Pages 471-487
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 9, January 1750 - December 1753. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1932.
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Abercromby, James, agent for North Carolina, attends Board, 44, 48, 55, 70, 138, 159, 161–3, 170–3, 176–9, 192, 194, 205, 207–8, 215, 229, 388, 391.
-, -, attendance requested, 47, 52, 202, 388.
-, -, letters from, 108, 150, 368.
-, -, letter to, 281.
-, -, petition of, 159, 168–9, 367.
Abrahams, Israel, 369.
Abyankie, Gold Coast native, 427.
Acadia, Accadie. See Nova Scotia.
Accra, West Africa, 20, 421.
Acqudah, West Africa, 420.
Aggah, West Africa, 260.
Africa, West, 440, 444.
Acts regulating trade to, 269.
Africans, arrangement for their transport to, 91.
captains, misbehaviour of, in, 298.
disbursements of money on settlement, 231–2.
Dutch, threats from, 104, 232, 263, 316, 321, 324, 326, 339, 342, 421, 427–8, 445.
forts built in, 259–60, 262–4, 326–7, 344, 367–8, 456–7.
France, rivalry with, in, 259, 271, 319, 327, 445, 450.
goods sent to, 344.
industries carried on, in, 270–1.
Joint Stock company proposed for, 1–35, 39–40, 96.
natives, relations with, 232, 316, 318–9, 322, 326, 407, 409, 445; and see Ashantees, Fantees.
new Committee appointed, 160–1, 181, 217.
officials in, 165–6, 269, 432.
settlements in, 140–1, 169.
slave trade from, 1–40.
trade, improvement of, 68.
-, state of, 328–9, 335.
woodcutting at, 427–8.
And see under Royal African Company.
Aix la Chapelle, Germany, 165, 210.
Albany, New York, 65, 150, 180, 344, 346, 351, 355, 381, 411.
Albemarle County, North Carolina, 176, 178.
-, Virginia, 200–1.
Albemarle, Lord, H.M. Minister at Paris and Governor of Virginia, 125.
Alchua, West Africa, 427–8.
Aldworth, Richard, Secretary to Duke of Bedford and Lords Justices, letters from, 48, 50, 88, 105–6, 109, 114, 118, 123, 159, 165, 175, 182–3, 202, 205.
Alexander, James, Councillor in New York and New Jersey, 44, 78, 90, 107.
-, -, letters from, 266–7.
-, Sir William, afterwards Lord Stirling, 58, 84–5, 147.
Algiers, North Africa, 87–9.
Allen, Van, 217.
-, Mr., of New Hampshire, 330.
-, Mr., of New Jersey, 53.
Alston, Mr., 84.
Altona, North Germany, 183.
Amelia County, Virginia, 199.
Amsterdam, Holland, 121, 135.
Amyand, Mr., Secretary to the Lords Justices, letters from, 316, 324, 326, 333, 341, 345.
Anamaboe, West Africa, 10, 13–4, 16, 18–9, 23, 25–6, 28–9, 232, 256, 259–60, 262–3, 272, 318–9, 322, 326–9, 357, 450.
Anashan, West Africa, 260.
Anderson, Adam, agent to S.P.C.K., petition of, 440.
Andros, Andrea, Island, Bahamas, 66.
Angola, West Africa, 8, 17, 20, 23, 30, 34.
Annapolis, Maryland, 54, 142.
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, 3, 38, 227, 466.
Anne, Queen, 235.
Antigua, Leeward Islands, 76, 99–100, 198, 209, 455.
Governor. See Matthew, Thomas.
Lt. Governor. See Fleming, Martin.
Chief Justice. See Lavington.
agent. See Sharpe.
Acts in, 5, 101, 103, 144–6, 187, 303–5, 311–2, 346–7, 464.
Council, 151, 153, 155–6, 158, 164, 305–7, 340, 346–7, 404, 406, 414, 455–6, 459, 462.
-, minutes of, 53, 101, 227, 347.
-, members. See Dunbar, King, Oliver.
Assembly, 151, 153, 155–6, 158, 164, 305–7, 340, 346–7, 404, 406.
-, minutes of, 101, 187, 347.
census of, 464.
courts in, 53–4, 151, 153, 156, 158, 164–5.
finances of, 340, 346–7, 404, 406.
forts in, 464.
regiment at, 456.
rum and molasses in, 130, 133.
slave trade to, 8, 14–5, 23, 33, 35, 155.
Apthorp, Mr., contractor at Boston, 80, 92, 399, 461.
Archbould, Henry, proposed for Jamaica Council, 84, 107.
Archdale, John, ex-Governor of Carolina, 176, 178–9.
Armstrong, Lt., memorial of, 417.
Arthur, Bridget, of North Carolina, 173.
Ashantees, West Africa, 12–3, 119, 272.
Ashfield, Lewis Morris, proposed for New Jersey Council, 174–5, 197.
-, -, complaints against, 265–6, 366, 384.
-, -, trial and acquittal of, 366, 383–4.
-, -, admission of, 457.
Ashley, John, 104.
Aston, Mr., counsel, attends Board, 330–3, 336–8.
Atchumah, West Africa, 316.
Athol, Duke of. See Murray.
Atkins, Edward, attends Board, 416.
Atkinson, Theodore, 309.
Atwood, Mr., of Bermuda, 452.
Augusta County, Virginia, 201, 289.
Austin, George, of Georgia, 282.
Avalon in Newfoundland, 454.
Avery, Benjamen, agent for Connecticut, 39.
Bahamas, West Indies, 66, 437, 460.
Governor. See Tinker.
Commander in Chief. See Howell.
President of Council. See Scott.
Acts in, 83.
Council, 76, 323, 339–40, 353, 365, 419, 427, 429, 436, 457, 459, 462.
-, minutes of, 366.
-, members. See Barnett, Duncomb, Gambier, Howell, Jenner, Saunders, Scott, Spatchers, Stewart, Tinker.
Assembly, 366.
Accounts in, 365, 419.
Governor, arrival of, 457.
-, complaints against, 258, 292.
-, instructions for, 321.
-, leave of absence for, 106, 339.
ordnance stores in, 431.
Spaniards, aggressions by, 343, 366, 369.
state of, 323, 457.
vessels cleared in, 366, 419.
whale oil in, 349–50.
Bailey, Joseph, of Barbados, 331–2, 336.
Baird, Capt., commander of Surprize, letter from, 91.
Baker, Alderman William, contractor in Nova Scotia, attends Board, 153, 251–3, 257.
-, -, attendance requested, 149, 256.
-, -, contract of, 301.
-, -, dispute of, 261–5, 463, 465.
-, -, memorials of, 141, 250–1, 254–6, 355.
Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert.
Bance Island, West Africa, 344.
Bannanas, West Africa, 18.
Barbados, West Indies, 60, 66, 76–7, 84, 91, 128, 131, 184, 186, 188, 192, 215, 244, 405, 440, 460.
Governor. See Grenville.
President of Council. See Weekes.
agent. See Sharpe.
Acts in, 105, 111–2, 185, 241, 325–6, 330–3, 336–8, 354, 402, 427, 442, 447, 451, 459.
Council, 54, 105, 185, 233, 354, 362, 368, 387, 390–1, 403, 450, 455, 459, 462.
-, minutes of, 36, 105, 185, 234, 354, 402.
-, members. See Carter, Dottin, Gybbon, Husbands, Jordan, Salter, Walker, Weekes.
Assembly, 185, 233, 330–1, 337–8.
-, minutes of, 36, 105, 185, 234, 330, 354, 402.
census of, 105, 233–4.
Government, devolution of, 450.
Governor, instructions for, 321, 402.
-, leave of absence for, 446, 448, 450.
lawsuits in, 230, 325, 330–3, 336–8, 427.
neutral islands, evacuation of, 83, 223, 263–4, 353; and see Dominica, St. Vincent's, Santa Lucia, Tobago.
ordnance stores in, 105, 185, 234, 354.
pirates in, 402.
rum and molasses in, 133.
seal of, 336.
slave trade to, 9, 12–5, 18–20, 23, 28, 35, 105, 234, 354.
state of, 323.
woodcutting in, 439.
Barbary, North Africa, trade with, 87, 90, 98, 100, 203, 206.
Barclay, Henry, 122.
Barkhuysen, Henry, letter from, 329.
Barnes, Thomas, 217.
Barnett, Thomas, Bahamas Councillor, deceased, 457, 459.
Bascome, Nathaniel, Bermuda Councillor, deceased, 397, 401, 429.
