Index: P

Pages 746-755

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Padavino, Marc Antonio:
-, interview with Duchess of Rohan, 101; communication with the duchess, 108.
-, Venetian secretary at Florence:
-, despatches, 234, 395, 447, 571, 573.

Padua [Prov. Padova, Italy]:
-, entertainment of Estrees at, 322; Lord Fielding going to study at, 487.

Pagliacarne, Battista:
-, goods in Jonas, 144.

Paiton. See Peyton.

Palatinate, 517, 529.
-, Spanish offers to England about, 24, 29, 44, 49, 69.
-, Palatine princes deceived into hoping for restoration, 58.
-, something expected from emperor about, 74; Spaniards disclaim interest in, 93.
-, Rubens very sober about, 104, 113, 120, 121.
-, England will not treat unless restitution probable, 120; obstacle to peace, 136; England will not make peace without restitution, 137, 163, 168, 258, 270, 283, 287, 426.
-, Vane to learn Palatine's views about, 141; Chateauneuf's views about, 143.
-, question of restitution, 149, 214; Chateauneuf makes proposal about, 154.
-, Rubens induced England to treat by offering restitution, 171.
-, French mean to send troops to, 172; Spaniards propose to give their portion to emperor, 178.
-, Richelieu does not believe in restitution, 189; Chateauneuf believes Spaniards will do what they please with England over, 196.
-, offered to induce England to mediate with Dutch, 200; peace arranged by James did not mention, 206.
-, proposal to restore in part, 209; peace contains nothing about, 227; Spinola's behaviour about, 232.
-, Bavaria angry with France for urging England to take, 244; Spanish use of, 267, 278.
-, Philip wants to restore, 273; Spaniards can only surrender part they hold, 275.
-, Spanish negotiations with Bavaria about, 283, 297; Spaniards not sincere about, 286, 322, 456.
-, Bavaria's interest in, 291.
-, Orange says Great Britain cannot recover, 293; English people want recovery, 295.
-, negotiations about at Madrid, 301; Cottington replies firmly about, 311.
-, Spaniards raise objections to restoration, 324; peace must be prelude to restoration, 328.
-, Spaniards do not bind themselves about, 343; question of restitution, 351.
-, Spaniards promise satisfaction about, 363; supposed demand of restitution, 383.
-, English give up question of restitution of fortresses, 404; doubt of any restitution, 406, 418.
-, prospect of retitution, 419, 431; Bavaria's negotiations with French about, 426.
-, question discussed in Council, 432; Spaniards promise offices for restitution, 435.
-, Spaniards do not support Anstruther about, 436; provision about, in peace, 448.
-, unaffected by peace, 449; English want Dutch truce for sake of, 461.
-, Spain undertakes restitution, 466; Sweden promises restitution, if assisted, 468.
-, question of restitution likely to disturb Anglo-Spanish peace, 471.
-, Charles wants to know what to expect from Sweden about, 486; question debated at Madrid, 500.
-, Scaglia to treat for restitution, 504; Spaniards not sincere about, 509.
-, Bavaria will not surrender his portion, 528; Charles made peace in hope of restoration, 537.
-, English hopes about, decline, 540; restoration would be prejudiced by truce with Dutch, 543.
-, Anstruther unable to get satisfactory answer about, 546; Bavaria wants Spaniards to restore their portion of, 547.
-, Craven to raise force for, 565, 568; hopes of restoration through Gustavus, 572.
-, Palatine's journey to Germany will release Spaniards from promises about, 565.
-, English count on Gustavus restoring, 568, 575; Gustavus will keep if England does not help, 570, 573.
-, Spaniards delude Charles over, 569; English lethargy about, 577.
-, conquests of Gustavus in, 574, 590; despatches lost in, 580, 586; Spanish generals for, 583.
-, arrangement between Sweden and France about, 582; English attention fixed on, 588.
-, English awaiting course of events in, 592; Gustavus means to stop Austrian succour for, 595.
-, need of funds for recovery, 602, 605; Anstruther presses for declaration about, 605.
-, Gustavus means to keep to end of war, 608, 612; withdrawal of La Force enables Spaniards to re-enter, 611.
-, Cordova hopeful of doing something in, 621; fear of Spaniards recovering lost places in, 622.
-, Cordova goes to help Imperialists in, 625; France and Sweden offer to recover, 628.
-, English to be reserved for defence, 630, 643; Imperialists' offices about, 634.
-, Swedish troops leave, 639; French understanding with Sweden about, 641; English fear French garrisons will enter, 644.
-, -, Lower:
-, Bavaria does not want Spaniards masters in, 396; Neuburg to demand, 401.
-, Spaniards reluctant to abandon, 423; Cordova may invade, 608.
-, -, Upper:
-, Bavaria's interest in, 396, 418, 419; Tilly proposes to enter, 608.

