
Pages 359-371

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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[“Liber Albusin Public Library of Le Mans, No. 259. (fn. 1)
[1074–1078. (fn. 2) ]
(Liber Albus,
No. i.)
1016.Charter of William I. addressed to A[rnold (fn. 3) ] bishop of Le Mans, count R[obert], (fn. 4) Robert count of Mortain, I[ (fn. 5) ngelram] son of Ilbert, and R. Giffard, and to all his other lieges of Maine (Manie). He grants, for the repair of the damage wrought by or through (propter) him to the canons of St. Julian's, to St. Julian etc. that all St. Julian's land beyond the Sarthe [shall be] quit, for all time, of certain dues, etc. …
Laudantibus et consentientibus Mathildi Anglorum regina uxore mea, et Roberto comite filio meo. Testimonio Rogeri[i] comitis, et Alani comitis, et Osmundi (fn. 6) cancellarii, et Fulcoi[i] vicecomitis. (fn. 7)
[1140, 15 Aug.]
(Ibid., No. cxix.)
1017. Notification of Geoffrey, count of the Angevins and the Mançeaux, concerning the dispute between himself and the canons of St. Julian's, as to certain ditches which ran (continebantur) from Mont Barbé (Monte Barbato) to the church of St. Ouen. Having ascertained the truth, he admits (recognovi) the right of their church, and grants them the ditches, to their use and profit, retaining, however, in his possession the two castle mounds (motas) of Mont Barbé, that is, the greater and the less, to do with them what he will, as he may desire.
Hec vero acta sunt Cenomannis (sic) anno domini MoCoXLo in die Assumptionis beate Marie, etc.
1150, 28 Oct.
(Ibid., No. vi.)
1018. Notification by Geoffrey count of the Angevins and the Mançeaux, son of Fulc king of Jerusalem that he has sold to Eustace, a clerk of the bishop of Le Mans, the house of Vaslin the Jew, etc. For this, Eustace has given him sixty pounds in money of Le Mans. The sale is allowed (concesserunt) by his sons Geoffrey and William, for which they have received a marc of silver each from Eustace.
Testes autem inde sunt: Guillelmus Cenomannensis episcopus et plures alii. Actum vero est istud anno ab Incarnatione Domini MoCoLo in festo Symonis et Jude in exercitu juxta Mosterolum.
? Sept. 1155.]
(Ibid., No. vii.)
1019. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Tours, the bishop of Le Mans and all the officers of his realm (terre). For the soul of his father and those of all his predecessors, and for the weal of his mother, and himself, and his wife and his sons, (fn. 8) and all his successors he gives to God and St. Julian's, Le Mans, forty pounds in money of Anjou, for the support of two priests in the service of that church, to serve daily, for his father's soul, at the altar before his father's tomb. And these two priests are to be honourable (honesti) men, chosen in the presence of the bishop of Le Mans, by the oath of three of the more honourable “persons” (personarum) of that church chosen for this purpose by the bishop of Le Mans; and when one or both of them shall die, let other of the most honourable persons to be found be chosen in their place by the oath of three persons elected for that purpose. He charges these forty pounds annually on his revenue from Le Mans, until elsewhere assigned. On the death of one priest, another is to be chosen within 15 days.
Testibus: Joscelino episcopo Saresberiensi; Toma cancellario; Roberto comite Legrecestrie; Gaufrido decano Andegavensi; magistro Alveredo; Roberto de Novo-burgo; Roberto de Dunstanvilla; Joscelino de Bailollo; Willelmo filio Hamonis. Apud Wintoniam.
(Ibid., No. iv.)
1020. Charter of Henry II. addressed to William bishop of Le Mans, the chapter of St. Julian's, and his justices and officers. He confirms the agreement (concordiam et conventionem) made before him at La Flèche (Fissam) between the canons of St. Julian's and Herbert Berengar, etc.… Therefore, he wills and directs that this agreement (conventio) be observed as inviolable.
Testibus: Matheo Andegavensi episcopo; Thoma regis Anglorum cancellario; Harduino decano; Gosleno de Tur[onibus] dapifero; Hugo[ne] de Cleers; Willelmo filio Hamonis; Raginaldo de Castello Gunteri; Lysiardo de Salgia. Apud Fissam.