Basnell, Nathaniel, attends Board for Liverpool merchants, 259.
Basnett, Mr., 217.
Basse Terre, St. Christopher's, 81, 129.
Bastion le, island off Tunis, 203, 206.
Bath, England, 69–70, 277.
Bath County, North Carolina, 176, 178.
Bath land, Jamaica, 189, 372.
Batson, William, of Barbados, 336.
Baxter, John, surgeon, 71.
Bayard, Stephen, New York Councillor, 258, 279.
Bay Verte, Vert., New Brunswick, 96, 227, 461–2.
Bearcroft, Dr., letter from, 42–3.
Beausejour, Nova Scotia, 461–2.
Beaver Hunting, New York, 86.
Beawes, Windham, attorney, 411–2.
Bedford County, England, 428.
Bedford, Duke of. See Russell.
-, Mr., deposition of, 185.
Belcher, Jonathan, Governor of New Jersey, 44.
-, -, instructions for, 223.
-, -, letters from, 52–3, 75–6, 97, 108, 110, 153–4, 169, 173–5, 220–1, 226, 265, 284–5, 309, 325, 340–1, 345, 349, 351–2, 365–6, 369, 383–4, 386, 439, 457.
-, -, letters to, 92, 112, 385, 387, 440.
-, -, reprimand to, 174, 384.
-, -, his suspension of councillors, 152–4
Belgrove, William, of Barbados, 337.
Bellas, Mr., Register to Court of Admiralty, evidence of, 135.
-, -, letter from, 389.
Belle Isle, off Newfoundland, Straits of, 299.
Bellomont, Lord, 59.
Benbury, John, of North Carolina, 179.
Benin, West Africa, 34.
Bennis, West Africa, 23.
Berkeley, John, lord, of Stratton, attends Board, 287–9.
Berkley County, North Carolina, 176.
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic:
Governor. See Popple.
President of Council and acting Governor. See Jones.
Acts in, 70, 113, 115.
Council, 69, 113, 127, 293, 320, 324–5, 357, 397, 401, 429, 452.
-, minutes of, 69, 114, 294.
-, members. See Bascome, Burrows, Forbes, Jones.
Assembly, 69–70, 113–4, 127.
-, Journal of, 69.
accounts in, 293–4.
Customs in, 113, 294.
Governor, instructions for, 321.
-, leave of absence for, 319–20, 324, 357.
-, complaints against, 114, 127.
French, aggressions by, 452.
officers' fees in, 293.
prizes, unclaimed in, 69.
slaves, importation of, 293.
Spaniards, aggressions by, 226, 253, 343–4.
timber, sale of, in, 294.
trade, illicit in, 136.
vessels cleared in, 293–4.
vital statistics, 293.
Bern, Berne, Switzerland, 42, 60, 202.
Berry, John, of North Carolina, 173.
Bertie County, North Carolina, 176, 178, 208.
Best, —, 338.
Bethel, New Jersey, 440.
Bethel, Alderman, letter from, 96.
Beverley, Colonel William, attends Board, 107–8.
-, -, proposed for Virginia Council, 37–8, 99, 106.
Bindur, Hendrick, 154.
-, Theophilus, 154.
Bissaw, West Africa, 18.
Black, Joseph, owner of Elizabeth, 135.
Blackhall, Abraham, of North Carolina, 178.
Blackwater Swamp, Virginia, 201.
Bladen, Martin, ex-Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 56, 85.
Blades, John, of Barbados, 336.
Bladwell, Captain, commander of Rose, 128, 184, 215, 353.
Blair, John, of Nova Scotia, letter from, 150.
-, William, of New Hampshire, 186.
Blake, Joseph, South Carolina Councillor, demise of, reported, 218, 279.
Blakeney, General, Governor of Minorca, letters to, 87, 147.
-, -, letters from, 209, 232.
Blandford, Virginia, 199.
Blommart, Henry, owner of Beaufort, attends Board, 182.
Blucke, Robert, clerk in office, demise of, reported, 459.
Blue Ridge, Virginia, 199.
Blunt, Joseph, of North Carolina, 179.
Bogdani, William, Secretary to Board of Ordnance, 400, 418.
Bohemia, trade with, 280.
-, Queen of. See Maria Theresa.
Bollan, William, agent for Massachusetts, attends Board, 58, 138, 290.
-, -, attendance requested, 57, 370.
-, -, letters from, 111, 229, 460.
-, -, memorial of, 392.
Bompar, Marquis de, Governor of Martinique, 151, 184–5, 215, 233–4, 263, 353.
Bonfoy, Captain Hugh, appointed Governor of Newfoundland, 424–5.
-, -, instructions for, 429–30.
Bontein, Bontien, Archibald. H.M. engineer in Jamaica, 192, 363.
Boston, Massachusetts, 65, 74, 77, 80, 90, 92, 106–7, 111, 116, 122, 129, 134–6, 151, 219–20, 245, 250, 254, 294, 389, 399, 411, 424–6, 453.
Boteler, Thomas, 269, 326.
Bowden, Mr., attends Board for London merchants, 259.
Boyd, Mr., attends Board, 281, 283.
Bradley, Mr., Attorney General of New York, 382.
Bradstreet, John proposed as Governor of Avalon, 454.
Brahme, M. de, engineer, 407.
Brainard, John, missionary in New Jersey, 440.
Braithwaite, Brathwaite, John, of Barbados, 111, 230.
-, -, memorial of, 325–6, 330–3, 336–8, 427.
-, Mr., senior, 337.
-, Robert, of Barbados, 332.
Brandon, St. Martin's parish, Virginia, 199.
Bratfro of Fanteen, West Africa, 260.
Brathwaite. See Braithwaite.
Brazil, South America, tobacco, 19.
-, sugar, 275.
Breda, treaty of, 412.
Brereton, Mr., attends Board, 4–11.
Brigs, William, of Barbados, 336.
Briscoe, Mr., Deputy Secretary of Jamaica, letters from, 54, 67.
-, Mr. (another), attends Board for Bristol merchants, 13, 26–7, 270–1.
Bristol, England, 13–4.
-, merchants of, 1, 4, 6, 8–13, 15, 18–25, 27–8, 32–3, 35, 40, 230, 233, 259, 432, 437–8, 441, 457.
-, Merchants' Hall at, 343, 457.
Broome, Captain Charles, 374–5.
Broughton's Battery, South Carolina, 408.
Brouncker, Henry, collector of customs in St. Kitts, proposed for Council, 81–2, 104.
-, -, petition of, 328, 340, 357–8.
Brown, James, proposed for Nevis Council, 184, 197.
-, William, 261, 437.
-, —, 338.
Bruce, Mr., engineer of Nova Scotia, attends Board, 376.
Brunswick County, Virginia, 201.
Brussels, Belgium, Court of, 244.
Bryan, Anne, of Barbados, 336.
Bucker, Thomas, of Jamaica, 246, 279.
Buckinghamshire, Earl of. See Hobart.
Buckle, Captain, letter from, 318.
-, -, attends Board, 350.
Bulkeley, Richard, 219, 353, 413, 461.
Burbidge, John, clerk to Paymaster of Public Works in Nova Scotia, 461.
Burch, Jonathan, J.P. in Bermuda, 69, 113.
Burger, M. du, memorial of, 117.
Burling, James, 216.
Burlington, New Jersey, 52, 75–6, 97, 153–4, 173, 220–1, 226, 265, 284–5.
Burrell, Mr., attends Board, 274–6.
Burrows, Samuel, Bermuda Councillor, demise of, reported, 293, 320, 324, 357.
Burt, Charles Pym, proposed for Nevis Council, 360, 436, 429, 436.
-, William Pym, Nevis Councillor, demise of, reported, 184, 197.
-, Mr., Justice of Bermuda, 113.
Burwell, Carter, of Virginia, estate of, 140, 160.
-, Col. Lewis, President of Virginia Council, letters from, 174–5, 289–90.
Busha, West Africa, 427.
Butler, John, 216.
-, Lieutenant, 139.
-, Mr., 329.
Caboceer Cujoe, West Africa, 272.
Cadiz, Spain, 134, 163–4, 166, 176, 179–81.
Cadogan, Mr., commander in Georgia, 211–2.
Calabar, West Africa, negroes from, 7–8, 13, 20–1, 23.
Calcraft, John, agent for Mr. Wraxall, attends Board, 346.
Calder, Archibald, Deputy Secretary of Nevis, 145, 227, 239.
Calendar, Callendar, Mr., of Nova Scotia, 74, 77, 142.
