shipping and exporting wholly to Wilkinson & never suspected any ill practises in such exportation for that he sent to Newcastle different quantities of fish to cover the debentures [for drawback on the value of the salt used in the curing], & is no ways enriched by this trade but a very considerable loser thereby & reduced to great extremity, being now a prisoner in the Fleet & all his goods seized & his wife & 4 children subsisted by charity. Ibid., pp. 299–300.
Same to the [Principal] Commissioners for Prizes of the petition of Sir Geo Byng & Capt. Jos. Taylor praying payment of 760l. for gun-money for 3 French privateers which they took, viz the Royal, Desmariste & Entreprenant, at the rate of 10l. per gun. Ibid., p. 324.
Approval by Treasurer Godolphin of the table of prices & rates of stamped paper & vellum [for the year 1708].
Prefixing: Representation from the Stamps Commissioners. The rates agree with those of last year [supra, Treasury Calendar, Vol. XXI, p. 338]. The stationers supplying the Office at the said rates will allow to her Majesty the following discount viz 25¼ per cent on parchment, 30 per cent on paper & 60 per cent on prints “which discount or profit proceeds from a due regard to the retail stationers whom we are obliged not to undersell.” Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 171.
May 11. William Lowndes to Sir Patrick Johnston enclosing the opinion [missing] of the Solicitor General on the case of the mark per ton Duty belonging to the city of Edinburgh. I was commanded to deliver it to you but hear that you are returned to Scotland. Please communicate it to the Lord Provost et al of said city. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 351.
Same to the Customs Commissioners in North Britain enclosing the reply from the Lord Admiral's Council relating to a guard for the river Clyde.
Appending (a) J. Burchett (Secretary to the Lord Admiral) to William Lowndes dated Admiralty Office May 2 in reply to his of April 28 last supra p. 221. The Lord Admiral has ordered a prize French privateer of 10 guns (lately taken on the coast of Ireland by her Majesty's ship Seaford) to be bought, fitted out at Kinsale & employed as a man of war in her Majesty's service by the name of the Seaford Prize & put her under the orders of the Lords Justices of Ireland [sic] who are writ to to station her off the river Clyde for the guarding the same accordingly: and their Excellencies are likewise desired to appoint 2 of the other men of war under their direction to cruise between the north of Ireland & the north of Scotland in company of her Majesty's ship the Dumbarton Castle for securing the trade in those parts. Ibid., pp. 351–2.
May 12. Money order for 1054l. 1. 8¼ to Samuel Edwin, Usher of the Receipt, for necessaries delivered by him in the half year ended at Michaelmas 1706 to the following Offices in the Exchequer viz [the respective Offices for].
£ s. d.
Old Annuities 351 6 6
Annuities on 3700l. per week of the Excise 34 16
Million Lottery 31 13 7
Malt Lottery 35 12
Exchequer Bills 29 18
Irish Debentures 38 17 11
Annuities anno 1706 532 2 6
£1054 1
Order Book VII, p. 141.
William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners to prosecute John Richardson of the city of Durham maltster as you propose in your report of April 28 last unless he submit to pay the Duty of all such malt “with” which he is charged to have concealed. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 420.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the auditor for Co Essex to prepare the accounts of Sir Hugh Everard deceased as late Receiver General of Taxes for said county without charging interest from Oct 24 last to the times the several balances were paid into the Exchequer: which interest was directed to be charged by Treasurer Godolphin's warrant of 1707 July 29 [supra, Treasury Calendar, Vol. XXI, p. 371]. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 168.
May 12. Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for payment of the salaries of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland as follows viz: by several commissions dated this day under the Seal appointed by the Treaty of Union in place of the Great Seal in Scotland James Earl of Seafield has been appointed Chief Baron of the Exchequer Court in Scotland & Keeper of the Seal of the said Court with a yearly pension or salary of 1000l. for himself & 100l. for his Deputy or Deputies for keeping the said seal; and John Smith (one of the Barons of the Exchequer in England), John Scroope, Alexander Maitland & John Clarke have been appointed Barons of the said Court with a salary of 500l. per an each: the said salaries are hereby to be paid out of the Civil List as from Lady day last. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 356–7.
