
Pages 481-505

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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[Original Document in Archives of East Flanders. Cartulary in Archives of the Nord. (fn. 2)
(Original, formerly sealed, in archives of East Flanders [Ghent]. Trans. Vol. 142, No. 1.)
1325. Charter of Robert count of Flanders, notifying that Ingelram count of Hesdin (fn. 3) approached him as a suppliant, when he was bringing help to the English king against the Normans (me contra Normantnos Anglico regi ferentem auxilium (fn. 4) ), and obtained from him, with ease, what he sought, namely that the endowments which he and his men had given or should give of their inheritance or holdings (casimentis) to the priory (ecclesie) of St. George, Hesdin should hold good (remanere liceret) by his [Robert's] permission; and that so he would place it as a cell under Haimeric abbot of Anchin (Aquicinensis) to be ruled by him and his successors. All which he [Robert] grants. To his [Ingelram's] petition and his own grant certain honourable knights were witnesses, namely:—
Waltherus nepos eius; Alelmus dapifer; Odo filius Wilardi; Nicolaus; Walcelinus; Hugo filius Wilardi grossi; Wenemarus de Lens; Lethardus Brochez; Petrus filius Ingelardi. E quibus sex priores de ejus collegio, de meo autem novissimi tres multique alii extiterunt.
(Nouv. acq. lat. 1221. fo. 23.)
1326. Notification that Arnulf de Hesdin, (fn. 5) when on his way to England with the king [who was] returning from Normandy bestowed on St. George all that he held of count Engelram (fn. 3) at Hesdin in fee, which he did by the count's advice and with his consent. Afterwards, in his house at Norton in England, on Ascension day, when many knights of his following (familiu) had assembled, he renewed this gift, with the assent of all, in the presence of his sons and his daughter with his wife. And his chaplain Theodardus confirmed there, before witnesses, the gift he had made at Combe (Cumbam) in the presence of Osmund bishop of Salisbury and his clerks, namely the churches of Norton and Weston and Eston, and two chapels in the city of Bath with the land and buildings appurtenant, and all the tithe, and a curtilage at Newbury (Niweberiam), on the terms that so long as he lived a clerk, he should enjoy that endowment, and should give the priory (ecclesie) of St. George half-a-marc of gold yearly, and after his death the monks should possess it all. To both these gifts the wife of Arnulf and his son William and his daughter Ava gave consent, etc. ….
[MS. History in Public Library of St. Omer. (fn. 6) ]
(MS. History, from original, sealed. Legend: Sigillum Hugonis filii Fulberti de Douure. (fn. 7) Cartulaire I. 246. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 5. (fn. 8) )
1327. Charter of Hugh de Chileham son of Foubert of Dover (de Dofora) addressed generally. For the weal of his soul and [those] of his father Foubert and mother Adelit’ and his relatives, and Matildis his wife and her relatives, and the successors of them both, he gives to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Bertin, by the hand of Leonius its abbot, the church of Chilham with all its appurtenances, in alms for ever, so that two priests serve that church as chaplains. Should those chaplains be found unfit, let correction be made by counsel of the archbishop, abbot, and himself. Moreover, such brethren (religiosi) as come to him (ad me declinaverint) for hospitality, shall be entertained in the abbot's house, receiving there straw (paleas) only, and all else, both for horse and man, from his own house.
Testibus his: Silvestro Beati Augustini abbate; Willelmo priore sancti Augustini; Petro canonico Sancte Marie Tarouanensis; Willelmo Cada; Helya de Chilleham; Mathilde uxore mea; Radulfo filio Willelmi; Willelmo et Johanne fratribus ejus, nepotibus meis; Baldewino de Stura; Gaufrido de Ticheseia; Guillelmo de Eslingis; Arnaldo de Bolonia.
(Cartulaire II. 37. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 25 B.)
1328. Charter of Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of the English, and legate of the Apostolic see, notifying that Hugh son of Foubert (Fulberti) has given the church of Chilleham, with all its appurtenances, by his hand, to the monastery of St. Bertin. He, therefore, confirms [to it] the church [as] given by the patron and lord of the estate (fundi), so that whoever shall possess that church thenceforth may do so in right of (nomine) the abbey of St. Bertin and its monks.
Hujus donationis testes sunt: Silvester abbas Sancti Augustini; W[illelmo] priore Sancti Augustini; Philippus cancellarius; Johannes de Sar[esberia]; Hugo de Raculf’; Helias de Chilleham; Sigerus monachus de Kuesham, (fn. 9) et multi alii.
(MS. History, from original, sealed. Legend: Sigillum Willelmi
De Ipra. Cartulaire I. 288. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 6.)
1329. Notification by William de Ipra that he has granted two churches, namely Cilham and Throwley (Trulleda), which belonged to him (mei juris), to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Bertin by the hand of Theobald archbishop of Canterbury, to be held in alms for ever, so that whoever possesses them, with their appurtenances, thenceforth may do so in right of (nomine) the abbey of St. Bertin and the monks.
(MS. History,
from original,
sealed. Legend:
Trobaldi Dei
Cartulaire I. 290.
Trans. Vol. 144,
“St. Bertin” 8.)
1330. Charter of Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of the English, legate of the Apostolic see, addressed to Rogbert (sic) archdeacon of Canterbury and all the clergy of the see of Canterbury. On the presentation and at the request of William de Ipra then patron (tunc advocati), he gives to the abbey of St. Bertin and its brethren in alms for ever the church of Throwley (Trullega) with its lands, tithes, chapels, and all its rightful appurtenances, saving in all things the episcopal rights of the church of Canterbury. The monks, therefore, are to possess it for ever.
Testibus: Ricardo Londoniensi (fn. 10) episcopo, et Waltero Roffensi episcopo, et Rogberto (sic) Cantuariensi archidiacono, et Philippo cantore. Apud Cantuariam.
(MS. History, from original, sealed. Cartulaire I. 289. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 7.)
1331. Charter of Stephen addressed to the archbishop of Canterbury and all his officers of Kent (Chent). He confirms the gift to the abbey of St. Bertin and its monks, by William de Ipra, of the church of Throwley (Trullega) and its appurtenances.
Testibus: Ricardo episcopo Londoniensi, et Roberto episcopo Linco[1]niensi, et comite Simone, et Willelmo Mart[ello]. Apud Lond[oniam]. (fn. 11)
17 Nov. (Cartulaire I. 292.)
1332. Confirmation by pope Anastasius (IV.) to St. Bertin of the churches of Chilham and Throwley.
Datum Laterani, xv. kalendas Decembris.
[1155, June–
(MS. History, from original; seal broken. Cartulaire II. 242. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 36.)
1333. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants to God and the abbot of St. Bertin the church of Throwley (Trullegha), with its appurtenances as given by Hamo de Trullega, and confirmed by the archbishop of Canterbury. The abbot and monks therefore, are to hold it as freely as anyone held it in the time of king Henry grandfather.
Testibus: Thoma cancellario (fn. 12); Ricardo de Humeto constabulario; Guarino filio Geroldi camerario (fn. 13) (?). Apud Brugas.
(MS. History, from original, sealed. Legend: “Willelmus frater Henrici Angliæ (fn. 14) regis.” Cartulaire II. 243. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 37.)
1334. Charter of William, brother of king Henry (II.) addressed generally, for Normandy, France, and England. In accordance with the charter of Henry his brother, he confirms to the abbey of St. Bertin the church of Throwley (Trullega), etc. (ut supra).
Teste Alano de Fal[esia], apud Rothomagum.
[? March, 1163.]
(MS. History, from original, scaled. Cartulaire I. 332. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 10.)
1335. Writ of Henry II. addressed to Hamo de Trulega. He is to allow the abbot of St. Bertin to hold in peace, etc. his church of Trullea, as freely etc., as he ever held it, in accordance with the king's charter, and unless he does [this] Thomas archbishop of Canterbury is to do it.
Teste M[anassero] dapifero apud Rovcestriam. (fn. 15).
(MS. History, from original, scaled. Legend: “Sigillum Hamundi Filii Herefredi.” Cartulaire I. 338. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 12.)