[?Circ. 1173.]
Nos. xx., ccccxcvi. (fn. 9) )
1021. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the bishop of Le Mans and to all his officers of Maine. He grants to the canons of St. Julian's, Le Mans, 10l. annually, in money of Le Mans, from his “chensillagium” at Le Mans, in exchange for the town of Bourg I'Evêque, where he has built his castle, until he shall give them an endowment elsewhere honourable to himself and profitable to them, with their assent.
Testibus: Petro filio Widonis; Johanne de Solineio; Roberto de Briec[urt]; Durando pincerna; Thoma Bardolf; Ricardo Rufo. Apud Cenomannis (sic).
[Circ. 1173.]
(Ibid., No. viii.)
1022. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the bishop of Le Mans and all his officers of Maine. He gives and grants, for the weal of the soul of his lord and father Geoffrey count of the Angevins, twenty pounds, in money of Le Mans, to two chaplains appointed to serve for ever at the altar of the Crucifix in St. Julian's, for the soul of the count, his lord and father. The money to be received annually from his “chensillagium” at Le Mans.
Testibus: Willelmo episcopo Cenomannensi; Nicholao et Rogerio capellanis regis; magistro Waltero de Insula; Petro filio Widonis; Johanne de Solineio; Roberto de Briec[urt]; Durando pincerna. Apud Cenomannum.
(Ibid., Nos. cxxviii,
ccccxcv. (fn. 10) )
1023. Charter of Henry II. confirming (concessisse) the agreement, made before himself and in the presence of William bishop of Le Mans, between the chapter and canons of St. Julian's, Le Mans, and William de Coimes, who resigned in the Cathedral of Le Mans [St. Julian's] on St. Julian's day, in the presence of the king and bishop, his claim to the church of Ancines (de Uncinis) which his father had given.
Testibus: Willelmo Abrincensi episcopo; Gaufrido filio et cancellario meo; comite Willelmo de Mannevilla; Stephano de Turonibus senescallo Andegavie; Petro filio Guidonis; Radulfo filio Stephani camerario, et Eustachio fratre suo; Guillelmo de Ostilleio, et Durando de Ostilleio camer[ariis]. Apud Cenomannis (sic).
(No. ix.)
1024. Charter of Arthur duke of Brittany, count of Anjou and [earl] of Richmond, notifying that the chapter of the church of Le Mans has consented to celebrate solemnly, every year, the anniversary of his father Geoffrey the illustrious count. In recognition whereof, he, by the counsel and [at the] wish of his worshipful mother Constance, for the good of his father's soul, and for the repose of his most illustrious grandfather, Henry (II.) king of the English, gives and grants to the church, for ever, ten pounds in money of Anjou from the proceeds of his “barragium” at Le Mans annually, etc. …
Huic autem donationi quam sollempniter feci super altare Beati Juliani anno gratie MoCoXCoIXo consulatus nostri anno primo interfuerunt: venerabilis episcopus Venetensis; R[obertus] precentor Parisiensis; N[icolas] decanus Cenoman[n]ensis; B. archidiaconus Cenomanensis; Willelmus de Sab[l]olio, etc. …
[Original Documents in Archives of the Sarthe and the Orne. MS. Lat. 5474 in Bibliothèque Nationale. Cartulary in Public Library of Le Mans. (fn. 11) ]
(Vidimus of 1424 in
archives of the Sarthe, H. 927.
See Cartulaire de
, pp. 33,
78, 79.)
1025. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the bishop of Le Mans and his officers of Maine and Normandy. He grants to the abbey of St. Mary, Perseigne whatever count William of Ponthieu or his sons or any others have given it and whatever its monks have purchased.
Testibus: comite Willelmo de Mandevilla; Ricardo de Humeto conestabulario; Hugone de Pirar[iis]; Roberto de Stutevilla; Hugone de Morevilla. Apud Argentomum.
? Jan. 1187.
(See Cartulaire de
, p. 32.)
1026. Charter of Henry II., virtually repeating the above.
Testibus his: B[aldwino] Cantuariensi archiepiscopo; fratre Ernaldo (fn. 12) abbate de Rievalle (fn. 13); Willelmo de (fn. 14) Ecclesia decano Moreto[niensi]; magistro P. Sit. (sic); Willelmo Marescallo. Apud Balon.