(Treasurer Godolphin's subscription dated May 13 of the docquet of this privy seal.) Dormant privy seal, dated Westminster May 13, for payment of said salaries. Ibid., pp. 359, 381–2, 396–7.
May 13 Treasury reference to the Commissioners of Sick & Wounded of the petition of Samuell Cox of Barbados shewing that in 1702 several seamen were landed in that island labouring under violent & malignant distempers and, at the instance of the Governor & Council, petitioner took care of them, everybody else refusing the charge: “that the usual allowance to such officer has been 10 per cent and his disbursements in the country, to be repaid in London at par: that at the time the sickness being so great that nurses were not to be had under 10l. per week & petitioner was obliged to employ another person to assist him in the performance of that duty to whom he allowed his profit of 10 per cent”: that the Commissioners for Sick & Wounded here [in London] have refused his bill on them for 200l. for his disbursements & have appointed other officers to do that duty which petitioner performed very successfully & at a time when nobody else would undertake it: therefore prays to be allowed his commission & expenses and to be reinstated. Reference Book VIII, p. 249.
Royal letters patent, dated Kensington, appointing James, Duke of Queensberry to be Keeper of the Privy Seal in Scotland: during pleasure only: with the salary of 2000l. per an. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 425.
The like appointing the Earl of Seafield to be Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Scotland. Ibid., pp. 398–9.
The like appointing John Scroop Esq, John Smith Esq, Alexander Maitland Esq & John Clarke Esq severally to be Barons of the Exchequer Scotland. Ibid., pp. 400–401.
The like appointing John, Earl of Mar to be Keeper of the Signet, Scotland. Ibid., pp. 403–4.
May 13. Royal letters patent appointing Hugh, Earl of Loudoun to be Keeper of the Great Seal in Scotland. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 405–6.
May 14. William Lowndes to Mr. James Brydges, Paymaster General of the Forces Abroad, to assign to Sir H. Furnese the sum of 22916l. 13. 4 remaining in your hands in tallies & orders on Land Tax & on Malt anno 1708 which were struck about March 6 last for the King of Portugal on account of his subsidy. The said sum is in satisfaction of said Furnese's bills given April 26 last payable in Lisbon at 5s. 6d. per milrei for answering the said king's subsidy for the months of March & April 1708. Disposition Book XIX, p. 149.
Same to Mr. Walpole and Mr. How to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas Byde, Judge Advocate General, praying the like allowance for his extraordinary attendance as his predecessor had. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 418.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to appoint officers in place of the 12 tidesmen to be superannuated as follows who have not been able to discharge the duty for several months past: to wit William Ogle, William Kennon, James Menkey, Richard Forguy, William Hodgson, John Smeaton (all in the 40l. list) and Simon Askwith, John Colson, Richard Clarke, Anthony Smith, Edward Wardour, George Lawley (all in the 35l. list). Their successors hereby are to be Henry Cook (lately presented), James Clement, Thomas Frost (Fost), Thomas Bucknall, Robert Blinkhorne, Richard Bradford, John Rycroft, Thomas Stoder, Marmaduke Smeaton, William Hull, William Lyon, Henry Jones.
Prefixing: memorial from said Commissioners proposing the said superannuations. Most of them have been worn out in the service & few of them have any other way of livelihood. We therefore propose to substitute 12 others in their room to do the duty for their weekly pay only at present, [thus] leaving the annual pay [free for the said superannuated men] for their subsistence. But as the annual pay of men in the 35l. list is only 9l. yearly whereas in the 40l. list it is 14l. yearly we propose to average this charge to make it equal “so that when any of the old ones die his pension of 14l. should be saved amongst them and that the 6 new [officers] succeeding to the 35l. list with this charge should be first removed next that of 40l. whereby there would be 5l. a year more saved amongst them every such removal and that the remainder of this pension continue charged on the 12 juniors thus admitted into the 40l. list till the whole be extinguished: and the Commissioners observing that 2 of these persons have never attended their duty their pensions of 14l. a year each may be immediately saved whereby the whole charge will be reduced to the annual pay of the 12 new ones and will probably be lessened very considerably every year in the method here proposed, by which there will be saved 450l. per an to the Crown now paid to such as do nothing for it.” The names proposed by the Commissioners [but not completely adopted as above by the Lord Treasurer] are James Clement & Thomas Fost who have been extraordinary tidesmen for above 20 years past; Thomas Bucknell one of the extraordinary tidesmen in the 100 list; William Lane very well recommended; Robert Blinkhorne one of the extraordinary tidesmen in the 100 list; Richard Fancourt very well recommended; Richard Bradford an extraordinary tidesman about 15 years & well behaved himself; John Rycroft, Thomas Stoder, John Pickhaver extraordinary tidesmen in the 100 list; William Clegg very well recommended; Humphry Bucknall an extraordinary tidesman in the 100 list. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 106–7.
