Index: G

Pages 356-358

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Gabrielli, Cardinal Giulio, sent to attend to defence of Civita Vecchia, 202.

Gage, Thomas, a Domincan friar, gives Cromwell information about W. Indies, 18; expedition sent by advice of, 18n.

Gainsborough, state ship, flagship of Whitehorn, 195n, 210n.

Galicia, Spain, plate galleys warned to steer for, 74.

Galilee, Thomas, petition of recommended by Council, 115.

-, Thomas, son of, commander of the Relief, case recommended to Senate, 115–6; decision to pay by instalments, 126; agents informed about, 147.

Gamarra, Estevan de, Spanish ambassador at the Hague, proposes alliance against English, 88; urgent instructions to, about alliance, 104; constantly urging Dutch to take action against England, 293.

Gambara, Count Annibale, in Sagredo's train, 103, 121; attacked by robbers near London, 165; case not to be pressed, 173.

Garland, Augustine, motion about royal title dropped, 4n.

Garonne, River, France, English ships entering need not unlade guns, 150.

Garway, William, chosen by Levant Co. as ambassador to Porte, 47n; Paulucci to find out commissions of, 68; not confirmed, 76.

Gatta, Don Carlo della, General Mâitre du Champ, promises aid to governor of Milan, 33.

Gautier, —, punishment of, 221.

Geneva, Switzerland:
-, congress at, 105, 118, 135.
-, Pell's stay at, 188.

Genoa and Genoese, Italy:
-, couriers from, 127.
-, fear for Savona, because of Blake's fleet, 6; spread false reports about Blake's demands of Grand Duke, 14.
-, London merchants asked if wish to trade to, 20n; efforts to use capital and injure others' trade, 23; Fiesco tries to get commercial advantages for, 36.
-, quarrel with Spain, anxious to stand well with England, 23; adjustment with Spain, 40, 116; English case differs from, 117; but treated in same way, 135.
-, greatly agitated over affairs of Vaudois, 68.
-, English in Spain lade ship for, 71; capture of Spanish galleons severe blow to, 268.
-, dealings with over Levant trade, 95.
-, offers port for English fleet, 214, 217; Venice interested about 229.

-, merchants of. See merchants, Genoese.

-, ships of. See ships, Genoese.

George, state ship:
-, Blake's flagship in Mediterranean, guns and crew, 10, 11n, 82; careened at Lagos, 84; sent to Faro to be repaired, 96.
-, not in list of fleet for south, 219n.

Germany, the empire:
-, supposed in league against House of Austria, 33; eyes of Sweden fixed on, 97; danger of fresh war of religion in, 130; English hope Sweden will carry conquests into heart of, 141; probable Swedish designs on, 160.
-, insignificant person employed in, as agent, 143.
-, threatened with ruin, 146; Sweden expected to make Lutheranism supreme in, 178.
-, Rupert in service of, 156n; Rupert will bring troops from. for Charles, 199.
-, offer of states of, for Charles, 166.
-, French intrigues to close passes from, into Italy, 182; Cromwell moving France against, 279.
-, proposed embassy to Protestant Princes of, 186; aim to keep up good relations with, 187; Whitelocke to go to, 191.
-, everything preparing for new and intense war in, 255; by transactions in winter between France and, 275; French expect new war in, 290.

Germans, Viceroy of Naples wants 600 against English, 202; descent of, upon Italy, 259.

Giavarina, Francesco, Venetian Secretary in England:
-, despatches to the Senate, 177, 179, 183, 186, 190, 194, 197, 199, 203, 205–6, 208–9, 213, 216, 221, 224, 226, 230, 233, 235, 237, 240, 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253, 256–7, 259, 261–2, 266, 268, 271, 273, 275, 279, 281, 283, 285, 287, 290, 292, 294, 296.
-, communications with Giustinian, 189, 201–2.
-, Sagredo commends, 121; chosen to act as resident, 163; Sagredo notified and to inform Cromwell, 168; not presented to Cromwell, as secretary, 177.
-, to get redress for Gambara, but discretely, 173; to avoid incidents likely to cause offence, 176.
-, Sagredo leaves in charge, 176; letters of credence on way for, 181; asks for duplicates of credentials, 185; credentials sent to by merchants, 192–3.
-, visits Bordeaux, courtesy shown to, 203–4; to return courtesy and try to win confidence, 212.
-, speaks to Fleming about help against Turk, 205; urges Bond to move king to attack Turks, 206.
-, ill of fever, 208–9, 226, 279; confined to bed, 283; still weak, 285.
-, asks for audience, 209, 213; kept waiting, 216, 221; has audience about Concord, 243–4.
-, despatch reported missing, 215; despatches not received at Antwerp, 223; letters tampered with, 226.
-, to inform Cromwell of victory in Dardanelles, 247, 256–7; does so, 257.
-, celebrates victory, 257, 281.
-, presents letters about Principe di Toscana, with office, 258.
-, Fisher brings poem on victory to, 283; to reward him, 289–90.
-, asks audience about ships helping Turks, 285, 289; audience upon, 290–1; suggests good understanding between ministers, 291.
-, office with Nieuport about ships helping Turks, 285; encourages idea of sending ships against Barbary pirates, 285–6; Nieuport assures of satisfaction, 292, 297.
-, asks instructions if Cromwell made king, 286; reported discovery of mine, 294, 312.
-, Cromwell approaches about release of English prisoners, 291–2.
-, can get no reply to requests, 294, 296; gives Thurloe another memorial, 296.