1336. Charter of Hamund son of Herefred, notifying that, with his wife Matildis, and his sons and daughters, at the entreaty of their dearest Marsilius, the monk, he gives abbot Godescalc and the monks of the abbey of St. Bertin, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his wife Mabel (sic) and his relatives, the church of Thrulege in frankalmoine for ever; and the monks have granted that he shall be a partaker for ever in all the benefits of that abbey, namely masses, alms, vigils, fasts, prayers, and other good [works]. It is also granted to him that his anniversary shall be written in their “martyrologium” after his death, and read out annually in their chapter. No one, therefore, is to trouble the monks concerning the said church, nor to risk his soul for that which is to earn a reward for the grantor's; for it is lawfully given them by this charter.
Hujus rei testes sunt: Clarembaldus abbas de Favresham; Normannus monachus ejus; Nicholaus decanus; magister Osbertus; Haymo presbiter de Trullega; Ædmundus presbiter de Chilleham; Willelmus filius Alexi (fn. 16) (sic); Thomas clericus; Karolus clericus; Willelmus clericus de Chilleham; Hugo vicecomes de Chent; Bartholomeus de Badelesmere (fn. 17); Petrus frater ejus; Clemens de Scrinlinge; Osbertus de Hucham; Gilebertus camerarius vicecomitis; Daniel de Sillingehalla, ct alii plures. (fn. 18)
(MS. History, from original, scaled. Legend to seal (fn. 19) : “Tomas Dei Gratia Cantuar-
ensis Archi-
Episcopus”; to counterseal: [an antique gem] “Sigillum Tome (fn. 20) Lund [oniensis].”Cartulaire I. 332. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 11.)
1337. Charter of Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, addressed generally. He confirms to St. Bertin, the church of Throwley (Trullega), to be canonically and justly possessed, according to the charter of his worshipful predecessor and lord, archbishop Theobald, which he has seen.
Testibus: Baldewino de Bolonia Norwicensi (fn. 21) archidiacono; Silvestro thesaurario Lixoviensi; Theoldo canonico Sancti Martini; Roberto canonico Meritone; magistro Herberto; magistro Lumbardo; magistro Ernulfo; Gunterio; Ricardo de Sar[esberia] capellano; Alexandro Walensi, et pluribus aliis.
(MS. History,
from original,
sealed, ut supra.
Cartulaire I. 334.
Trans. Vol. 144,
“St. Bertin” 8.)
1338. Similar charter confirming his predecessor Theobald's grant of Chilleham church, as given by its patron.
Testibus his: Silvestro thesaurario Lixoviensi; Theoldo canonico Sancti Martini; Roberto canonico Meritone; magistro Herberto; magistro Lombardo; magistro Ernulfo; Gunterio; Ricardo de Sar[esburia] capellano; Alexandro Walensi, et pluribus aliis.
[1174 or 1176.]
27 July.
(Cartulaire I. 292.)
1339. Letter of Alexander III. addressed to the bishops of Exeter and Worcester. He has heard that his dear sons the abbots of Faversham and Boxley (Buseleia) received his mandate to settle the dispute between the monks of St. Bertin and Nathanael the knight concerning the chapel of Livelanda; and that when, both parties having been repeatedly summoned before them, the knight made no appearance, they at length adjudged the chapel to the monks, having judicially received their attestations. But when they subsequently summoned before them the said knight, to make amends to the monks, and surrender the chapel to them in peace, them for the first time, in dread of excommunication, he made his appearance, and steadfastly asserted that he had no right in the said chapel. Thereupon Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, legate of the Apostolic see, sent an envoy with a letter from him claiming that the chapel belonged to him, and appealing (in vocem appellation is prorupit) against the monks being placed in possession. Wherefore the said judges postponed the excommunication of the said knight. [Now] as the Pope is in doubt as to the truth, and is bound to assist monks (religiosi viri) in obtaining justice, he commands them to summon before them both parties, and, having fully ascertained from the said abbots the truth, then, if they are satisfied that the said knight did publicly attest at the trial (in judicio) that he had no right in the said chapel, they are to bid him keep silence in matter, admitting neither excuse, nor appeal, and forbid him to trouble the monks any more therein. And if he sets himself against this injunction they are to excommunicate him without hesitation. After this, they are to hear carefully the case as between the archbishop and the monks, and, if they are satisfied that archbishop Theobald did confer that chapel on the monks, and that both he and the blessed martyr Thomas confirmed it to them by charter, they are to enjoin silence (silentium indicatis) on the archbishop, by the Pope's authority, as to his claim on that chapel; for it is neither honourable nor fitting ((honestum aut conveniens) that he should set himself against the authority and the grant of his great predecessors. If either of them cannot be present to accomplish this, let the other nevertheless accomplish it.
Datum Anagnie vjo Kalendas Augusti.
(MS. History, from original, sealed, ut supra.
Cartulaire I. 365.
Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 14.)
1340.Charter of Richard archbishop etc. Learning from the charter of his predecessor, the most glorious martyr Thomas, which he has handled with his own hands and seen with his own eyes, that his said predecessor granted the church of Chileham to the monastery of St. Bertin etc… he confirms that grant.
Testibus: Benedicto abbate de Burgo; Waleranno (fn. 22) archidiacono Baiocensi; magistro Roberto de Inglessham; Henrico Baiocensi; Willelmo de Vallibus; Rogero Norwicensi, et aliis multis.
(Cartulaire II. 76.
Trans. Vol. 144,
“St. Bertin” 28.)
Inspeximus by John bishop (1208–1213) of Thérouanne(Morinensis) of the following:—
1341. Charter of Richard archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and legate of the Apostolic see, notifying that his dear sons the monks of St. Bertin have granted to his dear son William Bauun'(sic) the chapel of Livelande in alms for ever, at an annual pension, namely one gold piece (aureus) to be paid the monks in right of (nomine) the mother church of Throwley (Trulega), to which the said chapel is known to belong. And William is to have divine service (divina) celebrated in the chapel three days a week, according to ancient custom. On the four annual feasts, Christmas day, the Purification, Easter day, and Michaelmas, the parishioners of the said chapel shall visit the mother church in Trulega and shall there as Catholics(viri Catholici) hear mass and the rest of divine service (divinorum sollemnia). After the decease of the said William, the said monks may take order concerning (ordinare) the said chapel and dispose of it to their advantage.
His testibus: magistro Gir[? ardo] (fn. 23); Waltero Baioc[ensi] (fn. 24), et aliis multis.
(MS. History, from original chirograph, sealed. Legend: “Sigillum Nathanaelis De Levelande.” Cartulaire II. 58. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 27.)
1342. Charter of Nathanael de Levelande, son of Geoffrey, notifying that with his wife Desirea, his son Rodbert and his other sons and daughters, he gives to the abbot and monks of St. Bertin for the weal of his soul and [those] of his wife, sons, daughters, and relatives, the chapel of Levelande with all its appurtenances, and therewith five acres of his land called the land of Pette, in frankalmoin for ever, so that the said chapel be fully served by the said abbot and monks; and the monks have granted that he and his shall be a partaker for ever in all the benefits of their abbey, namely, masses, almsgiving, vigils, fasts, prayers, and other good [works] there or in dependent houses (membris).
His testibus: domino Rogero abbate Sancti Augustini; Aschecino capellano de Selling[e]; Winemaro de Boccune (fn. 25) (sic); Rogero senescallo Sancti Augustini; Hugone Cophin; Gileberto fratre domini abbatis; Daniele de Shillingh[ale]; Willelmo de Cassel; Waltero de Litlet[one?], et pluribus aliis.
(MS. History. from original, sealed. Legend: “Sigillum Ricardi Dei Gratia Cantuar[i]ensis Archiepiscopi”; to counterseal: “Ricardus Dei Gratia Totius Anglle Primas.” Cartulaire I. 64. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 13d.)
1343. Charter of Richard archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and legate of the Apostolic see addressed generally. Following in the footsteps of Theobald of holy memory, and the most blessed martyr Thomas his predecessors, whose charters he has beheld and handled with his own hands he grants to his dear sons in the lord, the monks of St. Bertin, the church of Throwley (Trulegha), with the chapels belonging to it, of which he specially names Levelande.