May 14. William Lowndes to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland to prolong the permission to William Bowen, one of the messengers of the Revenue in Ireland, to perform his said office by deputy during his being on her Majesty's service here [in England]. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 24.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Pye, late collector of Newcastle port, for leave to compound his debt to the Queen which is due to the infidelity of one Matthan his clerk, for which petitioner is a prisoner, and unable to subsist his wife and many children. Reference Book VIII, p. 320.
Same to same of the petition of Richard Parke for leave to compound his Customs debt. Ibid.
Same to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of Patricius Roberts, collector of Excise for the port of London, shewing that ever since the commencement of the Duties on salt the collector of Excise at the said port did collect both Duties but by some misbehaviour of his immediate predecessor the salary of 40l. per an for collecting the Salt Duty was taken away & another collector appointed by the Salt Commissioners at 60l. per an: but he is now dead: therefore praying to be appointed to collect said [salt] Duty at 40l. per an as formerly. Ibid.
May 15. Royal sign manual for the payment out of the profits of the forfeited estate of the late Lord Griffin of 500l. to William Ryder as royal bounty: without account: to enable him to discharge so much of a debt of 2500l. which the said Lord Griffin borrowed from Valentine Duncomb upon a bond which was assigned to the Earl of Ranelagh who then was & still is a debtor to the Crown: the said Ryder being surety for the said Lord Griffin's debt.
Likewise 500l. out of same to James Griffin, second son of the said late Lord Griffin: as royal bounty: without account: in consideration of several debts & claims out of the said forfeited estate to which (“according to divers reports which have been laid before us”) he seems to have some equitable title. (Money warrant dated May 18 hereon.) (Money order dated May 21 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 357. Money Book XIX, p. 249. Order Book VII, p. 140.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Postmaster General to permit the transport by pacquet boat from Falmouth to Portugal of 300 pieces of cloth & 10 tonn of hats for Lisbon for the service of the army in Portugal: at the petitions respectively of Richard Stert & Mr. Craggs.
Prefixing: report by said Postmaster General. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 170.
[? May 15.] Entry of the Treasury signature of the docquet of a lease to Thomas Jones as guardian of Thomas Lloyd infant, of the ferries called Llanndon alias Bonydon & Tal y Foyl on the Menai river ut supra, Treasury Calendar, Vol. XXI, p. 422. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 171.
[? May 15.] Entry of the Treasury signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Simon Harcourt & Dame Eliz his wife of several lands & tenements in Arlingham Co Gloucester, part of the estate of John King alias Blackney outlaw. Ibid.
[?] The like of a lease to James Lowther & Theophylact Blechynden, at the nomination of Katherine, Viscountess Dowager Lonsdale, of the office of steward & bailiff of two fourth parts of the Lordship or Barony of Kendal called Richmond Fee [see supra p. 147]. Ibid.
May 15. A view of the yearly income that may be expected from the revenues of Scotland towards the support of the Civil Government in Scotland.
per an
from the Customs if they produce 30000l. per an 5669
from the Excise if it makes 33500l. per an 9539
from the Post Office which was lately farmed at 1194l. per an: about 1200
from the Quit & Crown Rents over & above so much thereof as is at present in grant to several persons: about 3000
total of the annual income [of the Civil List or Civil Government] £19408
Memorandum. By an Act [6 Anne c. 51] passed in the last session directing the further payment of the Equivalent money it is enacted that the Commissioners of Customs & Commissioners of Excise and all other Duties from whence an Equivalent may arise to Scotland shall on or before 24 June 1708 make authentic abbreviates of the produce of such revenues with the sums due by way of Equivalent from the commencement of the Union to 1708 March 25 and thenceforth half yearly, within 3 months of the expiry of each half year; & shall send one copy thereof to the Lord Treasurer & the other to the Commissioners of the Equivalent. And the Lord Treasurer is to give warrant for the immediate payment of what sums shall be found due to the Commissioners of the Equivalent.
