Pages 15-17
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 7, January 1735 - December 1741. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.
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Journal, May 1735
Thursday, May 1st. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Sir A. Croft.
New England.
Stores of war demanded by the agent.
Mr. Wilks, agent for the Massachusets Bay, attending, as he had been desired, the Board took again into consideration the order of the Committee, referring an address praying for cannon, etc., read yesterday; and Mr. Wilks acquainted them that the province was not at present in a condition to supply themselves with such stores as they at present petitioned the king for; being greatly in debt on account of the great charges they had been at in their Indian wars, and in repairing and augmenting several of their forts and fortifications [fo. 57, 59].
Stores of war wanting there, considered of.
The Board then observing to Mr. Wilks, that in the reign of Queen Anne, stores had been sent to that province upon condition of their settling upon their governor an annual salary, and their rebuilding the fort at Pemaquid, neither of which conditions they had complied with; he said that although they had not rebuilt the fort at Pemaquid, yet they had been at as much charge in repairing of forts in other parts of the province, judging them more necessary for the preservation thereof [fo. 58].
Mr. Wilks being withdrawn, the Board resolved to consider further of this affair to-morrow morning.
Friday, May 2nd. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Bladen, Sir O. Bridgeman.
New England.
Stores of war wanting there.
The Board taking again into consideration the order of the Committee of Council, mentioned in yesterday's minutes, about stores of war wanting in New England, gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation thereupon [fo. 58, 61].
Nova Scotia.
Heads of enquiry.
The secretary laying before the Board the draught of heads of enquiry, ordered to be prepared the 29th of the last month for Captain Towrey, appointed commodore to the fishery at Canço, they were agreed [fo. 56].
Tuesday, May 6th. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Sir O. Bridgeman, Sir A. Croft.
New England.
Stores of war, report agreed.
A memorial from Mr. Wilks, agent for the Massachusets Bay, desiring several stores of war may be sent to the Massachusets Bay for their better security, was read; and the Board taking into consideration the draught of a representation upon this subject, ordered to be prepared at the last meeting, the same was agreed [fo. 60, 62].
Commodore to prevent damage to the harbours by ballast.
A letter from Mr. Burchet, dated May 2nd, 1735. signifying that the commodore of the Newfoundland convoy is instructed to prevent damage to the harbours by ballast being thrown into them, was read [fo. 57].
Wednesday, May 7th. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Sir O. Bridgeman. Mr. Brudenell.
New England.
Stores of war.
The representation about stores of war wanting in New England. ordered to be prepared the 2nd instant, was signed [fo. 61].
Hamburgh and Danish coin.
A letter from the Lord Harrington, dated April 4th, 1735,
inclosing the King of Denmark's reasons for insisting on the
abolition of the Currrent Bank erected at Hamburgh, and directing the Board to enquire and report how far our trade may be
affected by that dispute.
An account of the regulations of the new Hamburgh coin,
as far as concerns the trade of Denmark with that city,
together with the reasons of the present agio of the
Danish money.
Ordered that Mr. Elkin, agent of the City of Hamburgh, have notice to attend the Board to-morrow morning, and the Hamburgh merchants on Tuesday next [fo. 63].
Thursday, May 8th. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman.
Hamburgh and Danish coin.
Mr. Elkin, attending, as he had been desired, the Board took again into consideration the letter from the Lord Harrington, with the King of Denmark's reasons for insisting on the abolition of the Current Bank at Hamburgh, mentioned in yesterday's minutes; and Mr. Elkin presented to the Board the copy of a short state of this difference, and of a memorial from him, as agent for the City of Hamburgh and the other Hanse towns, upon this subject to the Lord Harrington; which two papers being read, the Board deferred the further consideration thereof to Tuesday morning next [fo. 62, 64].
Tuesday, May 13th. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman.
Hamburgh and Danish coin.
Mr. Elkin, attending, as he had been desired, as also the following merchants trading to Hamburgh, viz., Mr. Bance, Mr. Newnham and Mr. Ampsink, the Board took again into consideration the letter from the Lord Harrington, relating to the dispute between Denmark and Hamburgh, relating to their coin, mentioned in the minutes of the last meeting; and these gentlemen desiring to have copies of the said papers, in order to give an answer thereto in writing, copies were ordered to be given to them accordingly, and the further consideration of Lord Harrington's letter was postponed [fo. 63, 65].
Friday, May 23rd. Present:—Earl of Fitzwalter, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Sir O. Bridgeman, Mr. Brudenell, Sir A. Croft, Mr. Plummer.
A new commission.
Earl of Fitzwalter and Mr. Plummer, Commissioners.
A new commission under the Great Seal of Great Britain bearing date the 14th instant, appointing the Right Honorable the Earl of Fitzwalter and Richard Plummer, Esqr., to be of this Board, in the room of the Right Honorable the Earl of Westmorland, who has resigned, and of Paul Docminique, Esqr., deceased, was read, and they took their places at the Board accordingly.
Hamburgh and Danish coin.
A memorial from the Hamburgh merchants, in answer to the papers given them at the last meeting, relating to the Hamburgh and Danish coins, was read, and their lordships resolved to consider further thereof on Wednesday, the 4th of June next [fo. 64, 70].
Impost on negroes.
An order of the Committee of Council upon a report of this Board, about laying an impost on negroes in Jamaica, directing an instruction to be prepared thereupon, was read, and a draught of an instruction was accordingly ordered to be prepared [fo. 9, 72].