Index: D

Pages 354-356

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 36, 1669-1670. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1937.

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-, Venetian fears about, 4; Mocenigo to see king about, 9; he tells Charles about, 10.
-, Turks moving against, 12; Venetians allowed to keep conquests in, 288.

-, Guldenlow to ask facilities for, in trade, 93, 104.

Dangeau, marquis de. See Courcillon, Philippe de.

-, Relief lost in fight in, 82.

Darinton. See Dodington.

Date Tree, Algerian warship, destroyed in action, 279.

Delfino, Marc Antonio: thanks for kindness to, 1.

Denmark, 170:
-, denies satisfaction about tolls, 6; Carlisle gains point with, 42.
-, arrangement with Dutch about tolls at Sound, 38; Dutch debt to, for armaments, 78, 150.
-, differences with, settled, 68; differences about trade with, 90; English company established in, 93; trade agreement made with, 133.
-, quarrels with Sweden, 115; Dutch consider ungrateful, 150.
-, claims Essex to make on, and proposals about dues, 181; Essex starts for, 189.
-, commercial treaty signed with, 245; Essex praised for, 271.
-, Loving shipwrecked on way to, 318.

-, king of. See Christian V; Frederick III.

-, prince of. See George.

-, ships of. See ships, Danish.

Deptford, ketch, royal navy:
-, sent to Leghorn for provisions, 2l6n.

Devestein. See Dryvestein.

Devon, earl of. See Cavendish, William.

-, Christopher Monk made lord lieutenant of, 151.

-, question of marriage after, 169, 170n, 175; attitude of king and James to, 175.
-, by act of parliament, 170n.

Dodington, Daringhotin, Darinton, Dorinton, Sir Francis, of Dodington, 184n.

-, John, secretary to Falcombridge:

asks about Venetian use in receiving ambassadors, 184; given to Falcombridge by the king, 193.

brings word of arrangements at Genoa, 187; sent to Genoa about ceremonial, 190.

Colbert makes complaint against, 192; the accusation and his defence, 192–3n; Colbert speaks to Mocenigo about, 195.

Falcombridge dismissed but retained services, 193n, 210n; Bridgeman chosen to replace, 198.

protected by Buckingham and Arlington, 195; indiscretion referred to, 293.

in disgrace, 210n; action against suspended, 216; Louis asked to agree to restoration to favour, 237.

pardoned and restored to post as secretary, 246; reasons for pardon, 269.

at Collegio about audience and York's letter, 246; copies Senate's office, for ambassador, 249.

asks audience for ambassador, refers to Harby's case, 256; hands in memorial, 258; and asks for speedy and favourable reply, id.

not yet pardoned, but practically settled that will remain as resident, 261, 264.

goes to ask audience for ambassador, for leave, 262; present of gold chain to, 268.

complains that answer about salt fish unsatisfactory, 262; leaves memorial about Harby, 262–3; asks for memorial to be ignored, 264.

letters of credence sent to, 269; likely to be prudent and intelligent, 270; retention of, due to favour, 294.

family preparing to go to Venice, 270; hints at return as resident, 275.

in Collegio about Fustinoni case, 271, 273; asks about pardon requested and presses for decision, 272–3; further office, insists strongly, 273–5; sends emissary to Collegio for answer, 277.

to remain at Venice to keep up good correspondence, 275; king does not quite trust loyalty and holds back credentials, 281; credentials sent, 286; text of, 299.

Hailes announces appointment in Collegio, 289, 298; Collegio ready to welcome, 290.

ready to vindicate his conduct, 290; Mocenigo complains of behaviour in Collegio, 293; Temples go to Mocenigo to explain and apologise for, 300.

king will not suffer further lapses by, 294, 304, 312; Mocenigo aims at getting promises of future good behaviour, 301.

credentials and reply to, sent to Alberti, 297; text of office and reply, 298–9.

Mocenigo asked to intercede with secretary of state for, 300; he expects better behaviour of, in future, 304.

office read to, 301; promises to foster good relations, 301–2; further office read to, promises to report to king, 304.

offices in Collegio, 306, 314.

memorial against enticing sailors from ships, 307–8; report on, 308; resolution in Senate upon, 318; reply to, 319.

memorial asking that English alone shall benefit by reduced duty on salt fish, 308–9; report upon, 309.

Arlington pleased by indulgence shown to, 312.

memorial on exemption from currant duty, 314–5.

-, -, Hester wife of, thanks Williamson for kindness to husband, 287n.

Doggropoli. See Ibanez, Don Gaspar, de Segovia, marquis of Agropoli.

-, present of English, for dukes of Brunswick, 74n.

Dona, Antonio: attends Falcombridge at reception, 223.

Dorchester, marquis of. See Pierrepont, Henry.

Dorinton. See Dodington.

Douglas, Duglas, Lord George:
-, proposal to send regiment to Canada, strong objection to, 23; Colbert urges sending, 27; suspicion of French over, 30.
-, surprise in Paris about, 29; determination in England to stop, 30, 32; case referred to, 36.

Dover, co. Kent:
-, Falcombridge sets out for, 154; Bridgeman ill at, 216.
-, Madame asks leave to go to brother at, 171; Monsieur might accompany wife to, 176; she will go to, 179.
-, Charles preparing to meet Madame at, 180, 192; ambassadors may have to go to, 181; baggage and troops sent to, 194; Boreel goes to, 202.
-, foreign interest in conference at, 186–8; too confined for such a reception, 194.
-, St. Albans and Sandwich to attend Madame to, 192; Madame starts for, 195, 205; and arrives at, 196–7.
-, king and court go to, 197; Madame decides to leave, 199; she puts off departure from, 201, 205–6.
-, Bridgeman sets out for, 198; York leaves for London, 202.
-, no news of any decision at, 202; length of Madame's stay at, 208.
-, Charles learns of Grand Duke's death at, 208; Melo's visit to, 210.
-, meeting at, referred to, 214, 219.

Downs, the:
-, Godolphin sails from, 39n.

droit d'aubaine, invoked by Orleans, 130n.

drugs, trade in, 22.

Dryvestein, Devestein, John:
-, proposed petition about salt fish, 83; Senate ready to hear, 91.

duel, between marquis de la Frette and prince de Chalais, 266n.

Duglas. See Douglas.

Dunkirk [Nord, France]:
-, despatch dated at, 199.
-, Dutch disturbed by fortification of, 25; Spaniards resent it, 36; England watching closely, 40.
-, Dutch affect indifference about, 38; port considered inadequate, 38–9.
-, Montagu offers to repurchase, 46; offer refused, 62.
-, coal sent from, through Flanders, 96.
-, Madame sets out for, 195, 197; Buckhurst sent to, to pay respects to Louis, 196; Louis goes to, 203.
-, French Court at, king inspects defences, 199; Madame embarks at, for England, 205.
-, Louis announces journey to, with large forces, 312; Charles informs Commons about, 316.
-, king's right to keep troops at, 313.

Duodo, Joani, regulator of the Customs:
-, report on salt fish, 309.

Durazzo [Albania]:
-, English thinking of sending cloth to, 276.

-, hope to attract wealthy, to England, 310.

-, See also Netherlands.

Duteil, Capt. Jean Baptiste:
-, sent to Pisa and Genoa about galleys, 253.