(Original in archives
of the Orne. (fn. 15) Seal. (fn. 16)
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 316.)
1027. Charter of Hugh de Gornaio, giving a house to St. Mary of Perseigne (Persenia).
Testibus (fn. 17); G[aufrido] comite Pertici; Girardo de Fornival[le]; Johanne de Gisorz; Henrico de Livet tunc existente senescallo; Adam de Ferreriis; Thibaudo de Hosdenc, et pluribus aliis.
(Original in archives
of the Sarthe,
H. 929.
See Cartulaire de Perseigne, p. 39.)
Vidimus by Geoffrey bishop of Le Mans, in 1234, of the following:—
1198, [1]4 May. 1028. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He confirms to St. Mary of Perseigne and the monks there all their endowments (specified).
Testibus: Philippo Dunelmensi episcopo; G[odefrido] Wintoniensi episcopo; Andrea de Chauvigneio; Hugone de Gornai; Bertrando de Verdun; Henrico de Longo campo; magistro Maugerio archidiacono Ebroic[ensi]; magistro Rogero de Sancto Edmundo, et pluribus aliis. Dat[a] per manum E[ustachii] (fn. 18) Elyensis episcopi tune agentis vicem cancellarii iiij. die Maii, apud Lions anno ix. regni nostri. (fn. 19)
1198, 14 May.
(Original in archives.
See Cartulaire de
, p.80.)
1029. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He directs that the brethren of the abbey of Perseigne and all their substance and men shall be quit of toll, etc. etc.
Testibus: Philippo Dunelmensi, G[odefrido] Wintoniensi, H[erberto] Saresbiriensi, episcopis; magistro Malgerio archidiacono Ebroicensi; Rogerio de Sancto Edmundo, W[illelm]o filio Ricardi, clericis nostris; Willelmo Marescallo; B[alduino] camerario nostro. Datum per manum E[ustachii] Elyensis episcopi tunc agentis vicem cancellarii, apud Liuns xiiij die Maii anno regni nostri nono.
1199, June.
(Original in archives
of the Sarthe,
1030. Charter of Arthur, duke of Britanny, count of Anjou and [earl] of Richmond, addressed to all his friends and officers. He gives the abbey of Perseigne 15 pounds in money of Le Mans to be received annually from the boisselage (bosselagio) and 10 pounds in money of Anjou from the voirie (viaria) of Le Mans.
Testes: domina Constancia mater mea; W[illelmus] de Rupibus senescallus Andeg[avie]; Robertus de Vitreio cantor Parisiensis; Alanus Gemellus; Alemannus de Aubigneio, et plures alii. Actum est hoc anno incarnati verbi MoCo nonagesimo nono mense Junio.
[? 1199.]
(Cartulaire de
Perseigne, p. 45.)
1031. Charter of Arthur, duke of Britanny, count of Anjou, Maine, and [earl] of Richmond, confirming all the endowments of the abbey of Perseigne, and granting them 40 pounds in money of Anjou, to be paid them from the holder of his voirie of his boisselage at Le Mans. For this, Adam, abbot of Perseigne has granted that his anniversary shall be kept in the said abbey before these witnesses:—
Constancia matre mea; Willelmo de Rupibus senescallo Andegavensi; Roberto de Vitreyo cantore Parisiensi; Alano et Petro capellanis nostris, et pluribus aliis. Actum est hoc anno verbi incarnati millesimo ducentesimo vigesimo primo, (fn. 20) mense Decembris.
1199, 17 July.
(See Cartulaire de

, pp.48,83.)
1032. Charter of John, confirming the possessions and privileges of the abbey. Printed in Rotuli Chartarum (I. p. 4), but without the witnesses.
Testibus: Eustachio Eliensi episcopo; comite Willermo Marescallo; Petro de P[ra]tell[is]; Willermo de Stagno.
[Cartulary in Public Library of Le Mans, No. 198. (fn. 21)
(Cartulary, fo. 17.
See Cartulaire, etc.
p. 48.)
