[Extracts from the Vestry Minutes, Vol. I.]
Common Lands 1549
The presentment ffor the Comons wythe in the parishe of Saynt martens
in the ffeldes. In the third yere of the Raigne off owre Suffrayne lord
Kyng Edward the Syxt in Ano 1549.
1. Syns the ffyrst yere of Kyng henry the vijth There ys a Meadow called Sent martens
ffeld by Estimation xlti Acres / Wherof will'm Jenynges hathe In Clossed iij Acres,/
And John Stow hathe in Clossed iij Acres/ wiche owght to be Comen when the
Crope ys Awaye As all the Rest of the ffelde is/ And that ffelde ys vssed ffor
2. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A Closse by hynde sent Gylles in the tenure of
Raff marten / by Estimacion 1 ti Acres wiche was Arrable land And now ys Meadow
And ys in Clossed but yt owght to be Comen when the Croppe ys Awaye.
3. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A Closse Called the ledstalle being ij Acres And
At the end of that Closse ther ys A Meadowe in the Tenure of wyll'm Deport by
estimacion iij Acres beinge now In Closed wiche owght to be Comen when the
Croppe ys Awaye.
4. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys a grett Comen ffeld in the wiche ffeld A great
part is Inclossed by . . . . Randall Kyrbye lij acres, by Henry Romans one Acre,
And by homes wyff and her p'dycessors iiijor Acres And by John golyghtlye or his
p'decessors v Acres, xv Acres in the occupacion of Nycalas Hyll, in the occupacon
of Raffe Marten v acres, in the occupacon of Wyll'm Jenyngs x Acres, And ij
Acres spoyled by Reason of the Comen hight waye, Condytt Meadowe xiiij Acres,
And all these lands owght to be Arrable And Comen as all the Rest of the ffeld
ys when the Crope ys Awaye, And now Convertyd to pasture.
5. Syns the saide ffyrst yeare of Kyng Henry the vijth There ys A ffelde lyinge weste
Called brookshott All wich ffeld owght to be Comen when the Cropp ys A waye.
6. Syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A ffeld Called Sent James feld by estimacon xl
Acres wiche was Comen / And owght to be Comen And in Clossed by Kyng henry
the viijth / And now in the occupacon of mr Cooke wiche was Arrable And now ys
7. It'm syns the saide ffyrst yere There ys A fferme Comenly Called Sent James fferme
being Removyd owt of Sent James And now ys Situate And standyng in the Comen
ffeld / And there vnto belongyng by Estimacon lijti Acres of Arrable grond / xviij
Acres paster / And x Acres of Meadow all wiche owght to be Comen / And in thys
fferme Dwellythe one ventres being ffermer paying vnto the Kyngs Matie yerly
vijli xs wch ventres hathe the occupacon of the hole howse And halfe the best land
And lettythe the other half vnto one button dwellyng in A Cottage there / And
plowithe the half land for mr Ventres And sowythe all his Corne and Carry hys
hey And payth over that ffor the lands in his occupyinge xij o xvli by yere / And
all that ffeld owght to be comon when the Croppe ys A waye.
8. Syns the saide ffyrst yere there ys A fferme Called hyde by Estimacon xxxvti Acres
meadowe And vijxx & x Acres of Arrable land being Severall, And iiijxx Acres
comen being imparkyd wythe in thys xij yeres ffor the kyng.
9. Syns the saide ffyrst yere Ther ys A fferme Called hayberye of Tow ploughe land
and to the same lyith A Comen ffeld Called hayberye feld / And as meny As haue
any land in that ffeld when the Crope ys A waye they do lay yt ffor Comen them
10. Syns the fyrst yere Ther ys A fferme place Called the Net / Buylded by the late
Abbett of westmynster ffor his dwellyng howse At pleasure, beinge now in the
Tenure of Sir Antony browne kepyng one man ther vpon who hath A leasse ffrom
the kyng of lxiij Acres of arrable land / xxijti Acres of meadowe & xiiij Acres
pasture / And lettyth the same ground to them that will geve most mony ffor e'ry
11. Syns the said ffyrst yere every man Myght haue ffermed the best Acre of arrable
land for viijd or xijd / And now yt ys Rasyd to iijs iiijd or ijs viijd / And a Acre of
meadow ffor ijs And now yt ys Raysed to viijs to viijs every Acre or more.
12. Syns the said ffyrst yere / Ther ys A ffeld Called hyll ffeld in the holding of mr
Worley by estimacon lxxx Acres and was arrable grond / And now ys convertyd to
meadow / And of Right owght to be Comen.
