Index: H

Pages 379-383

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Habreu. See Abreu de Freitas.

Hague, Netherlands, 39, 168, 329.
-, news from, 169, 204.
-, mission of Lisola to, 13, 15; apprehensions at, 53.
-, mission of Downing to, 114n., 135; his entry at, 146; negotiations at, about the flag, 165.
-, treaty of alliance with Spain signed at, 140, 142, 192.
-, deputies leave, for Brussels, 157n.; Lisola running to and fro from, 275.
-, Spain anxious to treat at, with English ministers, 173; league signed at, between emperor and Dutch, 268.
-, ambassadors report to, 183.
-, de Witt avoids, from personal danger, 184; his supporters indicted at, 263; de Witt released and returns to, 269.
-, Boreel beseeches Charles not to allow French to get to, 230.
-, Buckingham and Arlington arrive at, 245; cordial reception at, 251.
-, Grotius leaves, 264; fetched back to prison at, 266; Beverning escapes from, 278.
-, riot at, against de Witts, 275.
-, Swedish ministers going to, 317; they arrive at, 326.
-, proposal for truce rejected at, 323; alliance with emperor ratified at, 325.

Haierson (?), Captain: alleged capture of ship at Solebay, 259.

Hailes, Hayles, George, English consul at Venice, 129.
-, memorial on suit against Fustinoni, 35; letter of Charles asking for despatch of, 36; report of Avogadori on, 36–7.
-, Senate promises facilities to, 39; reply to Charles about, 40, 52, 54; Dodington presents further memorial for, 41–2; asked settlement of debt, 177.
-, Alberti to deal with agents of, 94. and victualling of ships, 122; in favour of viceconsuls, 128, 150.
-, ill, 128, 141; leaving for England, 159, 177.
-, permission to appoint substitute for, 159, 160–1, 177; letters patent of, appointing vice-consul, 160.
-, Alberti to see and give assurances to, 177, 198; hoped will make good report, 209; report favourable, 234; acknowledges good treatment of English, 276.
-, calls on Alberti, 220; revives subject of viceconsuls, 253, 257–8.
-, paper presented by against Scagno, 248.
-, moving to alter date of consulage, 258; back from country, wants to speak about consuls, 276; Alberti speaks to about consuls, 280, 287; submits plan about consuls, 286, 288–9; objections and replies to, 289, 290.
-, submits plan about consulage, 286; goes to see Alberti about, 292; leaves discouraged, 293, 302; invokes Falconbridge, 296.
-, further designs of, 293; king means to reward zeal of, 296.
-, gives Alberti tables of goods imported to Venice, 297; letter to Alberti, 298; the tables, 298–9.
-, speaks about consulage before Levant Co., which opposes, 302n.
-, decides to leave for Venice, 305; Senate wishes to limit gains of, 305; leaves for Venice, 309.
-, Alberti to prevent harmful innovations by, 310, 321; agent of active, 324, 329.
-, presents memorial to Council about consulage, 315; Council of Trade deals with, 319.
-, Levant Co. considers paying salary to, 326.

Halifax, viscount. See Savile, George.

Hall, Mr., wounded at Solebay, 232.

Halwin, sieur de. See Terestein, Corneille.

Hamburg, German Empire:
-, news from, 121.
-, company for cloth trade with, 59.
-, claims against for ships burned in Elbe, 74.
-, rich Dutch families go to settle at, 231.

Hamburgh. See Ambacht.

Hamilton, Amilton, Sir George:
-, goes to Ireland for levy, 87.

-, Mr., wounded at Solebay, 232.

Hampshire, royal navy:
-, in action against Algerians, 78.

Hampton Court, co. Middlesex:
-, queen goes to, 89; she leaves, 93.
-, Dutch peace envoys sent to, 230; Arlington and Clifford go to confer with them at, 237, 244; king defrays them at, 272.

Hannam, Capt. William, commander of the Triumph, killed at Solebay, 232.

Hanse Towns:
-, Queen Elizabeth took away trade from, 57.
-, ships traded to Spain and Portugal, 57.

Harbord, Sir Charles, killed at Solebay, 232.

Harby, Harbie, Sir Clement English consul at Zante:
-, agent for Capt. Tidiman's debt, 82–3, 243.
-, complaint about exaction, 241; complaint of being insulted by Stabile, 242; indemnity promised for, 247.
-, appointed viceconsuls at Cephalonia and Corfu, 258, 288–9; might claim increase of consulage, 297.
-, memorial from, about trade, 280.

