Pages 157-165
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 9, January 1750 - December 1753. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1932.
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Journal, February 1751
Friday, February 1. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
Their lordships took into consideration Monsieur du Pasquier's
proposals for introducing 300 Swiss into Nova Scotia, and Monsieur
du Pasquier attending, the following particulars were proposed
and agreed to by him, viz.:—
That the expences of his journey to Neufchatel should be
That the 300 Swiss, or such a number as he should be able to
obtain, shall be assembled at Neufchatel and depart from
thence for Rotterdam on the……
That he should be allowed £3 per head for every Swiss which
should depart from Neufchatel, to be paid to him on the
day of their departure for the expences of their passage to
That a ship should be ready to receive them on their arrival
at Rotterdam.
Monsieur du Pasquier being withdrawn, their lordships agreed
that it would be necessary to send some discreet person with
proper instructions to be not only an assistant but a check upon
the proceedings of Monsieur du Pasquier in this affair; whereupon
the Earl of Halifax recommended Monsieur Robert, a Swiss, for
this service, and Monsieur Robert having been called in, their
lordships agreed with him to undertake this service upon the
following terms, viz.:—
That money should be advanced to him for defraying his
own and Monsieur du Pasquier's journey to Neufchatel.
That he should be allowed 5s. per day during his residence
there and have a reward proportionable to his service upon
his return.
Ordered that a draught of instructions for Monsieur Robert be drawn up, and that a copy of du Pasquier's proposals be annexed thereto.
Monday, February 4. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
The draught of instructions for Monsieur Robert, appointed by the Board to accompany Monsieur du Pasquier into Switzerland to aid and assist him in the execution of his scheme, having been prepared, was laid before the Board and agreed to, and the Secretary was directed to sign a certificate setting forth that the said Robert does act in this affair under their directions.
Tuesday, February 5. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin.
The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council upon the petition of the Council and Assembly of Antigua relating to the Court of Chancery in that island, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of the 29th of last month, was signed.
New York.
The draught of a letter to the Duke of Bedford inclosing copies of some letters and papers lately received from Mr. Clinton, Governor of New York, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 29th of last month, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
Plantations General.
Ordered that the draught of a letter to the Duke of Bedford be prepared desiring copies of such accounts of the paper currency in the several colonies, as have been transmitted to his Grace in pursuance of the resolution of the House of Commons of the 30th of May, 1749.
Nova Scotia.
Ordered that the draught of a letter to the Duke of Bedford be prepared acquainting him with what the Board have done in consequence of his Grace's letter of the 30th of January, mentioned in the minutes of the 31st of last month.
Their lordships took into consideration the memorial of Mr. Chauncy Townshend to the Lords of the Treasury, containing his proposals for victualling the settlers in Nova Scotia for the year 1751; and Mr. Townshend and Mr. Kilby attending, as desired, their lordships had some conversation with them thereupon and agreed further to consider thereof at another opportunity.
Wednesday, February 6. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
The draught of a letter to his Grace the Duke of Bedford in answer to one from his Grace, dated the 30th of January, having been prepared pursuant to the preceding day's minutes, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
Rhode Island.
The draught of a letter to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury upon the representation of the inhabitants of Rhode Island relating to the paper currency of that colony, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 16th of January last, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.
North Carolina.
Read a memorial of James Abercromby, Esquire, agent for North Carolina, to the Board, dated January 22nd, 1750–1, praying their lordships to take into consideration the Act passed in that province for the better ascertaining the number of members to be chosen for several counties, etc.
Ordered that the secretary do give notice to Mr. Abercromby and to Mr. John Sharpe, sollicitor for Mr. McCulloch, to attend the Board on Friday next at eleven o'clock.
Plantations General.
Lord Dupplin having acquainted their lordships that Mr. Aldworth, Secretary to his Grace the Duke of Bedford, had informed him that directions were given for copies of the accounts of the paper currency in the several colonies to be laid before the Board, the draught of a letter to his Grace thereupon ordered by yesterday's minutes was cancelled.
Friday, February 8. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville.
Nova Scotia.
Their lordships took into consideration Mr. Townshend's memorial to the Lords of the Treasury containing proposals for entering into contract to supply the settlers in Nova Scotia with provisions for the year 1751, and Mr. Townshend and Mr. Kilby attending, their lordships after some consideration with them thereupon ordered the draught of a letter to the Lords of the Treasury to be prepared.