His testibus: magistro venerabili Waleranno Baiocensi (fn. 26) archidiacono; magistro Petro Blesensi; Willelmo de Norhantona (fn. 27); Radulfo de Wingham; Henrico Baiocensi (fn. 27) canonico; Radulfo de Sancto Martino; Amicio (sic) clerico; Rogerio elemosinario; Roberto de Bavento; magistro Johanne Doure; Willelmo Beivino; Willelmo de Sotindona, et pluribus aliis.
(MS. History, from original chirograph, with two seals. Legends: “Sigillum Henrici De Insula,” and “Sigillum Sancti Bertini Abbatis.” Cartulaire I. 374; Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 15. Also Chartularium Sithiense in Library of Boulogne. See Cartulaire de St. Bertin, [Documents Inédits] pp. 370–1.)
1344. Notification by Simon abbot of St. Bertin that Henry de Insula was at strife with St. Bertin's abbey for endeavouring to withdraw himself from the parochial jurisdiction of Throwley (Trudlega), which parish belongs to St. Bertin's, but at length desisting from his wrongdoing, he and his wife Margaret and his heirs, in the presence of Herbert (fn. 28) archdeacon of Canterbury and master William de Sancta Fide, at Canterbury, in the chapter-house (capitulo) of the priests, have acknowledged themselves to be parishioners of Throwley, and to owe tithes of fruits and food (nutrimentorum) and the annual increase of all their substance. This was done on condition that they and their relatives should share in the benefits and prayers of St. Bertin's, and that the obits of Henry and Margaret should be kept annually, as if for a member of the brotherhood. Moreover, in pledge of peace, Henry is to send one of his sons over sea to the abbot, who after being taught letters and carefully educated by the abbot in all that is necessary, shall, if he will, be made a monk.
Acta sunt hec anno Domini MC. septuagesimo sexto, Cantuarie, in ecclesia Sancte Marie, presente Herberto archidiacono, et per manum ejus confirmata, in conspectu eciam capituli de Hospringa, assistente magistro Willelmo de sancta Fide, ac pluribus aliis boni testimonii personis tam ecclesiastici ordinis quam secularis, presidente in ecclesia sancti Bertini predecessore meo pie memorie Godescalco abbate.
(Cartulaire I. 462. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 20.)
1345. Charter of Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, notifying that the monks of St. Bertin have shown him the charter of his predecessor Richard (No. 1343), which he now confirms.
His testibus: magistro Henrico de Norhantona (fn. 29); magistro Silvestro; Reginaldo de Olly; magistro Nicolao de Exonia (fn. 30); Ricardo de Hunfranvilla; Galfrido Fotti, (fn. 31) et multis aliis.
1189, 17 Dec.
(MS. History,
from original, sealed. Cartulaire I. 512 Trans. Vol. I. 144, “St. Bertin” 23.)
1346. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He confirms to the abbey of St. Bertin and its convent the church of Chileham with its appurtenances, which Hugh son of Foubert of Dover gave it in frankalmoine.
Testibus: Ricardo de Humeto (fn. 32); Rogero de Pratellis; Stephano de Longo Campo dapifero. (fn. 33). Datum apud Ruhoult xvij. die Decembris per manum Willelmi Elyensis electi cancellarii nostri, regni nostri anno primo.
1190, 12 June.
(MS. History, from original, sealed.
Legend: “Sigillum Roberti Filii Hamonis.” Cartulaire I.505. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 22.)
1347. Charter of Robert son and heir of Hamund of Thrulege, son of Hemfred, notifying that his father Hamund gave the abbot and monks of St. Bertin the church of Thrulege as their possession for ever; and that the monks have shown(obtulerunt) him his father's charter etc. (ut supra)… Having seen and comprehended his father's charter, and learnt the truth, he has decided (dignum duxi) to confirm his father's endowment etc. etc., for the weal of his soul and [those] of his brother and his relatives. No one is to disturb them in their possession of that church, lest he imperil his soul. All that the monks had granted to his father they grant to him, his wife, his mother, and his brother, namely a share of all the benefits in their abbey, and the entry of his anniversary and those of his wife, his mother, and his brother, after their death, in its ‘martyrologium’, to be read out annually in chapter.
Datum Lundini(sic) primo anno Ricardi regis Angliæ, duodecimo die Junii. Testibus: Henrico de Corn [he]lle vicecomite de Chent; Reginaldo de Corn[he]lle constabulario de Chilleham; Symone de Rurentes (fn. 34); Reginaldo filio Hamundi de Thrulege.
(MS. History, from original. Armorial seal.
Legend: “Sigillum Folberti De Dovre.”
Cartulaire I. 412. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 16.)
1348. Charter of Foubert son of John de Dovera, notifying that Hugh de Doura, his father's uncle (avunculus) gave the church of Chilleham, with all its appurtenances, to the abbot and monks of St. Bertin, to hold in alms for ever, by charter as follows (ut supra)…. Lest anyone should advance a claim to that church against the abbot and convent, he, as his predecessor's lawful heir, confirms his gift.
His testibus: Gaufrido priore Cantuariensi; magistro Henrico de Chastell[ione] tunc archidiacono Cantuariensi; magistro Everardo vice–archidiacono; Radulfo de Hastinges (fn. 35); Ricardo filio Radulfi; Manesserio de Hastinges (fn. 35); Johanne de Suilinghoude; Willelmo de Hugham; Petro de Chilleham; Johanne de Herste; Stephano de Ultrastura; Helto[ne] Faucill[on]; Ricardo juvene; Willelmo filio Radulfi de Hastinges (fn. 35); Willelmo de Dudintun[e]; Simone clerico de Wendene, et Gaufredo fratre ejus.
[?Circ. 1200.]
(Cartulaire l. 432. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 18.)
1349. Notification by Foubert of Dover that he would not have his dear brethren and friends, the monks of St. Bertin suffer any loss of their rights through their favour and liberality towards him at any time; and although there was an agreement between him and them as to buying their wheat at Chileham, he had no more right or authority to buy it than others, nor were they bound to sell it to him, unless he found greater favour than others in their eyes; and he testifies by this charter, lest it should be doubted thereafter, that he has no claim to that tithe [wheat] save by favour.
[N.D. (fn. 36) ]
(MS. History, from original, sealed. Legend [round a ship]: “Sigillum burgensium De Dovra.” Cartulaire I. 412. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 17.)
1350. Notification by the barons of Dover (Dovorice) that the abbot and convent of St. Bertin enjoy their liberty (sunt in nostra libertate) in right of certain land in their town, for which they perform full service with themselves to the king; wherefore they beseech and diligently require all who may see this to receive them freely and peacefully and to uphold them in the said liberty for love of the king and of themselves.
31 July.
(MS. History, from original, sealed Legend: “Willelmus Deo Rectore rex Scottorum.” Cartulaire I. 601. Trans. Vol. 144, “St. Bertin” 24.)
1351. Charter of William king of Scots (fn. 37) addressed generally for Scotland. He gives to God and the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Mary of Kinlos, and the monks there serving God, Stradhilifer, (fn. 38) according to its rightful bounds (per rectas divisas) and with all its just appurtenances, in frankalmoin for ever, in wood and plain, land and water, meadow and pasture, moor and marsh, pool and mill, and all else justly appertaining to that land, be held as freely etc. as the said monks or others of the Cistercian order hold their endowments in his realm.
Testibus: R[icardo] episcopo Marau; J[ohanne] episcopo de Caten[ia]; R[eginaldo] episcopo Ros[s]ensi; H[ugone] cancellario meo; Ricardo de præbenda clerico meo; Comitibus patrie (sic); comite Dunec[ano]; comite Gilleberto; Willemo de Marvilla constabulario; Roberto de Quinci; Philippo de Valon[iis] camerario; Willelmo filio Fresekini; Willelmo Cumin; Willelmo de Haia; Johanne de Hasting; Hugone et Willelmo filiis Willelmi de (sic) Fresekini (fn. 39); D[avide] de Haia; Rog[erio] de Mortem[er]; Philippo de Lund[ino]; Waltero Murdac; Herberto Marescallo. Apud Vergin (fn. 40) ultimo die Julii.
(Original in archives of St. Omer. Seal broken. Trans. Vol.144, “St. Omer,” fo.4.)