Haro, Juan Domingo Mendez de, conde de Monterey, governor of the Spanish Netherlands:
-, raising troops, has superfluous fortresses demolished, 7; military preparations of, 17–18, 35, 99, 107.
-, using up remittances from Spain, in advance, 10; gets fresh subsidies from Provinces, 35.
-, reports French demand for passage, 27; passage granted, 35; at Bruges mustering forces, 49.
-, has Frenchmen arrested at Brussels, 28; releases them, 35.
-, sends condolences on death of duchess of York, 47.
-, preparing to dog movements of Louis, 49; alarmed by Louis nearing Mons, 85; has reason to apprehend some move, 106.
-, sends to Dutch for news of Panama affair, 85; inclined to prohibit French wines, 111.
-, stirs up Flemings in order to raise money, 101; people comforted by energy of, 105.
-, encourages priests and friars to work at fortifications of Brussels, 105.
-, large financial demands of, from people, 107; will not let people rest, 119; estates refuse fresh supplies to, 169; demands money, 186.
-, has powers from Spain to make any alliance, 111; believes fortunes of Spain inseparable from those of Holland, 116; persuaded to write to Spain about alliance, 132; reports treaty with Dutch, 140, 155, 164.
-, proposed mission to, from England, 116; Southwell to go to, 117–19.
-, has leave to sell all military and naval appointments, 132; Villars to complain of, 155n.
-, ready to support burghers of Cologne if England will back, 135; will support Dutch there, 140.
-, Southwell reproaches with encouraging Dutch to deny satisfaction to England, 140.
-, Charles blames as too much inclined to war, 142; hostile policy of, 147; disposed to take sides with the Dutch, 158; confers with Dutch deputies, 169.
-, counts on help from Germany, 162.
-, disagrees with Fresno, 169.
-, publishes alliance with Dutch, 171; Colbert says that if helps Dutch French will attack Flanders, 174; committing himself deeply to Dutch, 188.
-, offices of England and France to prevent ratification of treaty made by, 173.
-, outbreak of mob against, 186; reported appointment as viceroy in Sicily, 199.
-, English ask that treaty of may not be ratified, 190; hopeful of recovering what was lost, 196.
-, informed of French help for Cologne, 194; sends force to Maastricht, 200.
-, has French provisions seized at Namur, 196; France will not attack Flanders if merely sends help to Dutch, 197–8; not in the secret, 199, 206.
-, obtains money from Flanders, 200; continues to direct affairs of Flanders, 201; acting with usual heat, 257.
-, conference with Dutch ministers, refuses to let them have their troops back, 208; occupies Dutch fortresses in Brabant and Flanders, 256.
-, sends news of Brandenburg's march to help Dutch, 237; confers with Dutch commissioners at Antwerp, 257.
-, hatred of Charles for, 257; not asked to remove troops from Dutch fortresses, 279.
-, will not allow Orange to use garrisons of Breda and Bois le Duc, 302.
-, receives Buckingham and Arlington at Antwerp, 261; possible object of conference with, 262.
-, at Ostend, sends for Dutch commissioners, 275.
-, dares not advise rupture with France, 278.
-, Orange wants to remove garrisons from Brabant, 306; Orange blamed for calling in assistance of, 308.
-, marching troops to help Orange, 319; sends more troops to help Dutch, 320.
-, Arlington commends conduct of, 325; conduct blamed in England, 328.

Harvey, Sir Daniel, English ambassador at the Porte:
-, instructed to serve Venetian interests, 72.

Harwich, co. Essex:
-, Dutch ship taken off, 229; van Rhede sails from, 291n.

Haugwitz, Frederick Adolf de, councillor and chamberlain to the elector of Saxony, complimentary mission to England, 47.

Hayles. See Hailes.

hearths, tax on, 62.

Henrietta Anne, duchess of Orleans:
-, Court goes out of mourning for, 8; died in flower of her youth, 63; York's daughter returned to England on death of, 138n.; share of in bringing England and France together, 139, 167.

Henrietta Maria, queen mother of England, 13.
-, Mocenigo's account of, 62–3; Bond controller of household of. to wind up affairs, 161n.

Henrietta, royal yacht:
-, Montagu sails in, 101; to take pilots for French fleet, 204n.; takes Arlington to Holland, 250.