Calvert, Frederick, Lord Baltimore, Proprietor of Maryland and Avalon, 278, 464.
-, -, controversy of, touching boundaries, 67, 348, 354–5, 358–9, 362, 420, 438.
-, -, letter from, 404.
-, -, marriage of, 412.
-, -, instructions for, as Proprietor, 401, 414–5, 429.
-, -, petition of, 454.
Cameron, John, 74.
Campbell, Hume, counsel, 174.
-, -, attends Board, 163, 170–3, 176–9, 358–9, 428.
-, John, merchant, of North Carolina, 208.
-, Lt. Robert, petition of, 446.
-, Mr., Commissary of Stores in Nova Scotia, 77.
-, Mr., Lord of Treasury, 95.
-, Capt., evidence of, 18–9, 28.
Campion, William, clerk to Board, demise of, reported, 370.
Canada, Governor of. See Jonquière, Duquesne.
-, -, correspondence with, 2, 45–6, 90, 220, 303, 393, 466.
-, charter of, 62.
-, exports from, 130.
-, expedition against, referred to, 38–41, 424, 426.
-, invasion anticipated from, 80, 258, 450.
-, island of, 85; and see Cape Breton.
-, river of (St. Lawrence), 58.
-, trade with, 17.
Canso, Cançeau, Cape Breton, British claims to, 59, 86–7, 111, 125, 132, 136.
-, ships seized at, 378, 380.
-, trade at, 134.
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 211.
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 134, 429.
Cape Coast Castle, West Africa, 16, 18, 20, 33, 104, 141, 166, 231–2, 259–60, 269, 272, 316, 318, 320–1, 324, 326–9, 335, 339, 350, 355, 407, 409, 420–1, 431–2, 438, 440, 444, 450.
Cape François [Haiti], 135–6.
Cape la How, West Africa, 23.
Cape Three Points, West Africa, 25.
Car, Ralph, 135.
Carbonier, Newfoundland, 37.
Carlisle Bay, Barbados, 61, 76, 128, 215.
Carolina, North America:
Lords Proprietors of, 172, 176, 178.
Charter of, 178.
exports from, 174.
indigo in, 270–1.
Palatine Courts in, 177, 179.
separation of, 176.
former governors of. See Archdale, Smith.
See also North and South Carolina.
Carr, a bricklayer, 77.
Carter, James, of Barbados Council, 336, 455, 459, 462.
Cary, Walter, M.P. for Dartmouth, 374.
Carson, Thomas, master of Gale, 204, 325.
Casteel, Anthony, deposition of, 460.
Castle William, Boston, 424–6, 429.
Catawba Indians, 118, 451.
Catherwood, Cathewood, John, Secretary to Governor of New York, attends Board, 41, 325, 346.
-, -, letters from, 150, 351, 411.
-, -, memorial of, 90, 381.
-, Richard, 216.
Cattlina (Catalina) or Providence Islands, Bahamas, 66.
Cayley, Mr., ex-Consul at Cadiz, attends Board, 164.
Caylus, Marquis de, Governor of Martinique, 36, 60–1, 76–7, 83.
-, -, demise of, reported, 89.
Cayuga, Cayouga, Indians (Iroquois), 86, 122, 167.
Celeron, Monsieur, 45, 207.
Chamberlayn, Mr., trader, 25.
Chambers, John, proposed for New York Council, 275–9.
-, William, proposed for Montserrat Council, 104, 160.
Champion, Mr., letter from, 50.
Champlain, M., ex-Governor of Canada, 58.
Chandos, Chandoie, Duke of, 29.
Charles I, King of England, grant by, 38.
-, Act of, 62.
Charles II, King of England, grants by, 59, 122, 176, 178.
-, commission of, 309.
Charles, Alexander, memorial of, 278.
-, Mr., agent for New York, attends Board, 138, 229, 393–4, 428, 443.
-, -, attendance requested, 370.
-, Mr., commission from Board to, 65–6.
-, -, attends Board, 63, 100.
-, -, complaints against, 99.
-, -, letters from, 70–2, 81, 124.
Charles Town, South Carolina, 64, 121, 213–4, 281, 292, 342, 375, 408.
Chase, Mr., merchant, attends Board, 274–6.
Chebucto, Chibucto harbour, Nova Scotia, 2–3, 116, 300.
Cheeseman, Stephen, of Barbados, 332.
Cherokee Indians, Carolina and Virginia, 361, 451.
Chester, England, ships of, 15, 22, 25.
Chesterfield plantation, Jamaica, 372.
Chibucto. See Chebucto.
Chicksands, Bedfordshire, 428.
Chignecto, Chigenecto, Chiconecto, Chinecto, New Brunswick, 65, 80, 92, 111, 116–7, 248, 461.
Child, Mr., Attorney General of North Carolina, 362.
-, -, attends Board, 385.
Chinecto, See Chignecto.
Choctaw Indians, South Carolina, 278, 280–1.
Cholet, M. le, 49, 128.
Cholmondeley, George, Earl of, attends Board, 286–9.
Clarendon parish, Jamaica, 372.
Clarke, Mr., late Deputy Governor of New York, 156.
Claybourne, Mr., 67.
Clements, John, mayor of Bristol, 437–8.
Cleves, Rhineland, Germany, 71.
Clevland, Mr., Secretary to Lords of the Admiralty, letters from, 169, 277, 298, 316–8, 335–6, 411, 420, 430.
-, -, letters to, 317–8, 457.
Clinton, George, Governor of New York, 109, 150.
-, -, letters from. 44–7, 66, 74–5, 79, 90, 97, 117–8, 122, 139, 156, 158, 167, 169, 180–1, 220, 222–3, 257–8, 262–3, 285–6, 325, 367, 381–3, 417–8, 449–50, 452–3.
-, -, letters to, 59, 90, 92, 97–8, 118, 139–40, 156, 220, 328, 355, 363, 369, 449, 452, 467–8.
-, -, appointments by, 441, 455.
-, -, instructions for, 135, 410.
-, -, claim by, 38–9.
-, -, complaints against, 344, 346, 351, 355, 411.
-, -, resignation of, 428, 430.
Cobb, Capt. Silvanus, 65.
Codman, John, 216.
Codrington, General, 265.
Cokburne, Captain, 457.
Colden, Cadwallader, Surveyor of New York, 118.
Cole, Captain, evidence of, 134–5.
Colebrooke, Mr., H.M. Consul at Cadiz, memorial of, 163–4, 176, 179–80.
Colleton, John, South Carolina Councillor, demise of, reported, 127, 136, 160.
Colleton County, North Carolina, 176.
Collier, Mr., J.P. in Nova Scotia, 77, 116.
-, -, appointed Register of Nova Scotia, 463.
Colono, Don Juan Joseph, Governor of Hispaniola, 283.
Commenda, West Africa, 16, 420, 427.
Concannon, Mathew, Jamaica Councillor, deceased, 84.
Concord, Massachusetts, 349.
Connecticut, New England, 220.
Governor of, See Wolcott.
agent. See Avery.
Acts in, 225, 279, 413.
boundaries of, 183, 225, 435–6.
encroachments in, 225.
cargoes in, 450.
expenses claimed by, 39.
Governor, instructions for, 289–90, 308, 444.
iron forges in, 225.
paper currency in, 211, 215.
trade, illicit in, 119.
Constantine, the Emperor, referred to, 241.
Conyers, Mr., of Bermuda, 452.
Cooke, Ephraim, master of Baltimore, 77, 278, 422.
-, Samuel, rectius Crooke, q.v.
Cooper, George, 154.
-, Nathaniel, Deputy Secretary of North Carolina, 208.
-, Philip, 154.
-, Mr., of Bermuda, 452.
Corbett, Mr., Secretary to Lords Commissioners of Admiralty, letters from, 36, 82.
-, -, letters to, 36, 81.
Corbin, Francis, proposed for North Carolina Council, 297.
-, Richard, proposed for Virginia Council, 106.
Cormantees, West Africa, 18.
Corne la, Nova Scotia, 117.
Corner, John, of London, 411.
Cornwallis, Hon. Edward, Governor of Nova Scotia, 73, 115, 142–3, 160, 252.
-, -, attends Board, 376, 378, 425.
-, -, attendance requested, 424.
-, -,bills drawn by, 216, 254, 256–7, 303, 314, 355; and see Kilby.
-, -, letters from, 2, 36–7, 39, 41, 63–5, 67, 79–81, 92–3, 95–6, 106, 110–2, 117, 120–1, 124, 127, 153–5, 168–9, 182, 219–20, 222–4, 227–9, 248–50, 253, 259, 277, 295, 344, 352–3.
