Index: R

Pages 393-394

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Rainbow, Rambero, state ship, in fleet to south, 220.

Ranjuez. See Aranjuez.

Re David, in Venetian squadron of ships, 41.

Rebello, Francesco Ferrero, Portuguese agent to England:
-, brings ratification of peace, 40; representations for release of ship, 67; back with articles, 83; waiting to complete peace, 119; warning to, if treaty not ratified, 171.
-, left in charge by ambassador, 159; Cromwell sends for and threatens with dismissal, asks to stay, 242.

recusants. See Catholics, English Roman.

Relief, Soccorso, 126, fight with Turks, 115; vote of payment for, 147.

religion, parliament decides must be Protestant, 1.

religious. See priests.

reprisal, letters of. See marque, letters of.

Reserve, state ship, sent to Calais to fetch Bordeaux, 198.

residents. See under ambassadors.

Resolution, state ship, in fleet to south, 220.

Reuter. See Ruyter.

Reynolds, John, commissioner general in Ireland, knighted by Cromwell, 70n.

Rhine, River, troops being raised in country about, 275.

Ricaut, Richaut, Sir Peter, merchant, heirs of ask for letters of marque, 34; Cromwell demands satisfaction for debts due to, 51, 96.

Riccard, Alderman Andrew, governor of the Levant Co., presents list of grievances to Paulucci, 63.

Rich, Henry, earl of Holland, employment of, cause of Charles's unpopularity, 299.

Richard, state ship, order for construction of, 48n.

Richaut. See Ricaut.

Richmond, duke of. See Stuart, James.

Riva, Faustin di, appointed governor of Elizabeth Maria, 41.

robbers, attack and rob Venetians near London, 165.

Rochelle, La [Charente Inferieure, France], Spanish trade harassed by pirates of, 78.

Rochester, earl of. See Wilmot, Henry.

Rolle, Henry Chief Justice of the Upper Bench, representations in Court of about inconvenience through absence of king, 65; resignation of, 72.

Rolt, Edward, Major, English resident in Sweden, despatched, 94; to get information of naval and military forces of country, 95; a private person, without title, 153; at Hamburg, expected home, 191; king's courtesy to, 215.

Romans, army to choose emperor, following example of, 132.

Rome [Prov. Roma, Italy]:
-, despatches dated at, 3, 166, 173, 183, 185, 199, 202, 205, 219.
-, anxiety at about English fleet, 3, 198, 202, 205; Cromwell sends individual to, 53, 84, 143.
-, grant of Protestant church would prejudice Portugal at, 217.
-, would triumph by mutual destruction of English and Dutch, 305.

Rosenvinge, Henry Wilhemsen, Danish ambassador to England, departed, leaving a resident, 153, 159.

Rosin, M., English envoy to the Hague:
-, takes letter about ships lost under Dutch convoy, 260; and to warn Dutch not to oppose Sweden, 262.
-, return eagerly awaited, 262; cannot obtain reply from States, 269; returns with all satisfaction desired, 272.

Rospigliosi, Giulio, archbishop of Tarse, assurances about papal galleys, 202.

Rosso, Andrea, Venetian Resident at Naples, despatches to the Senate, 4, 7, 13, 21, 24, 29, 33, 49, 59, 67, 84, 87, 95, 98, 123, 127, 131, 154, 162.

Rota [Prov. Cadiz, Spain], Blake hangs about, 71: English land at for water, 221.

Rouen [Seine Inferieure, France]:
-, despatch dated at, 107.
-, Sagredo travels via, 111.

Rovere, Abbé de la, ambassador of Savoy in France, Giustinian will copy treatment of Lockhart, 215; unpleasant experiences, 220.

royalists, cavaliers, malignants:
-, king encouraged by reports of on unpopularity of government, 30; Cromwell has some leading men arrested, 31; measures in London to prevent rising of, 36.
-, rising near Salisbury, 37–9; damped by prompt suppression, 39, 45; did king more harm than good, 45; arrests of continue, 82.
-, London fires said to be work of, 54; many seek refuge in vagabondage, 82; proposal to send poorer to Virginia, 148.
-, proclamations banishing from London, 86, 138, 264; London searched for, 88; banished from London for 3 years, 175; expelled from London, 224.
-, some allowed to remain on finding surety, 88; fear of fresh trouble with, 147–8.
-, made to pay for support of army, 141; policy to reduce to impotence and poverty, 142, 148; weakened by harsh treatment, 262.
-, to supply schedule of goods, 148; forbidden to have arms, 150; horses seized in London, 198.
-, tax on and disarming due to Manning's revelations, 169; may live in country houses but not leave neighbourhood, 175.
-, allowed to serve Sweden, enlist eagerly, 187; going under Fleetwood, 194.
-, many prepare to join king in Flanders, 201; numbers not small, 312.
-, secret agents active in London, 253; houses searched for, many imprisoned, 264, 267.
-, money to be raised for sailors by confiscating property of, 279, 281; Cromwell mortally hated by, 312.
-, reduced to submission, 303; abandoned themselves to wine and debauchery after a victory, 307.

Ruby, state ship, in fleet to south, 220.

Ruiter. See Ruyter.

Rupert, Prince Palatine of the Rhine:
-, confers with Charles and Frederick of Nassau at Cologne, 90; Pardi presses about service of Modena, 105.
-, reconciliation with Charles, 90n; at Frankfort to see ex-queen of Sweden, 123.
-, enters service of emperor, 149; at Vienna about to take a journey, 156; ready to bring troops from Germany, 199.
-, claims on Mazarin for ship, 182; France cannot act in favour of, 182.
-, offers services in case of rising in England, 199.
-, at Vienna, reports quarrels with Elector, his brother, trick suspected, 289; emperor's inducements to keep, 294.

Ruyter, Reuter, Ruiter, Michael da, Dutch general at sea:
-, Blake confers with, off Cadiz, 96; success against Turkish pirates, 175.
-, held up off Dover for search, 210; convoyed plate for Spaniards, 217; excuses sent for treatment of, 225.
-, commanding squadron for Mediterranean, 292; Blake ordered to fight if assists Spaniards, 296.

Rye, Larii, co. Sussex, Fiesco reaches, 5.