North Carolina.
Mr. Abercromby, agent for the Province of North Carolina, and Mr. Sharpe, sollicitor for Mr. McCulloch, attending, as desired, their lordships appointed Thursday next for taking into consideration the petition of the inhabitants of the five northern counties against the Act for ascertaining the number of assembly men.
Monday, February 11. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin.
Nova Scotia.
The draught of a letter to the Lords of the Treasury upon Mr. Townshend's proposals for victualling the settlers in Nova Scotia for the year 1751, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of Friday last, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.
Nova Scotia.
The Secretary laid before the Board the two following papers
received by him from Nova Scotia, signed by Governor Cornwallis,
Demand for stationary ware for the use of the several works
carrying on in Nova Scotia, dated Halifax the 28th
November, 1750.
Demand for intrenching tools for the service of the settlement
in Nova Scotia, dated 28th November, 1750.
Read a letter from Mr. Hollier, Secretary to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, dated New Broad Street, January the 26th, 1750, inclosing a narrative of their proceedings from the time they were elected.
South Carolina.
Read a memorial of Thomas Stephens to the Board, dated at London, 14th January, 1750, setting forth that he has invented a method of making pot, pearl and soap ash of the waste wood in South Carolina, and praying encouragement towards establishing such a manufactury in that province.
Plantations General.
The Secretary laid before the Board the following copies of Orders of Council, viz.:—
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 21st of November,
1750, approving a representation of this Board proposing
Benjamin Walker, James Schaw, William Musgrave,
William Chambers and Edward Luther, Esquires, to be
councillors in the Island of Montserrat.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 6th of December, 1750,
directing that a new silver seal be engraved for the use of
the Colony of Virginia, the publick seal of that colony
being broken.
South Carolina.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 20th of December,
1750, approving a representation of this Board, proposing
James Graeme, Esquire, to supply a vacancy in the Council
of South Carolina by the death of John Colleton, Esquire.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 20th of December,
1750, approving a representation of this Board, proposing
the confirmation of a private Act, passed at Jamaica in
May, 1746, for naturalizing Richard Furnell.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 20th of December,
1750, approving a representation of this Board proposing
Thomas Lee and John Piper, Esquires, to be councillors
of Montserrat.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 20th of December,
1750, approving a representation of this Board proposing
the confirmation of a private Act passed at Virginia in
1749 relating to the estate of Mr. Carter Burwell.
Copy of an Order of Council, dated the 20th of December,
1750, approving a representation of this Board proposing
the confirmation of a private Act passed at Virginia in
1758 relating to William Jordan.
Tuesday, February 12. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
Read a letter from Mr. Scrope, Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, dated the 7th of February, 1750–1, inclosing a memorial of King Gould, Esquire, late agent to Colonel Cornwallis's regiment in Nova Scotia, to their lordships together with a report made by Mr. Secretary at War thereupon relating to the stoppages formerly made from the said regiment for provisions, for the consideration of this Board.
Rhode Island.
The draught of a letter to the Lords of the Treasury upon the petition of the inhabitants of Rhode Island relating to the paper currency, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of the 6th instant, was laid before the Board and signed.
Nova Scotia.
The draught of a letter to the Lords of the Treasury upon Mr. Townshend's proposals for victualling the settlers in Nova Scotia, having been transcribed pursuant to the minutes of yesterday, was laid before the Board and signed.
Mr. Kilby attending, laid before the Board a paper containing his observations upon the accounts of expenses incurred for the service of Nova Scotia, and also an abstract of the said accounts to be laid before Parliament, and their lordships took the same into consideration and after some time spent therein agreed further to consider them to-morrow morning.
Wednesday, February 13. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin.
Nova Scotia.
Their lordships made a further progress in the consideration of the accounts of expences incurred for the service of Nova Scotia and gave directions to Mr. Kilby to prepare an estimate to be laid before Parliament of what sums would be necessary for the service of the ensuing year.
Read a letter from Mr. William Hollier, Secretary to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, to the Board, dated the 8th instant, acquainting them with the proceedings and resolutions of the said committee in conjunction with the Court of Assistants of the Royal African Company.
Thursday, February 14. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Fane.
Rhode Island.