1352. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally for England. He grants to the burgesses of St. Omer that they may have in the city of London lodgings (hospitia)at their will and choice, and may sell their goods (res ) there to whom they will without view of Justice or sheriff, and without scavage (fn. 41) (scawinga) and may take down their stands (trusellos) without license and may go to fairs and markets, and may carry and conduct their goods, for selling and buying, throughout England, in [enjoyment of] his peace, and be quit of lestage throughout England, wherever they go, and no one is to do them wrong or trouble them therein under penalty of ten pounds.
Testibus: Thoma cancellario (fn. 42); Ricardo de Humeto (fn. 43) constabulario; Reginaldo (fn. 44) de Sancto Walerico; Warino filio Geroldi camerario (fn. 45); Joscelino de Balliol[i]o. Apud Wildesores.
[MS. History in Public Library of St. Omer. (fn. 46) ]
(MS. History, p.12.See L’ Abbaye de Clairmarais, p.314.)
1353. Charter of Stephen addressed generally for England, Normandy and Boulogne. At the request of queen Mathildis his wife, and of Eustace his son, and for the soul of count Eustace [of Boulogne] and for the redemption of the souls of themselves and their predecessors, he grants to the brethren of Clairmarais (in Claromesc) land [in the Boulonnais]. He has added to this grant, at the request of Bernard abbot of Clairvaux. He has called upon (mundavi) the count of Flanders, of whose fief is that land, to confirm this etc.
Testibus: Roberto de Gandavo cancellario, et Willelmo Marter, (fn. 47) et Ingelramno de Sai, et Turgisio de Alricis, (fn. 48) et Roberto de Valderi. Apud Geldeferd.
(MS. History,p.14. See ut supra,p.315.)
1354.Charter of Mathildis queen of the English and countess of Boulogne and of Eustace her son, confirming the above charter.
Actum anno Dom[inice] incarnationis MCXLII. indictione v. Testibus: Bernardo abbate Clarevallis; Waleranno abbate Ursicampi; Henrico abbate de Valcellis, etc.… (local witnesses).
(MS. History, P.16. See ut supra, p.333.)
1355. Charter of Mathildis queen of the English and countess of Boulogne addressed to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, and barons of England, Normandy, and Boulogne. With her son Eustace, she grants to Gunfrid abbot of Clairmarais (ut infra).
Testibus: Willelmo de Ypra; Willelmo de Monsterolio; Arnulfo advocato Taruaniæ; Richardo de Luci; Eustachio de Furnis; Thoma capellano; Richardo Boloniæ (fn. 49); Petro clerico; Odone clerico. Apud Boloniam.
(MS. History, p. 15. See ut supra, p. 333.)
1356. Charter of Stephen, addressed to the bishop of Therouanne, and his officers of the comté of Boulogne. For the redemption of his soul, and those of queen Mathildis his wife and Eustace his son, and his other boys, he grants to Gunfrid abbot of Clairmarais and his successors for ever, a carucate of land which Mathildis his wife had given them for the construction of an abbey.
Attestatione.…. Willelmi de Ypra, et Roberti de Ver constabularii, et Willelmi Marter, (fn. 50) et Richardi de Luci. Apud Londoniam.
(MS. History, p.17 See ut supra, p.334.)
1357. Charter of Mathildis, humble queen of the English, and devout servant (famula) of Christ, addressed to the abbot and convent of Clairmarais. She notifies that her lord king Stephen and she grant them possession of the carucate of land they bestowed on them for the construction of an abbey without any restriction (conditione), that they may not be compelled to move their monastery from its present site. It is agreed that their abbey is to be as much that of the king and queen (nostro), as if it were transferred to the place bestowed on them.
Testibus: Thoma capellano; Eustachio; Richardo de Bolonia (fn. 51) Willelmo de Ypra; Richardo de Luci; Willelmo Martel; Waltero de Lusor, (fn. 52), et aliis pluribus cum abbate de Boxleia domno Lamberto. Apud Roffam.
(MS. History, p.20. See ut supra, p.335.)
1358. Charter of Stephen, confirming above charter of his queen.
Testibus: Baldrico; Eustachio; Thoma capellano; Richardo de Bolonia (fn. 51); Willelmo de Ypra; Richardo de Luci; Willelmo Martel; Waltero de Lusor (fn. 52); et aliis pluribus cum domno abbate de Boxleia Lamberto. Apud Bergas.
(Original in archives of the Chambre des Comptes, with seal and counterseal of count Thierry on parchment tags. Trans. Vol. 143, No. 1.)
1359. Notification of the settlement of all disputes (querelis); new and old, and enmities between Robert de Betunia the advocate (advocutum de Betunia (fn. 53) ) and Baldwin castellan of Lens and their heirs for ever on these terms: the said castellan and his wife and Eustace his son give, for peace, to the above advocate the land which Sigar (Segardus) de Ceoches (fn. 54) and Hildiardis his daughter and Rainald (fn. 55) son of Hildiardis had held in England, to him and his heirs, so that if the said castellan would hold that land in fee from the king of the English, and the king would restore (reddere) it him in fee, the advocate shall receive it from him and render (exsolvet) him as much service as they shall mutually agree upon. To effect this, the castellan is to go to the king with his wife and his son, within 15 days, on being summoned to do so by the advocate. But if the castellan be unwilling to hold of the king or unable to obtain before the king (coram rege) his inheritance, he and his wife and his son shall abandon it to the advocate, and thenceforth the advocate shall hold of the king, etc. … And it is further agreed that the advocate and the castellan shall help one another against all [men] saving the fealty (fide) of lords and men, etc. …. And this concord of the above princes has been made by Thierry count of Flanders and by Roger de Waurin who are pledges (fidejussores) and witnesses thereof.
Testes sunt etiam Ansellus de Duurin etc.
(Cartulary of Artois, in archives of the Chambre des Comptes I., No. 257. Trans. Vol. 143, No. 10.) Vidimus by R[obert] count of Artois (Atrebatensis), March 1269 of the following—
[?1156–1157.] 1360. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He gives to all his burgesses of Domfront (Damp'fronte) in burgave (burgensia), within or without the walls (muros castelli) quittance of dues in all his domains throughout his lands. And he forbids anyone to trouble them therein under penalty of ten pounds.
Testibus: Philippo episcopo Baiocensi, et Toma cancellario, et R[oberto] de Novo Burgo, et Manasero Biset dapifero, et Bernardo de Sancto Walerico. Apud Argenteon’(sic).
[1197,] 8 Sept.
(MS. of 1513 from abbey of Cisoing, in Lille Library, and Cartulary of Hainault, in archives of the Chambrc des Comptes. Trans. Vol. 143, No. 2.)
1361. Charter of John, lord of Ireland (dominus de Ybernia) and count of Mortain, notifying his treaty, love (amorem), and agreement with his cousin Baldwin count of Flanders and Hainault, by the wish and [with] the assent of his brother the illustrious king Richard, namely, that if the said king Richard should die without heir by his wife— which God forbid—he will make no peace, etc. (fn. 56) …. He and the count have sworn, touching the holy gospels, to keep this [agreement] faithfully.
His testibus: Huberto Cantuariensi archiepiscopo; Johanne Wigorniensi, Willelmo Lexoviensi, episcopis; Eustatio Elyensi electo; Willelmo de Sancte Marie Ecclesia decano Moret [onii]; Henrico fratre comitis Balduini; Theoderico filio Philippi comitis Flandr[ie]; Rogerio de Cortrayo; Hugone de Sancto Auberto; Reinerio de Trit; Nicholao de Condato; Alardo marescalsco; Theoderico de Beure; Balduino de Comminis; Symone de Haverets; Balduino comite Albemarle; Willelmo comite de Arondel; comite Willelmo Marescalco; comite David; Willelmo filio Radulfi senesc[allo] Normannie; Willelmo de Humeto constabulario Normannie; Willelmo de Kaio; Johanne de Pratellis; Euberto de Carenti; Willelmo de Hondescote; Galfrido de Bosco. Apud Rothomagum octavo die Septembris anno regni Richardi regis fratris mei octavo (sic).
(Same reference as preceding. Trans. Vol. 143 No. 3.)
