Index: D

Pages 686-692

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Dacres, Edward:
-, sent to Savoy and Lorraine, 21.

d'Alix. See Alix.

Dalmatia, 474.
-, Proveditore General in. See under Venice.

-, sale of Florentine in Levant damages Venetian, 326.

Dambi. See Danvers, Henry, Earl of Danby.

Damme [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, supposed Dutch designs on, 511.

Danby, Earl of. See Danvers.

Danes. See Denmark.

Danvers, Henry, Earl of Danby, Dambi, 64.
-, to go as ambassador extraordinary to France, 30, 36, 37, 52–54, 72; shirks the mission, 76, 77; king's displeasure with, 95.
-, Edmondes takes place, 117.

Danzig [German Empire], 63, 224.
-, King of Poland at, 132.

Dauphiné, France:
-, troops in, for Richelieu, 313; French open communication with Italy, 318.
-, courier to Wake detained in, 352.

d'Avaux, d'Avo. See Mesmes.

Davy, Jacques, Cardinal du Perron:
-, queen's almoner nephew of, 503.

Debin, Francesco, merchant, 244.

Delbeuf, M. See Charles II of Lorraine, Duke of Elboeuf.

Delft [Prov. South Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Racotzky at, 533n.
-, Syndic of. See Brassert, Govert.

Delfzyl [Prov. Groningen, Netherlands]:
-, place d'armes for Swinton's levies, 334.

Denbigh, Earl of. See Fielding, William.

Denmark and Danes, 74.
-, liberal promises of help to, 1; England and France can set up, 3; abandoned by England, 25.
-, takes heart by diversion of Italy, 9; proposed peace with Spain, 24, 80; peace with, 110, 111, 117, 119, 124, 126, 133, 138, 140, 143.
-, Sweden's offices with nobles of, 10; Sweden to make diversion for, 21.
-, Wallenstein hopeful of peace with, 66; importance of Baltic to, 67, 74; proposed league about Baltic, 113.
-, deputies at Lubeck reserved to Anstruther, 71; English ships to help, 76, 105.
-, commissioners of believed to have signed peace, 104, 112; Anstruther complains of them, 119.
-, nobility and people want peace, 120; army of, 129, 143.
-, Roe's mission to, 130, 131; Roe leaves Hague for, 146; Palatine speaks of, 172.
-, Odolengo going to, 180, 199; Venice draws attention to Austrian encroachments, 197.
-, disbanded Dutch soldiers may go to, 246, 249; English in service of, 257.
-, no minister in England, 273; Venetian representations to, 284.
-, Swinton served in, 333; Morgan had high command in, 354, 366.
-, Anstruther arranging accommodation with Hamburg, 355; Hamilton gets cavalry horses from, 487.
-, ambassador from expected at Hague, 538, 550; arrived, 546; awaiting Vane, 562.
-, Vane to go to, 550; Dutch ambassador in, 552.
-, Palatine sends to, 562; claims about Iceland, 604.
-, deputies of, act for understanding with Sweden, 610.
-, King of. See Christian IV; Frederick II.
-, Prince of. See Ulrich.
-, Queen Dowager of. See Sophia.

Dennis, di Nis, John, captain of the Thomas and William.
-, allowed to go and lade currants, 174, 196.

d'Ensisum. See Ensisheim.

deputy. See Ambassadors.

Deschamps, M. de Scian:
-, sent by queen mother to Hague, 544.

Despotini, Desputini, Gaspar, physician:
-, case recommended to Signory, 200, 201, 217.

d'Estampes. See Estampes.

d'Estrees. See Estrées.

d'Etre. See Estrées.

Devereux, Robert, third Earl of Essex:
-, ready to serve Venice, 386.

diamonds. See under jewels.

Dickinson, John, clerk to Privy Council, 243.
-, apologises to Soranzo, 479.