Although none of the said abbreviates are yet arrived it appears from such monthly & other accounts as are come from Scotland that the produce of the first year for the Customs is like to fall considerably short of 30000l. neat money & the Excise is not likely to exceed 33500l. & tis not probable that the next year will afford much more than 20000l. to the Civil Government: but perhaps afterwards may increase that fund [by] 1500l. or 2000l. a year.
Followed by: estimate of the expense [expenditure side] of the Civil Government in Scotland, viz by warrants already signed by her Majesty [or by new proposals as herein].
per an
£ s. d.
to Hugh, Earl of Loudoun, Keeper of the Seal appointed to be kept in lieu of the Great Seal in Scotland 2000 0 0
James, Duke of Queensberry, Keeper of the Privy Seal 2000
John, Earl of Marr, Keeper of the Signet 1000
James, Earl of Seafield, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer & Keeper of the Exchequer Seal, for himself 1000l. & for his Deputy Seal Keeper 100l. 1100
4 other Barons of the Exchequer 500l. per an each 2000
Memorandum: tis likely the charge of the Exchequer Court will be increased by an additional salary to the Earl of Seafield & to the 2 Barons that go from hence [London]; also by 300l. per an to the 2 persons who are to execute the office of Queen's Remembrancer & by the like allowance to the Clerk of the Pipe: & by 100l. per an to 2 able attorneys to be appointed by the Queen's Remembrancer; & by an allowance to the Treasurer's Remembrancer, to an Auditor of the accounts, to a Comptroller of the Pipe, and to such other officers of the said Court as may hereafter be proposed; & for books, paper & parchment &c: [being inclusive as] per estimate about 4000 0 0
a memorial to be laid before her Majesty for augmenting the Lords of Session (formerly about 200l. per an each) to 500l. and that the President may have an additional 500l. and his present pension of 200l. per an continued: which amounts in all to 8200
that the salaries to the Lords Justiciary may be increased & that of the Justice General: but how much is not expressed
that 400l. may be paid to the General Assembly & 700l. to the Earl of Glasgow, her Majesty's Commissioner thereto 1100 0 0
that the Earl of Kintore, Knight Marshal for life, may be paid his pension of 400
besides all which there is a list of salaries not yet adjusted most of which tis very likely will be thought necessary to be continued and will amount to about 5000
also a list of pensions granted since her Majesty's accession to the Crown & therefore likely to be continued, amounting to 6135
and several other sums are craved in the said memorial all which may raise the charge of the Civil List for Scotland in this present year to at least 40000l. which will exceed the funds for that purpose by at least 20000l.
Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 354–5.
May 16. Treasury reference to Mr. Baker of the petition of Joseph Dodd carpenter shewing that he is a prisoner in Ludgate at her Majesty's suit for 450l. obtained against one Snepp for exporting wool, petitioner being bail for him but aged, poor & utterly unable to pay. Reference Book VIII, p. 300.
May 17. Royal warrant dated St James's to John Dodd, Receiver of the Rights & Perquisites of Admiralty, to pay 90l. to Thomas Warren, the Agent for the said Rights & Perquisites in the ports of Deal, Dover & Isle of Thanet as in full of his services therein from 1704 Nov 23 to Feb. 12 last: as certified by John Warters, Comptroller of the said Rights &c. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 356.
William Lowndes to Mr. Chamberlaine. The Lord Treasurer has received the enclosed report [missing] from Sir Jam. Montagu, Solicitor General, concerning Sir John Holland's pretensions to an arrear of pension granted by Charles II to Visct Brouncker out of the Tenths of the Clergy. Please lay the said report before the Commissioners of the Queen's Bounty. The Lord Treasurer is of opinion that tallies may be levied for the said arrear as the Solicitor General advises, in case the said Commissioners have no objection. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 419.