1362. Similar charter of John notifying his treaty with his cousin Philip count of Namur brother of count Baldwin, by the wish and [with] the assent of the said count Baldwin, in the event of the latter dying without heir by his wife.
Testibus: H[uberto] Cantuariensi archiepiscopo; Willelmo Lexoviensi, et Hugone Coventrensi episcopis; E[ustachio] Elyensi, et W[illelmo] Abrincensi, electis; Balduino de Alba Marla, Willelmo Marescalco, Willelmo de Sar[isberia] comitibus; Willelmo de Humeto constabulario Normannie; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescalco Normannie; Radulfo Taisson; Johanne de Pratellis; Petro de Pratellis; W[illelmo] de Hanoio; Philippo filio comitis; Sehero castellano de Gandavo; Balduino de Cumin[nes]; Tierrico de Bieu[ere]; Petro de Mesnil; Nicholao de Condato; Hugone de Remigneio; Clarembaldo de Alta rippa, et multis aliis.
1199, 18 Aug.
(Original in archives of Chambre des Comptes, Lille.)
1363. Fragment of treaty between John and the count of of Flanders. (fn. 57)
Robert earl of Leicester swore to observe this [agreement] in good faith on behalf of the king of England and on the soul (in animam) of that king, [and so did the following:—]
Willelmus Marescalcus comes de Pembroc’ (fn. 58). Randulfus comes Cestrie; Baldwinus comes Albemarle (fn. 59); Willelmus comes Arundell’; Radulfus comes Augi (fn. 60); Robertus comes de Mellento; Hugo de Gornaio; Willelmus de Kaeu (fn. 61); Gaufridus de Cella; Rogerus constabularius Cestrie (fn. 62); Robertus filius Walteri (fn. 63); Willelmus de Albiniaco (fn. 63); Robertus de Ros (fn. 63); Nic[olas] (fn. 64) de Muntficeth (fn. 63); Rogerius de Theoni (fn. 65); Satherus (fn. 63) de Quincy (fn. 66); Willelmus de Muntchenesy; Petrus de Pratellis; Willelmus de Stangno; Adam de Portu (fn. 63); Robertus de Thurneham (fn. 67); Willelmus Malet (fn. 68); Eustatius de Vescy (fn. 63); Petrus de Brus; Willelmus de Humelt (sic) constabularius (fn. 69) Normannie; Willelmus de Presciniaco: Aubert (fn. 70) de Burgo; Willelmus de Manslo; Petrus Savarici.
Baldwin count of Flanders and Hainault swore to observe this agreement in good faith, on his soul, with his own hand, and those whose names follow did the same, namely—
Henricus frater comitis; Willelmus avunculus comitis; Saherus castellanus de Gant; Hugo de Sancto Amando Aub’(sic); Renerus de Trit; Reginaldus de Aria; Gillen’ castellanus de Bellomonte; Daniel de Curtino prepositus de Brug’; Balduino Cumines; Henricus de Bailliol; Terricus de Beverne; Gera[r]dus de Rodes (fn. 71); Walterus de Sotenghien; Barkardus de Burgell’; Waltero castellano de Duaco; Osto de Arbre.
Acta sunt ista coram ipso rege Anglie apud castrum de Ruppe Andeliaci xviijo die Augusti regni sui anno primo.
[Original Documents and Cartulary (No. 169)in the Library of the Episcopal Seminary at Bruges. (fn. 72) ]
[1187, (fn. 73)
18–19. Feb.]
(Seal in green wax
on parchment tag.
See Chronica
de Dunis
d’émulation de
Bruges], p. 151. (fn. 74) )
1364. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants to the monks and brethren, of the Cistercian order, of Dunes free passage throughout his land with all their substance of any kind, whoever may convey (duxerint) it, if they or their servants can guarantee it to be their own and for their use. And he directs that they are to be free of toll and passage [money] and pontage and payment for crossing (traverso), and of every due payable to him, by land and by sea on all their own substance, and on what is for their food and use. He also grants the brethren permission to make new ships, sell old ones, and buy any wood (ligna) for their own use. No one is to wrong or trouble them therein. Prompt amends to be made to them in such case.
Testibus: Philippo comite Flandrie; Willelmo de Mandevilla (fn. 75) comite Essexie; Bernardo de Sancto Walerico; Sehero de Quinci; Thoma Bardulf. Apud Heddin. (fn. 73)
[? 1190,] 18 Jan.
(Fragment of seal in
white wax on
parchment strip.
See ut supra,
p. 145.)
1365. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He takes under his protection the abbot and brethren, with all their substance, men, and possessions. No one is to wrong them therein, etc.
Teste me ipso apud Vernolium, xviij. die Januarii.
[1194,] 21 April.
(See ut supra,
p. 145.)
1366. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He grants and gives in alms for ever to the monastery of Dunes, and the monks of St. Mary there serving God, the church called Estchirche in Sheppey (Scapeia) which is vacant, to be held freely for ever with all its appurtenances.
Testibus; Huberto (fn. 76) Cantuarensi archiepiscopo; Willelmo Eliensi episcopo cancellario nostro; Gisleberto Rofensi (fn. 77) episcopo; Willelmo de Sancte Marie ecclesia; comite Rogero Bigod; Willelmo Marescallo; Galfrido (fn. 78) filio Petri. Datum per manum Willelmi Eliensis episcopi cancellarii nostri. Apud Wintoniam xxj. die Aprilis.
1199, 17 [or
22] Jan.
Renewal of above charter in the regular form.
Innovationis autem hujus hii sunt testes: Hubertus (fn. 79) Cantuariensis archiepiscopus; Gislebertus Rofensis (fn. 80) episcopus; B[aldwinus] comes Flandrie; R[eginaldus] comes Bolonensis; Willelmus Marescallus; Willelmus de Stagno. Datum per manum Eustachii Eliensis episcopi cancellarii nostri. Apud Rupem Andel[iaci] xvij. (fn. 81) die Januarii, anno regni nostri decimo.
[? 1194.]
(Cartulary, fo. 187d.
See Chronica et
monasterii de Dunis

[Société d’émulation
de Bruges], p. 423.)
1367. Charter of Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and legate of the Apostolic see, notifying that his dear son William de Sancte Marie ecclesia having resigned into his hands the church of Estcherche, and the illustrious king Richard, its patron, having granted it, of his charity, to the monks of Dunes, he has admitted his dear son Elyas, abbot of Dunes, in the name of his convent, to that church, and canonically instituted him its parson (personam.) saving in all things the dues of the church of Canterbury, and to the perpetual vicar of that church the perpetual vicarage which he has assigned with the abbot's assent. The abbot and convent of Dunes are to receive all the tithes of wheat (bladi) and of vegetables, in right of [their] parsonage, and shall possess the buildings round about the church; and the vicar shall have the small tithes with the offerings, and with the free land and rent belonging to the church; and he shall undertake all the burdens of the church.
Hiis testibus: Rannulfo thesaurario Saresberiensi; Galfrino (sic) de Box] [? eia]; magistro Symone de Siwella; magistro Willelmo de Calna; Symone de Camera; magistro A. de Wassingebro: Roberto de Brist’, et aliis multis.
[? 1194.]
(Cartulary, fo. 188d.
See ut supra, p. 425.)
1368. Charter of the same, to the same effect, notifying further that he has caused the abbot to be introduced into corporal possession of that church by his officials, and that he reserves to himself the fitting ordinance (ordinatione) of the vicarage.
Hiis testibus: Huberto (fn. 82) archidiacono Cantuariensi; magistro W[altero] de Ganda abbate de Waltham; Willelmo abbate de Straford; Heinrico de Castellione; Waltero Londoniensi precentore; magistro Willelmo de Lechintoniense (sic); magistro de Scalis; magistro Willelmo de Sumercote; magistro Willelmo de Calna; Symone camerario; Richardo de Eli.
[? 1194.]
(Ibid., fo. 188.
See ut supra,
p. 424.)
1369. Charter of J (sic) the prior and the convent of Christchurch, Canterbury, notifying their confirmation of above charter. (fn. 83)
1196, 21 Dec.
(Cartulary, fo. 17d.
See ut supra,
p. 275.)
1370. Confirmation by pope Clement III. to abbot Elias and the brethren of the monastery of Dunes of the church of Estchirche with its appurtenances.
