Pages 216-223
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 6, January 1729 - December 1734. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1928.
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Journal, July 1731
July 1. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Representation agreed.
The draught of a representation upon the petition and memorial of Mr. Bulfinch Lambe, relating to some transactions he had with the Emperor of Pawpaw in Africa, ordered to be prepared the 29th of the last month, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed, as also
Answer to Mr. Belcher's letters.
The draught of an answer to Mr. Belcher's letters, mentioned in the Minutes of the last meeting, and
Liquor Act.
The draught of a representation for repealing an Act, passed in Virginia in 1730, for laying duties on liquors.
July 6. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Act, free negroes.
Mr. Sharpe attending, as he had been desired, their Lordships took into consideration and read the Act, passed at Jamaica in March, 1730, entituled, An Act for the better regulating slaves, and rendering free negroes and mulattoes more useful, and preventing hawking and pedling, and enlarging the time for the Commissioners collecting the outstanding debts, as also Mr. Fane's report; and after some discourse with Mr. Sharpe thereupon, their Lordships gave directions for preparing the draught of a representation for repealing the same.
The following representations and letters being agreed at the last meeting, were signed, viz:—
A letter to Mr. Belcher, Governor of the Massachusetts Bay.
A representation for repealing an Act, passed in Virginia in 1730, for laying duties on liquors.
A representation to His Majesty, and letter to the Duke of Newcastle, upon the petition and memorial of Mr. Bulfinch Lambe, relating to some transactions he had with the Emperor of Pawpaw in Africa.
July 7. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
A letter from Genl. Mathew, excusing his attendance on the Board this morning, was read.
St. Christophers.
Mr. Sharpe attending, as he had been desired, the Order of the Committee of Council, referring to this Board's consideration the petition of Mr. Beake, agent for St. Christophers, complaining of Wavel Smith, Esq., Secretary of the Leeward Islands, for taking exorbitant fees, and praying that he may be removed from the Council, mentioned in the Minutes of the 8th of June last, was again read, as were also the Minutes of Council of that Island, read the 13th of October, 1730, containing an account of the whole proceeding, with Mr. Smith's answer thereto; and their Lordships, after hearing what Mr. Sharpe had to offer against Mr. Smith acting in his double capacity of Secretary of the Leeward Islands and one of the Council of St. Christophers, desired Mr. Sharpe would state his objections to the same in writing and lay them before the Board.
Order in Council.
Mr. Ogle, Lieut. Governor.
An Order in Council, dated the 1st inst., approving Samuel Ogle, Esq., recommended by the Lord Baltimore, to be his Lieut. Governor of Maryland, and directing the Board to take care that the usual security be given for his observing the Acts of Trade, was read, and their Lordships agreed to consider further thereof, when Mr. Ogle shall have named his sureties.
July 8. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Act, free negroes.
The draught of a representation, directed to be prepared the 6th inst., for repealing the Act, passed in Jamaica in 1730, for the better regulating slaves, and rendering free negroes and mulattoes more useful, and preventing hawking and pedling, and enlarging the time for the Commissioners collecting the outstanding debts, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
A letter from Mr. Gwyn, a manufacturer lately settled at Lisle, acquainting the Board with his having been recalled, in pursuance of the Board's proposal, mentioned in the Minutes of the 29th of October, 1730, and desiring the Board would please to recommend him to Col. Armstrong, Surveyor General of the Ordnance, and to Sir Jacob Ackworth, Surveyor of the Navy, was read, and their Lordships gave directions for writing to them accordingly.
July 13. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Letter from the Duke of Newcastle.
Two regiments, report ordered.
A letter from the Duke of Newcastle, dated the 12th inst., directing the Board to report their opinion concerning the necessity of keeping the two regiments at Jamaica, was read, and their Lordships gave directions for preparing the draught of a report thereupon.
The five following letters from Major General Hunter, Governor of Jamaica, were read, and the papers, therein respectively referred to, were laid before the Board, viz:—
A letter from him, dated the 24th of December, 1730.
Letters from Mr. Hunter, with papers and Acts.
Copy of an address and representation of the Governor
and Council to the King, relating to the weak condition of
that Island, and the danger the inhabitants are in from
their rebellious negroes, as well as a foreign enemy.
Copy of a letter from Don Manuel Lopez Pintado, General
of the galleons, concerning the Spanish wreck near Jamaica.
Minutes of Council, from the 28th of March, 1730, to the
10th of December following.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 16th of June, 1730,
to the 20th of November following.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 16th of June, 1730, to the
18th of July following, and from the 5th of October, 1730,
to the 20th of November following.