Read a letter from Mr. West, Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, dated the 13th instant, upon a letter from this Board to their Lordships on the representation of the inhabitants of Rhode Island, praying his Majesty to restrain the emission there of any more bills of publick credit, desiring the Board would consider what application would be proper to be made to Parliament for this purpose.
Mr. Sharpe, sollicitor for the inhabitants of Rhode Island, attending, was called in and it was recommended to him that a petition should be presented to Parliament in behalf of the inhabitants of Rhode Island with assurances that the Board will countenance such an application.
North Carolina.
Mr. McCulloch, agent for the inhabitants of the five northern counties of North Carolina, attending with Mr. John Sharpe, his sollicitor, and Mr. Abercromby, agent in behalf of the Governor, attending likewise with Mr. Joshua Sharpe, his sollicitor, as desired upon the reference from the Lords of the Committee of Council of the petition of the said inhabitants of the northern counties complaining of the proceedings of the said Governor in passing a law for ascertaining the number of the Assembly. Mr. Abercromby moved their lordships that he might be at liberty to be heard by counsel in answer to the said petition, whereupon their lordships appointed Wednesday next for the further consideration of this affair and both parties were desired to attend at ten o'clock.
Friday, February 15. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
Read a letter from his Grace the Duke of Bedford, dated the 13th instant, to the Board relating to Monsieur Pasquier's proposals for carrying over 300 Swiss protestants into Nova Scotia.
Ordered that Mr. Kilby do pay thirty-six guineas to Monsieur Robert to defray the charges of the journey of the said Robert, Monsieur du Pasquier and Monsieur du Dernier to Switzerland.
Monday, February 18. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
Mr. Kilby attending, their lordships made a further progress in the consideration of the accounts of expences incurred for the service of Nova Scotia.
North Carolina.
Mr. Abercromby, agent for the Governor of North Carolina, attending, acquainted their lordships that he could not be prepared to be heard before their lordships upon the petition of the inhabitants of the five northern counties on the day appointed by their lordships, whereupon their lordships fixed Friday next for taking that affair into consideration.
Tuesday, February 19. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Fane, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
Read a letter from Charles Frederick, Esquire, one of the Board
of Ordnance, to this Board, dated the 18th instant, inclosing:—
An account of sums paid by the Office of Ordnance for the
service of the new settlement in Nova Scotia.
An estimate of what will be due and demanded of the Office
of Ordnance for the service of the new settlement in Nova
Scotia, the 31st of December, 1750.
Their lordships resumed the consideration of the accounts of expences incurred for the service of Nova Scotia and agreed to the form in which they should be laid before Parliament, and directions were given for preparing them accordingly. An estimate of what sums will be necessary for the service of the ensuing year was also prepared and agreed to.
Wednesday, February 20. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Fane, Mr. Townshend.
Read a letter from the Duke of Bedford, dated the 19th instant, inclosing a copy of Mr. Attorney General's report in relation to the difficulties Consul Colebrooke complains of meeting with at Cadiz in collecting the contribution settled by the Act of Parliament in 1736 for the relief of distressed seamen, together with some letters from Mr. Colebrooke and his representation of the state of that factory with regard to this point and others of great consequence, for the consideration of this Board.
Ordered that the draught of a letter to his Grace be prepared, desiring copies of the former report of the Attorney General upon this subject referred to that now transmitted, and also his Grace's letter upon which the said report was made.
Thursday, February 21. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Fane, Mr. Townshend.
Nova Scotia.
Read a letter from Mr. Dick, merchant at Rotterdam, dated the 23rd of February, N.S., 1751, in answer to one from Mr. Hill containing the terms on which the Board is willing to contract with him for transporting 1,000 foreign protestants to Nova Scotia.
Friday, February 22. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Fane, Mr. Townshend.
The draught of a letter to the Duke of Bedford, ordered to be prepared by the minutes of Wednesday last, was agreed to, transcribed and signed.
North Carolina.
Mr. Abercromby, agent for Governor Johnston, attending as desired, with Mr. Joshua Sharpe his sollicitor, and Mr. Hume Campbell, his counsel, as also Mr. McCulloch, agent for the inhabitants of the five northern counties in North Carolina, with Mr. John Sharpe his sollicitor, on the subject of the petition of the said inhabitants of the five northern counties relative to the Act for ascertaining the number of the Assembly; Mr. Hume Campbell acquainted their lordships that although every person had a right to make out his plea in the best manner he could, yet decency and a regard to his profession would not allow him to plead in this case when the other party appeared only by his sollicitor, whereupon Mr. McCulloch acquainted their lordships that he would apply to Mr. Joddrell, who had been his counsel upon this affair before the Attorney and Sollicitor General to appear at their lordships' Board in his behalf.