Palatine family:
-, talk of changing residence, 75.
-, - Princes, 206, 411.
-, not sorry at queen's miscarriage, 80; replies to Vane, 85.
-, concurrence desired in Spanish negotiations, 100; Vane to inform of Rubens' negotiations, 113; and to learn sentiments, 137.
-, heavy charge to England, 132; Vane's proposals not to advantage of, 195.
-, back from Rhenen, 235; consolatory letters of Charles to, 313.
-, powers from for negotiation, 322; send to France and England for money, 327.
-, Vane sent in interests of, 329; English hope to get satisfaction for, 337; Vane to visit, 339.
-, birth of Prince Charles announced to, 355; Vane goes to Rhenen to confer with, 417, 418.
-, Rusdorf writes to, of hard proposals, 428; representations for, at Ratisbon, 517.
-, Anstruther's plea to emperor for, 520.
-, -, Prince. See Frederick V, Elector Palatine.
-, -, Princess. See Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia.

Palazzuoli, Gioppo, merchant, 244.

Palotta, papal nuncio in Germany:
-, told that pope's intervention not desired, 147, 155; efforts to get confirmation of Tadeo Barberini to Prefecture of Rome, 556.

Pamphili, Giambattista, patriarch of Antioch, papal nuncio in Spain:
-, Mozenigo to cultivate, 395; mortified by rejoicings at Anglo-Spanish peace, 451.

Pancalieri, Pancalier [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, Savoyards fortify, 335.

Pancirolo, papal nuncio, 239, 299, 302.

Panesi, Panese, Agostin, Genoese merchant, 47, 144.
-, goods in Jonas, 165, 193, 194.

-, reports military movements, 26; sent to Germany, 172.

papal legates, papal nuncios. See under Ambassadors.

Papists. See Catholics, English.

Pappenheim, Godfrey Henry, Count of, Popnain:
-, persuaded to raise 16,000 men, 26; negotiations with for troops, 41; relief of Maastricht depends on speedy arrival, 643, 645; repulsed in attempt to relieve Maastricht, 646.

Parangon. See ships, names of.

Parella, Count:
-, supposed envoy from Savoy, arrives in England, 616.

Paris, France, 5, 38, 40, 52, 58, 76, 77, 99, 101, 111, 126, 144, 192, 236, 262, 267, 293, 234, 344, 360, 535.
-, news from, 15, 71, 348, 609, 618, 626.
-, letters dated at, 86, 106.
-, despatches dated at, 166, 234, 278, 282, 439, 443, 460, 466, 505, 512, 539, 595, 599, 601, 610, 611, 640, 641.
-, peace proclaimed at, 56, 69.
-, Elbœuf and Chateauneuf at, 72; stay of Edmondes at, 97, 98; Louis leaves, 100, 266; Chateauneuf lingers at, 103.
-, need of Venetian agent at, 98, 102, 104; Louis wants Edmondes to treat at, 117; Edmondes at, 140.
-, question of king's return to, 125; Louis returns to, 166; Richelieu leaves, 268.
-, Wake does not leave, 559; return of Council to, 596; Scaglia not to remain in, 597.
-, suspicion of Savoy at, 603; Chateauneuf, Wake, Druent and Mazarin remain at, 621.
-, cloth of, 326.
-, Parliament of:
-, letter of queen mother to, 589; declaration against rebels, 644.
-, places in and near:
-, Bastille, 105, 349.
-, -, Governor of, 348.
-, church of fathers of St. Bernard, 166.
-, Louvre, 38.
-, Notre Dame, 97, 98.
-, S. Germain l'Auxerrois, 97, 99.