1033. Notification by Patrick de Cadurcis and his wife Mathildis that they give and grant to the abbey of St. Pierre de la Couture (de Cultura) and the monks there serving God the church of Dedintona with all its appurtenances for the weal of their souls and those of their predecessors, and of their sons, and specially for the soul of Ernulf de Hodine, who held before them (ante nos) the land which they now hold, and for the weal of the soul of William father of their lord Henry (I.), and of another William his son, and for the weal of the soul and body of their most blessed king Henry.
Testes qui hoc viderunt et audierunt hi sunt: Fulcho abbas; Ursus; Guibertus et multi alii.
[N. D.]
(Cartulary, fo. 17.
See Ibid., p. 4.)
1034. Charter of Patrick de Cadurcis and Matildis his wife granting to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Pierre and exchange for the land, which its monks previously held in the time of three kings, and, with it, a virgate of Edwin's land (terre Eduine), all to be as free and quit, in the matter of dues, as the land previously held by the monks. This they have done, as legally entitled to do (in legali nostra potestate), for the good of their souls.
(Cartulary, fo. 27d.
See Ibid., p. 49.)
1035. Writ of Henry I. addressed to Ro[bert] bishop of Lincoln and H[ugh] de Boch[elanda] (fn. 22) and all his barons, French and English of Bedefortscira. He grants to the monks of St. Pierre de la Counture the church of Dogingetona, given by Patrick de Cadurcis, with all its tithe and that land of which they were seised by gift of Patrick de Cadurcis. And they are to hold it honourably.
Teste: Willelmo de Albun (sic), apud Cornebiam.
1167, 27 May.
(Cartulary, fo. 40.
See Ibid., p. 82.)
1036. Charter of William, bishop of Le Mans, notifying that, as Payn de Cadurcis was suspected of the death of a certain monk, slain in the land of Brûlon, there was strife between him and the monks, but that, at length, wishing to prove himself guiltless, he offered, in the bishop's presence, in the chapter [house] of the abbey, to prove that the monk had, in no way, been killed by him. Yet he sought and obtained pardon from the abbot and monks, because he was under suspicion, as the monk was slain on his land, and possibly on his behalf; and he granted them all their endowments on his land, to be possessed quietly for ever: in England the church of Dodingothone, with all its appurtenances in that parish; [in Maine] endowments at Brûlon (Bruslone) and in the parishes of St. Medard of Ballon (Baladone) and of Bernay (Brennio). All which endowments he, with his sons Patrick and Hugh, has promised, in the bishop's hand faithfully to respect.
Actum est hoc anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLXoVIIo in vigilia Pentecostes.
(Cartulary, fo. 13d.
See Ibid. p. 114.)
1037. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He notifies that Richard abbot of St. Pierre de la Counture and his monks sought him out (presenciam nostram (fn. 23) expecierunt) at Mayet (fn. 24) (Maetum) that he might confirm (concederemus) a gift made to them by Hugh de Semur, as it was of his [Henry's] fee. When they were there, urging this request, Hamelin de Feigna opposed them, asserting that the said endowment was of his fee. The king, therefore, commanded Hugh, the benefactor, to be summoned in the presence of Stephen, seneschal of Anjou, Peter the son of Guy, John de Malna, and many others, and made diligent enquiry (inquisivi) of whose fee was that endowment. Hugh acknowledged (recognovit) that he held that fee of the king in homage (in hominio), etc..… For further certainty, the king directed his officers of Mayet and jurors (juratos) to be assembled, adjuring them by the oath which bound them to him [to say] whether that endowment was of his fee. With one voice they all protested that it was, etc. … adding that a duel or judgment (judicium) there would be decided before his officers at Oizé (Osiacum). Having thus ascertained the truth, he confirmed (concessimus) the gift, at the prayer of abbot Richard and the monks.
Testibus: [Richardo] Wintoniensi episcopo; magistro Waltero de Const[anciis]; Godefrido de Luce; W[illelmo] de Sancte Marie ecclesia; comite Baldoino de Rivers, et fratre ejus, et pluribus aliis apud Rothomagum.
(Cartulary, fo. 17d. (fn. 25)
See Ibid., p. 50.)
1038. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants to the monks of St. Pierre de la Counture the gift of the church of Tudingedona, etc. as in the charter of his grandfather king Henry.
Testibus: Willelmo episcopo Cenomannensi; Nicholao decano beati Juliani Cenomannensis; Willelmo de Sancte Marie ecclesia, et multis aliis.