Eight Acts, passed in Jamaica, 1730.
Naval Officer's lists of vessels entered inwards, from the 1st
of February, 1727–28, to the 25th of March, 1730.
Major General Hunter's answers to the queries sent him,
relating to the state of Jamaica.
A letter from him, dated the 7th of November, 1730.
A letter from him, dated the 23rd of January, 1730–1.
A letter from him, dated the 2nd of April, 1731.
A letter from him, dated the 21st of April, 1731.
Minutes of Council, from the 15th of December, 1730, to
the 9th March following.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 21st of January,
1730–1, to the 19th of February following.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 21st of January, 1730–1, to
the 19th of February following.
Four Acts, passed in February, 1730–1.
Acts sent to Mr. Fane.
Ordered that all the aforementioned public acts be sent to Mr.
Fane, for his opinion thereupon in point of law.
Letters to be answered.
Ordered that the draught of an answer be prepared to General Hunter's said letters.
Representation, Act, free negroes.
The representation of repealing the Jamaica Act about free negroes, agreed at the last meeting, was signed.
July 14. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
New Jersey.
Representation, Act, interest money.
The representation for repealing the Act, passed at New Jersey in 1727–8, entituled, An Act for appropriating part of the interest money paid into the Treasury by virtue of a law of this Province to the incidental charges of this Government, and for subjecting the residue to future appropriations, agreed the . . .:, was signed.
Representation, two regiments.
The draught of a representation, directed to be prepared upon the Duke of Newcastle's letter, read at the same time, in relation to the runaway negroes at Jamaica, and to the necessity of keeping there the two regiments lately sent thither, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
July 16. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Representation, two regiments, etc., signed.
The representation upon the Duke of Newcastle's letter, in relation to the runaway negroes at Jamaica, and to the necessity of keeping there the two regiments lately sent thither, agreed yesterday, was signed, as also
A letter, for enclosing the same to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle.
July 20. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Security for Mr. Ogle approved.
Bond ordered.
A letter from the Lord Baltimore, proprietor of Maryland, dated the 15th inst., proposing George Ogle of Dublin, Esquire, and John Broughton of Westminster, Esquire, to be sureties for Samuel Ogle, Esquire, whom the King has approved to be Lieut. Governor of Maryland, for his observing the Acts of Trade and Navigation, was read; and their Lordships approving of the said security, gave directions for preparing the draught of a bond to be entered into for that purpose.
Merchants' petition against Act laying duties on negroes.
Three Orders of the Committee of Council, all dated the 7th inst., referring to this Board the petitions of the merchants of Bristol, Liverpool, and those trading to Jamaica, against an Act, lately passed there, Whereby a duty is laid on all negroes imported and exported, were read; ordered that Mr. Wood, solicitor for the said merchants, have notice that the Board do appoint this day fortnight for considering the said Act, and that the merchants may, if they think proper, attend at the same time.
Ordered that Mr. Fane be desired to hasten his report upon the said Act.
Letter from Mr. Delafaye about Act, free negroes.
Answer ordered.
A letter from Mr. Delafaye, desiring the Board to suspend making any report upon the Act for regulating slaves and rendering free negroes and mulattoes more useful, etc., till he can receive an answer from the Governor of Jamaica, was read; ordered that Mr. Delafaye be acquainted that the Board have laid the said Act before His Majesty for his disallowance.
New York.
New Jersey.
Letter to Colonel Montgomerie.
The draught of a letter to Colonel Montgomerie, Governor of New York and New Jersey, directed to be prepared the 16th of the last month, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
Letter from Mr. Scrope, Mr. Worselcy's arrears.
A letter from Mr. Scrope, Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, enclosing two letters from Mr. Worseley, Governor of Barbadoes, relating to the arrears due upon his salary Act, and desiring the Board's opinion thereon, was read, and an answer thereto was agreed and ordered to be sent.
Ledger for the year 1726.
A letter from Mr. Carkesse, Secretary to the Commissioners of the Customs, dated the 17th of June last, with the leidger for the year 1726, was read.
Ordered that a letter be wrote to acknowledge the receipt thereof.
July 21. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
New York.
New Jersey.
Letter to the Governor.
The letter to Colonel Montgomerie, Governor of New York and New Jersey, agreed yesterday, was signed.
Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, with the extract of Mr. Hunter's.
Ordnance stores.