Parliament, 206.
-, dissolution dissipates hopes of Dutch, 1, 2; hope of revived, but unlikely, 8; treasurer wants peace, to avoid, 45.
-, astonishment of Bethune at Charles's endeavour to suppress, 64; means of reviving England, 67.
-, queen's miscarriage expected to lead to calling of, 70; ministers have to avoid, to escape ruin, 75.
-, punishment of members, 105, 178, 205; release of members, 121, 139, 155, 205.
-, Weston's maxim to avoid, 142, 178, 191; Chateauneuf denies any idea of asking for, 142.
-, Charles believes Weston alone wants to make him independent of, 177.
-, no assistance for cause unless meets, 183; Charles abhors idea of, 204; difficulties augment the longer postponed, 205.
-, members brought before chief justice, 212; king's measures against, 222.
-, Weston knows fall inevitable if meets, 227; pamphlet about suppression of, 242.
-, members claim only to be tried by, 252; Charles means to be rid of, 270.
-, dispute with king affects customs duties, 290; sentence on members, 297.
-, obedience of people to, 298; Weston avoids expense from fear of, 330.
-, may not seem so terrible with succession established, 331; some whispers of, 363.
-, Charles determined to do without, 379, 626, 630; money cannot be found without, 427.
-, support for Sweden might lead to appeal to, 442; supplies for war cannot be found without, 538.
-, supposed preparations for, 545; talk of convoking, 567; Charles declares strongly against, 574.
-, difficulty of obtaining money without, 588, 597, 626, 636; Weston's purpose to avoid, 592, 626.

Parma, Duke of. See Farnese, Odardo.

Parthenay, Larcheveque, Catherine de, widow of Rene, Vicomte of Rohan, Rohan's mother:
-, question of pardon, 20, 36, 54, 59.

Passer, Commendatore, first secretary of Savoy:
-, speaks of Savoy's fears of France, 341.

Patras [Morea, Greece]:
-, currants of, inferior in quality, 377.

Pauw, Pau, Adrian, Dutch ambassador extraordinary to England:
-, back at Hague, 1.
-, the President:
-, treating secretly with envoy from France, 614.