-, -, letters to, 41, 51, 59, 65, 74, 76, 80–2, 126, 194, 204, 207, 210, 260–1, 282, 285, 301, 303, 332, 413.
-, -, aides du camp of, 302–3.
-, -, popularity of, 77.
-, -, regiment of, 154, 161, 207.
-, -, commission for, 422.
-, -, sloop employed by, 315.
-, Lord, attends Board, 287–9.
Cornwallis Island, Nova Scotia, 3, 116.
Corrantee, John, chief of Fantees, 259–60, 272, 318.
-, William, his son, 272; and see Sessaracoa.
Corsica, Island, 203.
Courserac, Monsieur de, 185.
Cowes, Isle of Wight, 81, 135.
Cowie, Robert, 217.
Coxe, John, New Jersey Councillor, suspension of, 97, 108, 110, 112, 152, 154, 197.
Crab Island, West Indies, 196, 218.
Crammond, Mr., Deputy Governor of Royal African Company, attends Board, 1, 21, 34.
-, -, evidence of, 22, 25, 34–5.
Craik, Mr., agent to Royal African Company, attends Board, 342.
Cranfield, Edward, ex-Lt. Governor of New Hampshire, 309.
Craven County, North Carolina, 176.
Craven, James, of North Carolina, 178.
-, -, proposed for North Carolina Council, 297.
Craven's Bastion, South Carolina, 408.
Creek Indians, Georgia, interview with, 334.
Crellius,? Erellius, Joseph, 392.
Crichton, Mr., West African trader, 19.
-, -, attends Board, 260, 272–3, 342.
-, -, attendance requested, 339.
Crokatt, James, agent for South Carolina, attends Board, 110, 112, 131, 169, 229, 244, 280–2, 334–5, 447.
-, -, letters from, 105, 109, 128, 169, 361, 364, 408.
-, -, letter to, 108.
-, -, attendance requested, 244.
-, -, memorial of, 277, 334–5, 366, 448.
Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector of England, grant by, 59.
Crooke, Cooke, Samuel, St. Kitts Councillor, 81–2, 104.
Crosby, Jonathan, 216.
Crown Point, New York, 86, 451.
Crown, William, 58–9.
Cuba, West Indies, 225.
Cumberland parish, Virginia, 201.
Cunningham, John, 423.
Custis, Colonel John, of Virginia, suspension of, 35, 37, 106.
Dancer, Francis, proposed for clerkship at Board, 459.
Danes. See Denmark.
Daniel, Captain, of Assurance, 335, 420–1.
Dansie, Thomas, of Virginia, 199.
Darcy, Robert, Earl of Holdernesse, H.M. Minister at the Hague, 167.
-, -, letters to, 170, 217 et passim.
-, -, letters from, 174, 218 et passim.
-, -, attends Board, 286–9.
Darien, Central America, 185.
-, Georgia, 438.
Dart, John, Commissary General of South Carolina, 342.
Dartmouth, Devonshire, merchants of, 374.
-, Nova Scotia, 374.
Davidson, Hugh, Treasurer and Secretary of Nova Scotia, 73–4.
-, -, attends Board, 115–7, 218.
-, -, accounts of, 156.
-, -, letters from, 93, 107, 123, 127.
-, -, letters to, 43, 72, 82.
-, -, complaints of his conduct, 77–8, 110–1, 117, 127, 142–3.
-, -, dismissal of, 218.
Dawson, John, proposed for North Carolina Council, 297.
-, Rev. Thomas, proposed for Virginia Council, 360, 379, 383.
-, William, Virginia Councillor, deceased, 360, 383.
Dayrolle, Solomon, H.M. Commissary to Empress, 280.
Delancy, Delancey, Lancey, James, Lt. Governor of New York, 325.
-, -, Chief Justice of New York, 441, 455.
-, Oliver, of New York, his dispute with the Governor, 45, 382.
-, Mr., contractor, 93, 121, 216–7, 423.
Dellius, Godfrey, 86. Cf. Dulles.
Demerara, South America, 439.
Demerie, Raymond, 64.
Denison, John, attends Board, 416.
Denmark, Danes, King of. See Frederick V.
-, illicit trade with, 155, 168, 268.
-, West Indian Islands of, 218, 268, 464.
Derbyshire, England, 85.
Derbyshire, Captain, of Jenny, 13, 16, 232.
Dernier, M. du, 162.
Desherbiers, M., Governor of Louisbourg, 303.
Dick, John, merchant, attends Board, 88, 247–8, 261–2, 384.
-, -, letters from, 42, 57, 60, 62–3, 70–2, 76, 80–2, 93, 96, 99, 112, 121, 163–4, 167, 173, 175, 183–4, 186, 194, 202, 204, 209–10, 221, 280, 310, 320–1, 324–5, 340, 381–3.
-, -, letters to, 76, 80–1, 93, 157, 175, 187, 245, 375, 381.
-, -, his accounts, 250, 303, 384.
-, -, ships chartered by, 65–6, 115.
-, -, recommendation of, 174.
-, -, complaint against, 392.
-, -, payments to, 277, 384.
Dickenson, Charles, 269.
Dinwiddie, Robert, Lt. Governor of Virginia, letters from, 290, 349, 359, 360, 383, 401–2, 404–5, 426, 451–2.
-, -, letters to, 363–4, 368, 384–5, 430–1.
-, -, proposal of, 383, 428.
Dixcove, West Africa, 20, 104, 232, 316, 420, 427, 457.
D'Obbeville, Dr. Laurence, 317.
Dobbs, Arthur, appointed Governor of North Carolina, 381–2, 390, 403.
Dominica, Windward Islands, West Indies, British claim to, 56, 85, 88.
-, French evacuation of, 60–1, 121, 184–5.
-, state of, 215.
Domo, West Africa, King of, 14.
Dorsetshire, England, 338.
Dottin, Abel, Barbados Councillor, 362, 368, 387, 390–1, 403.
Douglass, Mr., agent for St. Kitts, attends Board, 102, 240, 274–6.
Dove, Thomas, Captain, of Hound, letters from, 413, 418.
Dover, Kent, 87.
Downes, Anne, of Barbados, 332.
Downs, the, Channel, 87, 295, 419.
Drake, Captain Francis William, appointed Governor of Newfoundland and Commodore of Fishery, 36.
-, -, instructions for, 40, 55, 107, 188, 195, 198, 278, 419.
-, -, re-appointed, 278.
-, -, letters from, 154, 295, 419.
-, -, recommendation to, 202.
Drummond, Lt., on Barbados station, letters from, 61, 215.
-, -, accounts of, 215, 353.
Dublin, Ireland, 275.
Duckingfield, Robert, of Jamaica, 345, 350.
-, -, Eliza, Escourt and William, his children, 358.
Duckworth, John, surgeon, petition of, 413.
Duke, William, clerk of Barbados Assembly, 330.
Dulles, Godevridus, 122. Cf. Dellius.
Dummer, Jeremiah, 58.
Dunbar, Charles, Antigua Councillor, petition of, 414.
-, -, resignation of, 456, 459, 462.
Duncomb, Nehemiah, proposed for Bahamas Council, 457, 459, 462.
Duncos, West Africa, 18.
Dunk, George, Earl of Halifax, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, attends Board, 1 et passim.
-, -, re-appointed, 262.
-, -, communications from, 72, 124, 404.
-, -, letters to, 114, 290, 318–9, 355.
-, -, petition to, 77.
-, -, recommendation by, 158.
Dupplin, Viscount. See Hay.
Duquesne, M. le Marquis, Governor of Canada, letters from, 399, 442.
Durand, Monsieur, memorial of, 119–20, 123.
Dutch, the. See under Holland.
East India Company, exports of, 150, 230–1, 387, 464.
-, -, goods, 17, 20.
-, -, -, illegal trade in, 119, 124, 132, 137.
Easter, Christopher, 154.
Ebenezer, Georgia, 218.
Ebors, West Africa, 20–1.
Edenton, North Carolina, 91, 128, 176–9, 297.
Edgcumbe County, North Carolina, 177.
Edinburgh, Scotland, 68, 84.
Elizabeth City, county (Virginia), 201.
Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, 285, 340, 349.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, patents granted by, 66.
-, -, penal laws of, 241.
Elmina, Lamine, La Mine, West Africa, 286, 316, 324, 420.
Emmerich, Emmerick, Holland, 71.
Empress. See Maria Theresa.
Emra, James, Treasurer of Nevis, 140.
English Harbour, Antigua, 215.