Dieppe [Seine Inférieure, France], 325.

diet, 407.
-, emperor asks Wirtemberg to call, 255; talk of sending English ambassador to, 324.
-, Rusdorf to represent Palatine at, 329; commissions to Anstruther for, 332, 339.
-, Olivares hints at an English ambassador for, 333; English want to see how Palatine's interest will fare at, 335.
-, representatives of England and Palatine to take part in, 400; Anstruther gets no satisfaction from, 446.
-, talk of new, 447.
-, See also Leipsig; Mulhausen; Ratisbon.

Digby, Sir Everard:
-, executed for complicity in gunpowder plot, 363.

Digby, Sir Kenelm, 63, 66, 124, 134, 135, 190, 231.
-, Venetian representation against, 5–7, 27, 30. 152; Rowlandson's office in Collegio about. 10; Corner speaks to Wake about, 14.
-, Venice demands punishment, 23; memorial of Contarini against, 46–48.
-, numerous favours to, 52; capture of French saettia by, at Argostoli, 60.
-, strenuous efforts to get Jonas and goods, 62; Dorset to persuade to give up suit, 68.
-, account of Scanderoon affair, 71; king speaks to about Jonas, 83, 115.
-, demands judgment by ordinary court, 115; award expected to favour, 116; tries to stay judgment, 121; judgment upon. 144, 145; wants possession of goods, 157.
-, strong sentiments of Senate against, 159; reasons for judgment in case of, 164–166.
-, Venice presses case against, 173, 176; sentence will be upheld, 185.
-, summary of arguments in case, 193; Soranzo finds case hopeless. 198.
-, to be member of Council of State, 363; talk of as ambassador to Spain, 452, 456.
-, Admiralty Court decided case, 467.
-, talk of making commander of squadron, 502; passed over for Pennington, 510.
-, aspirant for office of Secretary of State, 627.

Dijon [Côte d'Or, France]:
-, Louis at, 341; Gaston scouring neighbourhood, 632, 633.

di Nis. See Dennis.

Dishington, Disciton, Sir Thomas:
-, Charles would like released, 105; released brings news of raising of siege of Mantua, 276.

Disputini. See Despotini.

Donato, Giovanni, Venetian consul for Alexandria:
-, English ship to escort, 369.

Donauworth, Donouert [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, Gustavus captures, 611, 612.

Doncaster, Viscount. See Hay, James, jun.

Donchery, Doncheri [Ardennes, France]:
-, French troops withdrawn to, 607.

Donnersberg, von, Chancellor of Bavaria:
-, sent to negotiate at Vienna, 594.

Donouert. See Donauworth.

Dorchester, Dort. Viscount. See Carleton, Sir Dudley.
-, -, member of parliament for. See Holles, John.

Dorset, Countess of. See Sackville, Mary.
-, Earl of. See Sackville, Edward.

Douglas, Duglos, Lieut-Colonel:
-, commands levies for Venice, 380; given Swinton's salary, 483; recommends officers, 492; plague among troops, at Brescia, 532.

Dover, co. Kent, 114, 115, 258, 364, 430, 625.
-, packet detained at, 19; ambassadors to be at, 54, 78, 104–107, 112; Rosencranz sails from, 74.
-, Edmondes sends luggage to, 103; Coloma arrives at, 262; Catholics accompany Rubens to, but arrested, 312.
-, Hopton at, 326; Wake's body brought to, 631.

dowry, of Henrietta Maria, 578.
-, Burlamacchi to go to France for, 478, 510, 522, 527; English demands about, 486, 515.
-, French ready to pay, 499; date for payment to be fixed, 512.
-, French want parliament to vote security for, 567, 568; payment withheld, 568.
-, question settled, 601; amount of, may be devoted to Palatine, 613; meant for Sweden, 620.

Dragon. See ships, name of.

Dreplisdem. See Mapplisden.

Dresden [Saxony, German Empire]:
-, Wallenstein pursues Saxons to, 632.

Driver, Reiven, Previn, William, captain of the John Bonaventure, 61.
-, accused of smuggling oil from Zante, 461, 462, 504, 521.

Druent, Count Francesco Provani di, Savoyard ambassador in France:
-, remains in Paris, 621.

drugs, 153.

Dualbier. See Dulbier.