peace between England and France, 19, 73, 160, 232.
-, Richelieu makes difficulties, 1; articles agreed on, 2–4; certain, 5, 15, 48; danger of delays, 9.
-, arrangements for signing, 3; arrangements for publishing, 17, 18, 34, 38–40, 53, 65; Charles signs, 36.
-, Savoy's attitude to, 4; Savoy expects to be mediator for, 13, 145; Charles has Baroccio informed of, 45.
-, Venice wants settled, 6, 23; Venetian instructions about, 13; Spence urges advantage on Charles, 10.
-, Wake without news of, 12, 13; Wake tries to thwart, 14, 27; Weston nearly upset, 40.
-, concluded, 16, 17, 20; articles handed to Zorzi, 32; articles of, 37, 38, 56; gratification of Venice, 43.
-, Charles sends for Contarini about, 20, 21, 36; Contarini goes to see Charles about, 29, 30.
-, Huguenots left out of, 24; raises hopes of Palatine, 29; will upset negotiations with Spain, 45.
-, Richelieu's satisfaction with, 34, 56; goodwill to in England, 35–37; Richelieu wants announcement delayed, 50.
-, Avaux enquires about, 49; Venice offers congratulations on, 50.
-, Zorzi puts finishing touches to, 51; Contarini writes to queen mother upon, 54, 79.
-, makes Spanish partisans in England cool off, 56; Bethune reports, 57; opinions of, in Netherlands, 58.
-, Spaniards uneasy about, 60; Venice wants to know how received in Spain, 63; Spanish efforts to upset, 69, 70.
-, Wake not friendly to, 62, 87, 108; Olivares annoyed about, 79.
-, Savoy disgusted with, 58, 64; Savoy's opinion of, 79; Venetian prestige raised by, 73; credit belongs to Venice, 134.
-, advantage felt in England, 67, 69; published in England, 68, 71; published in France, 78.
-, difficulties about selection of ambassadors, 76–79; office of Contarini with Charles upon, 81–83.
-, move against Huguenots hurtful to, 83, 96; Richelieu's negotiations with Prince of Piedmont upon, 84.
-, Spaniards sent Rubens to prevent, 85; gratification of queen mother about, 86.
-, surprise that Huguenots not included in, 89; John Carleton to announce at Turin, 95.
-, Lord Carleton supporter of, 96; English lack of money main cause of, 98.
-, Monterey claims not established, 99; Mirabel says will not take effect, 104.
-, Boccalini speaks of, 102; final arrangements, 106.
-, French seize ships after, 114; peace with Huguenots will consolidate, 118, 140.
-, articles consigned to Chateauneuf, 130; great importance of, 156; date of ratification, 166.
-, Chateauneuf to leave after sworn, 169; swearing of, 180, 184, 186, 189, 191.
-, booty taken since considerable, 206; Rusdorf to take congratulations upon, 229.
-, Carlisle opposed, 265; Olivares scoffed at, 267; Soranzo to maintain, 323.
-, trade questions not adjusted, 425; Charles disposed to fulfil, 481.
-, Henrietta speaks to Fontenay upon carrying out terms of, 544.