Ensenada, Marquis de, Viceroy of Mexico, 296.
Erellius,? Crellius, M., 175.
Eskimeaux Indians, North America, 299.
Essequibo, Guiana, 439.
Eustatia or St. Eustatia, Dutch West Indies, 129–32, 135.
Evans, Mr., 424.
Ewer, Mr., 295.
Exeter, Devonshire, 386.
Eyre, Mr., solicitor for Colonel King, 394.
-, -, attends Board, 395.
Fairbanks, Joseph, 216.
Fairfax County, Virginia, 200.
Falkingham, Captain, 91, 215.
Fane, Francis, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 1.
-, -, attends Board, 1 et passim.
-, -, re-appointed, 262.
-, Mr., attends Board, 4–11.
Fantees, West Africa, laws of, 445.
-, relations with, 272, 319, 322, 326.
-, trade with, 259–60.
-, treaty with, 232, 407, 409.
-, King of. See Corrantee.
Ferdinand VI, King of Spain, 318.
Ferryland, Newfoundland, 37.
Fielding, Mr., 114.
Fillis, John, 216.
Five Nations (Iroquois) Indians, consisting of Cayugas, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas and Sinnekas, q.v.
-, intrigues of French with, 262.
-, presents for, 453.
-, territory of, 59, 122.
-, wars of, 118.
-, And see under Six Nations.
Flanders, trade with, 280.
Flatts Bridge, Bermuda, 294.
Fleming, General, Lt. Governor of Leeward Islands, attends Board, 59, 464.
-, -, leave of absence for, 317, 319, 324, 357.
-, -, letters from, 97–9, 167–8, 187, 196–7, 209, 226–7, 231, 340, 360, 363, 369, 410, 415, 439–40.
-, -, letters to, 104, 108, 173, 193, 209, 222–3, 227, 253, 256, 292.
-, -, compensation for, 112, 118, 124, 196.
-, Gilbert Fane, St. Kitts Councillor, leave of absence for, 317, 319, 324, 357.
Flushing, Long Island, New York, 452.
Fonseca Island, [now Amapala], Central America, grant of, 66.
Forbes, Mr., Provost Marshal of Jamaica, 370.
-, -, attends Board, 387, 389.
-, George, of Bermuda, 136.
-, -, proposed for Bermuda Council, 293, 320, 324, 357.
Fordham, Benjamin, of North Carolina, 173.
Forester, Forrester, Mr., counsel, attends Board, 143–6, 237–41, 358–9, 428.
Fort Dummer, New England, 362–4.
Fort Frederick, New York, 381.
Fort George (or St. George), New York, 45–6, 75, 90, 117, 122, 355, 382.
Fort Johnson, South Carolina, 408.
Fort la Tour, Nova Scotia, 59.
Fort Niagara, New York, 45.
Foster, Francis, of North Carolina, 178.
-, Captain, 74.
-, Mr., 424.
Fox, Rt. Hon. Henry, Secretary at War, attends Board, 38–42, 153, 334–5.
-, -, letters from, 187, 392, 410.
-, -, letter to, 382.
France, 49.
King of. See Louis XV.
African settlements of, 94, 259, 271–3, 319, 327–8.
boundaries, negotiations with, concerning American, 55–6, 85–9, 93–6, 107, 111, 123, 147, 224, 295, 297, 391.
coral trade in Mediterranean, 203–4, 206.
exchange of prisoners with, 64.
frigate in West Indies, 76.
Indians, relations with, 65, 82, 90, 97, 148, 262, 335, 401, 449–50.
indigo trade of, 212, 271.
Neutral Islands, in West Indies, evacuation of, 35–6, 60–1, 121, 167, 182, 184–6, 205, 215, 218, 222, 402.
New York, threats to, 45, 156, 167, 258.
North American mainland, encroachments in, 207, 451–2.
Nova Scotia, proceedings in, 2, 4, 38, 77, 80, 154–5, 227, 353, 443, 461–2.
privateering against, 318.
protestant refugees from. 42–3, 46–8, 50–1, 72.
slave trade in West Africa, rivalry with, 4–6, 10–11, 13, 17–20, 25–7, 29, 32, 34, 259, 271, 445, 450.
treaty with, 408.
West Indies, part of, referred to, 165.
-, proposed sale of, 168.
-, threats to, from, 239, 311, 439.
-, trade illicit, with Sugar Islands of, 49, 103, 105, 111, 123, 128–39, 152, 155, 168, 190–1, 271, 393.
Francis, Thomas, master of Pearl, 210, 340.
Franco, Mr., Barbary merchant, attends Board, 203–4, 206–7.
Frankfort on Main, Germany, 174–5.
Franks, Mr., merchant of Philadelphia, 228, 256.
Fraser, Mr., Collector of Customs in New Jersey, 182.
Frederica, Georgia, 438.
Frederick V, King of Denmark, 218, 464.
Frederick II, King of Prussia, his envoy, 396.
Frederick, Prince of Wales, demise of reported, 197, 233.
-, Charles, of Board of Ordnance, 162.
Frederick County, Virginia, 201.
Freeman, William George, 281.
Frye, George, Councillor in Montserrat, protest of, 59.
Frye, Mr., agent for St. Kitts, attends Board, 102.
Fundy Bay or Bay Françoise, Nova Scotia, 58.
Furnell, Peter, of Jamaica, 140.
-, Richard, his son, 140, 160.
Gains, Bernard, of Virginia, 141.
Gale, Isaac, Jamaica Councillor, deceased, 84.
-, John, Jamaica Councillor, deceased, 84.
Galiardye, Mr., 71.
Gallotta Island, Tunis, 203, 206.
Galway, Anne, of St. Kitts, 47.
Gambia River, West Africa, 15, 21, 26, 33, 94, 251, 367–8, 431, 440, 444.
Gambier, John, proposed for Bahamas Council, 427, 429, 436.
Gansevoort. See Gensevort.
Gardiner, John Smallman, 438.
Garland, David, of Virginia, 446, 456.
Gellibrand, Mr., Deputy Secretary to Board, instructions for, 67.
-, -, letter to, 150.
Geneva, Switzerland, 60.
Genoa, Italy, 49, 203, 206.
Gensevort, Gansevoort (or Grainvort), Harme, clerk to Council at Albany, 351, 411.
George, Prince, grandson of King George II, appointed Prince of Wales, 197.
George Island, Nova Scotia, 117, 300.
-, Sierra Leone, 335–6, 344.
Georgia, North America, 448.
Secretary to Trustees. See Martyn.
Accountant. See Verelst.
agent. See Gray, Martyn.
Acts in, 124, 164, 170, 219.
Council of, 341.
-, members of, 446.
Assembly of, 212–3, 350.
accounts in, 212–3, 397, 400, 437, 466.
agent's memorial, 409, 411.
boundaries of, 212–3.
census of, 211.
charter, surrender of, 214, 273, 284, 286, 291, 356, 399–400.
constitution proposed for, 212, 368, 376–7, 379, 417–9, 422, 424, 430–1, 437.
exports to, 334, 367.
Indians in, 212–3, 334–5, 384, 408.
indigo industry, 212.
inhabitants' petition, 438.
negro slaves in, 124, 165, 209, 218–9, 222–3, 243.
officers, appointment of, 341, 345, 378, 411.
-, salary for, 398.
settlers for, 218.
silk industry, 212–3, 333–4, 341–3, 377, 386, 393, 396.
South Carolina, annexation to, resisted, 243–4.
state of, 211–2, 350–2, 381, 384, 445–6.
Trustees' memorial, 197, 209, 218–9, 222–3, 243, 273, 284, 286.
vessels cleared in, 446.
Germain, Father, Jesuit priest, of Nova Scotia, 466.
Germany, King's return from his dominions in, 123.
-, protestant settlers from, 65, 82, 183, 210–1, 247, 374, 392.
-, trade with, 280.
Gerrish, B., letters from, 260–1.
Gibbes, Sarah, of Barbados, 331.
Gibraltar, Spain, 34, 206.
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 66.
Gildart, Alderman, 19.
Gilman, Major Ezekiel, of New Hampshire, memorial of, 3, 38.
Gimsick, Nova Scotia, 59.
Glasgow, Scotland, 15, 25.
Glen, James, Governor of South Carolina, letters from, 63–4, 66, 108, 110–1, 118, 126, 136, 181, 183, 221, 280–2, 341–2, 356, 361, 364, 375–6, 407–9, 465.
-, -, letters to, 111–2, 120, 407, 452.
