Index: W

Pages 436-438

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Walcheren, island of [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 250.

Walderode, John freiherr von, letter countersigned by, 14.

war of Candia. See Candia.

-, the second Dutch. See Dutch war.

Ward, John, English consul at Algiers:
-, set at liberty, 127.

Warneton, Varneton, Varnethon [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, French erect fort near, 105, 107, 112.

Waterman, Sir George, lord mayor of London:
-, king attends show and banquet of, 120.

Waterworth, Capt. John, commander of the Anne, killed at Solebay, 231.

-, climate perfection, 83; unsettled, constant rains, 98, 110.
-, a bright rainbow, king says due to wind, 216.
-, gales, 264.

Weede, Everard de, sieur de Dykveldt, Dutch envoy for peace:
-, lands at Margate, 229; king did not see, sent to Hampton Court, 230; Clifford and Arlington confer with, 237; leaves, 272.

Werbaugge, [? Oudebrugh, Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Buckingham and Arlington confer with Orange at, 255.

Werden, John, English envoy to Sweden:
-, concerned in flag incident, 6n.

-, Robert, commander of the Falcon, at Civita Vecchia, 124.

-, -, commander of the Yarmouth, 204n.

Wescomb, Matthew, English consul at Cadiz:
-, called to account for English lack of respect for Spanish ports, 235n.

Weser, river [German Empire], 308.

West Indies, Indies:
-, Molina sends warning of probable attack on, 77; he complains of what happened in, 88; report of fresh English successes in, 90.
-, ships leave Spain for, with troops and stores, 100.

-, letters dated at, 16, 312.
-, Palmer set in pillory at, 34.
-, Abbey, Sandwich buried in, 252.

Westphalia [German Empire]:
-, princes of circle of, and Cologne, 131; choose Brandenburg as general, will resist French encroachments, 135.
-, likely to ally with Dutch, 132.
-, peace of, alliance for upholding, 309n., 314.

Wet. See Witt.

-, proposed new duties on, 40.
-, ships taking to Levant Islands, ask exemption from duty, 109; Alberti to get merchants to take to Levant islands, 110, 120; his efforts to do so, 133, 146, 158, 160.
-, Zante's produce of insufficient for island, 166, 196.

Wheeler, Sir Charles:
-, takes over island of St. Kitts, 106.

Wight, isle of, king goes to, 90; York off, to unite with French, 212.

Williamson, Joseph, Arlington's secretary:
-, to keep watch on plans to tax currants, 22.
-, Alberti to speak to about Dodington, 97–8; does so, 99.

Wilmot, John, earl of Rochester:
-, concerned in murder of Virnill, 40.

Winchelsea, earl of. See Finch, Heneage.

Windisgratz, Vindisgratz, count, imperial ambassador to France:
-, curt reply to about Lorraine, 1; negotiations unsatisfactory, 12.

Windsor, co. Berks, 88.
-, king to pass summer at, 47; Court leaves London for, 74.
-, king and Court at, 79, 83, 85.
-, king leaves, 89.
-, Alberti's repeated journeys to, 92; Seignelay hunts with king at, 96.

-, castle, 83.

garter ceremony at, 54.

small garrison kept at, 56.

Rupert made governor of, 63.

investiture of garter in chapel of, 75.

-, knights of, 89.

-, additional duty on, 2; duties on, 62; ambassadors have to pay duty on, 92, 97, 100.
-, imported from France, 5, 59.
-, imported from Spain, 59.
-, Dutch propose to exclude French, 96, 102, 108, 118; exclusion decided for a year, 111, 121.
-, exorbitant duties prevent importation of Rhenish, 102.
-, cargoes of captured, 195.

Witt, Wet, Wit, Witz, Cornelis de, ruward van Putten:
-, deputy of States to Brussels, 157; arrives, 162; arrested, at Dort, 263; fate of, 274–6.
-, account of proceedings during imprisonment, 275.

-, John de, Pensionary of Holland:

Boreel on policy of, 77; Dutch policy changed through influence of, 84.

expected much from his secret negotiations, 85; started negotiations with France, 113.

Pomponne directed to avoid, 147.

opposed to appointments of Orange, 157; ceases to oppose, 170.

sent Meerman to England, 175n.; going with fleet, 184.

avoids Hague, fears personal danger, 184; irreconcilable enemy of England, 244; English distrust of, 256.

writes to governor of Dover for exchange of prisoners, 213.

policy favoured attachment to France, 244.

aristocratic government of, overthrown, 256; Arlington fears revival of party of, 261; relieved of his fears about, 263.

Rotterdam man accuses of treason, 256; a prisoner in his own house, 263, 266.

expulsion of Grotius a final blow to party of, 264; party falling to pieces, 266.

released, declines office in grand Council, 269; fate of, 274–6.

Charles holds out hopes to Orange when party of, is destroyed, 273; Charles warns Orange against faction of, 291; Orange troubled by party of, 301.

remonstrance concerning proceedings of, 275; confidential letter of Beverning found on, 278.

Orange prevented from prosecuting murderers of, 278.

Woerden, Worden [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands], 255.
-, repulse of Orange at, 306.

Wolffenbüttel, Wolfenbottel [Brunswick, German Empire]:
-, emperor's alliance with, 308.

-, duke of. See Anthony Ulric.

-, England used to leave export of, to foreigners, 57.
-, Spain obtains fabrics of, from England, 59.
-, cargo of, 273.

Worcester, marquis of. See Somerset, Henry.

Worden. See Woerden.

Wren, Matthew, secretary to the duke of York, 13, 31, 54.
-, and question of titles in writing to Venice, 37, 43, 52; asks for more information, 53.

-, Mr., wounded at Solebay, 232.

Wurtz, Marshal, Dutch plenipotentiary:
-, confers with Monterey at Antwerp, 208; Monterey sends for, to Ostend, 275.

Wyld, Edward, English merchant at Venice, in favour of viceconsuls, 128.

-, -, suit of, at Venice, 141.