peace between England and Spain, 348, 415, 463, 518.
-, Savoy urges, 16; Spanish hopes of, 16; Venice enquires about, 48.
-, English attitude to, 67, 251; Spanish offers for, 69; active negotiations of Rubens, 117.
-, blow to common cause, 123; France cannot prevent, 126.
-, fall of Bois le Duc may prevent, 128; fear of Savoy intervening about, 145.
-, negotiations for make Chateauneuf reserved, 149, 185; Wake urges, 163.
-, Charles means to attend to, 172; Chateauneuf will not interfere, 177.
-, Weston wants, to save himself, 178; Savoy wants, 179.
-, negotiations reported broken off, 180; Richelieu considers likely, 189.
-, English eager for, 196; Council busy with, 204; Spaniards hope to facilitate, 209.
-, Wake says negotiations have evaporated, 211; French hope to prevent, 214, 218.
-, Richelieu asks Venetian ambassadors about, 217; Soranzo's object to upset, 219, 220, 303, 347.
-, Weston says French responsible for, 221; more advanced than published, 227.
-, expected announcement of, 228; progressing, 230; probable effect, 233.
-, formidable weapon of Spaniards, 241; Vane's desire for, 248; maritime differences with France will be settled by, 252.
-, considered settled at Rome, 253; Chateauneuf does not work well against, 260.
-, Coloma coming to sign, 262; Coloma's relation to, 269; Carlisle advocates, 277.
-, Olivares wants to make people believe that made, 278; partisans in England wish to see, 279.
-, Coloma eager about, 279; efforts of party of, in England, 290.
-, partisans circulate reports about French designs, 281; Chateauneuf says a matter of indifference to France, 284.
-, Weston encourages suspicion of France for sake of, 291; Coloma about to conclude, 303.
-, waiting to hear from Cottington about, 294; Charles does not incline to, of own accord, 297.
-, Wake thinks French war in Italy will prevent, 299; Spaniards not sincere about, 311, 365.
-, England will not accept if Palatine not satisfied, 313; not so advanced as represented, 314, 374, 378.
-, will make little difference to effectiveness of England, 315; conclusion becomes more and more difficult, 317.
-, causes suspicion to Dutch, 321; Cottington reports scant hope of, 327; bad turn to negotiations, 336, 340.
-, may easily fall through, 328; regulations kept secret, 330, 335.
-, English leaning to, 330, 333; French ambassadors discuss with Weston, 331, 332.
-, Scaglia to labour for, 334; Coloma predicts speedy conclusion, 335.
-, Spanish hopes of advantage from, 337; indecision about, 343; likely to end in, 351.
-, Vane to gather Palatine's views about, 344; Soranzo to find out about, 346.
-, Fontenay does not get expected instructions about, 352; Charles confers with commissioners about, 363.
-, considered as good as settled, 368, 382, 387; Cottington's desire for, 370; Venice hopes for obstacles, 378.
-, Fontenay has no commissions to thwart, 379; English terms discussed in Spain, 383.
-, no news of, 393, 399; hopes of conclusion, 404; Vane speaks apologetically of, 405.
-, may help England, 408; Richelieu says assured, 412; conclusion expected, 416, 421.
-, Fontenay's remarks upon, 421; clearly arranged, 426, 428; articles of, 431, 433, 479, 482.
-, Anstruther does not wish, 435; Weston desires on any terms, 436; expected announcement, 438.
-, Spaniards will seek new advantages in, 439; Catholic signs, 440; troubled by intrigues, 442.
-, contradictory reports about, 443; anxiety in England to settle, 445; mitigation of evil consequences, 446.
-, condemned at Florence, 447; Charles swears to, 448; English glory over, 449.
-, printed announcement of, 450; Philip swears to, 451; nothing said to Dutch about, 452; apparent indifference of Dutch, 457, 495, 496; Dutch alarm, 461, 467.
-, difficulties arise over, 455; English devoted to completion, 456, 461.
-, how will it wear with English, 459; French advised of, 460.
-, nomination of Venice in, 460, 477; Venetian attitude to, 462, 466; Venice advised of, 465, 472, 473, 475, 489.
-, Coloma takes advantage of, to hire ships, 464; not considered thoroughly confirmed, 480.
-, celebrations in Spain, 468; prejudice to Dutch, 471, 484.
-, congratulations upon, 485, 494; possibility of breakdown, 488.
-, Charles on objects of, 490; trade sole object of, 493; Vosberghen complains of, 513.
-, Weston prevailed upon Charles to make, 537; Palatine joining Swedish forces would be against, 559.
-, advantage to Spain, 565; share of Rubens in, 570; well observed by both sides, 615.

Pearl. See ships, names of.

Pecchio, 92.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, William.

Pennington, Sir John:
-, commands squadron for Elbe, 105n; squadron put under command of, 510; convoys Hamilton's fleet, 535n.

-, proposal to suspend, 574.

-, cargo in England from Indies, 223.

Pera, Vigne of, Constantinople:
-, despatches dated at, 14, 51, 71, 86, 107, 122, 138, 166, 174, 187, 188, 208, 216, 229, 237, 247, 256, 266, 326, 462, 474, 483, 488, 498, 528, 532, 536, 547, 552, 579, 594.

Peras, Antonio:
-, takes money to army at Milan, 92.

Pernambuco, Fernambuch, Fernambuco [Brazil, S. America], 359.
-, Spaniards much incommoded by loss, 335; Spaniards propose to recover, 336; offered to Charles, 401, 416.

Perron, Peron, Abbot of. See Noel, Jacques le.
-, Cardinal du. See Davy.

Persenon, 22.

Persia, Shah of, King of. See Abbas; Sufi.

-, Spanish fleet from, fears for, 29.

Pesaro, Zuane, Venetian ambassador at Rome:
-, despatches of, 447, 450.
-, dispute with Don Toledo Barberini, 554, 556; leaves Rome, 559.