(Cartulary, fo. 9.
See Ibid., p. 117.)
1039. Notification by abbot Robert and the convent of Mont St. Michel that they ratify the agreement between their brother Guigumd, prior of St. Victor of Le Mans and abbot Richard and the monks of La Couture.
Actum Cenomannis in curia domini regis Henrici filii Matildis imperatricis anno Domini MoCoLoXXXoIIIIo.
(Cartulary, fo. 17.
See Ibid., p. 133.)
1040. Charter of Geoffrey count of Perche giving and granting to the abbey of St. Pierre de la Couture with the assent and [by the] wish of the countess Matildis his wife (fn. 26) and Geoffrey his son, the church of Todinguedone, as they had previously possessed it.
(Local witnesses.)
(Cartulary, fo 17d.
See Ibid., p. 144.)
1041. Charter of W[illiam] bishop of Lincoln, notifying that the dispute between the abbot and monks of La couture on one side and Hugh de Glocestria on the other, concerning the manor and church of Wisitone and the church of Todingedona has been thus settled, the said abbot and monks appearing before him by their proctor Peter de Rupibus, and Hugh in his own person. Hugh is to hold and possess, in their name the said churches and manor all the time of his life, paying thence to the abbot and monks ten marcs of silver at Mid-lent, yearly at the New Temple, London, to the master of the Temple or to the agent appointed by the abbot and monks on the condition that Hugh provides one monk of La Couture, dwelling with him in his house, with food and clothing. And the abbot and monks have abandoned all their claims against Hugh, etc..… and Hugh all his against them etc.… and Peter and Hugh have promised on their corporal oath that this shall be faithfully observed.
Hiis testibus: R[ogero] de Rollestano decano Lincolniensi; Hermerico archidiacono Dunhelniensi (fn. 26); Roberto archidiacono Norhantonie; Gaufrido archidiacono (fn. 27); Gaufrido de Moneta, et multis aliis.
[Cartulary in Public Library of Le Mans.]
(Cartulary, A.p. 79.)
1042Confirmation of a gift to the abbey of St. Vincent by William (I.) king of the English, in his chapel at Bonneville, by witness of the following:
Arnaldi Cenomannensis presulis; Hugonis Lexoviensis episcopi, et Osmundi cancellarii; Wandeberti clerici; Raginaldi abbatis, etc.…
[Circ. 1074.]
June 28.
(Cartulary, A.p. 79.)
1043. Confirmation of the same gift by count Robert, son of William king of the English, in St. Michael's chapel, near the church of St. Julian [Le Mans] on the eve of St. Peter and Paul in the sight and hearing of these men:
Arnaldo Cenomannensi episcopo; Raginaldo abbate; Algerio et Goscelino, Sancti Vincenti monachis; Roberto de Bellomonte; Willelmo Wauterii filio; Ricardo de Miriaco, etc.…
A.p. 50.)
1044. [Notification that] at the time that William king of the English made a truce (treviam accepit) with Fule count of Anjou (fn. 28) at the castle of Vallium, Hugh the traveller (viator) came before the king in the chamber of Hoel the dean, and at the king's bidding, stated that he had bought the houses and the vineyards between St. Vincent and the tower, on the terms that, after his death, St. Vincent and his monks should hold them undisturbed, and as those had held them from whom, by the monks’ consent, he had bought them. The king confirmed this gift so that Hugh should neither forfeit, give, nor sell thenceforth what he had given to St. Vincent.
Unde rex Willelmus abbatem Willelmum (fn. 29) vice omnium monachorum, de assensu hujus doni per quondam baculum investivit, videntibus suscriptis hominibus: Gaufrido Constanciensi episcopo; Rogerio comite; Widone de Oilleio; Hoello decano, et Augerio monacho.
11 Aug.
A.pp. 335–6.)