-, Blake's fleet, enters, 65; Blake sails from, 71: reported capture by Blake, 224; not confirmed, 227.
-, two merchantment of plate fleet escape to, 265n.

Gibraltar, Strait of, the Strait:
-, Blake waits for Neuchese at, 6; talk of Penn going to, 8; Blake reported near, 76.
-, plate fleet not reached, 83; arrival of plate fleet leaves English to do at, 198.
-, first English fleet to sail for, 167, 173, 178, 180, 190, 196; ten ships pass through, 230.
-, English mean to have port near, 223.
-, goods for places outside, to be sent overland, 229; English fleet sighted outside, 232.
-, one squadron of fleet stationed near, 233; Montagu expected to return to, 280.
-, Dutch ships with cargo will not pass for Cadiz, 233; Dutch squadron sailing for, 292–3, 296.
-, squadron passes through for N. Africa, 252.

Gilbert, Thomas, captain of the Cullen, 248n.

Giones. See Jones.

Giraud, Pierre, siegneur de Poincy, marquis de Poensi, governor of St. Kitts, will made good defence against English fleet, 38.

Giustinian, Francesco, Venetian Ambassador in France, despatches to the Senate, 101, 118, 142, 145, 158, 162, 171, 176, 183, 189, 193, 196, 199, 203, 212, 215, 220, 223, 226, 232, 255, 267, 270, 273, 275, 279, 285, 290.
-, despatches of Paulucci to, 93, 96, 99, 101, 105, 109.
-, communications with Giavarina, 189, 201–2.
-, to bear Paulucci's expenses. 107; Sagredo hoped to return home on arrival, 144.
-, trying to prevent French joining Cromwell against Spain, 145–6.
-, not informed by Sagredo about Bordeaux, 158.
-, Marini's service to, 168; to treat Cromwell's ambassador as one of crowned head, 192; question of attitude to Lockhart, 215.

-, Girolamo, Venetian Ambassador at Rome:

despatches to the Senate, 3, 166, 173, 182, 185, 198, 202, 205, 218.

asks for despatch of papal galleys, 218; pope's promises to, 218–9.

-, Polo, in Sagredo's train, 103, 121; returning to Venice, 130.

Glencairn, Glencarne, earl of. See Cunningham, William.

Gloucester, duke of. See Henry, duke of Gloucester.

Goa [Malabar, India], fleet from expected at Lisbon, 243.

Godolphin, in Breage, co, Cornwall, Dunkirkers fortify themselves at, 236.

Godolphin, William, 236n.

Goetart. See Lockhart, William.

goldsmiths, company, lent 800,000 crowns to parliament, 302.

Gonzaga, Maria, queen of Poland, at Wolborg, 279.

Goodson, William, Vice Admiral, reports attack on Sta. Marta, 174n.

government. See Protectorate.

Gradenigo, Gerolamo, in Sagredo's train, 103, 121; returning to Venice, 130.

Gran Principe. See Principe di Toscana.

Grand Duke. See Medici, Ferdinand II. de', Grand Duke of Tuscany.

Grand Turk. See Mahomet IV., Sultan of Turkey.

Grandison, viscount. See Villiers, John.

Gravelines [Nord, France], plundering propensities of garrison, 111; Cromwell to support French attack on, 176; must be tackled before Dunkirk, 236.

Gravesend, co. Kent:
-, Bond arrives at, 89; Cromwell sends to him at, 92; Bordeaux expected at, 200.
-, lady detained and searched at, 201; Bond conveyed to, 260.

Gray, Henry, earl of Stamford, Stanford, 31.

-, Thomas, baron, of Groby, arrested, 31.

Great Britain:
-, king of. See Charles I.; Charles II.; James I.
-, queen of. See Henrietta Maria.

Great Oliver. See Naseby.

Great President, state ship, action with Dunkirk Admiral, 234n.

Greenwich, co. Kent, Sagredo fetched from, 121.

Greyhound, state ship, fight with Dunkirkers, blown up, 239.

Grigno [Prov. Vicenza, Italy]:
-, Sagredo's bills of health taken at, 212.
-, letter dated at, 212.

Grimaldi, Honoratius II., Prince of Monaco, alarm about Blake's fleet, 6.

Grimani, Luigi, in Sagredo's train, 103, 121; returning to Venice, 130.

Groby, baron of. See Gray, Thomas.

Guienne, France, English ships reported off coast, 183.

Guinea, W. Africa, ships ready to sail to, 26.

Guinea, Guiney, state ship, in fleet to south, 220.

Guise, duke of. See Lorraine, Henry de.

Gulf, the. See Adriatic Sea.

-, purchased for defence of Normandy, 6.
-, taken into Cadiz from Cartagena, 216.
-, sent to Aberdeen as soap, intended for Charles, 239.
-, purchased for Sweden and sent by ship, 284.

guns, ordnance:
-, placed by Cromwell before residence, 7; surmises about, 8.
-, superiority of English over Dutch, 303.

Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, terror caused in Europe by, 97; death of widow of, 218.