Same to Thomas Morrice. I have read to the Lord Treasurer yours of the 8th inst new style & he is very pleased with the great care you have taken to send up the money to Sir John Leake for the Forces in Catalonia. His Lordship learns by a letter from the Earl of Galway to the Earl of Sunderland that upon a representation made by him to the Marquis das Minas of the great straits the Portuguese Troops were in in Catalonia they have taken a credit of 40000 pieces of Eight from Mr. Martin, an English merchant at Lisbon, for which his correspondent is to have bills either on Mr. Brydges or yourself & that it is necessary that orders should be given for accepting the bills & deducting the amount from the [Portuguese] subsidies; and that the Portuguese have further proposed to Mr. Martin to pay their troops 25000 pieces of Eight a month, which he has referred to be agreed on by his correspondent. As to all this the Lord Treasurer is of opinion that in regard the subsidy to the King of Portugal is already paid or remitted for the 6 months ending June 30 next except only 6291l. 13. 4 and there is nothing at present due to him on this side, and because his Lordship understands there is still a considerable sum at Lisbon for the troops in Catalonia which you wanted an opportunity of sending thither, it will be safest & most for her Majesty's service that you should accept & pay all the said bills taking care that the same do not exceed the subsidy from time to time due to the King of Portugal nor the rates of remittances from hence and that the sum you shall so pay be duly deducted out of the said subsidy & proper acquittances taken in that behalf.
The Lord Treasurer lately ordered 1715l. 10. 0 to clear the pay of the Officers of the garrison of Gibraltar (according to an Establishment proposed by the Earl of Galway) from Xmas 1704 to Xmas 1706 (at which latter date the Establishment for said garrison signed by the Queen commenced). I hope Mr. Brydges has acquainted you therewith & as to which of the said Officers he has paid here, so as to avoid double payment. Ibid., p. 417.
May 17. Treasury reference to Mr. Brydges & Mr. Walpole of the petition of the Agent of the French Dragoons praying removal of the respits on the pay of the hautboys of the said Regiment from Aug 24 last by reason of the difficulty they are under of getting hautboys to send to the said Regiment which is now in Spain. Reference Book VIII, p. 300.
William Lowndes to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Hannah Griffith, widow of Thomas Griffith late collector of Sligo, relating to her late husband's accounts. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 25.
May 18. Money warrant for 1000l. to William Borrett: as imprest for Crown Law charges. (Money order dated 18 May hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 19 May hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 253. Order Book VII, p. 139. Disposition Book XIX, p. 150.
Same for 50l. for Mahaliel Windham for the 8 doorkeepers of the House of Peers (himself being one) as reward for their attendance & service during the last Session of Parliament. Money Book XIX, p. 253. Order Book VII, p. 145. Disposition Book XIX, p. 150.
Same for 440l. to the clerks et al of the House of Commons for their extraordinary pains & service during the said Session: viz
100l. to Culverwell Needler, clerk assistant attending said House.
200l. to John Hooks, Geo Coles, James Courthope & Hicks Burroughs, four under clerks thereof, for copying & engrossing bills &c.
30l. to Thomas Smith, Housekeeper to said House.
110l. to Samuell Powell, Sergeant at Arms, to be distributed to the several messengers, & their assistants the doorkeepers & the person who delivers out the votes. (Money order dated 19 May hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 19 May hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 253. Order Book VII, pp. 143–4. Disposition Book XIX, p. 150.
Same for 229l. 17. 0 to Hen. Seager for the charges of two entertainments for the Jury of goldsmiths et al at the Trial of the Pix viz on 31 July & 1 Aug 1707. (Money order dated 19 May hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 19 May hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 254. Order Book VII, p. 143. Disposition Book XIX, p. 150.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Edward Pyle, Woodward of New Forest, to raise by woodsales 300l. [for fees, etc.] to the officers & keepers of said forest for one year to 1708 Lady Day, to be distributed to them in such proportions as the Lord Warden of said forest shall direct. Money Book XIX, p. 254.
Money warrant for 86l. 10. 0 to Sarles Goatley Esq, Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Peers, for his pains & disbursements in attending the Speaker of said House for 173 days between 23 Oct 1707 & 13 April 1708 at 10l. a day.
Appending: certificate by Mathew Johnson, Clerk of Parliaments, of the said Goatley's attendance. (Money order dated June 25 hereon.