Peschiera [Prov. Verona, Italy]:
-, Venetian forces gathered at, 346.

Peter Bonaventuru. See ships, names of.

Peter and Andrew. See ships, names of.

Peyton, Paiton, Colonel:
-, troops of, serving Venice, 362.
-, -, Christopher:
-, in service of Venice, 370.

Philip III, King of Spain, 520.

Philip IV, King of Spain, the Catholic, 47, 164, 218, 332, 383, 432, 452, 472, 522, 617, 619.
-, (1629):
-, Savoy to mediate with for peace in Italy, 9; indisposed to accept treaty of Susa, 23, 59; decision about peace awaited, 26, 41.
-, promises Louis not to molest Duke of Mantua or allies, 66; Rubens brings lettersof to Charles, 84, 98.
-, Germany not affair of, 93; does not want Palatinate to fall to emperor or Bavaria, 113.
-, way to keep Savoy staunch to, 114; France on good terms with, 143; peace with England, 146.
-, promises of Savoy to, 158; propensity of English ministers for treating with, 161.
-, understanding with emperor and France for war of religion, 163; Charles treats to discover intentions, 168.
-, presents horses to Duke of Savoy, 173; protector of Genoese, 193.
-, meeting at palace in presence of, 209; merchants pay for permission to trade, 225.
-, expected to make peace with England, 263, 267.
-, debt due to Leopold for Valtelline, 253; Dutch offer any terms he pleases, 271.
-, (1630):
-, away from Court, 273; returns, 274; exempts Cottington's goods from duty, 276.
-, gives Cottington first audience, 278; Cottington goes hunting with, 285; ready to give every satisfaction to Italy, 296.
-, French claims of, 305; promises of, 313; cordial desire to satisfy Charles, 328.
-, opposed to war with Venice, 375; Orange says Vere acting as agent for, 401.
-, Charles to make proof of offers, 403, 416; electors determined that shall abandon places he holds in Germany, 407; promises of to England, 412; autograph letter to Charles, 456.
-, Cottington has two proxies from, 440; toasted at signing of peace, 448.
-, swears to peace with England, 451; Cottington transmits money to Flanders for, 458.
-, (1631):
-, undertakes restitution of Palatinate, 466, 512; cargo from Indies for, 468.
-, will entertain Cottington at Seville, 471; Fontenay charged with lack of respect to, 485.
-, pain at ill treatment of Queen of France, 485; intercession for Palatine, 517, 518.
-, protestations of good will to Charles, 490, 491; presents Scaglia to abbey, 521.
-, promise to Charles about ban, 539; Dutch cannot fight singlehanded, 544.
-, wishes emperor to keep promise to England, 548.
-, (1632):
-, means to attack France, 576; deeply affected by Swedish conquests, 590.
-, makes Lennox a grandee, 592.
-, said to approve restitution of Palatinate, 605; reported alliance with emperor for Germany, 616; Charles sends present of horses to, 635.
-, confessor of. See Sotomayor.

Philips, Robert, confessor to Queen Henrietta Maria:
-, keeps his place, 213; queen resents interference with, 545.

Piacenza [Prov. Piacenza, Italy], Bishop of. See Scappi.

Picardy, France, 166.
-, talk of sending army to, 186, 481; Richelieu wants king to go to, 596.
-, French forces collecting in, 604, 617, 620; proposed diversion on frontier, 645.

Picinardo, President:
-, mission to Venice, 631, 641.

Pico, Alessandro, Duke of Mirandola:
-, besieged, 267.

Picot, Pico, M. di, 104, 114, 115.
-, mission to England, 97; sees Contarini, 103.

-, Charles delights in, 84; Vercellini sent to buy, 210n.
-, exported for Charles from Venice, 419.