-, -, complaints of his conduct, 280–2, 292.
Gloucester County, Virginia, 246.
Goadby, Mr., attends Board, 329.
Goatley, Captain, attends Board, 206–7.
Gold Coast, West Africa, 17, 427, 438.
-, negro slaves from, 5–10, 12–16, 18–21, 23–35, 155.
-, forts built on, 259–60.
Gooch, Sir William, Lt. Governor of Virginia, attends Board, 99.
-, -, letter from, 67.
-, -, suspension of Councillors by, 35.
Goochland County, Virginia, 199–200.
Goodwin, John, of Barbados, 336.
Gordon, Alexander, Deputy Clerk of South Carolina Council, petition of, 121–2.
-, Mr., H.M. Consul at Tunis, 186.
Gore, Mr., attends Board, 274–6.
Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, 58.
Gorham, Captain John, 216, 227, 301.
Gorham's Point, Nova Scotia, 115.
Gosport, Hants, 202, 204, 381.
Gother, Anthony, master of Penelope, 217.
Gould, King, agent to Col. Cornwallis' regiment, 153, 161, 207.
-, -, letters from, 413, 418.
-, -, memorial of, 404, 411.
-, Thomas, of New Jersey, 75.
Gounon, Pierre, 465.
Graeme, David, of South Carolina, 356.
-, James, Chief Justice and Councillor in South Carolina, 127, 136, 160.
-, -, demise of, reported, 376, 379, 382.
-, James, of Barbados, 337.
Graham, Abraham, 438.
-, Alexander, 438.
-, Thomas, Receiver General of Jamaica, petition of, 385, 446, 448.
Grainvoort, Mr., town clerk of Albany, 346. Cf. Gensevort.
Granada, Central America, 296.
Grand Fountaine, the, 59.
Grant, Alexander, 120, 349–50.
-, John, 216.
-, Patrick, 120, 350.
-, William, advocate for Scotland, 68, 84.
-, Mr., merchant, 335–6.
Gravesend, Kent, 62, 79.
Gray, Sir James, letter from, 173.
-, Mr., agent for Georgia Assembly, attends Board, 350–2, 376–7, 409, 411.
-, -, letter from, 368.
-, Mr., 77.
-, -, evidence of, 132–3.
Great Mountains (Alleghanies), Virginia, 199.
Green, Benjamen, Naval Judge of Admiralty Court, Secretary and Councillor in Nova Scotia, 250, 315, 352, 422.
Greene, Mr., Governor of Rhode Island, letters from, 169, 182.
Gregory, Mr., evidence of, 21.
Grenville, George, Lord of Treasury, 95.
-, Henry, Governor of Barbados, letters from, 35–6, 60–1, 66, 76–7, 83–4, 89, 91, 105, 121, 128, 136–7, 151–2, 184–6, 188, 192, 215, 217, 233–4, 244, 263–4, 353–4, 402, 405, 439–40.
-, -, letters to, 37, 76, 92, 137, 184–5, 188, 192, 215, 222–3, 263.
-, -, leave of absence for, 446, 448, 450.
-, James, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 1.
-, -, attends Board, 1 et passim.
-, -, re-appointed, 262.
-, -, instructions for, 400.
-, -, recommendation by, 459.
Grey, Mr., evidence of, 8, 13.
Grosset, Mr., Jersey merchant, letter to, 48.
Guatemala, Central America, 444.
Guinaboa, Jamaica, 372.
Guinea Coast, West Africa, 457.
Gunter, Thomas, Treasurer of Nova Scotia, accounts of, 155, 216–7.
Gybbon, John, Barbados Councillor, 362, 368, 387, 390–1, 403.
Habersham, Habershaw, Mr., merchant in Georgia, 212, 334, 341, 381, 384, 408.
Hackett, John, of New Jersey, 75.
Hague, the, Holland, 167, 170, 174, 418, 421.
Halhead, Robert, of Jamaica, 447, 450, 456.
-, Susanna, 447.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2–4, 62–5, 73–4, 80, 82, 88, 92–3, 96, 106, 112–3, 115–7, 124, 127, 153–5, 160, 168, 182, 194, 204, 210, 219, 227–8, 245, 248, 250, 252–3, 260, 277, 295, 301, 321, 324–5, 344, 353, 369, 374–5, 381–2, 392, 399, 405, 408, 410, 413, 422–4, 426, 428, 442, 453, 461, 463.
Halifax, Earl of. See Dunk.
Hall, Enock, Chief Justice of North Carolina, 385.
Halse, Francis Sadler, of Jamaica, 372.
Hamilton, David, 437.
-, James, Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, letters from, 45, 90, 140, 150, 207, 217, 220, 258, 449, 451.
-, -, letters to, 45, 449, 451–2.
-, Lt. John, 65.
-, Otho, Lt. Governor of Pleacentia, letters from, 37, 298.
-, Robert, master of Murdoch, 210.
-, Lt. William, 65.
Hammersley, Hamersley, Mr., solicitor, attends Board as agent for Mr. Braithwaite, 112, 230, 325, 330–3, 336–8.
-, -, -, for Lord Baltimore, 348, 412.
Hammerton, John, Secretary of South Carolina, 121.
-, -, petition of, 351.
Hampshire, England, 329.
Hanbury, John, Virginia merchant, attends Board, 230, 233, 290.
-, T., merchant to Labrador, attends Board, 299, 304–5.
Hancock, Thomas, contractor of Boston, 80, 92, 399, 461.
Handfield, Captain, letters from, 65, 466.
Hantah, West Africa, 326.
Harcourt, Simon, Earl of, attends Board, 287–89.
Harding, Nicholas, Secretary to Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, letters from, 386, 400.
Hardman, Mr., attends Board, 4–11.
-, -, evidence of, 11, 15–9, 22–3, 25–7, 34.
Harman, Mr., attends Board, 4–11.
-, -, evidence of, 23–4.
Harris, Giles, 216.
Hassell, James, proposed for North Carolina Council, 297.
Hatchett, John, of New Jersey, 53.
Hay, Thomas, Viscount Dupplin, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 1.
-, -, attends Board, 1 et passim.
-, -, re-appointed, 262.
-, -, letters to, 93, 107.
-, -, recommendation by, 67, 72.
-, -, instructions for, 458.
Hayes, Mrs., evidence of, 73–4.
-, Mr., 73.
Hayward, Mr., of Bermuda, 452.
Heidelberg, Germany, 310.
Helvoet Roads, Holland, 320–1.
Hendrick, Indian Sachem, 75.
Henley, Mr., counsel, attends Board, 330–3, 336–8, 358–9, 420, 426, 428.
Henrico County, Virginia, 200.
Henry IV, King of France, grant by, 58.
Herbert, Robert, Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 1.
-, -, attends Board, 43 et passim.
-, Joseph, Nevis Councillor, 145, 360.
Heredia, Brigadier, letters from, 295–6.
Hereford, England, 337.
Herring, Henry, attends Board, 329.
Herritage, William, of North Carolina, 178.
Heyliger, Mr., owner of Nancy, attends Board, 62–3, 71–2, 79–80, 87.
-, -, letter from, 62.
-, -, contract with, 157.
Heysham, Mr., memorial of, 330.
Hilhous, Abraham, James, attends Board for Bristol merchants, 259.
Hill, Benjamin, of North Carolina, 179, 215.
-, Thomas, Secretary to the Board, 430.
-, -, letters from, 70, 89, 147, 169, 195, 225, 231, 296–7, 351, 383, 400, 417.
-, -, letters to, 38–9, 48, 57, 62, 68, 76, 80–3, 89, 91, 94, 150, 153, 165, 167, 174–5, 182–4, 194–5, 202, 225, 231, 269, 277, 319, 361, 364–6, 383, 402.
-, Captain, evidence of, 9–11, 20, 24, 29.
Hinson, Major, of Bermuda, 294.
Hispaniola, West Indies, [now Santo Domingo, q.v.], 21, 129–30.
Hobart, John, Earl of Buckingham shire, attends Board, 287–9.
Hodgson, Captain, letters from, 444.
Holburne, Commodore, on Barbados station, commission to, 36.
-, -, letters from, 61, 76, 184–5.
-, -, letters to, 128, 215.
Holdernesse, Earl of. See Darcy.
Holland, the Dutch, 65, 88, 100, 104, 115, 121, 262.
African slave trade, rivalry with, 4–5, 9, 13–4, 20, 25, 34, 272–3, 286.
Africa, behaviour of, in, 232, 316, 321, 324, 326, 339, 342, 348, 352, 420–1, 427–8, 445.