1045. Notification that Hamelin born at Ballon (de castello Baladone natus) (fn. 30) a noble and most prudent man, endowed with most ample gifts and honours, for his industry, by William king of the English, son of the most wealthy king William, came to the abbey of St. Vincent and St. Lawrence, and sought [admission to] the benefits of the place, begging that, for love of him, the monks would receive Hubert, a knight of his, into the monastery. At whose earnest entreaty they received that knight into their order, for love of him, and also consented to make [Hamelin] himself with his wife and his sons, and a knight of his, Odo de Tirun, (fn. 31) who was with him, partaker in all the benefits [of their order]. And Hamelin gave them the chapel of his castle, which the above glorious king had given him, which in the British tongue they call ‘Bergevenis,’ and all the appurtenances present and future of its church and in the castle (sic); and land for making a principal church in which they should serve God, and land for their own dwellings, and gardens, and orchards, and vineyards, and all things necessary, a bourg also and an oven of their own, with water for a mill, and fishing in his waters wherever their men would fish. He also gave elsewhere one church with all its appurtenances, and land for ten ploughs, and all the tithes of the ploughs he had or might have in demesne. All this he gave as freely as he held it of the king, and he placed his gift on the altar. He promised also that he would make the king agree to (annuere) this and confirm the charter, and would help them [to induce] his knights similarly to grant (annuerent) their tithes.
Actum in capitulo Sancti Vincentii iij. idus Augusti in festo Sancti Tiburtii, testibus istis: Odone de T[irun];.… Godefrido filio Gaudrici; Hugone famulo; Gauterio filio Hamonis, Andrea fratre ejus.
A. pp. 334–5.)
1046. Charter of Hamelin de Baladone, giving to the abbey of St. Vincent and St. Lawrence near the walls of Le Mans, from the subsistence with which he has been endowed by his lords William and Henry kings of the English, in England and Wales, all the tithes of all Wennescoit, both of his own [demesne] and of all the lands which he has given or may give [in fee]. He also gives his castle (fn. 32) called Abergavenny (Berguevenis). He gives the church and chapel of the castle and land for making a bourg, with all dues, except the toll on market-day; land also for one plough.… and between.… (fn. 33) water for a fishery.… the church of St. Helen and part of the wood. He also gives the tithe of all his honey and the tithe of skins from his hunting, and the tithe of the pannage of swine. In England (Anglica terra) he gives the church of Caprcolum with the priest's land and all tithes belonging to the church, and the tithe of cheeses and of all firstfruits (primitiarum). He also gives the church of Luton after the death of the priest, with the priest's land and all tithes and firstfruits belonging to the church.
[? 1100–1106.]
A. p. 335.)
1047. Charter of Winebaud, brother of the aforesaid Hamelin, giving the said abbey the churches of Torteoda and Augusta with all tithes, and the tithes of Godriton and Pedicovia and all his tithes in Wales (de Gualensi patria), for the souls of his father and mother etc..…
A. p. 335.)
1048. Charter of Henry I. confirming the above gifts for the souls of his father king William and his mother queen Matildis and his brother king William and all his predecessors.
[Signa] Hainrici regis; Mathildis regine; Gaudrici cancellarii; Rogerii episcopi; Willelmi Piperelli; Robert Peccati; Herluini abbatis Glastingeberii; Unfredi Aureis Testiculis; Gaudrici filii Rogerii de Curcella; Winebaudi; Elisabeth uxoris Winebaudi; Hamelini de Baladone; Agnetis uxoris ejus; Willelmi filii Hamelini; Mathei filii ejusdem Hamelini.
[Documents in Archives of the Department.]
(Collated copy in
archives, H. 586.)
1049. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants to the lepers of La Flèche (Fixa), whose house was founded by Geoffrey de Claris his dapifer all the endowments given to them; and he himself gives them certain rights (specified) at La Flèche.
Testibus: Fulcone abbate de Varon; Gaufredo decano Andegavie; Frogero archidiacono; Hugone de Claris; Girardo et Richardo cappellanis (sic); Richardo scriba. Apud Fixam.
in archives,
G. 479, p. 247.)
1050. [Notification that] a great dispute arose, concerning the church of Fay (Phayum) between William bishop of Le Mans and the canons of St. Peter, in the time of pope Adrian and of Henry king of England, son of Mathildis the empress and of count Geoffrey who lies buried in the church of the most blessed Julian before the cross, who ruled at once in peace England, Normandy, Anjou, Touraine, Maine, Aquitaine, Gascony. This question was long argued, from term to term, until it came (venimus) before king Henry, where for two days the canons argued against the bishop, producing their witnesses. The bishop, unwilling to vex (contristari) the king, gave up the church, and with a gold ring he had on his finger, gave him seisin (Regem saisivit); and the king delivered the church to the canons. Thus the dispute was settled.