Their Lordships, taking again into consideration the letters from Maj. Gen. Hunter, which were read the 13th inst., gave directions for preparing a letter to the Duke of Newcastle, to enclose an extract of that of the 24th of December last, representing the want of some Ordnance stores to be sent to Jamaica.
July 22. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Letter to the Duke of Newcastle.
Ordnance stores.
The letter to the Duke of Newcastle, enclosing an extract of one from Gen. Hunter, Governor of Jamaica, representing the want of Ordnance stores there, agreed yesterday, was signed.
Letter from the Secretary,
A letter from Mr. Willard, Secretary of the Massachusetts
Bay, dated the 15th of May, 1731, was read, and the papers,
therein referred to, were laid before the Board, viz:—
with papers
Minutes of Council, from the 12th of September, 1730, to
the 26th of February, 1730–1.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 16th of December,
1730, to the 2nd of January, 1730–1.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 10th of February,
1730–1, to the 24th of April, 1731.
and Acts.
Eighteen Acts, passed in April, 1731.
Acts sent to Mr. Fane.
Ordered that the said Acts be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion thereupon in point of law.
Leeward Islands.
Devolution of Government.
An Order in Council of the 12th of June last, upon a representation of the Board of Trade, for altering the Command in Chief in the Leeward Islands upon the Governments devolving upon the Lieut. Governors or Presidents in the absence of the Chief Governor, Lieut. Genl. or particular Lieut. Governors, and directing the eldest Lieut. Governor to take upon him the Government in the absence of the Capt General and Lieut. General, and the President of the Council of St. Christophers in the absence of the Lieut. Governors, was read, whereupon ordered that the said alterations be made in Col. Cosby's instructions, now preparing for him.
Letter from the Lieut. Governor, with an Act,
A letter from Lieut. General Mathew, dated at Antigua, the
24th November, 1730, was read, and the papers, therein referred
to, were laid before the Board, viz:—
An Act for continuing Mr. Yeamans agent for Antigua,
passed in November, 1730.
and papers.
Minutes of the Council of Nevis, from the 5th of January,
1729–30, to the 25th of August, 1730.
Acts sent to Mr. Fane.
Ordered that the said Act be sent to Mr. Fane, for his opinion thereupon in point of law.
The Secretary then laid before the Board the following papers,
received from the Leeward Islands.
Papers received.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 5th of January,
1729–30, to the 25th of August, 1730.
Naval Officer's lists of ships entered inwards and cleared
outwards, from Midsummer, 1729, to Midsummer, 1729.
St. Christophers.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 31st October, 1729, to the
26th of November, 1730.
Minutes of Council in Assembly, from the 18th of September,
1729, to the 17th of September, 1730.
List of ships passing the Sound.
A letter from Mr. Tigh, consul at Elsinore, dated the 31st of December, 1730, with list of all ships that have passed and repassed the Sound in the year 1730, was read; ordered that the Secretary do acknowledge the receipt thereof.
Letter from Mr. Burchet, with papers about forts in Africa.
A letter from Mr. Burchet, dated the 3rd inst., relating to the
forts and settlements on the coast of Africa, was read, and the
following papers, upon this subject, therewith transmitted, were
laid before the Board, viz:—
Copy of a letter from Mr. Peake.
Copy of a letter from Mr. Crookshanks.
Extract of a letter from Lieut. Ogilvie.
Copy of a letter from Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stibbs.
Copy of two letters from Mr. Brathwaite.
Bills of Credit.
An Order of the Committee of Council, dated the 7th inst., referring to the Board an address of the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, complaining of some of the Governor's instructions, relating to Bills of Credit, and to the Treasury being taken from the care of the representatives and vested in the Governor and Council, was read, and their Lordships resolved to consider further thereof at another opportunity.
New Jersey.
Mr. Partridge, for confirmation of Acts.
An Order of the Committee of Council, dated the 7th inst., referring to the Board a petition of Mr. Partridge, agent to New Jersey, desiring the confirmation of several New Jersey Acts, was read; and their Lordships resolved to consider further thereof, when Mr. Fane shall have made his report upon some of the said Acts now before him.
July 27. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, M. Brudenell.
North Carolina.
Mr. Fitzwilliams and Mr. Gale.
Acts, to be repealed.