-, West African Company, 339, 418.
West Indies, illicit trade with, 129–32, 137, 155, 168, 190–1, 268, 389.
-, sale of Islands in, proposed, 168.
-, settlements in, 439.
imports via, 17.
States General, treaty with, 280.
bond to government re protestant settlers, 247; and see under Dick, Rotterdam.
Dutch churches in plantations, 468.
Holland, Edward, proposed for New York Council, 57, 106.
-, -, affidavit of, 411.
Hollier, William, Secretary to Committee of African merchants, attends Board, 232, 251, 260, 269, 318–9, 321–2, 431–2, 441.
-, -, letters from, 160–1, 181, 217, 286, 316, 320.
-, -, letters to, 355, 367–8.
Holligen, Elizabeth, of Barbados, 332.
Holmes, Isaac, proposed for South Carolina Council, 218, 279.
-, -, demise of, reported, 379.
Holmes, Captain, 129.
Homer, John, 216.
Hop, Adrian, of Amsterdam, 135.
-, Thomas, of Amsterdam, 135.
Hopson, Col. Peregrine Thomas, 333, 381.
-, -, appointed Governor of Nova Scotia, 291, 356.
-, -, instructions for, 300–3, 305, 413.
-, -, attends Board, 300–3, 314–5.
-, -, letters from, 374–6, 378, 380, 399, 406, 408, 417, 422–4, 421, 442–3, 453, 460–2.
-, -, letters to, 378–9, 382, 397, 408, 445.
-, -, regiment of, 445, 461, 463.
-, -, bills drawn by, 461.
-, -, absence of, 463.
-, -, accounts transmitted by, 463.
Horsmanden, Mr., of New York, 150.
Houssan, Dr., 208.
Howe, Captain, of Glory, 316, 420.
Howel, Howell, John, Bahamas Councillor, deceased, 323, 339.
Hudson's Bay Company, 89, 107, 299–300, 343, 345, 351.
-, Straits, Canada, 299.
Huey, Rev. Mr., 48.
Hughes, Capt., evidence of, 19, 129–30, 135–6.
Hume, Benjamen, Receiver General of Jamaica, 191.
Hungary, trade with, 280.
-, Queen of. See Maria Theresa.
Hunter, George, of South Carolina, 408.
-, Robert, ex-Governor of New York and New Jersey, 434–5.
Hunterton County, New Jersey, 265.
Hunting Creek Warehouse, Virginia, 200.
Hurd, Jacob, 261.
Husbands, Samuel, proposed, for Bar bados Council, 54.
-, William, Councillor at Cape Coast Castle, letters from, 104, 318.
-, -, complaint of his conduct, 326.
Huske, General, letter from, 72.
Hutchinson, Shrimpton, 216.
Indians, of North America:
affairs of, 83, 383–4, 453, 466.
aggressions on, 426.
Canada, prisoners in, 46, 90.
forts built among, 361.
French intrigues with, 82, 97, 401, 449–51.
hunting grounds of, 213.
interviews with, 334, 467–8.
lands of, to be purchased, 285.
letters to, 451–2.
missionaries among, 440, 451.
numbers of Far Off Indians, 46.
peace concluded with, 399.
presents for, 213, 277–8, 280–2, 290, 292, 334–5, 364, 366, 401–2, 405–6, 408, 428, 442, 447–8, 453.
prisoner taken by, 460.
raids by, 80, 378, 380, 443, 449–50.
slave trade, suggestion, 32.
trade with, 214, 284, 392, 395, 406–7.
wars of, 214, 299.
-, See Catawbas, Cayugas, Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, Eskimeaux, Five Nations, Mickmacks, Missisagees, Mohawks, Nottoways, Ohios, Onondagas, Pamunkeys, Penobscots, Piets, Sinnekas, Six Nations and Windaws.
Inman, Ralph, 216.
Innes, James, proposed, for North Carolina Council, 297.
Customs House duties paid, in, 463–4.
provisions sent from, 73, 245, 254.
rum imported into, 132.
sugar imported into, 268, 274–6.
transports from, 116.
Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 200–1.
Italy, trade with, 47–9. See also Genoa, Venice.
Jackson, Mr., 216–7, 277.
Jaffry, Jaffray, George, New Hampshire Councillor, deceased, 352, 358.
Jamaica, West Indies, 8, 50, 323, 419, 421, 424, 440.
Governor. See Knowles, Trelawney.
Secretary. See Moore, Williams.
agent. See Sharpe.
Acts in, 51, 83, 89, 107, 109, 110, 140–1, 160, 188–92, 194, 196, 225, 241, 246, 278–9, 310–3, 357–8, 362–3, 370–3, 376, 385, 387, 389–90, 395, 403, 417, 446–51, 456, 460.
Council, 49, 54, 83–4, 94, 107, 163, 190, 296, 363, 371, 394, 398, 449, 459, 462.
-, minutes of, 83, 225, 362, 417.
-, members. See Archbould, Concannen, Gale, Long, Manning, Moore, Needham, Palmer, Pinnock, Roden.
Assembly, 47, 49, 51, 83, 128, 163–4, 189–90, 192–3, 225, 235, 296, 308, 310, 371, 373, 398, 448–9.
-, minutes of, 362, 417.
absentees in, 55, 304, 308, 310–3.
civil government in, 83.
courts in, 371.
drainage of country, 163, 185, 187–8, 278.
duties in, 190–1, 373.
exports to, 391–2.
flour in, 129.
French, threats from, 311, 439.
fortifications of, 372–3.
Governor, appointment of, 296, 356.
-, arrival of, 364.
-, instructions for, 304, 316, 320–1.
horses in, 372.
hurricane in, 296.
judges in, 362, 371, 448–9.
naturalizations in, 54, 67, 106, 225–6, 294, 345, 350, 447.
negro slaves, proposed treatment of, 189.
-, rebellion referred to, 310.
-, runaway, 225, 449.
negro trade, 11–5, 20–1, 27–8, 33, 47, 372.
ordnance stores in, 393–4, 396–7, 458–9.
Provost marshall in, 387, 389.
Receiver General in, 446, 448.
revenue of, 458.
rum and molasses from, 119, 132–3, 191.
settlement of, 134, 137, 165, 189, 192–3, 296, 311, 313, 363, 371, 444–5, 449, 458; and see Mosquito.
Spaniards, threats from, 311, 398, 439.
standing army in, 190–1, 372–3, 449.
state of, 297, 323, 363, 393, 397, 439.
sugar canes in, 192, 409.
tonnage to, 392, 400.
trade, clandestine, 393.
vessels cleared in, 396, 410, 458.
James, Duke of York (afterwards King James II), grant to, 122.
James III, the "Pretender," referred to, 237.
James Fort, Gambia, 94, 231, 367–8, 431, 440, 444.
-, Accra, 421.
Janssen, Alderman, letters from, 81, 86.
Jenner, James, Bahamas Councillor, deceased, 436.
Jennings, Mr., Secretary of Maryland, letter from, 54.
Jephson, Thurston, 216.
Jersey, Earl of. See Villiers.
Jersey, Channel Islands, French Protestants in, 42–3, 46, 48, 50–1, 72.
Jessop, Edward, St. Kitts ex-Councillor, petition of, 414.
Joddrell, Mr., counsel, 163, 174.
-, -, attends Board, 170–3, 176–9.
Johonnot, Andrew, 216.
Johnson, George, of North Carolina, 173.
-, Colonel William, letters from, 45–6, 75, 97, 139, 156, 167, 258, 449, 452, 467–8.
-, -, letters to, 139, 449.
-, -, proposed for New York Council, 41, 46, 57, 106.
Johnston, Gabriel, Governor of North Carolina, 68, 163.
-, -, letters from, 91, 108, 128, 150, 172, 194, 221, 297.
-, -, letters to, 92, 414.
-, -, complaints of his conduct, 108–9, 170–3, 177–9, 192, 202, 205–6, 208, 210, 215.
-, -, demise of, reported, 380–2, 390.
-, James, master of Elizabeth, 135.
Jones, Francis, President of Bermuda Council, 136.
-, -, letters from, 343, 452.
-, Ichabod, 216.
-, Thomas, proposed for Bermuda Council, 397, 401, 429.
Jonquiére, M. de la, Governor of Canada, letters from, 2, 258.
Jordan, Jordon, Edward, proposed for Barbados Council, 455, 459, 462.
-, William, of Virginia, 141, 160.
Kellogg, Martin, pilot, 39.
Kennebeck River, Nova Scotia, 58.
Kennoway, Charles, mate of Anne, 221.