Dublin, Ireland:
-, riot at, 281n.
-, archbishop of. See Bulkeley, Lancelot.

Dubois, Alvise, 244.
-, contract to supply English lead to Venice, 158.

Dudley, Sir Robert:
-, sends pamphlet on absolutism to England, 241n.

-, Longjumeau in England because of, 535.

Duglos. See Douglas.

Dulbier, Dualbier, John:
-, should be sent to Swiss, 140.

du Moulin, See Moulin.

Dunkirk [French Flanders], 36, 206, 235, 242, 636.
-, Marquis Villa landed at, 73n; Rosencranz crossed to, 74; ships to secure passage to, 75.
-, English ships to fetch Coloma from, 222, 250, 258; talk of Dutch attack on, 511.
-, Balfour lands at, 549n.
-, fleet preparing to sail from, 615; Infanta orders repair of fortifications, 620.

Dunkirk, ships of:
-, depredations, 213, 271, 290, 291, 317, 436, 445; could harass Dutch, 214; lie in wait for Burlamacchi, 259.
-, block East India ships in English ports, 276; capture ships bringing wine from France, 285.
-, Coloma intimates that in Charles's power to stop depredations, 280; capture queen's dwarf, 316.
-, English navy out to curb, 321; reported defeat by English, 355.
-, capture Dutch barques, 359; Dutch fight with, 445; English help against Dutch, 461.
-, plunder Dutch ship in Thames, 471, 482, 487, 491, 498; Dutch restore prize, 639.

du Perron, Cardinal. See Davy, Jacques.

Duplessis, Alfonse Louis de, de Richelieu, Archbishop of Lyons:
-, proposed mission to emperor, 186.

Duplessis, Armand, Cardinal Richelieu, 17, 36, 53, 58, 148, 197, 222, 295.
-, (1629):
-, makes difficulties about peace, 1, 40; accepts peace, 2; suggests alterations in articles, 3.
-, draws up letters of Zorzi, 4, 39, 40; Zorzi praises, 4; close friendship with Zorzi, 48.
-, requirements about St. Esprit, 3, 20, 40, 54; hands peace articles to Zorzi, 32; gratification at peace, 34, 56.
-, deceiving Spaniards, 15; opinion of Spanish offers, 26; alleged promise about Huguenots. 34.
-, wants conclusion of peace kept secret, 34, 35, 49, 50; writes to queen mother about publication, 39; letter about publication, 40.
-, to remain at Susa, anxious to make France one, 41; king separated from, 51; Louis wants near him, 59.
-, departure disappoints Savoy, 74; will lead Edmondes as pleases, 77.
-, conversation with Prince Vittorio, 84; Edmondes will have to meet, 97.
-, Venice wants views represented to, 118; Chateauneuf confidant of, 124.
-, determined not to lose glory gained south of Alps, 125; treating with Navazza, 139.
-, Wake likely to quarrel with, 150; Crequy sends to about restoration of Susa, 155.
-, desire to mortify Savoy led to Italy expedition, 171; expresses concern for Mantua, 180.
-, nothing can be done with out, 186; opinion on Anglo-Spanish negotiations, 189, 196.
-, determined to stand to engagement in Italy, 192, 224; suggests joint naval operations with English against Spain, 203, 219.
-, difference with Edmondes about precedence, 207; naval preparations, 228.
-, ready to strike Austria 214; Venice urges against Austria, 217; Soranzo suspects motives, 220.
-, naval disputes with England touch nearly, 233.
-, means to start for Italy, 236, 239; to command army in Italy, 246, 251; departure delayed, 259.
-, will not give Dutch terms they want, 248; Mazarin may go to, 254.
-, (1630):
-, starts, 265, 268; Chateauneuf unaware of departure, 274; leaves Lyons, 283; at Susa, 286, 288, 299, 310.
-, question of relations with English ambassadors, 272, 277, 292, 419.
-, cabal in Savoy against, 278; Savoy mistrusts, 282; Chateauneuf to join, 293, 303, 312; jealous of Chateauneuf, 294.
-, proceeds to Italy, 302; no news of, 306; moves to Rivoli, 308; takes Pinerolo, 313.
-, Chateauneuf would stop opposing Austria, 311; attacks Vigliana, 316.
-, unlikely to restore Pinerolo, 318; breaks with Savoy, 319; premeditated, 320.
-, Venice not pleased at delay in going to Monferrat, 321; Louis extols action, 323; Fontenay wants to know Venetian opinion of, 324.
-, determined to keep Pinerolo reinforced, 327, 335; Louis goes to join, 337; question of reinforcing, 340.
-, Fontenay writes fully to, 330; goes to meet king, 341, 344.
-, defeat and death reported in England, 343; Fontenay urges confidence in, 345.
-, welcomes idea of Wake's interposition, 384; considers Anglo-Spanish peace certain, 412.
-, poor opinion of English, 412, 443; resentment against Wake, 417, 418.
-, outbreak of queen mother against, 441; Montagu has long interviews with, 443; reports of disgrace in England, 444.
-, (1631):
-, supports Sorbonne against Jesuits, 466; Monsieur falls out with, 470.
-, Scaglia's hopes of ruining, 504; question of precedence with Wake, 505, 507, 515, 530, 531, 534.
-, Wake's desire to ingratiate himself with, 508; will show every deference to Cardinal of Savoy, 533.
-, Spaniards want Carlisle and Scaglia to join to ruin, 536; Queen Henrietta's opinion about removal, 538, 544; fears good relations between England and Spain, 542.
-, (1632):
-, Dupont speaks to about Breze's negotiations, 578; Cogneut and Mongigot hateful to, 589; plan to get king to Picardy, 596.
-, proposal embraced by in treaty of Monzon, 599; Soranzo speaks to about Rabatta's mission, 611; writes to Weston about son's mission, 646.