Datum Laterani xij. kal. Jan. pontificatus nostri anno sexto.
1199, 24 Aug.
(Seal in green wax
on silk tag.
See Chronica
abbatum monasterii
de Dunis
, p. 147.)
1371. John's charter of protection for the abbey of Dunes, confirming that of Richard. Printed in Rotuli Chartarum (p. 12) with the first witness only.
Hiis testibus: Willelmo Marescallo comite Pembroc; Roberto de Turnham; Willelmo de Stagno.
[Original Documents and Cartulary in Archives de l'Etat, Ghent. (fn. 84) ]
918 11 Sept.
(Cartulary No. 7,
p. 16.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8)
No. I. See Chartes
et documents
etc. I. p. 20.)
1372. Charter of Elstrudis countess [of Flanders], notifying her gift to the abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul, Ghent (monasterium Blandinium), with her sons Arnulf and Adelolf, of her inheritance, Lievesham, Gronewic, and Unluuich, with meadows, etc., for the good (remedio) of the soul of her lord Baldwin and herself and of her sons, that as servants (servi) of God [the monks] may receive it from her, and apply it to their own profit, and possess it in inheritance (hereditarie), and may the more devoutly implore the mercy of Almighty God for the excesses of her predecessors. Curses on those who violate this gift.
Actum publice territorio Gandensi in monte Blandinio, anno verbi incarnati IXoXVIII., indictione Va iijo idus Septembris ….. regnum autem Anglorum ordinante inclito rege Edwardo …. Signum ipsius Elstrudis comitisse que hanc traditionem fecit, firmarique petiit. Signa Arnulfi et Adalulfi comitum, filiorum ipsius, etc ….
964, August.
(Cartulary No. 7,
p. 10.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8)
No. II. See ut
, p. 40.)
1373. Charter of Eadgar, king of the English (Basileos Anglorum et Primicherius), notifying his gift to St. Peter of Ghent and his monks of Lieuesham with all its appurtenances namely Grenewic, Wulleuic, Modingeham and Cumbe, and with all its implements (utensilibus et appenditiis) etc. All this, from his own possessions of the royal estate (fisci), he has granted and confirmed to the aforesaid abbey (ecclesie) of St. Peter of Ghent— at the prayer of his devoted and most kind friend archbishop Dunstan, under whose governance and control (partrocinio) the said abbey was (manet regenda) in the time of his brother king Eadwi, the said archbishop having been for some time in exile there, (fn. 85) —for feeding the monks there, with [its] churches, churchyards, land cultivated and uncultivated, ways, crops, [and] woods, in meadow and pasture, etc. by the consent and [with] the advice (consultu) of his bishops and nobles…. as well and as fully as he himself had held it in demesne, and as formerly Elstrudis, his kinswoman, by favour and permission of king Edward her uncle's son, and his own great grandfather (attavi) gave (dereliquit) it to the said abbey for the weal of her soul, and [those] of her lord, count Baldwin, and her sons Ernulf and Edelulf, in inheritance for ever. Curses on those who violate this gift.
Anno Dominice incarnationis DCCCCLXIV. indictione Io (sic).
Ego Edgarus Christi gratia concedente Anglorum rex et rector, anno VIo regni mei, mense Augusto, hanc meam donationem Christi crucis agalmate, annotavi et confirmavi; Ego Dunstan archiepiscopus dono congaudens regali et crucis signo confirmavi; Ego Elfstan Londoniensis ecclesie episcopus consignavi; Ego Etheuold Uintoniensis ecclesie episcopus roboravi; Ego Escui (fn. 86) Dorcensis ecclesie episcopus coadunavi; Ego Theodret ecclesie Elmhannensis (fn. 87) episcopus consensi; Ego Athulf Herefordensis ecclesie episcopus subscripsi; Ego Elfric (fn. 88) Cridifnensis ecclesie episcopus amen dixi; Ego Wlsi abbas; Ego Sigeric abbas; Ego Leofric abbas; Ego Alfred abbas; Ego Elfere dux; Ego Ethelwine dux; Ego Thored dux; Ego Vua dux (fn. 89); Ego Eadwine miles; Ego Eadric miles; Ego Eadsi miles.
Many other illustrious men are omitted etc…..
1016, 25 Dec.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8) No. III. See ut supra, I. 72.)
1374. Charter of Edward [the Confessor] son of Æthelred (Aedelraedi) king of the English addressed generally. He notifies that when deprived of his father's realm and visiting the abodes (loca) of the saints, in search of pardon for his sins and of restitution to the realm of his fathers by their aid, he came to Ghent to the monastery of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, where rest the bodies of Wandrille the holy abbot, etc., and was kindly received by abbot Rodbold and the other brethren, who complained of the possessions which had been taken from them in the land (regione) of the English, and begged him to restore them their inheritance if ever the lord should restore him to his realm. Gladly acceding, he has vowed to God and to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, upon their altar, that if the mercy of God should restore to him his father's realm, he will restore to the monastery its possessions, namely Liefesham with Gronewic and Vulwic and all its appurtenances, etc.
Actum publice in monte Blandinio in monasterio præfatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli tempore Rodberti regis Francorum viij. kal. Januarii, anno Dominice incarnationis MXVIo, indictione XIVo, epacta IXo, concurrente VIIo, termino pascali vio, kal. Apriiis, die dominica kal. Aprilis, luna ipsius diei xixo existente.
Ego Aeduuardus cognovi et notare constitui.
(Cartulary 7, p. 12d.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8)
No. V. See ut supra, I. p. 104.)
1375 Charter of William I. notifying that, for the redemption of his soul and [of that] of his kinsman king Edward, of pious memory, he gives to St. Peter's, Ghent, and to abbot Everelm, (fn. 90) and his venerable brethren present and future, the manor of Lieuesham with all its appurtenances, namely, Gronewic, Wilewic, Modingeham and Cumbe, as quit and free for ever as his kinsman king Edward of sweetest renown (mentionis) bestowed it, and as formerly Elstrudis, of [the] royal stock, whom Baldwin le Chauve (calvus) count of Flanders took to wife from England, gave long since, as her own inheritance for the weal of her soul and [those] of the count her lord and her sons Ernulph and Adelulf, long since. He also grants to them the lands belonging to (adjacentibus) the said manors within his forest of Andrede, namely, Eschore, Effehaga, Wigendene, Scarendene, Santhrysce, for the repair of buildings and the performance of their other business. He further grants, within London, the land which king Edward gave them, namely a portion of Waremanni-Acra with the wharf (huervo) belonging to it, and with its market-rights (nundinalibus) and places for merchandise, its stalls (seldis) and shops, its rents and dues and rights, its toll and wharfage (huervagio), as the king appointed. He adds, moreover, that all merchants, known or unknown, native (incole) or foreign of this or any other country who, in the times of the king his predecessor have landed in the soke of St. Peter, to use its stalls or wharf, shall return there in peace, and enjoy his protection in coming and going; and none of his sheriffs, collectors or officers shall trouble them at any time on any pretence. He also grants that they may possess, free and quit, in the said town, any church or house or land that any of the faithful shall thenceforth give them for the weal of his soul. St. Peter of Ghent and his monks are to hold freely, etc. (full formula) quit of every royal due and of all collection of the tax (census) which is called in English Geld or Danegelt or Scot. Further, for the remission of his offences and those of his relatives (parentum) and for the [good] estate of his realm and for the weal and prosperity of his sons and their successors, and for the weal of the soul of the pious king Edward his kinsman, he quitclaims to them all pleas etc. etc. (full formula.) He therefore grants to them, in all their lands, the gifts and customs written in English in the above king's charter, namely, mundbryce, etc. etc. (further amplifications follow at great length).
Anno Dominice incarnationis MLXXXIo scripta est hec carta et ab excellentioribus regni personis testificata et confirmata. In nomine Domini feliciter amen.