Piedmont, Italy, 319, 353, 418, 566.
-, French requisition grain in, 300; Spinola going to, 308; harm done by French in, 316; French progress in, 323; French likely to be kept busy in, 340.
-, Wake anxious to leave, 417; French forces in, 440; French presence in no advantage to Spain, 460.
-, Scaglia to return to, 555, 580; French ambassadors in, 563.
-, Prince of. See Vittorio.
-, Princess of. See Christina.

pimento, 244.

Pinerolo, Pinarolo [Prov. Torino, Italy], 365, 398.
-, Richelieu takes, 313, 316, 318, 320; suggested exchange for Susa, 320; Richelieu determined to keep, 327.
-, cardinal legate leaves, 340; may be exchanged for Casale, 348; French to keep, 437.
-, French presence at no advantage to Spain, 460; Wake advises Savoy to let French keep, 505, 508.
-, French will not restore, 549; results of capture, 556; cession to France, 557, 558, 560, 564.
-, Charles incensed about, 563; Louis fortifies, 569; Spanish feeling about, 604.

Piombino [Prov. Pisa, Italy]:
-, English ships wrecked off, 571, 573.

piracy, acts of, at sea, 127.

pirates, corsairs, 181, 234, 369, 546.
-, raids damage trade of Crete, 25.
-, privateers turn, after a war, 114.
-, English, take Orlandini's ship, 116.
-, sea full of Spanish, 209.
-, damage by, in ocean, 482; Pennington to secure sea against, 510n.
-, depredations of, 529; attack on Irish coast, 534.
-, Gussoni fears, in Channel, 577; Gussoni's escape from, 582, 583.

Pisa [Prov. Pisa, Italy]:
-, Archbishop of. See Medici, Giuliano de'.

Pisani, Venetian Proveditore General of the Islands, 504, 521, 528.
-, instructions to, 505.

-, death of, 528.

plague, 323, 329, 331, 346, 349, 355, 361, 441, 494.
-, outbreak in London, 306, 314; spreads, 312, 325, 338; suspected at Greenwich, 332.
-, diminishing, 336, 540; ceased at Venice, 532, 534, 557, 571, 586; desolation wrought at Venice, 544.
-, at Mantua, 371.
-, in Italy, 393, 417.
-, diverting trade from Leghorn, 447.
-, among Dutch levies at Brescia, 532.
-, in Hamilton's force, 584.

Plumleigh, Capt. Richard:
-, sent to fetch Cottington, 459n.
-, capture of the Antelope, told off to guard western coasts, 535.
-, brought over Wake's body, 631n.

Plymouth, co. Devon, 243.
-, prize ship at, 281.

Po, River, N. Italy:
-, Spinola bridges, 300.

Poissy, Poisi [Seine et Oise, France]:
-, despatch dated at, 229.

Poix, Sieur de, French physician:
-, Chateauneuf wants Henrietta to have, 344; Fontenay's difficulties over, 345, 353, 354; Montagu goes to justify expulsion, 439.

Poix, Prince of. See Blanchefort de Crequy.

Poland and Poles:
-, Sweden makes truce with, 10, 25; commissioners going to Prussia for agreement with Sweden, 23.
-, division of opinion in about war, 28; may keep Imperialists busy, 42; Gabor inclined to make trouble through, 44.
-, cannot supply Netherlands with grain, 63; emperor's obligation to defend, 65.
-, invite English mediation for peace with Sweden, 75, 94; Roe not sanguine about, 120.
-, Roe's mission to, 123, 131, 132, 139, 146, 379; war with Sweden encouraged, 126; truce with, 197.
-, peace with Sweden, 201; troops in reduced to nothing, 211; conflict with Cossacks, 399.
-, nobles of, offer levies for Sweden, 488; proposed English mediation for peace with Sweden, 533.
-, treatment of English ambassador in, 541; Russia contemplates war with, 541, 542.
-, King of. See Sigismund III.
-, Queen of. See Constance.