Dupont, agent of Palatine in France, 599.
-, speaks to Richelieu of Breze's negotiations, 578.

Durante, Colonel, 369.
-, sent to Mantua with supplies, 217; makes sorties, 230; stout resistance, 238; feared and hated by Germans, 246.

Durazzi, Peter and Aug., Genoese merchants, 48.
-, goods in Jonas, 144, 165.

Dutch. See Netherlands.

duties. See customs.

Duval, Francois, Marquis of Fontenay Mareuil, Fontane, French ambassador in England, 308, 563.
-, Wake waiting for, 140; expected soon, 169.
-, Chateauneuf to leave on arrival, 229; Chateauneuf will temporise until arrival, 259.
-, despatch hastened, 282; leaves Paris, 293; arrives unexpectedly, 300.
-, Capuchins coming with, 298, 301, 303.
-, first audience arranged, 303; notified of renewal of edicts against Catholics, 304; attitude to exclusion of Catholics from chapel, 305, 309, 337.
-, first audience, 305; has advices from France and imparts to Soranzo, 310, 316.
-, will do no business while Chateauneuf remains, 314; support of Richelieu, 320.
-, Soranzo tries to remove bad impression, 321; advices received by, 321, 323, 345, 346, 348, 352, 365.
-, wants to know views of Venice, 324; pays no attention to proposals for alliance, 325.
-, Soranzo tries to enlist against peace negotiations, 330, 347; talk with Weston about negotiations, 331.
-, without advices, perplexed, 336, 339, 344; opinion on Italian affairs, 340; tries to get Poix accepted, 345, 353.
-, ill pleased with English Government, 343; does not try to stop Wake going, 353.
-, Soranzo to maintain friendly relations with, 355; exchanges courtesies with Montgomery, 367.
-, indifferent about Anglo-Spanish negotiations, 358; or ill informed, 359.
-, Carleton speaks to of proposed mediation with Savoy, 364; English lords call on, 368.
-, does not celebrate prince's christening, 372; Swedish envoy neglects seeing, 373, 374.
-, speaks to Charles about Spanish negotiations, 378; no commissions to thwart Anglo-Spanish peace, 379.
-, reports siege of Saluzzo, 393; views about Savoy, 398; advices sent to, 399.
-, remarks on peace negotiations, 404, 421; will not see envoy from Lorraine, 410.
-, slanders Venice about Mantua, 412; to treat about Wake's appointment, 418.
-, asked for help to Sweden, 415; tries to hide news from Italy, 422; sends secretary to Lyons, 425, 439.
-, gives Soranzo articles of Anglo-Spanish peace, 431; made no advances to English, 432.
-, has no news of peace at Ratisbon, 436, 437; tells Soranzo of news from France, 441.
-, reports news from Germany, 444; uneasy over Anglo-Spanish peace, 446; remarks on peace, 448.
-, keeps in with Weston, 450; advices received by, 453; refers to French claims to Geneva, 454.
-, opinion of position in Italy, 456; wants to attend king's banquet, 463; Charles annoyed with, 464; sees Charles daily, 477.
-, prudent conduct, though badly treated by Chateauneuf, 464; enmity of Chateauneuf, 466, 513.
-, Soranzo approaches about Coke's rudeness, 476, 477, 480.