(fn. 91) Ego Willelmus Dei gratia Anglorum rex hoc preceptum jussi scribere et scriptum signo Dominice crucis confirmando impressi; Ego Matildis regina confirmavi; Ego Lanfrancus archiepiscopus; Ego Thomas archiepiscopus; Ego Odo episcopus; Ego Goffridus episcopus; Ego Hugo Lundonensis episcopus; Ego Walchelinus Wintonensis episcopus; Ego Wlstanus Wigornensis episcopus; Ego Remigius Lincolnie episcopus; Ego Gundulfus Rofensis episcopus; Ego Osmundus Saresberensis episcopus; Ego Petrus Cestrensis episcopus; Ego Rodbertus regis filius; Ego Mauritius cancellarius relegi et sigillavi; Ego Scotlandus abbas (fn. 92); Ego Wlvoldus abbas (fn. 93); Ego Ainoldus abbas; Ego Rogerius comes; Ego Hugo comes; Ego Alan comes; Ego Rodbertus comes; Ego Rodbertus de Bellomonte; Ego Hugo de Monteforti; Ego Rikardus Giselberti comitis filius; Ego Balwinus frater ejus; Ego Henricus de Ferrariis; Ego Walterus Gilfardus; Ego Hugo de Grante maisnil; Ego Gosfridus de Magnavilla; Ego Rogerius Bigod; Ego Robertus de Oleyo; Ego Haimo (fn. 94) dapifer;Ego Yvo Tayllebosc; Ego Petrus de Ever; Ego Eustachius comes; Willelmus regis filius; Willelmus filius Osberti; Walterus de Gant; Radulphus Bainer (fn. 95); Algarus Horn; Deormannus, Leofstanus, et Afwandus grossus de Lundoni, et Kypping de Wytrie.
(Ancient copy in archives.
Cartulary 7, p. 21.
Trans. Vol. 142(8)
No. VI. See ut
, I. p. 105.)
1376. Charter of William (II.) notifying his grant to the abbey (ecclesice) of St. Peter, Ghent, of its ancient inheritance in England, in the county of Kent, given by his predecessors, kings of England, namely Liefesham and Grenvich with all their appurtenances, [in] churches, mills, services (mancipiis), woods, meadows, lands cultivated or not, to be held as freely etc. as in the days of king Edward (Æ dwardi).
[Signa] Willelmi regis; Gosfridi episcopi de Sancto Laudo; comitis Roberti de Moritonio; Odonis (sic) comitis de Campania; Philippi comitis Roberti Flandrensis filii; Eudonis dapiferi regis; Ostonis Flandrensis; Raingoti de Aldenarda.
(Cartulary 7, p. 14d.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8)
No. VII. See ut supra, I. p. 111. (fn. 96)
1377. Charter of Henry I. addressed to Anselm archbishop of Canterbury, Roger bishop of Salisbury, and Robert son of Hamo and Hugh de Bochel[and], sheriffs, and all his barons and officers of London and of Kent. The abbot and monks of St. Peter's, Ghent are to hold their manor (sic) of Lieuesham and of Gronewic with all appurtenances, in accordance with the charters of king Edward and of king William his father, and with the land of Wermanacra in London, belonging to Gronewic, with sac and soc, by land and by strand (bilanda et bistranda) etc… and its wharfage (wervagio) etc…. and they are to hold their market-place (forum) in Gronewic, and the traders (negotiatores) of that vill are to enjoy the king's peace in going [to] or returning [from] London. And they are to enjoy the king's protection (firmampacem meam habeant) from all his officers for the mills on their lands, and their tolls, and their measures of beer (mensuriscervisiarum suarum), so that they make answer to none but the abbot and monks.
Testibus: Roberto comite de Mell[ento], et Eustachio comite, et Willelmo comite de War[enna], (fn. 97) et David comite, et Willelmo de Albin[eio]. Apud Westmonasterium.
(Cartulary No. 7,
p. 20d.
Trans. Vol. 142(8)
No. VIII. See ut
, I. 115.)
1378. Writ of Henry I. addressed to Anselm archbishop of Canterbury, (fn. 98) Hamo dapifer, and all his barons and officers of Kent, French and English. The church of Ghent and abbot Ansbold (fn. 99) and the monks are to hold all their holding (teneturam) of Lieuesham, with all its appurtenances, as well etc. free of all claim, as the abbot proved against Robert de Baantuna, (fn. 100) in his [Henry's] court, that Robert had no just claim therein. No one is to wrong them in this matter.
T[estibus]: Roberto episcopo Lincolniensi, et Roberto comite de Mellento, apud Lincolniam. (fn. 101).
(Cartulary No. 7,
p. 15.
Trans. Vol.142 (8)
No. IX. See ut
, I.p.132.)
1379. Charter of Stephen addressed to the archbishop of Canterbury and generally for Kent and London. He restores and grants to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Peter, Ghent, all its possessions etc.… And he quitclaims to them the claim which Robert de Bentona (fn. 100) had made on their lands at Gronewic and Lieuesham, because, (fn. 102) the land of Robert, adjudged to himself, is in his own power, lest the said Robert or any of his successors should thenceforth presume to renew the claim (reclamationem facere).
Testes: Heinricus episcopus Wintoniensis, et Nigellus episcopus de Hely, et B (sic) (fn. 103) cancellarius, et Robertus comes Gloecestrie, et Robertus de Ver, et A[lbericus] de V[er]. Apud Huche lesbiam (sic (fn. 104) ).
(Cartulary No.7.
p. 15d.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8)
No. XI. See ut
, I. p. 110.)
1380.Charter of Richard de Luci (comes de Luci) addressed to earls, barons, and others, French and English. He notifies that Gervase de Corn[h]illa has quitclaimed to the abbot and convent of St. Peter, Ghent, for himself and his heirs for ever his claim on the vills of Lieuesham and Gronewic, for the love of God and the weal of his soul, because he has ascertained (inquisivit) that he had no right therein. This quitclaim he has made before him [Richard].
Hiss testibus: Roberto priore de Sancto Fridewiter (fn. 105) de Oxen‘; A. priore Car’; Willelmo comite Golore (fn. 106); Ernaldo comite de Ghisnes; Richardo de Luci; Hugone de Gunnevil (fn. 107); Henrico filio Geroldi, et Rad[ulfo] fratre ejus; Hugone de Dovra; Walchelino Maminot; Willelmo Cade; Roberto Lebel; Johanne filio Radulfi; Ogone (fn. 108) dapifero; Roberto capellano; Roberto clerico.
(Cartulary No. 7,
p. 17.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8)
No. XIII. See ut
, I. p. 110.)
1381. Notification by Gervase de Cornhell to [the sheriff] (Lic. …) and the barons of Kent of the above quitclaim
Testes: Hugo de Dovre, Lic.. (fn. 109) de Kent; Walkeuio (fn. 110) Maminot; Helya de Sildingehelde; Radulfo clerico de Tarenteford; Symone de Craie; Roberto Walense; Hugone de Chelesfeld; Rogero de Brumlege; Johanne Bucc[unite] (fn. 111); Willelmo Cade; Balduino fratre suo; Petro filio Walteri (fn. 112); Roberto Bel; Willelmo de Ros; Symone de Chelesfeld; Willelmo de Ermesford (fn. 113); Siewardo capellano; Juliano capellano; Rogero clerico; Hugone de Soreg.
(Cartulary 7, p. 16.
Trans. Vol. 142 (8)
No. XII. See ut
, I. p.110.)
1382. Charter of Gervase de Cornhell addressed to the abbot and convent of Ghent and the “alimot” of Lieuesham and Grenewic, notifying that he quits his claim to hold Lieuesham and Greenwich (Gronewic) of the abbot of Ghent, for the love of God and the weal of his soul. For he has ascertained (inquisivi) that he has no right therein. And he makes this quitclaim for himself and his heirs for ever.
Testibus: Sicwardo capellano; Juliano capellano; Ricardo de Elteham; Willelmo de Pontefracto; Gervasio filio Rogeri; Roberto de Bretingeherst; Elia de Camerwella; Radulfo filio Heinrici; Alvredo filio Tureberni; Willelmo Wilekin; Godebaldo Terberne; Osberto Eggaro; Godrico; Waltero filio Herewardi; Hamone de Modingeham; Symone filio Silac; Willelmo Cade; Eilwardi; Ernulfo nepote comitis de Gidnes; Gerles de Aldenham; Johanne Burgum; Symone clerico; Gervasio Hamel clerico, qui hanc cartam fecit.


  • 1. Placed under it in 1094.
