Index: J

Page 364

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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James I., king of England, king of Great Britain :

Charles will not surrender prerogatives enjoyed by, 161
-, slandered by city, 171
-, religious settlement maintained by, 243.

James, duke of York, son of Charles I. :

king leaves at Oxford, 110, 259
-, to go to London, 270, 272, 273
-, arrives, 277
-, parliament considers passing over prince for, 279
-, removed from London to avoid plague, 281
-, plot for escape, 298
-, to go to Hampton Court, 310.

James, Giames, Thomas, captain of the William, 177.

James, English ship, taking troops and stores to Crete, 247.

James the Scot, merchantman, hired by Venice for war, 274.

Jansson, Frans, Dutch shipmaster, beats off two parliament ships, 171.

Jenks, Richard, parliament envoy to Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic States, selected, 22.

-, Germen, Henry lord, queen's master of the horse, dislike of, scandal about, 67
-, Queen Henrietta sends to Louis, 127.

queen sends to fetch prince, 264
-, returns without him, 267.

Jersey, Gerze, Jerze, island of :

suspected French designs on, 154
-, troops sent to, 156
-, prince goes to, 256n
-, Waller to attack, 261
-, prince leaves well supplied, 269
-, Douglas hopes to enlist regiments at, 294
-, decision to occupy, 317.

Jesuits, new oath is protection against, 276.

jewels, crown :

Goring goes to Holland to raise money on, 36, 297
-, pledged at Amsterdam, 80.

diamonds, 67, 72.

Jews :

Venetian merchants use for illicit trading, 228, 265, 286
-, favour English merchants at Porte against ambassador, 269.

Joachimi, Albert, Dutch ambassador to England, 123 :

proposal to send to England, 26
-, wishes to inform king of prince's death, 311
-, audience under surveillance, 315.

John IV., king of Portugal, duke of Braganza :

asks Charles to interpose for release of brother, 198
-, parliament complains to, of Sousa, 204
-, parliament wants recognition from, 247
-, Spain piqued at Charles asking help of, 253.

John Buonaventura, English merchantman, at Leghorn, 177.

Johnson, Richard, plot for York's escape, 298.

Johnston, Sir Archibald, lord Warriston, the king's advocate, Scottish plenipotentiary :

reaches London, 71n
-, sent to Scotland, 170
-, speech in parliament, 294.

Jones, Col. Michael :

besieging Chester, 221
-, Ormonde delivers Dublin to, 314.

Juliers [Rhenish Prussia] :

supposed Dutch designs on, 25, 28.

jury, trial by, superseded, 124.