Henry VIII, king of England, 57.

Henry, duke of Gloucester, son of Charles I: early death of, 63.

Henry, royal navy: lost and recovered in Solebay fight, 229; captain of killed, 231.

herring fishery, Dutch ready to pay for, 261.
-, annoyance caused by appearance of Dutch busses off coast, 281; Spragge reports success against them, 304.

-, trade in, 72.
-, quantity exported to Venice, 298–9; Yarmouth fishermen make rich haul of, 319.

Hesse [German Empire]:
-, emperor's alliance with, 251, 308.

Heusden, Huesden [Prov. N. Brabant, Germany]:
-, plan to surprise, 214.

Higgons, Huggons, Hugons, Ugons, Sir Thomas:
-, king chooses as minister to Venice, 238; Alberti speaks to about trade, 257.
-, Arlington hints at extreme softness of, 238; Senate welcomes appointment, 259; encourages friendly relations, 279.
-, date of starting uncertain, 276; hoping for higher title, 322.
-, and the matter of viceconsuls, 315.

Hiorch. See James, duke of York.

Hoare, James, of London:
-, signs contract with Cronstrom, for copper, 265.

Hobson, John, English consul at Venice, 128.
-, in favour of viceconsuls, 128; had Brocca as his agent, 289.

Holifax. See Savile, George, viscount Halifax.

Holland, Province of Netherlands:
-, news from, 313.
-, imposes duties on French produce, 5.
-, Orange leaves England to allay suspicions of, 23; promises to favour interests of Orange, 77.
-, raising a loan, rate of interest compared with English, 33.
-, proposes Orange only for present occasion, 157; insists on other Provinces conforming, 162.

-, Pensionary of. See Fagel, Caspar; Witt, John de.

-, States of, do not trust Boreel, write to Arlington, 116–17.

-, See also Netherlands.

Holland, Oland, Captain Philip:
-, taken prisoner, 220; account of, 220n.

Holles, Sir Fretchville, captain of the Cambridge, killed at Solebay, 231.

Holmes, Sir Robert, Admiral, 187.
-, attacks Smyrna fleet, 183; account of action, 184–5.
-, jealousy between, and Spragge, 183n.; reported killed at Solebay, 224.
-, acted because of order to stop all Dutch ships, 188.
-, York changed to ship of, at Solebay, 224.

Holmes, royal navy:
-, pilots sent to Brest in, 204n.

Horologio di Mare, Fortuna di Mare, Venetian merchantman, 306.
-, free entry obtained for, 283, 288, 315.

horse races:
-, at Newmarket, 96; king attends, 110; Court goes to Newmarket for, 300.

-, for Monmouth's regiment, sent to France, 197n.
-, present of, for Neuburg, 203.

household, the royal:
-, a charge upon the king, 62.

Howard, Charles, earl of Carlisle:
-, at garter investiture, 75.

-, Henry, earl of Arundel (sic):

mission to Taffilet a failure, 71.

kindness to Mocenigo, devotion to Venice, 72–3.

receives king and queen at Norwich, 110; king makes earl marshal, 247, 309; Alberti to congratulate, 262.

serving as volunteer in fleet, with his son, 247.

made earl of Norwich, 309.

-, Philip, the queen's almoner, 73.

-, Sir Robert, farmer of the customs:

king objects to Spanish leanings of, 108n.

-, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, 73n; in charge, at Padua, 247.

-, Mr., wounded at Solebay, 232.

Höxter [Westphalia, German Empire], 14.

Huesden. See Heusden.

Huggons. See Higgons.

Hulst [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands]:
-, Dutch make foray from, 208.

Humanes, count of, Spanish ambassador in Portugal:
-, reports that Portugal persuaded to join alliance, 308.

Humières, marshal d'. See Crevant, Louis de.

-, events in may move emperor to recall Montecucoli, 304; diversions caused by rebels in, 308.

Hunt, Thomas:
-, concerned in attempt on crown jewels, 49n.
-, concerned in outrage on Ormond, 49.

-, Seignelay entertained by, at Windsor, 96; king engaged in, 98.

Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon, lord chancellor, 63.
-, James lost popularity by marrying daughter of, 44, 114; Mocenigo's account of, 64–6; Ormonde a dependant of, 67.
-, disastrous results of policy of, 202; Charles hopes to repair mischief done by, 205.