Letter of direction dated May 18 hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 265. Order Book VII, p. 156. Disposition Book XIX, p. 150.
May 18. Letter of direction for 336512l. 2. 8 to Sir Thomas Littleton, the Navy Treasurer: out of Contributions on the second Act [6 Anne c. 48] for sale of Annuities anno 1708: & is to be applied as follows viz:
£ s. d.
for the Ordinary, being to answer as much as falls under that head of the 54195l. to pay 1707 Midsummer quarter to the Yards 19000
for the Victualling, for their course and the interest due thereon: to wit
for the month of March 1705–6 56572 6 9
— April 1706 43357 11 11
— May — 45984 4 0
for Wear & Tear being to answer so much as falls under that head of the sum of 54195l. to pay the above 1707 Midsummer quarter to the Yards 35195
for the course for the three months following & interest due thereon to wit
for April 1708 49734
— May — 43145
— June — 43524
£336512 2 8
Disposition Book xix., p. 149.
Same for 10997l. 9. 6 to same out of loans to be made by James Milner on credit of the Half Subsidies & other Duties anno 1708: & is intended for the Victualling & to answer the like sum due to said Milner on bills of exchange drawn on the Victualling Commissioners for the services following
£ s. d.
for victualling the Garrison of Gibraltar 1545 2 6
for victualling her Majesty's ships at Leghorn & Genoa 9452 7 0
£10997 9 6
Ibid., p. 150.
Same for 3000l. to Cha Hodges gent.: out of Civil List moneys: for the service of the Robes. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to William Roberts, Paymaster of the Works at Windsor Castle: out of Civil List moneys: & is intended to be by him paid over to Grinling Gibbons for one year to 1707 Xmas on his salary for looking after several pieces of carved work in Windsor Castle. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to depute John Ball as collector of Dover port loco Robert Breton.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the petition of said Ball. He was bred a merchant. As Customer of Sandwich port we should have presented him for Dover in succession to Mr. Breton “but that by your Lordship's standing order the collectors are to be appointed from time to time out of such persons as have been bred to clerkship & other business in the Customs and to be preferred according to their merits from lesser to the greater ports.” Mr. Breton is willing to resign the collectorship of Dover without any manner of consideration other than that of true friendship & long acquaintance. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 107.
May 18. Same by same to same to permit Christopher Stevenson of London merchant to amend an entry of goods shipped on the Marlborough, Jonathan Willson master, for Jamaica in April last being wrought incle of which the weight was over entered, for which the drawback would have been 45s., but not fraudulently intended although thereby all the goods are forfeit & the owner is to lose the benefit of his drawback debentures.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the case. Ibid., p. 107b.
Same by same to same to allow to Richard Breton his salary as Collector of Dover on the express condition that he do by Xmas next clear the several balances due on the respective accounts of himself & his son as late Collectors of Dover port.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the petition of said Breton shewing that in 1671 Robert Stockdale was deputed Collector of said port at 140l. per an salary for himself & clerk but in 1676 was dismissed being found above 2500l. in debt to the Crown of which sum 1216l. 10. 9 was lost to the Crown: that in 1674 Thomas Veel & petitioner were constituted joint patentees of the office of Collector of Sandwich port & members “of which Dover is one, which office then (as in most parts now) was to be executed by deputy, no constant attendance being necessary, the patentees not having the direction of any inferior officers nor charged with the receipt of money which is a matter of great hazard to [port] collectors, being to answer all accidents of remittances & other losses”: that upon Stockdale's dismissal in 1676 & Mr. Veel's not being thought qualified the petitioner was requested to take upon him singly the collection of Dover amounting during his service to 274888l.: that his moiety of the patent salary was but 36l. 2. 2 though he singly managed the collection & remitted his moneys [to the Customs Office in London] at his own hazard & charge, sustaining considerable losses thereby: that the salary of 100l. per an enjoyed by Stockdale was withholden from petitioner for 19 years though he well executed the duty during the 27 years he managed the collection: therefore praying the allowance of the said 100l. per an for the time that same has been so unpaid to him, he being upon the close of his accounts & those of his son deceased, late collector of the said port: on which petition the Customs Commissioners report that petitioner's patent with Veel as Customer of Sandwich did not apparently intend the collection at Dover & that when he was first charged with that collection in 1676 as Customer of Kent he had but 20l. a year allowed for a clerk which was afterwards increased to 40l. which was all he received on account of the said collection until 1695 when he had the same salary allowed to him as his predecessors. The balance remaining on his account is 4563l. 19. 8¾ & on his son's, the last collector, 2710l. 7. 2¼. Ibid., p. 108.