-, instructions about Canada, 478; speaks to Dorchester about remittances to Flanders, 481.
-, receives full powers for settlement of differences, 481, 499; negotiations upon, 486, 503, 507, 510, 515, 516.
-, opinion upon affairs in Italy, 481, 499; Soranzo finds friendly, 498.
-, Coloma leaves without calling on, 485; betrays jealousy of relations with Dutch, 493.
-, Ramée avoids, 494; does not exchange compliments with Scarnafis, 499.
-, shows that French do not want Dutch in Dunkirk, 511; news published by, considered rose coloured, 515.
-, speaks of English suspicions, 522; not suspicious of Hamilton's levy, 527; leaves London, 531.
-, Henrietta speaks sharply to, about mother, 538, 544; Henrietta complains to about interference with household, 545.
-, representations against Dutch truces, 543; says French will resent Dutch receiving queen mother, 544.
-, promised that no one should be sent to queen mother, 549; tries to stop any one being sent, 550.
-, does not visit Scaglia, 551; has news of peace in Italy, 554; remonstrates with Weston about Vane, 555.
-, has news of cession of Pinerolo, views about restoration of Palatine, 560.
-, Vendome stays with, 562; speaks diffusely on Italian affairs, 564.
-, opinion about Lorraine, 565; Vendome on cordial terms with, 566.
-, expects queen mother to go to Lorraine, 568; hears of Charles's threat to abandon Palatine, 570.
-, hears of march on Metz, 571; assurances to, about queen mother, 576.
-, Soranzo speaks to about Rohan going to Grisons, 580; courtesies to Venetians, 584–587, 603.
-, Weston will not tell of negotiations with Biscara, 581; tries to thwart Biscara's offices, 585.
-, speaks of possible alliance between France and Sweden, 582; tries to remove suspicions of French attitude to Sweden, 588, 595.
-, goes to see Weston about Biscara's negotiations, 596; presents passport to Scaglia, 597; Scaglia's leave taking of, 600.
-, tries to remove suspicions about Cordova, 602, 603; does not deny Infanta's support of Monsieur, 607.
-, two audiences of Charles, 608, 609; attends Garter celebrations, 617.
-, in dark about negotiations in Holland, 617, 618; letter of d'Avaux to, 619; sends word of secret return of Valencay, 622.
-, informs Charles of arrival of Louis at Calais, 623; hopes brother-in-law will be made governor of Calais, 624.
-, sees St. Chaumont off, 625; expects French move in Lorraine, 626; St. Chaumont writes to, 627.
-, special visit to Gussoni about Monsieur and Lorraine, 632; tells of French entry into Ehrenbreitstein, 633.
-, tells of accommodation with Lorraine, 634, 635, 638; refers to secret negotiations with Dutch, 635, 638.
-, suspicions of Valencay, 637, 645; Jerome Weston tells of mission, 639; refers to mission, 641.
-, reports about Wallenstein, 640; confidences to Gussoni, 642; assurances about French policy in Germany, 643, 644.
-, assurances to Weston about son's mission, 644, 646; instructions to, about treatment of rebels, 645.

Duyne, le. See Goodwin Sands.