-, Wallenstein sends regiments from to empire, 59.
-, Gustavus Adolphus retires from, 437.
-, Duke of. See Burgislaus XIV.

Pompeo, Camillo, merchant, 244.

Pontestura [Prov. Alessandria, Italy]:
-, Toiras defends, 217; Spinola takes, 329.

Ponzone, Ponzon [Prov. Alessandria, Italy]:
-, Cordova fortifies, 6; Spaniards push towards. 211.

Pope. See Urban VIII.

Popnain. See Pappenheim.

Port Royal, Porto Reale [South Carolina, U.S.A.]:
-, difficulty about restitution, 477, 481.

Porte. See Turkey.

Porter, Endymion:
-, talk of Spanish response to mission, 69.

Portes, Porter, Marquis of. See Budos, Antony.

Porto Reale. See Port Royal.

Porto Sta. Maria. See Puerto de Santa Maria.

-, of Charles and Henrietta Maria, given to Scarnafis, 511.

Portsmouth, co. Hants:
-, Charles goes to see fleet at, 531, 534; Scaglia reported at, 534.

Portugal and Portuguese, 274.
-, reported English raid on, 107, 173, 185; Shah Sufi disposed to restore Ormuz to, 122; fears of English raids, 123.
-, goods of released, 143; English capture ships, 313.
-, attack on English at Surat, 475.
-, naval preparations in, 529.

Poschiavo, Grisons, Switzerland:
-, Sultz advances to, 92.

postmaster, foreign. See Quester.

Potton, Thomas, English consul at Aleppo, 187.
-, Venetian outbreak against, 86, 87, 133, 157; Venice condemns action, 134; sentence against confirmed, 138.
-, imprisoned, 215, 247, 266; released for bribe, 229; Wandesford succeeds, 332n.

powder. See gunpowder.

Pozzo, merchant:
-, goods on Jonas, 146.

Prague [Bohemia]:
-, Gustavus takes, 569; recovered, 632.

Preaux, Preo, M. de. See Aubespine, Charles de l', Marquis of Chateauneuf.

President, Lord, of the Council. See Conway, Edward.

Previn. See Driver.

Previo, Preve, Giovanni Battista, Genoese merchant, 47.
-, goods in Jonas, 144, 164, 165, 193.

Priandi, —, Mantuan ambassador in France, 192.

-, of currants, 237, 323, 593, 594.
-, of gunpowder, 225.
-, of wheat and rye, 202, 208.

-, exchange of, between Dutch and Spaniards, 70.

Privas [Ardeche, France]:
-, Marquis of Portes to attack, 12; English do not approve of attack on, 73; Louis battering, 82, 89; garrison of, 92; captured, 97.
-, letter dated from, 78.

-, often become pirates with peace, 114; do better than the royal navy, 207.
-, encouraged by Spaniards, 405.

Privy Council. See Council.

Privy Seal, Lord. See Montagu, Henry, Earl of Manchester.

-, of peace between England and France, 17, 18, 53, 62, 68, 69, 71, 78, 79.
-, forbidding exportation of grain, 63.

-, the king's, 621n.

-, Saxony decides to join, 524.

Provence, France:
-, Louis increases forces in, 111.
-, troops from, at Susa, 261; French troops from Italy march into, 456.

-, Sweden hopes to make truce in, 10, 23; Sweden's army in, 28, 75; commissioners to meet in, for treaty, 42.
-, Roe going to, 123; claims of Brandenburg in, 132; levies arranged for in, 487.

Puerto de Santa Maria, Porto Sta.
-, Maria [Prov. Seville, Spain], 133.

-, may cause Charles qualms about Huguenots, 55; detestation of Spaniards, 222; Capuchins cause great commotion among, 298, 304, 309.
-, hostility to Weston, 309; attachment to Elizabeth, 350.

-, arrest Catholics who attended embassy chapels, 308; Coloma's servants resist, 315, 337.

Puylaurens [Tarn, France]:
-, Huguenot stronghold, 91.