Appendix III

Pages 539-540

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Appendix III

(Original, sealed, in red wax on parchment tag, in possession of M. Deville. (fn. 1) Trans. Vol. 140 A.
No. 49.
Partial facsimile appended to Trans.52.
See also MS. lat. 5480, fo. 275.
Also an Inspeximus of 1479 in Archives of Maine et Loire.)
1459. Charter (fn. 2) of king Henry I. addressed to P[etronilla] first abbess of Fontevrault and her whole convent of nuns. Trusting in their prayers for the weal of his soul, observing their good conversation, aware of the weight of his sins [and] fearing the last day, he gives and grants, for the weal of the souls of his father, his mother, his brothers, his relatives, and his predecessors, to then abbey for ever a hundred pounds in pennies of Rouen, from the rent (census) of his mint at Rouen, and thirty marcs of silver from his revenue from London (Londria), that is the ferm of the city, and twenty marcs of silver from the ferm of the city of Winchester, every year, intending this money to be spent on their sustenance in Lent and on nothing else.
Testibus istis: Turstino Eboracensi archiepiscopo, et Oino fratre suo Ebroicensi episcopo, et Gaufrido cancellario, et Roberto de Sigillo. Acta sunt hec apud Rothomagum … MCXXVIIII.—Onorius being Pope, Louis reigning in France, Geoffrey son of Fulk the younger being count of Anjou, Ildebert presiding over the church of Tours, William over that of Poitiers, Petronilla, who obtained this alms being first abbess of Fontevrault, and Augardis its prioress, the church of Rouen being without a shepherd.
1131, 13 Jan.
(Original in possession of M. Deville, (fn. 3) sealed in white wax on parchment tag.
Trans. Vol. 140 A.
No. 52.
See also MS. lat. 5480, fo. 277.)
1460. Charter of Henry I. addressed to the archbishops of Canterbury and York, the bishops of London and Winchester and others. He gives, for the weal of the souls of his father and mother and of his relatives, for the redemption of his sins, and for the [prosperous] condition of his whole realm,—to the abbey of Fontevrault (fonte Ebraldi) and its nuns a hundred marcs yearly, for their livelihood (victum) in Lent, to be delivered to them yearly from his treasury, sixty marcs to be from the ferm of his city of London (Lundon’), and forty from the ferm of the city of Winchester; and half they shall have at Easter, and half at Michaelmas, every year. This gift, made in 1130 (MCXXX.), confirmed, at his entreaty, by Pope Innocent, (fn. 4) approved by the bishops, barons, and personæ of his kingdom and of Normandy, and formally ratified by himself, is to be enjoyed inviolate by that abbey (ecclesia) for ever.
Teste presentia et audientia Hugonis archiepiscopi Rotho magensis, Johannis Lexoviensis, Johannis Sagiensis, Audini Ebroicensis, Ricardi Baiocensis episcoporum, et Roberti de Sigillo, et comitis Teobaldi, et Roberti comitis Gloec[estrie]; Willelmi comitis Warenne; Rabeli de Tancarvilla; Hugonis Bigot; Brient[ii] filii comitis; Gaufridi de Glint[ona]; Andree de Baldim[en]to. Apud Carnotum in octabis epiphanie Domini peracta feliciter. (fn. 5)
[? Circ. 1150. (fn. 6) ]
(Cartulary, fo. 50d.
See Cartulaire de Tiron I. 60. (fn. 7)
1461. Charter of Roger de Port giving to his monks of Andwell (fn. 8) (Hanedewella) the mill before their gate with the land belonging to it, as freely as he held it on the day of the gift.
Testibus: Hugone del Port et Roberto fratribus suis, et Odone de Argugiis et fratre suo Eudone, et Gaufrido Hloherengerio, et Walterio de Sancto Maneveu, et Henrico capellano, et Richardo de la Lande, et aliis multis. Apud Strettuna (sic) facta fuit. Valete.


  • 1. Now G. 4480 in archives of the Seine Inférieure. These two Fontevrault charters were specially identified by the editor in the above archives, but were misplaced in the process.
  • 2. Cf. No. 1053.
  • 3. Now G. 4481 in archives of the Seine Inféricure, but with no trace of tag or scal. There is a duplicate of this charter in the archives of Maine et Loire.
  • 4. Cf. p. 508.
  • 5. See Henry of Huntingdon (Rolls), p. 252.
  • 6. “Circ.. 1120” in Cartulaire.
  • 7. This charter should have been entered on p. 354.
  • 8. See Archæaeological Journal IX. 246.