Kent, England, 329.
Keppel, Commodore, 186, 203.
Kilby, Christopher, agent for Nova Scotia, attends Board, 43, 63, 71–2, 74, 81, 87, 95, 117, 141–2, 156, 159, 161, 183–4, 207, 216–7, 244, 314–5, 355, 378–9, 387, 424, 426, 437, 463, 466.
-, -, attendance requested, 155, 157, 411, 462.
-, -, instructions for, 48, 70, 79–80, 93, 95, 124, 162, 182, 217, 221, 227, 379, 392, 425.
-, -, letter from, 204–5.
-, -, letters to, 112, 204, 344, 386, 404.
-, -, bills drawn on, 121, 127, 154, 182, 207, 216–7, 219–20, 249–50, 277, 295, 303, 317, 352, 384, 399, 422, 461.
-, -, memorials of, 224, 304, 317, 323, 411, 415, 454.
-, -, reports of, 413, 417, 424, 463.
King, Benjamen, Antigua Councillor, suspension of, 53–4.
-, -, petition of, 394–5, 403, 405.
-, George, gunner on Rainbow, 292.
Kingsale, Montserrat, 236.
Kingslaugh, Mr., of Nova Scotia, attends Board, 4, 63, 70–1, 79–80.
-, -, letter from, 87.
Kingston, Jamaica, 109, 140, 156, 191, 363, 410, 458.
Kinselagh, Mr., letter from, 87.
Kite, Mr., attends Board, 329.
Knowles, Admiral Charles, attends Board, 129–32, 135, 259, 263.
-, -, attendance requested, 262.
-, -, appointed Governor of Jamaica, 296, 356, 396.
-, -, instructions for, 296, 313, 316–9, 356, 385.
-, -, arrival of, 364.
-, -, complaint against, 458.
-, -, letters from, 364, 393–4, 410, 417, 419, 439–40, 444, 458–60.
-, -, letters to, 320, 323, 373, 395, 397, 420–1, 424, 444, 460.
Labrador or New Britain, North America, proposed trade, with, 299–300, 304–5, 316, 326, 343, 345, 348, 351–2, 384.
Lacadie. See Nova Scotia.
Lamb, Matthew, councillor at law to Board, Acts sent to, 44 et passim.
-, -, reports of, 47, 52, 82, 89, 108–10, 140–1, 164, 172, 181, 188, 191, 193, 195, 245–6, 320, 344–5, 370, 396, 410, 446–7, 450, 460.
-, -, attendance requested, 82, 98.
-, -, indisposition of, 85, 99.
-, -, letter to, 362.
Lamine, La Mine. See Elmina.
Lancaster, England, ships of, 15, 22, 25.
Lancey. See Delancy.
Lascelles, Mr., owner of Speedwell, 7–8, 24.
La Tour, Sir Charles St. Stephen, Lord of, 58.
Laroche, Mr., 343.
Lately, George, master of Damsell, 461.
Lavington, William, Chief Justice of Antigua, 53–4.
Law, Laws, Mr., agent for Mr. Towns hend, attends Board, 72–3, 224–5.
Lawrence, John, Commander of Rainbow, 292.
Lawrence, Major, afterwards Lt. Col., 92, 111.
-, -, Commander in Chief in Nova Scotia and President of Council, 463.
Lawrie, Robert, agent at Gambia, 232, 431.
Lawrie, Lt., 296.
Lawson, Captain, of snow Phoebe, 16.
Le Cras, Captain, 96.
Lee, Sir George, attends Board, 287–9.
-, Colonel Thomas, President of Virginia Council and interim Governor, letters from, 35, 37, 67, 82–4, 92, 97–8, 110, 147–9.
-, -, letters to, 38, 92, 98–9.
-, -, demise of, reported, 152, 174, 197.
-, Thomas, proposed for Montserrat Council, 160.
Leeds Town, Virginia, 200.
Lees, Thomas, attends Board, 416.
Leeward Coast, West Africa, 10, 28.
Leeward Islands, West Indies, 20–1, 23, 26–8, 35, 59, 131, 140, 281, 297, 347, 369, 458, 465.
Governor. See Matthew, Thomas.
Lt. Governor. See Fleming.
Acts in, 101, 237, 241, 253, 257, 311–3, 360.
Councillors, suspension of, 53–4.
-, leave of absence for, 317, 319, 324.
Assemblies in, 237, 240.
enemy depredations in, 112.
Government, devolution of, 197–8.
-, difficulties of, 340.
Governor, embarkation of, 304.
-, demise of, reported, 363.
-, instructions for, 108, 150–1, 197–8, 305, 311–2, 321, 406, 408, 411–2, 415, 429, 436, 455.
iron mills in, 167–8.
lawsuits in, 394–5, 403, 405.
negro slaves, statistics in, 35.
officers in, 102–5, 143–5, 150–1.
Receiver General in, 416.
Roman Catholics in, 239; and see Montserrat, Nevis.
slaves, fugitive in, 196, 282–3, 286, 290–1, 439.
Spaniards, robberies from, 168.
Squadron at, 129.
state of, 305, 464.
taxation of public bills in, 226.
And see Antigua, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Christopher's and the Virgin Islands.
Leghorn, Italy, 48, 203.
Leheup, Mr., agent for Virginia, attends Board, 152, 233, 388.
Leigh, Peter, appointed Chief Justice of South Carolina, 382, 392.
Lekeux, Mr., attendance requested, 49.
-, -, attends Board, 51.
Le Loutre, missionary priest, 65.
Leogan [Haiti], 130, 136.
Levant, the, quarantine for, 244.
Leveret, Captain, 59.
Leveson Gower, Richard, Secretary to the Lords Justices, letters from, 79, 87–8.
Levy, Mr., 216, 228, 256.
Lewis, Mr., letter from, 444.
-, Mrs., evidence of, 77–8.
Ligny, M. Hurault de, 91, 121.
Ligonier, Sir John, attends Board, 287–89.
Liguanea, Jamaica, 363.
Lilly, Moses, protest of, 156.
Lindesay, Lt., 258.
Lisbon, Portugal, 268, 274–5.
Little, Major Otis, Commissary of Stores in Nova Scotia, accounts of, 375.
-, -, letter from, 112.
-, -, suspension of, 249.
Littlepage, Richard, of Virginia, 199.
Liverpool, merchants of, 1, 4, 6, 8–12, 15, 17–20, 22–5, 27–30, 32–3, 35, 40, 230, 233, 259, 432, 437–8, 441.
Livingston, Mr., Councillor of New York, demise of, reported, 41, 46, 57, 106.
-, -, town clerk of Albany, 346.
Lloyd, Mr., Trustee of Georgia, attends Board, 342.
Lock Island, more probably Block Island off Rhode Island, 136.
Logs Town, Virginia, 402.
Lomellini family, of Genoa, 203.
London, 9, 14, 47, 120, 290, 409, 444.
-, bishop of, 192.
-, merchants of, 1, 4, 6, 11, 15, 19, 22, 24–5, 27, 32–3, 103, 182, 202, 233, 259, 283, 304, 335, 349, 411.
-, places:
Cockpit (in Treasury), 175.
Doctors' Commons, 389.
Lincoln's Inn Fields, 337, 348.
Middle Temple, 371.
Minories, 77.
New Broad Street, 160.
Rolls Chapel, Chancery Lane, 66.
Whitehall, 95.
Londonderry, New Hampshire, 186.
Long Island, New York, 452.
Long, Samuel, proposed, for Jamaica Council, 54.
-, Mr., attends Board, 274–6.
Long Reach, Thames Estuary, 154.
Lonus, John, of Halifax, memorial of, 413.
Losack, Col., Speaker of St. Kitts Assembly, 209.
Louisbourg, Cape Breton, 3–4, 40, 227, 250, 302–3, 374, 378, 399, 443.
Louis XV, King of France, 318.
Louisiana, North America, 64.
-, Governor of. See Vaudreville.
Loveit, Richard, of North Carolina, 178.
Lovick, Thomas, of North Carolina, 173.
Luard, Peter Ab., attends Board, 416.
Lucca, Italy, 444.
Ludwell, Col. Philip, 175.
-, -, proposed for Virginia Council, 99, 152, 197.
Lugmen, Captain, evidence of, 19–20.
Lunenberg, Nova Scotia, 461.
Lunenburg County, Virginia, 201.
-, parish, Virginia, 141.
Luther, Edward, proposed for Montserrat Council, 104, 160.
Lydius, Major H., 65, 75, 86.
Lyons, France, 135.