Mr. Fitzwilliams, Surveyor General of the Customs in the southern part of America, and Mr. Gale, Collector of the Customs in North Carolina, attending, presented to the Board a memorial from the inhabitants of the county of Albemarle in North Carolina, setting forth the great hardships they labour under for being denied the liberty of exporting their tobacco to Great Britain from the ports in Virginia, occasioned by virtue of two Acts passed there, the one in 1705, entituled, An Act against importing tobacco from Carolina and other parts without the capes of Virginia, and the other, passed in 1726, entituled, An Act for the more effectual preventing the bringing tobacco from North Carolina and the bounds in controversy; and their Lordships taking the said memorial into consideration, as also both the Acts, gave directions for preparing the draught of a report for repealing the said Acts.
Letter to the Governor.
The draught of a letter to General Hunter, Governor of Jamaica, ordered to be prepared the 13th, was agreed.
Memorial, Ordnance stores.
A memorial from Mr. Yeamans, agent for Antigua, praying that some Ordnance stores may be sent to that Island for furnishing a fort there, was read; ordered that the draught of a report be prepared for recommending the same to His Majesty.
July 28. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen.
Mr. Oliver's Act, sent to Mr. Fane.
An Act, passed at Antigua, in April, 1731, entituled, An Act to enable Robert Oliver of the said Island, gentleman, to confirm and make good the title of certain lands by him sold to the Honble. Edward Byam, Lieut. Governor of the said Island, being brought to the office by Mr. Yeamans, agent for that Island, in order to its being recommended by the Board for His Majesty's confirmation, which being laid before their Lordships, directions were given for sending the said Act to Mr. Fane, for his opinion thereupon in point of law.
Draught of a bond for the Lieut. Governor, sent to Mr. Fane.
The draught of a bond, (in the form transmitted to the Treasury in March, 1726–7, for Benedict Leonard Calvert, Esq.), to be now entered into for Samuel Ogle, Esq., nominated by the Lord Baltimore, and approved by His Majesty, to be Lieut. Governor of Maryland, for his observing the Acts of Trade and Navigation, being laid before the Board, directions were given for transmitting it to Mr. Fane, and that he be desired to report whether any alteration be necessary to be made therein, on account of any Acts of Parliament, passed since the year 1726.
Additional salary Acts.
A letter from Mr. Vernon, one of the clerks of the Council, dated yesterday, signifying that the Lords of the Council have appointed Wednesday, the 4th of the next month, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, to consider of the Acts lately passed by the Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay, relating to the settling a salary on the Governor of that Province; their Lordships' desire for some of this Board to attend at that time, was read; whereupon ordered that the several representations, instructions and orders of reference on that subject be collected to be laid before the Board.
Additional salary.
An Order of the Lords of the Committee of Council was read, dated yesterday, referring to this Board the petition of several merchants, planters and others interested in and trading to His Majesty's island of Barbadoes, against an instruction to the Governor of that Island, relating to his additional salary, and requiring this Board to consider and report what sum will be sufficient to be raised for the support of the said Governor, with dignity, in addition to the salary of £2,000 per annum allowed from hence, and to the known perquisites arising to him; whereupon ordered that Mr. Henry Drax, Mr. Henry Bromley, Mr. J. Colleton, and Mr. William Tryon be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with them, and any others concerned in the said petition, at eleven of the clock on Thursday the 5th of the next month.
Mr. Lowther summoned.
Further ordered that Mr. Lowther, formerly Governor of Barbadoes, be acquainted that their Lordships desire to speak with him on Tuesday the 3rd, and that Mr. Chetwynd, now appointed to that Government, be acquainted that their Lordships desire to speak with him on Thursday, the 5th of the next month.
Letter to the Governor.
A letter to Maj. Gen. Hunter, Governor of Jamaica, agreed yesterday, was signed.
July 29. Present:—Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Brudenell.
Representation, repealing Acts.
Importing tobacco from Carolina.
The draught of a representation, directed the 27th inst. to be prepared, in order to the repeal of two Acts, passed in the Colony of Virginia, the one in October, 1705, entituled, An Act against importing tobacco from Carolina and other parts without the capes of Virginia, the other in 1726, entituled, An Act for the more effectual preventing the bringing tobacco from North Carolina and the bounds in controversy, was agreed and signed.
Ordnance stores.
Their Lordships then took into consideration the draught of a representation, ordered likewise the 27th inst. to be prepared, upon the memorial of Mr. Yeamans, agent for the Island of Antigua, relating to Ordnance and other stores of war for a fort built at the public expence of the said Island, at a place called English Harbour, to protect His Majesty's store houses there, for the use of such of his ships of war as may have occasion to careen and refit at that Island, and ordered the said draught to be transcribed.