Testes sunt: episcopus Cisterciensis (sic) Hilarius nomine; Thomas cancellarius regis; Goffridus et Hugo de Cleeriis; Joslenus Turonensis; Eustachius archidiaconus, etc..…
(Original in archives,
H. 1530.)
1051. Charter of Henry duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins addressed to the archbishop of Tours, the bishops of Le Mans and Angers and all his men and lieges. He, Henry, count of the Angevins, grants, for the love of God and for the soul of Geoffrey his father to the nuns of Fontaine St. Martin (fonte Sancti Martini) the 60l. in money of Anjou which his father had given them and directs that his officers shall cause them to enjoy them, (namely) 20l. from his revenue at Angers, 20l. from his revenue at Le Mans, and 20l. from his revenue at Tours.
Factum est hoc apud Baugeium anno ab incarnatione domini millesimo centesimo quinquesimo primo.
Testibus: Engelberto archiepiscopo Turonensium; Willelmo episcopo Cenomannensium; Normano episcopo Andegavensium; Widone de Sableio (fn. 34); Gaufrido et Willelmo de Silliaco nepotibus ejus; Thoma capellano; Josleno de Turon[ibus]; Willelmo filio Hamonis; Gaufrido de Cleer; Hugone de Cleer; Pipino de Turon[ibus] (fn. 34); Simone de Castell[ione]; Durando Burello; Burchardo de Mareillo. Apud Baugeium.


  • 1. Printed as Chartularium insignis ecclesie Cenomannensis quod dicitur Liber Albus capituli, by the Department of the Sarthe in 1869.
  • 2. “Cirea 1083” in above work.
  • 3. The Cartulary has “G” in error.
  • 4. Clearly his son Robert (count of Maine), not, as supposed in above work, the count of Meulan.
  • 5. “J” in printed text.
  • 6. Bishop of Salisbury 1078.
  • 7. “vicarii” in Liber Albus.
  • 8. Therefore, probably, before the death of William in June 1156, or after the birth of Richard in Sept. 1157.
  • 9. Full text in first, and full list of witnesses in latter.
  • 10. Full text in first, and full list of witnesses in latter.
  • 11. These sources are combined in the Cartulaire de l'abbaye Cistercienne de Perseigne (1880).
  • 12. MS: “Elnaydo.”
  • 13. MS: “Rivale.”
  • 14. Rectius: “de Sancte Marie ecclesia.”
  • 15. No longer there now.
  • 16. Engraved in D'Anisy's “Atlas,” Pl. xiii., fig. 5.
  • 17. Trans.: “Teste.”
  • 18. “Guillaume” in Inventaire Sommaire.
  • 19. Similar confirmations are printed in the above work (pp. 43, 81) with the substitution of “Adam confessore nostro abbate de Persenia” for “Henrico de Longo Campo.” They prove the right date to be 14 (not 4) May.
  • 20. An obvious error.
  • 21. Printed [with other sources] in Cartulaires des Abbayes de St. Pierre de la Couture, etc. [1881].
  • 22. Cf. Chronicon monasterii de Abingdon (Rolls series) II. 117.
  • 23. Both the singular and plural terms are employed in this charter.
  • 24. The charters of Peter son of Guy and Stephen seneschal of Anjou, which follow it (Ibid., p. 116), describe the case as heard in the little meadow (pratello) between the chapel and the king's hall.
  • 25. Another charter of Henry II., which confirms to the monks their “customs” is on fo. 9d. (Ibid., p. 106). It is witnessed by the above bishop and dean and by William “de Hostillo.”
  • 26. Rectius: “Dunelmensi.”
  • 27. ? Of Bedford.
  • 28. Cf. Ordericus Vitalis (Société de l'histoire de France II., 257).
  • 29. i.e., “de Saint Calais.”
  • 30. Cf. Revue Historique de Maine (1876) I., 542–3.
  • 31. Cf. Monast. Ang V., 100(a).
  • 32. “Do castrum quoque meum, “an error probably for “Ad castrum quoque meum.”
  • 33. MS. injured here.
  • 34. Cf. Geoffrey de Mandeville, pp. 172, 183.