  • 2. Transcript by M. Ulysse Robert (1873) in “nouv. acq. lat. 1221” (Bibliothèque Nationale).
  • 3. 1072–1100 (Fromentin, Hesdin: Etude Historique, pp. 451–456; and Bulletin Historique of the Société des Antiquaires de la Morinie, 1859, pp. 735 et seq.).
  • 4. Cf. Freeman's William Rufus I. 412.
  • 5. Domesday, Vol. I. passim.
  • 6. Compiled in 18th century. by Dom De Witte, a monk of the Abbey, from its archives. Published by the Société des Antiquaires de la Morinie as the Cartulaire de St. Bertin, edited by the abbé Haignéré.
  • 7. Cart.: “Dovure.”
  • 8. These references are to the pencil numbering of the folios under “St. Bertin.”
  • 9. ? “Faversham.”
  • 10. Cart.: “Londinensi.”
  • 11. Cart.: “Londinum.”
  • 12. Cart.: “tempore Thomæ Cantuariensis.”
  • 13. Ib.: “filio Bar’ Gamonis.”
  • 14. Sic in Transcript.
  • 15. Cart.: “Rochester.”
  • 16. Rectius: “Elsi.”
  • 17. Trans.: “Badesl'm.”
  • 18. This charter was printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, from the original in his possession, in Archæologia, Vol. XXV., p. 149.
  • 19. An original impression of this seal is now exhibited in the museum of the public Record Office.
  • 20. Trans.: “Tomæ”
  • 21. Trans.: “Norwico.”
  • 22. Cart.: “Walero” or “Waltero.”
  • 23. ? Gerard La Pucelle.
  • 24. Sic in Cartulary, but doubtless “Walerano Baiocensi archidiacono” (bishop of Rochester, 1182).
  • 25. ? “Bottuue.”
  • 26. Trans.: “Baione.”
  • 27. Cart.: “Norhast.”
  • 28. Sic in Cartulaire, rightly; but Hubert in the “Chartularium.”
  • 29. Car.: “Norlant.”
  • 30. Ib.: “Exoniensi.”
  • 31. Rectius: “Forti.”
  • 32. Cart.: “Humes.”
  • 33. Cart.: “dapiferis.”
  • 34. Cart.: “Turentes.”
  • 35. “Cart.: “Haslinges.”
  • 36. This charter is inserted here because it has been assigned to the 12th century. It clearly refers, however, to some land in the borough which the abbey, as shown by later charters, leased to Manekin of Dover in 1225, and which had probably been given to it not long before.
  • 37. This charter appears to be wholly uncounnected with St. Bertin. It is also printed in the Historia abbatum de Kynlos (Bannatyne Club), p.89, in Stuart's Records of the Monastery of Kinloss, p. 109, etc. The text in those works has important variations and corrections, ut infra:— ‘Morau’ … Cathen' … R. de præbenda Comite Patric’ … Morvil … Cuming … (The Scottish texts omit wholly, doubtless in error, ‘Johanne de Hasting… Haia.’) … Apud Elgyn’.”
  • 38. Rectius: “Strathylaf” as in Scottish texts.
  • 39. The MS. History reads “de Fresekini,” clearly in error (see p. 490. note , for the other names).
  • 40. Undecipherable in Transcript (and probably in MS. History).
  • 41. See Liber Albus (Rolls) III., 357.
  • 42. Trans: “t. testibus cane.”
  • 43. Ib.: “Humer.”
  • 44. Ib.: “Rogero.”
  • 45. Ib.: “camerarii.”
  • 46. Compiled in 18th century by Dom Bertin de Vissery, a monk of Clairmarais, from its A rchives, and forming the basis of L’ Abbaye de Clairmarais d'après ses archives, by H. de Laplane (Vol. XI. of the Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de la Morinie, 1864).
  • 47. Rectius: “Martel.”
  • 48. Rectius: “Abrincis.”
  • 49. See Geoffrey de Mandeville, p.120.
  • 50. Rectius: “Martel.”
  • 51. See Geoffrey de Mandeville, p. 120.
  • 52. Rectius: “Warnerio de Lisoriis.”
  • 53. Cartulary of St. Peter's, Gloucester (Rolls) I. 72, 90.
  • 54. Domesday I. 142, 170, 216, 228.
  • 55. Cartulary of St. Peter's II. 179, 181–2,
  • 56. As in Rymer's Foedera (1816) I. 67, mutatis mutandis.
  • 57. See Rymer's Foedera (1816) I. 77.
  • 58. Fathers of Charter Barons.
  • 59. Barons of the Great Charter.
  • 60. Trans.: “Aug.”
  • 61. Trans: “Kaer.”
  • 62. Fathers of Charter Barons.
  • 63. Barons of the Great Charter.
  • 64. ? “Ric [ardus].”
  • 65. Trans.: “Rog’ et Theon.”
  • 66. Ib.: “Guincy.”
  • 67. Ib,: “Thurnehouz.”
  • 68. Ib.: “Males.”
  • 69. Ib.:“constabilis noi'nz.”
  • 70. Rectius: “Hubertus.”
  • 71. See Liber Rubeus de Scaccario.
  • 72. Transcripts of three of these charters exist in Vol. 141 (Bruges) of the Transcript series, but they are so badly executed as to be worthless.
  • 73. See R. de Diceto II., 47; and cf. Gesta Regis Henrici II., 4–5.
  • 74. Where it is assigned to Henry III. in error.
  • 75. Printed “Manu.”
  • 76. Printed “Humberto”
  • 77. Printed “Rosensi.”
  • 78. Printed “Galfro.”
  • 79. Printed “Humbertus.”
  • 80. Printed “Rosensis.”
  • 81. “xxii.” in the “Cartularium” (p. 422).
  • 82. ? Herberto.
  • 83. There was no prior of Christchurch, at this time, whose name began with J.
  • 84. Printed by A. van Lokeren in Chartes et documents de l'abbaye de Saint Pierre au Mont Blandin à Gand, 1868.
  • 85. See Dictionary of National Biography, XVI. 225.
  • 86. Said to have been consecrated circ. 978 (Le Neve).
  • 87. “Elinhannensis” in text.
  • 88. Ælfwold at this date, according to Florcnce of Worcester.
  • 89. See Kemble's Codex Diplomaticus II. 382 (No. ccccxxiij).
  • 90. Said, by M. van Lokeren, to have died twelve years before.
  • 91. A cross is prefixed to each name in the MS.
  • 92. Of St. Augustine's, Canterbury.
  • 93. Of Chertsey.
  • 94. “Hanno” in text.
  • 95. Domesday 1. 138; II. 68b, 247b, 413b.
  • 96. A later charter of Henry I. largely to the same effect, is printed in Mon. Aug. VI. 987, from Charter Roll 13 H. III.m.9.
  • 97. Printed: “War[wic].”
  • 98. d. 21 April 1109.
  • 99. 1108–1114.
  • 100. See English Historical Review V. 746; IX. 117.
  • 101. Printed: “G. Roberto episcopo Lint[ona] et Roberto comite de Mell [edam] “apud Lint [ona.]”
  • 102. “desuper” in text.
  • 103. Rectius: R[ogerus]
  • 104. The Cartulary adds in error:— “Hiis testibus:—Roberto priore de Sancta “Fridwit de Oxen’; A. priore Legrecestrie; Willelmo comite Glocestrie; Ernaldo “comite de Ghisnes; Richardo de Luci; Hugone de Gonnovilla; Henrico filio “Geroldi, et Radberto (sic) fratre ejus; Hugone de Doura; Walkelino Maminot; “Willelmo Cade; Roberto Lebel de Londonia; Johanne filio Radberti (sic); “Roberto capellano; Roberto clerico.” (Compare witnesses to No. 1380.)
  • 105. St. Frideswide's.
  • 106. Gloucester.
  • 107. “Gundeville.”
  • 108. Rectius: “Ogero” (Liber Rubeus de Scaccario, p. 352.).
  • 109. Rectius: “Vicecomes.”
  • 110. Rectius: “Walkelino.”
  • 111. Joint sheriff of London, 1169–1172.
  • 112. Probably the joint sheriff of London, 1174–1176.
  • 113. Rectius: “Einesford.”