May 18. Fiat by Treasurer Godolphin for royal letters patent to constitute Lewis Mountgomery junr as a Queen's waiter London port loco his father Lewis Mountgomery surrendered. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 109.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of James King praying a pension for his support & education. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 24.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners in North Britain to employ Alexander Muir as a landwaiter at Leith loco Samuell Tomkins dismissed.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' presentation of said Muir. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 358.
May 8. [erratum for 18]. The like for Edward Rigby as landwaiter & searcher at Dumfries loco Alexander Leslye who has quitted the said employ. Ibid.
May 18. Royal letters patent constituting Colin Mackenzie, advocate, & John Tyas of the parish of St Andrew Holborn to be Clerks of the Pipe of the Exchequer Court of Scotland with the salary of 200l. per an (being 100l. per an each during their joint lives; & from the death of one the survivor to have the whole 200l. per an). Ibid., pp. 413–4.
Same constituting William Allanson Esq of the parish of St Dunstans in the West London to be Treasurer's Remembrancer in the said Court: for life: with 100l. per an salary. Ibid., p. 415.
Same constituting William Stewart, advocate, & John Tarver of Lincolns Inn Co Middlesex to be Queen's Remembrancer in the abovesaid Court: with the salary of 200l. per an (to wit 100l. each during their joint lives & the survivor to have the whole as above). Ibid., pp. 416–7.
May 19. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners. There remains at present about 24000l. unsatisfied of the principal sum of 500000l. which was lent to her Majesty at the Exchequer on the Duties on coals, culme & cinders which Duties determined (as to this purpose) on the 14th inst. Send the Lord Treasurer an account of the arrears standing out either in bonds or moneys of the said Duties & take particular care to hasten the payment thereof into the Exchequer “to the end the said principal sum may be discharged thereby and [that the said payments be] not wholly taken up to answer the interest thereupon (which is after the rate of 6 per cent per an) by the dilatory bringing in of the same, which has proved to be the case on a former credit on the said Duties on Coals & Culm granted anno 1698 and upon which the sum of 15000l. principal money still remains unsatisfied at the expense of 8 per cent interest to the Government.” Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 418.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Capt. William Smith, Commander of the Burchet privateer, praying refund of the 140l. 8. 8 deposit which the officers obliged him to make for the Duty of leaked brandy out of the ship You Fro. Reference Book VIII, p. 320.
May 20. Money orders for 1708 Easter term to the Welsh Judges as follows.
125l. to Sir Joseph Jekyll as Chief Justice of Chester.
50l. to John Pocklington as Second Justice of Chester.
50l. to same as Second Justice of Denbigh, Flint & Montgomery.
75l. to William Banastre as Chief Justice of Glamorgan, Brecon & Radnor.
75l. to Charles Cox as Second Justice of same.
75l. to John Hook as Chief Justice of Merioneth, Carnarvon & Anglesea.
75l. to William Jessop as Second Justice of same.
59l. 18. 7 to the executors of Philip Neave for 76 days Feb 12 last to April 28 last (the day of his death) as Chief Justice of Pembroke, Carmarthen & Cardigan.
75l. to Thomas Webb as Second Justice of same. Order Book VII, p. 142.
Same for 394l. 0. 3 to Sir William Robinson & the executors of Bartholomew Van Homrigh ut supra p. 88. Ibid., p. 149.
William Lowndes to Mr. Popple asking for an estimate from the Commissioners of Trade for the transportation to New York of the several poor Lutherans come hither from the Lower Palatinate and for supplying them with necessary tools for agriculture and for subsisting them for one year; as recommended by the Queen on a report from the said Commissioners on the petition of Joshua de Kocherthal the Evangelical minister, on behalf of himself & the said poor Palatines. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 419.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to have William Bourd instructed at the water side in the affairs of the Customs. Ibid.