13. All the p'isheners of Sai'ct Martens A fore said do wyshe that yt Might be the
kyngs wyll And pleasure that all the dyches wythe in every Comen feald / And the
hedges myght be Cast downe playne not Abuttyng upon any hight waye ffor in
the same Dyches and hedges theves and harlotts do lye And resort vnto Dystruction of the kyngs Subietts in wynter season / And in the somer tyme all the harlots
do Continew And lye ther.
14. Syns the said ffyrst yere all the ffealdes wythe in the same p'ishe that now be torned
in to meadowe and pasture wer arrable grond / And anchyant men saye that ther
haue byn vj plowes more then now ys to the Decay of husbandrye.
15. All the Tenants of the Cytie of westmyster / and the p'ishoners of Sent martyns
A fore saide owght to enter Comen in these ffelds All the yere.
16. And all the landes in the perishe of Sant Martens A ffore said be longynge vnto
the kyngs Matie / And to no other As fferr as we do knowe.
These names of the parsons being Redy to depose ffor
all these Artycles A fore said here after ffolowythe.
1. Henry Romans of the age of |
lxiij yeres |
2. Wyll'm prat of the Age of |
lxviij yeres |
3. Wyll'm Cokes of the Age of |
lxvij yeres |
4. Thurston Mayor of the age of |
lx yeres |
5. Robart Tomson of the age of |
lxiij yeres |
6. Will'm Armerer of the age of |
lxij yeres |
7. Robart penythorne of the age of |
lvj yeres |
8. James hudson of the age of |
lv yeres |
All these viij parsons be ffore wrytten haue set to
there marks in the Coppie wych I wrot this owte.
Anno xvij Regine Elizabeth iij Junij
apud Charingcrosse
St martins in the fieldes.
The Queen's Hay 1575 |
The p'yshen's hath agreed to serve and deliuer into the queenes Maties barnes yearly
at the mewes iiij loades of good swet and Drye hey of the first moinge, every loade to
contayne xxxvj trusses and everye trusse to waye lxli waight, to be Deliu'ed yerlie at or
before the first of Auguste next ensewinge for the vse of her Highenes horsses ther. |
Also the saide p'ysheners hath agreed to enter and recorde the s[aide] agrement in
their Churche Booke, and yerelie when they chewse the Surveiours of the highe wayes
that then to chewse the cessors for the ratinge of eu'ye man for the saide Servis of hey
accordinge to the porc'on of grounde that the p'tie then occupiethe. And the
p'ysheners yerelie to sende to the office of Averye a bill of euery p'ticular p'sons name
that they have rated to sarue, at or bef[ore] the first of June yerelie next ensewinge
wth the cessours and constables name of eu'ye lib'tie vnto the same, And eu'ye man to
pay for the carriadge of his owne hey yerlie. |
[The following are the names and amounts]
Mr Poultney the ffarmar of saint James ffarm .xij Trusses.
Mr Anthony Yelles of Ebru ffarm .xij Trusses.
Mr fflecher of Drurey house .xij Trusses.
John Dawnst of strond .xij Trusses.
Mr Torner ffarmar of Mary boune .x Trusses.
Edward taylor Brewer of westm' .xij Trusses.
Richard Coxshott of St gilles .xij Trusses.
Morgayn ffourd of Westm .ix Trusses.
Mr William Worley of westm. one Lod of Trusse Band heay.
Richard Darlowe of St Martines .x Trusses.
Leonard Smyth of Westm. ix Trusses.
Cessors |
William Worley. |
Richard Darlowe. |
William Watters. |
John Hill, constabell. |
[This is a loose slip in the first volume of the Vestry Minutes, and has the
following note on it: "This paper found in the roof above the Record Room in the
Church. found by me Henry Simpson."]
Common Lands 1575 |
A Suruey Made the seconde of September 1575 by wee Whose names are
here vnder wrytten of all suche landes as hertofore hathe ben comen wth in
the memorye of man wth in the p'ishe of Sat Marttynes in the ffeildes in the
county of Midd' once the yeare viz from Lammas when the Crop is awaye
vntill Candelmas Exceppt it be ffor Hurtinge off the Corne newly sowne As
aperith not only by A presentment Made In the thirde yeare of the raygne
off oure Late Soueraigne Lorde Edwarde the sixte Butt also by diuers presentmentes Made bye suche Juryes as hath ben in Quene maryes time And in the
Quens Maiestyes tyme that now is Wheroffe p'ts is Inclosed bye the persons
ffollowinge. |
Inprymis one Close abuttynge vppon the pound Called Dippens Close in the tenure off
widdow golightelye inclosed.