Their lordships then recommended to them to agree upon a further day for hearing this affair and give them notice thereof.
Read a letter from Mr. Trelawney, Governor of Jamaica, to the Board, dated the 15th of November, 1750, relating to a proposal made to him by Mr. Price, a gentleman of a very considerable fortune in that Island, for draining and improving two morasses or lagunes now in the possession of the Crown.
Ordered that the Secretary do write to Mr. John Sharpe, agent for the Island of Jamaica, to desire his attendance at the Board on Friday next the 1st of March.
Read a letter from Mr. Trelawney, Governor of Jamaica, dated the 4th of December, 1750, inclosing copies of his speeches to the Council and Assembly of that island at the opening and proroguing the three late sessions with the Assembly's addresses to him on the same in September, October and November, 1750.
Read an Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs, dated the 7th of February, 1750, approving a report of this Board upon the petition of the Council and Assembly of Antigua relating to the Court of Chancery, and directing this Board to prepare the draught of an instruction accordingly.
Ordered that the draught of an instruction be prepared conformable to the said order and also a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council thereupon.
The Secretary laid before the Board a copy of a report of the Attorney General upon a letter from his Grace the Duke of Bedford relating to the complaints of the consul at Cadiz upon the undue execution of the Act of 1736 for levying money for the relief of distressed seamen, as also the letter of the said consul thereupon, which had been sent to him from the Duke of Bedford's office in consequence of the above mentioned letter.
Agreed that this affair be taken into consideration on Wednesday next, and that the Secretary do desire the favour of Mr. Cayley, late consul at Cadiz, to attend thereupon.
Tuesday, February 26. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Fane.
Nova Scotia.
Read a letter from Mr. Dick, merchant at Rotterdam, to Mr. Hill, dated the 2nd of March, 1751, signifying that he shall continue his endeavors to procure people for the settlement of Nova Scotia.
Read Mr. Lamb's report upon an Act prepared by the trustees for the colony of Georgia, dated the 13th December, 1750.
Ordered that the Secretary do write to Mr. Verelst, Secretary to the Trustees for Georgia, to desire his attendance at the Board on Tuesday next, the 5th of March.
The draught of an additional instruction to Mr. Mathew, Governor of the Leeward Islands, relating to the Court of Chancery in the Island of Antigua, having been prepared pursuant to the minutes of the 22nd instant, was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed, as was also the draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council thereupon.
Wednesday, February 27. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Their lordships took into consideration the letter from the Duke of Bedford referring the report of the Attorney General upon some letters from Mr. Colebrooke, Consul at Cadiz, complaining of the difficulties and obstructions he meets with in collecting the contribution for the relief of distressed seamen pursuant to the Act of 1736, and Mr. Cayley, late Consul at Cadiz, attending as desired, their lordships had some conversation with him upon the subject of the said letters and papers.
Ordered that the Secretary do write to the principal merchants trading to Cadiz to desire their attendance at the Board on Thursday sen'night the 7th of March upon the same subject.
The draught of a report to the Lords of the Committee of Council with the draught of an additional instruction to the Governor of the Leeward Islands relating to the Court of Chancery in Antigua, having been transcribed pursuant to yesterday's minutes, was laid before the Board and signed.
Plantations General.
Read a letter from Mr. Aldworth, Secretary to the Duke of Bedford to Mr. Hill, dated the 25th instant, inclosing a note given to the Duke of Bedford by the Marquis de Mirepoix, relating to the restrictions of the French part of the Island of St. Martin's pursuant to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle.
Order that the Secretary do write to Mr. Mathew, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to desire his attendance at the Board to-morrow morning upon the subject of the said paper.
Thursday, February 28. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Grenville, Lord Dupplin, Mr. Townshend.
Plantations General.
The Secretary acquainted the Board that Mr. Mathew, to whom he was directed to write to desire his attendance this day, was not in town.
Ordered that the Secretary do write to him to desire his attendance on Tuesday next.