It'm three closes being in the west end of St geylls in the ffeyld Countyd lity akers in
the tenure of william bouche & Crouke off St gills & John Daunson of ye stronde.
Item the bryk Close inclosed in the tenure of John bulcher Counte v acres kept inclosed.
Item a close called geldings close in the tenure of mr turner of maribon Counte iiij
acres kept inclosed late Kerbyes Close.
Item A Close lieng betwen the bryk Close & the highe way leding vnto tiborne counte
6 acres in the tenur of one mr brysto off St Giles kept enclosed.
Item a pece of grounde counte ij acres Did' p'cel of brokshott in the tenure of mr
poltney of S James new inclosed.
It'm a close lienge north of the brykkill & abuttinge vpon brokshott in ye tenure of
Jno Jenings of westme'ster Coman Wth in the ij yers & now kept enclosed.
It'm on pece off ground wth the sande pits abuting vpon the high way north & the p'ke
wall of S James sowth counte by estimation xxxtie acres in the tenure of tho's poltney
of St James being comon in the yere of or Ld god 1572 & now enclosed.
Item the reste off the lande belonginge to the ffarme off St James.
Item a ffeyld Called hebbrye wch was Comon being now enclosed and In the tenure of
Antony Calis & mr Wortley of westminster.
The names of the Surueyors
Thomas ffowler
John Colbrande
John ffisher
Johne Jenings
John Sauage
Thomas Kolcrofte
wm browne
Richarde Darlowe
Harold Bingham
Johne Earpe
Humphrey Motle
John hathaway
Henry Russell
John shortrydes
James aunsell
wth others.
Reconciliation 1582 |
Md that this second Day of August in the xxiijth yere of the raigne of or souerayne
Ladie Quene Eliz &c. 1582 it is fynallie conclewdid and agreed before the Masters of
this Parishe of St Martynes; who vppon Deliberat hering of the strife and controu'ses
betwne Will'm Phevans and Edward Phippes p'rishoners of the said p'rishe of Ste
Martyns aforesaide / who ar in cheritie reconsilid thone to thother, releasinge eache &
other all Actions sewtes Debtes Demaundes, bondes and controu'ses what so ever
from the beginyng of the worlde to the Day & the Date herof / In witness wherof the
p'tes to this p'ntes haue sett to there handes the day and yere first aboue Written / |
[signed] will'm bevan
The mark [mark] of Edward Phippes.
vijo Die ffebruarij 1590
xxxiijo Eliz:
Communion Money 1590 |
Whereas vppon some inconveynience found At A vestrie then sitten on Aboute the
gatheringe of money for the comm'ion by order of the howses we therfore order yt ye
same vse shall from hensfourth be extinguished And no more to be Demaunded
And we order that from hensfourth one of the Collectors Accompaned wth one of
the Churchwardens shall one eu'y monethly com[mun]ion Day gather ye benevolence of the
people that shall so receive And the same Accoumpted ye Churchwardens shall Deduct
And take out of the same so muche money As shall pay for ye bread & wyne that Day
spent And the rest to remaine to the poore |
[Signed] Will'm Fisher vicar
Symon Grene
Richard wodlocke
Will'm Beuan
Mathy clercke
Richard [mark] Aucockes m'ke
Jeames [mark] waller
Thom's ffowler
John Colbrand
Wy: Hedworth
Edward Stylkragg
p' me Derr helden
Cornelius [mark] godfrie
John [mark] Kelsey
John [mark] goodcole
xxijo Die Julij 1593 xxxvto Eliz
Plague 1593 |
Md that ye Day And yeare abouesaid it was ordered by the maisters hereunder named
that theis p'sons hereunder named shall receave weekely As followeth |
& ther Are chosen to be be'ares & Shearchers for men
John Bellowes vjd
william Baylie xijd
theis Are chosen Shearchers for weomen
goodwif Bellowes xviijd goodwif Baylie xviijd
The accountes of the collectours for the howses visited
in the tyme of the plage 1593
1593 |
Memorandu' that ther was gathered bie the collectours for the
visited howses wch weare Rob't Occleson and John
Hall for the space of xiiij weekes beginninge the xixth
of September Anno 1593 the sume of |
viijli vjs
Memorandu' further that theie rec' for further benevolence
of Divers honorable and worshipfull men as bie the
p'ticulars Doth further appeare in the booke of their
Accowntes |
xijli xs
More ther was remayninge in the said collectors
handes before theie receved the said weekeley collec
tion of another reckoninge |
viijs jd
Summa—xxjli vs vijd
[should be 21li. 5s. 1d.] |
Paied Weekelie bie the consent of Divers of the
Masters of the parishe as may appere in the
booke of their Accountes more p'ticularlie |
xvjli xiiijs iiijd
And paied more vnto Will'm Ballet Goldsmith
bie the said collectours in part of payment of
xlvs bie the consent of the Masters afore said
to the full Dischardgeing of the p'ishe of and
from the mayntenaunce of or bringing vpp of
Devorax kenn sonne of Nowell kenn
the sum'e of |
xxxjs iijd
And so |
Ther remaineth in a restat or overplus to the
full amownt of xxjli vjs vijd as above
bie them rec' the sum'e of |
Die veneris xxvto Die Januarij 1593 Annoq'
Regni Regine Elizabeth Tricesimo Sexto.
A Public
1593–4 |
Whereas Agnes wilson of this p'ishe widdowe hath ben by gods p'mission of longe tyme
bereaved of her wits to ye greate Disquiet of ye right hon'able the Earle of Bedford,
her howse Joyninge next vnto his, And to ye residue of the neighbours Dwellinge ther
Aboute. It was thought mete not only by mr vincent mr Oulsworth mr Michell and
mr vaughan Officers to ye said Earle but Also with ye Assent And consent of ye p'ishon's
And Churchwardens hereunder named that she should be from ye same howse removed
And to be kept at Bridewell towards her mainten[a]nce Duringe ye tyme of her Abode
ther to yeld vnto ye governors of the same howse weekely xxjd to be paid in this forme;
by the said Earle xijd And by the Collectors of the poore of this p'ishe for the tyme
beinge ixd. |
Common Lands
1593–4 |
Memorandu' that vppon Sundaie beinge the xth daie of ffebruarie in the yere of our
lord 1593 in a vesterie howlden bie the vicarr And Maysters of the p'ishe, It was
determyned and concluded bie the especiall request and choice of the said Vestery that
Mr Stilcragge Mr Jasper Mr Russell And Mr Patricke Derricke showld be collectours
generally throwghe the p'ishe to gather the benevolence of the p'ishioners towardes the
chardge of the suite commensed in the kings bench And exchequer by Daunson, for
the Defence of the commons of Sct Martines in the field and against mrs Jones of
Sct Giles. |
[Signed] T. Knyght vicarr
Edward Stylkragg
John Colbrande
W. Hedworthe
Richard wodlocke
wyll'm Jespar
Anthony haris
Will'm Beuan
John [mark] kelsey
John [mark] goodcole
Robarte occleson
Hynry Jonson
1593–4 |
There was receaved (from Mr Tod highe Constable) A warrant to or constables for the
takeinge of xij men souldiers to goe in her maties s'uice in ye lowe Countries And to
bring All ye money sett Downe in the last warrant for this s'uice Against weddensday
next. |
1593–4 |
3 March 1593. "Whereas the churchwardens showld haue paid to Mr Woodlocke the
summ of xls bie xs a quarter for the repayment of certein chardges and monie wch . . . .
he . . . laid out to the vse of the p'ishe bie the consent of the revestry, It is now concluded and condescended on the behalf of" mr Woodlocke and at the request of the
Vestry that the churchwardens shall of that 40/- "give and paie unto Rob't fforrest and
his wife the sume of xxxs wth as much expedicion as they conveniently may" as the
free gift of mr woodlocke. |
xxjo Aprilis 1594
Common Lands
1594 |
Md Deliu'ed vnto william Ballett
by ye p'ishen's hereunder named
towardes the sute of ye com[m]ons
belonginge to ye p'ishe ye some of
mr Knight pd xxs in p't of paymt of xls. |
vijli xs wherof |
[Signed] Will'm Ballett
Rec' more of mr Knyght |
[Signed] W Ballett
Delivered more to the said William Ballet
the xxth day of October towarde the suyte
of the said commons 1594 |
vli xvs iijd
[Signed] Will'm Ballett
forthesuite of the
Commons |
Deliuered more to the said wm Ballett the xvth of
Dece'ber 1594 by the revestry the sum'e of |
iijli xvs
Dd' more the ixth of January 1594 by the revestry
from Westminster |
[Signed] Will'm Ballett
[There is nothing to show where this money came from—unless it was the result
of the energy displayed by the collectors appointed in Feb. 1593–4.]
Soldiers &
Common Lands
1594 |
Rec' the 3rd daie of November 1594 bie the handes of [the constables] the sume of
iijli xvjs of lawfull money wch was a restat of the mony collected for setting forth of
soldiers about or betweene Middsomer and Mych; wch said three poundes sixtene
shillings is dd' to Patericke Derricke bie the consent of the revestry to be employed in
the suite of the commons. |
1596 |
Memorandu' that the churchwardens [Portington & Ballett] for this tyme being haue
rec' xliijs vd wch they rec' by the mutuall consent of the revestry the day and yere
abovementioned [13. June. 1596] |
[side note says] Memorandu' that the sayd xliijs vd was receved vppon a collection and
an account for the preste mony and convoy for Callice. |
1598 |
Mdm that the 19th of aprell 1598 wee the vicar wth the masters And churchwardens of
the p'rishe of St martens in the feldes at or vestrie then holden Ded Elect and chuse
will'm wildgose al' puttrell on Dwellinge wth in or p'rish to be or Common herman for
the kepinge of the Cattel wch shall goe vpon the common belongen to vs and so to vse
And Inioy it in As ampell maner as the Rest of or herdmen hertofore hath Done
beinge alwayes hertofore chosen by vs at or vestry And so wee that were then ther
p'sent have hervnto sett or handes to Ratefie And conferm the same. |
Election of
1598 |
Masters of the vestery chosen by the Vestery in the roomes and places of such as are
deceased or gone from the p'ishe wch election or choice was inserted into this booke
the xvth of October 1598 |
Mr Wm Portinton chosen the said 15th of Octob' in the place of Mr Jasper [buried
March 19, 1596/7] |
Mr Richard Nightingale was chosen [the same day] in the place of Mr Occlesonne
[buried Feb. 3, 1597/8] |
Mr John Child was chosen [the same day] in the place of Mr Russell [buried
August 19, 1598] |
Mr Thom's Bynnes [or Benge] chosen the same day in the place of Mr Alcocke.
[buried Oct. 6, 1598] |
1599 |
£3. 8. 10 paid to the churchwardens being the balance "wch remayned vppon [the
constables'] Collection for Sowldiers." |
Received more from the same constables "in full accompt of this their Reconinges for
the Irishe s'uice" 24/- |
Received, September 6, 1599 from the constables "xvli for Service wth in the Lande"
and put in the chest in the Church with the remainder of the Parish Stock. |
Burial Lists
1601 |
12 Aug. 1601. In future the churchwardens "shall sett downe the names of suche as
they Receyve nothing for their burialls as for the others for whose burialls they are paid"
in order that the clerk's and churchwardens' lists may be used to check each other. |
House of
1602 |
It was agreed [July 18, 1602] that £20 should be handed to the churchwardens
"towardes the making of the Cage wt the Bedells Chamber over the same at Charingcrosse according to the Plott. . . . and also fyve poundes . . . . for the taking Downe of
the Bridg at Charing crosse for the wch Collections is to be made by the officers that
Collected the mony for the paving of the streetes." |
6 Jan. 1602[3]. Delivered to Waller and Allanson, churchwardens, "ffor & Towardes
the payment of the Cage howse of Correction the some of Tenn Powndes." |
Clerk to the
1603 |
At a vestry holden in Sct m'tyns church in ye feildes this 5th of ffebruary 1603 . . . . it is
agreed vppon the com'endation of s'taine Right ho: & wor' p'sonages. . . . that Hen:
King is p'mitted to exercize ye place of the clerk vppon tryall of his sufficience & good
carriage of himself therin vntill the xxvth of m'che next "at which time, or before,
the vestry finding him unfit will give the post to Henry Dore "according to a form'
agreemt had by ye viccar" and others. [This agreement has not survived in writing]. |
Token Money
1608 |
"Vicesimo quarto die ffebruarij 1608. It is ordered That every Com[m]unicant, for
the generall Com[m]unions at Easter, shall the day before Their Receiving, Repaire
to the Minister, or Curate, and then and their (sic) pay his dueties and take a
token, and Restore his Token, at his Com'ing the next day to the Com[m]union,
and to give theire names bothe the day before to the Minister, and the day of the
Receiving to such as shall attend the same. And that the Churchwardens shall take
order where the Pewes be long to have every seacond pewe lefte emptie for the Minister
to come the more conveniently." |